Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Demon In The Clouds. (OPEN)

Satou only smirked with a boyish cocky smile as he seen her cheeks burn a cherry red. He couldn't help but snicker at the girls flustered intentions. Maybe it wasn't right for him to reveal his body to her in such a way, maybe if she was older he would have bedded with her at this point. The idea made his face redden a bit when the other customers snickered and laughed in the background. He was lost in his memories, the pain was eroding him and he wanted nothing more then to drown his memories, smothering them till he could not see her face anymore. But another face came to his eyes, the first person he ever loved and most likely the only person whom still holds his heart even in the grave. His left hand shook as he reached for the bottle, but stopped when he felt the slightest tug on his shirt.

His curious eyes looks to see the girls hand grabbing his shirt, the look in her eyes showed compassion and pity. As in his mind she was to say how sorry she was for him to have gone through such a thing. He had the ability to look into her mind and read her thoughts, her words that never left her lips. His smile warmed at the thoughts she had. He almost felt an awkward tug in his chest, maybe a little bit of that ice was milting away.

When she whispered her condolences the warmth in his smile never faded. But the snickering and whispering of the two grew just a bit louder then the music in the background. Satou never like people talking behind his back.

The demon turned his head clear round and hissed at the air. They quickly fell silent and the demon uttered something illegible under his tongue in an even more odd language.

"Oblaan Hin Zul" A wind roared past the doors as some of the patrons looked fearfully at the demon sitting next to the girl. Others coughed and cleared their throats as the laughing and snickering stopped. And eerie silence, aside from the music playing in the background. The tune had changed though. It seemed more foreign each track that played.

The words that came from the demons lips sounded snake like and slithered across his tongue. The sound of his voice sent shivers up every persons spine, like sharp talons gingerly traveling along your skin. All your hairs wish to stand on end, but your skin shakes and trembles. It stopped for the girl, when his hand took hers. Her hand that still gripped his thine shirt. His hand felt like ice against hers, but in moments it warmed and mimicked the temperature of her skin.

"Condolences mean nothing to the dead, I honor her by living through her and knowing myself as a man. I believe if she raised me, I wouldn't change from who I am today. Her spirit lives through me, and some nights. I hear her singing to me." He smirked as he gave her hand back for her to use how she wished.

"The demon, it shows me visions of her. I know what she looks like, what her smile looks like. I can hear her voice. Some nights, it helps me sleep. Other nights, I screams of pain. It's like nothing I can describe in the language of man alone. Nor its tongue and voice..." He opened up another bottle that slid down the counter as he caught it without even turning his head away from her.

The bartender down the other end was cleaning some clay mugs. His face seemed blank and distant, as if he knew what to do out of muscle memory. Satou was his regular most nights.

The demon sat and continued drinking, as he paused mid sip, pulls the cup from hsi lip. "Did you want something else to eat or drink? The old man is well adapted with a multitude of fine foods." The demon jabbed. "Have you ever sneaked a drink from your parents?" He laughed to lighten the atmosphere that felt so dead heavy.

(*Satou uses Remove Writers Block* *It was super effective!*)
The warm smile he gave her cause her own to grow a little more. Just as she had hoped, he was pulled out of his thoughts. The dark memories and corners she knew so little of looked to melt away with the smile he gave her. Just as she was about to pull away, however, a wretched hiss came from the demon. His head turned to a couple who were quickly making themselves smaller, as if to disappear from the originally lucid man turned dangerous in a matter of seconds. Words came from his mouth, but she couldn’t understand what was being said.

She should have known better than grab the shirt of a grown man. They were already a rare sight at this time of night. Some people probably thought of her companion as some sort of pervert, and her reaching out for him could only cause more rumors to spread. Appropriate distance should be maintained at all times. Appearances were important at all times. She knew all of this, yet once again she allowed her emotions to shadow years of training.

As the doors of the bar rattled, Kahako gripped his shirt just little bit tighter. Aside from the music, the silence that fell across the bar was deafening. She felt the tingling on her back as what she could only assume as Satou’s powers effecting everyone in the establishment. It was as if the wind was playing with her; planning to slam the doors open and rip her spine from her back. Did everyone in the room feel this way? This dread?

Just as she was going to tell Satou to stop, his hand took her own and the feeling disappeared as if it was never meant for her. Once again she felt the icy coolness of his hand, but unlike the moment when she covered his wound, this time his hand warmed to match the temperature of her skin. She continued to look at him as he spoke once again of his mother, and the demon that cruelly taunted him within his own mind. He released her hand and she slowly allowed it to fall into her lap. As he easily caught the bottle, memories of Kahako’s mother singing as she cooked and cleaned graced her mind. Her mother never really sang to her, but it calmed Kahako when she thought of her mother’s voice. To have a person you cherished and murdered must have been pleasant torture. The demon that was a part of Satou was truly a cruel being. Even to itself. Would this cruelty strike her, just as it struck its owner? But at the same time, he still honored her despite his torture. Kahako could only respect Satou's strength. She probably would have taken her own life long ago if she was faced with the same sadness. She continued to listen to Satou as she lifted her ramen bowl to drink the cool broth. She drank the liquid as if she were draining the dark and sad thoughts that plagued her mind. She too wanted to remove the heavy atmosphere that consumed the bar.

She placed the bowl back down on the table with a small clink. “No thank you. I was always told that it was bad for a woman to eat a lot, so I’ve gotten used to not eating much. I’m pretty full.” She gave him another reserved smile and a small giggle at his second question. “No, I’ve never had alcohol either. Rules are very important in my family. I was only allowed to serve sake to guests, and even then it was when the waitresses were busy or father was entertaining clients after their divorce. I always wondered what it tasted like though. Mother would help herself to one of her bottles every night after we closed.” She pushed the bowl away from her. Allowing for one of the workers to pick it up when they passed by.

She gripped her tiny cup of water with both hands and let her thumbs dance along the rim. “Is it normal to sneak such things from one's parents, Satou?” she asked innocently. She never really got the chance to talk to children her age outside the family. She never minded; she always had her cousin and the people of her mother’s establishment to keep her company. However, she never spoke out against her father or his rules. She bickered with her mother, but always she would listen. Her change in career path was the first time she outright defied their authority. She was still struggling with their disappointment.
The airs of the bar settle, people eased in their seats. Some up and left. soon after leaving they would most likely topple over from weakness or puking just minutes away from the bar. The smell of the bar was something like stale burning wood. A thick smokey smell but not enough to cluster the lungs with a pungent taste. It was enough though to dry the mouth and make one more perceptible to buying another drink.

And Satou was no different. "Once I start training you, you'll be more hungry. You'll be burning thousands of carbs a day, you'll be eating several platefuls each meal of the day, mark my words on that." He scoffed as he poured himself some Sake. Taking it all back in one shot. "So, your not old enough to drink yet?" He sighed and rubbed the scruff on his chin. "Maybe when your a bit older and your a full fledged ninja. I'll take you out drinking and get you situated in the adult world of addictions. A human poison as some would call it. And it will count as a lesson. Every chance I get it will resort to teaching you things. Like viewing your surroundings more, to even learning how humans think and will react. This will to better your knowledge about people around you as well. Much like bartering you have to appeal to a persons mentality and tastes." He continued to diagram some of her lessons.

"I also wonder...Do you use weapons?" A simple question for most, but it also meant a lot depending on what was to be learned. But she retorted with saying something of sneaking stuff behind her parents back. "Of course!" He exclaimed. Sipping his cup. "I'm most certain lots of kids and young adults hide things from their parents. Like alcohol, cigarettes, dirty magazines..." He chuckled after the last one. "I remember I had a friend growing up, he was a prankster. Got himself into a lot of trouble. But he was good at his craft, to hide things and information from everyone, even his closest friends couldn't find his secret hang outs where he stashed his stuff. It's a key aspect of Shinobi arts. Secrecy and Stealth." He nodded while slamming back a few more cups.

He started to look tired out, his eyes drooped as he was more slouching forward.
((*walks up to post and reads* “…Maybe when your a bit older and your a full fledged ninja. I'll take you out drinking and get you situated in the adult world of addictions. A human poison as some would call it. And it will count as a lesson. Every chance I get it will resort to teaching you things….“ >//.//> *trips on horrible thoughts of *older Kahako* and Satou and falls into gutter* Well… *stands up and dusts off debris of dirty thoughts* I think I took THAT out of context. XD))

Kahako sat quietly with her water as she listened to Satou’s promise of large meals and heavy training in her future. In all honesty, all of his plans for her excited her. The thought of finally learning how to trade blows, among other things, made her wish to start training immediately. A sincere smile grew as he continued while he knocked back another shot. When he related something as simple as bartering to effective tools for being a ninja, she felt a little relieved. Maybe she wouldn't be as useless as she originally thought.

She took another sip of her water as Satou told her the story of his friend. The jukebox in the corner changed to another song. This one was in Kahako’s tongue and about romance gone wrong. She thought on the story’s morals and what she could learn from its words. “Secrecy and stealth…” She said to herself as she trailed off in thought. She never would have thought that doing such things could become so relatable. Then again, her merchant skills were going to help her in her ability to read people. She looked back to him in order to respond to the question he asked before he answered her own. “The only time I’ve ever used a weapon was in self-defense training when I was eight. My father wanted me to know how to defend myself if ever my trading caravan was attacked.” She looked back down again. “He didn’t allow me to continue it, though.” She didn’t feel particularly chatty about her relationship with her father. It only ignited her anger. “But while I was in it, I did learn a bit of pole training. I think my instructor called it a quarterstaff?” She pondered as she placed a finger to her lips. “That’s the one that can be either a normal pole or have sharp metal pieces at the end of it, right?” She asked as she looked back at him.

However, she let her question die out when she noticed how tired Satou appeared. His slouch was a clear indicator that after a few more shots, he would be out for the night. After tonight, she would be too terrified to go back out in the night alone. Not with what happened earlier. As nice as the bartender appeared, she still needed to get home, and there was no idea on whether or not his place was close or far away from her own. “Do you want to take me home now, Satou-sensei?” She said again, trying to call him by his new title to her.
Satou was smiling, smiling and staring off at nothing as he listened to the words from the girls lips. The sound numbed to the music of the human body. The heart pounding in her chest, the condensing of sweat on her skin gave off a smell. His darker needs showed a bit more clearly through his eyes as they glowed with a soft red hue. And his staring was focused on the vital points of her neck and wrists. His staring changed to others but didn't linger, he looked to the bottle before him. He knew it was time to stop and get some rest.

He corked his bottle, nodded to the barkeep and slipped off his stool. Only to swivel on the seat to head out the door. "Bow staffs, Quarter Staffs, long pole, Tanfa....There are harming weapons to bludgeon. But I would say a Spear or Scythe adds more to dealing some bloody damage." He spoke calmly, leaving his bottle and plate of half eaten food on the counter. He walked with a sluggish pace, slow enough for her to stay close by at an even pace.

When leaving the bar, the cold air hit his lungs and the warmth of the alcohol didn't help as much as he wished. He only felt weaker and heavy. He walked with a slight stagger, his breathing leaving a long heavy trail in the air. He was'nt as refined as before. But he manage to stand and continue talking to the girl.

"I'll train you to be come stronger, I will teach you how to use your body as a weapon first. It is the tools you are born with." He raised his hand into a simple fist. "To punch and kick are simple, but once you perfect simplicity. You can go beyond limits. You can train to break boundaries of the human body. But it's a dangerous path." He spoke a bit more spooky to intimidate her, but mostly to excite her wonder of the shinobi arts.
Finally, Kahako caught his staring eyes. It was hard not to miss red, glowing eyes with an emotion she couldn’t understand focus on her neck then move to her wrist. But she didn’t have a chance to comment on it because she had to follow him out the door. Once again she grew quiet as she drank in the knowledge Satou had to offer. This time though she didn’t take his knowledge with as much enthusiasm. His walking worried her a bit, surely he hadn’t had that much?

As they continued down the street, he clenched his fist. She held up her own hand that looked as small and inexperienced as she was. Would she one day reach those limits he spoke of? Her eyes feel to the small bite marks once more. It was the streets of Kumogakure that led her to this man. Led her to an almost dangerous end, but it gave her a valuable ally and mentor in return. She looked back at him, this time with the determination she displayed back in the alley, but with a small smile on her face. Sure, there was fear there in her eyes; she was playing with her life after all. Sometimes, however, you’ve gotta take risks to achieve what you want. And what she wanted was to be a good shinobi. “I’ll take it.” She said in response, looking back to the street they were headed down.

This time she took the lead. She knew where she was going from here. She didn’t start anymore conversation, or ask any questions. Her mind travelled to another issue at hand. Though Satou drank quite a bit, she didn’t think he had enough to leave him in the state he was in now. Plus he didn’t seem be what her mother called ‘a light-weight.’ So what was causing him to breathe so heavy?

A small thought came into her head. Satou drank human blood, but when was the last time he fed before her this evening? His wandering eyes to her neck and wrists slid into place like a puzzle piece in her mind. His almost emaciated form when she first found him wasn’t from just a stab wound. He looked like the occasional customer that came in from hard travel and little food. He hadn’t fed, or he hadn’t fed well enough. Maybe....

Just as they were about to turn the corner where you could see her home in plain sight, she stopped. She grabbed his shirt again, this time she tugged him at just hard enough to notice her pause. She looked up to him with a serious expression. "Satou," she said dropping the title of teacher, “Are you hungry?” Despite her hesitation for calling it what it was, she no longer wanted to avoid this topic. They were alone in this street and only upstairs lights shone behind closed curtains in the two story houses around them. “We have a deal, Satou. If you are hungry, then feed.” She said with an almost too calm voice. She was indeed uneasy about the answer, but a business transaction of sorts happened between them. And she would treat it as such. With her side of the bargain on the table every time she had the ability to provide.
What was he to do? Was he truly so despicable that he would fall so low. To grovel before this girl as she showed a commanding voice, and by her orders. Her servant kneeling before her, his head bowed. His breath longed and slowing in depth. The air was growing colder, the contract. Her words slowly seeped into him, wrapping around his body, his muscle would obey, no matter what the words may be. If she asked him to take what was needed, his body would take, yet his mind wanted nothing of the sort. She could see his muscle twitching, building with tension as his jaw creased, lips parting ever so slightly for her to see them.

The toxin's in his body burned and surged. His senses exploded with shocking clarity. He could smell the very blood under her skin, hearing the fast rhythm of her heart. His hands reached for her but slowly they fell back to his side. "I...I'm not sure if I can handle feeding right now." It looked more of a struggle to stand, as though his body commanded to stay kneeling. It took almost everything out of him to stand, the bond of command and demand to feed from his new masters veins was far different then the common thirst he carried. She was still young, far to vulnerable to sate such a deep hunger like his.

"I may end up harming you...Master." His voice sounded out hollowed, his mouth slightly agape, his heated breath trailing in the air. His fangs poised like a beast, ready to snarl and gnash through flesh, to glutton himself and slack his parched throat with her life. His eyes, tried looking into her, but he seemed afraid. Afraid to give in and take her in such a way that creatures of evil would. To ravage her, to wound her and suckle till not a breath leaves her lips.

Slowly he etched towards her, shuffling on his knee's as his arms wrapped around her frail frame. His arms felt heavy and sagging. His height was alarming as his head rested against her shoulder, his hot breath dampening her neck as he whispers to her in a soft gentle tone. "Do you wish me to test myself....I'm afraid of what may happen." He held her tight, wondering if she would call off the feeding or simply allow him his way. His fangs etched and tingled with excitement to taste flesh.
It was not truly proper for a man of Shin's status to walk out the doors of Torre Celeste without any heavy guards. If it was not for his persistence he would not even set a foot out the door. The vivid memory of the the Raikage guard enforcing his need of protection, especially with the crisis that circle village. Logically, Shin would not have disapproved but the feeling that Shin could not approaching was something that Shin did not desire. He knew he was going to get an earful from Santaru Rin when he returned. She was quite a fastidious woman. "Please don't stay too long Raikage-sama. There has been a sleuth of paperwork that has been delivered to me that I need for you to look at." A soft and tremulous voice emanated from his small earpiece. "Don't worry too much Hitomi. I will be alright. I just want to analyze the village for some time." Shin responded. As he walked down the large white stairwell. The guards followed him down but Shin kept his distance reminding them that he did not want to be followed.

He gave a warm adeiu as he finally left Torre Celeste and meandered through the village. As he walked he noticed that the crowds stood idling by watching him and some frankly coming to see him for a moment of his time. Perhaps he should have left in disguise as he normally would but what would he gained from that.

"Mom, look its the Raikage." A young boy pointed in Shin's direction as a busy woman was pulled aside. "Yes dear I see. He is a busy man don't disturb him." She responded as she attended to an open small vegetable booth where an array of customers filled with agog at the sight of the village leader walking by them. If it was not for a disguise Shin was rather concern of bringing to much attention to himself. Shin waved at the boy as a show a good gesture and walked away from the public. His path brought to him to the quite streets of Seki District mostly where most of Kumogakure populace reside. He did not live so far from the area; his father house still stood as he ordered it not be taken down as his ascended to main branch sennin. Shin sighed. It had been a while since he ventured these streets. He scanned the area observing his surroundings. There was not much life going on in the streets. It was the time of the day when children were at play or people were at work. The residential district was pretty much a ghost town except the occasional elderly who sitting down playing causal games of Pai Sho. He was tempted to just intervene but he did not bring himself to do it. "Fascinating." Shin thought to himself as he waved at the elderly men with a cordial smile. At least his tinted glasses gave him a hidden countenance or perhaps some villages really did not know who he was.

Eventually, his feet traveled him farther east in the vicinity of all of the smaller shops. He remember buying a few books at an old store but he could never find the building. Perhaps he should try looking for it again. He spent a few minutes until he began to hear his stomach growled. "Troubling...I should have summoned Deta to accompany me." Shin chuckled to himself as he found himself near another vacant residential zone. It was as lifeless as the first. What time d the day was it? He discovered two figures lingering near a stairwell. "Perhaps they could provide some form of assistance. Shin muttered to himself as he walked closer. As he approached the figures he grew cautious as he noticed one of them had an ominous and odious aura around. It was a stout man who appeared rather attached to the girl like a complacent puppy to its master. The other was a small girl standing around four feet. The

Interesting..." Shin thought "I am surprise to see you here. Do you live in this area?" Shin said standing before them in the disappointing light illuminated from the cracks of a closed window.

"I hope you are not bringing any trouble to this young girl." Shin stated as he turned toward the man.
Satou’s kneel took Kahako off-guard. The tension and cold aura wrapping around the two of them only confused her. She simply made what she thought was a little innocent comment. Why was he suddenly kneeling before her straining to resist? Her pulse rose quickly at his sudden movements, unsure of his conflicting actions. It didn’t take the girl long to realize and fully understand the binds of their contract. Something as simple as an easy comment, a silly statement, would be an unbreakable vow to him. Now she understood.

She had complete control of the demon before her.

His hesitating comment only solidified her realization. She knew she would control him, but it wasn’t until this absolute display of submission that she understood. Blood indeed had a very high price. She had taken it too lightly…. taken her decision much too lightly. His eyes looked into her own, his terrified and hers filled with shock. She had taken their deal much, much too lightly.

As his arms wrapped around her, her head bent up as to not stifle herself in his shoulder. Air seemed to have trouble entering and leaving her chest. It wasn’t because completely of fear oddly enough. It was because she realized that she was forcing Satou to do something he didn’t want to. There were things that even this great man before her feared, and one was the idea hurting her. Indeed, he towered over her. His arms could crush her with a simple hug. His teeth could rip her throat out and leave her speaking in blood and noise. He knew this, and he was afraid. In all honesty, it scared her too.

But then she thought back to the moment when he offered her his service. He could have just attacked the man that followed her, drank the creep’s blood and then have gone on his way. He could have left her in a pool of her own fear, her mind exposed to the evils of the world. But he didn’t. He shielded her from the man and even the damage he caused on him. He promised to protect her, and he had done so. He even fed her. Now he was protecting her from himself. The small hand that never let go of his shirt tugged it again to make sure she had his attention. “Satou… okay. Not tonight.” she spoke softly, making sure he was the only one to hear.

A simple inquiry cut off her next sentence though. The voice made Kahako’s heart leap to her throat and then fall to the pit of her stomach. She recognized that voice only because she was in his lecture before. Her head turned to the direction in which it came from. “Raikage-sama…” she said quietly, fear pooled in her eyes like a child caught eating sweets before dinner. Out of all the points in the night to run into the leader of Kumogakure, now was the worst time possible… especially with Satou’s arms around her. It probably looked horrible.
"Yes...My Master." His voice sounded cold and empty, as though all the force from his focus had left him drained and out of reach from critical thinking. His muscles moved, creaked and joints crackling as his erect body had let her go. The words of another voice did not bring his eyes away from his Master. She knew what must be done from now one. She knew the weapon she now held in her hands was a creature like no other. In his solid emptied mind, he found a certain form of clarity.

The voice he heard, it echoed in his mind for a couple moments. To breath, to think. To raise his eyes finally to see a man standing not to far away from him. He approached rather slowly and Satou was able to sense from his Master's voice, the words seemed to ring true with familiarity. A smile on the demons lips, the air began to grow thin. A power closer to him, a being with strength much like his own. His eyes glowed with the preternatural demonic glow of sickly red. Pupils slit, catlike. Examining every breath and motion of that mans body. Listening to the beating of his own heart slow down. He needed to calm himself.

The Demon kept his smile. Running his hand through his hair. "Raikage....To think I would run into another predator as strong as myself. This feeling, this anxiety of blood thirst. To the feeling of jutsu and martial weapons fly...To the feeling of battle. You are quite the beast. I can tell why your Raikage...just by your breathing, by how you walk. Your posture is even a lot better then mine." A soft hazy breath of a sigh crept from the demons lips.

Satou's eyes darkened to a dark brown hue, the air calmed and thickened to be more breathable. He paced past the girl who seemed frozen in spot. Satou's walk was casual, non threatening and unreadable besides the hand that slowly raised to shake the Raikage's hand. "Ketsueki Satou...Jounin. I am Higa Kahako's Demon Servant and mentor in the Shinobi arts as of this night. My life was saved by her through a pact of blood in return to save her life." His words rang true even through the absurdity even Shin could see. He could even confirm it with Kahako as he could most likely tell if the girl lied to him.
Kahako was rather surprised to see her kage standing before in the presence of a disturbing figure. It did not help that the man's countenance did not change despite his behavior toward a young girl nonetheless. Shin's eyes completely hidden against his tinted glasses that were fogged by the ubiquitous darkness surrounding them. The man introduced himself as Jounin Ketsueki Sataou and offered his hand of greeting. There was nothing particular odd with his greetings except when he said he was Kahko's demon servant.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sataou-san." Shin said firmly grasping the man's hand keeping his eyes on him. "However, I find your alibi questionable but most importantly your demonic influences is not accepted in Kumogakure. You should be aware of history between Kumogakure and that intolerable realm. If not for her but for your own sake I strongly exhort you to reject your corrupted nature lest it consumes you. You serve this village with honor and not to any single individual. Is that understood?"

Shin did not speak out of mere knowledge but by experience. Those few years against the endless hordes during the demonic invasion was nothing that Shin could ever forget. Men, women, and children slaughtered by he masses only for sport. He still did not understand logically purpose of their arrival. Every action they made was not an untamed animal that needed to be put down only controlled by the foolish emotions. In reality, their existence was a tragedy.

Shin paused as he let the man's hand go. "Don't take my words as a reprimand but as a warning.You are not just demon but an honorary shinobi. I know first hand what your nature can do to a person. If you do not check yourself it will consume you This goes for all men as well." His eyes faced the young girl filled with trepidation. "Kahako-chan, I know you mean well by saving this man's life but as shinobi do not forsake your wisdom. What this man promise you will backfire. His restrain can only hold so far."

"Now if I may induldge further, what exactly happened today?" Shin said.

Kahako watched the exchange between the two grown men with anxiety. How else could a young girl feel standing between two individuals both who were older, stronger, and of much higher rank than she? Despite the casual and open stance Satou took in greeting Shin, the air felt tense to her. If it felt that way to the other two, she had no idea, but that was her feeling on the current situation.

The Raikage’s returned greeting snapped Kahako out of her state of shock. As it was before her time, she knew little about the Demon War. Her only knowledge was that both her mother and aunt were young and her family was very lucky to make it out of the situation alive. Anything beyond that wasn’t included in her lessons while growing up. As it were, she had very little understanding as to why it was so important for Satou to reject the demonic part of him.

As Shin turned to her in reprimand, Kahako listened; her eyes straying from the man in front of her and off to the side. His warning felt as if he was silently telling her that she should have left him to die. She gave a quick glance to Satou before responding to Shin’s inquiry. Satou had been honest and open, she felt as if it were okay to do the same.

Walking up to stand next to her new friend, she began to explain her side of the story. “It is as Satou-san said. I was heading home tonight when an unknown man came up to me. I tried to ignore him and continue walking when a scream filled the air and startled me into running through the side streets. I hid when I finally thought I got away. It was at this time that I found Satou-san, on the ground and mortally wounded from a stab wound. After I helped him move to a nearby bench, I learned that the unknown man had followed me up to this point, despite my best efforts to lose him. He became hostile in Satou’s presence, and despite my trying to convince him, would not back down. Satou-san offered his assistance, and I took it because the man charged us with a switchblade.”

Kahako began her horrible habit of fidgeting with her fingers. Her arms stayed at her side, not moving as she recounted the evening’s events as she saw them. Her eyes fell to the ground. “I was too weak to fend off the attacker, and Satou too injured to do the same. He made a blood pact with me and thus was able to heal himself enough to stop the man.” Looking back up at the face of her Raikage, she stared at Shin with gaining confidence. “Despite my decision, Satou-san acted with honor. He could have attacked the man outright, drinking from him and saving us both. Instead he asked for my permission, and handled the incident as I had said.” She looked at Satou once more, knowing full well there was a possibility that she would get into trouble with her words. But every decision that had been made tonight, every action that happened had been done with her foolish words. If there was a consequence to be had, then she would take her share of the blame. Rules were meant to be followed. It was how she was taught. She turned back to Shin, this time defending herself. “He promised me that we would both survive, and we did. If given the chance to decide what to do again, then I would make the same choice. Satou-san has done nothing but protect me this evening, and for that I am grateful.” Kahako looked to the ground after her little speech. Though she could not pick up Shin’s tone, she had this feeling that he did not like Satou’s existence. It confused her as to why, though. Growing up outside of Kumogakure, she didn’t understand as to why Shin would have such a prejudice against a man he just met. ‘Maybe I’m just reading the atmosphere wrong.’ She thought to herself, keeping her eyes to the ground.
Solidity. A strong will that could not be passed. His hand steady as he slowly let go. The introductions were done rather quickly and harshly so. The conversation continued. The demon faded in an out of his own conscious standing. The alcohol was burning away his strength. The weakness in his legs, felt more like softened rubber, His joints ached. He wanted to ware down his candle wick some more. But if he we're to release himself, before the Raikage, before his master. He would be assumed to have gone made with the fury of the gods above them. So instead, he breathed. Simply breathed soft breaths through his lips and nose. He was silent while the two spoke. Shin's voice, it irritated him. Raikage or not, the man was strong in his voice of absolute. It made the demon twitch a little bit inside. Shin's voiced reminded him of a particular old swordsman. Speaking of which, as the two gibbered, Satou turned and wandered from them to a nearby bench, like so many other bench's in this large village in the sky.

The soft sound of the wood creaking from his weight drew an aspirated sigh. White hot breath whispered past his lips as he leaned back, relaxed. Jittery, his hands went for his smokes. A few seconds, and one was lit. Hanging from his lips as he sat in the darkness. The field of endless void that surrounded the group dissipated. The lights in the street churned and glowed softly in the background once more. But the spot where Satou sat. It was the dead zone, no light would come near his flesh, as though the field of darkness was always around him. No matter what effort he put. Anyone in the area could feel a tense feeling of being threatened, coming from the dark deep creature that sat on the road side bench in Kumogakure.

Once the two had spoken, the demon rested. His words were the third installment. "I am a demon...A creature bound by blood to a mortal girl. I am instilled with a rank and entitlement for my power within the Shinobi world. I do the work of this village, for this village, for her people. And what is my reward?...To be stabbed by a frightened girl whom I saved, only to save another life by giving up my freedom. I have...nothing proud of my history to live for. Nor is my story worth being told to strangers..." He held the cigarette betwixt two fingers. Breathing in the smoke of thick snow white that escaped from his nostrils gently as from between his lips. Giving off an eerie beast like look with the combination of those demonic glowing eyes.

"I will guild my Master...As I do her bidding, I am sure she would not do harm to others through me. She is kind...maybe I believe in her...Maybe she reminds me of something I've lost so long...." He took another elongated drag off his Cigarette. Breathing out once more a flow of white smoke in the air.

The Demon didn't wish to speak for to long. He became silent as he smoked. Calming his nerves and curbing his drunken state of mind. His body was fatigued, having a smoke did indeed help steel his hunger.
Shin could see the despair in the man's face as the darkness enveloped him like a shadow. He meander toward a bench grasping his sanity as he spoke. It was not certain if Satou ignored Shin's warning or he truly was unaware of what he was actually saying. Shin kept a reasonable distance attempting to study his actions within the menacing darkness. Eventually the demonic oppression subsided and Satou composed himself. His persistency was admirable at least but pointless. If this man continued to banter on his walk as a demon Shin had to subdue it. He could not see a demon bound to a student and just let it be.

"You are obviously not listening to my words, Satou-san. You are not a demon but a shinobi is man made for self-sacrifice. It is only the corrupted who seek reward." Shin said responding to the docile man. "If you seek righteousness then walk that path but if you bind yourself to this young girl you will not find it. Let me help suppress the darkness that holds you." Shin said. Shin hands turned a bright white hue illuminated the area around him. His face was calm with nary any admonition.
Kahako watched as her words fell on deaf ears, and listened to Satou’s own input. As Shin began to glow with a white light, her worry only increased for what the Raikage was about to perform. Despite his calm words, Kahako did not see the Raikage as nonthreatening. What she did see, however, was the possibility of the bond she created with someone she began to see as friend about to be destroyed. But what could an academy student do? She definitely wasn’t powerful enough to protect her new bond, nor was she important at all when it came to rank. No, the only things Kahako had at her disposal in this disagreement were her words and her mind. She prayed that maybe this time they would be noticed.

Stepping forward, she made her way between the two men in hopes of stopping the battle that could possibly erupt. Was it the smartest idea to get between two deadly men? No. But desperate times called for desperate measures. And though the little girl didn’t say it, she did not want the man behind her to be alone. “Raikage-sama, in class you welcomed open and honest opinions and I wonder you accept them outside of your lectures as well. You believe that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. And you worry that Satou’s power will one day consume him. I, however, believe it is the small, everyday deeds of ordinary people that can keep darkness at bay; small acts of kindness and love. Why did I choose to become Satou-san’s Master? It wasn’t because of the promise of power. It was because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.” Kahako did not look away from her leader as she spoke. The light from his chakra reflected off the front of her, leaving her shadow to cast itself near Satou. Her eyes steeled in determination while her heartbeat speed up. Thoughts of ‘Please, don’t hit me. Please, don’t hit me,’ raced through her brain as she dared to continue. “And you say that we as shinobi are meant for one purpose, and that is to protect Kumogakure. I agree, but you also said in class that we must become one solid unit to do so. Satou and I may use the terms of Master and Servant, but the way I see it, we became a stronger unit for Kumogakure.”
Hayata Shin said:

"You are obviously not listening to my words, Satou-san. You are not a demon but a shinobi is man made for self-sacrifice. It is only the corrupted who seek reward." Shin said responding to the docile man. "If you seek righteousness then walk that path but if you bind yourself to this young girl you will not find it. Let me help suppress the darkness that holds you." Shin said. Shin hands turned a bright white hue illuminated the area around him. His face was calm with nary any admonition.

His heart beat pounded in his chest as a low shrieking sound hissed at the very corners of the shadows around them as the darkness dissipated around the Demon. He was being given a choice to suppress the demon inside himself. He wondered if such a thing was possible. Could this man redeem him? Could he be truly mended? He took a few moments of breath to think on it. He was going to give his answer, but his Masters words chimed true in his ears.

His smile, his devils grin was wide as ever. A cynical and maniacal smile. His eyes and facial expression hidden by the mounds of thick brown hair on his head. He began to laugh, but it was'nt a humans voice that erupted past the jagged teeth of the demons lips. No, it was different kind of laughter, the laughter that churned the heart of man frozen with fear. A noise of nightmares, and the deepest reaches in your mind. You feel the twitching sensation of danger when you hear this. Something you've never heard, but you know the sound. Seething screeching, like a scratching of chalk as if thrown through a beasts voice. In laughter, this chilling sound. Would even penetrate the Raikage's nerve endings.

His laughter, no. It's laughter was slowly crawling silently into the night, as the demons hot breath sighed whisped past its lips. "Oh I know why I chose you....You are so..." He grin lessened to a smirk that seemed human and chuckled jokingly "Heheh Kind....You remind me of my child. My daughter, she had the same big eyes as you. Such a nice kid."

Satou's nails dug deep into the headboards and an eruption of darkness filled the area around him. "In one night." The darkness ebbed and flowed, the ground started to shake around him,leaving a small tremble in the area. The ground began to crumble under the bench, a crater blowing up underneath as the ground disintegrated under the gravity as the bench ripped asunder. Yet all the pieces stayed in perfect circular formation around him within the darkness. Slowly dropping into the small bench sized crater. Lifting himself off a few planks of wood as it too splintered then grind itself away to dust in seconds. Swallowed by nothingness.

The darkness was somewhat seeping away in the air like a form of gas, the air felt heavy once more. But rather then tension. It was a depressing feeling. His voice was low and edged in a way. As if this story was as old as time itself. How one lost those he cared for, now buried in who knows where. What time it was? How long ago did he lose his way?

"My daughter was close to my Masters age. I had a Wife, she was my beautiful flower girl. She sold flowers in various villages from her garden beside our home. A cottage I built. With these demons hands." Hie raised his left, looking into the palm. How scared it was, roughened. It never healed, as if a constant reminder. He walked towards them. The darkness was slowly dissipating as he reached them. Though the sadness in the demons voice. Never left.

He breathed more calmly He was looking more of a mortal man, he seemed more feeble now. Like a sad dog, afraid of his own shadow(s). "In one night...I lost them both. I lost my family. My love, and the child with a smile brighter then the sun on a summers clear day." Satou's smile was warm. But tears drip down to his chin.

He put his hand through his hair, turning away as to not show such a miserable face. sniveling like a mortal man. How emotional was he, how unstable? He was able to wipe away the tears to save face. But the drowning of his voice kept it.
"I don't long ago...I can't see my wife's face...Its hidden by the darkness. But my daughter. I can still see her." His warmed eyes looked to the little girl he know idolized as his owner of body and soul.

"In you. I want to keep you safe. Because I see her when I see you. I don't want to lose her again. I don't want to forget my daughter. So I will not simply protect you from physical harm. I will keep you kind as she was. As she was to be. " He felt more reassured in himself. He hated his memories, how he heard their voices but plagued to forget their faces. His drooping eyes looked to the Raikage. To the jutsu of sealing light or some sorts he was using. "No...You can't seal it. You can force it upon me. But it'll come out any other way. It's everywhere."

There came a pause.

"It's everywhere."

"The demon that is I and myself. Are not just two entities. We are one, yet. It is not a being within the parameters of what you've ever seen or known. It's not a creature that mortals face. You may have met many demonic possessions. But what has became of this body, is much different." He spoke and stood more naturally. He was rather dry in speech.

He raised his hand rather casually, extending one finger to the glowing hand and merely poked the Raikages palm. There came a feeling. Like when you put your hand on a hot element on your stove. The jolt of alarming feeling to pull your hand back. Satou ripped his finger away from the light. something was seeping from his fingertip as the sound came again, but it from the trail of darkness from his finger that slowly pittled lightly in the air before vanishing.

"If you touch me with a seal of any kind, it'll latch onto you. It will infect you. You will know what it feels like to be controlled by something unknown inside of you. So I warn you. It will not cease, I am in control. So no worries" He sucked on his finger. A giant sizzling noise as he put the finger out. "Bloody hell that stung though...The old man tried that. Almost burnt his sword hand off. Retarded." He wobbled his gaze over to Higa-Chan. "OI! Why ain't you in bed yet?" He turned back to the Raikage. "You see this? It's bloody late and this little rooster is still up. This is punishment enough eh? " He swung back to Higa. " Your moms gonna be pissed Higa-chan. Go home and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow at class." He waved her away, standing now before the Raikage. Taking a side step as he stood in line of the Raikage.

"I have to talk with the Raikage....And my Mentor...." Suddenly. One could hear the weirdest whistle of movement. Like someone shot a dart from a blowgun. But the shuttle whistled on by out into the void of who knows where off in the distance. Maybe the odd ping of the blade from the pin sized senbon hit metal.

Satou had avoided a needle sized senbon by simply stepping forward and out of line as it went way of Higa's head missing the girl as the sembon was aimed right for the Demon's head but dodged just a few seconds before whistling on over. The demon was sweating bullets. He seemed more awkward. as he glanced behind the Raikage. Like a man poking out from his shield to face the dragon.

Off up the road, standing in a giants cowl. The behemoth Old Sword Sage sauntered slowly down the road. His long tree branch of a staff gently tapped along the ground. His flowing long white snowy beard waved gently in the night wind. His eyebrows long furrows of white, same shimmering white of his beard. His skin, aged and gaunt with muscle. his figure hidden by the mountain of white robes covering him. He walked with a giants hunch. His voice looming from the distance even Higa could hear the old man speak. A raspy old smoker.


"Demon...tis late and I ran out of wine. I ask you, fetch me some wine demon friend! And here I find myself. Staring at my Demon friend..." He stopped beside the Raikage. Glancing over. It was a simple glance. "The Raikage even has been involved. Hmmm....." The Elder stroked his beard. His giant hand the grasped upon the white was covered in bloodied bandages around a burnt hand. The demon didn't lie about the sealing attempt.

Satou was'nt paying attention if Higa left for home or not.
The small child was bold at best standing firm between Shin and the demon before him. Her words were sincere but questionable. How could she not see her doubtful actions. Those large eyes plastered on her face glimmered against the bright white that surrounded the small area around them. She could see the frustration in his stance given her actions were a matter of supererogation to keep himself from doing his duty. What would this child gain by allowing such a wild beast to run rampant in this village and to expect that young child will be its handler was inane to state it bluntly. Shin looked back toward the man who confessed his reasons by his unnatural obsession with Kahako. The disturbing shrills and laughter that accommodate his anecdote was enough to interest Shin. The catalyst of Satou's demonic influence was dependent on memories of his lost daughter. It was elementary to see that great emotional strain could cause Satou to loose control, especially if Kahako would to be in danger. At the same time, the emotional strain was keeping his sanity. "Hmm, an interesting state of balance." Shin thought.

Momentarily, his thoughts were broken once the man began to step forward. He demonstrated the futility of Shin's efforts as his index finger pressed against Shin's open palm. His finger quickly deflagrated like oil on a hot plate. He retreated explaining the noted observation.

"Your not entirely in control, Sataou-san. However, I am interesting to study your behavior.....contentiously." Shin said. "For the time being, Kahako can do what she pleases -- for now." The light hue drew into palm like a vacuum leaving nothing but darkness. He knelt down near the young girl pressed his hand against her shoulder unbeknownst of the small seal that he placed on her. "Even if you fail and if it not be me the village will not forsake you or Sataou."

Sataou wobbled his gaze over to Higa-Chan. "OI! Why ain't you in bed yet?" He turned back to the Raikage. "You see this? It's bloody late and this little rooster is still up. This is punishment enough eh? " He swung back to Higa. " Your moms gonna be pissed Higa-chan. Go home and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow at class." He waved her away, standing now before the Raikage. Taking a side step as he stood in line of the Raikage.

Shin gave a slight nod agreeing with the man's exhortation. Near the side of the road the sound of clattering wood hit the hard gravel surface, an elderly man with a spread of flowing white beard emerged from the darkness showing discontent. He was rather abrasive when he approached Sataou but he gave a sense of a genuine friendship.

"Kotsurugi-senpai, it is a pleasure to see you again?" Shin turned his gaze at the distinct wraps on the man's hand. "Where did you get that wound?"

[Apologies for the late post. I really am :(]
The laughter (if she could call it that) behind her cause her from saying anything further. It made Kahako’s heart plummet to her stomach. But the fear receded as his voice returned to normal. Satou’s comment on how she resembled his dead daughter calmed her from the initial fear, and shocked her a little too.

She was quiet as he spoke and remained so while he composed himself. How little did Kahako understand when it came to true tragedy? Earlier tonight she had been complaining about her father, but she would never understand the pain Satou had gone through for losing his family. She looked down and away from him. His promise to keep her kind and safe almost made her cry. When had she last heard those words from her own father? The tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to allow them to spill a second time tonight… at least not in front of the people standing before her. She began reaching for the charm around her neck again. The safety blanket that allowed her to stuff and calm her emotions.

“For the time being, Kahako can do what she pleases—for now.” The hand on her shoulder brought her out of her revere. “Even if you fail and if it not be me the village will not forsake you or Sataou.” He would see the tears in her eyes, but the smile of relief on her face. “Thank you, Raikage-sama,” She said simply and lowered her head in a small bow.

Oi! Why ain’t you in bed yet?” Came Satou’s voice. She turned to listen to him, realizing that once again, she had been distracted by the night. She was about to protest; tell him that she wasn’t living with her mother, but her aunt. However, the senbon that whizzed past her head made her mouth shut in surprise. “I have to talk with the Raikage…. And my Mentor…”

Kotsurugi was the name of the older man who walked out of the shadows, and even the Raikage seemed to respect the man. However, Satou was right, and despite wishing to stay and watch what would happen, she needed to get home. It was close, and besides, this place could have possibly become a lot more dangerous. “Hai, good night Satou-senpai” Kahako said, turning to leave home.

[Topic left unless stopped]

((OOC: Was tons of fun guys, and I would love to stay, but sadly, Kahako would listen to her new sensei. :p))

The demon smiled and waved his student away to see her leave for her house. A deep sigh escaped in a bellow of heated breath in the air. "Damn, I'm in for it...." He looked to the elder, as if the old man was the grim reaper himself. " What Alcoo-" He only mouthed the word as the giants foot lifted and planted to his face.

"Shut up....Your voice is irritating me Demon." The old shinobi grumbled as he etched closer. Adjusting in a quick hop into the air he stood on Satou's face despite his massive size with his right foot planted firmly. "Hammer toe." A giant rush of chakra flowed down the leg then dispersed from his bare foot. Sending the demons skull square three feet under the ground. The giant sighed. "That was fun." He pulled his foot out. Shaking the bits of dirt into the demons face. "Get me my booze when you wake up. Idiot." Kotsurugi brushed his beard gently as he looked off into the distance. "So, You contracted yourself with that child eh?...I wonder. How things will turn out. Interesting." The old Nanjirou turned and paced toward the Raikage.

"Ah, excuse my manners Raikage-Sama. This?" He looked to his wounded hand. "A flesh wound from an accident when using a certain sealing jutsu. I sealed some of It, but if I aimed to completely seal his demonic form. I would have lost my arm, Or maybe worse." He paused but was able to move his fingers, but only slowly. The burnt flesh still stung rather deeply. "He'll wake up soon and gather the things I originally let him go out to retrieve for me. Food,wine and such. I grew tired of waiting for his return. So I left my home, my belly empty of wine. And also, a very bitter hang over. To find him, here, causing you trouble. I do apologize for his idiocy. He's still....Unstable, mentally and physically. But he has a good heart on his shoulder. And he wears it even in the face of death. I hope you can find him useful to your cause. I'll be out of commission for some time. Still getting the nerves synced as well as trying to stable chakra again and all." He chuckled softly.

"How about I walk yee home Lord Raikage?" He motioned for them to leave. The demon still tuck in the ground was'nt moving very much. Mostly bodily jitters and muscle convulsion trying to pry his head out of the ground.
There was a sense of disapproval on Shin's face when he witnessed Kotsurugi's actions. The majority of Shin's face was void of emotion except his excited eyebrows raised at what he had just seen. "Was that necessary." Shin inquired as he looked to examined the man's injury. There was no visual injuries besides the broken pride that the man had to endured. Satou's face was painted in dirt like a drenched painted and his white hair was left untouched. He looked like a freshly plucked radish on harvest day.

The old man gave his apology and addressed Shin's question. He spoke with a callous tone perhaps still feeling the wavering inebriation. At least his story verified the Sataou's claims.

"I do have reasonable doubts about his self-control. You know very well how much damage demons can bring. However, it seems the only way that he is capable of subduing his demonic nature is being with Kahako-chan." Shin said as he crossed his arms expressing his contempt at his own resolution. "I do with him as I can." Shin was no where near letting this go in fact he would continue to analyze the growing relationship between Kahako and Sataou.

"How about I walk yee home Lord Raikage?" The old man motioned for them to leave.

"One moment." Shin said pausing as he walked over toward the man as his right hand drove into the ground. He lifted Satou's head from the ground and maneuver his body on to his shoulder. Shin could feel the pressure of the man's body burrow into his shoulder. "I want to prevent any further incidents. You mind if he stays at your place for a while. I must report back to Torre Celeste."

[[Leaving Topic]]


Current Ninpocho Time:
