The boy sat there, for a moment deciding what he should do in that moment but before he came to a final decision, the dome would be gone and he could see both men as clear as day again. After having calmed Maru kicked up to his feet, then smirked to himself at the fat man's remark of him being a puppy. "Oh really so you think because you're king of the slugs you think your slimy ogre looking self can teach me a lesson. “ the boy through his head back and laughed, pointing at the man. "Okay, slimey ogre let's see what do you got for me.” Maru placed a had on his hip, waiting on the ‘lesson’ the slug sage was about to teach him which the young trainee already doubted that he'll actually learn anything from the little lesson he had.
And sure enough, the lesson was about him having manners when dealing with superiors, Maru was snickering while moving his hand over his weapons pouch. “Well wouldn't the world be a greater place if we all had manners when dealing with people who are superior to you. That's a great mindset for someone who WANTS to be a follower instead of using their determination to surpass these so called superiors." His eyes scanned the man as he went to turn, to lock the door before the entire room would have been covered in wood the prevent anyone from disrupting this mans lesson… After telling Maru that he needed manners when being in the branch, the slug sage rushed at Maru. The boy drew a scroll as quickly as the man took one step closer to him to summon a one of his dolls right in that moments, then when he went to strike at the boy Maru created a strong-looking barrier which the man struck twice instead. Surely the man didn't think he'd allow him to attack without some sort of action, the doll that created the barrier sat on Maru's shoulder with her right held out, her voice was a little delayed from how fast Maru drew her but she said her line eventually.
“Hewo.” The puppet was rather different, this one was a little babyish girl who was clutching a knife in one hand. The wooden doll wore a pink overcoat with a red ribbon and has a similar ribbon on the backside of her coat with a white, puffy underdress. Short ringleted, blonde hair with a pink bow, surrounded by white ruffles and on her feet she has red ballet-like slippers, with red ribbons that criss-cross over her legs and white tights. Maru only needed one chakra thread to control her, raising his hand to pet his puppet Maru let the barrier break down. “Nice moves lard ass, you move rather quickly, but Mr. Ogre I have a question in regarding me going back to the academy because I'm not observant enough, since this is a learning process after all.” After the barriers would go down to Maru's feet, the barrier reveals itself to be a trap, imprisoning the slug sage immediately in a green, heart shaped prison! Paradise Invite is what the move was called. Maru and his doll cackled, tilting his head to the side. “I think you should go back to the academy, because YOU deciding to go easy on someone you considered lower than yourself.” Maru chuckled, shooting the mans words back at him with a bit more sass. It'll be foolish to say that the little devil wasn't enjoying the lesson the fat man had prepared, it was pretty interesting.
“So Mr.Ogre are you going to break that barrier and show me a stronger attack or are you gonna keep using weak ones? After all if I was you, I'd go all out without a second thought to demand respect.” Maru said with a sneer, it was clear that the boy didn't fear the fat man nor anyone stronger than himself. It was clear that Maru looked and acted like a child, but he had the cold mentality of a ruthless killing machine. It was clear that violence will only make Maru exculate to more violence until the boy wasn't able to move or act on anything. The boy didn't fear death, nor did he fear defeat.