Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open DJ of the Docks

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021

In the mountainous village of Kumogakure, nestled deep within the heart of the Land of Lightning, there was a place shrouded in secrecy, known only to a select few. It was a network of ancient, labyrinthine sewer systems hidden beneath the village's bustling streets and looming mountains. The sewer system had long been forgotten by most as new technologically advanced systems overshadowed the ancient waterways. The waterway entrances were sealed long ago by powerful earth jutsu.The idea predates the dates where everyone within Kumogakure knew some sort of jutsu. Now, even the poorest commoner in Cronopolis knows chakra is in everyone now.

Within these spider riddled and damp airy halls a dark beat reverbated off the walls. A melody that forced one's head to bob like a metronome. One’s shoulders instinctively moved to the foreign beat as something whimsical overtook their senses. The power of music forged bonds greater than blood, capable of setting differences aside or uniting one another. Everyone loved to move to music but only a special few utilized tunes to their full power. Kumogakure was no stranger to these shinobi of course. Further down the waterways it became apparent young adult shinobi had been up to no-good.


Down the hall and through the doorway the lights from the show radiated and flickered on beat. The crowd produced enough energy to fuel the city for a week. Every individual dressed down in strange eccentric clothing that never saw the light of daytime or the village streets. The lights from the massive stage and towering bass stereos weren’t the only dazzling spectacles. Neon glow sticks twirled in the hands of the crowds. Amongst them were people focused on the personal lightshow while others continued to shake and move however they felt. At the center of the stage, the place where the muse was made stood a large creature in the shape of a lobster… or shrimp. Shrimply put, a merman that gained enough sentience to play fire tracks for the youth. That had to be all… right?

As more and more people began to arrive at the underground rave the DJs antenne twitched suspiciously. A lobster claw moved rather carefully to place another vinyl on the turntable and with a few more precise movements the volume turned up and produced even more energy from the crowd. The Lobsterman DJs body began to surround itself in a whimsical white aura that only experienced shinobi could see. What exactly was going on here? Through the crowd one might’ve caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Dressed down in flowy and breathable attire that exposed her skin to onlookers. Both arms are laced with handmade jewelry, rumored to have the name ‘candy’ that can be traded for countless items. Hips swayed with the beat, feet bounced to the beat while a free hand held ‘vacation juice’ that she sipped from. On the other hand was a massive polearm that acted like a banner for her friends to spot her from afar. Lost in the sauce of music her body moved to the beat. From her peripherals, brown hues caught a glimpse of the minute spike in chakra from the stage. Quickly the feel dissipated as the beats entranced her once again.

DJ LBSTR (Lvl 3)
HP: 1000
CP: 3000
Class Bonus: +2 Genjutsu DC
High: Genjutsu DC
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy

[This an open thread that I'll leave open for 2-3 days before making the next post. Feel free to join and await what happens!
Further along the event I will be making consequence rolls, stay tuned!]
[More thread edits along the way as I'm at work posting this]
[Topic Entered]



New Member
May 23, 2023
Eichi was one that liked to think to himself. Sometimes his thoughts tried to overcome him, at other times, he kept his mind quiet through meditation. The night was still young. He'd be at his clan house at such hours, training or catching some sleep. This might, however, the boy took one of his uncommon walks through the streets of Kumo. The last time he did so was during a festival event, where he eventually met Sakura. It was great to know he wasn't alone in this world, as his thoughts and ideals, were somewhat similar, but drastically different from hers. The old folk lore here was interesting. He even thought of how the district looked back in the days, when people were homeless and the place was a 'slym area'. There were a few remains of the slums, a few abandoned buildings here, a person sleeping in the alleyway there.

It wasn't until he passed an old alleyway, shadows concealing everything that lay within. A hand moved to his coat, grabbing him. A hysterical man looked to Eichi, going on about something hidden beneath. At first the boy shrugged it off, offering him some Ramen, but this guy made whatever he was talking about sound more valuable than his next meal. Eichi continued on, thinking about what the man said. 'Shinobi and dark times?' If anything the information could help him with matters of the village. Sakura even held some information on such hidden things herself. He doubled back, and was led through the alley into the sewers. The sewers wasn't his thing, but he followed suit, his interest bringing him to some loud music. He sort of liked the tunes, but what he saw bewildered him.

Oh no, Hon would be bleeped if he saw what was going on down here. Let alone, he was actually going to enter in anyway. Maybe this would be one of those stories for back at home? He was sure some of his younger cousins would be entertained. The scene was greatly built, but horrific at the same time.

Something about the lobster dj just didn't sit right with him. Was he the leader of this event? The homeless guy seemed to disappear, not entering the fray at all. The music began to mess with his mind a bit, the boy continuing to eye the scene from a doorway entrance. It wasn't until it released a white aura that he contemplated if it was more than just a... lobster... creature?

[ Topic Entered | MFT | WC: +400 ]


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Enraptured is not quite the word. There's a different one; she weighs it on the tip of her tongue, and it comes to her. Tries to. Before she can taste it, the thrumming and beating of her heart races louder, emboldened by the growing music — and all hopes of finding a description for what her eyes lay upon is lost. Seized by the discord that surrounds her. So she settles for this: affected. She is feeling... affected.

This canvas which she finds herself thrust within is not easily painted. While things certainly scream, they don't scream Chodayu's scene. She moves through the crowd like a fish circling lily pads in a lotus pond. Every shoulder bumped is an apology mouthed, but like with any thought, her words are lost in the crowd. Unneeded; unheard. At some point she's forced to a stop, obstructed by a man-made wall. A group of teenagers her age, exploding with a thrill aimed in a particular direction that Chodayu can't seem to catch from her position. So, she curiously maneuvers around the group, and — before dual jades swipe past the lobster man(?) — she sees the target of their attention.

And she's never quite seen someone move so ungracefully... well. As though possessed by the rhythm. A girl her junior, enraptured by the symphony that booms from the DJ. Then, her gaze slides back to this DJ. The lobster. Man. Lobsterman. Her eyes flutter just a little wider, and she doesn't hear her own thoughts but she knows they poise a question or two.

wc 259

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
As time flowed like an unstoppable current, the crowd within the ancient sewer-turned rave grew in both size and energy. The intricately choreographed dance circles that once dominated the scene began to shrink, a natural evolution in the ebb and flow of the club experience. Soon, groups tightened together, leaving just enough room for everyone to move and shake in place. The more hardcore individuals, well-versed in the ways of the underground scene, understood the inevitable destiny of the dance floor, hell some even embraced it. Veterans of the scene could vouch for anyone. With a drug induced mind's eye they foresaw the gathering storm of bodies. The pulsating beat agitated the crowd, pushing everyone closer together. The stage, now packed tight with people, became the epicenter of an electrifying atmosphere.

As DJ LBSTR continued to work their magic on the track, the aura around him intensified. Vibrating, the whimsical white glow that dimly encompassed him expanded, casting an otherworldly light across the sea of faces. The flickering aura reverberated through the crowded space. Hairs across one's arm stood up, the vibrations from the booming bass overwhelmed the senses, the connection between the music and the crowd spun together like a whirlpool.

In the midst of the tightly packed crowd, a hushed whisper passed among the seasoned revelers. A tingling hunch hinted at something sinister on the horizon that came from the stage. The anticipation heightened while the chakra infused beats invaded the minds of the crowd. Their senses would be suppressed, overtaken by the mesmerizing tone. The underground rave in Kumogakure was on the brink of something interesting, and the crowd, lost in the beats and surrounded by the glow of neon lights, were about to become part of an unforgettable experience. If this happened only the lucky, and mostly sober… few were able to avoid it. Those who succumbed had their eyes turn red and glowy and in unison snapped to face the stage. With big meaty claws the slider on the DJ mixer slide up, amplifying the volume to immerse the crowd even further. Through the microphone the DJ’s voice boomed on beat. A voice that sounded like carbonated salt water echoed out “Now, get down to the depths of this track!” The antennae wriggled and writhed sporadically in every direction. Onlookers grew uneasy at the sight but in a flash they too would soon become subjugated to his musical genjutsu.

DJ LBSTR has begun to cast a general genjutsu over the crowd. With this in mind he has a +10 total to Genjutsu DC. (Bonuses and all).
Tl;dr More people began to fill the rave and get crowded, something is afoot, do you succumb to the music or notice nothing at all?
Feel free to DM me with direction, suggestions, tips, or requests for me to roll for you using your stats! This is my first time doing rolls and "DMing" a story!
Sorry for the delay.
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New Member
May 23, 2023
Making his way through the crowd, he could feel the vibes of the music. He began to nod, listening to the tempo of the beat. It began to mess with his mood a little, but it was unnoticed as he made his way through the crowd. Many were showing their stuff. He approached a mosh pit, where people were dancing vigorously. Another circle of dancers were break dancing, showing their best moves. Another circle had dudes and dudettes dancing. Each circle was different yet impressive. Trying not to linger around any group for to long, he managed to make it to the front of the crowd, where everyone was jumping and vibing with the crowd. Eichi began to join in, trying to blend in more so. It seemed that no one noticed him. He didn't exactly stick out, moreover, he blended in by being unnoticeable. His dark clothing probably played a part in it, but nevertheless, he was about to pull off what he called, plan A.

As he jumped with the crowd, he began to move chakra to his palms. He waved his hands with the crowd, as he moved them back to his sides, he thrust his palms to the dj, a blast of Wind aimed at his dj equipment . The AiT was aiming to see whether the dj's music had this influence on the crowd. If not, he'd just broken a lobsters dj equipment for no reason, and it would probably cost. If his hunch was correct, however, he'd see what events would unfold. He thought the people here were in a trance because of the music. It came to him when he noticed his body moving involuntarily, keeping with the instrumentals that played. Even if the lobster's pinky twitched just enough to create a rip in the tempo of the music, Eichi would have enough time to notice any changes in the crowd. He kept a hopeful eye open, studying the dj booth.

[ MFT | WC: +300 ]

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
sea of red eyes.png

The waves of music laced with DJ LBSTRs’ chakra had successfully invaded the crowd at the underground rave. In jarring unison, the crowd stopped dead in their tracks, each one of them turned to face the stage. Suddenly, In a flash the effervescent light show, once a display of radiant colors, all turned dark foreboding neon reds. The lights mimicked the glowing crimson eyes of the crowd. Sinister smiles adorned the faces of each individual, an eerie ambience overtook the atmosphere. The weight of the music grew heavier, the intensity of the bass lines, to the wicked beats, all shifted into overdrive. The DJ scratched the track again, the mixer had turned out to be a tool to control the crowd under his genjutsu.

Like a nation of troops headed to war with boots on the ground the mind controlled crowd marched out of the sewers. The music that echoed throughout the tunnels and hidden stairwells faded into the distance. However, the lingering muse reverberated clearly in the minds of each raver. As tens to hundreds of teens and young adults emerged from the rave, the ground began to rumble. A storm had come to terrorize Kumogakure once again. The music played in the ravers' minds, subtly shifting in tones of the melody, it directed certain people to part ways. As if Moses himself attended the raid, the sea of teens parted ways into two distinct groups. A large group gathered through a choke point to move down towards the Docks. Just what was this DJ trying to accomplish? The intentions of the DJ’s motive remained a mystery. Could the fresh minds of the shinboi break free of the mind-control or continue to be nothing but a puppet?

The other group shifted their march further within the Cronopolis. A sea of red eyes gazed over the horizon and in the distance a billboard appeared in front of a restaurant. An illustration of a Red Lobster was displayed on the billboard. In a twist of fate, Eichi, Akane and Chodayu had been moved to the same group. The sea of people looked towards the entrance, and with another record scratch, the DJs tune compelled them all to attack. Whether through rudimentary jutsu, advanced jutsu or just a good old fashioned brick, each mind controlled individual would attempt to attack and destroy the restaurant. All the while another sea of mind controlled party-goers moved down towards the docks. Kumogakure stood at the mercy of the DJ’s chaotic rave, a trail of uncertainty and peril lying in wake.

gen check
17 vs 24
Eichi failed gen check
gen check
Chodayu failed gen check
gen check
Akane failed gen check
Tl;dr The music was so good everyone succumbed to DJ LBSTRs genjutsu!
With your next post, perform a roll (or I can do it for you if you message me here or DM on discord) with a +2 advantage on your Gen save!


New Member
May 23, 2023
Shaking his head and coming too, Eichi looked towards the window that was busted open. The restaurant looked slightly damaged. The brick that was thrown into it now lay on the ground, glass scattered about here and there. He looked around to see people on either side of him. "What's going on here?" He asked the girl beside him, Akane. Wondering if she would answer, he would look towards Chodayu. She also seemed to be vibing to a melody in her mind. The boy couldn't shake the feeling that the lobster had put something in his mind. The way he moved to that music, he wished he could have stopped the creature sooner. This scene wouldn't have happened if he could.

Why was it so tough to break free of such a mess? So many together, but under the influence of something crazy. To see such an army was terrifying. It would be noticed sooner or later, hopefully sooner rather than later. This was something he'd hear about in the morning, but was there a way to stop it? He didn't want to hear how many were killed because of some shinobi outbreak in the village. Eichi tried to pull himself together. There was a way to stop all of this, but he had to find the answer of freeing himself first. He knew he would need help as we-

He felt the vibe overcoming him again. He once again tried to shake it off, but he needed a way to keep sane. He looked around at the others, unsure of if he'd be able to save everyone. One thing was for sure, he wouldn't give up here.

[ WC: 276 | MFT ]


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Poised tall, weaving through the crowd as though on her accord. Knows it isn't. Nothing seems to be on her own accord. She's affected by it. Spider webs; puppet strings, whatever it may be. Dark eyes veer over her neighbors, all of them spellbound by the beats produced under a lobster-man's hands. Claws? Limbs? A wince finds its way to Chodayu's left brow. She eyes him down, and she never looks for a moment too long. The crowd is ever-moving, persistent in swallowing & taking her with it, and so her attention is forced to follow.

If it isn't clear by now: something's wrong. Despite untraditional music, one neither of strings nor flutes — certainly not what Chodayu likes — she's led by the crowd with.. a smile. Fog paints over obsidian duos, and she sways. A little wrong, a little awkwardly in comparison to her eccentric neighbors, but... she sways. Something's wrong.

Then, eyes flash red, pearls flash wide, and she doesn't think to question it. Simply moves with them, eager to strike down the establishment that happens to appear in their way. Chodayu's palms burn with chakra, and she brings them up & forth in one easy motion, and — thrusts towards the entry.

wc 204
[pls roll for Chodayu : pray : as im not sure how 2 yet]

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
The restaurant quickly descended into chaos as the attack of mind-controlled teens turned the place into a battleground. The party-goers, with their red glowing hues laced with malevolence, unleashed a variety of jutsu with the intent on leveling the place. Fireballs soared through the air, setting all in its path ablaze. In an organized fashion wind users stepped forward. From their palms slashes of wind cut through the atmosphere, tearing through the brick structure. Another shinobi, Chodayu, plainly walked to the doorway, coalescing chakra in their fist to smash the heavy see-through doors open. With a powerful burst of wind the doors flew off their hinges, the air stoking the flames. Those who specialized in water found themselves facing the kitchen entrance behind the building. Blasts of water blew through the doorway, flooding the kitchen to leave a watery wreckage in its wake.

The combination of fire, water and wind elemental jutsu created its own muse of destruction. Different from the tantalizing melody that controlled their every move. The once fine establishment had been turned upside down, the teens leaving behind a ruinous sight. Tables had flipped, chairs scattered and the air filled with the scent of burned wood. In the chaos, live bottom feeding lobsters that were next up for Wednesday's soup special, made their escape with the currents out of the back door. The DJ’s devil music poisoned the mind of the ravers, was their only purpose to free… sea life…?

Admisted the chaotic scene Akane’s heart pounded against her chest with a concoction of determination and bewilderment. Fingers tightly coiled around her make-shift banner, with expertise Akane spun her spear in one hand before catching it. The spear head glimmered as it aimed itself at the restaurant's billboard. With ten toes dug into the dirt she prepared herself to launch forward in a flash her spear darted forward piercing and felling the signage to the ground. A loud laugh bellowed out from her. “This is for taking away Endless Shrimp Sunday!” Suspiciously raging against DJ LBSTRs’ narrative. Had she broken free of the genjutsu after the uniformed wind attack?

As the restaurant crumbled to nothing behind her, a few shinobi leaped back into reality. The entrancing muse faded from their minds, returning them to normal. Some had better luck than others. Akane continued to look at her work and with a cheeky grin and a quick nod she was proud of her design, ‘The people getting back at the establishment!’. That was until she turned to see the total destruction of the restaurant. “Shit, shit shit!” In a panic her eyes scanned the sea of malevolent faces.

The tides shifted, converging with the ocean of mind-controlled ravers at the docks. Stragglers that were left behind had broken free of the genjutsu, their minds foggy of the recent events but clear enough to understand the situation at hand. One of the stragglers had been a goth kid with white streaks in his hair, face Akane vaguely recognized. With a shrug she rushed over to him, a hand wearily reached out to touch his shoulder, upon contact she’d break any spell that controlled him. The red glow began to fade from his eyes. Akane looked over her shoulder to see if any other stragglers needed to be broken free, fortunately not many needed her assistance, a telling sign as the red glow from the free ravers eyes had faded to nothing. “Damn it… Now what do I do…” Brown hues stopped another raver who stood bewildered in front of the restaurant. Hoping they’d recognize the dire situation, a critical decision had to be made. Stop the sea of teens from destroying the docks or charge after the future seafood platter that was the DJ.

We all were given a +2 on Gen Save! Written so if you pass the check you break free of the genjutsu.
gen check
11 vs 16
Eichi failed gen check
gen check
27 vs 1
Akane broke free of the Genjutsu!
gen check
17 vs 5
Chodayu broke free of the Genjutsu!
Akane and Chodayu broke free from the genjutsu! Akane has begun to cancel the Genjutsu on Eichi, if allowed he will be free. What will the Trio do? Stop the DJ or save the docks? Whatever you all want to do! Pick a direction and get after it!


New Member
May 23, 2023
Eichi shook his head, opening his eyes. The scene was still a tragic one. 'There's no way. I'm awake!? This isn't a dream?' He looked around. Yep, people were still flooding the streets, tearing down establishments, and wreaking havoc. For the numerous others of shinobi to be defeated by one lobster thing was truly disheartening. Eichi looked for the one that awakened him, but there were so many around, he didn't know who to thank.

He decided that he'd find the lobster dj, and take it out. Maybe all of this creature's doing would be put to an end, once and for all. "I'm going after the lobster!" The boy shouted, unaware of who would follow him. He needed this villian put down once and for all.

As Eichi moved he activated his Active Camo, doing his best to blend in with his surroundings. As he looked for the lobster he began to search for the dj's chakra signature. It was only a matter of time before he'd run into the villian.

If he found the dj, he'd immediately move into stealth, his camp giving him a slight advantage. He'd come up with a plan to take this lobster down once and for all. If his prediction was correct, if the dj was taken down, the terms would be freed. Then maybe everyone would help with clean up?... or not.

(( A stealth roll and a search and find roll for the lobster. Please and thanks! ))


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
No longer a crowd but a body of river; the hem of Chodayu's hakama soaks in it. Much like with the chaos, she ignores this. As though it isn't worth regarding. And, in that moment, she decides it isn't. Above all the destruction & its resinous musk, something else plagues her senses. Like a shroud, it sits over the eyes that flit momentarily down. To the escapee-creatures. And so, here, it comes to her. Not slowly, not gently, but as a truck would with a wall. It hits her, and it hits her hard. And, as with many things in her life, her mask fails to hint at this. Chodayu simply blinks herself back to life.

She allows herself a good moment, maybe two, before she casts her (now clear) gaze over the scene. At its raw welcome, her tongue makes a displeased sound, inevitably lost in the discord of the storm. And so; unsmiling, she turns to the teenagers first.

Her plans is as follows: to traverse water, chaos, and man, until she can reach higher ground. Perhaps a destroyed chunk from the wreckage. There, she'd climb onto it, freeing her legs (and more importantly, her clothes) from the sea of persons. Then, she'd inhale, and, with a controlled voice, Chodayu would call out to those closest to her (making sure to lock their gazes should they humor the idea of ignoring her) —

"Everybody, you've just woken from a genjutsu. If you can, please help the ones still impaired; use the cancelling technique and free your friends!" She'd learned of it in class, but she'd never truly mastered it at her rank. Alas, if she couldn't directly help, then...

wc 278

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Amidst the chaotic aftermath, Eichi surveyed the desecrated landscape with weary eyes. His confusion momentarily beats out his awareness of Akane, who has positioned herself nearby to support the other ravers. With a spark of determination and gusto decided to seek out the villainous crustacean who mind controlled the ravers, to draw in all of his ANBU training, focused on his mission and moved silently with faint footsteps that barely shook the gravel beneath them. In this heightened state, he spotted the white glow of chakra that led back towards the DJ. Swiftly, he moved forward, blending into his surroundings with the ANBU’s signature active camouflage to make him near invisible. Even the DJ, with his freaky black eyes, failed to detect the stealthy shinobi.

Meanwhile, Chodayu winced at the sudden release from the genjutsu that ensnared her mind. In the following moment, a surge of leadership coursed through her veins. Swiftly, she mantled over the wreckage, perching on a section of the roof that hadn’t burned down, overlooking the parking lot. A voice of an older teen echoed out, commanding the attention of the bewildered ravers to assist or aid the few who have been left behind or injured. Although Akane was unfamiliar with this person dressed in strange clothing, her curiosity propelled her to continue her work supporting the fallen and injured ravers.

Unfortunately, the rest had already begun to move to the docks. With a shift in the music from DJs' turntables, the mind controlled ravers began to unleash their jutsu onto the docks where one of Kumogakure's imports, fish and more specifically lobster, had been hunted and stored. Fires began to erupt as the ravers slowly began to attack the massive docks. Fires erupted as the docks fell under attack. Meanwhile, Akane and Chodayu who had stayed behind began to cancel the mind control jutsu on the ravers, although the free minds weren’t shinobi but average ravers with no combat prowess.

The brown haired teen looks at them in disgust, "Just great... Maybe I should just leave. I am NOT paying for any of this. Think I wanna do community service? Hell no!" Akane selfishly stated, a hand moved to grab her phone on her hip. After a few pats she noticed she dropped her phone somewhere during her mind control stupor. Angrily she grit her teeth, hands clasped her head as she shook it side to side all frazzled. "Damn it! It's at the rave! Auuugh!" A teen-angst filled groan escaped her chest.

Her frazzled frustration turned to determination as she connected the dots. "That scumbag DJ..." she muttered, gradually realizing the pieces of the puzzle. Unbeknownst to her, Akane began moving towards the DJ, driven by a growing resolve. From the corner of her eye Chodayu may have spotted a few capable ninja retracing their steps back towards the underground rave. A compelling sense of curiosity and a sense of vengeance, whether with justice or violence, drove her to see an end to this madness.

The music still thudded throughout the rave. The strength of the bass never wavered and the loud music made any signs of attacks impossible to foresee. There on the stage the freakish crustacean in a Hawaiian tee, DJ LBSTR, continued to relentlessly pump up the beats. Each different octave forced the controlled minds to work faster. Eichi moved invisibly to get a surprise angle on the unknowing DJ. Beside the stage and the distracted DJ Chodayu may have noticed the familiar face of a teen walking throughout the muddy field looking for her phone. If she were to attack the distracted DJ would Akane rush to assist? Or would her own fighting prowess be enough to single-handedly take down the tormentor of the seafloor's aquatic DJ? Akane looked around frantically, and like a calling from the soul she spotted her phone next to her legendary weapon. “My precious!” Skittering over to her belongings like an animal she clutched her phone and spear, holding them dearly.

Akane, Eichi, and Chodayu have returned back to rave. DJ LBSTR is unaware of Eichi's presence. Chodayu and Akane are equipped and ready for combat!
Eichi, you passed the stealth check. You stealth was higher than DJ LBSTRs awareness. I forgot to post DJ LBTSRs stats but you win by 10!
The original post has DJ LBSTRs class. 1k Hp! We can do actions based around the current system. Send me your actions for one round!
P.s, I am not a mod or well versed in the battle system, forgive me if things don't sound right or add up!

[Edits: Grammar in spoiler]​
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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Round 1... GANBATTE!


HP: 2000 - 70 - 70 = 1860
CP: 2000 - 215 - 215 = 1570
Class Feature: None
High: None
Average: All
Low: None​

HP: 1000 - 685 - 685 = -370 KO!
CP: 3000
Class Bonus: +3 Genjutsu DC
High: Genjutsu DC
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
Low: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Melee Accuracy​
Chodayu sees her target!​

DJ LBSTR sees their target!

1 AP Chodayu casts Air Bullet
1 AP Chodayu casts Air Bullet
.75 AP DJLBSTR attacks Chodayu
.75 AP DJLBSTR attacks Chodayu

DJ LBSTR is knocked out!


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
The awakened don't react much. Those to be awakened don't seem like they'll offer a different surprise. If she knows nothing but of the jutsu, then they know not even how a jutsu works. Dread spreads over the heart like spider webs on a grave, and Chodayu answers it with a soundless huff. To her side is a voice, mirroring the turmoil of her surroundings, barely heard over it — barely understood. In the distance she finds a line of shinobi — different from the rest — making their way elsewhere. So she shifts, dipping back into the waters and trailing after them.

Then she loses them, and her eyes flit over her shoulder. To her peripheral. And she moves again, and spots the creature adorning modern attire up on his stage. The only non-human. Empty dots train over the Lobster Man. She easily moves once again, like she knows to do nothing else. And, just as a furrow settles over her brows, she hears it. The same voice from before.

My precious!

Eyes zip to the girl. "Ah, careful," is but a whisper, nothing she means for the other to hear. What she does want her to hear — (Chodayu's hands slap together a sequence of hand seals) — is this:

"You've got him!"

But as her first palm thrusts forward with an elemental sphere, her second pushes to finish the job. The 2nd air bullet tears through the space and crashes into the creature in one final blow. And it's only moments later that Chodayu realizes the lobster had struck her back somehow, and she recoils back as though uncertain. And, in her uncertainty, she blinks towards the girl. "Are... you alright?" Perhaps he'd hit her too without Chodayu knowing.

wc 250+

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Chodayu acted swiftly when her eyes locked onto the DJ of the rave. Hands clasped together in a series of hand seals. With expertise, which most genin lacked at all ages, a one-two combo rang out from her hand seal. Shredding the sound barrier the bursts of air blasted through the DJ with unrelenting force. In a pathetic attempt to fight back the DJ suddenly shifted the beats to inflict any kind of damage at the attacker. The attempts to survive were fruitless as Chodayu made clean work of the shrimp. It could’ve only been better with cocktail sauce or hell, even some butter. The damage given to DJ LBSTR was too great, silently in a world mute of deep sea ancestral beats the DJ died without freeing its brethren from the jail cells at the docks.

As DJ LBSTR crumpled into nothing the entrancing muse of the genjutsu dissipated, releasing its hold on the minds of the ravers. The sudden turn of events triggered a cascading effect like water hitting the beaches. This causes the ravers previous under the DJs genjutsu to revert back to their normal selves. Amidst the murmurs of confusion the crowd of partygoers retreated from the docks, as they returned to the venue the chaos of the events gradually subsided as well.

As the event began to resolve, Chodayu curiously turned to the young teen who clutched her possessions like a child to a teddy bear. Was she unaware or did she only care about her material possessions? Through teary eyes Akane shakily held out her hand, revealing her cracked cellphone screen. The phone had been trampled over during the chaos of the mind-controlled ravers. “All my photos! How am I going to post the pictures onto my Kinstagram now!?” A pitiful, agonizing groan escaped the teens’ chest. The technology her device was built upon was rare, a luxury for the well-off. It seemed she’d have to steal another again.

Through her frustrations Akane rose to stand up near Chodayu. Amidst the fading chaos Akane could sense the DJs malevolent tunes were merely memories. The duo witnessed the gradual restoration of order within the underground rave. The brown haired teen turned to Chodayu, “You killed him?” A hand covered her own eyes, confused, “Killed? Killed who? I couldn't see.” A devilish smirk crossed her face. “Nee-chan…” An eyebrow rose to the moon, brown hues inspecting the attire of Chodayu. “What’re you even doing at one of these… Zero sense of the scene… And you attack the DJ… Are you a narc?” Akane’s sarcastic suspicions poked and prodded at Chodayu. “Whoever you are, thanks for saving us. Wait… where’s the other kid…?” She looked around but saw no trace of the other shinobi.

The young teen bent over to pick up her weapon. With a big stretch, she let out a girlish squeak, “If you want to stick around and wait for the MPs’ to get here, be my guest!” Her makeshift banner, that was really a gold spear, rested on her shoulder. “With how you handle these monsters, you’re probably good enough to fight other monsters.” Her finger snapped loudly, “You should join the Monster Hunting branch! We’re looking for people!” Her hand spun into a thumbs up, nodding to Chodayu. “Look for my senpai… Sennin Rei! Tell her Akane sent ya! That’ll wake her ass up.” Akane snickered, turning around she made her way out of the venue. Leaving behind the memory of the nightmarish event, that was her daily life, the whole damn ordeal tested the might and resilience of the Shinobi and ravers alike.

[Mini-event has been completed!]
[Chodayu serving up the dinner special!]
[Topic left unless stopped.]
[Thanks for joining Chodyau and Eichi! Your patience is much appreciated.
I hope we can write again in the future! I'll be looking forward to it!]
[Here's a little somethin' I cooked up for funsies!]


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Peace carefully sews itself back into place. What is left makes up confusion and some withering (metaphorical) fire from the evening's discord. Residue of feelings. Eyes slide to her side, and Chodayu catches this, too: tears. A slight lift to her brows. Then, a tug — "Kinstagram...?" — when the girl voices her frustrations & Chodayu fails to interpret them.

The next suggestion is accompanied by a gesture. Familiar, she's ashamed to admit. She pokes forward a smile of her own only to lose hold of it when another unfamiliar term is tossed her way. Narc. This time, she doesn't question it. Molds her lips and shapes her arms around one another. "Ah, I'd best be on my way, too.". She has no incentive to be caught loitering about in a rave. There would be no good explanation for her sisters back home. The idea of this girl — Akane — living in a comparable circumstance angles her crown. Perhaps she's being chased by these... narc people.

"Oh?" A smile almost slips out. "I'll consider. Thank you, Akane-chan." Hunting monsters? Whatever will they say? Once Akane's shoulder is turned, Chodayu's lips break in a thin curve.

Was it fair to the rest of partygoers if she concluded the evening as... fun?

wc 208
[topic exit]
[thank u for a great thread!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
