Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Days of the Osu Household [Solo]


Well-Known Ninja
Apr 1, 2015
Osu tapped his fingers on the desk before putting down the medical file in his hands, it was his own file. His hand began rubbing his glabella as he began considering what he should do. His blood pressure was high, it was so high he had no idea what to make of it. 727 over 482… the numbers were nonsensical. He still wasn't used to trying to measure his unique anatomy but this was still even higher than his normal numbers. He knew all the normal causes of hypertension but practically none of them applied to him… he had mild stress and his sleep had been poor lately but even those shouldn't cause numbers like these.

He had barely started going back over his measurements over the last couple years when the phone on his desk began ringing.

“Hello Chigokai Osuteno speaking.”

Chiai’s voice popped in over the phone, “It's me Osu, I just woke up and wanted to check on you and the girls… is something wrong?”

Osu withheld a sigh, “Nothing really Chiai, the girls are working the MiT hard, just an hour ago Yukiko cleaned out the dessert bar in the cafeteria and fell asleep in the garden before they managed to catch her and well… Karasuko is running around grabbing every stethoscope she can get her hands on. The MiT are trying to keep the fact they lost track of the twins secret but I have already had a couple nurses come by and inform me of the situation.”

“The… the entire dessert bar…”

“The MiT seem to have made a deal of some kind with the kitchen staff to keep quiet about it… I would honestly prefer to pay for the food she ate but…” the topic of the current state of their checkbook remained unmentioned.

“... Fight hard Papa.” Chiai’s tone confirmed that such a setback would be harsh. She continued, “Do you at least think that Yukiko might not be as hungry for dinner then?”

“...” Osu remained silent.

“... Mhmm I thought so… I'll go out shopping in a minute… and the pediatrician says her weight is below average?”

“Yes, I have no idea where it all goes. Also, I’ll pick up groceries on the way home, you honestly should sleep a few more hours, you have… work tonight.”

“I know you don't like the fact I am working there but the pay is quite good and… well they would actually hire me. Don't worry, I know the people there are a... rough sort but they know at this point that I am tougher, not to mention the fact I can break most of them with a punch is a strong deterrent. The boss even likes the fact that since I started working there that there have been less fights.”

“I… worry.”

Chiai gave a happy little hum over the phone for a few seconds before catching herself, “I love you too dear, and I am going shopping, no complaints, I can actually go to the time sales today.”

Osu had no argument. Time sales were a rare existence for their work and sleep schedules. “I’ll see you in a couple hours, Chiai.”

“Mhmm work hard.” Osu hung up the phone.

“I shouldn't worry her about this,” Oz muttered to himself while staring at his medical chart. “I should check up on the girls and the MiT here in a minute… Still I wonder why so many of the staff have been avoiding me lately as well.” Little did Osu know, little did he know...
Chiai put down the house phone and stared at it for a while. Ho- How much would the whole dessert bar cost? Desserts were generally overpriced… Best not to think about it. Perhaps children who have difficulties catching pets despite their so called ninja training might be a poor substitute for a real baby sitter but…

Chiai looked around their overpriced apartment in the “best neighborhood in town” that she insisted on them staying in when she first came to Kumogakure. She felt a bit guilty in hindsight because despite Osu's weak willed discouragements, he did explain to her well ahead of time what their financial burden would be like. If it wasn't from him coming from an obscenely wealthy clan that had provided him with kimono and such that could be pawned off at heart palpitating prices they wouldn't have made it this far.

Actually she still wasn't sure how their finances were despite how many times Osu sat her down with the “portfolio.” Despite him pawning off almost all those old things of his, except for a couple pieces they kept for the girls, she thought they had enough for several years of rent but Osu spent about all of it in “investments” and spoke about “dividends” and there were charts and graphs and he also took her to see someone called a “fiduciary” and they said lots of things that gave her a headache so she ignored them.

What she did get out of it from Osu’s way too wordy explanation was that while they were not going to be living comfortably for a while and she would have to work herself, by the time the girls head to the academy, a dispute she and her husband had yet to actually settle since she wasn't keen on that prospect, they would have enough income to where they could provide for the family without having to draw much from the “subsidies” for the girls’ effective employment. Originally that statement was none at all but her said that given Yukiko’s appetite they would probably need to at least draw from the personal living expenses for the food budget instead of it all going into her savings account like he wanted.

Honestly all this financial stuff was confusing considering she only started learning math when Osu brought her home, but he seemed to know about as much as that fiduciary guy… she felt a bit jealous remembering how excited they were when they hit about some topic of tax reforms and they got carried away into their own little world for a time talking about it until she gently squeezed Osu's hand to remind him that she was sitting next to him. The fiduciary also seemed to break out into a sweat when he saw her mild warning glance… particularly when she reminded the guy that her husband was male.

As she stepped out the door of the apartment into the hall while carrying her coat, Chiai sighed. She loved Osu, but who told him to be so damn pretty? She felt that his looks were a minor concern in her own love for him, she had absolutely no issue even those times she had seen him without skin, but men and occasionally women would stare at him all the time… with lust! … Dammit cracked the ground floor elevator button…

She knew her husband was simply friendly and loved to teach willing students and discuss/debate with professionals in a terrifying number of fields. She herself… was sickeningly jealous. It caused her heart to ache at times. Much less an expert in any sort of field she knew she was a terrible student. Osu was always patient with her and never showed even an ounce of impatience as he slowly went over examples, stood over her shoulder, grabbing her hand to guide her in writing or drawing something, speaking in her ears from behind with their bodies close together, occasionally patting her on the head or giving her a peck…She noticed some people were staring at her and then noticed she herself had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and was breathing a bit heavily before clearing her throats with a blush and proudly walking on.

Anyway she knew he loved her and told her she didn't need to feel rushed and that everything would come to her in time, but… she couldn't have those chats with Osu. The only sort of back and forth discussion she ever had with him that held that same sort of fervor in it was when they spoke about their daughters… which admittedly the joy and warm fuzzy feelings she got from those discussions where his love for her and them made her want to have more since it was almost like since she had them, rather than splitting his affections it was like he had an increase in how much he could give each of them… she shook her head and smiled wryly to herself. They couldn't afford to have another child right now. Despite that sudden increase in overtime pay Osu somehow got his hands on, she needed to work herself and the increase in expenses would put more pressure on poor papa… Still she could fantasize a little bit about making another baby… hmmm… if it were a boy would he have a chance of looking like a guy or would he look like a third girl?

… She really needed to get Osu out of his yukata… wait! And into suits! Not just take his clothes off! She meant change his outfit style not strip him down!

Osu walked down the hospital halls with doctors and nurses occasionally pointing in directions without saying anything besides the occasional Osu-Sensei and amusement on their faces.

He was seemingly focusing on a chart so sad not to terrify the MiT he had lookouts among themselves for him and pretended to not see them rush off to warn the others that he might be coming to check on them and his daughters whose locations they… were not precisely sure of. He had to admit it was amusing when they had other MiT come ‘distract’ him with questions about rounds or make believe patients and earnestly answered them while the main culprits snuck’ past him or used the time to clean up a mess past the next corner or two.

Honestly he was worried they were focusing on their studies enough at this rate… though on the other hand they were practicing more general shinobi skills in a way so perhaps this was doing them a little good… not that this could really carry on.

The trio of students who were currently distracting him suddenly had urgent looks on their faces… they really needed to practice hiding their emotions… he used his peripherals to check a mirror and saw that… Karasuko! Young lady, where are your clothes?!? Despite just inwardly lecturing the students in front of him, if it wasn't for the fact his body required manual input for every change in expression he would have exposed his own heart in that moment. Karasuko was running down the hall behind him with the biggest, goofiest grin while only wearing a few dozen stethoscopes, a few random character band aids placed haphazardly on her, and marker all over her while a couple MiT chased after her with her clothes and a fresh diaper. He could see the horror dawning on one of the two as they recognized his back and their face paled… these poor kids… maybe he should just tell them they have long been discovered so they don't have to feel so afraid… he wasn't particularly mad at them… but at the same time they seemed to be putting a lot of effort into keeping him out of the know… he slowly started to turn his body since he couldn't realistically pretend he didn't hear the running behind him but as he did the three MiT who were in charge of distracting him shouted “Osu-Sensei” in near perfect harmony. He turned his body back towards them, seemingly surprised by the call for his attention and gave the others the chance to make it down the next hall.

After getting some vague excuses, really maybe he should get someone to pull these kids into a lesson concerning distractions since it would be a bit obvious if he did it himself, he kept walking down the hall and wondering if the pediatrician might have some advice… probably not… he remembered their last discussion where the doctor had just looked at him with eyes full of pity and said that the girls would be very formidable shinobi in the future…

Little did Osu know, little did he know.

Current Ninpocho Time:
