Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:22:31

Introducing The Family [Private / Ninura]

Oct 31, 2017
It was a more peaceful, slower day that had been chosen to become the day of the first private meeting of the young students, Ninura and Yuzu, latter who had invited the Sunaku girl to come over to her house, or well what could be considered as such. In fact it was the whole estate of the Iai clan that Yuzu had invited Ninura to. The estate consisted of a huge clanhouse, which was comfortably inhabiting multiple families in different parts of it, making it quite easy for a newcomer to get lost in the long halls of this more traditional looking house. The grounds outside were inhabited by a few trees that were lining up along the stong wooden fence that encirceled the estate. Beyond the fence and trees, the grounds are rather empty, functioning mostly as training grounds everything is kept free of snow and ice, but due to it being constantly used for someone's training, there is little chance for any plantife to take root. At some spots one will find puppets made for training that mostly appear beaten down and show signs of frequent use. In the backpart of the yard, behind the clan house one could find a dojo, which is almost exclusively used by the main family and whoever they choose to bring with them, but there was also place where the clan's smiths were crafting the clan's famous weapons. There was enough space for multiple weapons to be possibly crafted at once, but it wasn't any sort of mass production.

Approaching the estate, one would have to pass the wooden gate that was closed most of the day and guarded by always atleast one of the samurai. It was rare for someone to approach freely, but for those who would, they would have to state why they came, before they would be evaluated. Most of the time uninvited guests would be sent away immediately. Todays guard duty fell to a young Iai, named Touma who was a rather proud guy - even for an Iai - with a personality, that would cause him to get angered easily, which was a rather rare trait for the clan. His personality would usually ensure that nobody care to bother for entrance longer then a minute or two as he was only spelling trouble. As for his guard duty, well he was sitting on a wooden stool, reading a recent newspaper. Unlike his fellow clanspeople, he wore his two katanas on his back. Yuzu had invited Ninura, so she just needed to state why she came here and would be able to enter. Maybe. If Touma felt like it.

[MFT: 440 Words]
Ninura had to admit. The place was huge. Bigger than her own house, considering how her family was in the high end of class. Though, she often thinks of how, since her mother doesn't really have a job, and her father never really told her about what he does to make money.

Back to the present, the Sunaku was fascinated by the sheer size of the place. The girl was wearing her usual sleeveless white shirt, with red tie, and black jeans. The canteen, her father's favorite, shined, as she polished it, making it almost look new, was attached to her hip through one of the belt loop holes.

As she approached the gates in order to enter the Estate, Ninura sees a guy sitting and reading a newspaper. He looked very imposing, but Ninura won't let it get to her. She gave a small polite cough, mainly to get his attention and not startle him. After that, she said, "Good morning Sir. I am Sunaku Ninura. I am here to see Iai Yuzu. She invited me over."

(Topic entered)
Barely noticing the small voice of the young Sunaku, Touma turned the page of his paper and finished reading the article he was on before even bothering to look up at whoever had been willingly approaching the Iai estate. His newspaper lowered a bit, he was looking over the edge of it and directly in the eyes of NInura. Looking like he was thinking about something he was scratching his chin. "Suna... Nin... hm... wants to see Yuzu, hm..." He spoke out loud to himself as his thought process seemed to move forward. He eventually put the paper in his hands down on the chair while getting up, to have a closer look at the visitor. In fact he stood directly infront of her, bend over to look directly into her eyes, while being too close for comfort the whole time, basically being straight infront of her face. Fact was, that Touma knew that Ninura was set to come over today, but he also knew that aside from Yuzu nobody liked the idea of a complete strange coming over just to play or whatever she and Yuzu would be doing. That especially meant possibly sneaking around inside the main house, which would earn multiple peoples mistrust. Shut in as the Iai were as a clan, Ninuka basically could only do wrong in their eyes and Touma also knew that, so he thought to make it easier for everyone and cut down on problems right here, before they could appear. "I'm sorry little girl, but I don't know of Yuzu having a guest come over. Besides, if you fake your name, choose one of cloud origin, never heard of a Sunaku in cloud. Now if you could go back home..." He went back to his chair and picked up the paper, sitting down again. Like nothing happened, he started flipping through the pages again.

It took a fe moments before anything happaned and that was Yuzu coming opening the front gate to have a look outside to see when her friend would come. "Ah! Ninura-chan there you are!" She spoke with a smile on her face before looking over to her uncle Touma. "You were mean to her weren't you? I told you she'd come over today, so stop ignoring her! And don'T tell me you forgot, I'm not buying it!" She went over to Ninura and grabbed her wrist to pull her along inside. "Sorry, but follow me for now."
"Uh..." Ninura said as the man was basically in her face. Her sand was wanting to come out of the canteen, but she had to give it all her will for it to stay in the canteen.

And then what he said, about made her want to show him that she was a Sunaku. But in a bad way. It's not her fault that she was born here in Cloud! Her canteen, started to shake, only a little bit, as the sand was reacting to her emotions. She was doing her best to keep calm, but this man, no this boy, needs to learn some manners.

It only took a few seconds, after the man sat down, before Yuzu came to the front gates. Relief filled the Sunaku's face, as she can feel herself calming down, along with the sand too. Once Yuzu scolded the man, Ninura allowed herself to be dragged along by her friend.

"This place looks nice. Really nice." Was all Ninura could say.
"Thank you..." Yuzu said ith only little enthusiasm. She was already embarassed by her uncle's behaviour and sighed innerly. "I'm sorry, my uncle was probably mean to you... He's a little weird, so don't about it too much, okay?" A weak excuse for anyone who had a good understanding of humans, but it was the way a child tried to explain it, so there would be flaws in it. Yuzu had let go off Ninura and guided her around the estate a little. The went along the outside of the main house and towards the back side of the yard. They passed a little garden and a pair of swings before reaching their goal. "See, I thought I'd show you around! Only few people get to see here. It's not really a secret I guess, but my family sometimes treats it like one." Yuzu pointed at a house infront of them that was not part of the main house. It had steam rising out of its roof, which was more or less not there, or rather, had a big hole cut into it to let the smoke escape. "See the smoke? My family has a lot of skilled smiths and they all make great weapons. So if you ask me, maybe I can get you a discount, hehe" She didn't enter though and kep going to another house, a few meters away. But yeah, it's better not to get in the way of the smiths, mostly because they don't like to be seen during work, everyone takes pride in their own skills and don't want to copied or something like that." She smiled and pointed towards the house they were approaching, "And this is our own dojo! I'm sure you'll like it!"
Ninura was just glad to get past the weird man, in which Yuzu had confirmed, was a weird man. She was quiet, but followed close behind, taking in every detail of the place.

The Sunaku couldn't help the fact that the place was beautiful. She stared around in awe. The flowers in the garden. Swings nearby. She used to go on the swings a lot back then with her brothers, but after her father's death, they had stopped, her brothers, had told her that swings were for little children. She was sad, for a moment, before Yuzu started to talk again.

Ninura pulled herself out of her own thoughts as she listened to her friend. "Are they like ANBU? People who are all about secrets and stuff?" Ninura had thought about trying to join the ANBU branch after she graduates the academy. To be strong. Just to prove to those weird men that try and follow her everywhere that she is strong enough to go without anyone to watch her. Now thinking upon it, Ninura is kind of glad the weird unlce is there to stop anyone from coming in. He definitely won't let other weird guys in, right?

Her friend then pointed to a building that had smoke coming out of it. Yuzu then explained how the clan has blacksmiths that make weapons and how they don't want to be watched, as to they don't want their techniques and styles copied.

The girl can understand that, as how some Ninja's best defense is their opponent not knowing of what they can do.

They approached another house, this one, Yuzu has said is their Dojo. Ninura was smiling a lot, and she actually was kind of excited to go in.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:22:31
