Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Hopeless and defeated... Golly thats right![Open]


The boy sat there, for a moment deciding what he should do in that moment but before he came to a final decision, the dome would be gone and he could see both men as clear as day again. After having calmed Maru kicked up to his feet, then smirked to himself at the fat man's remark of him being a puppy. "Oh really so you think because you're king of the slugs you think your slimy ogre looking self can teach me a lesson. “ the boy through his head back and laughed, pointing at the man. "Okay, slimey ogre let's see what do you got for me.” Maru placed a had on his hip, waiting on the ‘lesson’ the slug sage was about to teach him which the young trainee already doubted that he'll actually learn anything from the little lesson he had.

And sure enough, the lesson was about him having manners when dealing with superiors, Maru was snickering while moving his hand over his weapons pouch. “Well wouldn't the world be a greater place if we all had manners when dealing with people who are superior to you. That's a great mindset for someone who WANTS to be a follower instead of using their determination to surpass these so called superiors." His eyes scanned the man as he went to turn, to lock the door before the entire room would have been covered in wood the prevent anyone from disrupting this mans lesson… After telling Maru that he needed manners when being in the branch, the slug sage rushed at Maru. The boy drew a scroll as quickly as the man took one step closer to him to summon a one of his dolls right in that moments, then when he went to strike at the boy Maru created a strong-looking barrier which the man struck twice instead. Surely the man didn't think he'd allow him to attack without some sort of action, the doll that created the barrier sat on Maru's shoulder with her right held out, her voice was a little delayed from how fast Maru drew her but she said her line eventually.

“Hewo.” The puppet was rather different, this one was a little babyish girl who was clutching a knife in one hand. The wooden doll wore a pink overcoat with a red ribbon and has a similar ribbon on the backside of her coat with a white, puffy underdress. Short ringleted, blonde hair with a pink bow, surrounded by white ruffles and on her feet she has red ballet-like slippers, with red ribbons that criss-cross over her legs and white tights. Maru only needed one chakra thread to control her, raising his hand to pet his puppet Maru let the barrier break down. “Nice moves lard ass, you move rather quickly, but Mr. Ogre I have a question in regarding me going back to the academy because I'm not observant enough, since this is a learning process after all.” After the barriers would go down to Maru's feet, the barrier reveals itself to be a trap, imprisoning the slug sage immediately in a green, heart shaped prison! Paradise Invite is what the move was called. Maru and his doll cackled, tilting his head to the side. “I think you should go back to the academy, because YOU deciding to go easy on someone you considered lower than yourself.” Maru chuckled, shooting the mans words back at him with a bit more sass. It'll be foolish to say that the little devil wasn't enjoying the lesson the fat man had prepared, it was pretty interesting.

“So Mr.Ogre are you going to break that barrier and show me a stronger attack or are you gonna keep using weak ones? After all if I was you, I'd go all out without a second thought to demand respect.” Maru said with a sneer, it was clear that the boy didn't fear the fat man nor anyone stronger than himself. It was clear that Maru looked and acted like a child, but he had the cold mentality of a ruthless killing machine. It was clear that violence will only make Maru exculate to more violence until the boy wasn't able to move or act on anything. The boy didn't fear death, nor did he fear defeat.
Watching the exchange between the two Yukio sighed, it was clear if this continued things were rather quickly going to get out of hand looking over to Manzo he nodded at his comment on becoming a slug sage a smile coming across his features. "I see you follow the same path as i Manzo, we both follow the ways of the slug sage though it does take time to learn i must admit." This would unfortunately be the only real pleasant conversation the trio would have watching Maru and Manzo he couldn't help but shake his head wondering if things had gone passed the point of no return. "it's Ok manzo i have the medical chief taking care of my needs while i'm here so we should have everything covered."

"As for the yapping dog, Maru is somewhat instinctive or rather always willing to rise to the challenge regardless of the difference in strength." He had little choice forcing himself to his feet as a sense of pain rushed up his system, if things were going to go sideways then the least he could do would be to lessen whatever damage could come of it. Glancing to the door as Manzo closed it his Byakugan were firmly locked on Maru, should he escalate this it would be easier to solve the problem before it started.

His body felt still, shifting the muscles and joints causing them to grind as he twitched "As much as it would be nice for you both to get to know each other i would prefer this not escalate any more than it already has, Safe to say if anyone tries to show up now with the door locked we are going to have some questions to answer. It won't look good for the branch or us as individuals." Taking a few steps he moved over to his comrade in arms leaning against the wall as he lowered his voice to speak. "He's already been taught a lesson by Takeshi before coming here, lets just say it wasn't words that were exchanged and the outcome was decisive but it hasn't changed the way he acts."

His voice carried a sense of defeat in it, seeing how things were starting to turn out he was beginning to doubt if anything would change as time passed or if things would continue to stay the same. "Either way if i were to say one thing its we don't want Mikasa walking in here with all of us in this state lets think of the medical branches view for a moment here." He didn't know if the two were actually planning anything here but covering up their tracks before they began was the best idea in the Hyuuga's mind,.
Puppy managed to block his attack but it wasn’t attack so much as a probing of strength. A barrier was an interesting way to counter it but what was more interesting was the puppet that was produced. He did not have a lot of experience with puppet users but he did know that this could easily spill out into the rest of the hospital. He wasn’t sure that the reinforcements to the walls would be enough to counteract the traps.

It seemed that Yukio wanted the fighting to stop as well. Ignoring the taunts he commented to Yukio ”you are right, this isn’t the place to have a lesson. “ Takeshi wasn’t known for holding back but it seemed that Puppies will to be a child was greater than his bones. Converting a jutsu to wood, a spike of wood started to sprout from the ground puncturing the barrier in front of him he turned back to Puppy. ”Just because you have power doesn't mean you need to use it. That is like the person shouting, I AM THE BOSS to his subborants just because he was placed in the position. If you have to say you are the boss then you aren't, if you have to scream you have power then you really don’t“ And with those words he would use Temple of Nirvana to put Maru asleep.

As soon as Maru was asleep the reinforced walls would start to retreat and he started to look at the puppet closely. It was a piece of art that was to be sure ”I didn’t realize that we had such a good puppet maker in the village.“ Taking the puppet he would seal it back into the scroll that Maru had pulled it out of putting a wooden puppy in its place. He did not want to take the weapons but he couldn’t resist giving him a new puppet.

”He can find me down at the practice field if he thinks I went to easy on him. I won’t be waiting for him, but I do like to spend time down there helping out. When you get out of here and cleared for drinking let me know and we will catch up.“ He looked around the room to ensure that it was in the same state as he first entered the room. ”Since it was the Puppy that wanted to have the killing intent I am not too worried about you. You can take care of yourself.“ He told Yukio with a smile as he unlocked the door and walked out.

It was certainly an interesting trip to the hospital. Hopefully the medics that saw to Yukio were better than the ones that saw to him.

"Finally, he's up!” the boy teased with a sly smirk. Even being badly hurt, his teacher still found the strength needed to actually stand on his own feet. Although the Hyuuga may have different views on how to get stronger, the young anbu liked to see that kid of fighting spirit within a shinobi. Then Maru notice the strange veins appearing over the Hyuuga's eyes, the Byakugan. But although the Hyuuga did show the will to fight, he didn't want them to continue this little lesson that his ogre friend sought to teach. It would have been fun to see the power that this fat man had, but of course if things did get carried away then the hospital might be destroyed and the Hyuuga would be in the crossfire. One thing that the Hyuuga had been right about is that Maru did love a challenge regardless of how strong a person may be. After all he would be facing opponents that matched the strength of his superiors. So the logic behind this was simple:

If you can get past them you will be able to get past anyone.

Seems safe to say that if no one can defeat you, then mere missing nins shouldn't be that much of a problem. Maru now turned his attention to the ogre who broken through the barrier, with a few clicks of his doll she now turned her sharp knife to the man. However, the man seemingly was not interested in using his real power, at least not at this time. But then Maru felt tired all of the sudden, very tired. He had so much energy before, how could he be this drowsy right now! Maru slapped his own face, to try and stay awake…. But his eyes only got heavier. And heavier… then…


Maru would then wobbled a bit and then collapse to the floor, sleeping heavily. Honestly Maru looked more peaceful when he was sleeping, but now that the Hyuuga was all alone with the sleeping half demon on the cold hospital floor. He had a feeling if he woke Maru up, he won't be a happy customer nor will he be peaceful.
Words escaped Yukio in the next few moments it was strange to watch the conversation between the two, the only thing he was able to do was sigh and shake his head waving to Manzo as he left the room. "I will take care until then, safe to say there is probably a lot to go over." It was true a lot had happened since Manzo had left the branch had grown tenfold with new aspiring AiT's joining what felt like every day. It had become somewhat stressful for the Hyuuga however with more recruits came a heavier work load for everyone something he was already struggling with before now.

Though what Manzo said was true the wisdom in his words being ones that Yukio understood rather well learning about such things in the early days of training with his grandfather, Maru had a habit of throwing his weight around but that was something Yukio had come to accept as the normal on a day to day basis. Everyone was different some more than others and he prided himself on being the neutral ground for any unique character though as time had passed the toll it took on his stress levels was becoming more obvious something would have to change sooner rather than later.

With Manzo gone he was left with the sleeping Maru, hardly in the mood or state to walk over and help him he walked back over to his bed. His body ached with every step feeling like a challenge to stop himself just giving in and passing out on the floor sliding into the bed to continue his rest pondering for a moment over what to do about his student power napping on the floor. "Guess I should wake him up, this is probably going to be loud." Making a short series of hand seals an orb of water formed slowly building above Maru before Yukio released the orb. "Rise and shine"

The water was freezing safe to say it should wake the ANBU up though more than likely would foul his mood even more but at the end of the day it was the easiest way to wake him luckily being in the bed where he was Yukio had little chance of being on the receiving end of whatever Maru would do. Laying his head back down he waited, waited for the inevitable break in his peace and quite once more.
Maru's Dreamland!​

Maru was in a strange parallel universe, looking from left to right he saw many different friendly singing dolls that welcomed the young shinobi with. His dolls led the other smaller wooden dolls, Jill finally found happiness in dancing, performing on stage which was her actual dream. Shi was less worried now because she was now able to help everyone by using her magical threads to grant any wish that brings happiness. Chibi became the queen of the dolls despite being so small and having a really bad attitude. But Maru would look around for Kawaii, he didn't see her around. Maru wandered down the street of Doll Land, hearing kawaii voice just a few blocks away Maru ran, wondering what was Kawaii's happy ending! Maru giggle and smiled. “Balloons and Dolls! Chocolate cake walls.—”


Ice cold water awoken Maru from his sleep! Right in the middle of his song about his make belief world! Maru writhed on the floor, waving his arms more than necessary as he was brought into reality. When Maru calmed he sat up from the floor and gave an irritated glance to his teacher, by the look on Maru's face the Hyuuga could tell that the peace he had when Maru was asleep was gone. “What the hell did you do that for Hyuuga!* Maru exclaimed, his clothes soaking wet. Maru went for his weapons scroll and placed it on his belt before standing up to scream so loudly he'd probably could be heard outside of the room.

“FIRST NO ONE TOLD YOU TO WAKE ME UP, I SWEAR CAN YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT! YOU STUPID-WHITE-HAIRED-SMILIEY-GUY-ONE-SWEATER-HADICAPED-CAST-WEARIN-....... LOSER!" at that point he ran out of insults for the man, of course he would look around to see where the fat man went, it was just him and the Hyuuga. “Hey where that ogre go? He going to the food court because I've learned zip from that trash he called a lesson. “ Maru placed a hand on his hip, looking outside to see if he but the fat man was nowhere to be seen. So now he turned to the Hyuuga so perhaps maybe, get what he was supposed to learn from that encounter.
Yukio seemed unphased by Maru's rather loud outburst upon his awakening, he couldn't blame the boy it was one of the more blunt methods to wake up a person but it was preferred in comparison to have him sleeping on the floor for the next doctor walking in to find. Tilting his head to the side now comfortably back in his bed the Hyuuga released a deep sigh shaking his head towards Maru as a sign to calm himself before Yukio finally spoke. "Please do not raise your voice here Maru, lets have some consideration for the others residing in this place. As to my waking you up can you imagine if say for instance Juko walked in here to see you sleeping on the floor like a newborn. Pretty sure you don't want that spreading around."

His words were blunt but true it would have been an interesting situation to explain should anyone else walk into the room before he woke, a situation the ANBU was not in the mood to explain his body now aching from having to rise from his recovering state "And that Ogre as you so put it has returned to his business after dealing with you" He gestured to the door "He told me to tell you if you want to meet him again you can find him frequently at the training fields from time to time." This brought many questions to his mind one being more apparent than the rest.

Maru had always been one to rise others or if they weren't doing anything directly try and rile them up causing them to act against the AiT what satisfaction it gave him was lost on Yukio. "If I must ask one question directly why is it you always rise to those who are clearly out of your league? I would understand wishing to fight a mentor for a chance to see how your skills have developed but I know of no one who itches for combat as much as you do" It was a mix of concern and curiosity that caused him to ask the question maybe giving Yukio a clue that would lead to a better way to handle what many considered a problem child.

Maru thought for a moment about the Hyuuga's response to how he had been awoken from his slumber, looking off somewhere the prideful boy simply replied. “Alright you got me there. That would be rather embarrassing for that failure to come up in here while I was sleep,” the boy grumbles. Extreme as the Hyuuga may had been in waking up the young shinobi, Maru had to agree with that statement of Juko just so happening of coming in to see him sleeping on the floor like a baby. Maru would never hear the end of it if that situation was to happen, a bit of karma of nicknaming the lad ‘Gassy’ from a little stunt he pulled to show off in a lesson that they both passed with flying colors…. Because the teacher got so annoyed by Maru's attitude and Juko’s ignorance.

With no issues on that matter, Maru still wondered where that big orge man went off to so he'd get to see what that man was made of. It was the first time Maru had seen holy chakra used with any ninjustu, and the little devil wished to challenge the slug sage due to his ability he would prove quite the challenge. But of course the bad part about it was that the man left before things had a chance to get interesting, however he could be found around the training area which made Maru smirk. “Heh, wonderful. I'll be looking forward to punching that man in the nose and watch him bleed chocolate milk. I could the look on his wart lookin’ face,” Maru spat nastily with a chuckles. Although Maru knew that the man was indeed stronger than him he honestly didn't care, that was the frightening part. No matter how strong you are the boy would rise to any challenge regardless of strength or the chances of Maru winning.

However, the question Hyuuga wanted to know was why did he rile people up who were clearly stronger than him? Why was he always itching for a fight regardless of who it may be? This got the young AIT to think of a right way to approach this question, raising his and he tugged at his chin as he thought of a reply. “Well wouldn't the world be a great place if we all bowed our heads and accepted that other people are stronger than you. Honestly I do it for three reasons that I can think of.” Maru said, beginning tell his reason for being how he was. "But the main reason was because I really don't have a driving force to do better. So if I have a lot of strong enemies who is seeking for me to fail, then I would have to get stronger to eradicate the enemy. After all I can't be lazy when I have strong people who I hold grudges against. “ he said with a careless shrug.
It was an interesting way of thinking that much could be said but not always the wrong one, having a rival of someone you want to be better than was a very effective driving force to become stronger though Yukio had never seen anyone take it to the levels that Maru had. Though the notion he would beat Manzo made the Hyuuga chuckle something he didn't make an attempt to hide as he spoke. "Yes that is one way to give yourself enthusiasm to get stronger that i cannot deny but always bear in mind what seems to be working today could become a hindrance tomorrow. The ability to adapt your methods is what will make you that much stronger." He had learned overtime that very little would gain Maru's attention but the prospect of getting stronger quickly was one of them.

"It may also benefit you to refine your Style of fighting see what your weak against and what your effective against and that way you know what fights you should be picking." It was a normal method of training within the ANBU branch and a logical trail of thought that could save anyone from an unfortunate end in both the near and far future, there was little to no point fighting a battle you couldn't win from the start especially if it wasn't going to be to knockout like most of the AiT's fights had been.

Bringing a hind to his head he sighed slightly he had come to the hospital to rest and recover and it had quickly become a lesson in how to fit in with the other Shinobi in the village. "Well safe to say i wasn't expecting to be talking about this today let alone having the incidents caused within the walls of this place, you never fail to make things interesting to say the least Maru."
Although Yukio had been right that going around picking fights and making an enemy out of everyone is one way to give himself motivation to get stronger. It would most likely become a hindrance to him. A more basic form of training seemed to be a more logical route, knowing what you are weak against and what are you more effective against made sense in his own way but Maru knew himself. Maru knew if he would go against people who he would more than likely be effective against, then he would be more of a bully than a rebel. "Well if I decide to take that route, I think you might see more academy students in the hospital. I mean, the goal here is to be able to take down the best of the best make a name for yourself. Haven't you wanted to beat down someone you know is stronger than you so you can prove that you're the better?”

Of course Maru had overstayed his welcome around here, it looked pretty much like the fun in this room had died down and now he should probably get on out of here. Maru decided to walked to the door after hearing what the Hyuuga had to say, then smirked. “Anyway make sure you get out of here soon. I'd love to stick around and see Mikasa but I'm busier than a one legged man at a butt kicking contest. Smell ya later.” With that Maru left, heading out through the backway of the hospital to make his way back to crater city.


[Maru has left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
