It was often that Tesshou found himself at this location. He knew of its exact whereabouts, but he could not recall making the exhausting trip it would take to get here. Still, he would find himself here often. A large monastery on the side of a cliff reminiscent of none that existed in Kumogakure, abandoned and in ruin. As uninviting as the abode appeared, Tesshou still found it within the confides of his heart to call this place home. It was the original dwelling of the Yoshida clan and, as uninviting as it appeared to any other child, Tesshou couldn't help but step into the run down structure.
It was no place for a mere boy, but his heart would not allow him to run away. Small feet tapped through the halls of the broken home as small shadows and sounds danced about the atmosphere. It was almost like a horror movie set up, but Tesshou was far from frightened. Of course there was some fear in him. He was only nine years of age, no boy could claim it was an easy trip. But he was of a different conditioning, as he needed this. The potential fulfillment outweighed the imaginary risk, and his tiny feet picked up their pace as they carried him to his father's quarters.
Only to find it empty.
It was the same story, replayed a thousand times to the point that he already knew what was next in the script. A shadow loomed over the boy and his eyes began to well up as he remembered the next scene. Upon turning around he would face a dark entity with amber eyes much like his own. The eyes he gazed into, however, radiated with a demonic malevolence. Even so, it was almost familiar to him and this was the only reason to explain why the child hadn't completely wet himself in fear. The entity would reach for the boy before he finally lost all his nerve and could not restrain the tears, and suddenly there was nothing but darkness.
"Father...," he muttered as his eyelids slowly parted. The boy didn't rise from his laying position or allow his body to move in the slightest. It wasn't paralysis from fear, but a lack of motivation. The dream had haunted him for the past year since hearing of his father's death. Each time he would search helplessly with hopes that it was all some lie and that he could go back to the old days, only to be met by the same entity that brought nothing but the certainty that all hope was vain.
A few more minutes of silence. Then the youth sprang out of bed and sought sustenance.|[/col]

It was no place for a mere boy, but his heart would not allow him to run away. Small feet tapped through the halls of the broken home as small shadows and sounds danced about the atmosphere. It was almost like a horror movie set up, but Tesshou was far from frightened. Of course there was some fear in him. He was only nine years of age, no boy could claim it was an easy trip. But he was of a different conditioning, as he needed this. The potential fulfillment outweighed the imaginary risk, and his tiny feet picked up their pace as they carried him to his father's quarters.
Only to find it empty.
It was the same story, replayed a thousand times to the point that he already knew what was next in the script. A shadow loomed over the boy and his eyes began to well up as he remembered the next scene. Upon turning around he would face a dark entity with amber eyes much like his own. The eyes he gazed into, however, radiated with a demonic malevolence. Even so, it was almost familiar to him and this was the only reason to explain why the child hadn't completely wet himself in fear. The entity would reach for the boy before he finally lost all his nerve and could not restrain the tears, and suddenly there was nothing but darkness.
"Father...," he muttered as his eyelids slowly parted. The boy didn't rise from his laying position or allow his body to move in the slightest. It wasn't paralysis from fear, but a lack of motivation. The dream had haunted him for the past year since hearing of his father's death. Each time he would search helplessly with hopes that it was all some lie and that he could go back to the old days, only to be met by the same entity that brought nothing but the certainty that all hope was vain.
A few more minutes of silence. Then the youth sprang out of bed and sought sustenance.