Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

First Fires [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
Time crunched down into crucial moments for the Shima daughter. Months of nothingness and meaningless day in, day out routine shattered in just two days. The arrival of the Sol of her heart, Hoshikata, stirred up chaos in Cloud, but it was something that calmed Haruka. In the end, she had gotten what she wanted and it was all thanks to her carefully planned behavior ever since joining the ranks of Main Branch. The Sennin Tanka Hikari had vouched for Haruka, and voted to keep Hoshikata here in the country to be introduced into the ranks of their shinobi. She wouldn't have said yes if Haruka hadn't earned her trust over the past year or so. But now, her plans evolved. It was time for the country to change and time for Haruka to change too.

She'd be setting off with Hoshikata to Kirigakure, in order to cast off his god powers to earn Shin's trust. This would be her second trip, and she knew very well the time away would be long. She found it amusing to know that she and Natsu were one of the only shinobi to ever step foot onto Mizu no Kuni's grounds, and she was honored enough to set out once again. Although, this wouldn't be a vacation for her like last time. And now, she set off with a new love and new life. That immature Haruka was behind her. Even the Haruka of two days ago was old news to her. She let her intentions become known to Hoshikata. It was not time to act on what she wanted to do to revolutionize this land just yet, but she certainly had time to think about her course of action during their mission.

Still, she had just a few things to take care of before she left. Namely, her most important order of business, Masaru. Her quiet cousin that she had been training and nuturing as best she could was someone she trusted as closely as Hoshikata. The Shima was not keen on leaving him in the dark while he was away. She was afraid of what those who oppose Hoshikata's decision and Haruka's loyalty would do to turn him against her. Haruka refused to allow them to corrupt one of the souls she had truly come to care for.

Come with me. We haven't much time.” She said in the early morning, looming over the boy as he slept in his bed safely. Her ice cold hand nudged him softly, letting him rub the sleep from his eyes and stir. She turned her back letting him get dressed in decent clothes.The Crow had slipped over the back wall once again to steal away her from cousin from the Shima clan. Without speaking further, she lead him through the kitchen entrance and over the wall. The streets of Seki were slowly stirring as shops began to open up. They walked a little ways down the road before she finally spoke.

I am leaving today for Kirigakure. There is much I haven't told you about myself, but now it is more important than ever for you to know, Shinomiya-San. There is a man named Isaki Hoshikata, he comes from Mist and was once their Mizukage. His clan was ousted from their land and thus a great exodus to our land began about two years back. Hoshikata was deemed a threat to this village, and rightfully so. I cannot explain it all now, but I promise on my return I will. Isaki-Sama and I are...Well, we are lovers. Yesterday, he returned to Cloud and turned himself in. By the grace of Hayata-Sama, Isaki Hoshikata was spared. He will be serving his sentence, but once he is done they will consider allowing him to join our ranks. Part of his deal was that he must dispel his power that has caused problems for us. I am escorting him to his destination.” They reached the river bank, not far from the estate. She halted at the ledge, explaining all that she could as condensely as possible to the boy.

It will take me a couple months to complete this journey, but in that time I need you to keep growing stronger.” She turned to him and knelt down as her hands rested gently on his shoulders. Her dark eyes searched his own seemingly dead stare, trying to gauge his reaction. “You need to get to know these people better. Grow closer to your superiors, learn about them, but never let them get to you. Hide yourself from them, Masaru.” Her words halted with the call of his given name. She smiled sardonically, scheming something in her head that he might not understand just yet.

You need to learn all you can about them, but stay guarded. There are some things I cannot explain today, but in time you will understand. This land is going to change soon, and I need your support. I cannot worry about protecting you. Do you think you can do this? Can you grow strong for me, Masaru?” Her sardonic smiled turned kinder. Her eyes betrayed her uncaring nature as she gazed at this boy with concern. She did not want him corrupted by this awful system. This little boy whom she saw as a brother, or maybe even a son, Haruka did not want to lose him as she had lost everyone else.

[Topic Entered w/ Masaru]
He was stunned awake by Shima-sama's voice and a firm, icy grip on his shoulder. When he opened his eyes he saw the stern face of his cousin, his sensei, and slowly he let his gaze wander the room he'd been given to reside in. It was still considerably dark, the early morning mist had yet to clear, and he realized that he could only faintly make out Haruka addressing him because she was so close.

With a brain still sluggish from sleep, Masaru tried to remember what she said. Why did she need him at such an ungodly hour? Perhaps something had happened to his mother? He felt himself stiffen unconsciously, and willed himself to relax and dress. If his mother had fallen it was only because she was doing her duty for the village, something that he would end up putting his life on the line for as was only natural.

Masaru situated his cloak accordingly, hand reaching up to grip the cross at his neck. Without question he followed her, thoughts churning over what she would want to discuss with him. As they made their way to whatever point Haruka had picked out, Masaru let himself observe the quiet district before him. Usually it would be bustling, but considering the hour he wasn't surprised by how dead it was. Even with some light from the shops that opened so early he considered the area eerie.

Soon enough their pace slowed, and Masaru directed his attention at the back of Haruka. She walked forward, head high and with an unyielding stride. She walked with purpose.

An image of the past pushed to the front of his mind then. It had been a beautiful day, with the sun shining and illuminating the lady holding his hand. He could see she was smiling, and every time she got excited the grip on his hand tightened. It was during the time that his father was away on one of his holy missions. His mother had convinced the stoic boy to take a stroll with her around the village, she had even given him a piggyback on the way home. Though the memory was fuzzy in various places, one thing he could remember clearly was his mom walking in front of him when they got to a particularly crowded area. She was unyielding, walking forward and through people as if they weren't even there, all the while never letting go of his hand.

Masaru shook his head, grip on the cross tightening so much one could see the whites of his knuckles. Why was he remembering that now...was it because Haruka reminded him of his mother, or was it a kind of premonition of what she wanted to talk to him about?

He almost let a sigh of relief slip out when he realized it wasn't about his mother at all, but that didn't mean the seriousness of the situation was any less. He gave her his undivided attention as always, watching her explain the situation with a focused gaze. There was a subtle shift in her look at one point. It was when she started to talk about Isaki. Masaru regarded her change in expression with minimal interest. She had never looked like this before. Was it called...being flustered? It was a bit different than when he had tripped her during their first meeting though, before she found out that a mere kid had caught her off guard.

Deciding not to dwell on matters that didn't concern him, he continued to listen with his usual stoic expression. That was...until she called him by name. It took him by surprise, and she could probably see that by the way his eyes widened. His grip on the cross loosened, and his hand fell to his side as he tried to take in what she had said.

She wanted him to interact with people. To actively seek out others? Why would she suggest such a thing, she of all people should know how his personality was. Even he knew why that sounded like a horrible idea. But it's to benefit Shima-sama. I can't go against her, not after all she has done for me, it is my duty now. No matter how unbearable the order I must carry it out, that's how it has to be, Masaru thought as he stared at the ground between them.

She said she needed me though, needed my support. I must not let her down. Masaru's gaze lifted, and he nodded once. “I my best, Shima-sama. That is all I can say right now, as you know that I am not exactly practiced in 'growing closer' to others.” He voiced his uncertainties clearly and coolly to her, but continued with a stronger conviction, “I will not fail you. I will grow stronger, I will grow into a shinobi that you can use as you wish without worry, and I will support you without you needing to ask. I will become someone worthy of you, Shima-sama.”

The young Shima woman smiled wider at her quiet cousin as he agreed to cooperate. She rested her hand on the back of his neck, rising up from her crouch. She toppled over him in height, but not domineeringly so. No doubt the child felt a warm strength from his cousin who had vowed to protect and guide him. Haruka rested her eyes on the boy, taken aback by his firm resolve. The loyalty they held for each other was much stronger than she anticipated, but the surprise was pleasant. "I have no doubt you will do me proud, Shinomiya-San." She spoke softly, returning to her formalities. Her hand fell away from Masaru as she faced the river once again.

"Get to know your peers, form bonds with them. I know it will be hard for you. I was the same at your age, but it is important that you lean on one another. You can learn much from each other. Keep your superiors at arm's length. Impress them, get them to trust you. Keep your eyes open to the things you see and hear in the next couple months during my absence. My spies will be watching everywhere, but I would also like to know I can count on you to bring me back information that might be necessary. Her tone was much more serious as the cold steel in her voice vibrated with quiet ferocity. She would not admit it to him, but she feared greatly for his safety out of her reach. Perhaps mother henning him was not what he needed, but Haruka certainly would have felt more secured doing so. He would have to grow on his own, and she believed in what he could do. He was something special, far above his peers, but he did not know that himself yet.

"Please remember, you represent me and my teachings. Always fight for the people, fight for what is right, and do what is right even though it may not seem like the easiest path. I haven't had the time to teach you much, but heed what I have given you. In time, you will learn much more, this I promise." Haruka's cold amber eyes averted from the river as she spun on her heels to face the opposite way. She gripped her cold crystal necklace, holding dearly onto her precious symbol of love and protection given to her by Hoshikata. Even if I am to fall, Masaru will be the one to carry on. She thought as she signaled for Masaru to follow her.

They walked back in silence. As the dark shadow of the high wall of the Shima Estate engulfed them, the Crow faced her cousin to say her last goodbye. She bowed to him, black hair spilling over her shoulders. Standing up straight, she struggled to find the right words to part with. But of course, only one thing could be said. Of course it was all she knew how to say after all this time. The final goodbye that rested in her memory from nearly two years ago. "I must be leaving. Its getting time for our departure. Do not forget your promise, Shinomiya-San. Show me, and more importantly, yourself, that you are a capable human being." She brushed his shoulder with her hand as she sauntered past him down the road. She imagined he must of watched her silhouette drift further from him as she marched on towards the gates. Goodbyes were hard for anyone, especially two people who had lost so many loved ones in their lives.

[Topic Left]
Despite her encouraging words Masaru had a tough time believing he could live up to such expectations. He had readily agreed to her mission for him while she would be away, but he knew the task was easier said than done. Even as Haruka explained how she was as a child it did nothing for anxiousness that was seeping into the young boy. True to his way he did not let his uneasiness show, but while he was confident in his ability to downplay his emotions he knew that for a Spymaster it would be child's play to see through the wall he had put up.

It wasn't as if he didn't want to show her his weakness. He had already done much more than that during their first training session, but Masaru couldn't pinpoint what exactly he didn't want her to see. Was it that he didn't want her to needlessly worry while she was off on a dangerous mission? Or was it a matter of pride since he had already told her of his future success? What if he didn't succeed in this task? Would she think any less of him?

He bit back a sigh of annoyance at such questions. Caring about the what-ifs would get him nowhere, and while it was bothersome that he could not express his worry clearly it was equally if not more so should he try to express it. If it were true that she had been like him as a child then she would know all too well these feelings. Worrying over this would get him nowhere.

The distance the two walked on the way back to the Shima Estate seemed much shorter than when he'd followed her blindly earlier. Maybe it was because he knew the route, or that he could clearly make out the distance with the abundance of light. Either way they both knew what was coming. Masaru had been used to such events the entirety of his childhood. With a shinobi mother who was frequently off on missions and a priest father who went off to perform his own duties goodbyes were a normal thing.

Except now he had the knowledge that those leaving sometimes don't make it back.

Swallowing the bile in his throat, Masaru bowed politely to his cousin. The weight of his cross was now more evident than ever, as if it knew that he didn't want to stand straight and watch the woman who had given him a future walk off to the unknown. Yet he straightened, squared his shoulders, and properly saw her off. “I will do my best, Shima-sama,” Masaru said, not wanting to turn around and watch her leave. He didn't want that to be the last image he saw of her if she did in fact fail to return.

“I will be waiting,” he said loudly, as if to reassure himself more than anything. He would keep his promise surely. He would overcome any obstacle to fulfill it, and in turn she would have to keep this promise selfish one-sided promise. I will be waiting.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
