Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Cuddles The Cat [Solo| E-Rank]

Oginu Toru

New Ninja
Oct 29, 2013
Standing in the sparsley populated intersection of the Seki District amidst casual denizens was the young amber eyed shinobi basking in the monumental achievment that was taking place. He had placed his pale hands within the confines of his black sweat pockets after successfully stowing away the small red and green trimmed scroll. He'd had his first look at a real mission dossier. Albeit the task was nothing to boast about, the adolescent shinobi still found valuable personal accolades in assosciation to his first mission.

Though his time in the moment would be supremely interrupted by the sound of a loud crash and consequently louder retorts of anger and frustration. He had heard the words "stupid cat" exclaimed through the air as his first glance caught the sight of spilled garbage from a row of metal waste cans that fell into view from a nearby alleyway. Flailing arms of corroborating emotion were seen from what was assumed to be the owner of the outcry just prior, his body posture focused down towards the west end of the district.

Leaping up from the top of a nearby bench, to an adjacent low hanging tree branch, and finally to the tiled top of a residential roof he'd begin his pursuit. Dashing roof top to roof top he gradually gained on an off grey cat that fit his objectives description. It's mischevious nature was not in question as the feline raced with seemingly premeditated intent from the scene of the crime. Flapping out of the side of her mouth was a spoiled fish gill as Cuddles had seemingly come up on the scraps of a half eaten yellow tail.

Now was the prime time for her capture, she was in the open and unaware of his presence. The last thing he needed was for her to gain advantage ducking and dodging him between buildings and various obstacles. A cats superior agility was not something he wanted to wrangle with. "Cuddles!" He exclaimed loudly upon his leap and descent down towards his feline target. The natural reaction to respond to her name gave him just the window he needed as she briefly slowed up to investigate.

Frantic meowing could be heard reverberating through the vicinity as he had scooped her up from her stomach and rolled violently from his momentum. Scratching and clawing, Cuddles struggled to overpower him, but her resistance was to no avail. Despite having been clawed across the face a few good times he managed to hog tie her four legs together with ninja wire to ensure a successful delivery back to her owner. "Oh my god, you really scratched me!" He shouted as his initial adrenaline faded and the realization of the pain stung with harsh reality.

After many moments of writhing in pain he scooped the devil kitty up into his arms and carried her much like a newborn child. The cat hissing and glaring at him with malevolent intent at each passing moment as she continually struggled to come unbound with frustrating futility. Giving four hard casual knocks to the old womans residence as listed from his dossier, a weatherd face appeared before him within a few moments. The elder womans look of joy to see such a demonic cat perplexed him deeply. "Oh thank you so much deary! My wittle baby Cuddles is back home!" And without allowance of the young shinobi to get a word in edge wise the elder woman whisked the cat from his arms and slammed the door shut. The look in Cuddles eyes upon her delivery seemed to be steeped with misery as the love the elder woman showed for her cat was clearly not reciprocated.
Mission Finished
Word Count: 621​

Current Ninpocho Time:
