Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

I remember this place

Kato Hana

Active Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
Manzo walked onto the training field and looked around. He remembered when Takeshi had fought on this very spot. It had been years ago but walking onto it brought up the memory. That was a painful experience. He had come pretty far since then, in fact he had lost track of the number of times his fighting style had changed since the.

”Welcome to the corps. Do you know what we are here for today?“ It was a simple enough question but Manzo wanted to hear what the new commer thought. Takeshi was not explicit in what he wanted, though Manzo knew, so it was a question on his ability to pick it up.
Yoshihisa had spent more or less the entire trip to the training field lost in thought, half-watching the new surroundings and only occasionally mumbling to himself, a process swiftly brought to a close as Manzo suddenly spoke up, inquiring him on what they were to do next. “If I had to narrow the list down I would say we are here to see if I can put up a fight, have the wits and deductive reasoning to lead a team, as well as generally providing details to get started on my dossier?” He slightly cocked his head to the side, knowing fully well he had been the one to ask for the examination and had picked up on what Takeshi had requested, but then he had to take into account he hadn’t made it this far in the past and that he might still miss a large portion of the bigger picture.

As he waited for an answer Yoshihisa unzipped his hoodie, the slightly worn out flak vest he kept tugged away revealed, along with combat gear along the lines of oil flasks, lengths of ninja wire and a collection of glass vials, all filled with a distinct amber liquid. With a near inaudible thud his hoodie slumped down in the dirt, the teen quickly following as he started to do push ups as his warm-up method of choice. “As for how we are to go over all those things, I guess it is your call to set the ground rules. I wouldn’t want to cross the line, because from what I’m already seen so far Konoha has several subjects in which it would be the day to Iwagakure’s night, if you catch my drift.” While talking he had shifted to single arm press ups, the first beads of sweat already rolling across his skin as he began to steadily pick up the pace.
Manzo watched as his opponent prepared himself for what was to come. ”YOu got it in the first one. We are here to assess your combat abilities. Being able to deduce and lead, those are things that don't’ need to happen on the training field. Those are things that can and should be assessed latter. But first we need to see how well you can handle yourself. “ Manzo started to do a little light stretching.

”I think the rules are simple. Don’t kill anyone and involve any innocent bystanders. This is still the academy and student may want to watch. That being said I am curious what things you have problems with adjusting to, though that is more of a conversation to take place over a nice drink. “

He did not look like he had warmed up much, mostly doing some stretches while talking was this a ploy or had been warmed up before even being called to the Hokage's office?

”Are you ready?“

[BMOD Called]
“Understood.” Having pushed himself back on his feet, Yoshihisa dusted off his gloves and quickly scanned the horizon. The thought of having to take innocents into account was logical to him, but he had to admit that it would be quite the challenge for him to bring him A-game when and if the students would be watching from the sidelines. “Simple as those rules may be, it still is somewhat of a handicap, but then again you can’t always expect all elements of a fight to be in your favor.” With a single fluid motion he tears off the sleeves of his tattered shirt, already haven given up on it as an object of fashion and now only seeing it as a means to hinder his mobility. “That said, since I also I have no clear picture on your power level, it might be wise to have a medical expert on standby.”

He stretches his arms, the kanji 硫 prominently tattooed in umber ink on his upper arms gleaming in the sunlight. Yoshihisa groans lightly as he pulls off his gloves, revealing the two rows of blinding white teeth set in the palm of his hands, each clattering and chirping with the level of excitement one might expect from a child going over a whole pile of presents packed in their name. “Giggigigigigiii!” In their case it might just be a primitive lust for battle. “I am going to speak for them and say we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be.”

Welcome to a Moderated Battle!
I will be your B-Mod -- Ryong Kyo-Moon!​

I will be asking for the following:
+ Username
+ OOC Rank
+ Character Level
+ Custom Class
+ Stats (Tai, Nin, Gen, Stam, Agi, CC -- Order isn't important)
+ Bloodline/Core Ability (Provide a Link)
+ Kinjutsu (if applicable) (Provide a link)
+ Abilities (Link every ability)
+ Inventory (Link every item)
+ Weapons (if applicable)
+ Jutsu List (Link EVERY Jutsu)
+ Summon (if applicable)
+ Bodies (Dependent on Kinjutsu) -- I'll need all their information too
+ Cursed Seals (if applicable)
+ Anything else I missed but you feel would be needed in the fight.

Afterwards, in a separate PM, send me your actions. I do have some ground rules though ::
+ Link EVERYTHING you do (besides basic strikes anyway) to what you are doing. If you are doing a jutsu, I want a link to that jutsu.
+ When doing calculations, don't calculate damage or CP. I'll do that myself.
+ Place the AP of your jutsu in your actions (makes things easier for me)
+ If there are anything that might modify your actions -- such as if you have +25% ninjutsu damage and you're doing a ninjutsu, stating it there will help me remember those buffs.
+ Make your actions clear and concise -- a wall of text makes it hard to read your actions even if you are comboing.
+ Keep your conditionals in mind. Only things you'd know IC can be used as conditionals.
+ You have exactly 48 hours to submit an RP and send actions. Failure to do this will result in being placed in Defensive Mode and doing nothing else. (other than smart actions)
+ Do not harass me on any medium about the battle. If I made a mistake (or a few) send me a PM (be courteous) and I'll go and fix it. Any corrections to the mod will result in a reset of the timer -- but don't milk this or the resets won't happen any more.

Good luck to the competitors and FIGHT ON!

NOTE: First round will take a little while to put up due to having to compile all numbers together and all that -- so be patient with round 1.
Manzo v Yoshihisa
Round 1
Kodoma Yoshihisa​
Current HP: 36941[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 1980 - 79 = 2059 [lb][/lb]
Max HP: 39000[lb2][/lb2]

Current CP: 31950[lb][/lb]
CP Change: - 10650 = -10650 [lb][/lb]
Max CP: 42600[lb][/lb]
Natural Energy: 19170 + 10650 = 29820 - 2723 - 2662 - 1001 = 23434 [lb2][/lb2]

AP: 10 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 2.5 = 0.5 [lb][/lb]
AP Max: 10[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 10.5 [lb2][/lb2]

Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Summoning Scroll[lb][/lb]
- Headset[lb2][/lb2]

Maintains: [lb][/lb]
- Sage Mode - Slug[lb][/lb]
- Breath of the Wild[lb][/lb]
- Obsidian Dragon
  • HP: 7553
  • AP: 3

Status: [lb][/lb]
- [lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]​
[th=100,null]Stealth Conditions[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2]
Bright: -2 Stealth[lb][/lb]
Open: -3 Stealth​
Yoshihisa equips: "Ten Moons Shackles of Rokkoyo"[lb2][/lb2]

Manzo enters Sage Mode -- Slug[lb][/lb]
Manzo attempts to enter stealth
  • Manzo: 13
  • Yoshihisa: 18[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa is aware of Manzo's positioning

Yoshihisa uses Immolation Armor -- Converted to Explosions[lb2][/lb2]

Yoshihisa activates Elemental Manifestation Stage 1 - Elemental Cloak [lb2][/lb2]

Manzo uses Breath of the Wild -- Nature now becomes a threat[lb2][/lb2]

Yoshihisa activates Elemental Manifestation Stage 2 - Partial Transformation[lb2][/lb2]

Manzo uses Obsidian Dragon and rides upon it![lb][/lb]
Manzo uses Sapphire Storm while riding upon the Obsidian Dragon
  • Manzo: 48 -- CRIT!
  • Yoshihisa: 27[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa's Elemental Cloak blocks 350 dmg[lb][/lb]
    Holy damage deals more to Cursed Targets![lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa takes 5650 Holy Damage![lb][/lb]
    Heals Manzo for 565 HP (Cannot overheal!)[lb][/lb]
    Roll for Bleeding: 27 -- Yoshihisa is now bleeding r1[lb][/lb]
    Roll for Suppression: 55 -- Failed[lb][/lb]

Yoshihisa uses Dragon Flame Bomb (Explosion) -- Great Dragon Fire against Manzo
  • Yoshihisa: 36 / 38 / 33 / 27
  • Manzo: 40 / 34 / 38 / 48[lb][/lb]
    Miss / HIT! (1980 Cursed Damage) / Miss / Miss[lb][/lb]
    Chance to set Afire: 75 -- Fail

End of Round[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa's Elemental Cloak regenerates![lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa regains HP: +312[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa regains CP: +434[lb][/lb]
Manzo takes cursed damage: -79 HP[/td]
Current HP: 9638[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 312 - 312 - 5650 + 312 = -5962[lb][/lb]
Max HP: 15600[lb2][/lb2]

Current CP: 18504[lb][/lb]
CP Change: - 330 - 3300 + 434 = -3196[lb][/lb]
Max CP: 21700[lb2][/lb2]

AP: 8 - 0.5 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 = 1.5[lb][/lb]
AP Max: 8[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: 9 [lb2][/lb2]

Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Ten Moons Shackles of Rokkoyo[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]

Maintains: [lb][/lb]
- Immolation Armor[lb][/lb]
- Jinchuuriki Elemental Cloak[lb][/lb]
- Jinchuuriki Partial Transformation[lb][/lb][lb2][/lb2]

Status: [lb][/lb]
- Rank 1 Bleeding[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]​

BMod Notes:
- Manzo's Sapphire Storm had so much surplus bonus damage that the DR Yoshihisa had (aside from Elemental Cloak) didn't matter
- Yoshihisa, when submitting actions, please indicate in the topic title that they are actions for Round X -- X Being the round.
- If you find any errors (or something you might consider an error) send me a PM

Edit: Yoshihisa requested a special action on Dragon Flame Bomb which I missed.. I added it in. Sorry about the delay.
His opponent seemed to be confident. That was good but Manzo preferred to keep his power in check until it was needed. IT was better in his opinion to be unassuming until you unleash your power. ”Do not worry about my strength. I was given this task for a reason. If you can knock me out that says something. If you can’t that also says something. This spar is about seeing your potential.“ He looked around not seeing anyone in particular. ”Who said we don’t have a medic on standby?“ He said with a grin on his face, though the actual facial expressions were obscured by the mask.

Hearing the strange noises coming from Umakaki he briefly wondered if he was going to see something summoned out of his body. Not taken chances he let the power of his slug brethren fill him as strange markings covered his face, though the mask prevented anyone from seeing it, and giving him a greenish glow.

Seeing the signs of the cloak his opponent was starting to dawn he wondered if Umakaki had better control than Kiri did. Well Manzo did put down the ground rules he could only expect an ANBU to know their own power and control it as they saw fit.

”You are right, you never know what you will be up against and sometimes it is not in your favor. Sometimes we need a subject subdued and not killed. You can’t interrogate someone that is already dead.“ could Umakaki understand what he was saying right now?

All of a sudden a wooden dragon form rose up from under Manzo, it was slightly translucent but it had the look that it was shaped from an oak tree. Without losing any of his balance Manzo found himself rising high above the field of battle, getting a birds eye view while on the back of his construct.

It was a drastically different way of fighting than what he had done over the years but right now it suited him. Perhaps he should call some friends to join in him the fun.

[actions sent]
“If I have to be completely honest with you, if Takeshi-sama was the one to pick you for this, I highly doubt you will be the one in need of medical assistance after all this.” He lets a chuckle escape him, one which almost immediately turns into quite the disturbing gurgle of a young man desperately gasping for air. As a grey substance erupted from his pores and overtook his very being, Yoshihisa couldn’t help but once again cast doubt upon the question on whether or not there was a more comfortable way to call upon his powers as a Jinchuuriki.

By the end of his transformation sequence Yoshihisa had cast aside his humanoid appearance and had taken on the guise of his yōkai with miniature proportions: A faceless golem hunched over to be on all fours, a slab in the shape of what could only be described as a turtoise shell complete with jagged spikes covering it’s back. At first appeared as if all conciousness had left the young shinobi, as he stumbled around in his new form, only seeming to wander aimlessly before he let out another chuckle, echoing hollowly as if it came from the very depths of his being. “Despite the volatile nature of my chakra, I have always prided myself with practicing restraint and great precision, to carefully document my limits. This will make for a great test on what to do against an opponent who is.. most certainly stronger than I am..”

Yoshihisa wouldn’t let himself be interrupted by the chakra-gemstones pelting down on him like a dazzling hailstorm, but was from that moment on aware of the vast gap between their respective power measures. And if he wasn’t going to be able to beat his opponent, he might as well pull out all the stops and see where it takes him! And with that thought the spikes covering his shell morphed into the shape of cannon-like tubes and with a muffled explosion sent a barrage of his very own flying.
Manzo v Yoshihisa
Round 2
Kodoma Yoshihisa​
Current HP: 36941[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 1670 [lb][/lb]
Max HP: 39000[lb2][/lb2]

Current CP: 31950[lb][/lb]
CP Change: [lb][/lb]
Max CP: 42600[lb][/lb]
Natural Energy: 23434 - 2727 [lb2][/lb2]

AP: 10.5 [lb][/lb]
AP Max: 10[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: [lb2][/lb2]

Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Summoning Scroll[lb][/lb]
- Headset[lb2][/lb2]

Maintains: [lb][/lb]
- Sage Mode - Slug[lb][/lb]
- Breath of the Wild[lb][/lb]
- Obsidian Dragon
  • HP: 7553
  • AP: 3

Status: [lb][/lb]
- [lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]​
[th=100,null]Stealth Conditions[/th][/tr][/thead][tbody][tr=bg2]
Bright: -2 Stealth[lb][/lb]
Open: -3 Stealth​
Beginning of Round[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa Bleeds: -156 HP[lb][/lb]
Yoshihisa's Maintain Costs: -1990 CP[lb][/lb]
Manzo's Maintain Costs: -2727 NE[lb2][/lb2]

Manzo's Breath of the Wild uses Protect
  • Reflexively protected for 2815 dmg

Yoshihisa uses Banzai Bomber
  • Banzai Bomber: 2500 HP

Manzo uses Acid Armor from his Slug Contract -- Explosion Armor [lb2][/lb2]

Manzo's Obsidian Dragon attacks Yoshihisa with a basic strike[lb][/lb]
  • Obsidian Dragon: 33[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa: 21[lb][/lb]
    Result: Yoshihisa takes 1463 dmg // Bleeding: 59 -- Fail

Yoshihisa uses Perfected Rasengan -- Rasen-Tremor upon Manzo[lb][/lb]
  • Manzo or Obsidian Dragon?: Manzo Targetted[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa: 41 / 38 / 34[lb][/lb]
    Manzo: 38 / 39 / 29[lb][/lb]
    Result: CRIT! 2500 dmg protected by Breath of the Wild/ 66 dmg to Manzo[lb][/lb]
    Breath of the Wild Protection fades[lb][/lb]
    <25% partial> 321 dmg to Manzo[lb][/lb]
    HIT! 1283 dmg dealt to Manzo[lb][/lb]
    Roll Inner Quake: 86 -- Fail / 55 - Fail

Manzo's Obsidian Dragon attacks Yoshihisa with a basic strike[lb][/lb]
  • Obsidian Dragon: 22[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa: 26[lb][/lb]
    Result: Miss
Manzo summons his Slug Summon -- Sluggy [lb2][/lb2]

Yoshihisa creates an Abysmal Harbinger[lb2][/lb2]

Manzo uses Perfected Rasengan -- Rasen-Tsunami on Yoshihisa[lb][/lb]
  • Manzo: 48[lb][/lb]
    Yoshihisa: 32[lb][/lb]
    Result: CRIT! 15950 dmg to Yoshihisa -- No Death Clause activated! Yoshihisa goes down.
Current HP: -7931[lb][/lb]
HP Change: - 156 - 1463 - 15950 = 17569[lb][/lb]
Max HP: KO[lb2][/lb2]

Current CP: KO[lb][/lb]
CP Change: KO [lb][/lb]
Max CP: KO[lb2][/lb2]

AP: KO[lb][/lb]
AP Max: KO[lb][/lb]
AP Next Round: KO[lb2][/lb2]

Visible Equipment: [lb][/lb]
- Ten Moons Shackles of Rokkoyo[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]

Maintains: [lb][/lb][lb2][/lb2]

Status: [lb][/lb]
- KO[lb][/lb]
- [lb2][/lb2]​

BMod Notes:
- Yoshihisa's actions for Abysmal Harbinger could not be completed as they wouldn't fit in the 10s within the round.
- Manzo's actions for Sluggy could not be completed as they wouldn't fit in the 10s within the round.
- Stopped battle due to conditional
- If you find any errors (or something you might consider an error) send me a PM
- Manzo's information not filled in because it's not important. Battle's over.
Manzo took in his opponents words before he started to summon Sluggy. ”I never assume that a fight is decided until it is over. Unless I know for a fact, I assume everyone I fight is stronger than me and I need to fight to ensure I keep the village safe and go home at night.“ He kept waiting for a stronger attack, after all they were both full ANBU. Perhaps Umakaki liked to set things up like Takeshi.

Not wanting to take a chance he used a bit of his blood that had been spilled already and summoned Sluggy. Manzo was diligently working on filling up the field with his friends and creations. He liked the fight this way.

Holding his hand out to side chakra began to form and rotate, a ring of wood surrounding the ball of chakra. There was not enough time to coordinate with Sluggy as he launched this attack, Sluggy was still getting his bearings on where to best attack from.

Launching it out it flew through the air and connected soldly in Umakaki chest, sending him backwards and leaving him a mess on the ground.

When had he gotten this strong.

”Why did you call me here if you had this taken care of?” Sluggy asked him.

”Quick heal him.“ He did not want to try and wait until they got to the hospital.

Sluggy slithered over to the fallen body, leaving a burn trail from his acidic slime. Placing his glowing hands he infused healing chakra into the body, knitting together bones and flesh.

As he finished he turned to Manzo ”I thought I was coming for a fight, but since all you needed was a medic, I am going back to dinner ” With that Sluggy vanished.

Manzo dismissed his other creations and created a wooden chair, sitting down to wait for Umakaki eyes to open.

Yoshihisa’s form came crashing down hard as Manzo’s wood style rasengan connected, a perfect example of what the very same technique could accomplish in the hands of a superior shinibo. With the life thoroughly knocked out of him, there was only a brief window of realization where he would be ending up, for while he had never been one to find solice in the prospect of an afterlife, when he came to he knew he reached the place that could easily substitute for it: Layers upon layers of thick smoke filled the sky, blotting out the sun and casting the realm he now found himself in into an eternal shade. Like a world almost entirely hew from stone, there were mountain ranges as far as the eye could see, with one in particular catching the eye as the only source of light in this bleak place.


“I didn’t expect to see you back here anything soon after your last speech.” The words, barely a rumble over the sound of the stinging wind, were each emphasized with a tremor strong enough to seemingly shake the heavens themselves. “Might my powers be wasted on you after all..?” Yoshihisa cast aside his gaze in shame from what could only be described as the creature who’s form he had adopted moments earlier, only this time tens, if not hundreds of times larger by comparison. Before he could answer, he was enveloped by a bright light and torn away from this plane, with the last words of the gargantuan golem still ringing in his ears despite the harsh storm surrounding them. It stuck with him until he woke up, completely drenched in sweat and barely even grasping where he was.

“If you want to delve deeper, you better step up your game, boy..”
Manzo sat on his chair reading a book as the sleeping opponents eyes began to flutter awake. Closing the book he tucked it away and leaned in close. ”Welcome back, the medics have already taken care of you so you should have nothing to worry about.“ He would pause letting Umakaki get his bearings and at least sit up. ”Before i make my report is there any questions or anything you would like to state?“ Manzo was curious about what he would say, but still wanted to give him a chance to speak before he ran off.

That jutsu never ceased to amaze him how strong it was, and to think when he used his sage energy with it, it even healed him. It was one that he needed to be a bit more cautious in using. He thought Umakaki would have been able to take it, based on how Takeshi had presented him to Manzo but perhaps all the changes that Manzo had been going through made it even stronger than he suspected.
It took a minute for Yoshihisa to gather his wits, to comprehend what he had just gone through: The X-shaped scar burned across his chest gave him a clear indication that he had indeed not managed to hold his own against Manzo. “Ughh, I would regret it if this would stain my name forever, and all I could ask for would be a rematch to defend my honor.” He would just lay there, staring up at the sky as he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t deny that he had been weak and subsequently dropped the ball which had let to his defeat, but being the person he was he wasn’t even going to consider to accept this as the outcome, not before he had stood toe-to-toe and gave it his all.
Manzo wanted to laugh at Umakaki comment at defending his honor. This match was nothing to stain it. Unless he was deciding that his honor was tied to being stronger than Manzo.

Holding a hand out to help Umakaki up he simply stated. ”I am always up for a good spar, though i would not worry about this staining your name. You put up a good fight. The difference in our Rasengans showed that I have a bit more experience than you, but do not worry you will get plenty of that here. “ He did not want to crush Umakaki’s spirits, but instead wanted to give him something to work towards.

”I am going to head back and make my report. Get some rest and take the rest of the day off.“ Umakaki may not fall in Manzo’s team but he still acted as a team leader when he needed to.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
