Asuka almost jumped when Yukio's arm... started talking? Well this was certainly new but what came out of it's.... fingers? Was anything but pleasant. "Well I thought you're input could be considered, your summon was entirely optional. If you didn't want to come you shouldn't have." She told him. "You want me to be blunt? Fine. In simple words. Hoheto and Soku are together, I don't mind the relationship, I was just looking for an answer to the question "Can I trust Hoheto with Soku, can I rest easy nothing he is with her?" She sighed, scratching the back of her head. "So far, no result that can give me any closure."
"They call of his actions in missions and other things, unfrotunately I wasn't witnessed so the next biggest step was to push their buttons, piss them off. Yes, there are better ways but this way gave quicker results. Soku defended Hoheto, Hoheto defended himself. Hence my problem."
"I was hoping you could tell me more about him, tell me if I should keep my concerns hence an eye. Or simply let her go, that I can trust her with Soku. And please, don't try to tell me something else.
"They call of his actions in missions and other things, unfrotunately I wasn't witnessed so the next biggest step was to push their buttons, piss them off. Yes, there are better ways but this way gave quicker results. Soku defended Hoheto, Hoheto defended himself. Hence my problem."
"I was hoping you could tell me more about him, tell me if I should keep my concerns hence an eye. Or simply let her go, that I can trust her with Soku. And please, don't try to tell me something else.