Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Donuts! Get Your Donuts! [open]

Oct 22, 2012
Tomo folded his arms as he observed his handiwork. Tama and his uncle were away on missions, so he had the house to himself for once. He had wanted to practice something before, but he knew he'd be hounded by his relatives if they were around to see him. Tomo had recently took up cooking and baking, things that apparently were hobbies that women liked in a man, though this probably wasn't necessarily gender specific. If he were ever to have a significant other, he wouldn't mind someone who could make at least one good meal. Today's practice was specifically baking donuts. They seemed to be a popular treat in Kumogakure, so logically his popularity would double if he could perfect them. They certainly weren't hard to shape, especially with Tomo's fine eye for detail. The taste, however, was what he worried would fail. He grabbed one from the pile he'd created and took a bite. It tasted acceptable. They were simply glazed, nothing fancy, so as long as they tasted the way they should, Tomo counted them as successful.

Tomo dusted off the flour from his purple apron and shirt. He wasn't a neat freak by any means, but he wasn't sure he wanted to be walking around covered in white powder. However, he paused to consider this, thinking about the reaction he might get from it. It would be an obvious giveaway that he was baking, so maybe it wasn't too bad an idea to stay like this. Tomo turned his attention to the donuts, unsure of how to rid them from the kitchen. Any proof of his new skills and his family would designate him the new cook of the household, a title he would rather avoid. He didn't want to throw them away, but he also didn't want to leave them in the house, nor could he eat them all by himself. Inspiration struck, and he soon smiled mischievously. "Might as well make some money off from my new skills."

Tomo brought a folding table outside his uncle's house and set it up. Using his ink, he wrote in stylized letters: Donuts - 100 yen each. He then doodled donuts on it, and when he was satisfied with his work, placed the sign in front of the table. He then entered the house and returned with all the donuts he'd baked. He arranged them as best he could, making them look as appetizing as possible. When finished, he rose his hand in the air to try and get people's attention. "Donuts! Donuts! Get your donuts! 100 yen a pop! Made by Mochizuki Tomo, rising star of the Mochizuki Troupe! Buy five donuts and get a free autograph!" Hopefully someone would be interested enough to by some, or with luck, all of them.

WC: 466
I huff and puff as I steady myself to a pace. "Man... Ai's brother really did some damage back there. Pffffuuu!" I wipe my coat sleeve across my forehead. I take a look around. The sudden realization that I have no idea where I am settled in. "Man.... not again." Apparently, having a since of direction is common knowledge, knowledge that somehow surpasses me. I look down and place my hand on the back of my head. "I knew where I was, until my morning debacle, that is. I guess it wasn't too much of a failure. I'm alive... but why did he have to eat ALL of my doughnuts!" I sigh as I shake my head. I straighten myself up and, put my arms behind my back, and proceed onward. I'll recognize something... eventually. I make my way down the street, completely oblivious to my surroundings as my imagination takes me to my brain world. A sound, like a murmur, brings my focus out of my imagination. As I walk a smile stretches across my face as I see off in the distance somebody flailing their arms. Wanting to join in this fellows wacky ploy, I too start flailing myself profusely.
The Spymaster sighed, placing the paper in front of him onto a stack of others and leaning back in his chair. Looking to his left, there was another pile of reports, quite a bit larger than the one he'd added onto. At least it wasn't the ridiculous pile adorning his desk when he had arrived two days ago. Cracking his neck and deciding it was high time for a break, Natsu rose from his chair. His Sempai was out doing whatever, Natsu hadn't asked though he suspected it involved brushing hair. The Chief Ambassador had been down with sickness for quite a few days now, by the look of paper on her desk.

Walking through the streets, Natsu contemplated visiting the Doughnu Hole. He had passed it when he had entered the Village, but hadn't found the time to go buy some of his favourite pastries from the shop. Before he could reach it however, he stumbled across a small stand. The boy manning it shouted clearly enough, and the message very much interested Natsu. The boy seemed somewhat familiar, though Natsu couldn't quite put a name to the face. He chalked it up to being in Mist for the past three months. The shouting quickly identified him however. Mochizuki Tomo? By Raiden's hairy chest, didn't he look different not too long ago?

"I wouldn't mind trying one, as long as you can guarantee that Tama-Chan hasn't been involved in the cooking process." Natsu told Tomo, a smile indicating he was joking.. Mostly anyway. Masao's Hand was a curious one, if Natsu had ever known one. "If they're good enough, I also wouldn't mind buying 14 more. I have quite some work left, y'see?" The blonde asked his fellow blonde. Then he spotted Sora, in the distance. Not that it was hard. Not many people just stood in the middle of the street waving their arms. That was a bit silly, even in a village filled with fire-breathing Shinobi. Thus, he motioned the boy to come closer and explain his issue. Perhaps get a taste for the donuts as well.
Within moments, my soon to be game gets disrupted by a blonde stranger. This stranger approaches my, white and purple, flailing companion and takes his attention. Not sure of the situation, I stop waving my arms. The blonde stranger turns their head towards me then proceeds to beckon me to come closer.
Alright. I think to myself with a smile.
As I jog closer, I see what the man is selling... and wow! More doughnuts! I adjust my crab hat run up to his stand and the two blonde folks. I look up with my smile. I see his sign and in fancy letters it reads, "Doughnuts - 100 yen each!" The blonde man, who seems to be selling the doughnuts, is wearing an apron, covered in flower. I look to the both of them and say, "Funny, doughnuts have been a constant throughout my day today. I have just had a pretty eventful morning, and I'm glad that doughnuts are still a regular part of it."
Not too many people were stopping, but Tomo couldn't blame them. They all probably had places to go and things to do. Out of the corner of his eye, Tomo noticed odd movement. He turned his head to see a young boy flailing his arms. Tomo slightly frowned. Is that what he thinks I look like? Tomo's thoughts were interrupted when a familiar man walked up to the stand, asking for a doughnut as long as Tama hadn't helped out. Tomo chuckled lightly. "Believe me, if Tama had helped, I'd be trying to give them away, not sell them. Wouldn't want a riot in the Seki District." Tama wasn't really a bad cook, she just had a tendency to think she knew better than the recipes, putting in strange ingredients that didn't always work out well. Tomo looked over the glasses-wearing blonde. He remembered Do-san from the main branch meeting long ago, the first day Tomo had to wear a skirt. Now Tomo at least got to wear pants with the skirt, which definitely helped his image. Do-san offered to eat more of the doughnuts if they were good enough, so Tomo made sure to pick out the best one of the bunch for the blonde man to taste-test. "Well, I don't know if it's any consolation, but they are the best doughnuts I've ever made." Tomo chose not to mention that they were the only doughnuts he had ever made.

As Tomo placed a doughnut on a napkin, he noticed Do-san motion for the flapping boy to join them, and Tomo gave the boy a friendly smile. The brown-haired boy seemed quite young, but it didn't matter his age if he had money. Tomo decided to pick out another doughnut, just in case the boy wanted one too. The boy trotted over, and the kid's smile broadened as he noticed what Tomo was selling. The boy apparently had a hectic morning involving doughnuts and mentioned how common they seemed to be. Tomo lightly laughed. "Well, I think you have Do-san here to thank for that. I'm pretty sure he's the reason doughnuts are basically the pastry of Kumo. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a doughnut smuggling ring around these parts." Tomo held out a doughnut to his two customers, hoping his creations were good enough to impress doughnut fanatics like Do-san and Tomo's new acquaintance.

WC: 400
Chuckling heartily at Tomo's response in regards to his sister, Natsu wondered just how little had changed in Kumogakure. The three months had seemed a much longer time yet life here in Kumogakure simply went on. The Hand clearly still pulled her usual crazy antics. Shin still occasionally offered the odd Missing-Nin lobster and steak dinner. The Raikage also still did not lose his purity or v-card. Masao still made his Spymaster do most of the paperwork.. Yes, it sure was home sweet home alright. "The best eh? You've got me all excited now." The Spymaster replied, winking as at last the boy joined them.

"A donut a day keeps the boredom away. That's how I like to see it anyway." Natsu informed the duo, as he fished out some cash and handed it over to Tomo. The expenses covered both his and Sora's donut. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Though if there truly is a smuggling ring, I should look into getting a part of the pro.. I mean, stopping them. Yes, yes. Can't have illegal things happening in front of our noses!" The Jonin concluded, finally taking a bite. Having honestly no idea what to expect from the Mochizuki boys cooking, Natsu was pleasantly surprised.

"Well.. You convinced me. If you'd ever get tired of being a Shinobi, I'll recommend you to Izana-Chan. I'm certain the Doughnut Hole wouldn't mind hiring such a decent chef. Then again, you're of plenty of use to us here in the Main Branch too. Had any good missions lately?" He asked. Honestly, Natsu knew of every Mission that was issued, but he was curious to Tomo's response regardless. "And how about you, boy? I don't quite recognize you and yet knowing everyone is something I like to pride myself on."

[OoC: Again, sorry for the delay! D;]

Hito Kiri​

Kiri sniffed the air, cold, but not as cold as Sekai Yuki, where Kazuhiko had stationed him for the last few months. There were some interesting people there, I met a lot of new toys, to be sure. Now that he was back in the village he was going to be sure to find them again. After all, he needed to alleviate his boredom from that last assignment. Not even able to blow one thing up. That Tomocchi sure is stingy, keeping all the excitement for himself. So Kiri was going to pick on Tomo a little bit. He remembered the delicious reactions that Tomo had when he had been his support in Sekai Yuki, Let’s see how flustered he can get today, shall we?

The only problem in this plan was that Kiri did not know where the rising idol of the Mochizuki Troupe lived. But fortunately for Kiri the populace was all in a uproar about the donut stand ran by the sparkling idol of the Mochizuk Troupe. Mochizuki, that was Tomocchi’s family name, wasn’t it? Either way, it sounded fun. Donuts were a delightfully depraved treat after all.

Making his way to the stall, Kiri could see that it was quite popular. It had even attracted some Kumo higher-ups. Kazuhiko had mentioned that one was insanely fond of the rotund pastries. Kiri worked his way through the crowd to see Tomo in conversation with two of his customers. He considered sneaking up on the boy, but then decided against it. It would be much more fun to openly announce himself and see Tomocchi’s reaction upfront.

“Ah! Tomocchi! It’s been so long, I’ve spent many a cold, lonely night without you at my side. Embrace me!!” With that he leaped towards the stand and the man behind it.

[Topic Entered with INPC Hito Kiri]
Tomo received the payment and gave a respectful head bow, politeness was the key to success. Do-san took a bite of the doughnut, and seemed to find it acceptable. Tomo smiled, glad that he had the approval of the Doughnut Master himself. Do-san suggested working at the Doughnut Hole if Tomo retired from being a ninja, and Tomo lightly shook his head in response. He already had a plan for when that time came, and that was to become manager of his family's troupe. Nothing was going to veer him from that path, even a recommendation from a high ranking shinobi to work at a doughnut shop. Do-san continued the conversation by asking about recent missions Tomo had gone on. His eyes widened slightly, and a small tint of red made it to his cheeks. A certain memory of a white-haired young man jumped into Tomo's head, and it wasn't one he felt like sharing.


Tomo rubbed the back of his head. "Eh, you know...beating up pirates, finding out they're kinda the good guys, shooting a kid's dad with an arrow...the usual." Tomo purposely left out the part of his curious traveling companion, who had a problem understanding the meaning of personal space. However, as if on cue, Tomo heard a familiar voice, and looked to see Kiri flying towards the stand, specifically at him. Tomo made quick handseals, and an ink tendril shot out from the sign. It wrapped around Kiri and slammed him against the ground right before he reached the stand. The tendril receded back into the sign, reforming into the words that had been on it. Tomo put his head in his palm and sighed heavily. "Kiri...what are you doing here? I thought I left you back at Sekai Yuki." Tomo's hand traveled up his forehead and held his bangs up. He sighed again and let his bang fall back into place and folded his arms. "Well...whatever, just don't bother my customers. No random butt grabs or caresses. I'm running a doughnut business here, not a fondling business." With his warning stated, Tomo returned his attention to Do-san and the boy. "Sorry about that. Returning to our conversation, yeah, I'm curious too kid. You seem a bit too surprised about finding so many donuts to be from around here."

WC: 383

[OOC: That moment when I realize that all my years of schooling did nothing for my spelling and that I've been spelling "doughnut" wrong for the past three posts... >///< ...and then I realize that spell check lied to me and that it can be spelled either donuts or doughnuts so now half my posts say doughnuts and the other half say donuts...]
Natsu nodded at Tomo's description of his recent activities. The reports had been among the more interesting to read. And judging by the color of the young boy's cheeks there was more left untold. At least in the bustling streets of the Seki district. "The usual inde-.." Natsu started, before noticing the Genin's expression contort ever so slightly at the yelling of his name. The cheerful voice and the words spoken by it did not match Tomo's reaction whatsoever though. The handseals came flying out to slam the mysterious admirer to the ground with a gooey limb. Natsu regarded their exchange of words with innocent curiosity though more than a few indecent questions came to mind.

"Oh, by all means. I don't mind a butt grab or two. Though I think our little friend over there is not so resistant towards this mature conversation." Natsu remarked, looking at a fainted Sora with a raised eyebrow. "Either that or he's had too much sugar today. Kids nowadays with their dieyabeetus and ACDCs.. " Running his hand through his hair, he tapped a button on his headpiece and called for a medical squad to drag the body off. Depending on the kid's luck and Kushin's mood, he'd either be patched up just fine or taken apart for his organs. "So anyway Tomo. Who's your frie-.. lov-.. captive you bound so skillfully?"

[OoC : Totally not necro-ing this topic.. Also first post completely written on my tablet. Apologies for any mistakes.]

Hito Kiri​

"Friend? Lover? Captive?" Kiri spoke suddenly, still managing to sound upbeat and cheerful despite having his body slammed into the rock solid earth just mere moments ago. "Ah, yes. These words describe our relationship, and yet they alone are not enough to describe the ties that bind us," Kiri said with a dramatic tone of voice. As he stood he continued, "Friends we are, lovers we may yet be. But now I am merely a man captive to his passions. And to you, Tomo my dear," here Kiri dropped down on one knee, grabbing Tomo's hand and gently raising it to his lips.

With that he stood and addressed both shinobi, "Have no fear, if I was going to grab anyone's buttocks, I would be sure to let them know in advance, have a legitimate reason for it, and have a pre-determined plan of action to go about it. I would never try to grab someone simply on a whim, without having a reason for it. Nyahahaha! Still, if you would like your butt grabbed Tomocchi, I would be more than happy to oblige, and I'll of course extend the same courtesy to you, sir...," Kiri left the end of his sentence trailing, he didn't know the man's name after all.

He then looked towards the unconscious form of Nara Sora, a mischievous grin forming on his face, "I suppose we should consider relocating our unresponsive companion. It would be a shame some someone took advantage of his incapacitated state and gave him an embarrassing tattoo or something like that. Something with sparkles, and hearts, and donuts perhaps, or would that be a bit much. Hypothetically speaking, of course," he reassured the two still-conscious conversation participants.
Tomo was caught a little by surprise as he noticed the young boy on the ground. He had been conscious just a minute ago. Tomo hoped that his ink jutsu hadn't startled the boy. Nothing bothered Tomo more than to have a liability. Do-san commented that it was probably because of the sugar, and Tomo nodded. It would still slightly be Tomo's fault, but not enough for him to feel obligated to care for the boy. After calling for a medical squad, Do-san turned his attention to Tomo. He asked about Kiri, and Tomo was about to reply when Kiri decided to interject. The white-haired man started prattling on about the usual stuff, claiming the two had some kind of strong bond or whatnot. Of course, Tomo wasn't surprised when Kiri fell to his knee and kissed the young blonde's hand, but it didn't stop a light blush from reaching his face. In response to the kiss, Tomo lifted his hand to align it with Kiri's forehead and gave it a good flick. The man was completely unfazed as he began to 'reassure' them that he wouldn't grab anyone's butt without a plan. Tomo crossed his arms. Like that statement is any better. Kiri offered to grab Tomo's butt and the blonde's head couldn't shake any harder. Kiri also gave the same proposal and Tomo's eyes narrowed lightly. He can't even be loyal in his perversion. Tomo sighed before holding a hand to Kiri. "Do-san, Kiri. Kiri, Do Natsu. Kiri, don't offer something no one wants. Do-san, feel free to banish this pervert from the village."

Finally, Kiri made a comment about the poor collapsed boy before he was carted away by the medical squad. Tomo gave the man another flick on the forehead. "Don't even think about it. We have a hard enough time keeping shinobi alive. We don't need to make them suicidal by giving them embarrassing markings." Tomo, not wanting Kiri to get too much attention, focused on Do-san. A smile finally returned to the blonde boy's face as he addressed the older shinobi. "What's been going on with you Do-san? I'm sure you have some interesting events going on in your life." Tomo would listen to anything if it meant he could ignore Kiri.

WC: 378
Once more, Natsu simply listened to the waterfall of words the newcomer supplied them with. A smile played on his lips at what was said. Poor Tomo. The Spymaster couldn't help but think. [Always having to endure such energetic types, whether it's your sister or your.. Friend-Lover-Captive. The two seemed awfully alike, for that matter. Even if Tama would likely never show her affection for Tomo so publically. The dear Shogun was much too prominent on her mind for that. Truly such a tragic story, what with the man's love interests seemingly increasing by the hour. Shiranai could consider starting a harem, though Natsu wouldn't envy him. Even just one woman was too much for him. Though that might be more her fault than his.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance Kiri. You truly have a way with words. Ever considered being a diplomat? Or are you more the artistic type as a poet? I've heard much about Tomo's drawing skills, so surely his lover should match him in this, no?" Natsu pondered out loud. He felt guilty but for a moment to pile even more teasing on top of the boy, but couldn't withhold some childish glee either. "I am just fine, thank you Tomo. Interesting would depend on your point of view of course. And I'm afraid that unless you are interested in politics I can offer you little. Always working after all! Especially after Zaku.. No, never mind, that is much to distressing a subject to think about at the moment. Might I have another donut, perhaps?" The Jonin inquired, fishing up some extra coins.

[OoC: Apologies for the delay! Two final exams tomorrow kiiiind of distracted me. Hopefully I can keep up better this time!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
