Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Found you! [Private][Req. Mokushi NPC]

First came the smell, then the sound. He stood his hood covering his face, hidden underneath the window he had jumped out of, out of sight of the eye which hovered directly above the house, something he'd heard forming as it had been created. Waiting for the clone to land he bowed he head as it signaled for him to remain where he was. It didn't matter. He could hear what was going on around the other side anyway.


The attacks were blocked, yet only made half heartedly due to being a delaying tactic. The ANBU arrived and called for them to "Cease and Desist", it was the sound that the beast clone had the attack stopped immediately. Withdrawing from the conflict it immediately erupted in smoke as the beast clone turned into the wolf form. A beautiful beast of a white wolf stood before them, almost the opposite of its master standing by the side of the building who's face held so many surgical scars that disfigured only began to describe him. Not that his face was revealed from beneath the hood yet.

The wolf looked to the corner of the building, towards where its master stood.
With the one man surrendering without a fight with her clone, it allowed her to focus on the man who was doing most of the fighting. That being Junko.

"Thank you for cooperating. I will need you both to come with me to the nearest station for official statements regarding what happened. You sir," she paused, referring to Junko. "I must put restraints on you for the time being. Just protocol sir, you are not being charged with the crime just yet." she finished. She moved forward cautiously after pulling out some unique handcuffs made to keep shinobi from using handseals.

[If you comply]

"Now if you'll both come with me." she would say, and lead them to the nearest substation.

After arriving, she would put them into two separate rooms, and ask each of them what happened.

[If you choose to comply, then give me a statement of what occurred. (Your characters are in separate rooms, and treat it like she is taking testimony one at a time) If one of you chose not to comply, then I shall post promptly after]


Relics of the past...

I will not discuss IC decisions or plans with anyone.

NC is a SAFE place. If anyone is harassing or bothering you in any way, please report their conduct to myself or any staff member.

...a vision of the future.
Found You! said:

Rp said:
"Thank you for cooperating. I will need you both to come with me to the nearest station for official statements regarding what happened. You sir,"
"I must put restraints on you for the time being. Just protocol sir, you are not being charged with the crime just yet."

Nodding, Junko didn't mind and he understood. "Ugh, this is what I was trying to prevent. I should've went the other route and tried to free the man's mind instead." Junko thought as he miscalculated his steps. He should've weighed his pros and cons more. No matter, seeing as he had a valid reason. Things shouldn't be too bad.

After being placed in the station, it was time for Junkos judgement that he'd except no matter what. He was a man, and he'd own up to his wrong doings. One thing was for sure, he'd have to gain the knowledge he wanted on his own.

"Well.." Junko said with a sigh. Staring at the officer bluntly. "As head of the kinjutsu division, I managed to piece a bit of information on that chimera and attempted to recover kinjutsu information from the ex harvester. He refused. I even kindly requested to be led to kushin to gain this information. Based on my psychological evaluation of the man through our conversation, His mind had obviously been tampered with and fear was devouring the man's life.

Wanted to get to him before anyone else did. After all, the old harvesters are under investigation and the man's life could very well be in danger. Who knows."
Junko said with a shrug. "He's the only one in hiding that's been found. So, I just helped someone do their job. Anyways, the plan was to gather what ever info possible, capture him, put him in the mental health facility, and inform the correct personnel." Junko said with a nod. "I'm willing to accept my punishment for my actions. Perhaps I shouldn't have taken matters into my own hands, but I don't trust too many right around now. " Junko said putting a smile on his face in the end. "Either way, my attentions were good. I assure you. If I wanted to hurt him, my blade would've been drawn, and I wouldn't have stopped until he was dead. If i deserve punishment, I'll own up to my wrong doings." Junko said bluntly while being straight forward. He'd prefer not to be their all day.
They were led to a location and placed in separate rooms. Mokushi had remained silent, his wolf however remained at home under silent command.

Once in his room he was asked to recount the events of that afternoon and pull back the hood.

Pulling back his hood revealed the criss cross of surgical scars across his face and widened eyes. The Hyuuga eyes wider than they would normally be.

Sucking in a deep breath he steadied his nerves... nerves would be understandable in a situation such as this. His fear was more to do with his receiving the first visitor he'd had... ever... that he was from the hospital, and then that visitor raising the topic of Kushin.

I was at home as usual, minding my own business. He came to my front door and knocked, he introduced himself and asked to come inside. I didn't let him and asked him what he wanted. I don't receive visitors very often. He asked me about Kinjutsu, told me things I already knew and wanted me to tell him things that I knew about Kinjutsu, bloodlines and surgeries associated with these. You see I'm of the Harvester division which was disbanded by Kitsune, created by Kushin.

He told me a lie, told me that to help him would be helping Kushin, but I knew that Kushin wouldn't send someone to ask for this, not for me.
He was shaking his head in disapproval.

You shouldn't talk about mas...ter Kushin like that. He caught himself going back to calling him by master again, stopping halfway through and then deciding to finish it off by making it seem like something normal.

A-anyway. He asked me to take him to Kushin, I refused to do this as well. Then he attacked.

I fled to the back room. In there I called for ANBU help and create what the Inuzuka call a beast clone. I went to flee and sent the beast clone out to fight but then noticed him form the sensor from above so instead stayed put in its blind spot. I just hoped that my pet would be okay while we waited for ANBU to arrive. My pet was just trying to delay the man.

Hebi listened to Junko and took a few notes. The law these days were lenient on these types of matters, so she didn't hear anything that sounded to out of left field. Once again, she would repeat her favorite phrase. "Thank you for your cooperation. Perhaps in the future, when someone tells you no, you don't attack them. You respect their wishes on the matter and leave them be. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and records do show you are a medical chief. You are free to go." she said, looking over her notes as she gave him the option to leave. "Harvester? What's that?"

[Junko can exit le thread]


Hebi sighed from behind her mask. "He should have never attacked you sir. He should have respected your decision and let you be. But that man was a member of the medical branch, and his testimony forces me to hold you for just a while longer. We would like for you to talk to one more person, if that is all right? He's a doctor. He's just gonna make sure you are okay." she concluded in a half lie.

[If he doesn't have a problem with it, we can end the topic here and say that he was evaluated. Then it's up to Karl whether he passed the test or not and ends up in the mental ward or not?]
He frowned but nodded.

The following thirty minutes to an hour was filled with eye rolling and spending time answering bs questions. However there were reactions otherwise which were indicative of high levels of stress and a mild case of depression, perhaps a minor neurosis and a few other mental disorders.

However they were far from severe and the doctor let the man leave with a subscription to some pills which should help over the coming months with keeping his mood from spiking.

More than anything else the Doctor would likely say that the man was probably best being in his house with any loved ones (though would find out that the man had none on record) and relaxing. That he should not be performing the duties of a shinobi and that the attack on him likely made many of the symptoms which he found in his tests more prominent than they might have been under different circumstances.

Mokushi walked home, slowly. His hood back over his face as he went to the shops, picked up his subscription, and then some meat from the grocer. Large quantities of meat. After all, the dog had to eat.

[topic left with Mokushi]
Found You! said:

Rp said:
"Thank you for your cooperation. Perhaps in the future, when someone tells you no, you don't attack them. You respect their wishes on the matter and leave them be. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and records do show you are a medical chief. You are free to go."

"Regardless, the man had to be captured. Rather he said no or not. Take note of the man's words, actions, and how he refers to kushin." Junko said standing to his feet as the cuffs dropped from his wrist. Something so simple couldn't contain him. Exiting, he'd seemingly vanish. Hopefully, Junkos actions were productive in the end.

Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Time:
