Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Delivery Drop Off

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

Dust to dust, right? Right. That was typically how these things had to go. Though, when she heard Endo screech his command at her, she would give an audible hiss. The yellow coloration of her eyes would reflect just slightly as she turned her head to the side, refusing now to meet his eyes. After all, she knew what was coming next. It seemed as though it was going to hurt, as well. So, what she needed to do was brace herself for whatever impact there was to come. Shrapnel from the very gates there would fly through the air, threatening to embed itself within her very flesh. The bombs would pop off, leaving her very ears ringing from the sounds, enough to make her foundations rock. The burning sensation of the bombs would leave a residual feeling against her pale flesh there. Though, she would not give a flinch. Not here, not now. No one deserved the satisfaction of her pain, even if they were letting off micro bombs in her vicinity. Her foot would slam down against the ground and one of her hands would brush backwards, sweeping along to collect the cold there within the air as she turned her head now to watch him. Burned, bruised, bleeding... All of these things she was not used to. One of her feet would press down against the ground, and it would only be then that she would notice her missing shoes. Ah well, like that mattered now. Her feet would leave harsh imprints there in the ground as she would pursue the man who seemed to have a disgustingly explosive tendency. Look at the danger that he put the people in. This man was no one to lead these people. There had to be something better, and she had to make it turn out that way, or at least die trying. After all, that was how you made a proper martyr unlike the one that the Ryujin girl was attempting to turn herself into.

Like a high speed train, she would force her way through the fray and keep from touching anyone, her strong legs pushing her up, up, and higher into the air until. . . She would soon feel her fist full of burning ice slam right into Endo. "I'll show you better," she would whisper, "And I will show you no mercy." Her voice grew louder with the swell of the perfected Rasengan that had taken place that would soon make it's move to land and crash right into him. Well, there went that building, right? She caused just as much danger, but surely, it was for a just cause, right? Even then, man. Even then. A hot... Well, whatever that could've been considered, would collide into her very body and she would lift her arms up and over her face. "Son of a..." An exhausted breath pushed passed her lips, but she did not find reprieve. It seemed as though Endo's... uh, whatever it was, decided she was going to take a jab at her as well-- Oh, and it was enough to cause a rage to flare up inside of her. If she could take the woman's head off, she would've, but she certainly had bigger fish to freeze here. More, and more, there would be more damage forced her way and she would drop down to a single knee, clutching at her chest as she felt her heart soon strain in it's confines. Her head spun, and her arms ached, but she just couldn't let whatever this was go. No matter the haze, daze, or drop in blood pressure, she had to press forward and show just what she would do and could do for her country.

Her hands dropped, shaking to the ground below and she would look at the man for a moment as her breath ran ragged, catching at her throat very suddenly and causing a fine mist of blood to spew forth from her mouth in a coughing motion. "I will b-bleed for these people, d-die for them," her head spun as she attempted to keep herself afloat now. This was the do or die moment, but she knew that it was hard. It would be a lot harder than she hoped. Enough to make tears begin streaming down her features, "None of this would be if you hadn't just... kept in line," her nails would scrape along the ground, and she would stagger her way back to standing. "War's n-not the answer, so you better take it out on me instead of these people! You better push yourself to do better, Inu Endo!"

[ Sending Actions ]
[ Edit: Removed a stray tag. :) ]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 3 said:
Round Four! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: 17,696 - 900 - 4,834 - 10,320 - 6875 = -5,233
CP: 21,778 = Unconscious!
AP: 11 = Unconscious!
Status: Biting Frost, Bleeding Rank 2, Unconscious
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Yayoi
HP: 19,478 - 10,749 = 8,728
CP: 20,140 - 2,310 - 2,750 = 15,080
AP: 6 Next Round.
Status: Biting Frost.[/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 13,002 - 462 - 8,386 - 4,130 = 24 (+ 1,260) = 1,284
CP: 12,753 - 550 - 320 - 7,260 - 2727 = 1,896 (+ 1,080) = 2,976
AP: 11 - 4 - 3 = 11 Next round!
Status: Flesh Burning! Bleeding Rank 1! Head Sprained! Arms Sprained! Heart Sprained!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)[/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 0.00 seconds: Haruka's Falling Snow Re-initiates!
    • Endo's hands Frost Biten! Fractured!
    • Endo's head is Sprained!
    • Endo's Arms are Fractured! Frost Bitten!
    • Endo is Bound!
    • Yayoi's Feet and arms are sprained!
  • 0.00 Endo detonates Oxidation Outbreak!
  • Endo: 5 crit, 6 Hit, 2 Partial (25%, 75%)
  • Yayoi: 7 Crit, 6 Hit!
  • Haruka: 3 Crit, 11 Hit!
  • 1.82 Seconds: Endo activates Oxidation Outbreak!
    • Fails due to Called shot hands!
  • 2.70 Seconds: Haruka Attempts a similar... no wait... the exact same jutsu from last round!
    • Endo Attempts to Redirect the jutsu! [Fails the Check]
    • Hit! Hit!
    • Endo is unconscious!
    • Haruka Combos with Stardust Nova!
    • All Hit!
  • 5.00 Seconds: Yayoi Sends a Herd after Haruka!
    • Haruka is hit 3 times, misses 3!
  • 10.00 seconds: Yayoi Sends a Sonic Blast at Haruka!
  • 25% partial!

[legend="The Notes"]- If there are any questions PM me or another mod/Dev member.
- Ruling is that since Contracts are their own entity just summoned, they stay summoned until KO.
- Editted Haru's CP costs
- Added the damage redux for Ice Prison.[/legend]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

Hell, this had to have been hell on earth right now. The spinning world around her, the way that the very earth seemed to quiver under her feet. There had been so much ado about nothing. The screaming people, the bright flashing lights, and it just seemed that everything was repeating itself-- over and over again. Each strained beat of her heart was agonizing, enough to make her want to gasp for air, but she did not dare show off that kind of pain to anyone. After all, it seemed that with everyone running away and screaming to the point where she thought that their very lungs would burst... There were not many watching, and yet there were so many watching at the same time. As a wind would blow through the area, the sound of tumbling rubble and other such things would sound and she would look across the way at the Kage of her village, the man that she had vowed to get rid of in the name of all of these people that she admired, loved, and worked the very skin off of her hands for. Speaking of... She would look down at those very hands before wavering a bit on her feet. It seemed like she was seeing after-images of her hands and she couldn't lift her arms much farther than what she was doing now. Whatever Endo had done... It had really hurt. So, that meant that what the wind brought would have to hurt him more... The sound of cascading ice and snow would echo throughout the area, and Haruka would shudder the slightest of bits. It was a destruction that she did not condone, but it needed to happen... It was something that would protect these people from another village coming in and attempting to wipe them all out.

As there came a crash of the avalanche that would ensue, bits of snow and ice would caress at her skin, soothing the burns that had culminated there from Endo's seemingly never ending explosions. How annoying was that? It would take her quite a while to readjust to explosions after all of this was said and done. It was harder than she liked to admit, but really? The fading in and out of her vision was undeniable, the strain of her heart hurt, and God forbid this next jutsu of hers would rip her apart. It seemed like one big, surreal blur... More explosions, ice shards flying everywhere to and fro... Her breath would pass her lips in a shudder as she was attacked by the damned explosions once more, but she would rush past it all, the very same jutsu that she had performed before collecting into her palm and she would crash it down upon the man with little to no thought process going on there... And he would drop. Finally.


Now, she only had one more thing to worry about... Looking back towards the summon, her eyes would reflect the descending stardust and she would twist on her feet, not even skipping a single beat here. She knew that she had to get rid of this nuisance.. But did she have the energy to do so? She was barely holding on at this point, and her vision blacked out more than it chose to stay in focus...


[ Sending Actions ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

They said that dying men were conscious well beyond the time in which they fell in battle. Unfortunately for Endo, the only scene that he'd process would be the world enclosed in flames. The only thoughts that danced in his mind seemed to all revolve around why. Why kamikaze when there were other more peaceful ways to ensure that ones point was understood? In a manner of speaking it all boiled down to pride. Endo simply wasn't ready to die yet and in the end, despite all the bravado, he was truly scared of dying. Most men were, that's why they kept on breathing, kept on walking, kept on fighting for the fruition of their dreams to come true. Endo was no different, and his final flurry of attacks proved just that. Simply refusing to allow Haruka even the smallest of victories, he mouthed the words, "Boom shakalaka~" If she heard it or not, he didn't care. At this point, even a man yelling would be hard pressed to hear himself, much less withstand the raging inferno that engulfed not only the three presently fighting, but a good portion of the village.

His pay check wasn't going to be nearly big enough. Might he empty out his family vaults and spend cold hard Arcadian money to simply 'buy' the village of Iwagakure? He could but if he died then that would all be confiscated anyway. Perhaps if he lived though, he could turn the entire story around and blame Harukas raging "other". Yeah, that might work. Alas, did he imagine stifling a yawn? Was he that tired? The flames felt so warm after that chilling display of love and affection that Haruka gave him. Wait . . . love and affection? No, he was imagining things, but he was far too sleepy to actually think about any of that anymore. It had been so long since he'd taken a nap. Vacation? Yeah, right there in the Moon Country. A man could dream, no? What had that guy at the gates said again? Bleh, it sounded like a dream compared to this. Perhaps he'd fill his dreams with sandy shores, cold drinks and a woman to distract him. Hah, a Kage in his mid twenties and he hadn't had a date in how long? Psh, the lowliest genin probably had more candlelight dinners than he did. All of these former Kiri women floating around and not a single bathhouse incident? He was slipping, really . . . really . . . truly . . . Zzzz.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 5 said:
Round Five!! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: Unconscious!
CP: Unconscious!
AP: Unconscious!
Status: Bleeding Rank 2, Unconscious
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Yayoi
HP: 8,728 - 8,772 = Unconscious!
CP: 15,080 = KO
AP: 6 = KO
Status: Unconscious![/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 1,284 - 462 + 1,260 = 2,082
CP: 2,976 (+1080) - 2,970 = 1,086
AP: 11 - .5 - .5 - 3 = 11 Next Round!
Status: Flesh Burning! Bleeding Rank 1! Head Sprained! Arms Sprained! Heart Sprained!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)[/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 0.00 seconds: Haruka Drinks an energy drink! She be drinkin Red Bull Tryna get some wings!
  • 2.70 seconds: Haruka uses the power of the Ice Emperor! Koorikan on Yayoi!
    • 100% Hit!
  • Yayoi is KO'd. And Poofs back to Realm of bats...
  • Fight over.

[legend="The Notes"]- If there are any questions PM me or another mod/Dev member.
- e.e Done.[/legend]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries. . .
<COLOR color="#66a3ff">

The snow would fall. . . A delicate thing in the wake of destruction. Why was something so beautiful so destructive at the same time? At the sight of a figure dispersing from a harsh blow that had been tossed in her direction, Haruka would lift her cold hand up and she would hold it closely to her chest now, shuddering just lightly there. Her body... It was meant to take such a strenuous beating, but she had not felt such a thing in a long time. Her bare feet would slide a bit in the snow covered ground and she would stagger down to sit, dragging in ragged breaths as she attempted to not fall out in the face of what had just happened. One hand would reach up, brushing against her facial features and she would now grip into the roots of her hair. Little crystalline tears would still continue to trail down her features, but did she have remorse? If she did, it was not detectable by her. She just hated the destruction that had been plagued upon the village by all of this. Dropping her hand away from her facial features, she would feel it drop into her lap as she looked upwards toward the sky which had been clearing away to reveal the sun. It was warm against her face, a caress that she may have missed more than what she would like to admit. "I don't know if I could make you proud in such a manner, Mom, Dad..." She'd whisper, her eyes fading from the golden color that had been replaced there for some time now back into the brilliant blue color that they had once been. "But I won't be a pushover, and you raised me in such a manner. Thank you." Coming up to a stand, she would look around to the faces that would peer at her. She saw a gamut of emotion and it ranged from disgust, disbelief, anger, shock... And she would tilt her head up now, the typical strong look that she attempted to hold onto appearing now.

"Live safe without the fear of war for another day, Iwagakure." The woman would speak, her voice echoing all around now. Despite the pain that it brought, she would pull free the sword tainted with ice and she would hold it out to her side. In the light, a slight mist would raise from it. "I, Haruka, the daughter of Minamoto Taro and your Twenty-Second Daimyo, promised my vigilance to you all and I promised to keep you safe, no matter where my loyalties supposedly lie." The wind would tossle her hair just gently as she looked around. The tears that fell from her eyes would drop to the ground in the form of amethyst now, a direct effect from her affinity with the crystal element. Twirling the blade in her fingers, she would use her foot to push away the man's kage hat. It would drop in a pile of melting snow and she would bring the blade down swiftly, both hands taking a hold of it as she cleanly beheaded the now ex-Tsuchikage. Quiet gasps and shocked sounds would come from the crowd, hands covering mouths and mother's hands covering children's eyes. Blood would splash up into the young woman's face now, and she would close her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"Whoever said long live the King... never met the Queen." Was the whisper under her breath as she looked down towards Endo's body. The seemingly breathing seal would soon retreat away from her facial features, back down into a concise and neat little mark upon her shoulder. Bringing her fingers up, she would tap it against the side of her temple, a Snapshot / R2 being used as she would sheath her weapon. Removing a scroll, she would kneel down and place his body within it, along with whatever odds and ends that would remain. And with that, despite the whispering and confused words, she would pace off. She needed a good, long rest before she did anything else.

[ Force Kill: Endo ]
[ Snapshot Used ]
[ Endo's body taken / Topic Left / Arrivederci ]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
An issue was noticed with this mod that could have a radical change on its outcome. The bmod will be redoing the mod with the information of this error being taken into account.

Any threads or posts directly related to the outcome of this fight need to be put on hold until the mod has been redone.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 4 said:
Redux Round Four! Fight!

[col]Inu Endo
HP: 17,696 - 900 - 4,834 - 9,568 = 2,394
CP: 21,778 = Winner
AP: 11 = Winner
Status: Conscious
Visible Items: Kage Hat, Headset.
[spoilername="Extra Stuff"]Yayoi
HP: 19,478 - 10,749 = 8,728 - 9,095 = Poofed!
CP: 20,140 = Poofed!
AP: 6 Next Round.
Status: Poofed![/spoilername]|Kono Haruka
HP: 13,002 - 462 - 8,386 - 4,130 - 6,615 = Unconscious!
CP: 12,753 - 550 - 320 = Unconscious!
AP: 11 = Unconscious!
Status: Unconscious!
Visible Items: Headset, X Sword (Unequipped)[/col]

[legend="The Round"]
  • 0.00 seconds: Haruka's Falling Snow Re-initiates!
    • Endo's head is Sprained!
    • Endo's Arms are Fractured! Frost Bitten!
    • Endo is Bound!
    • Yayoi's Feet and arms are sprained!
  • 0.00 Endo detonates Oxidation Outbreak!
    • Endo: 5 crit, 6 Hit, 2 Partial (25%, 75%)
    • Yayoi: 7 Crit, 6 Hit!
    • Haruka: 3 Crit, 11 Hit!
  • 1.82 Seconds: Endo activates Oxidation Outbreak!
  • Yayoi is hit!
    • 5 Crit, 9 Hit!
  • Haruka is Hit next!
    • 14 Hit!
  • Endo is hit last!
    • 6 Crit, 8 Hit
  • Haruka is Unconscious!

[legend="The Notes"]- If there are any questions PM me or another mod/Dev member.
- Ruling is that since Contracts are their own entity just summoned, they stay summoned until KO.
- Editted Haru's CP costs
- Editted mod due to roll being inconsistent with the % chance to fail. It is completely my own fault and I apologize for it. However this is the flawless mod to its entirety. v.v;
- Added I will not be making any more edits on this mod, sorry for the inconvenience[/legend]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
This is, once more, under review.
Everything relating to this thread, is under review.
Stone, as a village, is under review.
NC is under review.

Okay I might be lying on two of those.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The admin team has looked over everything, including testimonies from all people involved in this decision (Endo, Haruka and Souji) and come to the conclusion that the original mod remains. Apologies to those who are negatively effected by this, but that is the official verdict of the team.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
