Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Equivalent Exchange [Private]

Much to her astonishment, Mikasa readied herself for the procedure through mental practices as she strolls down the corridors. In tow were the two shinobi and time would begin to stand still, allowing for the Sennin to review the proper methods. Rounding the bend, two swinging doors are pressed apart, before the trio would lay an operating table and the necessary equipment. "We will be using anesthesia to put you under, Yukio-san, when you come to you will be blinded folded until you adjust to your original eyes once more." Mikasa reviews, gesturing for the ANBU Captain to lay flat on the bed.

Various monitors would be brought to life one after another, one to measure the vitals signs as any operation place a heavy strain on the brain and heart no matter the severity. Counter measures such as blood transfusion bags would be unveil as the kunoichi begins to adjust intravenous bags, more commonly referred to as IV bags, to provide the Hyuuga with the necessary fluids to ease him as much as possible throughout the, "I'll be placing the anesthesia through the IV tubes, it should take effect relatively quickly, however we are using an above average dosage to ensure you stay under for the appropriate amount of time. If all goes well, we be done within a few hours." she explains.

"Please, place on the garbs." she heads back towards the door to give him a teal long shirt, "The hospital cap is necessary as well. A blanket will be placed over you to ensure stable body temperature as we our all aware of the normal frigid temperatures in the room." she mentions with a faint chuckle. "We both will need to change as well, Takeshi-sama." she points towards the proper pull on scrubs, surgical mask, and gloves near the opposite door.

Taking the liberty to distance herself from the pair, she would change in solitude to only return scrubbed up. Standard hand washing procedures dictated a mandatory thirty seconds, ensuring all layers were properly clean prior to gloving.

Once Yukio complied and laid himself on the operating table, the overhead swinging handled light would be lowered. "I want you to count backwards from ten, although I doubt you will make it to five." she murmurs, beginning to connect the electronic signals to the flesh of his arm. "You will feel a pinch.." she comments in a muffled tone, the sterile needle inserts into the lower flesh of his arm, soon following the proper tubes are connected. With a light snap, the tube begins to administer the anesthesia. "You can begin counting now."
Takeshi would follow the group as he allowed himself to watch Yukio get himself prepared for the upcoming operation, though he sighed at the though of sedating the man, he could have just saved the medication and punched in the face. Would have been just as effective if memory served correct from the time he replaced the man’s eyes anyone. Though it seemed that Yukio was willing to go with the operation Takeshi allowed himself to ponder for a few moments as he listened to the man that was talking, it was clear that he still needed to change for himself and this change would be one of the most important ones he made in his life.

“Mikasa, if you can once you remove those eyes, I need to study them, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me, the old late night take away and dark lights while we study thing if that works best for you as that time is when I am free the most?”

Takeshi allowed his words to linger in the air before he turned his attention back to Yukio, it seemed the man would have to start to count, though he wondered how long he would be counting for really, he was a skinny person though well built for the combat experience he had gotten, he pondered while he was under about making modifications but that thought quickly left his mind as he smiled back to Mikasa, he was here to help and assist but she was in charge of this place it was her domain to run.

“Tell me what you need, and I will help you to the best of my abilities, after all I need to learn sometime now is the best time to learn as ever correct Yukio?”
"If you would excuse me then i will change as required elsewhere" He would only be gone only a brief moment though the man seemed to have his reasons for not wishing to remove his shirt in front of others returning a short time later in the required clothing before sighing slightly at how it must look before laying down. "I understand no need to explain you are the doctor here I would be a fool to protest against any stage of the procedure" He went silent in that moment listening to what he would have to do to begin nodding slowly remembering the last time his eyes were removed already somewhat preferring this method.

As he began to count down he would listen to the conversation between Takeshi and Mikasa for a brief moment. "Ten...Nine...Eight...Hey wait what Takeshi you..." He was out of it before finishing the statement head bouncing slightly as it rested into bed body coming to stillness in those passing moments. If anything could be said he was a quite sleeper even the breaths leaving the man were almost completely silent to the outside world he was completely oblivious.

This would become obvious when the man began talking to himself, almost having a one sided conversation with a seperate entity, more than likely one created within his mind.


Within the man's mind however was another matter entirely where in reality he was laid out flat on a hospital bed here he found himself in the field of his mind as he had many times before, Awakening the Byakugan, Receiving the Hakumei, Every time he found himself here. "And so it begins again change, Something we must all accept though time though its never something to complain about." In those passing moments a voice familiar to the man echoed through the area one he knew all too well and had heard since receiving his transplants.

"This will be where we part ways then Brother?" The voice was not sad nor did it seem to mind the changes leaving Yukio to speak his mind in quite a literal sense. "Yes, When i was younger I thought i had to place every ounce of power into improving my gift to right the wrongs of our Mother and what she did to the Hyuuga proving to myself that we weren't how we used to be but now I realize quite the opposite the reason i agreed to the clans terms." There was a moment of pause before he continued sighing before laying back. "A clan isn't about its gifts or prowess but the morals it stands for, and i will no longer be consumed by the need to feel the strongest gift is required but the will to change yourself, to show that you will follow what the clan stands for and extend that to the village as a whole."


In reality the Hyuuga spoke those words his hands curling into fists with determination in those words, though it was clear he was speaking in a dream there was part of him that unconsciously spoke to the others. A will to prove that with maturity came a different and more direct manner of thinking a will extended to the many and not simply the few.

[OOC: All words spoken by Yukio in his dream are spoken in reality as well]
Leaning forward she would ensure the Hyuuga clansmen was fully under the effects of the anesthesia before beginning with the procedure. Motioning towards Takeshi, the Sennin wishes for him to view as closely as possible. "Foremost, Takeshi-sama, enucleation is the terminology of removal of an eye, usually due to cancerous cells developing in the eye and requiring removal before further spread can't be prevented." Mikasa explains, "The removal is not as harmful to the body due to the eye socket, muscle surrounded - encased rather, by bone is far less damaging to tissue as a free hanging organ such as a lung." she continues, extending her hand outwards to waltz along the table top to locate an eyelid speculum.

Once the apparatus had been secured on the left eye, she would stare into the emerald green, odd how the difference in circumstances bestowed different emotional reactions. Furthermore, the kunoichi was a bit shocked she teaching medical lessons concerning extreme operations concerning Kekkei Genkai. There were numerous forceps one could utilize, ranging from Capsulotomy, Fixation, and so on. "There are bridle structures, the rectus muscles." she continues, carefully pointing to the outer layer. With caution she holds a fish hook in appearance device, closely resembling, "To be blunt, since this is a removal I have to take great caution in ensuring that I do not harm the inner socket."

Silently she goes to work, piercing through the delicate flesh to tug upwards, the tissue immediately sensing a foreign body and the eyes natural response to flush away what it would be unable. Moisture gathering at the glands was a typical response. Centimeter by centimeter the cutting of the tendons would ensue as she goes clock wise for the procedure. "A gentle touch is required." she mumbles, after a few minutes pass. Four pseudo anchors are embedded, a faint tug would begin to pull word the current eye. Beads of perspiration gather on her brow and regardless of the difficult of any operation, was immense concentration required. One slip up, could ruin even the most professionally trained. "I will now prolapse the eye." the Sennin details, tugging on the anchors and resulting in a lurching forward organ, however it would only traverse so far, still attached.

Pressing down gently, she tools around the back, slipping being the eyeball. "I am going to sever the optic nerve, allowing me to fully extract the and cutting into the final layer of oblique muscles." Doing thus that, after a few snips later, she begins to pull word, delicate crimson tissue stretches as she is no more than an inch or so, cutting into the muscle fibers to release a grasp on the emerald Byukugan. One final snip would be the final string, and instinctively she begins to treat the exposed, ensuring a temporary clotting.

"Your turn."
Takeshi allowed himself to watch what was happening with care and dedication, it was clear that he was making a mental note of everything that he saw in those few minutes. He watched how detailed the Medical Sennin worked, her hands so nimble as she took the time and effort to he had to admire her work, it was something that he knew was to be respected of someone with her nature and devotion to helping others, as he allowed himself to watch the eyes come out. He allowed himself to investigate the empty sockets in those few seconds, wondering why Yukio was risking it all though he didn’t want to find himself second guessing the choices.

“Well, I guess then I will get started as you state, though I have to admit your handy work lives up to the legendary expectation that I that it has gotten Mikasa, I can see now why you will make a great Hokage one day”

His voice calm as he closed his eyes to collect his thoughts allowing his mind to clear, opening them once more he took out the jar of the old Hyuuga eyes, unscrewing the lit he removed the eyes from the liquid as he placed them down into a silver bowl before glancing to Mikasa.

“Does he usually talk like this in his sleep? I am guessing you have more knowledge of that than me, also how are you two doing, its nice to see he found someone he cares about, its rare these days. Just seeing if you two are ready to move things on, or what the future holds, I hope happiness for both of you”

Takeshi slowly begun to work backwards from the work that Mikasa had been doing, though the cuts where clean he allowed himself to begin to reattach the eyes into the sockets, allowing the string to begin to wave itself together once more, he brought the eye to just rest outside of the sockets as he threaded nerves back together it seemed that the eyes where ready to slowly slide back into place, though carefully Takeshi allowed himself to pop the eyes back into the sockets, it seemed that the healing now would be onto making sure the eyes where fully connected together.

Sweat ran from the brow of Takeshi, he was not used to the healing requirements and slowly it was clawing at his chakra to a point that even he didn’t expect. The green glow slowly faded form his hands as he moved them away to look down at Yukio, it seemed that his old eyes where back in the right place, the muscles had been rebuilt and the connections attached back as normal. He allowed a deep sigh to come out from his lips.
The deeper into the procedure they went the weaker the voice in his dream became it was a clear sign to the Hyuuga that the procedure was going forward though safe to say he would not be in any shape to wake up for some time that much was a certainty rest would be required while he adjusted to the change and what that change would bring the man could not be sure. From the bedside the Hyuuga's hand gripped to the bedside for all he did this for the good of the clan the last connection he had to his family of the past was gone even in an unconscious state he was aware of that much.

Though the pressure coming from his closed palm was not enough to damage anything the look that came across his features was something of a sorrowful one a man not yet accepting what was lost no matter how much he looked to the future there was little doubt part of him was still grounded in the present though the time spent in the hospital would let this come to pass for now it seemed the man was not yet ready to wake. Though for all his emotional state left something to be desired physically there was little to no issues as far as he could feel though the true test would be when the man finally opened his eyes and spent time adjusting to the world around him.

After some time his state would change however a slight groan escaping him followed by a sigh his head tilting from side to side. "So I assume things went over fine, at least I would hope so." It was the most he could get out after just waking up movement wise he made no attempt to sit up or move around learning from the last time he was in the hospital to wait for the medical branches stamp of approval before doing anything of the sort.

[Kin Removed]
The Uchiha's words were certainly unexpected, truthfully the kunoichi was unsure of how to formulate a proper response; given enough time a possibility. "Let us both pray your reign has longevity." she murmurs, "However, I am sure the next generation of Medical shinobi and kunoichi will look on my work and question how I was unable to perform to a higher standard." she chuckles, leaning forward to proceed to gently lift the head of the Hyuuga, a blind hold is begun to be wrapped around, resting above his brow to allow the Uchiha his portion. "Yes, he speaks often in his sleep, from what I can recollect, although usually of different items. Mostly of thoughts plaguing of the youngsters." she admits with a shake of the head.

Takeshi was no slouch either, how many years had it taken her to get to that level was beyond her comprehension and surely there was a faint envy at how quickly he latched onto information. Clearing the thought, she peers at the recollection of the previous eyes, curious to where they would rest and who the next victim would be - rather which future child would receive the enhanced Byukugan. In truth, she prayed there wouldn't be a time in which another surgery was necessary to address said concern.

Examining the handwork she lets out a low whistle, mostly at out of being a good sport, "Takeshi-sama, I would find it difficult to argue I didn't do this myself." she murmurs in praise, "Perhaps being an ANBU was wasted on you?" she inquires with a sly grin, taking notice of the perspiration building on his brow. Respectfully she removes a handkerchief to offer towards the leader of Konohagakure. Yukio's sudden stern was unprecedented, the amount given to him was enough to slumber an Elephant for an hour. Hastily she lowers the blindfold once the apparatuses holding his eyelid ajar removed.

"Overall, I would say it was fairly successful." she coos in a light tone, streaking her digits through ivory locks. "You are not to remove the blindfold for a bare minimum of a few days and will require sufficient rest."
Takeshi allowed himself to look at Mikasa as he leaned back and nodded slightly as he listened to the words that came from her. She was right of course, he had lost that eyes that had once been held dear to him. Now instead of just allowing himself to not accept the handkerchief he allowed himself to come out and accept it, whipping away the sweat in those few seconds as he allowed a large grin to come across his face, he had to admit that he loved the fact that he was able to work closely with his Sennin. It was almost a touching moment for the Hokage, though he would never openly admit to the fact that he enjoyed his time.

“I sometimes wish that I wasn’t trained to just hunt and kill, I have learned a lot recently about myself, about the village and about what opportunities are coming to the future, maybe if I went over life again I would have gone medical. I have a passion for it I must confess”

He allowed himself to glance over to Yukio listening to the words that had been spoken by Mikasa, it seemed that she was going to watch over his recover carefully, this was something that Takeshi couldn’t find himself arguing with, as he allowed a sigh to escape his lips knowing that he had manged to do everything in his power to make sure that this went over smoothly. He spoke one last time, wondering if this was everything he was needed for.

“Rest up well, do not push yourself and try to make sure that you are covering the eyes up. Mikasa, we need to go for dinner, I want to ask a few more questions about things like this. So when you have time let me know please.”
With his now lacking sight, Yukio could only listen to what the two were saying tilting his head in the direction each voice was coming from. "Understood, I expected as much going into this though a somewhat strange sensation going from perfect vision to darkness in a matter of moments. I shall be in your hands for the time being Mikasa...once more thank you." Tilting his head over to Takeshi but a moment later a slight smile crossed his face nodding slowly to him. "I'm happy my operation was able to assist others and not just myself, safe to say I'll let you know how things go once I've seen through my own eyes once more."

Bringing his hands together he seemed to ponder for a brief moment wondering to himself before nodding slowly though his mind wasn't set on the Hyuuga household at that moment in time. "Now it is a matter of recovery before all else would be troublesome to have my actions give way to complications so you have my word i will wait patiently should there be anything else i can do in the meantime to ease this process please let me know."

There was much to think on going forward but that could wait for the time being, those were a problem from future Yukio and one that would be taken carefully. "Meanwhile Takeshi you continue to impress from Sennin to Hokage and rising medic, I don't think there are many things your yet to try out quite the life to lead. At the end of the day I think I should live the same way rather than how I have been solely focused on the branch and well..." His head tilted back round to Mikasa and for all he may have done more it was somewhat difficult in his current state. "Missing what was right in front of me all this time."
The Sennin responds to the village leaders request with a faint grin, "Of course, whenever you wish." Mikasa replies in a whimsical tone. Truthfully, the kunoichi felt an air of De Ja Vu concerning the topic, she was certain she had agreed to this prior. Never the least she pivots about to stare down at the soon to be recuperating Hyuuga, "Each individual has a different path they must follow, to live a life of comparison is foolish." the maiden iterates with a mere shake of the head. Gingerly her fingertips streamline through the shinobi's ivory locks, the medication surely causing him to speak out strangely.

Removing her surgical attire, beads of perspiration cling to her brow and silently she removes the scrunchy clasping her hair in a neat bun. Hyuuga Yukio would require careful observation throughout the next twenty-four hour period; fortunately the staffing situation within the Konohagakure Byoin was steadily increasing. "I shall return in a bit, Yukio-san. Our staff will relocate you to another room shortly, although I assume you will be deep in slumber." she murmurs, stretching her arms upright, a wisp of satisfaction escaping. The road to recovery was certainly a lengthy one, yet she knew he was a stubborn one.

"I am fairly parched, I'll bring you a beverage to your room for when you awaken, Yukio-san." Mikasa muses aloud as an additional statement. Strolling forward, the Senin begins to wave gingerly to those waiting in the hallway, indicating the go ahead to begin rolling the ANBU Captain to his recovery room. "Admittedly, I am a bit famished and need a bite to eat. I assume I have a few hours before he fully stirs, do you wish to grab that lunch, Takeshi-sama? " she inquires with a cheeky grin; however her tone not loud enough for the groggy recovering patient to fully understand.

[OOC: Topic Left]​
Takeshi allowed himself to look to Mikasa for a few moments, as he let his eyes glance down to Yukio, it was clear that the man would be out of commission for a while, this opened the opportunity for him to finally speak with the Medical Sennin. After all he wanted to get to know his Sennin instead of just having them around for times that where not important. She had an opinion and personality that intrigued the Hokage even if he hated to admit it.

“We should go and grab something to eat, I know a lovely little place around the corner, if you’re not shy of cooking your own meat then we can go for a quick bite and food is on me as always Mikasa. On a side note he will be fine once he stirs I still want to have a few words with him. I am not sure how he will feel about this whole situation once he wakes up. But I am sure that his stand point on what he want’s to do will not change, as much as we want it to. Let’s go and grab food I am starving.”

Takeshi allowed himself to take one last glance as Yukio before he headed towards the door with Mikasa, it seemed that they would be going for lunch. He allowed himself to whistle as he walked with Mikasa, it seemed that she cared for the man even if he was passed out on the operating bed. He would come to term with the power that he had managed to lose today.

“Right, I am ready to go as soon as you are. So lets make a move and we can return to see how he is recovering later. “

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
