Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Dark Waters and Phantom Trails

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Our Adventure starts deep within the congested city know as Port Cirrus; a city known for it's naturally deep-water harbors, that with time has become one of the most essentials stops for ships and caravans traveling across the known world. As one could imagine, due primarily to international trade, this city had become filled with opportunistic wealth and violence. Without a doubt, many crimes committed within this region have gone unpunished due to sheer numbers of instance, and unethical business deals. While this city was far from what one would consider a "remote settlement' to be, this is where our story begins. Numerous reports of mysterious disappearances have begun to spring up all throughout the country, with several of the most recent occurrences being here within the city. Those disappearances, fortunately, have come with additional reports of strange and unusual shadowy figures lurking nearby. A team of three has been requested by the cloud village to investigate, though so far only two individuals have answered the call. Orochi Sakura, the designated leader of the mission, and Yume Izanami, an assigned subordinate, are on the case. Perhaps a third will join, though the combined skill and might of the duo are expected to be more than enough.

Having already been separately briefed on their mission, and waved through the villages gates, the two are set to arrive and finally meet with one and another, down at the largest concrete dock at the harbor. This dock would be filled with active merchants attempting to goad travelers into making a purchase, workers loading cargo into ships as well as unloading recently docks vessels. While it is the afternoon, dark clouds hang over the city in the skies above, giving off an ominous vibe that seems to resonate well within the city and it's inhabitants.

Current Objectives:
- Make your grand entrance
- Meet with one and another.
- And be on the look out for opportunities to seek out some answers.

[OOC: I set up the start of the mission to where it's like you guys were already briefed separately, assigned roles, and headed down this way. Just to make it easier to start. Feel free to include this, in any way that you feel in your rp, and let's get this going!]
Mission Approval Link
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Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
As the ship sails into the bustling port of Cirrus, my anticipation mounts. Yes, the delightful experience of sailing into Port Cirrus, where the air is thick with the scent of impending disaster and the promise of misfortune. What a troublesome mission. I stepped onto the decrepit dock, a chorus of chaos greets me. Still, I can’t help but marvel at the picturesque scene of urban decay.

The towering masts of merchant vessels loom overhead, casting long shadows over the crowded quayside. Every corner teems with life, Merchants bicker over goods and street performers distract the naive with their trivial tricks. Now see the Urchins as they scurry about like rats in search of scraps amidst the pandemonium. With my arms crossed, I scan the port for the designated rendezvous before stepping off. Navigating through the labyrinthine streets, I observe the mismatched architecture of the city’s rich history of pillaging and plundering. Minarets and fortifications stand as monuments to greed and conquest, while banners flutter in the breeze, each one a reminder of the relentless pursuit of profit at any cost.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, I catch glimpses of whispered conversations and furtive glances exchanged between shadowy figures lurking in the alleyways. Port Cirrus may be advertised as a haven for opportunity, but it is mostly a den of intrigue and danger, where fortunes are made and lost with equal ease.

Making my way to the my destination, I ponder the mission objective. Missing persons in a place like this… who would have figured?


Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami wasn't asked to be on this mission, no. In fact, she was the one that specifically asked to be on this mission. Port Cirrus has been her home when she was younger. And even though she lived in the outer reaches of this place, a lot of people knew her when she was young. When she wasn't at the forge, she would be playing with the other kids her age, closer to the center of the bustling city. The young ex-revolutionist had first decided to visit the ruins of where her family had set up shop. Nature still was in the process of taking things over even though it's been only a few years.

She bowed her head and made sure that all of her weapons were ready. She didn't really care much about Cloud and it's ninja, but when it comes to the Lightning Country and its citizens, she has a switch that's been flipped. Even moreso when looking into the situation that's been put in front of her. A place that she considered part of her old home, good memories, tainted by the crimes of these mysterious shadowy figures. Granted, there was always crime going on here, but nothing that would ever jar the entirety of the city to cause an investigation to come to life with asking for help from Cloud.

Izanami would shake her head, thinking about the different ways that she will punish those responsible for the disappearances of people that lived here. Eventually, she would see her squad leader, Orochi Sakura, a girl that she had been on a mission with prior dealing with some new form of wolves. On her way here, she would hear gossip about the current disappearances until she finally made her way to Sakura. "Sup. You hear anything useful?" she asked in a casual manner.

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
As the Duo convened on the docks, life for the citizens within the port continued on as usual. As a result, their presence had gone unnoticed by any would be miscreants. No one would intentionally approach them, as the citizens continued about their busy lives. However, as they said their greetings to each other, three particular events would simultaneously occur on the docks, ultimately catching their attention. Perhaps this events were tied to something deeper within this community and might lead them towards achieving their goal.

The first (Path #1), shouts of someone begging out for help would echo out over the docks, and any who would care to look would be brought face to face with an unsightly view. A large and morbidly obese man, bare as the day he was born, could be seen running through the crowds of people; pushing anyone aside that dared to get in his way as he shouted for help. Most of the people on the docks could be seen only moving out of his way, if not out right ignoring him.

The Second (Path #2), one merchant in particular would begin shooting off fireworks just a few feet above the heads of those walking through the crowds on the dock, delivering a unique and entertaining spectacle. His booth in particular would possess a unique banner "Jammy's Toys, Tricks, and Local News". His booth would be crowded, primarily by younger men who appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties. The sounds of laughter and unseemly jokes could be heard coming from that direction, as the merchant shouted for them to be mature or leave.

And finally, The Third (Path #3). Off in the distance, toward the front of the docks, a loud bell could be heard ringing before coming to a sudden stop, only to be followed by the voice of what one might assume to be a local crier shouting to all. "Gather all, gather all, and hear the words of his grace!" A small crowd, that would slowly grow in size one by one, would begin to form before a small stage. A man with blond hair, wearing a kimono with a floral patterns, would be standing with his arms crossed and menacingly looking out to all in attendance. Perhaps this man had an announcement, or a speech?

Three paths stood before them, which would they choose? Would the duo work together, or would they divide and conquer? The decision was theirs to make.

Current Objective & Info:
- Pick a path(s) to investigate.
- Orochi Sakura Current Word Count: 255
- Yume Izanami Current Word Count: 307

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
"Sup. You hear anything useful?"


Like the creepy porcelain doll you’d find at your odd grandmother’s house, I’d make uncomfortably long eye contact with the Izanami. My eyes tracing her movements like a haunted picture on the wall. I stood there with my arms folded, pretending that I did not care if my long drawn out stare caused discomfort. The truth was, that I secretly enjoyed it. Yume Izanami, we meet again.” This was a curious girl. My stoic demeanor and dark presence seemed to ward off all but her. “I have not begun my investigation but now that we are assembled, perhaps we can get on with it.” My eyes veered from Izanami and onto the crowds within the city. A morbidly obese man shouting for help as he bulldozed through the crowds, a merchant irresponsibly shooting off fireworks near the crowds, and the tolling of a bell beckoning the attention of the people near the docks. Each event was caught my eye but only one didn’t make me want to stick a needle in it. Something I would probably do anyway. My eyes fell back onto Izanami. “Let’s split up and see what we can gather. We will meet back here in an hour. Should misfortune befall you, fear not. Simply dial this frequency and hope for my timely intervention… or a suitably macabre demise.” I’d take my leave toward option 3. There was a certain sinister charm emanating from the blonde man as he poised himself to deliver his speech to the eager crowd, and I, with an insatiable curiosity for the peculiar and unsettling, made it my mission to peel back the layers of mystery surrounding him.

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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would raise her eyebrows, waiting for an answer as Sakura would just stare at her. She would then say, "What? Do I got something on my face?" Eventually, the other girl did speak up, talking about how she had not begun the investigation until the team was set together.

Soon, things seemed to happen one after another. A fat guy that... eww.... had nothing on. Izanami wanted to get that image out of her mind, was running away from something and calling for help. Some other guy was shooting fire works out in a public place. Illegal, yes, but not really worth the time. And another guy was beckoning people to him. Sakura had instructed her of splitting up and having comms in case things get grim and left, giving Izanami zero time to get a word in.

As much as she doesn't like it, she thinks figuring out why a fat man in his birthday suit is running around yelling for help. But she had an idea. She would scale a nearby building by running up the side, chakra focused on her feet as she would get a good vantage point of the situation. Once she was on top of the building, she would keep the underdressed man in her peripherals as she looked behind him, looking to see what he was running away from. She would assume that there was a reason why this guy was running away in terror to not even think about clothing himself first. Izanami would draw her hand gun out and simply wait, making sure that the fat guy was still within her sights as she looked for whatevet he is running away from.

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
[Decision]: Divide and Conquer
[Path 1]: A Naked Nuisance - Yume Izanami
[Path 2]: A Proclamation - Orochi Sakura

And so the duo devised a plan ultimately choosing to split up and do some independent investigation work.

[Path 1]
As Izanami scaled a near by building (On a dock?), while keeping the undressed man in her sights and preparing her handgun, she would scan the area. While glancing out to the crowd below, she'd notice nothing the man was running from no one or thing in particular. No one on the docks would be giving chase to this lunatic, just simply moving out of his way and ignoring him; for good reason. The locals were aware of this mans antics, as to where Izanami wasn't. While scouting out this situation, Izanami spotted some poor foreign traveler who had decided to intervene. She'd watch as this guy stood in the mans way, with his arms up trying to calm him down.

The nude man would then begin to laugh and suddenly start to relieve himself in the travelers direction, causing the poor sob to back away as the nude man ran off. It would take only a few seconds for the lunatic to disappear from sight, giving Izanami no time to track him down. Clearly this path proved to be a waste of time, but at least she didn't directly get involved and fall victim to this lunatic. What would Izanami do now? Would she reconvince with Orochi Sakura, or would she choose to look into the merchant?

[Path 3]
As Orochi Sakura gave the order to divide and conquer, she would chose to investigate the strange assembly. Looking around, she would notice most people within this crowd had covered their heads and face with a hood and shroud, somewhat concealing their identities. As she stood among them, glancing upon the man with blonde hair and dressed in a flora pattered kimono, an ominous energy would fill the air. The crowd stood eerily silent, as the man uncrossed his arms and glanced about. "Raiden frowns upon us!" The man would shout, as an opening statement to his speech. "For to long have we stood idly by as The Cloud has molded this land into a pitiful excuse of a nation." His words would echo, throughout the immediate area.

"Their actions have brought nothing but ruin to the lives of us civilians. We've all suffered through war, famine, pestilence and death." He'd shout, before a brief pause. Shouts and sounds of agreement could be heard all around Orochi Sakura. Surely by now, she knew she had stumbled upon a public display of dissatisfaction for the very village she served. "As of late, they've even stolen our kin and forced them to join their ranks. They were once free citizens of the country, now slaves to an oppressive organization." He would say, in reference to the recent emergence of Chakra within new individuals. "How long till they come for the rest of us? What of our children? What kind of lives can we expect for the future generations when the oppressive Cloud controls the reigns of our nation? He'd ask, to sow seeds of doubt and mistrust into the minds of those in attendance.

"I beseech you. Close this port, restrict trade to those who oppress us, and rise against the tyranny of The Cloud." He'd say, with a thunderous shout. The crowd would erupt in a roar of agreement. But, almost as quick as they assembled, the crowd would then begin to disperse as the blonde haired man left the stage and began to head into town, with a small group of shrouded individuals following behind him.

Orochi Sakura would be left to herself to digest what she had just witnessed. Clearly something wasn't right, but luckily for her, she had the chance to further investigate if she so chose to. If she followed them, she'd notice the group lead by the blonde haired men had decided to travel through the city by walking through back alleyways. None of them would bother to look behind them, though clearly they were aware of their surroundings.

Current Objectives:
- Yume Izanami: [Path 1] was a dud, and as such you can either chose to try and reconvene with Orochi Sakura or investigate [Path 2].
- Orochi Sakura: [Path 3] will you continue your road down this path or not? [if not] your only other option is [Path 2].

- Orochi Sakura Current Word Count: 531
- Yume Izanami Current Word Count: 589

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
With my arms firmly folded, I navigated through the gathering crowd, their movements reminiscent of lambs heading to the slaughter. Amidst them stood a well-dressed man, his blonde hair catching the sunlight, clad in a kimono adorned with floral patterns. As he began to address the assembled group at the port, the air grew heavy with an ominous energy, leaving me to wonder which of us harbored the true malevolence.

His words, like a shepherd guiding his flock, failed to detect the wolf among them—me. His disdain for Kumogakure, fueled by bitterness and ignorance, resonated with the crowd. Yet, as an outsider, my observations aligned with some of his grievances; indeed, the village in the clouds appeared to be lacking in many regards. The complacency of its leadership was palpable, a flaw I had noted during my tenure as a shinobi.

As the man concluded his speech, leaving the crowd to ponder his accusations, I remained, my mind racing with thoughts of the missing persons case I was here to investigate. His claim that Kumogakure had been stealing their kin and forcing them into service struck a chord. Perhaps there was a connection between his accusations and the disappearances. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place, painting a an unfinished picture. Kidnapping, espionage, and potentially even torture. A devilish smirk swept my lips as the day was growing more intriguing by the moment. It was clear that this flamboyant man held more information than his appearance suggested. With a keen eye and a sharp mind, I resolved to uncover the truth hidden beneath the surface. The intertwining threads of deception and intrigue promised a challenge, one that I was more than prepared to tackle. As I followed the man and his entourage, I noticed that they seemed fully aware of their surroundings. But were they a match for the shadow of Kumogakure? Using my headset, I would reluctantly inform my partner of my whereabouts, uncertain if she could assist in a pursuit requiring subtlety.

“Izanami, finished with your peculiar interests? Good. I’ve uncovered a lead and I am in pursuit. Also… you have unique taste. I didn’t take you for a chubby chaser. Curious, isn’t it?”

[wc 365]
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
In her peripheals, she seen someone stop the man. She readied her gun, only to see the man... She gritted her teeth. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!!!!!! Yes, she was fuming mad. She had half the mind to go down there and give that man a reason to run away in fear and call for help. But at least she wasn't the other guy that got pissed on.

She turned her attention to the fireworks guy. Before she was able to jump down the building, Sakura had chimed in on the headset. Izanami shook her head at the comment made. "I just threw up in my mouth with that comment you made. Thought he was going to be a kidnap victim. But enough of that. I'm going to check out the firework fiasco and see if that has any connections. If it doesn't, I'll meet up with you with your lead."

With that said, she would go radio silent, but ready to answer if Sakura decides to get a little bit more serious with the comms and head in the direction of the fireworks. This one, she figured, will require a bit more interaction than the last one. Walking past the boys, she walked up to the booth. Admittedly, she admired the spectacle, albeit, it was illegal to do in such a crowded area. "Wow! You're telling me that this place sells fireworks?! Can you tell me where this place is? I'd like to get my hands on some fireworks. Today is my little sister's birthday and I want to surprise her." Izanami went with acting like a near naive girl that wants to surprise her little sister. But in reality, it's to get the location of the place. It doesn't sound at all shady, but who knows, she might be surprised by what this place has in store. And if there are any dark dealings involved.

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
[Decision]: Divide and Conquer
[Path 2]: My Wares! - Yume Izanami
[Path 3]: A Proclamation - Orochi Sakura​

[Path 2]: My Wares! - Yume Izanami
Shortly after getting to live out an apparent long standing fantasy, Izanami would make the bold decision to further her investigation rather than assist her team leader pursuit. Almost immediately she'd b-line it towards the merchant, maybe in an attempt to make up for any lost time, and walk straight to the front of the line. Without hesitation she'd begin asking questions about fireworks, and would claim she needed some for her sisters birthday. With only a few seconds delay, merchant would reply. "I'm sorry miss, but the fire works aren't for sale. But, feel free to look at my wares! Other than that, I don't have much else other than local news and gossip..." He'd pause for a moment, and stare at her, almost as if he knew her little act was just that. "But that comes at a price?" He'd say as he tilted his head, with a grin.

[Path 3]: A Proclamation - Orochi Sakura
Moments after using her radio, she'd watch as the men came to an abrupt stop at an intersection in the alleyway. Their backs turned to her, they'd begin faintly whispering to one and another, followed by all a sudden burst of white smoke that would quickly disperse only to reveal all three men now appeared the same as their leader. As a seasoned Shinobi, Sakura should instantly recognize their usage of the basic Transformation technique. However, she would not instantly recognize the who was and wasn't the actual leader. Shortly after, they'd all head off in different directions. One with continue straight ahead, while another would take a left at the intersection, and the final one taking a right. They showed no signs of noticing her, so their actions might seem cautious.

This would give rise to a new dilemma, forcing Sakura to make a decision. What would she do?

Current Objectives:
- Izanami's is straight forward, Orochi Sakura's got a decision to make.

- Don't Click This Link

- Orochi Sakura Current Word Count: 897
- Yume Izanami Current Word Count: 906

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

In the midst of my relentless pursuit, Izanami remained absent, as expected. Trusting anyone but oneself is an exercise in futility, a principle I've long held dear. Thus, I embarked on this venture alone, unfazed by the absence of companionship. Observing the trio from a distance, I noted their clandestine exchanges with suspicion. However, my intrigue peaked when they vanished in a puff of smoke, a telltale sign of ninjutsu.

The trio seamlessly morphed into identical replicas through the transformation jutsu, a simple yet effective technique. My suspicions regarding the evangelist were validated; beneath his façade lay a realm of shinobi secrets. But what compelled him to conceal his true identity? What darkness lurked beneath his benign exterior?

As I weighed my options, the absence of a trusted ally proved inconsequential. With a 33.33% chance of accurately identifying the disguised individuals, I dismissed the notion of reliance on probability. Mastery over various disciplines, including the intricacies of tracking, afforded me a distinct advantage. While they could deceive the naked eye, concealing malevolent chakra proved a far more daunting task.

Employing a series of intricate hand signs, I channeled my chakra to heighten my sensory acuity. Their physical transformations might deceive others, but they couldn't mask the sinister energy emanating from the evangelist. With unwavering focus, I honed in on their movements, undeterred by their illusions.

In the realm of shadows and deception, I remain an unwavering sentinel, impervious to the machinations of those who seek to obscure the truth. Where there's darkness, there's clarity, and I am its harbinger.

[Using Snapshot r2 of the three before they split off. Use Chakra sense r2 to find the blonde guy, use special action as necessary. If they have the same chakra, then follow the middle keeping the snapshot in order to find the others later.]


Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
She looked at the merchant as he saw right through her little act and went on talking about gossips, rumors, and the news. She gritted her teeth as he suggested a payment for such information. Clenching her fist, but steadying her thoughts she looked at him, studying his face to get a good image in her memory in case the guy decides to bolt. Stuffing her hand into her pocket and producing a wad of yen, she would then say, "Here. Now tell me. Have you seen anything suspicious? Any recent people in the area before their disappearance? Any suspicious people that have maybe been follow before said people that have gone missing?"

She would keep it short and sweet and to the point. Being a merchant, he could prove to be a valuable eye witness for any recent events that might have taken place. More people are wary if there are ninja around, but less if its just the regular person. Which could mean that it is someone with the chakra potential to do such a thing. Could it be a rogue faction of the Revolutionists? She doubts it, as they don't target civilians. Unless it is some copycat extremists.

The young Genin knows that all of this is too much to think about for right now and must first discern what the merchant has to say and continue from there.

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
[Decision]: Divide and Conquer
[Path 2]: My Wares! - Yume Izanami
[Path 3]: A Proclamation - Orochi Sakura​

- [Path 2] - Izanami

Watching as a young woman reluctantly paid him, the merchants eyes glistened with joy. Snatching the yen up and stuffing it into his pockets, he listened as Izanami asked him several questions. Truth be told, the merchant didn't care for the questions; though, she was a paying customer. "You're asking some dangerous questions for such a little girl. You must be some sort of mercenary. Hmm..." He'd say, as he slammed he crossed his arms, turned to the side, and leaned in Izanami's direction. With a hand raised, blocking out the opposite side of his mouth, he'd whisper softly. "There's a group of men, lead by a blonde guy... that group likes to to lure people down alleyways. What they do, I don't know... but you don't really ever see those stupid enough to follow them again. They just drew a crowd and ranted about some nonsense a little while ago. Other than that, I hear tell that group sells exotic animals... also one of them is a fine Banjo player! That's about the only rumors I know about when it comes to stuff like that." He'd say, right before waving her off in a rude dismissive way.

By now, hopefully something particular would dawn on Izanami. A trap was laid, and her dear comrade had fallen fallen for it.

- [Path 3] - Orochi Sakura

* Snapshot - Check!
* Chakra Sense - Auto detect: Fail, initial lock onto main target: Successful!

The young Anbu acted diligently, recording the situation and locking onto the chakra signature of the ring leader. As the others took off in different directions, her target would coincidentally take off down the middle pathway. With Izanami still no where in sight, Sakura's hunt would continue. The blonde man would seemingly begin to channel lighting based chakra into his legs, picking up speed, as he dashed down one filthily alleyway after another. If Sakura continued her chase, she'd eventually catch sight of the man jumping over a ledge, running down into riverway; with nothing but a small ankle deep steam and several rocks all about the bank. The mans speed would be unmatched, as he headed into a dark and ominous tunnel. This, perhaps, was the entrance to the underbelly of this city.


Would she dare to follow?​

- Hints = Off.

- I did a poor job explaining the tunnel. I had a brain fart, so I did some Ai Art to come up with one.]
- Y'all are very far apart from each other, one round of posts isn't gonna fix that.

- Orochi Sakura Current Word Count: 1156
- Yume Izanami Current Word Count: 1138
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Her eyes narrowed as she listened to what the guy had to say. She would turn to leave, tapping her headset. "Sakura. if you're following a group, with some blonde haired guy, you're walking into a trap. They make people disappear. Oh, and they also might have some exotic animals and a banjo player." She added the last part, as she has a feeling that extra information given wasn't just for giggles. In a world full of chakra, anything is possible. It would be stupid of her not to think of those as factors for danger.

With that said, she would pull out her hand gun and run in the direction that she last saw Sakura. She knows that she won't be able to close the distance, but at least she will be able to support once she is able to see Sakura and the people that want to trap her. Izanami would push past the crowd of people as she would make way to the original area in which both her and Sakura had seen the speech being held. Hopefully she can catch an idea where her comrade went. And if not, she'll just have to ask the surrounding people if they saw a group of people, led by a blonde guy and where they went.

Izanami would grit her teeth. Being someone that isn't as in tune with chakra, she lags behind in almost every department with the exception of Taijutsu. And she is only able to even contend there because of her ability to modify her weapons with chakra. Outside of that, she doesn't even have super speed or super sense as others. But she will try her damndest to close the gap between her and Sakura, wherever she may be.

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

In my ventures, three diverging paths lay ahead, a familiar scene in the theater of life. Yet, my focus remained steadfast on the true quarry, effortlessly discernible amidst the labyrinthine choices. The middle path, a tantalizing gamble, beckoned me, for in uncertainty lay my peculiar delight. Tracking his chakra, I smirked at the irony of his selection; the middle always holds a peculiar allure.

Observing his sudden acceleration, a curious anomaly, I pondered his motive. Had my presence been unveiled? Unperturbed, I trailed behind, my strides measured and deliberate. No need for haste when the essence of his being guided my pursuit. His frantic pace mattered little; inevitability clung to our encounter like a shroud. In the macabre dance of predator and prey, as in any chilling tale, the hunter claims his quarry, no matter the futile attempts to flee.

"Sakura. if you're following a group, with some blonde haired guy, you're walking into a trap. They make people disappear. Oh, and they also might have some exotic animals and a banjo player."

The ominous warning crackled through my headset, a harbinger of impending doom should I persist in my chosen course. Undeterred, I pressed forward, my resolve unyielding even in the face of dire warnings. With a wry smirk, I acknowledged the cautionary words, my tone dripping with sardonic amusement.

"Izanami... Was it your comically rotund companion who spilled these dire tidings? One can only speculate on the methods you employed to extract such secrets, though I must admit, I've dabbled in unconventional interrogation techniques myself, although I’d never resort to something so scandalous. Your belated arrival, born of unfortunate circumstance, is pardoned. Yet, I march onward into the abyss, unfazed by the unknown that lies ahead."

In the eerie symphony of fate's machinations, my path diverged from the norm, guided by an unshakeable determination to confront whatever trials awaited. It was… exciting. A twisted grin adorned my lips as I stumbled upon the tunnel, the very maw of my anticipated demise. Oh, the irony of it all—my prey, attempting to ensnare the hunter. The aura of their chakra lingered palpably, weaving a sinister tapestry in the air. How fitting, I mused, that this darkened passage should serve as the stage for my final act.

With a flicker of anticipation, I forged ahead, undaunted by the specter of impending doom. The thrill of the unknown beckoned me forth, a siren's call to unravel the mysteries that lay beyond. In the game of cat and mouse, I embraced the role of both predator and prey, eager to confront the fate that awaited me with unwavering resolve.

[actions: once I step into the darkness, enter stealth and use Puppet Transformation r2. Sticking to the shadows of the tunnels as a puppet Sakura walks the tunnels openly. Still following the trail of chakra.]

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
[Decision]: Divide and Conquer
[Path 2]: Return of the Chub- Yume Izanami
[Path 3]: Into the Abyss - Orochi Sakura​

- [Izanami]

Unfortunately, due to lack of clarification, Izanami would have no clue where Sakura had run off to. Even with their radio communications, no clear information had been passed other than Izanami's previous warning. Unbeknownst to her, the mission leader showed no sense of caution and had carelessly carried on with her pursuit. Luckily for Izanami, the hands of fate had blessed her today. Leaving the merchant behind, and headed towards Sakura's last known position before her pursuit, Izanami would find a unique character who stood out amongst everyone. This man would possess mossy green hair, a scar upon his face extending downward from his forehead, through his left eye, and onto his cheek. He also carried three swords at his waist, and in one hand, an open japanese drinking gourd. Upon the guard, intricate demonic drawings and symbols dictating a war between demons and humans.

However, the most noticeable thing about this man wasn't his apperance, but in fact a strong demonic aura emanating from him. He'd turn and briefly make eye contact with Izanami, only to shake his head and look towards the alleyways. Extending out one hand, and pointing towards her, he'd focus his Aura to grab her attention only to then lower his arm and take off. Who was this man? Among everyone in the vicinity, no one else would pay her any mind. He'd be moving at a fast pace, yet still slow enough for the young woman to keep up with him.

If she chose to follow him down the alleyway, she'd finally hear the man speak. "When I first sensed you, I was hoping it was Sora, but it seems like Cloud is sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong again." He'd say, giving no further indication. If Izanami chose to try and stop him, she'd find herself unsuccessful; though, now perhaps she had a solid lead and if she so chose, some questions to ask.

- [Orochi Sakura]
- Stealth Check: Failed.
- Puppet Transformation: (Bad Luck) (Dispersed by Miasma) - Ineffective.

Throwing Caution to the wind and progressing forward, Orochi Sakura would soon find herself deep within the tunnel and engulfed by a thick cloud of Miasma; an ominous, vapor-like energy that would usually invoke feelings of paranoia and dread, that would immediately destabilize her puppet transformation technique. It was around this time that she would suddenly start to hear sounds of a banjo strumming a specific tune throughout tunnel. [Music In the Tunnel]

Shortly there after noticing the music, her vision would become obscured and then fade to complete darkness. [Verse of Darkness] Then quickly there after, she'd feel as if had just been shocked by a high voltage wire. [Lingering Spark] And what was left her here sense of perception would begin to slow. [Slowed Perception] However, this wasn't all she would experience; she would find it slightly harder, but not impossible, to mode her chakra. [Atomic Deterioration]

After realizing everything going on, she'd here two sets of foot steps approaching her. "Boss, this one seems stronger than usual...." One of the voices would say, only to be replied to immediately. "No shit Kaku, this one actually kept up with me. Radio the others, you've got some rats to deal with. I'm headed back north, handle it." He'd say. The second voice would sound all to familiar. Without a doubt, it was the blonde haired man from earlier. After the brief verbal exchange, the blonde hair man would quickly disappear, leaving behind his comrade who'd begin to play music once again. Orochi Sakura was in for a fight, and she was already at a disadvantage.

Perhaps going into a tunnel alone, after receiving a clear warning that it was a trap, wasn't the smartest decision.

Name: Kaku
Health Points: 27,000


Name: Orochi Sakura
Health Points: 40,200
Status: Blind & Slowed (X2)

- Izanami: Follow, Ask questions, or disregard and find your own way. You're decision. [You got lucky with rolls]
- Orochi Sakura: Fight! (You're blind and slowed)
Disregard Chakra Usage.
Mind your Ap. (8 due to lingering spark)
Not an official fight, but it is for the sake of the mission. (Roleplay fight basically)

Word Counts:
- You've both passed required word counts for an A-rank Mission, I'm not keeping track any more.

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

I was unfortunate to have stepped right into their trap. That’s what my report would convey once this ordeal was over. The thick fog of miasma engulfed me from all sides, destabilizing my puppet transformation. I found myself drawn to the complexity of the trap set for me, its sophistication hinting at a purpose beyond mere apprehension; perhaps its architects sought something more elusive. Suddenly and faintly, death’s chime echoed through these chambers, accompanied by the strumming of a banjo playing the chords of my demise. Robbed of my sense of sight, I waited in the dark. Next, my kinetic senses were adversely affected, followed by my temporal processing. I dropped to one knee to regain my bearings. Then, two sets of footsteps approached, causing a devilish smile to spread across my face. The fact that I could hear their approach and their chatter meant that my sense of hearing was fully intact, even if my other senses had suffered ailment. This was indeed becoming interesting. It was a shame that their trap wasn’t more lethal, hindering my senses instead of amputating a limb or fully binding me—amateurish. I could slay my foes blindfolded and with one hand behind my back. As the music resumed, I realized that the banjo was his method of imposing these unfavorable conditions. An unsettling smile crossed my lips as I issued an equally unsettling greeting.
“Hello boys. I journeyed here… to take your lives.”

  • Some notes:
    • Pre-equipped with Weaponized form.
    • -0.25ap timing (no armor)
    • -0.5ap timing handseal expert
    • -0.25ap timing when using non offensive puppet tai.
  • Use initiative to auto enter stealth via vanish for the next 3sec! [-1ap]
Vanish - Independent Special Action (2 Points)
In a blink of an eye, an Opportunist can disappear from your sights. The process, however, is still unknown to anyone other than themselves.
Effect: The user enters stealth. This stealth check does not occur immediately, the AP timing is 3 seconds after the user enters stealth. Requires a 15 second cooldown after use.
  • Enter puppet stance Marionette Arsenal! Trick weapon uses range Acc. [-0.5ap] (skip this action if accuracies high/lows don’t matter)
  • Use Dance of the Waxing moon r2, sneak attack, silencer augment remain in stealth. [-2.75ap]
  • Use inner earth reflection lure r2 with EA hand seal expert. [-2ap]
  • Use Channel Puppet R2 on Ashen heart weapon! [-1.75ap]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
"For your information, it was the merchant with the illegal fireworks that I got my information from. And would it kill you to give me at least some sort of directions on where you went?" She chimed into her headset, not really hearing much useful words come her way. That is... Until she seen a man. And whilst his appearance was eye catching, there was something about him than even looks. Even though Izanami isn't good at all when it comes to chakra sensing, she did feel a certain aura coming from the man. Almost... demonic...

"Sakura please hold out as long as you can. I think there might be someone else working with the group. Green haired, scars on face, and demonic aura." She would relay the information to Sakura before pulling out her handguns. She can use these as melee weapons if necessary, but she'd rather not get close to a guy wielding three swords. Her eyes narrowed upon hearing Sora's name coming from his mouth. Holding her guns at the ready, but not aiming them at the man just yet, she figured that this guy, from how he talked, has been working on operations that Cloud would not approve of.

"Who are you? Are you working with these kidnappers of Port Cirrus?" And what's your ties with Sora? She didn't ask the last question, sometimes feigning not knowing things, might help bring forth more information. Smart people do like to brag about their intellect, a lot of the times doing an info dump of some sort. Izanami would carefully analyze the situation. She doubts that she can take this guy on by herself. If this guy can hold his own against Sora, whom has had more experience than Izanami, it would suffice to say that she is out of her league with this encounter. But even so, she is prepared to fire off some shots at the slightest hint that the swordsman would close the distance.

+3 tai acc/+10% tai damage
Armor: light armor (re-energize augment (purchase link) is attached via battlesmith's armor augmentation)
Hand gun
Projectile/bludgeoning (eternal arms mastery)
bleeding, +3% chance to bleed
+1 acc, +0% damage
augment 0: blood rack (purchase link)
augment 1: rough divide (purchase link)
augment 2: free flow (purchase link)
augment 3: Dual weapon (purchase link)
augment 4: wide edge (purchase link)

quick shot (mastered) if he's still far away 1.25 ap
venomous sting (mastered) 1.25 ap
7 hit combo (mastered) 1.25 ap if he closes the distance before Izanami shoots

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
[Decision]: Divide and Conquer
[Path 2]: A Mysterious Wanderer! - Yume Izanami
[Path 3]: Dueling The Banjo! - Orochi Sakura​

- Orochi Sakura

As Kaku prepared to begin his assault upon Orochi Sakura, his fingers would slip; missing a cord. Maybe it was a rush of adrenaline that caused him to slip, or perhaps the fates themselves smiling upon the young the puppet master. Whatever it was, Orochi Sakura would find her sense abruptly return to normal allowing her to vanish into stealth before Kaku could even react. Sporadically looking about, he strung his banjo once again attempting to blindly attack Sakura, but to no avail! Suddenly, six version of Sakura would appear seemingly out of no where and all attempt to strike him simultaneously. The first, second, third, and fourth hit would land cleanly, with the fifth missing, but the sixth landing a direct hit! Causing Kaku to stumble back, he once again slams his hands down upon his Banjo to attack, only to once again have to blindly attack, and failing once again. Still Orochi Sakura no where to be found, Kaku looks around hastily and nervously. He Acknowledged this girls potential, and it was kind of scary. Once again, Kaku tried to attack blindly and failed miserably. "You little shit, where are you!" He'd shout out in frustration, as he thought he saw a shadowy figure. (puppet)

Things weren't going as expected for the musician. His boss had left after ordering him to handle it and so far, he couldn't even lay a scratch on the girl. As their heated battle continued, he readied himself as he heard the echo's of footsteps throughout the tunnels. These footsteps seemed heavy and numerous in number to Orochi Sakura. She wanted a fight, but was she prepared for a war?

Name: Kaku
Health Points: 27,000 - 4,140 => 22,860


Name: Orochi Sakura
Health Points: 40,200

- Izanami

"Stop transmitting shit over a frequency! Every one of those shitheads are lightning release users. You're gonna get your friend killed." He'd yell at Izanami, as he continued to lead her down the alleyway. This mossy green haired man had quite the foul mouth on him, but he seemed to know more than he was willing to let on. His pace began to pick up, as he turned a corner and channeled chakra into his feet, only to scale the side of a building. "It'll be faster from the roof tops!" He'd shout at the girl, somewhat ordering him to follow her. By now, it would be obvious the Izanami that he had no interest in just answering her questions, but he had informed her about a small important detail regarding the radio frequencies both Izanami and Sakura had been using to communicate with. At least for the time being, the man hadn't given her any other reason to not trust him excluding his demonic aura.

If Izanami wanted some answers out of him though, then perhaps she should start asking the right ones.

- Use Context Clues to figure this out Izanami. [2 rounds away, currently]
- Orochi, you got a small squad coming your way. [2 rounds and counting]

- Orochi Sakura: I skipped the arsenal thing because it's really no that critical. I'm just doing d20 bot rolls, and whoever gets the higher number wins. You basically dominated him in RNG this round. Check Bot fun on discord for the rolls if u want. Smfh.

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
The impact of the banjo playing seemed to have its limitations. A minor slip of the finger restored my senses to normal, and in that moment, the dynamics of the battle shifted in my favor. It was undeniably a formidable technique, one that deprived its targets of crucial senses. However, for someone of my caliber, such a tactic would necessitate far greater precision to subdue me. Had my opponent been a perfectionist like myself, he would not have committed such a significant mistake.

What a cruel twist of fate that I should become his adversary. In a heartbeat, I merged with the shadows of our surroundings. His untrained eyes were blinded by my expert maneuvers. In that dark, dingy tunnel where light could not reach, I became one with the shadows. From every shadow, my phantoms struck, their onslaught unceasing. Desperately, he began playing his banjo in every direction, hoping to land a blow. Foolish little bard. You misunderstood from the very beginning. It is not I who am trapped in here with you. You are the one trapped in here with me.

A devilish grin spread across my lips as I continued to toy with him. Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps filled the air, growing closer by the second. I had made sure to keep my location a mystery to any potential allies, so the only reasonable assumption was that this Bard had comrades closing in on us. Perfect. They had no idea what they were about to walk into. Let the games begin.

[Sending actions and profile via dm]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
