Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Delivery Drop Off

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
It's effing void because it doesn't make sense to go on with it being a faceless NPC. That's just stupid. Plus I am certain Hoshikata does not want to mod this lol. Leave it to someone half way to inactivity to screw stuff up. Also let me edit out throwing subs because apparently I'm awesome at it. Word


I'm done with this cluster and I'm out. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
It... makes plenty of sense to replace one NPC with... another NPC doing the same job...

Anyway... thats good enough for me.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC: I'd like to continue with a faceless NPC. Mind you, I'm the one who was originally jumped, and the one who's build was nerfed. Plus look when the NPC was stopped in the other topic. I'm on my cellphone but it looks like after all of this started, was when he was stopped in another topic. So again, pushing to keep the topic/battle going.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[This thread and fight may still continue. However, there will not be flame-baiting or anything of that nature here, regardless of feelings we have to talk to one another with respect. Yuuto may continue the topic here and just continue leaving the other thread if he so chooses which would fit continuity, everyone's so quick to Peace out without trying to make things work and just getting mad at it. But if there is a case of flaming, I'll personally point Admin into the direction of the culprit.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
[I will just be stating this here to make it clear to everyone involved or semi involved]
1. I came to deliver a message via NPC
2. I left the other topic after meeting some folks who directed me to Stone
3. I met someone here under the knowledge that Stone was hostile at their gates
4. Then a the fest happens
5. Then the voids happen
6. However in the other thread it seems that someone wishes to stop me. Now this person has very good IC reason to. They are the Anbu Sennin and someone of authority.
7. My messenger's job is to deliver a message and then be on his way back to Kumogakure So if the other thread stopped me, and I'd give the letters to the Anbu Sennin. The Messengers leaves, his job is done, and he will not stay any longer. Seriously a low ranked shinobi meets the Anbu Sennin of another country after trying to leave. Not to mention he is warned that the village might be hostile.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but on what In Character plane does him coming to the gates fit under? It'd make no sense since his task is done. So no, I won't be coming to the gates since the Anbu Sennin has just revealed her rank and seems intent on getting the messages. That's just Roleplaying folks, things happen.

TL;DR: Nah I'm not gonna break continuity with an OOC Choice. Makes no sense, once the messages are given to someone of proper authority it's bounce time.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
This thread is not voided. Someone being stopped in Thread A is not grounds for voiding them being in Thread B when they have already joined, NC does not have a stance on continuity that allows for such things to occur.

This thread is opened back up, and I should have the mod up tomorrow evening.

Also, Kagemaru the moment you left this thread your involvement in it ended, do not post OOCly in threads you are not ICly in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
So is the messenger still being forced to come here or are you guys forcing this to be a faceless npc? I'd like to know cause if so I Kagemaru has some information (I'd hope not all) but some info on the messages. It also means my Messenger is free to go?

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 1 said:
Round One! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: 45,000
CP: 42,000 - 630 - 1377 - 562 - 2295 = 37,169
AP: 10 - 2 - 2.5 - 2 - 3 = 10.5 next round
Status: Oxidation Outbreaking, Riding the Bomber, Killin NPCs.
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Bonzai bomber:
HP: 3480 - 1720 = 1760

Endo Clone #1
HP: 7,650 - 11,114 = Poof'd
CP: 7,140 = Poof'd
AP: 2.5 = Poof'd

Endo Clone #2
HP: 7,650 - 7,277 = 373
CP: 7,140
AP: 2.5

Endo Clone #3
HP: 7,650 - 9,526 = Poof'd
CP: 7,140 = Poof'd
AP: 2.5 = Poof'd[/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 42,000 - 6,747 (+1,260) = 36,513
CP: 36,000 - 4,000 - 2,750 = 29,250
AP: 10 - 1 - 3 - 3 = 11 Next Round.
Status: Fine!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)[/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 0.00 seconds: Haruka activates her Duelist Ability! Aka She's staring intently at Endo.
  • [Initiative] - 0.00 seconds: Haruka Activates her Lunar Seal!
  • 1.00 Seconds: Endo uses Partial Transformation and mutates himself!
    • Initiation Used!
  • 3.00 Seconds: Endo Summons a Bonzai Bomber!
  • 3.00 seconds: Haruka Summons a Fun house of Mirrors!
    • Endo is unaware of Haruka!
  • 4.50 seconds: Endo Summons Explosive Art Clones!
    • Haruka is unaware of the Real Endo! 'But he's on top of the Bomber! YOU JUST SAW HIM!'
  • 6.00 seconds: Haruka Summons her Demonic Ice Mirrors!
    • Endo is further more Not Aware of Haruka. . . As if it couldnt get worse!
  • 7.50 seconds: Endo Begins to summon an Oxidation Outbreak!
    • Fun House is attacked!
      • Reflected - Hit Endo's Bonzai Bomber!
      • Hit [Reflection Destroyed]
      • Hit [Reflection Destroyed]
      • Reflected - Miss
      • Reflected - Hit
      • Reflected - Hit
      • Hit [Reflection Destroyed]
      • Hit [Reflection Destroyed]
      • Fun House Destroyed.
    • Demonic Ice Mirror Destroyed! (Not even e.e - 20 checks x 9 Reflections)
    • 11 Miss, 6 Hit, 3 crit - Haruka
    • 3 Miss, 7 Hit, 7 Crit - Endo #1
    • 9 Miss, 7 Hit, 3 Crit, 1 Partial (25%) - Endo #2
    • 6 Hits, 6 Crit, 2 Partial (75%) - Endo #3
    • Endo is aware of Haruka!
    • Yuuto's NPC turns to dust from Oxidation outbreak.

[legend="The Notes"]- Endo, You cannot Combo Non-Attacking jutsu with the Combo Major Affinity Move. (Also Combo is a Major Affinity move... not a Minor)
- Endo Your clones cannot use C Rank Jutsu.
- I rechecked all damage calculations for about an hour before beginning the mod and into its end. The damage is correct.
- Haruka your first action could not work because of wording. . . I'll PM you if you wish to know.
- You have 48 hours to post and send actions from this mod.
- Clone didnt have enough time to attack. . . gg
- [Edits] Forgot Haruka's Initiative... Not that it changed anything, Added in the Reflection chances for Fun house.[/legend]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
It seemed that if the magical forces of this world willed me to this place. I should have never let curiosity get to me, to ensure the messages (as I seemed to have a second copy) made it to this destination the Tsuchikage himself came to greet me. I had tried to give him the messages till we were ambushed, and now I'm waiting for the end. All of these people after some damn letters about a two crooked men and a possible puppeteer organization. To die for such a mundane cause is less than reasonable. But to see that Tsuchikage blowing up everything in his path without a care in the world... I almost feel sorry for him. Even as my body is being blown to bits I can't help but feel bad for the Kage of the Stone Village. He's killing people who have nothing to do with him or his stupid rebellious villagers. Even though I tried to get away I guess it just wasn't good enough. Raiko's going to be pissed, and he'll probably search for me until he finds out what happened. Yuuto will be less than pleased but he never cared about me I was just another Masaru to him. The Clan.... Oh how I'll miss you all and the things I wasn't even able to accomplish. Goodbye world of Ninjas, welcome me to the Paradise of Gods.

[Messenger Dead...I guess?]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

A breath would be the first thing that would escape the young woman's lips, and then an hiss through her teeth that expressed the excruciating pain that suddenly radiated throughout her being. It was not from Endo's attacks, though. . . They were far off from that. It was from the seal that began to attach and grow along her flesh, extending up and along her facial features to taint her already demonic chakra. Her vision would not break away from the Kage though, even as the burning mark etched along her features. However, as Endo mutated beyond his natural form, she'd give an immediate look of disgust before her hand would reach up to clamp down harshly over the burning Cursed Seal. "How the leaders of this world have fallen," she would whisper, her hand going immediately through a set of seals down by her side. As multiples of herself would appear, her words would echo throughout the reflections like some sort of freak show. It was a game of clones here, and that much was true, especially due to the fact that in her distraction, she had lost track of the male. How the hell... When did she lose a track of him like this? Like an ADHD kid trying to follow the damn ball in the cup, it was clear that she had fucked up in a huge sense. Though, she would just keep on working herself up to the jutsu that she needed to have up to simply just gauge her opponent... All she needed was an idea of where he was going with this battle...

And she soon got her answer. It seemed as though he was leaving no corner untouched, and her body would remain standing still in the midst of the created fun house becoming nothing but a wrecked mess and then the same becoming of the mirrors that she had created. "I see..." She would murmur before it was her turn to face the strange technique now laid out onto the field. It seemed as though he had even hit himself... He was reckless. This was reckless abandon and she was sure that he was proving to be more of a damned danger than she had anticipated. It was clear that he was no Ryujin Kyoko and that she had to wisen up, or find herself becoming a smear across the ground. Even as the micro bombs went off near her, scathing her skin and raking across her being, her attention would suddenly turn towards the messenger who had not left the field, and her eyes would widen as she would soon see him practically disintegrate before her eyes.

"...! The messenger, Endo. You killed an innocent!" She'd state suddenly, reeling back in her immediate horror. It was clear now as the bright day. He had all the intentions in the world of not stopping until his goal was completed. He was going to put people in danger, and that was something that had to be stopped. Lifting her hand up, she would press it to the dead center of her forehead as she shook her head. It seemed that she would have a lot of shit to fix up after all of this. She would have to find out more about the messenger if she could've, but first-- She had to focus on the battle that was before her.

"I hope you had your fun, because playtime is over. I've got a good idea of what you do and how you intend to do it, so prepare yourself!"

[ Actions sent ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The bouncing of his jutsu all around the place was something that Endo wasn't exactly expecting but handle it he did. Fortunately for him he was atop his trusty clay behemoth. It was with a grim face that he witnessed a stray bomb bounced from one of Harukas mirrors and hit the messenger. Frack, so much for not shooting the messe . . . too easy. With rapt attention his mind focused back on the task at hand. Haruka was going to be tricky to pin down and even worse than that, his style of fighting wasn't for fighting indoors. The gates, the village behind them and the city above were all going to be affected unless he started to be a bit more conscious of handicapping himself. Worse than that though, for there was such a thing, Haruka was blaming him for the messengers death. Bah, a farce if ever he heard one. "Hmph, you always played more of a support role Haruka. We all know that Souji and I were the only reason you made it out of the academy. He laughed a little too hard as the effects of tapping into dark powers tugged at his sanity. He'd have to fight to maintain control though deep inside he desperately wanted to be free of the strings of responsibility.

Leveling a gaze behind still somehow clean glasses, he warned his old friend of a truth that she most definitely didn't want him reiterating.
Perhaps I should remind you why they call me the Centurion!" He smiled and set his beast to charge. Tactics on the battlefield often called for doing the very things that made no sense. They typically threw ones opponent off and Endo was far from one to not utilize every trick in the book. Touching a hand to his headset, Endo made an executive decision that he prayed wouldn't backfire on him in the future. ~"This is Tsuchikage Endo calling for the Guardians to initiate a full evacuation of Inner Maruishi. I repeat, a full evacuation, we have dangerous conditions at Titans Keep!"~ There was little point in avoiding the fact, the gates were directly underneath Maruishi and if he and Haruka kept up a high level of play that he knew that they were both capable of, there was no avoiding the fact that there was going to be some sort of cave in. Better to do avoid as many casualties as he possibly could. They said that all was fair in love and war and between the old comrades, this was as much about love for their people as it was a war of their opposing political ideals. His body having already begun to morph with the tell tale signs of the lure of curse seals, Endo let the thrill of battle take over him.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2 said:
Round Two! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: 45,000 - 900 + 3,600 = 45,000
CP: 37,169 - 765 - 297 - 325 - 3,600 = 32,182
AP: 10.5 - 4.5 - 1 - 3.5 = 11 Next Round
Status: Heart is Fractured (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Endo's Feet are Sprained (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Endo's Hand's are Fractured (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Biting Frost, Bleeding Rank 2, Bound in Ice
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Bonzai bomber:
HP: 1,760 - 2,160 = Poof'd

HP: 28,000
CP: 24,000
AP: 6
Status: Head is Sprained (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Feet are fractured (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Arms are sprained (Coated In Ice 1100 HP)! Biting Frost, Bound in Ice

Endo Clone #2
HP: 373
CP: 7,140
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 2.5 ap next round
Status: Legs are Fractured (Coated In Ice 1100 HP), Heart is Sprained (Coated In Ice 1100 HP) ! Bleeding Rank 1![/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 36,513 - 2,778 + 1,260 = 34,995
CP: 29,250 + 1,080 - 270 - 405 - 2750 - 2970 = 23,935
AP: 11 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1 = 10 Next Round.
Status: Fine! Lunar Sealed!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Haruka #1
HP: 7,140 - 484 = 6,656
CP: 6,120 - 300 = 5,820
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 2.5 Next round
Status: Fine!

Haruka #2
HP: 7,140
CP: 6,120 - 300 = 5,820
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 2.5 Next round
Status: Fine!

Haruka #3
HP: 7,140
CP: 6,120 - 300 = 5,820
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 2.5 Next round
Status: Fine![/spoilername][/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 0.00 seconds: Endo Maintains the Outbreak of Oxidation... ness...
    • Hit, Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss, Critical, Partial, Hit.
    • Oxidation Outbreak Ends.
  • 0.00 seconds: Haruka does a hidden action!
    • Endo is unaware of where Haruka is!
  • 1.82 seconds: Haruka does a hidden action!
    • More Harukas appear on the field!
    • Endo is unaware of Haruka!
  • 3.30 seconds: Endo begins to make his Vile Mutation Seal!
  • 3.64 seconds: Haruka does a Hidden action!
    • The Field is covered in Mist!
  • 4.29 seconds: Endo activates his seal!
  • 6.00 seconds: Endo #2 shoots fireballs at Haruka #1!
    • Hit, Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
  • 6.40 seconds: Haruka does another Hidden Action!
    • Tons of Reflections of Haruka appear!
  • 6.70 seconds: Endo summons Yayoi [S Rank Bat Summon]!
    • Batei is unaware of Haruka!
  • 7.82 seconds: All of the Haruka's Attack the Bomber with Whips of Water!
    • All Hit!
    • Bomber is Destroyed!
  • 9.09 seconds: Haruka performs a sneak attack on Endo!
    • Endo is hit three times! Yayoi is Hit Three times! Clone is hit Three times!
    • Endo's Heart is Fractured, Endo's Feet are Sprained, Endo's Hand's are Fractured (Frost Bite)!
    • Batei's Head is Sprained, Feet are fractured, Arms are sprained!
    • Endo Clone #2's Legs are Fractured, Heart is sprained!
    • Endo, Batei, and Endo Clone are bound in Ice!
    • Endo is bleeding rank 2!
    • Haruka is out of Stealth!
    • Endo is unaware of the real Haruka!
    • Batei is Unaware of the Real Haruka!

[legend="The Notes"]- Yayoi doesnt have enough time to attack when she was summoned.
- Haruka could not finish actions due to AP being completely gone.
- If there are any questions PM me or another mod/Dev member.[/legend]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Eruptions going off around him on his ride to glory, he ran . . . that much was true. A mist began to pick up as he rode through the thick of it. Where was Haruka? Wait, this mist, was all too familiar. Suddenly seeing multiples of Haruka, he opted for the only choice that he had left at this point. Runes seemingly appearing from nowhere on his body, they spiraled across his skin and as they tightened around his body they caused him to hark back to a much simpler time in his past. Simple in the sense of when the lines of who was friend and who was foe were much easier to tell. On the battlefield, not much unlike this one, Souji, Haruka and he were taking on heavy enemy fire. Pinned down behind a fallen pillar, they only had one way out of this mess and Endo was currently doing his best to keep the enemy from totally circling them in. How had they gotten out of that predicament again? Endo could scarcely remember but how had they gotten out of that? Maybe it was one of the few times that Haruka came in handy. Afterwards however, of what he was sure of, was that Harukas mother acted like he hadn't even existed and here he was the team leader. So much for showing a little gratitude.

At some point in his flashback, Endo had managed to get the aid of Yayoi but no sooner than had she been summoned, he was suddenly throw off of his mount and aptly frozen to the gates. Once again he was trapped, just like before, only now Yayoi. People wondered why he was such a passive Tsuchikage. They had only to look to his past to figure out the truth. He was far from overly joyous or aloof. The simple fact of the matter was that after living his entire life by the coded ethics of a warrior, he was slowly starting to crack. Sleeping wasn't something that he did so well and even when he did he was plagued by nightmares of failed missions and comrades that would never come home. A sneaking suspicion of his was that he was all too really a sufferer of PTSD but he'd leave that for the history books. He had to focus on the here and now and currently he was bleeding, stuck to a walled gate and very, very cold. Breathing and seeing his breath, he relished in the touch of insanity that the mixed curse seal brought and made his declaration of intent.
"You'll have to try harder than that D-chan!" He jokingly called her a childish name as if implying that she was a spoiled child of a Daimyo. Only a crazy man egged on his captor but one might be forgiven for believing this moment worth the bout of crazies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

A single hand would come up to cover the young woman's face, shielding it away from any of the explosions that happened to be going off at this very time. Shrapnel of all different sorts would score along her hands and cause a hiss to ooze from her lips, various parts of her body feeling the stinging touch of the explosions going off. Perhaps this was some of the reason as to why she fucking hated the element of fire. Explosions were not a beautiful thing, but rather a large and destructive force that held no discretion. Her hand would drop down from her face and she would turn to look at Endo, her eyes reflecting a harsh golden color as she gave what could only be an angered howl. She didn't like this jutsu that he seemed to be relying on. It was something that hurt her flesh, and it really, really made her go even more insane than what she was feeling now. The lunar seal on her flesh breathed, grew, and burned. It was more of a burn than his explosion and the tainted chakra was incredibly intoxicating to her mind. Locking her hand into a fist, she would suddenly fade away into whatever manner that she could. She would use the truest essence of what a shinobi was made of: Sneaking and attacking. As more clones popped up appearing as Haruka's visage, it seemed like the field of clones was never ending. That was what he got for attempting to play this game with her. It was his fault that they were standing right here, right now. Standing up straight now, she would hold still, her breathing even and coordinated... And her hands would go through a set of seals which was incredibly uncharacteristic of her. Most, if not all, of the jutsu that she used did not require seals, or did not require both of her hands.

But it was worth it. A calming silence now, and then the ground began to shake beneath the very battlefield. It would become very obvious as to what was coming as a thrush of cold air would careen through the area, and then it would be followed by an avalanche that would crash into Endo, his clone, and whatever he had just summoned right now. Standing amongst the clones and reflections, the young woman would lift up her gaze to look at the man now bound to the gates here. The clones and reflections would follow suit, all of them as acting as one singular entity. The snow was much more familiar to the young woman. The cold made her feel as though... She belonged, and that this had become not Endo's battle, but her's. Listening to him speak, she would blink only once, lips pressing into a thin, harsh line. One hand would lift, all of the hands of Haruka would lift and she would hold her hand out in his direction, all of her fingers pointing towards him.

"Concede." And that was the only thing she would say to him. Winter had arrived. How much longer did the two have here? Was it not in his best interest? Some would say yes, but others would say no. It depended, really.

[ Actions sent ]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2 said:
Round Three! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: 45,000 - 3,071 - 900 - 473 - 1,064 - 473 - 22,096 - 2827 = 14,096 + 3,600 = 17,696
CP: 32,182 - 3240 (Vile Seal Last round) - 2,295 - 2,475 - 2,394 = 21,778
AP: 11 - 3 - 3.2 - 3 = 11 Next Round
Status: Biting Frost, Bleeding Rank 2
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Yayoi
HP: 29,400 - 10,395 = 19,005 (+473 damage recalculation) = 19,478
CP: 25,200 - 2,310 - 2,750 = 20,140
AP: 6 - 3 - 3 = 6 Next Round.
Status: Biting Frost.
Endo Clone #2
HP: 373 - 473 = Poof'd
CP: 7,140 = Poof'd
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 2.5 ap next round
Status: Poof'd[/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 34,995 - 7,914 - 7,975 - 5,785 - 2525 = 10,796 + 1,260 = 12,056 (+946 Damage Recalculation) = 13,002
CP: 23,935 - 550 - 320 - 1380 - 7,260 - 2232 - 520 = 11,673 + 1,080 = 12,753
AP: 10 - 4 - 3 - 2 = 11 Next Round.
Status: Flesh Burning! Bleeding Rank 1! Head Sprained! Arms Sprained! Heart Sprained!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Haruka #1
HP: 6,656 = Poofed!
CP: 5,820 = Poofed!
AP: 2.5 = Poofed!
Status: Poofed!

Haruka #2
HP: 7,140 = Poofed!
CP: 5,820 = Poofed!
AP: 2.5 = Poofed!
Status: Poofed!

Haruka #3
HP: 7,140 = Poofed!
CP: 5,820 = Poofed!
AP: 2.5 = Poofed!
Status: Poofed![/spoilername][/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 1.82 seconds: Endo reuses Oxidation outbreak!
    • Ice Prison Breaks [Endo takes Remaining Damage!)
    • (Ice Prison took 6 Hits, 8 Hits remain)
    • 2 Critical, 4 Hit, 2 Miss.
  • Fun House is attacked!
    • Reflected!
    • Reflected Critical!
    • Hit!
    • Hit!
    • Hit!
    • Reflected!
    • Hit!
    • Fun house is destroyed!
  • Haruka takes the O.O. damage
    • 2 Critical, 11 Hit, 1 partial!
  • Haruka Clone #1 takes damage!
    • 4 Critical, 10 Hit.
    • Clone Poof'd!
  • Haruka Clone #2 takes damage!
    • 7 Critical, 7 Hit.
    • Clone Poof'd!
  • Haruka Clone #3 takes damage!
    • 9 Critical, 5 Hit.
    • Clone Poof'd!
  • Yayoi takes damage!
    • 6 Crit, 5 Hit, 2 Partial!
  • Endo Clone takes damage!
    • 1 Hit!
    • Clone poof'd
  • 4.00 seconds: Haruka becomes creative and combines The fist of the Ice emperor! And a Perfected RasenTsunami...Made into Ice. . .
    • Critical (Koorikan)! Hit (Rasen Tsunami)!
    • Absolute Zero Activates!
  • 4.55 seconds: Endo throws his own Rasen-Nova
    • Hit!
  • 5.00 seconds: Yayoi summones the Herd!
    • 2 Hits, 50% Partial, 3 Miss!
    • Haruka's flesh begins to burn!
  • 7.00 seconds: Haruka uses Subzero Purge!
  • 7.27 seconds: Endo uses his Malevolent Annihilation on Haruka!
    • 75% Partial!
    • Haruka's Head is Sprained!
    • Haruka's Arms is Sprained!
    • Haruka's Heart is Sprained!
  • 9.00 seconds: Haruka summons Flying water Needles at Endo!
    • 4 Crit, 7 Hit, 4 Miss
    • Ignores Damage Redux!
  • 10.00 seconds: Yayoi uses a sonic Blast on Haruka!
    • Complete Miss!

[legend="The Notes"]- If there are any questions PM me or another mod/Dev member.
- Fixed Yayoi's HP/CP
- Redid the damage on crit rolls for OO
- Redid Malevolent Annihilation Called shot chances.[/legend]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Ashes to ashes . . .

A sizziling sound was followed seconds before a sharp pop as Endo looked Haruka dead in the eyes and smirked. "Do better!" he yelled as his body glowed a surreal orange and suddenly there were explosions . . . explosions everywhere. The very walls to the gates blowing out around him, the sheer force of his own attack pushed him into the village as his own body smoked with burns all over. As he watched on in amazement, the chain of explosions that he'd left were once again bouncing all around thanks in part to Harukas annoying mirrors. Forced to dodge his own attacks, he found that the collateral damage that was once confined only to the gate area was suddenly spread throughout the village and even the upper limits as well. Debries from the ceiling high above them began to fall around the vicinity of the battle and then it occurred to Endo just how dangerous all of this actually was. It was usually all to easy to forget that Iwa did have a ceiling and that ceiling was technically the underground of Inner Maruishi above, and coupled with the fact that Arcadia was directly below Iwa . . . Endo was almost sick to his stomach with the sheer weight of it all.

Forced to dodge buildings and fleeing people, the sight of Endo probably did more to frighten the people than he did to comfort them. Fully engulfed in his maxed curse seal rage, his skin was glowing an eerie black and he looked more like the creature from their nightmares than their savior. Arguably however, one could very really say that he was at fault for all of this but darn him if he was going to take Haruka's perverted justice . . . just ice . . . laying on his back. Leaping to a building to take to higher ground, Endo was suddenly knocked senseless by a frozen fist from beyond the wall. His momentum at the mercy of the jutsu, he was hurled through the very building he was attempting to ascend and landed clear into a still evacuating sector. His body spent, the frozen bite of the ice didn't lose it's irony as a perfect spinning watery rasengan came hurtling towards him. Not fully able to stand, muttered an inaudible four letter word,
"****" and took the chilling 'coup de grace' head on.

Momentarily blacking out, he snapped back to reality just barely in time to see Haruka coming. Jumping to his feet, he wobbled a bit in his step as he used the drunken moment from his own barely functioning body and snapped a quick retaliatory spinning inferno with pinpoint accuracy in Harukas direction. Not seeing if it hit, he stumbled to his knees as the subzero chill overtook his body and he heard the distinctive cry,
"Soul Fist!" Heh, he could always count on Yayoi to be at his side, even if she probably secretly wished he would just die already so that she could take his prideful soul. Looking up with mere seconds to spare, he shivered and clutched his own body as his guttural seemed to transform into pure chakra itself. Chakra erupted from his body in a solid beam that while hardly aimed,managed to at least buy him precious seconds. The crash and cloud like wave of derbies that followed only told him that he hadn't scored the needed mark of greatest that would have spelled Harukas doom. Instead, for all of his valor, he only earned a volley of frozen senbon to the heart, critically injuring him. His bloodied sneeze caused the slow drop to the ground beneath him to be nothing short of blissful. Apparently Haruka was very much capable of doing better.

OOC: Actions coming.
The pictures below are what Endo and Yayoi look like. Blame my photoshop account for being a jerk for why the pics are super wonky.

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