Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private From the Depths comes the Darkness... [Req. Kiko]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The necromantic energies that permeated this place would torture anyone not attuned to their wavelength, the ebb and flow of the negative plane. To someone like Migoya it was nourishing, as if getting a hug from the universe, and indeed the power it bestowed was… intoxicating.

A slight wave of a plaid, skeletal hand cast a dull green light around the darkened cavern, the carved images of the destroyer Gods staring down at those foolish enough to step foot in their domain, their temple. Foolish, or brave. This hidden temple to the old Gods of destruction was well-hidden, unless you were part of the clan.

That same hand reached up and pulled back the worn, brown hood, revealing the visage of Myakashi Migoya, the green light highlighting his high cheekbones, the pale visage that covered the shadow inside. A bright white light would erupt from his staff, mingling with the green light to cast the entire area in unwanted light. Migoya would have smirked at the many shadowy creatures that now retreated from the branch of the World Tree, but he was more concerned with the development of his niece's recovery.

Moving forward into one of the many passages of this forgotten temple he pressed forward, his staff pushing the guardians of the night away. Perhaps these were once followers of Jashin or some other forgotten gods who had sold their souls for power, and in exchange now had eternal guard duty. In any event, he was safer here than anywhere else in this world.

Soon, the passageway opened up into a grand cavern, everything exactly the same as it had been when he had left months prior. Skeletal guardians stood vigil over the unmoving form of his niece who rested on a seabed of algae and moss, covering the remnants of an altar that once belonged to the devourer God but now blessed by the Goddess of the Depths. Part of him felt uncomfortable as he approached the altar, knowing full well that he did not follow the tenets of the Goddess as his Nephew and Niece did, and such a capricious Goddess might turn her wrath on him for some unknown reason. Still, if that occurred, it wouldn't be the first ‘god’ he had combatted.

A small form would now wiggle his way out of Migoya’s worn, leather satchel.

How is she? Smells fishy. Mikki, glaced down with an uncharacteristically look of concern towards the still form of Kiko, one of the few meatbags he tolerated... perhaps even liked.

The eternal guardians would turn their eyeless gaze upon the small puppet.

Hey hey… shes a friend. Back down boneheads! The puppet would entail, putting his hands over his head in a gesture of ‘peace’.

The gazes continued to linger on the puppet as Migoya moved forward towards his niece. He had placed parts of her soul in phylacteries of sorts, weapons, just in case the body-soul transfer had difficulties, and if this preserved corpse had not adapted to her essence. His red gaze fell over the body of this woman - once a victim of a disease that he had failed to heal before her untimely demise - and smiled.

She was perfect. The soul transfer had been successful.

All it would take now would be an awakening. The master of life and death would pause for a second, taking in an unnecessary breath in long-dead lungs, as he moved to stand at the top of the altar. He raised his hands, his voluminous sleeves falling down his arms to reveal deep cuts that now gushed forth with black blood.

“Миний цусны цус, би чиний сүнсийг ирэхийг уриалж байна. Гүнгийн охин, гарч ир. Ирээрэй. Давс бай!.”

The words uttered forth, the necromantic power growing as Migoya called on his full power. His black blood now surrounded Kiko, forming into tendrils that now lifted her from the altar into the air.

“Давс бай!”

Chanting from long dead voices would permeate around the hall as the guardians joined in the awakening. The Gods themselves would watch, entertained, curious, scared…

“Myakashi Kiko! ARISE!”

[MFT - 636]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing, and before there was nothing... there were monsters." ~ Sweet Pea

Red... Red was the first sensation... Red like the warm blood she felt flowing through her body with every heartbeat... Red like the heat of the warm ambient air against skin... Red like the light filtering through closed eyelids and in to her photoreceptors... Red like the Necromancer's words of power...

Kiko opened her eyes wide though unseeing as the necromantic magic stitched together body to soul. Her spine arched backwards as if struck with electricity, muscles flexing against the hospital bed/ritual alter arching her further, spittle pushed through clenched teeth as her lungs seethed for air for what felt like the first time. Like a patient waking from general anaesthetic mid surgery, Kiko's mind was present but could do nothing, a silent scream in the void pulled along by the bright threads of the necromancer.

As Migoya's incantation came to an end the body would once more fall motionless, breathless, unalive... The Necromancer's part was complete, the rest lay in the goddess' hands.

Migoya would feel his staff vibrate slightly as a soft ocean scent filled the room despite their great distance from any body if water at all. The lights of the room seemed to dull as a pale luminance coalesced into an almost human silhouette, her shape and form would seem to twist beneath his gaze if Migoya was to try and focus through the somehow blinding yet dull light. The form of the Goddess drifted through the air towards the still form of Kiko on the slab, blinding dull light trailing behind her graceful movements like ink through water behind her luminous form. The light settled over Kiko, the rest of the world dimming for a moment as the light made contact with the kunoichi's forehead with the gentlest of touches.

With a gasp Kiko sat up at 90 degree, her body moving through the light of the goddess which dispersed as if into a thousand tiny pinpoints of dull blinding light. Her eyes opened with conscious control now, her breathing slowed, her heartbeat felt alien in her chest but even it too quickly slowed and lent itself to her control. She let out a small laugh as a smile came over her face, she swung her legs off of the side of the bed to sit and face Migoya.

"I think... oh!"

Kiko began to speak but the sound that came out felt alien to her brain, catching the experienced kunoichi off guard for a moment.

"Oh... Hmmm... Will take some getting use to I think. Well Migoya, I would call this a great success!"

Dropping gracefully to the ground from the unusually tall bed Kiko felt the well toned muscles in her body respond perfectly to her commands. With a subtle gesture of her pale hand her clothing materialised out of the air, her blade sheathed at her hip.

"Whilst I slept I dreamed... I have called Akkuma here... I have seen how we change the world!"

[Ooc: calling Akkuma with magic Squadron Ability headset!]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage walked forward & swung open the fortified doors of Akira's quarters. Like a spiritual cord being pulled tight once more he felt the connection between himself & Kiko was more take hold. "It's time." he would say as those emerald eyes of his landed upon her regal form. A devilish glint flashing with delight in them. "I'm going to introduce you to some trusted allies. One of them is my Harbinger..." he paused wondering whether the words would evoke any emotion within his precious creation. "Remember each of us has a part to play in what is to come." he would add wanting to remind his creation that they all had their own purpose in his machinations.

Another tugging sensation from within his chest, this time a thin strand like connection of chakra slithered out of his chest. Winding its way down the halls, preparing to guide him to where she was. When Akira was prepared they would make their way out of the fortified lab & begin journeying through the Luminous Mountains Fortifications. Down deeper into the depths of the mountain, further then he had ever ventured before. The Sage was astounded at the sight that lay before him as they entered the Temple.

Quite remarkable what had remained hidden down here, he would have to ensure this source of power was incorporated into his Fortress. Such a font of power, to have such a source at his disposal would serve only to fuel his goals. He let his Shinigami presence roll out like a spiritual tidal wave. That was when he felt them, before he got close enough to see them. An eerie light cascaded out from within spilling out from a grand cavern.

Akkuma would begin his approach, giving them both a respectful bow when he arrived before them. "My this is a most curious place." as he spoke he extended out a hand & moved it through the air. Almost as if he were moving it through something intangible before him. A fusion of necromantic & chaos energies crackled along his form. His gaze one of complete curiosity. "The power here is...intriguing to say the least." Perhaps an understatement from the Sage.

In truth this place made him feel like he could sap the life force from an entire village with the wave of his hand. It made him Hungry, the power that coursed around them & flowed into the Sages seemed to desire use. He felt his Hunger grow, even as he felt this place sustaining him he wanted more. Was there any end to the list of things the Sage desired? Doubtful.

"Lord Migoya...Kiko, I would like to introduce you both to Akira." he would motion towards Akira, those emerald eyes of his watching the trio with interest. Akkuma wondered if they would be able to recognize what he had done. The feat that he had accomplished since their last visit. An undeniable smile of pride was plastered upon his face as he introduced them. Perhaps he should have introduced her as his daughter, then again what if they recognized her face? To have the Queen of Battle, or so everyone would believe. On their side? These villages may as well start swearing fealty to him. They had much to do within Sunagakure, everything was falling into place & the Fates demanded they act.

[OOC: MFT & Apologies on the delay. Things are a bit chaotic at the moment, feel free to skip me posting order wise for a Round or so if needed if I'm holding things up. ^-^]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The creaking of rusted hinges shattered the oppressive silence, alerting me to his imminent presence. A forbidding aura clung to the air as the weighty doors to my private quarters swung ajar, revealing the enigmatic silhouette – the architect of my existence. Amidst my ceaseless training, such interruptions were not entirely unexpected, though far from welcome. My purpose, the very essence of my being, centered on the rigors of training. And so, I continued my relentless dance with the colossal blade, its rhythmic arc uninterrupted, until his commanding voice cleaved through the atmosphere.

"It is time." His directive bore the weight of inevitability, compelling my blade to halt its sweeping course mid-motion. I knew the sequence that would follow this proclamation, each word etched into my consciousness. I'm going to introduce you to some trusted allies. One of them is my Harbinger...” A subtle crease furrowed my brow, a minuscule rebellion against the mastermind who stood before me. Obscured by my ebony bangs, my eyes concealed the abyss that was my true self. His words cascaded forth, casting a stark reminder upon the roles we were to enact in the forthcoming chronicles. I, the embodiment of calculated aggression, juxtaposed against his mastery of diplomacy. A silent understanding passed between us as I reverently sheathed my blade, the metallic whisper a testament to my compliance.

Our imminent destination bore the promise of an alliance forged through combat, yet the trappings of my armor and weaponry remained steadfast companions. Guided by Akkuma, the path led through a temple steeped in an eerie ambiance, where unsettling sights and spectral whispers intermingled. Dark apparitions and echoes of lament brushed against my senses, held at bay by the unyielding boundaries of my essence. Akkuma's unperturbed demeanor in the face of these portents did little to temper my mounting unease. Eventually, our journey culminated in an arrival that defied my expectations. And, astonishingly, my blade stayed housed within its sheath.

"Lord Migoya...Kiko, I would like to introduce you both to Akira," Akkuma's voice resonated, a solemn proclamation that echoed in the tense air. Concealing my thoughts behind a mask of studied neutrality, I scrutinized Akkuma's assembled confidants. These visages would, from this moment forth, become my comrades. Bound by Akkuma's decree, our destinies interwoven.

In this juncture, actions usurped the potency of words, each nuanced gesture and unspoken glance rewriting the course of our fates.

Kiko, a figure of quiet elegance and lethal precision, radiated an aura of contained power. There was a readiness in her stance, an unspoken readiness to be deployed as an instrument of retribution. I could sense the fire that smoldered beneath her calm exterior, an inferno held in check by the discipline she had mastered. Lord Migoya, by contrast, exuded an air of sagely wisdom. His eyes, deep pools of knowledge, held the weight of countless campaigns and strategic endeavors. It was clear that his mind was his most formidable weapon, a beacon guiding the course of battles yet to be waged.

As Akkuma's words reverberated, the unison of our collective destinies seemed almost palpable. The harmony that our disparate strengths could create became a tantalizing prospect. Bound by the threads of Akkuma's intricate plans, we were poised to forge an alliance that transcended the realm of mere warriors. Each of us represented a facet of the impending conflict, a facet that Akkuma had meticulously woven into the tapestry of his vision.

With the exchange of a single glance, I acknowledged Kiko's presence. There was a silent camaraderie that bridged the gap between us, a mutual understanding of the roles we were to play. Kiko's lips curved into the faintest of smiles, a flicker of anticipation dancing in her eyes. As for Lord Migoya, his gaze bore into mine, a recognition that spoke volumes. It was as if he could discern the very core of my being, the amalgamation of power and purpose that defined me.

In that charged moment, a sense of unity began to unfurl its wings. Akkuma's orchestration was a symphony of wills, and each of us was poised to contribute a pivotal note. The subtle exchange of introductions marked the inception of a saga that would etch our names into the annals of history. I, Akira, the embodiment of controlled chaos. Kiko, the harbinger of unrelenting justice. Lord Migoya, the architect of calculated strategy.

The tapestry of fate had drawn us together, and the threads of destiny were now inextricably woven. As we stood on the precipice of unfolding events, the unspoken promise of our alliance hung in the air like a sword's edge, poised to carve a new chapter into the annals of time. And I, Akira, stood ready to unleash the tempest that had been forged within me, my every fiber resonating with the impending clash of worlds.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
A pale hand rested on his niece’s shoulder for a split second, a small gesture to ensure that she was in fact ok after such a rather profound transference. Her soul burned brightly, blessed by the Goddess - something that Migoya was keenly aware of. Her skin still was clammy and wet from the Goddesses blessing, and it stung Migoya’s ancient flesh. Mikki and Baraku rested on Migoya's shoulders, reminiscent of an angel and a devil... if both were acutally devils.

To have witnessed the form of the Goddess herself! Such a blessing and a message that he and his niece were on the right path!

“Kiko-kun, I am glad to have you back. Your Goddess was just here... she was intoxicating. However - you may feel strong right now but ensure you get some rest… soon. Your uncle is stirring trouble as we speak, but I believe we have a different task to achieve.”

Forever the med-nin.

It was not long before two figures, one known and one unknown, entered the Myakashi sanctuary. The undead guards gave way to them, somehow sensing their true natures and welcoming them as kin. Migoya nodded with a smile as Akkuma spoke, introducing his companion. Clad in intricate armour and clearly a formidable warrior by the way she presented herself, his penetrating red glare rested on this newcomer as figures moved in the darkness ready to strike out if this person turned traitor.

There was something… so familiar about her, as if she existed on the plane between life and death, as if her soul and body were not suited for one another. Having made such a creature in the form of his elemental companion, Migoya was truly impressed at this… creation, if that was what she was. He could not tell of course, but he had his suspicions. Baruku, a homoculous bound in the form of a winged rat stared and sniffed towards her in a rather unusual and unexpected display of understanding.

She is beautiful.

“Ah, Lord Akkuma, Lady Akira. Welcome. I trust your journey here was uneventful.” Migoya gave a polite bow to the mastermind, a measure of respect indeed. He saw the mans hunger at this place, and completely understood his desire. Another polite bow was offered to the beautiful creature in turn, along with a wry smile.

“I invite you to Uchinaru Yami, a place dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses of change and transformation. Of destruction and war. From my research, during turbulent times when their followers were persecuted for their beliefs, the Deities decided to provide a place of power and neutrality for their followers to hide.“

“You may see the images of Ironchi, Lord Fuujin, Raiden, Jashin, and the long dead and forgotten deities. Also are the ones from below - including the Goddess of the Deep… who just blessed us with her presence. In any event, it is a sacred place - and one I wish to keep secret, thus the trust I am placing on you two.”
His words carried weight - it was not normal for the Myakashi to share their sacred spaces. Truth be told he would have advised Kiko to summon them to a less… personal place, but perhaps this place was… symbolic. Perhaps the Gods themselves had arranged a meeting of these souls.

Migoya moved over towards the algae-covered altar, one hand caressing the holy site while his other grasped the glowing white staff made from the wood of the world tree in support, clearly tired from his previous activities. For a split second the Goddesses’ remaining light and influence rested on his visage, removing the sharp, pale face of the albino and replacing it with a rictus skull, his eyes two pinpoints of red light floating in darkened voids of eternal nothingness. The image would disappear as soon as it had appeared, leaving those watching confused as to what they had just seen, except perhaps for the Shinigami.

He looked upwards at the strange carvings of the Gods, speaking as it were to himself.

“For too long the Gods and Goddesses of change have laid dormant, their chosen warriors controlled and made silent on the whims of lesser and fearful mortals. Yong is, as always, showing the weaknesses of Konohagakure - though I believe it is time that other villages knew the importance of… change”.

His gaze dropped to rest on the architect of this plan. The power in the room intensified, as if the necrotic energies sought to sap away the very souls of those present. Movement in the shadows indicated that the quartet were certainly not alone, and that the very creatures of darkness themselves were watching.

The scape goat. The way.

“Lord Akkuma, he of shadows and death, immortal sage, touched by Irochi and the reapers.”

The gaze turned to his niece. His blood. The wave.

“Lady Kiko, Messenger and chosen of the Goddess of the Deep, formless, weapon of change.”

Crimson eyes now gazed into Akira, scrutinising her as if sizing up an enemy. Her form, the ease in which she moved, her eyes - full of darkness. The weapon.

“Lady Akira, Harbinger of the Shadow, form perfected, darkness held constrained.”

Was that a wry smile from the albino? The watcher.

“I, Myakashi Migoya, have a very important question for you all.”

The weight of the darkness seemed to be at bursting point as he turned to walk towards his discarded backpack, the sounds of his staff hitting the ground only accentuating the silence and darkness of this holy place.

The silence was broken by the all-important question.

“How would you like your tea?”

[OOC: MFT - apologies! Its exam marking time and I have no life.]
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
After introductions Kiko remained motionless for a moment, her eyes downcast and a serious expression over her blood flushed face. Kiko realised that the body had acted all on its own despite her supreme control that she thought she had maintained. Her heartrate began to increase as she unconsciously brought her right hand up over her chest, bare fingers pressing against her soft leather armour. Kiko exhaled sharply as she regained her composure, her eyes closing for an extended blink before opening wide and excited, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Haha, this body is doing things without me having to even think about it! All churning and pumping and... Wow, that's going to be real hard not to think about all the fucking time!"

She chuckled to herself, her smile still over her entire face as she calmly moved to embrace Akkuma before moving away and holding him at arms length on his biceps.

"It is good to see you Akkuma... The world has shifted once more and I have much to say..."

Looking into the demon's eyes for a moment, Kiko patted him on the arm twice gently before turning to face the bright souled Kunoichi. Still smiling brightly, Kiko moved to Akira, a hand on her armoured shoulder, the reassuring though now somewhat softened smile still present. Her words were spoken slowly, her eyes locked with the Kunoichi's as she spoke, her words drifting away at the end.

"My sister... I dreamed of you... with you... it is good you are awake now too... it is good you are here..."

Kiko let he hand drop slowly before turning back to address the group collectively. Her eyes seemed to fade slightly, the smile drifted into a passive expression.

"I have kicked the hornets nests... to stir the hearts of man, put fire in their bellies and anger in their throats...
The old gods were pleased with our works, seeing the lament of those chief amongst the new gods... to kick against the bricks...
But now... a second beginning... the gods, new and old, have opened their eyes and chosen their champions... the foundation of thier world shakes with their waking... and ours shakes too... I know you have felt it..."

Kiko let out a deep sigh, a ripple of holy chakra seemed to shimmer around her body like a heatwave through the air.

"But know this, now is the hour of our trials and we must rise together... no longer in shadow... no longer hidden behind masks and cloaks and deceptions... no... now we must turn out faces to their fires... let them see our eyes as we smile in their fear... let them speak our names in fearfull whispers as they gather in quiet places. They will hate us for it, they will curse us, cry mighty to their gods to take from us all that we have and herein is our trial... for I have dreamed it... their gods will listen... their gods will take from us all we have... and more... and we too shall suffer before the end...

"Sensei Migoya, Shinigami Akkuma, my sister Akira... this burden could be shrugged of now if you turn away, and I would not blame you for I'm not asking for your help... I am asking for everything. I know I ask a lot... please do not answer lightly for what you say next cannot be undone. One first and final time now and forever... will you burn by my side, to the end of this age, to usher in the knew... would you suffer this with me knowing we cannot possibly win?

Plain green tea would be lovely... thankyou..."

[Ooc: updating squadron with everyone if everyone is ok with that :)]
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Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"My sister... I dreamed of you... with you... it is good you are awake now too... it is good you are here..."

a grunt escaped my lips, the resonant hum of contemplation. Kiki's words, delicate as a feather yet laden with sentiment, bore a heavy weight. Her touch upon my shoulder served as a gentle reminder—a reminder that I was not merely a tool, but an equal among this unconventional assemblage. It seemed she viewed me as such, although I remained steadfast in my knowledge of my place and purpose within this eclectic crew. I was Akkuma's vigilant sentinel, more inclined to action than idle words, yet I found myself invited to this metaphorical round table.

Their ceaseless planning and intricate schemes held no allure for me, and yet I had been bestowed with an equal voice. Did Akkuma envision a role for me beyond that of mere muscle, or was I, perhaps, the safety net should their grand designs falter? The adage "keep your enemies closer" echoed in my thoughts, wiser words than any I could muster.

Kiko's reference to me as her sister had ignited a spark of curiosity within the depths of my artificial consciousness. Was she, too, a creation born of the remnants of the deceased, akin to Akkuma? There existed a certain familiarity in their verbosity, a shared affection for the cadence of their own voices. Migoya, too, exhibited this penchant for loquaciousness, a trait foreign to me. It appeared that I was crafted to listen, to observe in silence, or perhaps, I conversed in a language divergent from their own.

My gaze drifted downward to the gleaming blade sheathed at my side, its sharpness and unwavering purpose an extension of myself. For a fleeting moment, I pondered the simplicity of violence, the clarity it brought amidst the cacophony of words and stratagems. Yet, my eyes soon returned to the group, those who had chosen to extend their hands in an offer of inclusion.

Violence, indeed, was a language I understood and spoke fluently—a language that transcended the barriers of discourse. However, within this intricate web of alliances and enigmas, I contemplated the possibility of evolving beyond my predefined role. The universe was vast, and I, Akira, stood at the precipice of change, unsure whether to embrace it or remain steadfast in my commitment to the familiar tongue of annihilation.

Migoya- How would you like your tea?
Kiko- Plain green tea would be lovely... thank you.
Akira- Mmmph.


Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
From what he could tell Migoya did not disappoint with his powers of observation. For he could see the unasked question & it's suspicion flicker momentarily behind those crimson eyes. If only for the briefest of moments, before it was lost in the masterful mask that was Migoya. When their eyes met the Sages would flash with pride. After all even in all his tenure as a shinobi, none of his creations had been so...perfect. It had been one of his greatest feats & yet for now he would have to keep such knowledge close at hand.

Whan asked about their journey here? His mind thought on how different it was to move through the sands now. When every grain of the Dunes around him seemed connected to his will. It had been a hard task refraining from reflexively utilizing his new talents. He had been waiting for the right time to reveal what had happened. But he knew here of all places this secret would be sage, he just needed the right time to reveal what had transpired that day in the Dunes with Yong. Lost in the moment he forgot to answer about the journey, perhaps it had been better it was uneventful. If an obstacle had chosen to plant itself in their path he may have been tempted to reveal what he had become. The public reveal was something he wanted to save for a special occasion.

Uchinaru Yami, well at least he knew why some of his surveyors & engineers didn't make it back from this sector of the Mountains. It had been so far out of reach from his design that even his contingencies had barely scraped across it, with everything that was going on he'd intended to investigate the issue personally. But had no need to do so, for he knew the source. 'Fascinating...they never cease to amaze.' he thought to himself as his emerald gaze slid over the design of the sacred site they stood in. Migoya explained this place to them & Akkuma became aware of its importance to them. Much to the Sages surprise his desire to absorb the site into his own fortifications faded with this understanding. How peculiar, perhaps he had become more fond of these Myakashi then he realized?

Or maybe he was just becoming sentimental with time & after all he had lost. The existence of such sites was something to be admired he would not be the one to take this place from them. For no doubt the world would do that inevitably. Until then he would keep this place & it's existence secret. Those emerald eyes would meet the crimson gaze of Migoya when he had finished his explanation about this place. Along with his emphasis on the trust they were entrusting Akkuma & Akira with the knowledge of this sites existence. Bowing his head respectfully with a gaze full of understanding. The Myakashi would have nothing to fear from him.

Migoya's words resonated with the Sage, after all for many years had he spoken about the stagnation & over regulation of the World. When he mentioned Yong's name the Sage smiled as he remembered his words of comfort through his change. He could feel each grain of sand around them, almost as if it were an extension of his will. Then he felt it once more that crimson gaze lingering intensely on him as Migoya proceeded to introduce the group as if to the unseen forces witnessing their meeting. Change was indeed upon them, the Fates had sought to sever their bonds. But with each thread of Fate that had cut to deny them, they only created a multitude more. The forces of Change would not have it's chosen avatars denied.

Kiko began to greet him & he smiled warmly at her words. There were no doubts within his mind that she had succeeded in further stirring up the villages. She too went on speaking of the foundations of their world shifting, changing. Going on to say that it was time for them to step out of the Shadows. To leave behind the masks & deception. A wide grin spread across his face as she spoke building up to a final question. Would they burn together, the words made the memory of his own immolation with Yong flash vivdly back into his mind. A chuckle began to emanate from the Sage building into a gravely booming laugh that echoed around the chambers. 'It seems these Gods of Change truly watch our course.' he thought to himself as Kiko finished by stating her preferred Tea.

Akira remained acutely observant of the group. He couldn't help but wonder what she thought of all this. While she remained quiet he had no doubt that she had some thoughts on this all. "I met Yong, I burned in blue flames with him." as he spoke grains of sand would begin to float towards him. Pulled by his will from the statues, walls & very ground beneath their feet. Slowly coalescing in the air before him into a miniature sand version of himself. "I was...changed. Undergoing transformations is not unusual to me. But I believe your Goddess shaped my change to this form for a purpose." with each word the miniature version of him was engulfed by the sands. Becoming a miniature monstrous sandworm-like figure.

"I agree. In truth I intend to confess once the Sennin Games are underway. For orchestrating this all & for what is to come." They would be coming for him soon & if he was to keep Sunagakure safe. In order to keep Sunagakure safe from them & itself he had needed to be the Monster they had always accused him of being. "They will come for me...either we shall succeed. Or I will perish or be imprisoned...although I imagine they shall try to make a spectacle of my death. Set an example of me." For he had no doubt the villages would not allow him to go unpunished, especially once he had publicly admitted its actions. "When they come for me the desert itself shall rise to my defense." Another devilish smile from the Sage, Raizo Ryuzaki's public opinion was strenous among the populace. For such gifts as the ones he now possessed were sacred within Wind Country.

"A calming cup of Jasmine would do wonders." he would say warmly making the sand before him cascade peacefully to the floor once more.

OOC: Sorry on the delay!
Updating Squadron as well! ^_^
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Silence had descended on the temple devoted to the gods of darkness as if each of those present, seen and unseen, were scanning each other for the slightest hint of treachery or deceit. It was a natural instinct for the missing nin of course, as one could never be too careful. A lesson that had been learned so many times over the centuries of his prolonged life.

The silence ended with the simple tap of an ancient teapots tapping the side of small ceramic cups. Simple jutsu had warmed the tea, Migoya having drawn the various ingredients from the strange brown satchel that he perpetually wore at his side. Soon the air would, for a moment, seem to breathe a sigh of relief as the wafting smell of strong green tea, jasmine and… something else… permeated the air, driving out the smell of death.

Migoya preferred the smell of death.

The crimson gaze would linger for a second at Akkuma’s construction - a telling sign of perhaps what powers he had inherited from his nephew. Did the Goddess bless him with the blood of the Sunaku? Such things were telling… perhaps the rumours that the Goddess of the Below and Mother Suna were… hmm.

“A very wise man once told me that tea is liquid wisdom”. The sound of shuffling robes was heard as Migoya walked towards his beloved niece. “To be honest, I pondered that statement for some time, trying to figure out its meaning.”

A plaid hand, still covered with small vestiges of blood, reached out to give Kiko one of the small ceramic cups. ‘Green tea - your grandfathers blend.’

He turned to face Akira, a strange grin playing on his features. Admiration? Certainly a rare expression from the Myakashi, but one genuinely expressed as he offered another cup. ‘Forgive my presumption, but I have prepared some Yerba Mate - A blend that provides a rather large kick of energy.’

He turned to Akkuma. ‘And Jasmine tea. To calm.’ For a moment Migoya’s eyes would lock with Akkuma’s, as if trying to connect to him on a deeper level. He could strangely feel the vestiges of whatever it was that Yong had done with him - and for Yong to have done that with him spoke more than words about the trust he had in this man. Or at least the trust he had that this man was useful. The look of admiration had not left his face. Perhaps this goat was far, far more than a potential tool.

“Sennin games? What is that? A competition or a selection process?”. Migoya had, of course, heard whispers but nothing concrete. It was a logical way to select the best fighters, but the best leaders? Hmm. He took a sip of his own concoction, a strange smell wafting as the tea was disturbed. His pale head nodded as Akkuma outlined his next steps, or proposed ones. Migoya gave a slight smirk. “Well then, if they wish to come for you, then that is to our advantage. Fools rush in where devils fear to tread. When they come, we will be prepared.”

He took another sip of his tea, his red eyes glinting brightly in the darkness.

“Tea teaches us many things. Patience, exactness, preparation. So, my friends, how do you suggest we prepare?”

[OOC: My APOLOGIES! Life + BG3 = forgetful Migoya!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
