Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 22:18:05

Just a stroll (open)

Ayana had finally found her way back to the others. All because a certain fox was making a scene. At first all she heard was yelling, and, was it her imagination or was Mr. Fox trying to bait her to come to him by offering math, history, and pens? A sigh came from the girl, stereotyping is something she doesn't really want to deal with too. Sure she may seem quiet and wears eyeglasses, but that doesn't really make her full nerd potential. Does it?

Secondly, she heard what sounded like an animal dying. Which she has also thinks is Maru. It kind of hurt her ears just hearing. But with those two things in min, she was able to navigate her way through the store to find both Maru and Kotone. The other girl seemed to pull Maru to berate him about being who he is. There were a lot of people around. And... Oh no, the very same ANBU person was there too. They had a hand up to the side of their head, looking at Maru, before they looked over at Ayana. The ANBU started to move his/her way over to the girl.

Yellow dress still in one hand, the girl grabbed Kotone by the crook of her elbow, trying not to drop the other girl's merchandise, since she is starting to get the feeling this girl just loves clothes too much, and pulled her along, hoping Kotone's grip on Maru is strong enough to have him in tow.

"Where is the checkout counter?" Ayana asked Kotone, trying her best, and probably failing, at not sounding desperate. She knew that Kotone would be mad, but she would rather deal with her than listen to the talks the ANBU would give her, of her always being under watchful eyes, though she doesn't really know why.
Maru waited, not seeing the nerd which made him do another fox yell. "WAAAAAAAOW!" he screamed, then waited for a few moments and once he saw no sign of Ayana he just tried to scream again. Still nothing so he started to make squeaky gekkering sounds that sounded more like 'ack.. ack ack ack….' before loudly screaming. "WAAAAAAAOW! WAAAAAAAOW….. WAAOW! WAAOW! Yow-ow .. EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA–" Marus animal calls were cut short when he was suddenly yanked down by his collar to meet the bratty Blonde face to face and boy was she upset. When she mentioned something about summoning Eldritch horror Maru was about to tell her that he really could do that if she wanted but she didn't look to be in the mood for jokes so he got to what the real problem had been. "Oh I lost her. I was using my fox call so she could know where I am, and can't have her cheating on my hours." he explained looking around for Ayana.

Speaking of the devil, Ayana came seemingly from nowhere and grabbed Kotone's elbow to try to drag them to the exit which was odd. They just got there, why were they leaving already? Maru looked to see a masked person who seemed to be following them was on their tail which was quite odd. Though now that Maru realized it, he was starting to get this weird vibe that this monkey was following them. So he decided to resort to something drastic but not anything overly dramatic to where they would probably be kicked out of the store. Maru pulling himself out of Kotone's grasp, he decided to take on the problem head on. "GROPER! THIS MASKED ANBU MONKEY WAS TRYING TO TOUCH MY CHILDREN! LOOK AT HOW AFRAID MY CHILD IS! CREEP!" Maru walked up to the Anbu that had been following Ayana slapped with his tail the bastard and before the poor Anbu could react an angry mob of women started swing purses along with security who went out of his way to restrain the Anbu.

Satisfied, Maru walked back with his group so they could hurry up and check the stuff out. "Nerd girl, what the hell did you do to get the attention of the apes! Me and law don't mix." he whispered yelling, wanting to actually know everything. Now doing this protecting thing for community service was one thing, but protecting Ayana against the monkeys seemed kind of suspicious. Was she like some mobster's daughter, a pirate, a nukenin? All would be cool, but still he had to know what he was dealing with here!
Death was in Kotone's eyes as the fox replied to her question. No immediate answer came from the blonde as she stared at Maru, her lips quivering quivering around her now fang-filled grimace. Suddenly the dam broke in her mind, and her hand tightened around the gripped collar. "You? Lost? Her?" Each syllable came from deep in her throat, forcing their way out behind behind barred teeth, her temple throbbing in irritation at her fate. So intent on the target of her rage, the girl barely noticed as Ayana's hand wrapped around her arm, only offering the slightlest glance backward to identify the touch.

"NOT NOW SPACE-CASE." Kotone immediately returned her attention to the fox-man, her iron grip tightening itself onto him as she was slowly dragged. The change-up of her usual habit of being the dragger was enough to eventually throw the girl off, and at last registering the situation, righted herself to keep pace with the pulling. "Wait. Ayana!? What's up?" Noting the tell-tale signs of panic in the brown-haired girl's face and voice, Kotone glanced around in confusion, wondering why on earth the girl was so intent on leaving this heavenly place.

Spotting the masked individual who had her slighted earlier, the girl was refilled with rage before the situation clicked into place. Vaguely recalling the conversation she had had with Ayana in the old woman's house, the blonde-haired girl quickly pieced together that this was in fact not just some person in a costume, and that Ayana was not at all up for a meeting with him. Quickening her steps to get side-by-side with the fleeing girl, Kotone readied herself for whatever this confrontation would entail. And then, like that, the situation was resolved.

Kotone stopped, standing dead-still as she watched the slapstick scene play out in front of her. The girl was absolutely dumbstruck as the seemingly elite warrior was viciously assaulted by the band of women and then driven from the store in shame.

Oh uh, checkout's right over there, but like I think the fox just solved your problem. Somehow." Glancing down, Kotone now noticed the dress in Ayana's arms and it brought her attention back to the wad of clothing in her own. "Actually yeah, no way we're leaving before we do some dress-up. That dress is like totally cute, come on I gotta see you in it." As Maru reapproached the pair, the girl half-heartedly waved him off, no longer angry, but very uninterested in continuing the drama of the day. "Fox. Unimportant. Clothes time now."
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The whole situation was weird. At first, all Ayana wanted was to be left alone for a few minutes, away from all the drama and craziness that is her two new companions. And now both of which had stepped up and are watching her back.

Kotone, although calling Ayana space-case again, quickly knew the desperation in her voice and stopped trying to resist. And Maru, he had quickly made Ayana's view of him change. He solved the problem in his own way, causing a scene like always.

He was the first to pay attention to her and ask what she did for the ANBU to be so worked up around her. "I... I don't know... I've only been having meetings with them a few days ago before moving in with my Aunt and Uncle. They always seemed interested in my training..."

But she doesn't know if Maru had heard her when Kotone said that they need to do some dress up. Looking down at the yellow dress, Ayana was bewildered to have think it has been with her this whole time. She didn't put it away? Don't get her wrong, it was beautiful, something she definitely would want to have if it wasn't for the fact of not having a lot of money.

Ayana looked around and seen the mask of the ANBU, along with the person the mask is connected to, being swept away by the angry sea of fashionably adept women away from the store. With a sigh of relief, the girl decided to finally just relax, maybe see if the yellow dress really does fit. She had followed Kotone to a dressing room where they stopped. Ayana took the dress with her and closed the door behind her. She took a few extra minutes, trying to figure out how to zip up the back of the dress, and finally had the idea of using a hanger to skillfully zip up the back. In all honesty, she could have done with Kotone's help, but she feels as if it would turn into a game of dress up in every bit of clothing the store has to offer, one in which, Ayana would not want to be a part of.

The dress itself doesn't seem tight, nor does it feel too loose. The lower half of the dress goes down past the legs by a few inches. It was a sleeveless dress. And best of all, Ayana actually feels comfortable in it, the fabric, as said before, was soft and smooth.

She looked in the mirror, stunned at the girl that was staring back. The girl staring back at her looked exactly like her, but... Stunning. Something that Ayana would never describe herself as. The eyeglasses seem to even compliment the dress and really make her eyes erm... Eye catching.

She didn't know what to do, so she took a deep breath and opened the door, hopefully creep Mr. Fox is drooling over some of the women that were beating up the ANBU person. Ayana looked over at Kotone seeing what she will say.
Maru waited for the Ayana to answer his question, he shushed Kotone so he could hear the nerd's explanation. Apparently the monkey's have been meeting with her for some time now, seeming to be interested in her training which could only mean one or two things. One, they are making sure Ayana won't go looney which was impossible given how meek she was already so he simply assumed that those apes wanted to start recruiting children in the Anbu. Being a former academy headmaster, he knew that Anbu and medical branch numbers had not been where they should've been so maybe the monkeys were starting to be more pushy with their recruitment. Well he took care of the problem for now, using one of the tricks he learned from one of the original Kurū members by yelling that the Anbu was touching people and with a bunch of women around it seemed to be the perfect place to scream something like that.

"Let's head to the dressing rooms, might as well since I took care of your problem for ya." he chuckled at the wonderful opportunity that was there before him. As they approached the dressing rooms, the fox decided to go for something a little more sneaky so he used his tails to coat himself in a chakra so that his body matched his surroundings. It was sort of camouflage only instead of only changing color, his chakra literally made him blend in with his environment. Kinda like the mirror they use in interrogations, you can see him but he sure as hell sees you. "If y'all need me I'll be inside of the walls. Don't worry I'm not going to look at y'all." and with that he slipped inside of the wall to merge with it so he could move through the surface undetected before peeking his face out of the wall to look into dressing room 3 to see what he was going to get, face blending in so he simply looked like the wall.

Lucky him, he picked the right dressing booth to peek into! He saw before him a good looking tanned blonde woman who was just in the middle of taking off her dress. Maru attempted to stay silent, but it didn't stop blood from trickling down his nose when he saw the unexpecting lady strip to her underwear. Wide eyes looking down at the blonde's round bottom, grinning a full sharp toothed grin. Unfortunately…. the nosebleed kinda revealed his lips and chin. So when the woman looked back, she just saw a bloody smile in the wall which made her scream in terror and then Maru screamed then reneged inside of the wall fully to hide away so he didn't get caught…. Again. 'Okay, nosebleeds… gotta work on that.'
Kotone barely registered Maru's comments as she hurried inside the dressing area with Ayana, and was ready to pull the girl into a room when suddenly her companion disappeared from sight and a door was now closed in her face. The blonde felt her heart skip a beat at the betrayal, she had been revving up to put her new friend through an entire wardrobe of outfits and styles, and now that apparently wasn't happening. She considered that perhaps Ayana wanted her privacy, but the girl couldn't imagine why, it wasn't as if Kotone was some kind of pervert that liked seeing people naked like the fox. Especially not the adorable girl she had inexplicably spent the day fretting over. Probably not. Hopefully not. Being twelve years old is awkward.

Rolling this thought over in her mind, Kotone shook her head and stepped into another room. Depositing the mass of items she was carrying onto a spare chair, the girl quickly busied herself with a menagerie of looks, only stopping briefly between each outfit change to elegantly pose in the mirror. Eventually the girl settled on a look she found particularly interesting, an oversized gray sweater that hung like a dress past her knees complete with striped stockings and a pair of particularly large hiking boots. Glancing in the mirror one last time, Kotone rapidly did her hair up into twin pony-tails and gave herself a big smile while flashing a peace-sign with her fingers.

The blonde girl was just exiting her own room when she heard the click of the lock on Ayana's, and glanced over to see the door swing open. Kotone was spellbound by the figure in front of her. The dress complemented the brown-haired girl perfectly, the muted elegance perfectly bringing out her natural charm and the confidence boost from it seemed to make the girl radiate light. Kotone was struck by the sight, pausing for a long moment as her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled over the girl. Being twelve was definitely awkward.

"Ohmygodyoulooksocuteohmygodwaitaminute." Sliding back through her door, Kotone rifled through the mess on the floor and after locating something appeared once again. Reaching up to Ayana's hair, the blonde deftly parted it and attached a bright yellow clip-on bow that held a sunflower in the center. Stepping back, Kotone admired her handiwork and opened her mouth to say something else when she was cut short by a scream followed by a flurry of motion.

The blonde girl's good-will immediately vanished. She had no questions, she already knew the answer. Stomping down several doors to the one a woman had just emerged from, she flung the door back open. Without pausing, Kotone approached the wall with a fist raised and repeatedly pounded, shaking the entire room in blind rage. "FOX. OUT OF THE WALL. NOW." The girl's pounding grew even louder, not even acknowledging the security-woman that had appeared behind her in response to the commotion. "FIVE MINUTES. FIVE, FREAKING, MINUTES. THAT'S ALL I WANTED."
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As Ayana's stepped out, and looked over at Kotone, she could tell the other girl had dressed up as well. And from the look on her face, she liked the way Ayana was dressed, though liked may have been put easy as the other girl blurred one sentence into one big word that Ayana almost didn't understand what she had said.

Kotone then disappeared for a minute and came back to put something yellow in her hair. As Ayana looked in the mirror, she couldn't help but admire the sunflower. The way her hair was moved a little bit out of the face, made her seem... Confident. A side she never really thought she had. And was it her imagination, or did she feel as if she can take on the world?

That feeling though, was short-lived, as she heard a scream from a nearby room and she answered with an "Eeep!!!" Ayana rushed back into her dressing room and stayed in there for a little bit. After listening for a while, she figured out what it was. Mr. Fox, or Creep might be the new name she gives him when he does stuff like this. Yeah. Ayana took another deep breath and opened the door. It seems to her to be really loud now. She put her hands over her ears. It muffled the noise, but it was all she can do to try and not lose her mind with the loudness that is Creep's doing his stunts, and the other girl yelling because of his stunts.
Maru was in the clear or so he thought. That was until Kotone had decided to come find him, which wasn't hard given that a lady ran out of booth 3, and started knocking on the wall ordering him to come out. Still remaining hidden, the fox sighed and was about to come out however as soon as he saw the security woman who was standing behind the bratty blonde. At first, he thought to just come out and accept the consequences of his actions but the devil on his shoulder began whispering to him. Giving him an idea that would at least give himself a little entertainment and probably piss Kotone off a bit since he was probably going to be kicked out anyway. 'Hehehe… with what I have planned you better hope you last five minutes brat!' Maru thought to himself as he moved his hand out of the wall with his fingers pinched together so he could snap his fingers in the child's face before going back into the wall.

After that, the security-woman after that suddenly got a mean migraine. After the headache died down, the betrayal genjutsu that Maru placed on the security-woman started to kick in. Anger began to bubble up for Kotone, unable to understand why but the security had an overwhelming resentment for the child that they didn't even know! Now that Maru had her knowing who her enemy was, the fox used another sneaky genjutsu known as untruth to implant a false memory that Kotone was a shoplifter that was responsible for the death of her pet iguana. She never even had a pet iguana, but the genjutsu made security-woman believe. Fueling the rage she had for the child until… well… SHE SNAPPED! Like outright completely lost it. "Come here you little-" without a second thought the security-woman grabbed Kotone by the back of her shirt and flug her out of the booth with a strength that betrayed her size sending the child sliding on the floor.

Kotone could actually see that something was wrong with the security woman, very wrong. Her eyes were glowing yellow, she was foaming at the mouth, and was moving her head around so fast that it was making after images like in those possession scary movies. "GETOUTOFMYSTOREBITCHGETTHEFUCKOUTOFMYSTORE!" the security woman spat, like literally. I mean her drool was literally spattering the walls kind of stuff. Maybe she was trying to resist the genjutsu but losing the fight? As she slowly approached, Maru finally came out of the wall then peeked out of the dressing room and put his hand over his cheek to mock the child. "Uh-oh. Please someone help my bratty blonde. Ack-ack-ack-ack!" he laughed so hard that Kotone could see Maru's actual fox muzzle which was oddly shaped more like a bird beak covered in white fur. Since his job wasn't to protect Kotone, or to his knowledge it wasn't a part of the deal. He decided to scare the child a bit by sending a mad security guard after her for the laughs. Serves her right for ruining his time with the ladies even if they weren't exactly supposed to know that he was there in the first place! He can't have his fun in the store too, no fun for you.
Kotone soared through the air before eventually being introduced to the ground, bounced once, and then slid hard into a pyramid of shoes. The force of the landing coerced a loud gasp from the girl as the tall tower of boxes crashed around her, and she lay still for a moment as stars appeared before her eyes. Groaning loudly, the blonde groped around and after a moment steadied enough to lift her battered body back to her feet.

"THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM BITCH?" As her eyes landed on the woman, Kotone almost regretted asking the question. Clearly this bitch had a substantial amount of problems. The girl stood her ground as the woman approached, spit and words assaulting the very air around her. Kotone ducked a powerful blow just as she caught sight of Maru appearing from the dressing room, and, righting herself, was immediately met by the single most enragingly smug sight in her life. As the fox spoke the girl had just enough time to catch a swing on her forearm, feeling her limb quiver from the force of the connection.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU D-" The distraction proved enough for the crazed woman to gain the upper hand, and before she could get out the question Kotone felt a fist collide with her jaw. The blow sent the girl flying backwards once again, this time finding herself colliding with a with a particularly well dressed mannequin. With another groan, Kotone staggered back her to feet and promptly spat up blood, traces flecking her brand new sweater in the process. "WHEN THIS IS OVER, YOU'RE A COAT FOX. A GODDAMN FLUFFY COAT."

This time the woman charged, winding back for a massive strike as more spittle flew and the words half-formed, "THISONE'SFORMYLITTLETSUTSU!" Kotone had just enough time to juke out of the way, causing the woman to fall forward over the toppled mannequin, yet more spittle flying in the process. Kotone was on the woman in an instant, delivering a punch to the back of the head to stun her before digging fingers into her hair.

"LADY I LIKE DIDN'T DO SHIT TO YOU, IT'S THE PERVERTED INVISIBLE FOX-MAN LIVING INSIDE THE WALLS OF YOUR STO- Okay I FREAKING hate that he made me say that sentence out loud." Recovering, the woman continued to flip out beneath the blonde girl, flailing her arms and head in seemingly inhuman angles, one hand eventually finding purchase on one of Kotone's twin tails. The iron grip pulled the girl down face-to-face with the insane woman, a mix of the most foul curses issuing forth from each of combatants. The duo grappled on the ground, a flurry of bites, hair pulling, and scratches intermixed as they slowly began to roll one over the other back to the dressing rooms.
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"Stop it..." Ayana said quietly, putting her hands over her ears. Her being an introvert, this place was getting way to loud. And places where it is loud and a lot of stuff is happening, takes the energy right out of her.

The security woman was acting way too crazy for the girl's liking. And how Kotone seemed to act, going into a whole fight with the woman, didn't help matters. She didn't see Creep, but she couldn't definitely hear him cackling and having fun as the store is being torn to pieces.

Cussing, and stuff flying everywhere as Kotone and the security woman crash into everything. Ayana couldn't think straight with all that seemed to be happening right now. "Stop... Please..." She begged for it all to just stop, but it only seemed to get louder. Even as a quiet girl as herself, even she has her limits.

Ayana grabbed the closest thing she can find, which was a loose hanger, and slammed it down on the ground. "I SAID STOP!" She yelled it as loud as she possibly can. And then it happened, as soon as the hanger hit the ground, light exploded out, filling the store with this weird new light in matter of seconds. And just as fast as it came, it was gone. Ayana didn't know if that was her that did it, but most of the patrons eyes were on her, all were quiet.

"Erm...." Was all Ayana managed to get out before she rushed back into the dressing room, changed back into the clothes that she borrowed from Kotone, and left, leaving the yellow dress along with a note.

I'll bring back your clothes at a later time. When there's less people around, and Creep isn't there.

She didn't bother looking at either Kotone or Maru as she left, her eyes looking down at the ground.

(Topic left)
Maru watched as the crazed woman continued to attack Kotone, clocking the child right in the jaw which even made him cringe with a smug grin. "You just gonna let her hit you like that?" the fox teased the child who threatened him in response. He continued to watch the cat fight with interest, finding that the child was actually holding her own against a monster of his creation. Unfortunately, Ayana wasn't exactly entrained by the fight and just whispered the words stop. He shook his head, glad that she just stayed back and whispered so he didn't have to cut the genjutsu short. When he saw the hair pulling Maru cheered them on as the fight began to get dirty, the crowd stopping just to take snapshots of the moment to share with friends or something. People always love a good fight.

Again Ayana begged for them to stop again a little louder this time, cussing and items began to fly. The girls were starting to fight dirty, grappling on the ground he was starting to wonder if he should've also put a tickle genjutsu on Kotone and a masochism on the security woman. Definitely would make the fight better, especially for a perverted nin like himself. Unfortunately just as he decided to make the fight interesting, Ayana yelled and threw a loose hanger down and as soon as the hanger hit the floor. A weird light exploded from the hanger! NANI?! the light was unexpected, instantly making him feel sick. To put it into words the light made him feel like he was looking at two homeless bearded santa looking men who were covered in shit locking lips in a passionate kiss down in an unclean sewer drain with a ratking tied about their waist. Not to mention that the feeling the light gave him made him feel like he caught a nasty bug from sushi that was licked by the tongue of an ape who was in the middle of drinking a bottle of liquid feed rat turds. When the light was gone, Maru slumped to the ground, dropping his genjutsu on the security woman so he could finally recover. 'Fuckin' holy chakra!' Maru's other weakness next to any and all females.

As Maru was stunned, the security woman snapping back to her senses was supposed to find a little girl grappling with her. The security forgot why she was fighting the child to begin with, however now she was just trying to defend herself. Finally more security got involved, pulling the child and the security woman away from each other who were still trying to slap each other until they were completely separated. The security took Kotone away to the exit, Maru still recovering with the bags that he had clutched in his arms began to feel a little better. That was until the freaking manager grabbed the fox by the ear and began dragging him to join Kotone. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. HEY!" before Maru could protest he and Kotone were tossed out on their backs; told to never come back before the store slammed the doors for good. Maru flinching when the door slammed, he looked at the door and then looked at Kotone since she was the only one around he could talk to. "Hey the nerd went away without giving me my hour's, you know how to forge signatures right?" the fox asked with the bags still clutched to her chest, as if he forgot the whole episode where he made a crazy lady attack her.
Kotone had her hand dug tightly into the woman's hair as nails raked across her skin, when suddenly the room filled with light. The flash distracted the girl just long enough for another wild punch to connect with her face, the world exploding in a kaleidoscope. As the blonde slowly regained her senses the light was gone and she caught still shots of the brown-haired girl fleeing the scene. Kotone tried to speak, but found the task too complex as she reeled on top of the woman, settling on delivering another punch to the form beneath her.

Her vision began to regain fluidity as she felt arms encircle her body, lifting her backwards as she instinctively continued to smack and claw at the woman. As confused reprimands came her way Kotone frothed, trying to string together a response as she continued to exchange blows with the security-woman, "IT'S NOT. MY FAULT. IT'S THE FREAKING INVISIBLE FOX MAN INSIDE YOUR WALLS!"

The next thing Kotone knew she was landing on the sidewalk outside the store, the fox-man promptly joining her a moment later. Words etched into her mind as she slowly repeated them under her breath. "Banned. For. Life?" The girl followed the fox's gaze, her vision hanging on the closed doors with a blank stare. Closed to her, like, forever.

Kotone blinked as the fox's words came out, the statement barely seeming to register in Kotone's mind at first. Fire burned in the child's mind, pure white, hot, all consuming rage. She stood up, spat up more blood, glanced down at the ripped sweater that barely hung on her body, and lifted a hand to her head to reveal a missing hair tie, noting that only one askew ponytail remained sticking out from her head. The girl immediately reared an arm back and delivered a loud, stinging slap across Maru's face.

Then, the anger simply vanished. Kotone wasn't sure what emotion came next, but it left her still for a moment as blood oozed from a busted lip. And then came laughter. A solid three minutes of laughter that cracked her voice as it came out in odd stilted waves. Remembering the spot from earlier, Kotone gingerly reached into the fox's hair and plucked out an extra pen. She rummaged through one of the bags in Maru's arms, and retrieving the hours sheet she had stashed there earlier, promptly scribbled down a few lines before gently handing it to the fox.

To the amazement of even herself, the paper noted down an hour of community service served and her signature, with a large smiley face down in the margin. After delivering the sheet, Kotone's vision shot up to meet the fox as she bent forward, getting uncomfortably close to his face. Closing her eyes, the girl's lips contorted into a massive smile as she remained face to face with Maru for a long moment. Suddenly her entire head twitched to the side, and she opened her mouth to let out a sickeningly sugar-laced question. "You wanna, like, go grab a burger or something?"

Then Kotone simply walked away, not particularly acknowledging if the fox followed her, her bags long since forgotten.

As Maru waited for an answer from the child, Kotone seemed to be stunned for a bit about being banned for life. He didn't think it was that big of a deal since they could just come back later and steal from them. The fox waited patiently, seeing Kotone hand raise and then… 'SMACK!' he was slapped across his face. "OW!" he yelled, holding his now reddened cheek and he had to resist urging the child to hit him harder since his hours were on the line. Don't want to end up not getting no hours at all because he wanted the joy of being slapped around, not to mention she was a bit too young to be making requests like that. So he simply pretended that he wasn't happy about just being slapped, just acting as though he was saddened by it even though Kotone seemed to be happy now that she hit him.

Kotone seemed to feel a little bit better after slapping him, she even began to laugh and Maru didn’t want to be rude so he begun to laugh with the child. Reaching into one of the bags ,Kotone did exactly what he wanted and signed his community service hours for him. Things were actually going swimmingly! Sure his prank could’ve accidently have killed some nerd girl and may have had to endure a bit of humiliation by being forced to carry bags and even had the sting of holy chakra but it was all worth it in the- Maru looked at his hours again.. He just saw a single line where the number of hours that he did had been. He looked closer to make sure that he wasn’t seeing what Maru thought he saw, that there was not just a single hour on this sheet. ”So that's it… all the pain and suffering i went through… I GET ONLY 60 punk ass MINUTES!?” Maru was starting to get angry, sure the slap was good enough and the humiliation but just getting a hour for all this fun didn’t seem fair.

Finally, the child asked him to go for some burgers and he looked at the hour again. With a shrug he quickly gathered up the bags that he was supposed to be carrying around and then followed in behind Kotone, hoping at the very least she would at least let him get the most expensive thing on the menu and pay for it! ”Fine just don’t expect me to pay for anything. You’re either paying for it, or we’ll be stealing whatever is already made. You choose.” Perhaps he could milk a little more hours out of the child with this lunch. Who knows?!

[left topic with Kotone!]
[1 hour gained]
Community Service Progress

Current Ninpocho Time: Thursday, 13. Mar, 22:18:05
