How many days had it been since he fainted in front of Aria? At first, Take just woke up alone, a bit… jiffy. He’d been confessed to, and… it was still so surreal. Aria… inside of the mind of Ayeka… wanted to be with him. He still didn’t know how to process all of that, but he didn’t care. He still loved her. So. So. Much.
But… his body felt a bit weird, too. Something wasn’t the same as before. It wasn’t just hormones, no no no, it was something else. Take went on throughout the morning in his room trying to get his mind under control – panic was beginning to rise.
It all culminated when he spotted his reflection on the mirror in his bathroom. His sealed symbol of shame… his Cursed Seal… was that a dragon? That pattern looked like a wrathful, clawing dragon crossing over his forehead and cheek. So that must’ve been it.
But it didn’t bother him as much as he’d anticipated. Even now, as he ventured through the streets after handing in a repo- HE CAN’T JUST HIDE FROM HER LIKE THIS!!! HE HAS TO REPLICATE!!!
Impulses drove Take to buy a bouquet of colorful flowers as he darted towards wherever the scent led him. His every cell could smell it, faintly. His bond with Aria was stronger than even he’d known. He’d check every street in Konohagakure without pause, his purple haori flickering in the wind, until he found her… so he could hand her these flowers and thank her for the confession. Y’know, actually make things official between the two… or three… or…?
But… his body felt a bit weird, too. Something wasn’t the same as before. It wasn’t just hormones, no no no, it was something else. Take went on throughout the morning in his room trying to get his mind under control – panic was beginning to rise.
It all culminated when he spotted his reflection on the mirror in his bathroom. His sealed symbol of shame… his Cursed Seal… was that a dragon? That pattern looked like a wrathful, clawing dragon crossing over his forehead and cheek. So that must’ve been it.
But it didn’t bother him as much as he’d anticipated. Even now, as he ventured through the streets after handing in a repo- HE CAN’T JUST HIDE FROM HER LIKE THIS!!! HE HAS TO REPLICATE!!!
Impulses drove Take to buy a bouquet of colorful flowers as he darted towards wherever the scent led him. His every cell could smell it, faintly. His bond with Aria was stronger than even he’d known. He’d check every street in Konohagakure without pause, his purple haori flickering in the wind, until he found her… so he could hand her these flowers and thank her for the confession. Y’know, actually make things official between the two… or three… or…?