A yell came sounding for people to get away, it wasn't pleading, it wasn't fear... It was the sound of an order, the man in the middle stood there with determination. As soon as he had shouted it, the black sky lifted, making way for those to clear the area. A lot of people who had been hiding started to run and soon there was only the sound of smoldering around them, of hissing that the fires were slowly taken down. Not even the knocked-out doctor was screaming right now. Yet as soon as people had the chance to flee, another black orb started to expand, but this time solely around the crazed mercenary and the two abysmal.
In the meanwhile, the man who was pinned started to lose consciousness for more than one reason, bloodless and shocked. The long-haired hero scribbled a medical sigil on him, preventing him from dying. Even though the man wished it would welcome him right at the moment. The next second wind started to gather in the palm of the young man. Gathering until a small burst of wind was released, knocking away the beam and so the last bits of support started to wear more on the ice that was holding it in place. A few ice splinters started to crack away. The blood supply was added through the medical jutsu that Shun was doing. It made also the doctor wake up again, scream, and notice he was free. He tried to crawl a little away but noticed soon that it was no doing without his legs. Gritting his teeth he felt a guilt coming up, his life, his dream everything was done for. It was barely out of harm's way, when Shun picked him up, right when he picked up the man the ice pillar gave way and crashed along with the rubble at the spot.
The youngest of them all did something almost stupid... He almost went too deep with his self-harm and managed to dodge the tendons and muscles in the back of his hand. But he did nick one of the smaller vains, making him bleed more than he had probably bargained for. The light that shined through the next second, was almost a welcome sign to most people fleeing. Some started to pray to the sky, some started to say that this was the end. A mixed sense of talk started to mutter, but most were all out of harm's way... but one light tried to penetrate the black orb that Kureji had spawned anew. A child was too scared to run, to talk, and to move. It sat down in a corner with boxes shivering. Covering his ears and his eyes closed shut tight. Tears were going down his cheek and all you could occasionally hear were the hiccups.
Kureji had not yet noticed as the hand seals were made, an explosive ninjutsu that would probably turn the town into a crater. A roar sounded from inside, as the elemental tried to stand up once more, trying to get closer to the 'enemy'. Yet a sphere hit him, but what happened was something no one really could realize except a very sharp nose. There was a gas pipe below that busted and was leaking through the cracks of the ground. The only thing Kureji didn't foresee was that the burst was a lot bigger than a small bit.
Akio was busy trying to reinforce the surroundings, first off he tried to make walls, one of the bigger ones, and barely set one up, then the next... but the gasbelow made it unstable from the beginning. A giant barrier was cast not even soon after, trying to contain whatever was happening inside the black blockade... Despite all of this... A massive boom happened.
Inside the black blockade, the ground started to swell up, under the pressure it was in. The pressure was so large, that no one could estimate what was exactly happening. A tremor, then a blinding flash. The gas and jutsu detonated, sending s shockwave that buckled the ground, building pieces and everything. From the chaos Kureji just barely noticed a child. As quick as he could, he set up a barrier over the terrified child. The force of the blast slammed into Kureji, the barrier held and saved the child. But the adult man would be blown away like ragdoll, at first against the black blockade until that fell from the blast. Then he would be flung through the barrier that Akio had set up.
Through the blast, one of the walls had failed, to everyone's luck. All the people at that wall had evacuated just in time. The barrier of Akio managed to save Kureji too.. Dust started to settle, revealing a child, unharmed, crying loudly now as he couldn't contain it anymore. The air hung heavy with the scent of Ozone and something else... Something faintly sweet, almost like burned sugar.
from this point on, this is now a free RP.
You defeated the bad people and captured the doctor. The doctor has his legs back but is permanently not feeling them due to nerve damage.
In the meanwhile, the man who was pinned started to lose consciousness for more than one reason, bloodless and shocked. The long-haired hero scribbled a medical sigil on him, preventing him from dying. Even though the man wished it would welcome him right at the moment. The next second wind started to gather in the palm of the young man. Gathering until a small burst of wind was released, knocking away the beam and so the last bits of support started to wear more on the ice that was holding it in place. A few ice splinters started to crack away. The blood supply was added through the medical jutsu that Shun was doing. It made also the doctor wake up again, scream, and notice he was free. He tried to crawl a little away but noticed soon that it was no doing without his legs. Gritting his teeth he felt a guilt coming up, his life, his dream everything was done for. It was barely out of harm's way, when Shun picked him up, right when he picked up the man the ice pillar gave way and crashed along with the rubble at the spot.
The youngest of them all did something almost stupid... He almost went too deep with his self-harm and managed to dodge the tendons and muscles in the back of his hand. But he did nick one of the smaller vains, making him bleed more than he had probably bargained for. The light that shined through the next second, was almost a welcome sign to most people fleeing. Some started to pray to the sky, some started to say that this was the end. A mixed sense of talk started to mutter, but most were all out of harm's way... but one light tried to penetrate the black orb that Kureji had spawned anew. A child was too scared to run, to talk, and to move. It sat down in a corner with boxes shivering. Covering his ears and his eyes closed shut tight. Tears were going down his cheek and all you could occasionally hear were the hiccups.
Kureji had not yet noticed as the hand seals were made, an explosive ninjutsu that would probably turn the town into a crater. A roar sounded from inside, as the elemental tried to stand up once more, trying to get closer to the 'enemy'. Yet a sphere hit him, but what happened was something no one really could realize except a very sharp nose. There was a gas pipe below that busted and was leaking through the cracks of the ground. The only thing Kureji didn't foresee was that the burst was a lot bigger than a small bit.
Akio was busy trying to reinforce the surroundings, first off he tried to make walls, one of the bigger ones, and barely set one up, then the next... but the gasbelow made it unstable from the beginning. A giant barrier was cast not even soon after, trying to contain whatever was happening inside the black blockade... Despite all of this... A massive boom happened.
Inside the black blockade, the ground started to swell up, under the pressure it was in. The pressure was so large, that no one could estimate what was exactly happening. A tremor, then a blinding flash. The gas and jutsu detonated, sending s shockwave that buckled the ground, building pieces and everything. From the chaos Kureji just barely noticed a child. As quick as he could, he set up a barrier over the terrified child. The force of the blast slammed into Kureji, the barrier held and saved the child. But the adult man would be blown away like ragdoll, at first against the black blockade until that fell from the blast. Then he would be flung through the barrier that Akio had set up.
Through the blast, one of the walls had failed, to everyone's luck. All the people at that wall had evacuated just in time. The barrier of Akio managed to save Kureji too.. Dust started to settle, revealing a child, unharmed, crying loudly now as he couldn't contain it anymore. The air hung heavy with the scent of Ozone and something else... Something faintly sweet, almost like burned sugar.
from this point on, this is now a free RP.
You defeated the bad people and captured the doctor. The doctor has his legs back but is permanently not feeling them due to nerve damage.