Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Dragon's Pulse [Ayeka]


New Member
Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
How many days had it been since he fainted in front of Aria? At first, Take just woke up alone, a bit… jiffy. He’d been confessed to, and… it was still so surreal. Aria… inside of the mind of Ayeka… wanted to be with him. He still didn’t know how to process all of that, but he didn’t care. He still loved her. So. So. Much.

But… his body felt a bit weird, too. Something wasn’t the same as before. It wasn’t just hormones, no no no, it was something else. Take went on throughout the morning in his room trying to get his mind under control – panic was beginning to rise.

It all culminated when he spotted his reflection on the mirror in his bathroom. His sealed symbol of shame… his Cursed Seal… was that a dragon? That pattern looked like a wrathful, clawing dragon crossing over his forehead and cheek. So that must’ve been it.

But it didn’t bother him as much as he’d anticipated. Even now, as he ventured through the streets after handing in a repo- HE CAN’T JUST HIDE FROM HER LIKE THIS!!! HE HAS TO REPLICATE!!!

Impulses drove Take to buy a bouquet of colorful flowers as he darted towards wherever the scent led him. His every cell could smell it, faintly. His bond with Aria was stronger than even he’d known. He’d check every street in Konohagakure without pause, his purple haori flickering in the wind, until he found her… so he could hand her these flowers and thank her for the confession. Y’know, actually make things official between the two… or three… or…?


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
A cool sun slide gently through the morning sky as a chilly wind blew through the village letting everyone know that the first chilly fingers of autumn was already creeping through the village. Despite the colder weather though Ayeka still found herself outside working on her physical fitness trying to better herself and uphold her position as the Head Jounin of the village. Standing atop the Hokage monument Ayeka had created a small space for herself in a clearing away from the paths where she could be left to her own devices without being disturbed, the clearing itself was full of dumbbells, barbells and other different types of weight that almost looked comically big as they both had to compensate Ayeka's massive body while carrying enough weight to make the draconic women struggle when lifting the.

Currently Ayeka was dressed in a crop sports top with a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination allowing anyone to pass to see many of her reptilian features such as the waves of black scales that cascaded down her legs and arms as well as the long black draconic tail that lazily flexed across the floor as Ayeka used the appendage to balance herself while repeatedly squatting down. Braced across the tall girls shoulders was a gigantic barbell it bar seemingly bending around the girls shoulders as it desperately held on to the weighted plates seemingly straining under the immense weight the girl was lifting with it.

Ayeka herself was covered head to toe in sweat and she focused on one of the ray moments of peace she could get recently while Aria kept for her.


New Member
Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
Take watched the precipice of the Hokage monument… she was up there. He could feel it in every cell of his body. Clinging tightly to his bouquet of flowers, he took a step on the wall and started walking up, occasionally attacked by crows who were a bit too interested in the flowers he held. “N-No, please, don’t peck them, they’re very important…!” his panicked voice echoed across the precipice as his panicking hands flapped everywhere to shoo the birds off, not letting them ruin his gift to her… them… her…

Take finally made it to the summit, darting ahead towards a clearance where he was met with an unorthodox sight – bells, bells, bells, dumbbells, barbells, drumbells (probably), and a lot of lifting and squatting. Ayeka was there, pushing herself to the limit, and her shorts really hugged tightly to her-

T-The flowers, yes! But she was training, was now a good time to hand them to her? What if she- no no no, they were just flowers… he couldn’t afford to hesitate about something this important to him! Take took a step, two, three, and more, approaching her with a reddened face and the bouquet in front of him. “Apology… f-for my absence. I thought about stuff, and… t-this is my answer. Here, Aria… I-I mean, Ayeka… I…”

“I love you…”


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
"81......82.......83" Completely focused on her workout Ayeka gentler kept count quietly of each individual movement making sure to keep her form perfect as her muscles strained with each movement and due to this focus Ayeka was completely unaware of the boy with the flowers approaching her from the edge of the cliff until the very moment he stepped up next to her causing Ayeka to stop suddenly and stare in Take in shock and surprise before the boy stammered out a small word mentioning both girl's within the body eh was talking about before saying I love you.

"E...e.e.e..ehhhhhhhh!" Ayeka couldn't help the surprised exclamation that spilled from her lips at both Take's appearance and sudden declaration of love causing the girl to lose grip on the dumbbell on her shoulders "Oh no." Ayeka could only say as she dropped the barbell which was currently being weighted down by about 5000 kilograms on to the floor causing the area to explode and part of the cliff to fall away as the immense weight cracked the ground causing dust to float up into the air.

Fortunately the mini earthquake and destruction that was caused stayed confined to their immediate area which was remote enough that the statues or citizens in the area wouldn't be affected. Once the smoke began to clear Take would be treated to the site of Ayeka sitting in the middle of the crater unharmed but grabbing her tail and holding it to her chest in pain as she apparently had dropped her weight straight on to her tail that while only a temporary part of her body created by the manipulation of her draconic chakra was still directly connected to her spine and thus suspectable to a lot of pain if hit hard much like ramming your shin into the side of your bed.

Taking a moment to regain her composure as the pain slowly subsided Ayeka looked up at Take with a flushed face.
"Ah um er H...h..hi Take-k...k..kun." The dark tresses and blue eyes easily signified that Take was currently talking with the currently blushing Ayeka which may be surprising to the boy as many would assume that Aria would train and upkeep their body but it was easy to forgot that Ayeka came from the Kyojouran clan originally before her bloodline mutated to the point she could be called a very distant family member. The point being however despite Ayeka's shy and demure nature she had a tremendous amount of pride in her body which had to lead her to being alone with Take for the first time since Aria's confession. "I'm so...rry. I surprised." Ayeka stammered while gently rubbing her hands together creating a strange disparity of such a large person acting to shy before the girl noticed Take's gift. " are t..t..those for us?"

WC: 475
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New Member
Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
It… took her by surprise. So much, in fact, that she dropped her huge dumbbells, and chaos ensued. Take was already regretting his bold approach – every damn action had a consequence. He should’ve waited! He should’ve waited a little longer, until she’d paused the training! That way, this… oh no, what about the Hokage Rock? Were they far away enough from the Hokage faces? Panic rose his blood pressure so damn high that his eyes reddened with worry. Was it all going to end here and now?!

And… as the dust settled, he saw Ar-Aye-Ayeka hugging her tail, a red rash over its form as if it’d been… oh no, the dumbbell fell right on top of it. That must’ve hurt like… hell… did he hurt her?! DID HE HURT HER?! AFTER EVERYTHING HE’D TRIED TO PREPARE FOR THIS MOMENT, HE ENDED UP HURTING HIS LOVE! Oh, Take wanted to bury himself right now…

But… she asked about the flowers, and he stuttered: “Y-Yes, these are for you… b-both of you, I think, yes… mhm… sorry about your tail, I d-d-didn’t mean to harm you, I swear…”

No matter how old he got, Take sure had conversation issues. Even his hand holding the bouquet was shaking. “I… wanted to answer Aria’s confession. I mean it when I said I love you. I-I really do, so… I wanna be official with it. I’m old enough t-to take responsibility and all.”

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
