Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Friday, 14. Mar, 05:28:17

Private Exam for the Examiner? [Exam]

Sota's (very) clever strategy is left to rot in the air. Disregarded; not up to par. Ticks him off. Not the idea of it not holding up. Her standards were stupid, anyway. But at the unwelcome silence that follows. Comes and only goes away for a father and his daughter, as though they are more important than him. Ticks him right off; pins his teeth in a sneer, glues him to grounds covered with smouldering coal.

But he moves. Sings the reminder of his situation and moves. Ire marks every line of his face, all the way, all until: my disappointment all they sent were a couple of kids...

Here, he remembers to focus again. Doesn't want to waste away the chance at fun. And, well; mostly the chance at repairing a child's bruised ego. "Kids that'll FUCK you up, is what."

Return of a grin; cracks at one corner and savors the semi-curve at his lips. A gust explodes forth, promising to shower them in cold, and Sota pounces. Throws himself to the air and slaps his hands together. A sign, a second, and a third later — whoosh's the sound of something darting back down. Red, sharp — hungry for a taste of the cold-blooded — a blood formed blade flies at their opponent.

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[used Blood Blade]
Sota's blood blade would hit its mark as it would slice through the Yuki's left arm, leaving blood trailing down. The older man would grimace but he would focus on who he thought would be a bigger threat. Mitsuha. She had equipped her actual main weapon, gauntlets made of actual dragon scales, pointed as she unleashed a flurry of attacks. Most of them would hit their mark, about five of them. This would be the first time that Sota would actually see more ferocity in the girl's attacks as she mainly have stuck with using ranged taijutsu since he knew her. She was in fact, going by what he had said of rushing in and actually fighting, as he would put it, going with more wild and stronger attacks rather than the precise type she usually goes for. Would he catch on that she is quietly going on by what he had suggested? Would she listen to what he might have to say if he gives another command as long as it ends up with them working together?

Mitsuha would warp away once a giant snowflake was hurtled towards her as it destroyed the area behind her, making the ground a small crater with ice. She would warp right next to the Yuki and rushed forward with all of her strength to attack him. He would dodge out of the way in time, but she would still manage to hit his right leg as she passed by him. Warping away to recover herself, she would ready her next attack. During this time, the Yuki would then shift his focus back on Sota as he would unleash another freezing air attack, but Sota was just too fast this time, dodging with ease and seeing an opening!

It was also during this time that Sota would see Crush getting the woman out of harms way, using this time that the Yuki is busy to be stealthy.

(Sota you have advantage on your next attack, the Dice gods smile upon you)
Blood is spilled; a choir of angels explode into song. Sota's grin is sharp — literally — with teeth sinking into pliable skin, threatening to tear at his lips. Doesn't register; his mind is absent. Forces his nerves to the same. A boy drunk on the success of a hit.

As Mitsuha takes the reins, Sota's feet find the ground again. Break off into a sprint while a clash carries on between the girl and a common foe. His eyes struggle to follow her, to follow the excitement that sparks on the field like fireworks, only catching up when an explosion reforms the terrain of said field. Then, the reins are handed to him. Eyes veer in his direction, and a shiver runs down his spine. Sota is perceived, offered the attention of a stronger enemy. However will he contain his glee?

The ice that blasts his way misses him entirely, and — oh? What's this? "Pfft — WAHAHAHA!!!!! SHOULDA AIMED BETTER, BITCH!!!"

God-forbid. An opening.

Not even a breath is needed for a soul and nature to connect. To reach out into the space of an angry hymn; to seek the water that courses through their opponent's veins with a desperation. A need to patch what is broken. "I've gotten better at this, y'know," Sota declares with childish, chin-raising pride.

Heed the call of a Chigokai... bubble and boil, and thrust through the body that homes you 'til you're but a thorn on a rose's stem. Tearing through muscle and skin and escaping out from the other side of this body: A spike, shaped from the Yuki's own blood, shoots inward, coming from under his arm to impale his own torso.

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Sota would be able to focus to a fine point, a vital vein on the man, one that once erupted into a large blood spike to impale his own body, would render his whole arm useless and nearly hitting some other vital organs in the torso area of the man. The Yuki would cry out in pain, loud enough for all wildlife to fall silent for a few moments.

Mitsuha had no doubt of Sota's capabilities in a fight, and now seeing it up close she was glad the boy hadn't decided to pick a fight with her. For both of their sakes. The man would whimper in pain and it was obvious that the fight was over. "You had made a fatal mistake thinking that Sota is just some kid. You are lucky that you are even alive." She would kneel down to check the man's injuries before suddenly grabbing the man's uninjured hand and flicking fast, breaking several of the fingers. The man would cry out in pain once more as Mitsuha would bring out a summoning scroll that produced some handcuffs. Slapping them onto the Yuki's mangled and bloodied hands, she would look back at Sota. "Good job." She would look back at the Yuki who would not fight back. She had taken that extra measure of safety by breaking his fingers so that he won't try any one handed seals that Yuki are famous for.

Crush, Mitsuha's clones, and the family (Mother, father, and daughter) carefully approached the duo. "Once we escort the family and the prisoner out of here, then I'd like to talk to you about the mission. But for right now, we will still have to fare against the heavy chakra in the area." She would look over at Crush. "Heal the prisoner, but only enough to where he won't die on us. Don't fix his hands." He would nod, understanding his assignment, and Mitsuha would then look over at the Yuki. "You try anything and Sota here will show you just how capable he is."

If there were no protests from Sota, they would walk forth until through the Forest.
Pure ecstasy is what it was. Hearing the scream; feeling the cause.

The metaphorical rule of thirst is fulfilled. Sota's smile is a hazy line when he returns to Mitsuha's side. Her praise registers seconds too late, so no responses are formed in time. But she pushes it, feeds the gluttonous ego of a little boy. Sharp turns to razor; his grin only grows, as does his hubris. "Yeah," he spits after a delayed moment of thought.

It's as though she suddenly knows to play the game. As if she'd known him to reject the unexciting idea of escorting a family to safety, and had peppered her words with enough flattery to distract him. It works. He's temporarily blinded. Shoves his chin in the air and strides with her. "Told 'im I'd gotten better — his fault for totally missing me, heh."

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She smiled at his response. cocky, yeah, but maybe he is looking for praise. "You did great Sota." They would continue to walk in silence, making sure that the Forest isn't playing any tricks on them until they finally made it out. Mitsuha, who has been trying her headset the entire time couldn't get a signal until they were finally out of the Plains. "Any available ANBU, we have a prisoner that would need escorting and questioned at earliest convenience." Soon, an ANBU operative would take the Yuki from them as she gave him a report of the mission, telling them the man's intentions were that to use the kidnapped family to lure Leaf ninja there.

They would then escort the family back to their little town, and while doing so, Mitsuha kept pace with Sota. "You really did good. Keniwa had faith in you that you would pass the exam and wanted me to oversee it. I will admit. At first I was skeptical. But not in your ability to get the job done. But rather being able to take and follow orders along with work with people who are your comrades rather than against them. It's because that you proved me wrong, that you can be trusted to work with people on these types of missions, that I can say that you pass your exam."

She would produce a summoning scroll, exactly identical to the one that he had thought Mitsuha had given to the green monster. Would he figure out that it was in fact her clone that had given a replica of the scroll? Either way, once he applied his chakra to the scroll, a Leaf head band would poof into existence. Along with that, a pair of new high brand shoes. "There are only two things I ask of you. Next time I see you, I want to know that you can cast the cancel ninjutsu. Along with that, strive to work as a leader. I had asked you to voice your opinion on a battle plan earlier to gauge how your battle iq is. This is vital for real life or death type missions. And if you would want to progress further in the ranks, you will need to learn to properly lead a squad one day and give proper orders for the best outcome." They would make it to the small town and the family thanked them both. Even the other people of the town were trying to get them to stay so that they could do a celebration and give Sota and Mitsuha some food.

"I'll have to give a report to Keniwa as well once we get back. But how about it? Relax and get some food. You've earned it."

(Congrats Sota! You passed your Genin exam!)
Shizukesa had been around as required by Keniwa, he had not interfered nor was he going to instead, he just simply watched and waited to see the outcome of the exam, he would not give his opinion nor would he give his advice on the matter, instead he would simply allow himself to have a few moments to reflect on what was being discussed as well as Mitsuha had handled herself in this task that had been given, as he nodded to himself that pleasant face of his away from the two of them, knowing full well that all he was to do here was watch and oversee the exam, he did not need to involve himself.

As it seemed that the exam had finished and just a little bit of conversation was going on between the two of them he allowed himself to take out his headset that he had at that moment fixing it on.

"Keniwa, it seems that Mitsuha has completed the exam successfully, if you do wish any form of a report or anything else I can attend your office as requested, however, I can give the seal of approval that this was completed well and fittingly for those wishing to attain promotion"

With that he removed the headset, not letting the others see him before vanishing, this had been carried out well and it seemed they had another upstanding member of the branch on the rise, though he would be interested to see the future that was held for Sota but overall it was all completed.

[MFT: 260]
[Topic Left]
Words are untold, kept to himself, as though the otherworldly concept of praise is just that: alien. Not to be messed with. Not to be questioned because, well — on one hand — he agrees! He did great. He is great. But, on the other; why's it coming from Mitsuha? Had the world fallen under? Had she slipped and hit her head? Words are kept to a quiet. When he trails after her, he's not basking in his victory. Merely at sail with the aftermath; the offset phase of a drug. Coming down.

"Cool," he finally offers with a shrug. Had he really worked with her?

A small burst of excitement eases some color into his eyes at the sight of her scroll. He allows it to eat at his chakra and a grin booms at the new head band. And... what's this? The promised shoes. "No shit!" Hands fly out to claim his rewards, and he makes effort to wave at the spiel that follows. Battle IQ? A leader's role? Who cares about that? He's not even in a squad! If Sota's got something to worry about it's these new shoes!!

(Procedure is followed, and they're even praised by the strangers of the next town they stop at. Sota falls into yet another silence, but his grin is persistent from time to time, eventually following him home.)

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[thank u mitsuha sensei (pray emoji)]
She was confident in Sota's abilities and was at least grateful he hasn't hit her with a snarky comment or whatnot. Maybe a sign that he is growing as a ninja.

After the festivities, she would walk back with Sota to ensure he got back to the Village safely and would make her way back to her mansion.

(topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time: Friday, 14. Mar, 05:28:17
