Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Exploring Seki District [Kitsune | Private]

Yuki Minikui

New Ninja
Jan 23, 2019
Minikui was very new to this district and it seemed as if it was for those of upper class. The rich people of the district. She felt out of place even though her dress was quite elegant and nice it was nothing compared to the clothes and such of those around her. Walking around looking at the shops from the windows only as she had no possible way of ever considering going in with the price tags on even the lowest priced items in the shops. Looking around quickly she started to head back the way she came when she noticed a path she had not yet traveled on and it was quite different looking than the rest of them.

Continuing on towards the path she reached the beginning of it and took a step forward expecting someone to yell at her or something but no one said anything and just kept on about their day. Travelling up the path slowly she admired all the architecture going up it and the landscaping that covered the path as it was quite exquisite.It curved to and fro not really going any one way more than the other. The path lead her up a hill and kept winding and twisting in and out. As she reached the top of the path a thick metal gate was in her way and she realized that she must be at someone's house but she had no clue who this person was at all.

She examined the gate closely even touching it to feel the cool and smooth feel of the steel gate. It was a rustic gold color as if it was bronze but it had the feel of steel to it. To the left of the gate was an elegant brick wall that was painted to be white it seemed which complimented the gate perfectly she thought. It appeared as if the gate was the only point of entry as the wall seemed to surround the whole estate and she quickly noticed the panel to the right side of the gate on the brick wall that seemed to be very simplistic in nature. It had an intercom button and a camera which alerted her to the fact she was probably being watched at this point. Curious about it she walked over smiling at the camera and pressed one of the buttons on it. A sound much like the ringing of a phone came out of the speaker and she jumped a little at the noise afraid she was going to get yelled at for trespassing on whoever's property this was. If there had been signs as to whose estate this was she had missed all of them lost in how beautiful the landscape and architecture was. Waiting patently for the ringing to cease she gathered herself and stood tall and elegantly in front of the camera trying to make a good first impression to whoever this was.
It had so far been a lazy day for Kitsune, she’d spent a few hours just lazing around in bed, getting a massage from her very scantily clad Ai-chan, then she’d had a nutritious breakfast, and after that she went to her study and threw herself on a couch with high armrests, with a book about advanced electric phenomenon in her hands. It was an interesting read for sure, and it’d most certainly help Kitsune either shield her various technologies and creations or perhaps even utilize it. She didn’t know if other countries had taken electronics into use for their day to day business, but if they had it’d be a business opportunity. Or a strategic target…

Suddenly, a ringing interrupted Kitsunes thoughts, and she looked up from her book to see one of her maids approach with the handheld terminal designed to keep an eye on the gate and whomever approaches or rings the bell. A young girl with hair almost as red as Kitsunes had rung the bell and appeared to try and look as elegant as she could. Kitsune took the terminal and activated the little microphone which would patch her through to the gate.

“Are you lost, little one?” she asked, and without even waiting for an answer she continued “No matter. Come in. I’d much prefer to talk in person rather than this impersonal approach.” she said with a slight hint of a chuckle as she pushed the button on the screen to open the gate. It was on a time delay, so after a minute it’d close up again, so Minikui wasn’t in a rush to enter, but if she hesitated for too long it’d close again, and she’d be left wondering who lived in the mansion she had found herself approaching.

[MFT; WC: 298]
Minikui was startled by the sudden sound of someone's voice over the intercom and jumped back a bit. Before she could even think of a response to the seemingly and overwhelmingly feminine voice coming from the console the gates began to swing open quietly she might add as it seemed they were oiled almost daily as to prevent rust and any squeaking when being opened or closed. The estate seemed very well maintained and cared for honestly more than she would expect. Looking around the estates there seemed to be so much to look at and it was quite overwhelming.

Staring at the trees and ponds she simply was awestruck and stood there staring and smiling at all of the beautiful landscape as water kissed the tip of the leaves on the trees falling down ever so slowly she felt like she was in the middle of a dream and that this wasn't even real. "How can this be real? How can something be so beautiful and flow so well together? I have never seen anything like this in my life and I don't think I ever will see anything like this again. I wonder if she would let me stay here with her? No no no calm down Mini you don't even now this woman yet maybe she's a really bad person who is very stingy with her money and about helping others." Mini thought to herself as she continued staring and walking forward.

Lost in her thoughts Minikui continued forward so lost in fact that she stepped and fell into the pound getting all wet and suddenly coming back to reality. Looking back down at her clothes she is completely soaked but thankfully didn't break anything. Climbing out of the pond she begins to walk directly towards the house that she imagined the voice had been referring to. As she ascended the steps she left wet footprints behind showing exactly how she had gotten wet and she had been coming from. Reaching the door she pressed a button on the side of the door getting it all wet with her fingers and the door bell began to ring alerting whoever this lady was that Minikui had made it to the house albeit a sopping wet mess.

[WC: 378]
After what seemed to be an excruciatingly long time of waiting, Kitsune got impatient and headed for the door herself, and as luck would have it, that was right when Minikui rang the doorbell. Kitsune opened the door only a second or so after the bell had rung only to see a young girl, absolutely sopping wet and dripping everywhere. It was quite obvious that she’d fallen into the fountain over by the entrance. “Well now. It seems you’ve been acquainted with the fountain.” she said and chuckled “Come on in, and get dry.” she continued, showing Minikui inside and gesturing for a maid to bring some towels and handle drying the poor girl off.

She’d also gesture for someone to bring some spare clothes that’d fit. The clothes would be a near perfect fit, and look very stylish. There’d be the needed underwear, black knee-length socks, a long blue kimono-style dress complete with the sash and all, only a smaller one so it wouldn’t take up huge amounts of space. “Allow me to introduce myself, little one.” Kitsune said “I am Duchess Shinrya Kitsune, Chief of Research in the Medical Branch of Kumogakure. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”. She smiled at the end and waited for Minikui to introduce herself.

“Oh, and please do keep the clothes.” Kitsune said, as the thought struck her “They’ve been sitting in a closet for far too long, and I’d rather see a young beauty wear it rather than perpetual storage.” she finished with a smile.

Minikui was surprised at the speed with which the door was opened for her. The girl who opened it had bright red hair was was wearing a light black shirt with a long collar that covered practically her whole neck. Following the end of her shirt was a pair of black pants that matched the shirt perfectly and showed off all her curves and edges thought mini didn't really care about any of that because she wasn't all that into a relationship at the moment and she was freezing.

As she stood there shivering the girl who had invited her made a few gestures and maids began to dry and strip Minikui right in front of the girl who had invited her in and Minikui began to blush and turn away from the girl as to hide as much of her body from her as she could. Now in dry clothes she turned back to the girl and began to smile much warmer though her hair was still wet and would take a very long time to dry. She refused to use things such as blow dryers on her hair as she would prefer to avoid any damage at all to her perfect natural hair. "My name is Minikui and it is a pleasure to meet you Duchess Shinrya Kitsune. You're the chief of the medical branch that's really cool. I'm glad to have met someone from the medical branch it is my plan to join that branch when I get older and become strong enough to do so. Thank you again for inviting me in and for the clothes. I truly do appreciate this gesture of yours." With that she bowed to Kitsune and gave her a big smile fixing her posture to be more respectful standing up straight and looking Kitsune in the eyes.
Kitsune chuckled a bit at the show of embarrassment, thinking nothing of it as she’d been completely desensitized to bare skin. ”Minikui-chan, eh? I must say that I like your politeness. It's Chief of Research, though, not the entire branch.” she said with a big smile, leading the young girl towards the study where the very thoughtful maids had already placed refreshments of both solid and liquid natures. ”Feel free to eat and drink all you like. I can imagine taking a tumble into a water feature like that must’ve been terrible.” Kitsune said, showing concern for the girl. Hopefully Minikui didn’t get more than a shock and some wet clothes.

”So you want to be part of the medical branch, then? A fine choice, I must say.” she said, smiling as she remembered her own days of being a young student in the medical branch. ”You know, I used to teach younglings like yourself a thing or two about medical science.” she began, pausing and looking over at the girl, giving her body’s build a good long analyzing look. ”You have the body to make a fine mednin, I’m sure of it. If you want, I could give you a few pointers, or even just straight up teach you.”

What Kitsune was suggesting meant that Minikui would have to take more lessons than just the ones at the academy, they wouldn’t necessarily be tough, they’d just be mentally demanding, and maybe Minikui just didn’t want that kind of responsibility put onto her shoulders just yet. But who knows, maybe she did? Regardless of all that, Kitsune had put the offer out there. ”You know… My first student actually runs the branch now. She’s also my daughter: Shinrya Kahako.” Kitsune said, chuckling a bit
Minikui followed the woman to her study and smiled once she saw the food and drinks walking over to them before looking over to the woman for permission. Once she gets approval she begins to eat a few of the healthier options before washing it down with some milk and looking back at the girl laughing a bit at the way she explained her body. She thought her body was quite average and maybe a little small compared to others however Kitsune thought otherwise and that made her happy. Wiping her mouth with the laid out black cloth napkin she walked towards the woman and stood in front of her.

Hearing that she could learn from Kitsune the girls eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree and she flashed a great smile towards the woman before opening her mouth to respond to her. "I would love to be taught by you since you offered. That would be a great opportunity for me to learn what it is all about before I have to fully make my decision if I really want to go there or not. I am mostly decided on the medical branch. I can't believe your daughter is the head of the branch instead of you. Did you not want to be the head of the branch and opted to just stay as the Chief of Research? It sounds like if I impress or train with you that I will impress her though however and that's always good. I really appreciate your offer and I would love to take you up on it. Thank you for the clothes and the food and letting me in your gorgeous home as well. I know I'm just a little kid that wandered here on accident and I truly appreciate everything you have already done. It is more than I deserve."
Kitsune chuckled at Minikui’s unbridled curiousity and desire to learn. ”Bear in mind, if you opt to join the branch, your duties could vary wildly from mine, given that we have many divisions. When I was Chief Surgeon basically all I did was operating on patients, and providing kinjutsu-related treatments as well.” she started, pausing for a second or two as she sat down with a cup of tea ”As Chief of Research, I’ve been able to focus on developing new techniques for treatment of patients, as well as types of equipment for usage in diagnosing patients and treating them.”

”As for why I’m not the Medical Sennin, I have been. But that basically meant I had to spend all my time doing paperwork and organizing the hospital instead of doing the things I like doing.” she explained, running a hand through her red mane of hair, ”So now I get to spend my time doing fun things, and way less paperwork. Well. Fun to me, anyways.” she finished, taking a sip of her tea before putting it down on a little side table before turning her attention to Minikui again ”So tell me, little one. What is it you hope to accomplish from joining the medical branch? What are your goals and desires?”
Minikui smiled at the woman and nodded her head at what she was saying. Walking even closer to the woman she bowed once more to her and began to stare in her eyes. "Wow you have done a lot of things. You must be a very well known and well renowned throughout the medical branch then huh? I'm very glad to have met you, Kitsune. As for my goals and desires it's as most would say improbable to ever happen but that won't stop me from trying to achieve them. I want to bring back the village hidden in the mist. I want to make it another place to thrive much like this village is here. Not only do I want to bring back this village I want to become the Mizukage of this village. That is my life goal and desire as you put it. It is as a lot of people would call it a "pipe dream" that won't ever be fulfilled."

Turning away from the woman she begins to focus her chakra in her hand creating a small flame that she begins to use to dry her hair without burning it. Waving it back and fourth gently as her hair begins to dry she resumes talking to the woman. "I know that this seems very far fetched for someone of my caliber and skill but that is my dream. I am going to stick to it no matter what happens and quite frankly anything that would attempt to stand in my way purposefully I will remove by force if I have to. Now please excuse the way I have been talking as it is quite rude but, I suppose it does show just how much I care for this little "pipe dream" of mine as most people refer to it as once they have heard about it."
Kitsune scratched her head a bit. So the kidling wanted to revive Mist, eh? It would seem that the laws of nature were conspiring against her, considering that Mist was a frozen wasteland where oxygen fell to the ground as snow. Not to mention the fact that there had been reports of inhuman monsters roaming the area. ”Well. I won’t call it a pipe dream. I’ll merely say that you’ll need to become immensely powerful to handle the areas current… Challenges. Both the weather and the creatures roaming the area. The last I heard, it was so cold that the very oxygen in the air falls to the ground as snowflakes.”

She shook her head at Minikui’s excuse ”Don’t worry about it, little one. I’ve been where you are. With a dream no one believed in. Just keep at it, and we’ll see what happens.” she said with a smile ”As for you joining the medical branch, well. I may not be sennin anymore, but I still have some influence there. So if you ever come to the hospital, wear this,” she continued and held up what looked like a choker necklace, or a collar, ”It’s got my family insignia on it, and should let the receptionist know you’re there to find me. She’ll show you the way to my office, or, as is more likely, to my laboratory.” she finished and smiled, handing the small piece of jewelry to Minikui. Who knows, maybe she’d be interested in advancing the field of medical technology as much as Kitsune was.

[MFT; WC: 259]
Minikui watched as the woman before her explained that in her eyes at least it wasn't a "pipe dream" as others would have rather let her believe. However instead acknowledging her drive for power she simply told her that she should work hard and she can probably achieve it which warmed her heart. Finishing drying her hair with the flame from her hand she extinguished the flame all the while taking a step back from the girl to see more of her without having to move her eyes as much up and down. Once Kitsune finished speaking she offered her a choker or collar as it seemed which was the last thing that she had expected from the woman.

Wanting to be polite she took the choker and held it in her hand not putting it on as it wasn't exactly something that was interested in wearing. Maybe she would wear it one day but she had no intentions of doing that today. Smiling brightly at the woman she extended her hand in a show of gratitude and let the choker slide down her arm a bit so it was easier to carry around as she figured they wouldn't be in the study much longer anyways. "Thank you for this. I am very grateful for it and appreciate your concern for it. I would love to come by the hospital sometime and see you. However I'm not exactly sure that I would wear this choker but i could keep it on me when I needed to go to the hospital."
Kitsune reached over and moved a little tap on the choker, making it elongate and look like a necklace instead. ”Easily changeable, too” she said and grinned ”Just move the tap back and it’ll compress back to choker length.” she finished and smiled. It was one of her own designs, and she had just released it to jewelry stores, allowing them to make hybrid necklaces while earning her a portion of the profits. She might be a shinobi first, but it definitely wasn’t where she made her money. The pay sucked, and the hours sucked harder. But despite that, she enjoyed it because she got to do research, and get paid for it.

”So tell me, little one. Will you join me for lunch?” she asked, and got out of her chair, stretching enough to make her back make a few popping sounds, like when someone cracks their knuckles. ”I assure you, my maids are quite the capable chefs, so odds are they’ll be able to whip up something you’d like easily.” she said and headed towards the door, leading the way to the kitchen. If Minikui decided to join her, she’d be more than welcome, and if not, then she’d be led to the front gate by one of the maids.

This little happening had been quite entertaining for Kitsune, to think someone that young would have dreams of breaking the laws of physics. She’d certainly be one to watch in the future. Both as a mednin and as a person.

[TLUS; MFT; WC: 252]
Watching as Kitsune twisted a tap on the choker that she hadn't noticed before it became a much more elegant necklace instead that was quite beautiful. That was quite cool for Minikui to watch and she quickly handed the necklace back to Kitsune turning around. "Would you mind putting it on me please?" Smiling brightly as she waited for the woman to place the necklace upon her neck she heard her explain that she could join her for lunch and that she was quite certain her maids could make whatever dish that she liked. Nodding her head to the suggestion Minikui felt the girls warm and nimble fingers placing the necklace around her neck before hearing a small little snapping noise meaning that the necklace was now in place. Turning back around she smiled at her and gave her a giant hug not letting go. "Thank you very much for the opportunity to eat with you I would love to do so. I'm not exactly a very picky eater anyways so I'll just have whatever it is you would be having Miss Kitsune. Your name is quite elegant if I may say so." Letting go of the woman before her she simply followed the woman towards the door and into the kitchen which was filled with state of the art cooking equipment which all looked very fancy and expensive to her let alone confusing as heck. She was very familiar with some of the equipment used for making fish however which she had quite a lot of as well.


Current Ninpocho Time:
