Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

E-Rank Mission|Cleaning Detail [Self Mod]


New Ninja
Jan 13, 2018
E-Rank Mission|Cleaning Detail said:
Name: Cleaning Detail
Rank: E-Rank [Self Mod]
Type: Solo
Description: The client has an upcoming event that requires the use of a rented building. Unfortunately, the last renters left the place a mess with trash and dirt everywhere and time is of the essence as the building needs to be usable as soon as possible The client however is busy planning the event and attempting to organize everything that needs to be done with various delays and problems everywhere. The mission is to clean, empty, and sanitize the building before the event. Be warned, the mess is ridiculous!
His first actual mission. Gattsu walked down the streets of the Seki District, marveling at the architecture of the higher end district. Having grown up in the mountains, he had very little experience in such luxurious living conditions. He reached the building where his mission would be taking place. It was time to perform his first mission as an Academy Student. Without having to introduce himself, the client, a slim well-dressed woman eyed the child judgingly. He looked like he was from poverty in his ragged beat down clothes and dirty unkempt hair. The woman looked begrudgingly at Gattsu and invited him in ”This is the building that needs to be cleaned. I expect things to be done in a timely matter. Perfection is mandatory. I need the place completely empty. The previous renter was banned for leaving this place in some horrible shape! Just look at this, it’s disgusting. There’s dust and magazines everywhere! I have extremely sensitive allergies, I demand that you dust properly young man. Heaven forbid what things that last renter performed in here, so make sure to sanitize all floors, ceilings, and walls once complete. Any slacking on your part and I will make sure to contact your superiors and tell them just how badly you did. Now quit gawking, there are plenty of things you need to do. Come child, cleaning supplies are next to the door!”. Without waiting for a response from the shinobi in training, she hurriedly left the building intent on getting on with her day. Gattsu stood dumbfounded, just what did he get himself into? Was murdering the client allowed? Perhaps accidentally drowning her in the mop bucket would be acceptable. He signed and walked over to the cleaning supplies, seemed like he had a long day ahead of him.

After careful inspection of the supplies, it was time to devise a plan of action. There were large boxes, random scattered trash, and even leftover food all over the floor. Just what in the world did the last renter do? Upon closer investigation he realized that the leftover food attracted bugs from outside, there also seemed to be mud and dirt and a rock? Why in the world would there be a rock in the middle of the floor? Sighing he decided to get rid of everything first. He put on some gloves that the client graciously left for him (or herself?) and decided to empty the room first. Carrying the boxes out to the trash. There must have been a dozen boxers randomly scattered about, some filled with random garbage and others filled with old dusty magazines. He looked inside and opened a magazine, it was a dirty magazine as he marveled at what he saw. Why in the world would there be these kinds of pictures in a book he wondered? Placing the magazine back in the box, he finished emptying all the boxes. Good, step one complete. After that, he took out the random rock and started neatly organizing the trash. Placing all the trash in bags, he started walking all the trash out of the building and into the bin outside where it belonged. It took him longer than expected and he started realizing the toll such chores were taking on his body. Despite training hard, he was unaccustomed to such trivial chores and he was starting to feel it in his body. This was far more work than he imagined! Despite this, he gave all his effort and found that in no time at all, he finally took out all the big items. Next step!

Finally ridding the building of all boxes, trash, and the random rock, it was time for the next step. Before taking care of the floor, he figured he would dust the ceiling/walls, clean the windows, and everything else before taking care of the floor. After all, it made more sense to do all this as the floor would likely get dirty again while doing this. Unfortunately the toilet of the latrine would need to be properly cleaned as well, Gattsu shuttered to think what those stains could be! He started with dusting first, using a stool to reach the ceiling and dusting all his worth. Leaving the windows and doors opened allowed it not to get too stuffy with dusty air. Once that task was finished, he started wiping down the walls and windows. That took longer than expected, some stains on the wall being an extra pain to get rid of. The windows were fortunately easy, wiping down the inside and out was relatively simple though he made sure to get in-between the windows as well, the client sounded like a bit of a germaphobe so it would be in his best interest to go above and beyond the call of duty. Well, the client would probably expect such things to be done so it probably wasn’t beyond the call of duty after all unfortunately for him. He decided to tackle the bathroom next, mirror was cleaned nicely, bathroom window had already been done and then there was the toilet. That disgusting thing, perhaps scorching it would be a better option. Sighing in agony he scrubbed that toilet for quite a while, bringing it back to life from its previous ghastly state, it looked brand new by the time he was done. It was time for the final step.

Gattsu was close to done, he decided to not finish the floor. Sweeping all the dirt out into garbage back was more time consuming than he had hoped. Once that was complete, he got quickly down on his knees and scrubbed the floor clean. The room was relatively large so it required more effort than he cared to admit, once the room and the bathroom were clean he wiped sweat off his brow and triumphantly looked around the room. He actually did it! Waiting patiently for the client to arrive, he watched her carefully inspect everything. Once that was complete she finally said ”Blah blah blah…blah blah….blah blah blah blah….ok job…blah blah”<i></i>. Well, she really said a bunch of other things, but for Gattsu that’s literally all he heard, the sound of her voice wanted to make him take her out to the garbage and beat her with the lid after all. Once all was done, he left the building and slowly contemplated on having an accident happen to the lady after all. Well, he was turning over a new leaf. Respectable Academy Student, perhaps accidents were best left out of his head. Returning to the Academy he reported his completed assignment.
Word Count: 1102

Current Ninpocho Time:
