Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Forget Me Not

Izanami could not identify the symbol but she was confident that her superiors would be know. Kenzo nodded her head. It didn't surprise him that she wouldn't know given how strange the entire ordeal was. He only hoped that Kumogakure would be able to get to the bottom of this insanity. She asked if Kenzo could call out to his partner confident as her last statement that all was well with him. Kenzo couldn't help be surprised but also a little relieved that his partner could still be himself. He paused for a moment. The mental storm that surrounded him slowly began to dissipate. Was everything going back to normal.

Kenzo exhaled. He reached for his headset that laid on his desk. He was not sure if anyone was on the other side was going to pickup. As he twisted the knob, the nearly dead radio gave way to slow hum then accompanied by a hiss of static.

"Aio. This is Kenzo. Do you read me, over?" He said. His words came out in a staccato rhythm where each word sounded disjointed, possibly due to not charging the device for so long. Kenzo was not sure if anyone on the other side would pick up. It was a fool's hope. There was a long pause before a voice could be heard from the radio.

This Aio over. I don't know what happened. I was in my bedroom a moment ago and now I am sitting down at a park. And...I have a massive headache." A young man's voice said.

Kenzo could not help but smile which he had not done in weeks. To hear his partner again was nothing but a miracle. "It is a long story." Kenzo responded. He was going to request him to return back to the station to question him about what has happened but given the state he was in. He most likely would not be any help.

"Get some rest. You still know how to get to your apartment right? Over." Kenzo continued.

"Of course I do. I have been living in this town damn near half my life. Are you sure you're okay. Over." Aio responded.

"Yeah like I said it is a long story. I will see you tomorrow. Over" Kenzo said. At least Aio sense of humor was still alive and kicking.

He clicked off the radio as he turned to face Izanami. "It doesn't look like he is well enough to respond to our questions until tomorrow if any. He doesn't appear to remember anything. As if this was all a dream"

"It is probably best to return back to your superiors. We can still communicate with you by mail and the police agency will compensate you once I provide my report. But more importantnly, thank you for helping getting my partner and friend back. I really didn't think I would get him back. Despite how annoying Aio can be I am glad he still with us. Work wouldn't really be the same"

Once Izanami departed, she would eventually arrived to Kumogakure with Kazki. Kazki was mostly sleep and he really just wanted to get an inn or something. But given how much his life was saved by this girl it would be unbecoming of him as a man and an adult.

Regardless of his reasoning, it made things easier when giving her report to Koichi was eagerly waiting for Izanmi's return. It was very late as she arrived to the gates. The full moon could be seen behind the gray clouds. With a close eye, one could see dark figures wearing white masks, most likely ANBU, surveying the gates. The gate guards would greet her and Kazki. It would only take a few minutes before she was allowed back into the village.

Eventually, she would find herself walking into **Torre Empirea**. Koichi was notified of her arrival so he was already waiting for her. His eagerness can be be seen his continuous pacing back and forth into the room. "How long is going to take her to get here" He said muttering to himself.

[OOC: If hope you don't mind but I am accelerating your return to the village so we can finish this mission quickly]

Current Ninpocho Time:
