Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Familiar Faces [Event]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Steady..." The young man spoke to himself as he lined up the shot. His target: an empty can about 300 meters out. Takeyashi had never been able to shoot this far before, but he'd learned to utilize his new abilities. While the enzymes that his body naturally produced had made him sick at first, that was no longer the case. With training, the young man had managed to turn what used to be a liability into one of his greatest strengths. The true power of the enzymes were their latent ability to mutate and adapt to whatever situation Takeyashi found himself in: if he was too close to fire, his skin got courser; if he was bleeding too much, his body produced extra coagulants to seal the wound. Even now, where he found himself unable to accurately shoot at such a vast distance, the enzymes sprung into action and increased the muscle control in his arms. In one fluid motion, the young man drew his bow and loosed an arrow — the feathered projectile traveled quickly and accurately, embedding itself deep into the can before it dragged the metal cylinder with it as it continued to soar through the air. A grin found its way onto the young man's face as he admired his work. It was funny how a couple of months of training can really turn a situation around.

Takeyashi's guard was down. He wasn't paying attention to who else was in the area as he was practicing. Little did he know that his peaceful and relaxing day was about to completely change. Takeyashi didn't realize it yet, but he had a date with destiny today.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
15 seconds was not a long time. But it could be considered so for those shinobi that had lightning fast reflexes. Fortunately for Kazuki, he was one of those ninjas that had the uncanny ability to react in split seconds. Combining that with his supernatural ability to merge with shadows, the Senju Overlord was more capable, than most, to flee from particularly perilous situations. Having a bomb explode on his office was one of them and, albeit not potentially mortal, it could still cripple enough. And when there was a deranged madman after him, the White Wolf needed to be in top condition. And even then, he was not certain if he could survive a close encounter with Shouki, all by himself. 15… 14… 13… 12… 11… 10… 9… 8…

The silvery haired man would emerge from the shadows not far from the his office. The silence was overwhelming, the tension in the air palpable. Or maybe there was none of it and, only Reaper could feel it due to the circumstances he was in. Regardless, a midst the silence he heard a sound that he deduced to belong to someone practicing archery. Now, two problems immediately arose. Whoever it was, had selected the grounds of the Ranger Order to train without requesting permission first. A big no no. The second one, and more severe, he was sufficiently near the office to be hit by the impending blast. 7… 6… 5… A life was stupidly on the risk. The Ranger Lord rushed forward toward the archer. As reached him, he saw Takeyashi practicing with a bow. 4… 3… 2… 1… BOOM.

The bomb blew before the Death Court Lord could reach the boy. A tremendous heat wave reached them after the blast one. ”DUCK. NOW.” Kazuki would order him right as the bomb exploded. Although he had received both waves, the Senju Overlord did not flinch or move a millimeter. He was firmly entrenched on the ground. The heat would eventually dissipate, only to be replaced by the unnatural cold aura Reaper radiated. Although his face showed him to be calm, even cold demeanor, there was something else there. A shadow of Death surrounded him. It was a bad day to be his enemy. In fact, the coldness that radiated was even more intense than usual. Tranquil Fury was something that was appropriate for his current state.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Hunter's Moon[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The Sennin was on the move. Good... It was about time he became an active participant in the game. There was something about his apathy that made him tingle. There was something about liars and cheats, those that did not seem to give a shit. He could not hold back his excitement, his anticipation much longer, it was starting to ache.

Only a moment seemed to pass before the explosion rocked the facility. The seismic activity would be felt well beyond the Tracking Grounds borders. The office would be incinerated almost immediately, the rest of the main building would remain intact but not for long. The rafters would catch flame as would the wallpaper; the heat like an oven as the fire climbed the walls and in the depths between. Cinders like fireflies seen through the midnight smoke. The structure would moan and creak, the crackle from the inferno deafening, but the tracking grounds was like a house with many rooms. The main building was lost, all that would be left of the building even with intervention would be the blackened, charred skeleton. The training grounds were all separate and safe from the inferno.

Kazuki would find himself in the grasslands:

The sky was unbelievably blue. The grass, a deep and lovely green. The temperature here was more like Fire Country than Wind Country, temperate with a calm gentle breeze in this particular biome. A favored locale for budding archers. There were creatures here, small game creatures indigenous to the 'better' regions of Wind Country. Near the shoreline, in the Northlands. Dune hares, small birds that sung a pleasant melody, even grazing animals such as Sunstriders peacefully ambling through the rolling hills.
The Tracking Ground said:

A large field covered with waist-high grass. This type of terrain can be found along the coastline of Wind Country where the climate is more temperate. The biome is speckled with the rare, occasional tree and lazy sloping hills. This is considered the calmest and possibly safest biome but the most challenging for a stealth user and hence a preferred setting for such. The lack of variants in terrain and the limited hiding places (being mostly the high grass) stealthy Rangers relish the challenge this biome offers.

Cover: Light
Lighting: Bright, daylight
Relative Danger of Region: Very Low

"You still alive Ranger-san? I wannna play a game. You hide... I seek. When I find you, the real fun starts."

He was coming...

[Letting you two get together so a short one from me]​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Duck? Wher-OOF!" Takeyashi hadn’t expected that. He’d heard the sound well before he’d felt the blast, and had turned to see who it was calling out to him on what was otherwise a calm and peaceful day. That was his first mistake. The heat wave hit him head on, forcing him to take the full brunt of the blast unguarded. His instincts told him to flinch, but his body had other things in mind. His skin did burn at first, but that pain quickly gave way as his skin hardened into a flame-retardant scale-like substance. That was his first mistake: he’d given away his abilities to his enemies, if there were any. He cursed his own foolishness, reminding himself to be more wary while training. He’d let himself get too comfortable again.

He opened his eyes as the air turned icy cold, a clear indication as to who it was that had yelled at him. ”Lord Kazuki, sir! What is going on?!” Perhaps he was speaking too brashly with his Commander and Family Leader — that one was a long story, which we obviously don’t have time for now — but considering the dire and life-threatening situation he’d just found himself in, he figured that his manner of tone could be excused. Whipping his head back, adrenaline coursing through his veins, Takeyashi checked to see how his Commander was doing. The calm, but furious anger exuding off the raven haired man was terrifying to behold, but more than anything there was an unnatural feeling of death that followed behind the Overlord and loomed thick over the battlefield. The young spidering almost didn’t want to know how deep this calm fury could go. That was his second mistake: he had doubted the capabilities of his Commander, a mistake he was not prepared to make again. The young man turned back to focusing on the terrain in which they had to work with — looking around, the young archer noted their lack of cover or much of anything useful to them. If a battle was about to erupt, they were going to have to get creative.

The Sennin’s headset began to power on. The young man’s ears perked up as the Sennin’s headset began to transmit, his senses kicking into overdrive to try and hear the conversation. He heard hide, and — and was that seek? The young shinobi stopped to riddle over what this meant, taking a few moments longer to figure it out. When he did, he curtly shot the Ranger Sennin a worried look, instantly realizing the sorely disadvantaged position they were in. Thankfully, he had a plan. ”Sir, I have an idea. I’ll use the Wood Element to summon a forest. I assume you already know I can use Kinesis and Gravity Jutsu, and that there are also potential options there?” Takeyashi guessed that the Senju Overlord had his connections and had read up on the young spiderling. He’d know the young man’s fighting capabilities, and that he was looking to prove himself. Hopefully, if the fight came down to it, his Commander would be able to rely on Takeyashi's talents. "Let's settle on a plan quickly, sir. We likely don't have much time before whoever he is catches up to us." The young man motioned towards the headset, indicating at the mysterious call that went through moments ago. And that was it then: they'd simply have to settle on a plan and role with it.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kazuki's race to safety and eventually tentative rescue of an innocent bystander lead him into the worst biome possible for his current situation. Grass was all that could be seen around him, with the odd tree here and there. In fact, this kind of ambient reminded of the Senju Overlord of his own country. It seemed almost like home, at least, in certain parts of the Fire Country, where plain fields of grass, just like this one, could be found. But silent and calm observations were not on the menu today. "Duck? Wher-OOF!" was all that Takeyashi managed to mutter once the blast hit him. The boy's skin would begin to burn only for the silvery haired man to observe something odd. The Chuunin's skin would undertake a transformation, gaining the necessary characteristics to prevent any more burning. After the blast was done and the unnatural coldness took place, his pupil would open his eyes and a sudden realization would hit him. Perhaps he had not been aware of who had shouted him before, but this coldness only indicated one of two individuals. Either Mikaboshi or Reaper. Considering the lack of love for humanity the Deep Court Lord had, it was quite fitting this individual with such tendency of spreading death and cold was, none other than, the White Wolf himself. ”Lord Kazuki, sir! What is going on?!” the last Mitsuyo would inquire. The silvery haired man quickly ignored the boy's tone due the circumstances. Leniency he would not show a second time and, in a different predicament. He was about to explain what was going on, but his headset would work again. Laughter would be heard, quickly followed by. "You still alive Ranger-san? I wannna play a game. You hide... I seek. When I find you, the real fun starts." "Who do you take me for? A man made of paper? It takes much more than that to end me. If you find me." the White Wolf answered back. He paused momentarily so he could gaze his student with a meaningful look. "Shouki, I intend to make you sweat. At the end of the day, you will find yourself having more fun than you wanted. And you will stay from it for the rest of your existence. Just let me call my master, the Wind Daimyo and report to him that Shouki the general is after a servant of his. Then I will return to your game."

The Ranger Lord was not a servant of the Daimyo, but did Shouki know that? Maybe he knew he was speaking with the Death Court Lord, but did not know with complete certainty. It was an educated guess, perhaps, but only a guess. The more he tried to mess with the madman's mind, the better his chances of getting out of this alive. Of course, he never accounted for having to protect Takeyashi. This would be a problem. ”Sir, I have an idea. I’ll use the Wood Element to summon a forest. I assume you already know I can use Kinesis and Gravity Jutsu, and that there are also potential options there? Let's settle on a plan quickly, sir. We likely don't have much time before whoever he is catches up to us." the Chuunin would suggest. It was clear that he had heard Shouki's words, even if only partially. Kazuki would shook his head. Not that he disapproved the boy's plan, but he did not know enough. "Do you have the faintest idea of where you are? This is training areas of a certain order, the Rangers. This is one of their biomes. We cannot change anything even if we tried. These biomes are protected and locked to stay in this state perpetually. Even if you manage to create a forest, it would simply be sucked in." the Senju Overlord explained. Of all the biomes, this was certainly the worst for them. But the White Wolf had shook his head because he could not allow the boy to risk his life like that. "I am ordering you to leave this place at once. You are not risk your life against this man. Flee and warn Sousuke, or any other Sennin, of what happened. I will stall him as much as possible to ensure you can escape. Go now." the silvery haired man would order him. He was expecting a vehement denial, considering of what he knew about the Chuunin, so he had something ready to say. That perhaps could help motivate the last Mitsuyo into obeying. "Do you think Sunagakure will miss me if I die? I am a foreigner kid, I was not born in this village, not even in this country. I rose rapidly in Sand's ranks but no one will bat an eye if they know I have passed. You belong here, you have a life ahead of you. You carry the Mitsuyo name and you are the last one of them. If you die today, another portion of Sunagakure's soul dies with you. And the Mitsuyo become extinct. Consider this." Would this work? Probably not.

"Guess someone will receive a spanking when he gets home for dinner. Your father is not pleased that you're hunting down his agents in Sunagakure. I tried to appease him, but... Oh well..." the Ranger Lord would say to his headset.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Hunter's Moon[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Headset Communication if able to hear:

One message specifically for Kazuki
"Kazuki, where are you? There is a potential situation and I believe we will need to gather all of us up."

One message for all within The Orders
"Communications, this is the Kazekage - directive six now. All Orders report in right now."<i></i> There would be a brief pause. "Looking for suspicious actions in any of the Ranger training areas, or anything of interest in the Oracle library."<i></i>

End of transmissions.

If replying directly please share communication here:

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Time to fight Kazuki-san. Do the stat thing and try to keep alive. Call-ins still take 3 rounds per ROE and cost 1 AP.
Calls for help are limited to participants in the event topic(s) and the mission topic involving the crazy people (where Isamu is actively in a fight as well).



Kazuk and Ginjiro would meet in an unlikely place -- the grasslands biome. One of the more temperate of climates, the air was warm but somewhat dry. The creatures housed in this particular part of the Ranger's training complex tended to be for the most part inert, but there would be a few predators lurking about.

”Lord Kazuki, sir! What is going on?!”

"Heh--" That was confirmation. of his desired target. Yes, desired target. He did not want Kazuki in particular, he was just going to pick him up, touch him a bit and hold onto him... for a friend.

Kazuki gave some kid a hero speech, it would not be the first or the last time he heard the overused trope -- run kiddo you have your whole life to live. I will hold off the horde with my shovel and my heart of gold! He heckled into Kazuki's ear but the sound came out in stereo. Shouki was not far, he never was but now the voice was coming from two sides.

"Guess someone will receive a spanking when he gets home for dinner. Your father is not pleased that you're hunting down his agents in Sunagakure. I tried to appease him, but... Oh well..."

Shouki made no effort to hide himself as he rounded a row of shrubs. He was not what one would have expected considering his sick sense of humor. He was young, he could not be older than his early twenties with a muscular form. He stood at about seven feet in height, the average citizen would seem like a dwarf in comparison. He wore a sleeveless white shirt and a pair of bluejeans over a pair of dark leather boots. If one were to look for him in a crowd, less his size and the giant-blade he had strapped to his back, he looked very much the part of a civilian. "Spanking? On a first date..." he let out a laugh. "You are definitely my type." How did his playmate know that he liked to play rough? Oh what a joyous day.

He seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside he was literally bursting. "Kazuki... Would that happen to be Sennin Senju Kazuki?" He would make his approach, his giantblade still strapped to his back. Odd how the young man called him Kazuki, using his first name while fixing Lord onto the name like a title. There was unlikely multiple Lord Kazuki's, but there was also that petty moment of familiarity that did not pass his notice. Yes, he knew what acquaintances were -- those people that mixed formality with casual vernacular interchangeably my mistake. He also knew what it meant to be on good terms with his prey. Soon the kid would find out also if he did not heed Kazuki's words. (If Ginjiro fails to post anywhere I will assume he listened to you and ran off so he does not get himself murdered in here.)

"I must have forgotten the vetting process behind your hire." He smiled, he was screwing with Kazuki but he knew that the Sennin was screwing with him. That was half the fun, this charade of civility. "Have you ever heard the name Shichi?" His eyes brightened. Yes, he knew that she was sent after him and he knew that she never came back. Soverign just do not send themselves places! And even monsters have friends. He was no friend of hers, she was a whiny bitch even on her best of days but her metallic protector on the other hand... Ho ho ho... "After we are done here, I have someone that you must absolutely meet," he let out a low laugh that would make a sane man uneasy.

He would pull the blade from his back, it was nearly as long as the monster was tall. "I can only hope that this will hurt me as much as it hurts you."

-- Pick Your Actions--

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
run kiddo you have your whole life to live. I will hold off the horde with my shovel and my heart of gold! Shouki would state over the headset as Kazuki tried to convince Takeyashi that he had to run. That he had a higher purpose in life, that he needed run and let the Overlord risk his life. That he needed to warn the Kazekage of what was happening. "Spanking? On a first date...You are definitely my type." the Sovereign General would remark after hearing Reaper's latest attempt of throwing off base. The White Wolf would shook head. "Oh, you got me wrong there. It is your father that will spank you. Unless you're dating your father, which would be sick even for you." the silvery haired man would remark in return. Just another jab in the multitude he had thrown at his foe. One more spark to unsettle him. "Kazuki... Would that happen to be Sennin Senju Kazuki?" the madman would inquire. He would see the Ranger Lord raising his right eyebrow as if he was perplexed with the question. Of course he was that guy, but he was not going to reveal it. "Yeah, you have the wrong guy here. I am Kazuki, correct, but my name is Kisho Kazuki. The Senju Clan would never have the ability to have someone as great as me in their ranks." the would answer. A blatant lie for all that knew him well.

By then, his own headset would receive two calls in sequence. "Kazuki, where are you? There is a potential situation and I believe we will need to gather all of us up." would be the first one, coming directly to his private frequency. "Ranger area and that might be a little trick right now. I have a certain General on my tail." the Death Court Lord would reply over Roku's frequency. "Communications, this is the Kazekage - directive six now. All Orders report in right now. Looking for suspicious actions in any of the Ranger training areas, or anything of interest in the Oracle library." would be the second message, this time from Sousuke. Turning to the right frequency, Kazuki would answer. "The Ranger's office is gone. A bomb exploded and destroyed it completely. I am being pursued by Shouki." A brief momentary pause from what he had in front of him. Luckily he had not been attacked by Shouki.

"I must have forgotten the vetting process behind your hire. the madman would declare. "Quite simple actually. I showed up in the gates, I got hired. CVs are for wimps." the Senju Overlord would clarify. Unlike before, this was not a lie. It was more like it had happened to be honest. "Have you ever heard the name Shichi? After we are done here, I have someone that you must absolutely meet." Shouki would inquire one last time. "No, not really. Should I?" he ask in return. Well, not that she wasn't dead and all, but it could be hardly said he had heard her name.

Stats and what not, sent over PM.



Remaining zombies spend their AP in Basic attacks, if able.

Bone Behemoth
Grave Stomp - 2AP, if able.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Hunter's Moon[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC Disclaimer: The statements, points and views of this NPC are not necessarily those of the writer.

The Mod:
HP: 100,000
CP: 40,000
AP: 10 [-9] 1
[spoilername="Passives"]20% DR
Indomitable Spirit: ignores one point of debuff from any and all sources; ignores fear effects.
Awesome Power - Hidden Powder: +1 to their Secondary stats rather than +.5. This caps at +4 to their secondaries.
Free Will: +2 Dodge/Save against binds, and has an additional +5% chance of escaping.
Called Shot
Bloody Mess
  • - 10% autododge (Kazuki)
    +10% damage done to opponent (Kazuki)
  • - All Bleeding / Called Shot Penalty chances are reduced by -10%. Bleeding/Called Shot penalties are treated as one rank lower. (Lowest this can go down to is Bleeding Rank 1/Sprained)
    - The user cannot be knocked out by Bleeding or Poisons. (This does not include Poison Jutsu)
    - If an attack would cause the user to be Ko'd, their Hp remains at 1 Hp and they cannot be Ko'd for the remainder of the round. This may happen once per battle.
    - If an attack would bring the user to -100% Max Hp, Damage stops at 1 Hp away from -100%. This may happen once per battle.
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 2 (Duelist)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Accuracy: 23
Gen Resist 23 + 3 (Willful)
Evasion 23 - 3 (Divine Judgement)[/spoilername]|Senju Kazuki
HP: 39,000 [-2715] [-429 Bleed I] [+1170 Healing Factor] [+1170] 38,196
CP: 30,000 [-3183] [+900] 27,717
Corrupted Energy: 10,000
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Awareness: +2[/spoilername][/col]

The Roleplay:

This would be a sporting start to a wonderful new game with a smart-ass near albino punk. He had never seen such a pasty thing bleed, he wondered if they bled snow. He licked his lips with anticipation of the sweet sweet pain. He claimed that he was another Kazuki, because it was an oh so common name affixed to a not so common face. It was not like Kazuki blended in with a crowd, even hunched over with a cowl shadowing his face. He was Shichi's target, not that she ever returned with him. It was a disappointment because oh the games they would have played.

He pulled his massive blade from his scabbard, it was nearly as large as the giant of a man that wielded it. His golden eyes glistened and his rows of sharp, seemingly serrated teeth were exposed as he gave Kazuki a maddened grin. The tip of his blade dragged on the ground, grating against the stones hidden in the tall grass. "Don't forget the scream," he reminded Kazuki as the Soverign General moved with deceptive speed that seemed to betray his massive size. The sickly, gangly non-Sennin seemed to have some life left in him as he cut through his hybrid frame. He did not bleed snow -- how disappointing. However, his blood was a curious sight and it made Shouki's heart pound and his mouth salivate.


He had to taste it. HE HAD TO KNOW! He tried to lick the blood from his blade, so dark and hopefully so bitter. He would savor that taste, that metallic flavor that would paint his tongue and coat this throat. The blood that would bind them, make the pale thing bound to him... always a part of him, even after he kills him. It was romantic really, his want for dangerous and wrong things to remain close to them. Never more lovely than when they were in pain. When they were screaming.

Just as he was about to partake, he found himself frozen. His tongue outstretched centimeters away from a glutton's bliss. He just barely made it. His eyes widened with delight. This taste was a novelty. A low guffaw would escape from Shouki that would bubble over and crescendo into a cackling, mad laughter. "Snowflake, you're just my kinda man!" He snickered as his mind went to work taking all things into consideration. It would seem this 'non-Sennin' was a popular man. Yes, he knew exactly who Kazuki was; there was enough bullshit hovering around the Senju to mistaken this region for a cow-plop field but he was going to let the man have it for now. That was the sort of thing he enjoyed extracting manually. It was the voices on the other end that piques his interest. He did not recognize the first. Boring! From the sound of his voice, some entitled prick. Then he heard the second call, it came from Sousuke. He felt something shifting in his pants area. He loved a 'good fight.' He considered Sousuke a useless leader, exceedingly lucky and lacking in conviction but he was a fucking fun ride. He was shaking with excitement.

"Don't hang up Snowflake. I want them to listen!" There was a little bit of an exhibitionist in everyone and Shouki was no exception. He pulled against the shadows that held him in place. Kazuki, you really know how to treat a date right.

Darkness would enclose them, separating the foolish Sennin from his allies if they came to his aide. As the shadows eclipsed the daylight, the shadows would lose their grip. Shouki would not be able to escape the darkness but he was not entirely sure that he wanted to. "Some alone time... I am more of a lights on sorta guy but if you're the shy type... this will work for now." The Sennin had healed himself, the blood now aged on his blade, he would not be able to sate his thirst or curiosity without a fresh mouthful of the Sennin. He heaved the massive blade in a large, arching crescent and cut a deep fissure into Kazuki's chest. Even through his robes he could see the wandering oozing darkness that sluggishly escaped his body. "Mmmm... you dirty thing you. BLEED FOR ME AGAIN!" His blade would crash into Kazuki's arm, a snap felt through the vibrations in the metal and most likely also by the man.

He was going to enjoy breaking and tasting every part of him.

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Shouki declares duelist on Kazuki. Chooses Melee Accuracy.
0.00 Seconds | Shouki draws his giantblade using quickdraw.
0.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki with a free basic strike using strategy that has been poisoned with Serpent's Blood using a second strategy slot. This will be a called shot (arms).

  • Attack 29 + 19 - 2 CRIT (due to Blood Anointed augment) Bleed I
    Evasion 23 + 4
    • 30% Bleed Chance (due to Razor): 40 Failed to increase bleed another rank.
      Poison Roll (Shouki): 6 Failed to Poison Kazuki
      Poison Roll (Kazuki): 14
      Called Shot chance: 94 Failed to increase called shot level.
0.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki with a free basic strike using strategy's third slot that has been poisoned with Serpent's Blood using a second strategy slot. This will be a called shot (arms).
  • Attack 29 + 14 - 2 MISS
    Evasion 23 + 20
0.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki with a free basic strike using strategy's fourth slot that has been poisoned with Serpent's Blood using a second strategy slot. This will be a called shot (arms).
  • Attack 29 + 13 - 2 HIT
    Evasion 23 + 2
    • 30% Bleed Chance (due to Razor): 78 Failed to increase bleed another rank.
      Poison Roll (Shouki): 18 Kazuki has been poisoned. Inflicts -2 Accuracy and Dodge. Each round, the target has 30% chance to lose 1 AP and take -3% max HP damage. Lasts for 3 full rounds.
      Poison Roll (Kazuki): 1
      AP and HP Loss Chance: 28 Kazuki lost 1 AP and took -3% max HP damage.
      Called Shot chance: 58 Failed to increase called shot level.
0.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki with a free basic strike using strategy's fifth slot that has been poisoned with Serpent's Blood using a second strategy slot. This will be a called shot (arms).
  • Attack 29 + 2 - 2 = 27 75% HIT
    Evasion 23 + 5 - 2 = 26
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki uses Dark Invitation to absorb Shouki's energy.
  • Ninjutsu Check (Kazuki) 2 + 27 No effect on Shouki
    Ninjutsu Check (Shouki) 7 + 27
1.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to ingest Kazuki's blood using Reaper of Faith.
  • 1.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to stop Shouki by casting as a reactionary Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered. This cannot be used as a reactionary to stop an attack from happening as it is not considered to be a reactionary only a condtional that would happen at the same time. This means that you would get your bind and he would get his consumption in.
    • Attack: 27 + 20 - 4 - 2 Success, Shouki is bound!
      Evasion: 23 + 5
2.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind. (1 AP for a 10% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus.) Roll: 27 Failed
2.50 Seconds | Kazuki heals himself using Coagulation [Rank 2].
  • Roll: 9 Bleed Rank is now 0
3.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind. (1 AP for a 15% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus.) Roll: 59 Failed
3.50 Seconds | Kazuki uses his headset to speak with Roku. Roku may enter the battle in 3 rounds from when he posts in this thread intent to enter as this is considered to be a call-in (must leave the thread he received the call in).
4.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind. (1 AP for a 20% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus.) Roll: 77 Failed
4.50 Seconds | Kazuki uses his headset to speak to Sousuke. Sousuke may enter the battle in 3 rounds from when he posts in this thread intent to enter as this is considered to be a call-in (must leave the thread he received the call in).
5.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind. (1 AP for a 25% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus.) Roll: 43 Failed
6.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind (1 AP for a 30% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus.) Roll: 54 Failed
7.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to escape the bind (1 AP for a 35% Chance to Escape the bind due to Concentrated Focus). Roll: 81 Failed
7.50 Seconds | Kazuki casts Shadow Dimension - Shadow Void Jutsu [Mastered]
  • This breaks Kazuki's bind over Shouki. This attack is done at +3 accuracy due to the bind.
    Attack: 7 + 3 - 2 + 27 HIT
    Evasion: 9 + 23
    +2 Accuracy and the shadows harm the user's enemies dealing 2000 Damage at the start of each round.
8.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki, using his Primal Augment to reduce the AP cost of his basic attack to 0.5 AP. He attempts to use a called shot on Kazuki (heart).
  • Attack 29 + 16 - 4 HIT
    Evasion 23 + 17 - 2
    • 30% Bleed Chance (due to Razor): 71 Failed to increase bleed another rank.
      Poison Roll (Shouki): 2 Failed
      Poison Roll (Kazuki): 4
      Called Shot chance: 8 Sprained Heart Bleed I.
8.50 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki, using his Primal Augment to reduce the AP cost of his basic attack to 0.5 AP. He attempts to use a called shot on Kazuki (arms).
  • Attack 29 + 17 - 4 HIT
    Evasion 23 + 5 - 2
    • 30% Bleed Chance (due to Razor): 54 Failed to increase bleed another rank.
      Poison Roll (Shouki): 14 Kazuki has been poisoned (again). This does not have a stacking effect but duration is marked from here for the 3 rounds.
      Poison Roll (Kazuki): 12
      Called Shot chance: 25 Sprained Arms.
9.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to heal himself using Coagulation [Mastered] again.
  • Roll: 6 Bleed level persists due to sprain.
9.00 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki, using his Primal Augment to reduce the AP cost of his basic attack to 0.5 AP. He attempts to use a called shot on Kazuki (arms).
  • Attack 29 + 8 - 2 HIT
    Evasion 23 + 6 - 2
    • 30% Bleed Chance (due to Razor): 92 Failed to increase bleed another rank.
      Poison Roll (Shouki): 1 Failed
      Poison Roll (Kazuki): 11
      Called Shot chance: 54 Failed to increase called shot rank of arms.
10,0 Seconds | Shouki casts Cancel as a free action using Willpower.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 8: 'Ready or Not'| Madman Arc said:
[col]Prior to his departure from the Hall of Hammers, Sousuke had given him some words to think about. In fact, there was a lot to think about during this whole ordeal.

Hmmm, someone that enjoys pain.... I feel like I would be a bad mix with that, right? All I know how to do is hit and bust up things. What about that weirdo Mako, will he be alright? Why do I care...well, he was funny. And what about Sousuke... if we could find a way to resolve this prior to him getting here that would be the best. Even if it means that this is the last thing I do while breathing, if I can keep Sousuke from getting caught up in this that would be the best... so think, can Kazuki and I handle this alone for the time being... shit, shit... shit.

Placing his hands on his communication device, he would flip through some channels before finding one that he had not used but was an old back up from a bygone era. It was time to see if it worked and if his message would be received.

"Hello. Hello. Mikaboshi, this is 'Titan'. Rangers Tracking Ground. Sovereign General."

It wasn't a question of pride, it was determination to resolve this current problem as quickly as possible, and there was no denying the strength of the Ancient from the Deep. But, who know if that thing kept his communication device on or kept that channel since he left the ANBU services. There was also the fact that Roku was not aware that Mikaboshi had recently went on a vacation, so there was a chance that his attempt at getting a trump card set up was doomed from the start. Either way, he was ignorant of what all had happened to the thing on the other side of the line. That might have been for the best.

Approaching the Ranger's building he would notice it had been completely wrecked.

An explosion? A hole, an explosion... guy is missing kidnapping a damsel to fill all the old school villainy tropes.

He would swap back over to the open line channel.

"Kazuki, I heard that guy likes to be hit, he would probably really like what I have to offer... so where are you taking him for your date? I see the main building is not in working order, so where should I go to introduce myself?"

It was time to figure out where to head next, but luckily he had some familiarity with the Rangers location thanks to his brief interest in their Order.
Entering in 3 rounds
Name: Roku
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Fight Data



Mood Music X

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Don't forget the scream." Shouki would remind him as he sprang into action. The guy was deceptively fast. In fact, he was much faster than Kazuki would ever thought a human could be. Despite the Senju Overlord's perfected reflexes, he found himself unable dodge the madman's relentless assault. After the first slash had been done, the Deep Court Hybrid began bleeding. "Beautiful..." the General would proclaim. What would a Jashinist do once he had taken blood from their enemy? To consume it. Reaper knew it and he thought he knew how to counter such action, unfortunately, while Shouki became effectively bound as their shadows connected each other, it came a brief of a second too late to save him. The General managed to taste his blood. "Snowflake, you're just my kinda man!" the madman would note. The White Wolf would eye him. "Unfortunately goldilocks, I don't swing that way. I am sure I will find you someone appropriate when we are done." he would rebuke. "Don't hang up Snowflake. I want them to listen!" Shouki would say once two messages were broadcast via the silvery haired man's headset. Kazuki would signal him to shut up, and given how they were linked, he would be forced to mimic the Senju Overlord's gesture.

"Kazuki, I heard that guy likes to be hit, he would probably really like what I have to offer... so where are you taking him for your date? I see the main building is not in working order, so where should I go to introduce myself?" Roku would question. "Roger that. That would be over the Grassland Biome. Indeed he does. I'll try to save something for you. I just hope he doesn't go bananas on me, with the amount of pleasure I am about to give him." the Death Court Lord would inform his second-in-command and fellow Sennin. He was entirely bluffing though. Although a powerful combatant in his own right, it would seem Shouki was on a league of his own. Sure, they had just started, but the Ranger Lord was already being beat up. At best, it would seem he would only be able to stall the bastard son of the Wind Daimyo. It was not even certain if the two of them had any chance against such deviant creature. Time would tell.

"Some alone time... I am more of a lights on sorta guy but if you're the shy type... this will work for now." Shouki would comment once they became surrounded by a dome of pitch black shadows, conjured by the shadow master. "You know what they say. I like to keep some things hidden, specifically that ugly mug of yours." Reaper would remark. A single deep fissure on the silvery haired man's chest later, the bastard son would beg. "Mmmm... you dirty thing you. BLEED FOR ME AGAIN!" This was quickly followed by blunt attack on Kazuki's left arm. The blow would be hard and the snap would be entirely felt by the Overlord's entire bone structure. This attack would render his arm numb. "This is not working. I need to change strategy or I won't last long." he would think. Time to change the game.

Maintain Shadow Dimension.
Activate Dark Invitation- Kinjutsu Ability
Activate Duelist on Shouki (+2 Nin Accuracy, +10% chance to auto-dodge Shouki's attacks)
Leave the Shadow Dimension.
Cast System Shock - Mastered (2AP) on self (no resistance).
Cast Skeletal Fortification - Mastered (2AP) on self for arms (no resistance).
Cast Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu - Mastered (2.5 AP)
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique -R3 (1AP) on Shouki.
Followed by Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu -R3 (2AP) on Shouki.

If Shouki successfully leaves the Shadow Dimension, reenter.
If Shouki is unbound, after I've used Shadow Possession on him, by any means, use Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on him.
If I am bleeding, useCoagulation R2
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Hunter's Moon[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 100,000 [-5600] 95,400
CP: 40,000 [-370] 39,630
AP: 11 [-10.75] 0.25
[spoilername="Passives"]20% DR
Indomitable Spirit: ignores one point of debuff from any and all sources; ignores fear effects.
Awesome Power - Hidden Powder: +1 to their Secondary stats rather than +.5. This caps at +4 to their secondaries.
Free Will: +2 Dodge/Save against binds, and has an additional +5% chance of escaping.
Called Shot
Bloody Mess
  • - 10% autododge (Kazuki)
    +10% damage done to opponent (Kazuki)
  • - All Bleeding / Called Shot Penalty chances are reduced by -10%. Bleeding/Called Shot penalties are treated as one rank lower. (Lowest this can go down to is Bleeding Rank 1/Sprained)
    - The user cannot be knocked out by Bleeding or Poisons. (This does not include Poison Jutsu)
    - If an attack would cause the user to be Ko'd, their Hp remains at 1 Hp and they cannot be Ko'd for the remainder of the round. This may happen once per battle.
    - If an attack would bring the user to -100% Max Hp, Damage stops at 1 Hp away from -100%. This may happen once per battle.
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 2 (Duelist)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Accuracy: 23
Gen Resist 23 + 3 (Willful)
Evasion 23 - 3 (Divine Judgement)[/spoilername]|Senju Kazuki
HP: 38,196 [+4000] 39,000 [cap] [-429 Bleed I] [-2001] [+1170 Healing Factor] 37,830
CP: 27,717 [-2057] [+900] 26,560
Corrupted Energy: 10,000 [+4000] 14,000
AP: 10.5 [-10] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23 - 2 (Poison) - 1 (Sprained Arms)
Awareness: +2[/spoilername][/col]

Roku enters in 3 rounds -- this is 1 of 3.

They were coming for him, this was the sort of thing that got his blood pumping. The sort of thing that reminded him that he was still alive. His heart would pounding, his head was swimming. He could feel Kazuki inside of him, there was something different about him. Something so dangerous and lovely and dark. Should he wait? Wait for others? He bit his lower lip in anticipation. He was the sort of boy that always opened his gifts early and while he understood the need to allow a good wine time to rest he had waited long enough, his bloodlust was overwhelming.

Kazuki was the intended damsel. Sousuke was the white knight but it was Roku riding preferably bareback on that white horse. Hopefully Kazuki's shining white knight did not disappoint. Kazuki quickly realized that this was a battle that was best fought with an ally, not alone. Smart. Kazuki stepped back into the gloom, the darkness tried to reject his escape but after a mere momentary delay Kazuki stepped outside. Once through the gloomy orb, he would be in the bright light of day and Shouki would be trapped inside. "Pfffft...." he scoffed at Kazuki's magic trick as he trudged to the border of the dark realm Kazuki had created. He pressed his shoulder against the edge and it would not give way. He shifted his massive weight and tried again, his heels dug into the ground. The wall did not budge and he did not shift through. He let out a grunt in frustration as he tried again, "you have got to be kidding me."

This scene, however was a familiar one. He rose from the dead inside the belly of a toad where he festered with that massive summon's gastric juices that seared his flesh and tried to reduce him to a slurry. The pain was blinding. The pain was orgasmic. The unknown. The wait. The darkness and the pain. It was exquisite and without mercy. It was the only thing that made him feel alive and he wanted to feel again! He could not see his quarry through the shadowy wall, his frustration mounting as he planted his palm against the cool wall. He could feel it give way, a weakness through which he could pass. He needed and wanted for nothing more as he pushed himself through the wall. When he came out on the other side, the sweet air made him feel sick and the sun was far too bright. He shaded his eyes as he called out to Kazuki. "Playing hard to get? Whatever you need to do to last a little longer!"

His massive blade still drawn, with a laugh he lunged at Kazuki who was mostly healed by this time. His greatblade would cut into him once more, revealing his dark and lovely blood once more. "Hit me back Sennin, I know you want to!"

0.00 Seconds | Kazuki maintains Shadow Dimension.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation- Kinjutsu Ability.
  • Ninjutsu Check Kazuki 10 Success
    Ninjutsu Check Shouki 7
0.00 Seconds | Shouki quickdraws another vial of Serpents Blood.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Duelist on Shouki (+2 Nin Accuracy, +10% chance to auto-dodge Shouki's attacks).
0.00 Seconds | Poison Check.
  • Kazuki 11 Success, Kazuki is no longer poisoned.
    Poison DC 3
0.45 Seconds | Shouki rubs the serpents blood over his giantblade.
0.95 Seconds | Kazuki leaves his Shadow Dimension.
  • I verified in Bmod that this cost would be 1 AP.
    Kazuki Leaving 12 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 14
1.94 Seconds | Kazuki leaves his Shadow Dimension.
  • I verified in Bmod that this cost would be 1 AP.
    Kazuki Leaving 20 - 5 Success, Kazuki has left the Shadow Dimension.
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 10
1.94 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 9 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 5
1.94 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 3 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 17
2.27 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 13 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 12
3.64 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 15 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 12
3.81 Seconds | Kazuki cast System Shock - Mastered on self (no resistance).
  • Consider having things like System Shock serve as conditionals if you fail to overcome the poison DC, this way you do not waste AP or CP on this. Also, consider antidote as an item and have a prepared slot from strategist on it to draw and drink upon being poisoned for a 0 AP response to this because you have the slots for it.
4.55 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 9 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 15
5.45 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 5 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 5
5.71 Seconds | Kazuki cast Skeletal Fortification - Mastered on self for arms (no resistance).
  • Roll: 9
6.36 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 5 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 13
7.27 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 18 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 20
8.18 Seconds | Shouki attempts to follow Shouki out of Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 12 - 5 Success
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 5
8.18 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to re-enter Shadow Dimension.
  • Shouki Leaving 8 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 18
8.18 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to re-enter Shadow Dimension.
  • Kazuki Entering 11 - 5 Failed (but so close)
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 6
8.57 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to re-enter Shadow Dimension.
  • Kazuki Entering 1 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 1
9.52 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to re-enter Shadow Dimension.
  • Kazuki Entering 20 - 5 Failed
    Kazuki Shadow Dimension 19
9.77 Seconds | Shouki attacks Kazuki with Vanishing Slash [Mastered].
  • Attack 13 +3 HIT!
    Evasion 7
    • 10% Auto-dodge 64 Failed
      30% chance to cause bleed. 23 BLEED I.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 9: 'Ready or Not pt2'| Madman Arc said:
[col]Kazuki gave him the general location, it was now time to listen for the carnage. With all his might, he would travel at the highest speed he could as he raced out of the remains of the Rangers headquarters. He needed to reach his fellow Sennin as quickly as he could. The two of them alone were not going to be a match for the monster, if he truly was at the head of the Sovereign table. It was almost assured that the top 5 were completely different beasts than the back 5 he had encountered previously. They were definitely no slouches, which meant the upper echelon had to be even more of a dramatic pain in the ass. Then one had to factor in that this one, the one he raced to meet so hurriedly, was the general of the numbers and not a numbered person himself. That could not be good.

It didn't matter. He had to do the best he could to prolong the action for as long as needed and ensure no further causalities on the Sunan side. This wasn't a matter of being prideful, this was a matter of being smart and being the biggest annoyance any member of the Sovereign had ever seen. Or, he was about to be slaughtered. Up until this point, it was definitely a good run.

Only seconds separated him from the currently raging battle...
Entering after the three round (2/3)
Name: Roku
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Eyes: Red
Blood Type: O Negative
Personal Data
Fight Data



Mood Music X


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]Roku's words couldn't reach the Lord of the Deep Court as he no longer wore human equipment such as headset radios but far off in another distract of the city another's radio crackled with the information that Roku was relying. The frequency that Roku had used was an old one that was unique in that it was no longer in service outside of a handful of devices that had been operated by Mikaboshi. It was his frequency. When he'd been the director of the ANBU corps in Sunagakure he'd kept a singular signal frequency for himself so that his agents could contact him directly if they needed to during an emergency and the habit of using that relatively unused frequency had continued even into the space of time where Mikaboshi had dwelt within Katsuo's mind-space. So it was that the headset radio of Sunahoshi Katsuo crackled to life with it's cryptic warning.

"Hello. Hello. Mikaboshi, this is 'Titan'. Rangers Tracking Ground. Sovereign General."

Slurping down a mouthful of ramen at a local shop, it took Katsuo a moment to recognize the voice and words being spoken over his oft neglected radio piece. He'd never met the man personally but the voice of Roku aka the ANBU Sennin Tenken was familiar to Katsuo who still possessed the imprinted memories of Mikaboshi despite the ancient lord having vacated the premises and he certainly recognized the words "Sovereign General". From the dossiers that Michi had given them there had been several code names and titles associated with the various members of the Sovereign Academy but one individual stood out among the rest.

Ishii Shouki. One of two princes of Wind Country and general of the Sovereign Academy agents.

In a blur of motion that made him the envy of lightning itself, Katsuo disappeared from his seat at the ramen stand with only a handful of clattering coins and an empty dish behind to mark that he had ever been there in the first place. Shouki was the son of the daimyo; the man that had orchestrated the death of his father and intimately involved with his father's dealings. If anybody were going to know more about the demise of Sunahoshi Hiro, it would be Shouki.

[I figured more people would be showing up to this shindig so I've been putting this off but if nobody else has an invite to the big dance it'd be an awful shame to miss the opportunity. Entering in three rounds.]​
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: Been down and out with work and injuries but 2 portions of Kuro are enroute Mouko (Hunter/Summoner) Kuro and Song (Assassin) Kuro

The second set of eyes and Kuro's ears moved in to track Kazuki, they weren't as fast as Katsuo but using a trail of warp glyphs they would appear to be moving faster than what they were capable of.

Hunter Kuro stood at six feet, two inches, weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. His silver gray mane of hair was wrapped in a convenient desert cloth to keep it out of his eyes. Violet eyes with gold slits peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore two reinforced leather belts around his thirty six inch waist. These belts allowed Hunter Kuro to carry his scrolls and battle wraps in a series of pouches. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second belt just above his right hip. Mouko Kuro also wore his leg sheath on his recently reinforced and reconstituted right leg just atop his fighting gi pants with his healing wraps serum and summon scrolls. Mouko Kuro had yet to cover the runic terran markings on his hands and legs. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra. His black, load bearing, armored vest opened to show his overly muscular upper body.
Behind the Mouko landed Song Kuro. Song Kuro listened for the sound of Kazuki's voice and bio rhythm as each living being had a life sound all their own and Kuro knew his clan brother's sounds very well. Song Kuro stood in an elegant warrior stance ready to lash out in a split second. Song Kuro stood at six feet two inches and weighed in at two hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern mesh armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel lace with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on Kuro’s vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code from his fingers. Song Kuro wore a matching belt and an odd sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a flute of all things. Though he rarely used it, preferring to sing instead. Secure with a pair of his Takahashi forged battle gloves and lower leggings inside his battle pouch, In his leg sheaths were Song Kuro’s enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Song Kuro had wrapped his tail around his belt making it appear as if he wore a belt of black tiger skin. Song Kuro wore his mane of silver-gray hair in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look like a serious battle veteran. They moved about as a single being looking and listening until they found Kazuki's trail. Then they were off...

Arriving in 3 rounds:
1 round after Katsuo to be exact and most especially after Roku.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Fight alone against Shouki was a lost cause. The General of the Sovereign was too strong to be faced in a solitary fashion. Not that Kazuki was on the feeble side, but even someone as mighty as the White Wolf could be, he still paled in comparison to the young Jashinist. They best chance was to stall the fight until help arrived. Luckily, stalling was something the Senju Overlord did best. The second part of winning was to overwhelm the bastard son of the Wind Daimyo with sheer numbers. Roku was the first one to come to him, but the silvery haired man was certain they needed more. As weird as it was, Reaper would be glad to see Mikaboshi storming toward him, alongside his Co-Sennin. Perhaps if Sousuke and Kuro were also to come to aid him, then mayhaps they would have a chance. But for now, this were all conjectures. The Deep Court Hybrid would step outside the shadowy dome he had conjured. Even to him, exiting it was not a free action, nor an easy one. The shadows would offer resistance to everyone, even their creator. After a brief moment of pause, the Ranger Lord would step through and reach the outside world. He would be, momentarily, blinded by the sheer brightness, in contrast to the very dark conditions he had grown accustomed to.

Kazuki did not have much time to act. He knew that Shouki was going to follow him outside. And he knew that the General would not take long. The shadows were not impenetrable, and although they would resist his advance, he would eventually cross over. The Senju Overlord would use this alone time he had managed to create to heal himself up. Poison was off his system now. His left arm that had been numb for a while now, regained full mobility. The bastard son would eventually leave the shadow dome. ”Playing hard to get? Whatever you need to do to last a little longer!” Shouki would declare. ”Hard to get? Please, I have been here all the time. You just need to know where to look.” he would rebuke. The White Wolf was already expecting the man’s appearance, ergo, he immediately tried to reenter. Unfortunately for him, the same resistance that had slightly delayed his exit, was now doing the same, delaying his entrance. As he tried to enter again, he felt a sharp pain on his back. ”Hit me back Sennin, I know you want to.” the General would declare right after striking the silvery haired man again. Reaper would growl with pain and turned around to face his foe.

His eyes were slowly shifting into a different color. They were generally pitch black like an Onyx. But they were changing into crimson red. Red eyes take warning? Wasn’t that what they used to say? Perhaps it was time to learn if the sentence was true or not.

Drop Shadow Dimension.
Activate Dark Invitation- Kinjutsu Ability
Cast Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - R3 (1AP) on Shouki.
Cast Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - R3 (2AP) on Shouki, cast with Corrupted Energy (modded at the same time as Shadow Possession).

If Shouki is unbound by any means, use Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique - Mastered on him.
Reapply Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu - R3 everytime Shouki is bound.​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Hunter's Moon[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 95,400 [-6046] 91584
CP: 39,630
AP: 10.25 [-10] 0.25
[spoilername="Passives"]20% DR
Indomitable Spirit: ignores one point of debuff from any and all sources; ignores fear effects.
Awesome Power - Hidden Powder: +1 to their Secondary stats rather than +.5. This caps at +4 to their secondaries.
Free Will: +2 Dodge/Save against binds, and has an additional +5% chance of escaping.
Called Shot
Bloody Mess
  • - 10% autododge (Kazuki)
    +10% damage done to opponent (Kazuki)
  • - All Bleeding / Called Shot Penalty chances are reduced by -10%. Bleeding/Called Shot penalties are treated as one rank lower. (Lowest this can go down to is Bleeding Rank 1/Sprained)
    - The user cannot be knocked out by Bleeding or Poisons. (This does not include Poison Jutsu)
    - If an attack would cause the user to be Ko'd, their Hp remains at 1 Hp and they cannot be Ko'd for the remainder of the round. This may happen once per battle.
    - If an attack would bring the user to -100% Max Hp, Damage stops at 1 Hp away from -100%. This may happen once per battle.
[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Accuracy 27 + 2 (Duelist)
Ninjutsu Accuracy 27
Genjutsu DC 23
Ranged Accuracy: 23
Gen Resist 23 + 3 (Willful)
Evasion 23 - 3 (Divine Judgement)[/spoilername]|Senju Kazuki
HP: 37,830 [+3816] 39,000 [cap] [-429 Bleed I] [-2230] [+1170 Healing Factor] 37,511
CP: 26,560 [-1360] [+900] 26,100
Corrupted Energy: 14,000 [+3816] [-680] 17,136
AP: 10.5 [-10] 0.5
[spoilername="Passives"]Journeyman (Main Branch): Jutsu cost -5% Chakra.
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
  • Meaning there is a 15% Chakra Cost reduction total.
Shinobi 101 - Ninjutsu (Slashing Taijutsu with Ninjutsu Accuracy)
Summoner: A Creation's HP and CP are +5% Higher. The user may now have two different Creation Jutsu active at once; however, the second Creation Jutsu will be treated as Rank 1.
Initiative: The user is capable of prioritizing 1 AP worth of actions per round which are modded as 0 AP but all costs are paid as normal.
Conservative Motion: Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated. All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Concentrated Focus: The user's binds have a -5% chance of being escaped from and binds which break upon the user losing a portion of their Max HP or CP are now increased to 20% Max HP/CP.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Duelist: always use this in a 1 v 1
Healing Factor: Regain 3% max HP every round
Strategist -- Nara You need to list your strat slots in your stats. You can use this for a free basic strike, place some poison on it, a sad version of quickdraw, to affix an E-note to something, etc.
Class: +5% Ninjutsu Damage
Shadow Bend: May convert Fire and Water Jutsu into Shadow at no extra cost. +15% Shadow Damage.
Shadow Tactics: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
  • This is a total of +30% shadowy damage
[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27
Genjutsu DC: 23
Melee Accuracy: 23
Ranged Accuracy: 19
Gen Save: 23 +2 (Slippery Mind)
Evasion: 23
Awareness: +2[/spoilername][/col]

Roku enters in 3 rounds -- this is 2 of 3.
Katsuo enters in 3 rounds -- this is 1 of 3

There seemed to be a pattern here, one did not need to be a genius to realize that Kazuki had an unhealthy love of bondage. Well, that and choking people. This was something they both had in common. It was good to have things in common with others. Mother always used to say... Oh wait, she really never said much did she. Maybe this all stems back to some sort of maternal need issue. Some Oedipus complex perhaps. He did remind Shouki of his mother -- all pale, even the hair was white. Perhaps he had some latent desire to... Oh wait, there was no latent desire there. Not at all... simply put, Shouki was an incredibly sick man.

As the shadows gripped him and wrapped around his throat Shouki could not help but feel excited. He let out a moan, not the sort that one should hear on the battleground and hopefully the sort one would not hear again. Sadly, the breath-play was all too short and he was free once more but the shadows would come and grip him again and again. The process rather frustrating indeed.

It was frigging hot.

Yes, he knew that Kazuki was stalling. He knew that he was waiting for help to arrive. Funny that he thought that his allies would be of any help, they would in fact be a hindrance. A little known fact to his strategy would soon enough come to light.

::What Happened::
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki drops Shadow Dimension.
0.00 Seconds | Kazuki activates Dark Invitation- Kinjutsu Ability.
  • Ninjutsu Check Kazuki 16 Success
    Ninjutsu Check Shouki 8
0.95 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 18
    Shouki 5
    • 10%auto-dodge: 65 Failed
0.95 Seconds | Kazuki uses Shadow Neck Bind - Shadow Strangulation Jutsu [Mastered at 0 AP on Shouki.
1.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free.
  • Shouki: 46 Failed
2.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free (30%).
  • Shouki: 81 Failed
3.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free (40%).
  • Shouki: 16 Success
3.80 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 11
    Shouki 4
    • 10%auto-dodge: 20 Failed
      The strangulation portion of this attack can only be done once per round.
4.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free.
  • Shouki: 23 Failed
5.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free.
  • Shouki: 14 Success
5.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 8 HIT!
    Shouki 5
    • 10%auto-dodge: 87 Failed
      Ninjutsu Check Shouki 5 Success!
      Ninjutsu Check Kazuki 1
6.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free.
  • Shouki: 71 Failed
7.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free. (30%)
  • Shouki: 89 Failed
8.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free. (40%)
  • Shouki: 2 Success
8.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 8 MISS
    Shouki 20
8.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 4 MISS
    Shouki 11
9.00 Seconds | Kazuki attempts to bind Shouki with Shadow Possession- Shadow Binding Technique [Mastered].
  • Kazuki 8 HIT
    Shouki 4
    • 10%auto-dodge: 74 Failed
9.00 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free.
  • Shouki: 72 Failed
10.0 Seconds | Shouki attempts to break free. (30%)
  • Shouki: 55 Failed

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank

"Shouki. I'm Coming To Butcher You. Again. This Time I Will Let The Humans Reduce You To Nothing."</B><i></i> The sound was loud. The sound was coming for a distance. It would take time to arrive. "I Will Avenge Myself. Again. Again. Again."<i></i> Right then. Gambunta. Sousuke was not in a position to tell a summoning contract who summoned himself at will, nothing. Did it speak poorly of Sousuke's abilities? No. Gambunta just wanted to kill Shouki. Again. Sousuke was going to be an instrument to it. Again."Time Is A Flat Circle. Until I Crush It.<B>] It was that booming voice that perhaps delighted Shouki, but there was dread within it.

Sousuke's voice could be heard crackling for a moment as he spoke over comms. "Am I going to be there soon? Something like that. Am I being carried by a giant Toad bent on hurting Shouki?"<i></i> Awkward pause. "I didn't have a choice in the matter. I was on enroute at any rate. Kuro is coming too. Mako is out but not coming."<i></i> He explained. There was a dreadful booming noise. Sousuke crawled up and stood on Gambunta's head. He was now conjuring and summoning his armour. He had little time to get ready, but he was certainly going to be ready. Shouki was a difficult foe. He hoped that Roku was going to take his advice. He didn't want to come to find a kidnapped Roku or Kazuki. If that happened... well that would make things quite difficult.

Sousuke was already taking in moments to try and figure out a course of actions. Shouki was probably stronger than before. That happened when one had time to develop and hone abilities. That being said, Sousuke had a few new tricks. A few new toys. Shouki this time was going to be dissolved. Nullified. Ashes.

[Arriving in 3 Rounds]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]Alright Fuurika, let's see what this thing can do.

Skidding to a stop atop the roof of one of the buildings that he skipped across as Katsuo made his way in the direction of the Ranger's headquarters, Katsuo reached to his belt and placed both of his hands on the spiked buckle there. Originally the crazy people at the Bishamonten Project had told him that they'd keyed his suit to a set of implants in the back of his neck but he'd argued them into finding a different way to implement the system which didn't put it quite so near his spine. Instead the suit interfaced with a number of smaller chakra-based receptors in his hands and feet that ultimately connected back to a singular piece installed in his belt. There was a flash of green and gold around his body and he felt the unleashed chakra that was sealed into the contraption ensorcell his limbs with a weave of energy that rapidly became matter and in the span of a few flashy seconds his body was encased in the armored suit that the Bishamonten Project had given to him.


[BGM: The Suit]​
"Director he's wearing the suit!" Fuurika's voice came echoed throughout Katsuo's helmet and he could only assume that meant that the suit had some sort of direct connection to the Bishamonten Project's headquarters. Could they see what he was doing? Hear him?

"Can you... uh. Hear me?" He asked outloud, his voice coming through the suit with a metallic undertone to it.

"We can indeed Katsuo. I am glad to see you trusted us enough to try out the suit." Raijuta's voice this time answered his question.


It felt... in a word, amazing. The suit was flush to his skin but didn't hamper his sense of touch at all. He could "feel" the suit's plated exterior as if it were a part of his own body and perceive the world around him with just as much ease as before despite the thin visor on the exterior of the suit. He felt the extra weight on his limbs, certainly, but the extra weight didn't bother him too much in exchange for what he knew he'd gained in terms of durability and a few other special surprises for Shouki. Flexing the dermal-weave of the fingers and suit surrounding his forearm muscles, Katsuo had to admit that it was a satisfying experience to have on.

"I hope this suit is everything you said it was, I'm going to be counting on it."

"Yes, the Sovereign general. We heard."

Were they monitoring him at all times through the suit or did they just happen to intercept the signal? Raijuta's statement brought up a thousand questions but Katsuo quashed them for now. He needed to focus on the fight ahead of him.

"Be careful and good luck Katsuo-- we all believe in you!" Both Fuurika and Raijuta were talking over each other now and it brought to mind the image of them fighting over a microphone that made Katsuo smile in spite of the upcoming fight.

"Thanks, you guys. I will."

He did his best to put the fact that his strange benefactors were still probably listening in on his adventures and put his mind forward on the up-coming battle. "Titan" hadn't given any kind of a situation report so he could only conclude that they were already fighting and were counting on him-- or at least Mikaboshi --to arrive and provide back up. He might not have been the back-up that "Titan" had been looking for but he intended to show up just the same. Lowering himself close to the ground for a moment in a crouching start, Katsuo took off at blazing speed once more with the iron-weave headband flapping in the wind behind him as he moved.

[Round 1 of 3]​
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
