Manzo v Yoshihisa
Round 1
Kodoma Yoshihisa
Current HP: 36941[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 1980 - 79 = 2059 [lb][/lb]
Max HP: 39000[lb2][/lb2]
Current CP: 31950[lb][/lb]
CP Change: -
10650 = -10650 [lb][/lb]
Max CP: 42600[lb][/lb]
Natural Energy: 19170 + 10650 = 29820 - 2723 - 2662 - 1001 = 23434 [lb2][/lb2]
AP: 10 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 2.5 = 0.5 [lb][/lb]
AP Max: 10[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 10.5 [lb2][/lb2]
Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Summoning Scroll[lb][/lb]
- Headset[lb2][/lb2]
Maintains: [lb][/lb]
- Sage Mode - Slug[lb][/lb]
- Breath of the Wild[lb][/lb]
- Obsidian Dragon
Status: [lb][/lb]
- [lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]
[th=100,null]Stealth Conditions[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2]
Bright: -2 Stealth[lb][/lb]
Open: -3 Stealth
Yoshihisa equips: "Ten Moons Shackles of Rokkoyo"[lb2][/lb2]
Manzo enters Sage Mode -- Slug[lb][/lb]
Manzo attempts to enter stealth
- Manzo: 13
- Yoshihisa: 18[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa is aware of Manzo's positioning
Yoshihisa uses Immolation Armor -- Converted to Explosions[lb2][/lb2]
Yoshihisa activates Elemental Manifestation Stage 1 - Elemental Cloak [lb2][/lb2]
Manzo uses Breath of the Wild -- Nature now becomes a threat[lb2][/lb2]
Yoshihisa activates Elemental Manifestation Stage 2 - Partial Transformation[lb2][/lb2]
Manzo uses Obsidian Dragon and rides upon it![lb][/lb]
Manzo uses Sapphire Storm while riding upon the Obsidian Dragon
- Manzo: 48 -- CRIT!
- Yoshihisa: 27[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa's Elemental Cloak blocks 350 dmg[lb][/lb]
Holy damage deals more to Cursed Targets![lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa takes 5650 Holy Damage![lb][/lb]
Heals Manzo for 565 HP (Cannot overheal!)[lb][/lb]
Roll for Bleeding: 27 -- Yoshihisa is now bleeding r1[lb][/lb]
Roll for Suppression: 55 -- Failed[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa uses Dragon Flame Bomb (Explosion) -- Great Dragon Fire against Manzo
- Yoshihisa: 36 / 38 / 33 / 27
- Manzo: 40 / 34 / 38 / 48[lb][/lb]
Miss / HIT! (1980 Cursed Damage) / Miss / Miss[lb][/lb]
Chance to set Afire: 75 -- Fail
End of Round[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa's Elemental Cloak regenerates![lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa regains HP: +312[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa regains CP: +434[lb][/lb]
Manzo takes cursed damage: -79 HP[/td]
Current HP: 9638[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 312 - 312 - 5650 + 312 = -5962[lb][/lb]
Max HP: 15600[lb2][/lb2]
Current CP: 18504[lb][/lb]
CP Change: - 330 - 3300 + 434 = -3196[lb][/lb]
Max CP: 21700[lb2][/lb2]
AP: 8 - 0.5 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 = 1.5[lb][/lb]
AP Max: 8[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 9 [lb2][/lb2]
Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Ten Moons Shackles of Rokkoyo[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]
Maintains: [lb][/lb]
- Immolation Armor[lb][/lb]
- Jinchuuriki Elemental Cloak[lb][/lb]
- Jinchuuriki Partial Transformation[lb][/lb][lb2][/lb2]
Status: [lb][/lb]
- Rank 1 Bleeding[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]
BMod Notes:
- Manzo's Sapphire Storm had so much surplus bonus damage that the DR Yoshihisa had (aside from Elemental Cloak) didn't matter
- Yoshihisa, when submitting actions, please indicate in the topic title that they are actions for Round X -- X Being the round.
- If you find any errors (or something you might consider an error) send me a PM
Edit: Yoshihisa requested a special action on Dragon Flame Bomb which I missed.. I added it in. Sorry about the delay.