Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

I'll be back with the yellow gold before the morning light

Re: I'll be back with the yellow gold before the morning lig

Kitsune looked at Kahako, as she began explaining. She maintained a pensive look on her face, as she listened. It seemed as if her family had tried to impose their political views onto Kahako, and had tried to influence the world of shinobi politics that way. Well. That shouldn’t happen. Allow people to have their own opinions and thoughts. Kitsune decided and nodded ever so slightly. ”You should still have told me. You’ve been like family to me for many years already, and we should stick together.” she said, looking directly into Kahakos eyes, still unaware that her right contact lens had fallen out.

”I gave you the offer. And I stand by it even now. However…” Kitsune began, as she stepped forwards toward Kahako. ”If you ever leave out details or information, or otherwise keep me in the dark… I will string you from the rafters under the roof and/or subject you to three consecutive Tsukiyomis. Is that understood, Kahako-chan?” Kitsunes voice had that honey sweet quality to it, the one that made you feel like I shouldn’t cross this person. ”Take the document. Get it filled out. Then take it to the administrative offices and make it official. As I said. I’m standing by my offer. I consider you family, as is.”

[OOC: Make your choice, if you accept, go request a name change. :p]
Re: I'll be back with the yellow gold before the morning lig

Kahako fidgeted slightly under Kitsune’s reprimand. ”You should still have told me. You’ve been like family to me for many years already, and we should stick together.” “I know…” Kahako responded in a quieter tone. In truth, Kahako did care for her teacher and trusted her to some extent, it was just… difficult to rely on other people. At least the theory was difficult for her to fully sucumb to. Especially for personal matters. There was only one person, after all, that Kahako fully trusted with every dirty little secret and lie. Kitsune was definitely getting there despite the two year separation. Slowly but surely, Kahako was working on there being a person number two.

”I gave you the offer. And I stand by it even now. However…If you ever leave out details or information, or otherwise keep me in the dark… I will string you from the rafters under the roof and/or subject you to three consecutive Tsukiyomis. Is that understood, Kahako-chan?” in the past, Kahako might have made quite the ‘squeak’ at that subtle threat with one blazing sharingan. No, not might, would have, Kitsune was freaking intimidating with one blazing eye. “Understood, sensei.” Kahako said immediately and without pause, knowing the threat was not completely in jest.

”Take the document. Get it filled out. Then take it to the administrative offices and make it official. As I said. I’m standing by my offer. I consider you family, as is.” At this, Kahako offered a true smile. It was rare now a days, but still there. “Hai, Sensei!” Kahako paused for but a moment before tackling her teacher in a hug. There was still more Kitsune had to learn about Kahako. There was probably more learning Kahako had to do about herself, along with maybe some changing.

But the point was Kitsune was still willing to learn, and that made Kahako glad. “I’ll get it filled out on Monday since nonmilitary offices are closed today. For now, would you like me to help you find your other contact?” Kahako chuckled as she pointed to her own eye. “Then maybe you could show me what you were working on so late last night?”
[spoilername="Topic left unless stopped"]Going to do a name request~

Re: I'll be back with the yellow gold before the morning lig

Kitsune caught Kahako in her arms, standing her ground so they didn’t tip over and land on the floor, and then wrapped them around the girl ”Easy now, sweetie.” she said and held Kahako close, embracing her new adoptive daughter. ”Well, true. And this is far from a military matter.” she said with a grin before Kahako pointed out that she was missing a contact. ”I wonder when that dropped out.” Kitsune said, blinking a few times before removing the other one. ”I’ve been thinking about getting a different color anyways. Maybe blue. A clear, icy, blue.” she said, nodding. Yeah. That’d be the color of choice.

”Heh, well, it’s a fairly complex thing, however, you know how I’ve mucked about with radio waves and transmitting data through the air, right? I may have found a way to interconnect computers wirelessly. Although it’s a rather rudimentary implementation, I’ve managed to send a message from one end of my electrical engineering lab to the other.” she said, explaining about her wireless transmission and that it could probably also be used to send images from one machine to another. If antennas got put up all over the hospital, Kahako could essentially sit in any lab or office, and be able to send a message to Kitsunes office.

All of this was very technical, as it also involved giving each machine an identifying number or name, and THEN you’d have to remember what number or name the machine you wanted to send something to had. All very frustrating, but that was life.

[TLUS; MFT; WC: 259]

Current Ninpocho Time:
