Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Exam at the forest

The students were clearly on their last legs – the Santaru was heavily wounded and would collapse before much longer, and everyone else was fast running out of supplies and stamina. Parts of the forest burned and smoked, and the formerly pristine examination grounds were a morass of debris and craters. It might not have been an exact simulation of war, but it was damned close. In response to Satoru’s question, Juunin nodded and clapped his hands.

[Cloud Council]​
“I’ll answer that soon enough,” he nodded. “ALL TEAMS, ASSEMBLE AT ATTENTION!” he bellowed, as the rest of the notes de-activated. In a few minutes, the students stood in front of him at the ready, holding their salutes.

“Congratulations, you have all completed the proving trials. This was a test of your skills – to see if you could work in teams with each other, and also resist the temptation to sabotage each other’s progress along the way even if it meant potentially not graduating because you lost to another team. One thing that you must always remember is that Kumogakure stands United. We shinobi do not stab each other in the back, and our common Lord and Master is the Raikage in all situations,” he said, thumping his chest. As he walked down the line, he addressed each student individually.

“Junko, you were courageous to think of helping your comrades, even though all signs indicated that this was an adversarial exam with the possibility that only one team would pass. You even went so far as to aid Haru, who others might have left for dead and said ‘he deserved it.’ That speaks to a noble heart within, and certainly speaks to your dream of becoming a medical shinobi.”

“Haru, you reek of ambition and trouble, and you are a decidedly lone wolf in your style of combat. At this point you of all of your classmates have the highest chance of going missing. But if you can overcome your youthful foolishness and apply your drive to developing your shinobi skills, you may one day become Raikage. Be warned, however – when you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. There is no in-between.”

“Satoru, throughout this exam you remained the most perceptive of your class, always inquisitive, always seeking the truth behind the veil of ignorance and circumstance. This is the most important quality of shinobi of the Main Branch, who must above all else follow the dictates of their conscience when serving their village. You are destined for great things.”

“Kazuma and Shimete, I must inform you that blood slavery is highly frowned upon in our village because of its long history of abuse and degradation. That being said, it is clear that you two have a strong, growing bond beyond the obligations of your clans to each other. At some point you will have to re-evaluate your relationship, because the status quo cannot hold for much longer.”

As he finished with his advice, he gestured with his hands, and moments later, a raised platform shimmered into view behind a disappearing genjutsu screen. Three hard-faced men sat watching the proceedings, and it was clear now that they had been watching the entire event.

“Leaders of Kumogakure, I present to you the graduating class!” declared Juunin proudly.


The men saluted wordlessly to Juunin, before rising and departing. And just like that, the students were now genin - they were now real shinobi.

Alright, exam is over, you all passed to genin-rank. Those of you who wish to be AiT, you must contact Kogami Ayumu to arrange an interview thread. Those of you who wish to be MiT, you must contact Isaki Kushin or a mednin you have worked with before to give IC approval if this has not been done already. After you have done those things, you may make another banner request to get those other branch banners. Sorry about the wait, guys.
“I’ll answer that soon enough, ALL TEAMS, ASSEMBLE AT ATTENTION!”

"He's calling us back, I wonder why?" Once Haru was good enough to walk, Junko hurried towards the exam proctor. Once there he stood at attention ready to listen to the mans next words.

“Congratulations, you have all completed the proving trials. This was a test of your skills – to see if you could work in teams with each other, and also resist the temptation to sabotage each other’s progress along the way even if it meant potentially not graduating because you lost to another team. One thing that you must always remember is that Kumogakure stands United. We shinobi do not stab each other in the back, and our common Lord and Master is the Raikage in all situations,”

A small smirk seemed to form across Junkos face and his whole body trembled from his head to his feet from all of the excitement. The proctor then spoke about each exam participant individually.

“Junko, you were courageous to think of helping your comrades, even though all signs indicated that this was an adversarial exam with the possibility that only one team would pass. You even went so far as to aid Haru, who others might have left for dead and said ‘he deserved it.’ That speaks to a noble heart within, and certainly speaks to your dream of becoming a medical shinobi.” 

“Haru, you reek of ambition and trouble, and you are a decidedly lone wolf in your style of combat. At this point you of all of your classmates have the highest chance of going missing. But if you can overcome your youthful foolishness and apply your drive to developing your shinobi skills, you may one day become Raikage. Be warned, however – when you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. There is no in-between.”

“Satoru, throughout this exam you remained the most perceptive of your class, always inquisitive, always seeking the truth behind the veil of ignorance and circumstance. This is the most important quality of shinobi of the Main Branch, who must above all else follow the dictates of their conscience when serving their village. You are destined for great things.”

“Kazuma and Shimete, I must inform you that blood slavery is highly frowned upon in our village because of its long history of abuse and degradation. That being said, it is clear that you two have a strong, growing bond beyond the obligations of your clans to each other. At some point you will have to re-evaluate your relationship, because the status quo cannot hold for much longer.”

"I guess this exam served a huge purpose, you can't have a good team without proper team work."<i></i> with a simple hand gesture the forest began to change, revealing the leaders of great Kumogakure. "Wow, they were really watching the whole time! That's a pretty nice genjutsu too. I don't think any of us sensed it even a little."<i></i>
As every thing was complete, Junko now was a Genin of his village, finally a true ninja. Junko put away all of his things and attempted to give everyone a handshake before departing. This was now a start to a new beginning and more then likely the next time everyone would meet, everyone would have changed.

[Topic Left]
Haru and the others were called back to the proctor. The exam was probably over. Haru didn’t make sense of who had what notes and won, but he wasn’t too nervous.

The proctor began speaking about each student; Haru listened closely to the one about him.

“Haru, you reek of ambition and trouble, and you are a decidedly lone wolf in your style of combat. At this point you of all of your classmates have the highest chance of going missing. But if you can overcome your youthful foolishness and apply your drive to developing your shinobi skills, you may one day become Raikage. Be warned, however – when you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. There is no in-between.”

Haru found the proctors comments on him interesting, he was obviously previously informed about the young ninja before the exam. He must’ve been at the lecture that was Haru’s last class where he spoke of going missing and such.

He couldn’t help but smile, he was finally a real ninja, regardless of what his plans were for the future, who would die even if it were him, through all the injustices in the world; This was a moment of pure joy for the young boy.

[Topic Left]
Shimete jumps out of the tree that she was in and reports to the teacher. It was starting to look like plan B was not needed after all for he was congratulating all of them. Shimete and Kazuma was at the end of the line. Shimete was not surprised at what the examiner had to say about her. She has heard the statement so many times that it has lost meaning. She was a little disappointed that they didn’t have anything say about her actions as he did for the others. She would have not cared if it was positive or negative feedback; just give her something she hasn’t heard a million times already. It’s not like there is anything she can do about it. Yet again she was grouped with Kazuma; couldn’t they get individual feedback. She wanted to say so much to them, but decided to stay quite. They just don’t understand the culture she is from. If they will not understand her, then she will go to understand them and the anbu will help her. The anbu will give her a new identity and while she wears that mask she will look at the world through their eyes.

Kazuma agrees with the examiner for he also frowns on such an act. As the next head of the clan he will implement a change in the culture. However, change is a slow process and hard to control, but change is inevitable. He may not see the Nigiri freedom is his life time but will put the clan on that path and hope that they will stay on that path when he is gone. Guiding the clan to this path will not be easy for centuries of tradition are hard to break. However if he could just make a crack, he believes he can do it.

Then the real surprise happened. Out of nowhere three men on a platform appears. “Mother Moro!” She could not even believe what she was seeing. That genjutsu must have been strong as hell. She could not see their auras or smell their scent. Kazuma was not sure what was going on. Since her didn’t hear the leaders arrivals, he assumes they teleported here.

Now they were officially ninja, all of them. But this is only the beginning of their journey. The trek through the academy may have been rigorous, but what lies before them will be ever more so challenging. As Kazuma and Shimete head out of the forest they take their first footsteps on a new adventure.
[left topic]
Satoru looked relieved to hear the man call for all the examinees to gather, even if he seemed quite stern. He looked at Junko, wondering what would happen next, then noticed Shimete come down from a tree she had been hiding in. He sighed. Crouching down for a few seconds, he pulled his head back and stretched his neck's muscles until Haru also arrived at the scene. "I wonder if this is all..."

The four were now standing at attention in front of Juunin, who started by congratulating them and explained the purpose of what they'd been put through.

"One thing that you must always remember is that Kumogakure stands United. We shinobi do not stab each other in the back, and our common Lord and Master is the Raikage in all situations," he said and thumped his chest. It was quite inspiring for Satoru - the image of comradery and loyalty defining the shinobi of Cloud that formed in the boy's mind. Juunin then walked by and spoke to each one of them. Satoru was impressed by how the man remarked every one of them. He felt proud and excited as he heard the examiner's words about him, but didn't show it much. The excitement only grew with the thought that, seeing how Juunin spoke, the exam was most likely over and it seemed like everybody passed. The man finished by addressing both Kazume and Shimete at the same time, regarding their relationship, and then made a hand gesture. Satoru had his attention on him, but it was quickly drawn to a platform which suddenly started appearing. "Mother Moro!" exclaimed the girl beside him. His eyes widened with surprise and his jaw seemed to lower a bit, not only because of the powerful genjutsu but also because he recognized two of the three men who were sitting at the platform, and the third was an easy guess.

"Leaders of Kumogakure, I present to you the graduating class!" declared Juunin proudly.

"The leaders.. of.. Kumogakure...," Satoru thought for a bit and realized that all of his actions during the exam had probably been under the three sennins' watch. He couldn't help but smile a few seconds later. The exam had been nothing like he'd expected and that wasn't a bad thing at all. He shook Junko's hand and also bid his farewells to the others. He threw his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. Closing his eyes, he relished in the satisfaction he felt then. The boy felt proud and inspired. His head then tilted back and he opened his eyes with a grin before starting his run back home.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
