Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

K' Gaiden [Event]

Separate but Equal, standing tall at opposite ends of the Land of Fire, are two Kings. Both of these kings share equal right to rule these lands, one it's shield, the other its sword, and somewhere along the long lineage of these two kings, they've become enemies. Once long ago these lands flourished in peace and prosperity, but eventually the delusion sets in for all things, and entropy leads to War. Still, we have much more a ways to fall, as the red moon looms eerily over the forest turned battlefield filled with young shinobi and their fearless leader. There was little known about the great tree, or exactly what the Daimyo was planning, but something had to be done before it was too late. The board was set and the pieces began to file out among the trees, choosing their positions and the role they would play in the coming encounter. Given the unknown they were up against, experience didn't matter when it came to who would survive this mission. Fate held the cards tonight.

"Niner Yankee Zero Zero Bravo One standing by. Eyes on your rears" Takai spoke into a headset with a calm and serious tone, despite the smile on his face. Even against the insurmountable odds they faced as a group, it was together through the Will of Fire that he knew they would all prevail. A legacy so strong that it burns in the blood of each and every shinobi of the village hidden in the leaves. Tonight, that Will would be put to its test.

Adorned in full black battle regalia, rather than his usual robes, his attire was much more body tight, with a black battle vest. combat boots, and his several weapons holstered about his body. His long flowing black hair still rustled with the winds, which pushed the leaves all about making it more difficult to discern the positioning of enemies that could be surrounding them in enemy territory. Takai was positioned to the rear guard, not looking to engage the front lines of any encounter until the time was right. As one of the medics on this mission, it was up to him to keep all of the shinobi of his squad in his constant assessment. Some of the members of this secret squadron were much younger than expected, but every member of this squad was known for their exceptional skill, despite age or rank, and it was clear each would see their full potential put to the test. Silently passing from tree to tree, he took watch over some of the younger members of the group, making sure he kept that eye on them through the course of the battle, in case they did need assistance. It wasn't long before that seemed like it might prove true.

Yet to his surprise, as the fighting broke out and the enemies ambush began, what he saw before him was a pack of fierce warriors, each holding their own in the fight ahead. This was only the beginning, but his grin never faded as he watched from the trees, puppet parts flying everywhere from the carnage. Holding back his own ability, he continued to keep watch of the situation, not looking to engage his abilities into the fray of battle just yet. Still, he couldn't be helped from having a little fun. Reaching to his back, Takai pulled out one of his larger swords with a more multifaceted purpose. It was a thin tipped long sword, a bit unique in its shape and nature, too heavy for most to wield with one hand or in the manner it was designed, for piercing rather than slashing. A unique blade that was particularly special to Takai, as his chakra flowed into the blade, it couldn't help but glisten in the moonlight, the chakra itself shimmering off of the blade.

"Light of the Fire of the Mother Goddess, grant us protection on this night. We come seeking to fight for our independence from these horrors, and by your Will may we know Retribution." Holding his blade on front of him, he gently stroked his hand across his blade, passing his energy with each lingering stroke. From atop the tree, Takai swung the tremendous blade around his body one-handed with ease and speed, the light present in the air for a moment with each swing. Launching himself off the tree branch towards the clearing below, Takai targeted two puppets heading closer to the group from the rear line. Several more we're coming in the distance to back up the ones already there, and it would take speed to deal with all of them. Landing just behind the two puppets in his gaze, Takai took a deep breath and let his focus increase. As time seemed to slow, his motions became a fluid dance, the first pierce like a flash of light, the target not even noticeable to the naked eye. Within no time at all the next strike came with another flash of light, and the third, fourth, and by the time a second had passed, the light of his blade simply covered every portion of the two puppets before him, both struck in an innumerable amount of very specific points. A few more seconds passed and his attack was finished, the two puppets unable to even respond from the attack. It isn't the power of the strikes that devastate the opponent however, and within moments later each and every one of their joints fell apart, leaving all of the pieces to collapse into a pile on the floor. Releasing his sigh, he turned around and looked towards the approaching five or so enemies that still headed for him and the others.

"Mercy Upon Us All" Takai uttered onto the battlefield, gripping his blade loosely and settling into one of his more graceful stances. With another deep breath, he focused his chakra into his blade, this time to preform a more specific combination attack that would take out all of his opponents again in one fell swoop. Takai was not one for taking chances, or exhausting too many resources, and one of his larger attacks would only seek to do just that. Staring down his enemies, he exerted the force of his chakra with the fluid motion of his water style.

"Water Style" His words slipped from his mouth as his body began to launch towards his enemies. The waters of the water style chakra began to flow from his blade, but not the normal blue as one would expect, but glistening white waters, that encompassed the entire blade, reaching down his arm, and outward past the hilt itself, creating what was a dual sided blade of water extending from the tip of the sword itself to what was now the tip of a blade of water, all of it shimmering with the white energy of his chakra. Positioning now between all five of the puppets, he landed with a single fluid motion, as his feet touched the ground, his waters, surrounded his body coming off his arm like tendrils of water, reaching to each of the targets, swirling in the same motion as his body. Each of the tendrils of water swirled around their respective puppet bodies, and wrapped themselves tightly around their target, holding them in place for his attack. With a smile, he lowered his body down, dipping deep so his hand and blade was in line with the bodies of the puppets, and continuing the swift fluid motion of his attack, he spun his blade of water over his head, despite the large size of his physical blade, it all swirled at a rapid speed, creating a fan-like attack as the blade flashed a white light and the water sliced through all of the bodies at high speed. With each spin of the blade the water and the steel cut through the parts of the puppets, decimating them to pieces like their predecessors. Torrential Spinning Blade!

As the technique finished, Takai was left standing there with his blade firmly held with one hand, still shinning its white glow, positioned out in front of his body. The water crashed down onto the puppet bodies, spreading across the forest floor, as Takai let out one final deep exhale. With a swift flick-like motion he returned the blade to its sheath on his back, the puppets reduced to a pile of nothing scattered about the ground. Turning around and looking onward, he began to prepare himself further mentally. Much more difficult opponents would be ahead, and a clear mind would be required to keep everyone safe through these times.

Two Kings do battle, but they are not the ones that will face Death tonight. Fate shall decide the Victor, but the Game must still be played. And to the Victor, the Spoils.

[Marked for Training]
~Present: Alpha Team~

Standing behind the body of the first would be feller that tried to take him out; he held it before him with his kinetic chakra as a shield as more and more samurai flooded into the room. As the first one quickly ran into a sweeping blow with his sword, Neito used the man’s ally as a shield and threw the body at the clearly ill-advised samurai as he backed up towards the tubes that held the people in them. Between the crazed creature of a man that had burst from the one tube and obviously his taking out of the first responder to the scene, suddenly he was no longer going to be able to do his job with the utmost of secrecy. Looking down at his gloved fist and coating them in the blackened flames that the Uchiha were infamous for, he shifted into an emulated Jyuuken fighting stance and allowed his eyes to scan the entirety of the large room.

There was only one way out and that was through the hole that the man had made through the wall when he escaped. There were now about twenty or two samurai before him and though taking them out would be easy, even in a tower this tall, the enemy would continue to stream in. Spying a half burnt binder full of no doubt papers concerning just what sort of science experiment he had stumbled upon, his sharingan tracked the movements of the samurai offensive before his calculating brain urged him to move. Flowing with the tide of battle he ducked and dodged, bobbed and wove his way through the flurry of sword swipes that he was presented with. Looking like a well-choreographed dance that bordered on the otherworldly, he planted what one might have assumed were innocent touches on his foes but with the blackened flames of the sharingan augmenting his gloves, he was doing something far more explosive. Like one might have innocently lit a candle and embraced the warmth of the flame, Neito finished his rapid counter offense on the samurai and smirked as each one of them slowly were engulfed in the dark nigh eternal flames of the Uchiha.

Some attempted to fight on despite their bodies being consumed by a flame that could hardly be extinguished by water. Losing himself to the rush of it all, Neito kicked and punched his way through the room as the bodies began to pile up. Through one eye he could see the world moving in apparent slow motion, through the other he could see with profound clarity all the small points of chakra that most found too miniscule to worry about. Neito had the ability to kill but he didn’t, Umashi didn’t allow that sort of thing. It was only the hissing and steam coming from the tube marked “mother” that gave him any pause from the dance that he was taking part in. Taking his eyes off of the action for the briefest of moments, he was surprised to find that the steam was becoming like a frozen cloud of wintery mist. Hopping back he felt the first bite of the frost as he reversed an incoming sword strike and incapacitated the rookie assailant.

He more felt the growl before he heard it, and as he turned back to find fang baring creature where he’d assumed the woman would be. As it began to harness chakra and charge a blast clearly aimed at him, the fact that it was all the while growing larger and larger wasn’t lost on Neito at all. Considering his job done, he made a mad dash for the open wall across the room and dove through the opening moments before a beam of icy chakra froze the very spot that he’d been in. Manipulating gravity chakra around him, Neito slowed his descent enough to get firm footing on the large tower like tree and began a rapid running descent. Clicking on his headset, he began to hear the flood of orders and counter orders flooding the airwaves of the Umashi led Konoha-Iwa front. Managing to find the correct channel before the now small building sized blue nine-tailed fox running down the tree to get him, Neito tried to contact Umashi with a dire warning but all he got in return was silence. Completely stopping his descent and turning to face the creature, he was at this point no longer amazed with the fact that it too could still its momentum despite being on a vertical plane. Thousands of feet in the sky, the air was cold and the wind gusts were strong. The odds were stacked against him this time, but that’s where Neito worked best.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​
~Present: Beta Team~

Proud and amazed all at the same time, Umashi was quick to issue the order to not kill the captured enemy puppeteers. Assessing his motley crew for injuries and supplies, Umashi began to issue out orders both to his Beta and now powered down Gamma teams. “Gamma Leader, take a few Beta team members with you and lead a prisoner convoy out of here. I don’t want any breakouts.” As the man nodded in agreement, he set about get the captured puppeteers, four in all, out by means of chakra binds and clever use of summoning seals for cart supplies. Turning to the rest of the Beta Team, including the branch leaders, Umashi congratulated them on the first part of the journey but warned them of the things to come. He managed to somewhat stumble over the fact that he’d set off the puppeteers trap in the first place but he made quick amends verbally.

It was only after a few minutes passing that he and the Beta team were ready for the final strike. Attempting to gain coordinates from the other teams that were spread throughout the plains, he found that whereas just before the communication channels were alive with coded messages, now, there was nothing but silence. Holding back his alarm he cycled through the channels one after another. Looking to Tamashii and then to Oyochi, he pointed his headset and gave a signal indicating that he wasn’t able to reach anybody. At that moment an inhuman howl erupted far atop the tree. No doubt Umashi wasn’t the only person who looked up towards the tree and when they did, they all witnessed a beam of energy shooting from the same hole that the previous explosion had occurred at. As if on cue a large blue creature bathed in a white light jumped out of the opening and starting falling towards the ground. Once again Umashi grew worried about Neito and his secret intel gathering mission but when he noticed the large creature stopping and blast of energy being shot all around it, he knew that Neito was at least alive. His headset crackled to life but all that came through was a steady stream of static as if the com lines were being jammed with every word said.

Seeing a light show of colors both coming from the creature and towards the creature told Umashi that Neito was holding his own but as the awe inspiring as the sight was, Umashi failed to notice the shadows that swirled around his team and that materialized right behind him.
“Beautiful isn’t it? Oh how I’ve missed her life’s spark.” Umashi’s heart skipped a beat but what caused him to internally panic was the fact that he wasn’t able to instinctively jump away from this new threat. As if sensing his fear, the voice gave a deeply masculine chuckle as the presence behind Umashi seemed to melt away and assume the shape of a man who was tall, lanky and cloaked in darkness. It was only when the man fully became a solid form, that Umashi and indeed the rest of his team were unfrozen enough to react as they normally would. It was by means of this shared movement that Umashi realized that they’d all been ensnared by the shadows that this man seemed to control. The question that begged to be answered was, at what point were they caught in this man’s trap? Was it before or after Gamma had left? Was he actually behind the puppet trap?

Like a child caught by their parents, Umashi didn’t waste time trying to slyly get out of the predicament that he was in. Despite this man’s bravado and flair, Umashi killed the “Code Dark” that he’d called for and spoke plainly as he gave his team a few more seconds to prepare themselves.
“It’s rude to sneak up on people, you know.” Umashi gave a coy smile as he began to quickly try and remember both the offensive and defensive capabilities of his team. The man however was very apparently, just as quickly annoyed. “Rude my dear Umashi, is charging into my country, my village and taking my people away from me. Then when I leave, you follow me . . . me . . . the rightful heir of this great nation to my final corner of the world and for what, a shot at glory?”

Umashi caught movement out the corner of his eye, it seemed that one or two of his allies had slipped back into the darkness. Focusing back on the exposition touting big mouth, Umashi replayed the words of the man carefully in his head while trying to understand them all. Clearly he couldn’t be implying that he was the . . . but before Umashi could complete the thought, the man seemed to read his mind and finished the thought for him. “I am what I am, and I’m quite tired of the sea rat that made its way ashore all those years ago.”

With a snap of his fingers, the man’s clothes were engulfed in a flashing flame as a heavy front of chakra pressure began to squeeze everything within the vicinity. Emerging from the flames, the man who oddly wore shades despite the cover of night issued his proclamation against the clearly taken aback Hokage. “I bid you all a good night.” As if waiting with bated breath, the darkness of the night seemed to come alive and submerge them all in its wake. As if swimming through an ocean of chakra, Umashi fought through the current of total darkness and stepped through into an arena totally at the whim of this man whom he was too afraid to admit just might be exactly who they were looking for. Calling his forces to order, he gave the first command. “No heroics! Medics, turtle up!” To turtle was to stay defensive with minimal if any offensive attacks. Having taken the role of Chief Medic for this mission along with being the Hokage, Umashi surely needed to keep his healers as far from the action as necessary.

OOC: Send me the following information in -separate PM's-. If your training hasn't be rolled this week and you plan on getting it done in time to count for this mod then -DO NOT WAIT-!!! Let me know in your PM's what information is contingent on your training/dojo for this week and I will mod accordingly.

1)Your Class, Stats, Jutsus, Abilities, Bloodline or Core Ability (with what traits from the Core ability you have), Contracts you own, Cursed Seals on your person, what items you have on your person (your inventory).

2) Your actions.


Keep in mind that everything is being reset for this battle so if you have a doujutsu active. Consider RPly that the black wave of chakra rendered it null and void. PM me if you have any questions.
'Even though I walk through the valley... in the shadow of death. I will fear no evil.' Tamashii and his mother would think a prayer before something happened that through everything off. The shining light in the wake of darkness. But this... this was something darker than anything than he'd experienced. His heart sped up to an alarming pace... He could see the chakra of everything around him... and it seemed to swarm around Oyochi and himself as well as Umashi. 'Crap.' The signal given to him by Umashi nodding to his own headset. . . nothing but static. However, this wasnt all that bad, communication was key to strategy, but the true winners of the nation would seem to be able to coordinate without the need of some of that simple technology. Much like a time before they had these devices. They had to go with the flow of the battle and tide of the war.

Though it seemed, as they would come to the closing points of this attack... something else would arise. Chills ran down the spine of mortal men as they felt this in full effect. Directly and indirectly. Tamashii was not known to throw his body on the line for many people. However, he now had an incentive for it. This was going to happen whether he wanted to or not because, his body began to move on his own. As the shadows culminated Tamashii, moved as Umashi had moved and moved himself to be between the Figure and his Hokage. 'Shit. . . That was close. . .'

What happened next was very devastating, "Yukari, Rei. Zone coverage. East and west." , though he wasnt sure if they knew what that meant, he would manage to deliver himself with simple eye movements and hand gestures one to his left and one to his right. All infront of Umashi's position. The order was to Cover their zones and not let anything through. Which Tamashii was going to be certain he'd be doing here. So... Without further adieu he'd twitch and beore he'd have a chance to move a wave of dark chakra nullified his Ghost Dancer Technique... As well as his enhanced vision. Causing him to fall back a bit. 'Shadow Technique?' it'd been good if Souji had taught him anything about the Shadows of the Yukata, but alas, that was not something to dwell on today.

"Hmph. This is going to be fun."

[MFT and Sending Stuffz.]
This situation went from bad, to manageable, to worse in a matter of seconds.

Why were there kids here? After some crackling in his headset, messages came through. 'An Uchiha boy? Damn it' Kenshin thought. Even as he was approached by 2 others including one who had a ... disguised creation of his own. This... he didn't know what to make of that. He was just glad it was on their side.

"You little Uchiha, why don't you either stay with me or go with Gamma team to get out of here. It is too dangerous to risk our future." Kenshin would say to Sora. As to the 2 others, they were old enough (presumably) to know what they were getting into.

Then there was an explosion from the tree. Another one but one of icy beauty. A creature was fighting, hopefully against either an ally that still lived or it was on our side. Still, the howl was enough to send chills up his spine.

Then they were trapped? Kenshin was close enough to her the words spoken by the mysterious man. So this was our foe? Why was he all the way out here? I guess he wanted a surprise of his own. And he did not disappoint. With a wave of chakra his diamond crystals seemed to melt off. This was some wicked chakra.

The orders were given hastily and like a good solider Kenshin moved to act. His face set, Kenshin clanged his knuckles together.

'Protect the children. Protect the Hokage. Defend. For now. This man will feel my strength soon enough but protect those who need it first.'

[Actions sent]
Just when their 'team' started gathering up, mr. Obnoxious, Child of the dark overlord, and Trigger finger, things had started calming down, after a man showed up, assumingly an ally, and genned the puppeteers. They all foolishly revealed themselves, and were captured after their fearless leader gave the command to take them alive. Taking them alive was the best way to obtain information, though if they succeed in this, hopefully they wont be just another wasted space in the prison house. Etsuko didnt care if they died, or lived, as long as they were useful in some way, once they're use is up, then they could talk about whether letting them go or sending them to the slaughter house. If they're sent to the slaughter house at least their puppets can be reused, and their bodies donated to science. Their Chakra could prove to be useful, and their bodies useful in research, since there were not that many puppeteers around. Its frowned to research on innocent people, even illegal, but thats why criminals were perfect for the research branch. People didn't really care if a criminals body was defaced, and used to help further knowledge of the shinobi world.

Etsuko looked to the golem, disguised properly, she now wondered if this guy was part of the circus, it'd explain his smell, and lack of hygiene in general. It wasn't unusual for shinobi to join circus acts, after the fall of the village, most shinobi went missing, joined other villages, or just found work in other areas. Either way, this guy was probably going to die, he had a bloodied face from a puppet, she guaranteed that the enemy had much stronger foes up their sleeves. Looking to Trigger finger, she could tell he was skilled, and the alpha personality type. He'd lead this little side group, not only because he just seemed like a guy that took charge, but she sure as hell wasn't gonna follow Mr. Obnoxious, and his side kick fluffy. She surely wasn't gonna lead herself either, and the dark overlord kid, this was probably his first real fight. If the kid didn't skedaddle, she would feel responsible for looking out for him, since she was the medic, it was her job to make sure these guys stay safe. She'd have her hands full with circus clown, most likely. Though if he didn't take this seriously, she probably would let him swim with the sharks. She'd patch him, but she didn't want to waste her chakra on someone who can't think twice before throwing themselves lustfully in harms way.

Etsuko looked over towards their leader, he was their chief mednin for this mission, apparently this branch didnt have a sennin yet, if she survived this, she might try for it. its not like she wasn't skilled enough, she had plenty of knowledge, and experience. Maybe she didn't have much experience with paper work, but she knew it was something that was in her reach. If he chooses someone else, then oh well, she'll just ask for a promotion so she can take on higher rank jobs, and slack off a little more. It was her goal to become the best doctor, not the top rank, or the one that works the hardest. In her mind the best was the one that could do anything, basically, the most knowledgeable, and with the most skill. You didn't need to be the boss to be that person, but she had a urge to try to be the boss for once, even if it meant a lot of work. It was a possibility for her to actually try to be something more than just another mednin.

Etsuko looked to the other two that were with their Hokage, it was Tama, and another man she had yet to meet. For a split second she was worried Tama would be lost in this battle, but she shook that feeling away. It was pointless for her to get distracted with things like that. She had only met him a little bit ago, and he was barely a friend, more like a good acquaintance that could become a really good friend to her. She also trusted that he was more than able to handle his own, unless he was just all talk that night. The Hokage also gave the orders for gamma to take the prisoners, and a few of the beta team members. The big guy was a big help, she was glad that he was on their side, even though she was not sure in the begining. For all she knew he could have been a rogue beast. It was at this time, Trigger finger finger told Emo child to either stay, or go with gamma team. He told him it was too dangerious, pff, the kid wasnt becoming a shinobi for the flowers and free spirits. If he was on this mission he probably had a death wish like the rest of the emo clan. they just were the type to die in action instead of offing themselves. Which was probably the better way to go. Trigger finger did have a point though, it was too early to fullfil the underworld's clan death wish. The dark one probably should save himself to fight another day, though, he probably would stay, if she remembered right, that clan had oversized egos to fit their overwhelming darkness.

As if on que, a clatter took Etsuko's attention to the tower. They witnessed a bright beam of light that shot through the tower, then colorful lights danced through the sky. If that wasn't a fierce battle, it would be a breath taking display. Seeing a majestic beast attacking someone inside the tower, no doubt an ally, made Etsuko's blood almost boil. Maybe it was just the demon inside her reacting to another beast in the area, but either way, she felt herself heat up. She had control over her beast, but sometimes it was hard to keep the temperature down. Fire was an element that was hard to control in the first place, its heat unpredictable, and intense. Combine that with a demon, and you get a very fierce force. She was used to the burning sensation that her demon brought her, sometimes it helped keep her going during battles, the pain reminded her that she was indeed, still alive. She only let her demon out when she could no longer hold onto the flames, which was not that often. Last time she used her demon's power was about a few years ago, but she still kept it around for the potential to do heavy damage. She had a lot of offensive jutsu unfortunately, there seemed to be more offensive then defensive. But she could make due, sometimes the best defense is a good offense after all.

After the beast in the tower, the environment changed again. A flood of dark chakra consumed them all, it was a wave, and hard to withstand. Etsuko fought the current, and was able to keep herself standing. Was this a shadow jutsu? she was very well verse in the way of the shadows, her clan were masters of it. She knew all her clan jutsu, she just hadn't mastered all the shadow jutsu outside her clan's. She heard orders from the Hokage, turtle up. That was no problem for her, she didn't need to fight head on, all she needed to do was provide support. Luckily she didn't need to be up very close to her squad members to provide healing jutsu, one of her many talents. She hoped they didn't feel the need to protect her, she could take a punch, she just needed them to focus all their energy on the battle. It was her job to focus her energy on them.

"Alright boys, Just focus on the enemy when they appear, i'll be right here to provide medical help. But that doesn't mean you can just let them hit you." Etsuko told the others, she wasn't going to take any shit, they were at least skilled enough to dodge right? She hoped so, well she wouldn't be surprised if mr. clown got a good beating. Hopefully he too could sense the intense strength of the chakra that surrounded them. This chakra made her uneasy, but she stayed focused. She wouldn't allow the darkness to consume her mind, and allow her fear to overtake her. The nara clan lived in the shadows, she could easily handle this, her mind was stronger than her body anyhow. So she easily threw her uneasy feeling out the window.

Etsuko hoped her little side team could overcome the pressure of the dark chakra, call it the will of fire could help them out probably. She knew her allies could beat the guy that was casting this jutsu, even if he seemed unbelievably strong. Even if they had kindergartners on their team, she had no doubt they could beat him. Maybe she was just being over confident, but she did accept the reality of this situation. They could, and most likely would win, but she knew lives would be lost. She accepted that already, that she would not be able to save, and protect everyone. As long as she could protect these few allies that she was teamed up with, then she knew she would be fine. She would focus on them, then anyone else that was near without medical help. She wished she could treat everyone, but unfortunately that was impossible. The Hokage himself was a mednin, in normal circumstances she'd make a joke about that, but right now she knew he'd do his best to heal whoever he could. She didn't know of any other mednins though, so it'd be tough, she believed that there was an MiT on board, but that was a child who probably didn't know many medical jutsu.

Etsuko knew this would be tough, so she decided it'd be best to focus on a few allies at a time, to prevent herself from getting overwhelmed. All she needed to do was keep as many allies as she could alive, starting with the small team she'd been commanded to partake in. She'd heal anyone else within her reach as well, but with the lack of medics on the field, it'd be hard to try to keep everyone alive. For that she needed to harden her emotions, there were no room for them in this battle. After this, she could go drink off the guilt of not being able to save everyone, for this moment, she focused on what was happening now.

[Info and actions sent]
The Uchiha wouldn't be hard to spot, with the enlarged crest of the Uchiha centered on his back. Of course he was dressed rather unique as well so that would help. He knew what some people thought of his clan. Oh they're just a bunch of Edge lords that wanna kill themselves ha ha. Everybody had their own opinion, and he had his. It didn't necessarily matter what people thought of him and his clan now. He was going to change that after this battle. He wasn't necessarily doing this for himself, nor necessarily for his clan, nor pride.

After destroying a puppet with a quick high kick to it'a head, desstroying it, a few people began to gather around him. He figured this was to make some teams. That wasn't one of the main lessons at the academy, teamwork. This was why Genin are assigned to three man cells with a Jounin or Chuunin leader. If they preached this team stuff so much, of course they'd follow up with it in a real scenario, like this one. The people he was with seemed rather experienced, though not experienced enough for them to look down on him. He was here for a reason. He wouldn't be here if it was for fun and games, Sora set his resolve before jumping into combat.

First off was a girl just a bit older than he was. He didn't have a code to give in return, but did it really matter? If he were a threat to her he would have already killed her in an instant. She didn't necessarily seem like the combat type and really somebody who would just sit in the back and watch the rest of us fight. Plus she stood out like a sore thumb. Black hair was rather common among people but hers was definitely not.

Next up was somebody who seemed to have a complex with talking to his Jutsu. He wasn't necessarily sure if it was a summon, it seemed more like an earth Jutsu that he was talking to. He seemed rather built and stocky, obviously he could take a few hits but wasn't necessarily the fastest judging by his wounds. This only confirmed his thoughts by when he tried to smile. Sora then realized why they needed the medic for this team. A guy like him would die very quickly if he took a strong enough attack, thinking he could tank it. His first thoughts of him, anidiot.

As Sora fended off a few more puppets, mainly making sure the girl didn't get hurt, or for her to even need to engage in combat, another showed up. This guy looked.. wild you could say. Just the look in his eyes was of that. One could tell he just wanted to see the blood. Well he was at the right place. All he needed to do was take a glance at idiot's charming smile. Soon after the man told him to leave. He did say to stick with him, but it was clear he just wanted Sora to leave. Sure most in his position wouldn't think twice to get out. But his resolve was set.

"My apologies sir, but I'll be sticking with you then. I am not here to throw my life away or be heroic, nor is this for my pride or clan. I'm not doing this for anything so shallow. I'm here because I am a Shinobi, we all are on this battlefield. As a fellow Shinobi, shouldn't you respect another's resolve? In this world there are kids out there much younger than me, yet stronger than all of us combined... so I have one request. Treat me as an equal on this battlefield. We don't have time to worry about who is superior to who. Right now we need to worry about disposing of the enemy and keeping all of us alive. I may not be able to heal anybody, nor take a lot of hits. But that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm useless. So please sir, let's do our job and work together as a team."

With a flash his dark, coal colored eyes sparked to that of a bright red with a tomoe in the ring of his eyes. With this he scanned the battlefield for a moment, before suddenly there was a large creature of some sorts. He released his Sharingan and before he knew it, it all happened so fast, he was told to turtle up as they delved into darkness. He did as he was told, moving in front spinach head. It seemed things went from bad, to worse.

(Will send stats in a moment)
Shinobu moved across the battlefield with Fluffy and his two new teammates in tow, he kept his eyes peeled for any sneak attacks or unseen enemies, ready to jump in and take a blow for his allies at any moment. By the time they had reached Kenshin his several more puppets had been disabled by precisely thrown Oversized Kunai or smashed under Fluffy's rocks. "These puppets were tough, I need to practice more on how to counter this type of attack." He took his position near Kenshin, Etsuko and the young Uchiha as the puppeteers were rounded up and taken away. Shinobu kept to the flanks of the group with his eyes peeled and Sensor ability active to intercept any sneak attacks, and that's when he overheard Kenshin's words to the Uchiha. "Heh, I guess Kenshin-sensei just doesn't understand, the kid is an Uchiha, and like me Konoha is his home. There is no chance a true Uchiha would leave such a battle. Not when the honor of Konoha itself is on the table. They Daimyo tried to extinguish the Will of Fire, and the only appropriate response was to retaliate as a Village." Once the kid responded to Kenshin with his strong words Shinobu couldn't help but grin even wider. "I would expect no less from a true Leaf Shinobi, in fact it is time the kid got a call sign. I think Bravo-Alpha-Delta-Alpha-Sierra-Sierra should do just fine." with a wink he gave a thumbs up to the young Uchiha and by that time his Healing Factor had caused all the wounds on Shinobus face to disappear.

No sooner had he finished than the explosion overhead drew everyone's attention upward. The movement of a giant beast along the trunk of the tree was obvious, and Shinobu prepared to engage as soon as the order was given. Then suddenly near the Hokage a being sheathed in blinding blackness materialized, Shinobu could not make out what they were speaking of but he had a feeling this thing was not part of any team they had come here with. With a burst of powerful chakra the waves of shadow swept up everyone remaining from the Beta Team in their torrent. Fluffy crumbled to the ground like a localized avalance, "Rest for now my friend, your help was much appreciated, but we have it from here." Regaining his senses Shinobu prepared himself to retaliate and join the fray, he stepped forward next to Kenshin and tried to keep himself in between his other two teammates and the shadowed figure. He shook off the shock of the chakra waves and a sly grin started to sneak back onto his face, it only grew wider as Kenshin and the medic called out instructions. "Yes Sensei!" he responded to Kenshin, then he addressed all of his teammates without taking his eyes off of the adversary "No matter what happens here today, I appreciate everything you are doing for Leaf and I will fight to my last breath as your ally." with a racing mind he prepared an initial volley and was ready to react to any threats against his team.

[Actions Sent]
As the puppeteers seem to be taken care of with not too much trouble from the team a bestial howl came from above. The sound resonated within her mind; it was like she could hear Fen'Harel howl back. That accursed wolf she met so long ago. She can still remember the day she crossed paths with him. That evil spirit, Fen'Harel they called him back in her home town, was a malicious wolf that fed on the souls of men. He had a more sinister punishment for her however. No she was not going to become food, but a servant as hungry for souls as he is. At first the curse took the form as a yellow eye, but as it grow more and more powerful she became more feral. For some unknown reason she is compelled to remove mask and thus with a shaking hand she reveals just how far feral the curse has taken her. Both her eyes were now yellow where it once was just the one. Her face was completely different; she had the teeth, the nose and the muzzle of a wolf. Taking down her hood wolf like ears could she seen poking out of the bandages she used to cover practically her entire body. White fur covers every inch of her skin; it was like she was a werewolf from some horror movie. This is what the curse has done to her; she is what she truly looks like when not hiding behind some enchanted mask.

Looking above she see a figure of splendor climbing down the almighty tree. While Fen’Harel looked dark and corrupt, this one looked almost angelic in beauty. Hakuren finds herself mesmerized by the creature standing above her. However it was not only the beast appearance the allures her admiration, but her soul. The curse placed upon her allow her to see the souls of the living. To Hakuren a soul was represented by a small ball of flame within a person’s body. It was always located in same position in the body, the heart or the gate of death. Every person’s soul was unique in its own way and Hakuren has learn to take the time to study a person’s soul. To see the color which it, to note the dance of the wisp of the flame, to measure it’s brightness and to count the rate at which it flickers. After such a careful examination she could easily pick out a person in a masquerade ball. Unfortunately the curse was not placed on her with kindness and thus seeing the souls of the living was not always a good thing. Such an unusual ability came with a price; an insatiable hunger. Though she tries her hardest to restrain herself, even she has moments of weakness. She is cursed with a drive to hunt and devour a living soul and she can only hold it off for so long. When she no longer possesses the strength of will see will track her prey’s soul to the ends of the earth. The day after is often filled with self-loathing.

Her companion was far too busy worrying about what was going on to be concerned about his partner acting stranger than normal. This was his first battle with her so perhaps this was normal or perhaps not. He knew about the curse and how it changed her into something more beast than man, but if she can focus her wildness on the enemy, he sees no reason to interfere. Not like there was anything he could actually do to prevent the curse from taking over. Regardless the enemy makes a scene and he prepares himself. The man then bursts up into flame like a match and then then shadows just seems to rise up like an in-coming tide. Darkness flood everything and he could fell try to negate his maintained jutsu, but with pure strength of will he resists. It took a lot out of him but he manage to stay in control and still be in his transformed state.

Hakuren didn’t even notice the man and the flooding darkness registers in her mind. Her summon from before was banish from the field and sent back to wince it came, but she did not care. She continues to stare at the creature and gives a hungry growl. Despite casting the field in pitch black night Hakuren could still see the souls of the living. They were like stars in the black void which is space, but the one that shown the brightest was the animals. If the people here were stars then she was the moon. Her soul was simply captivating and she must have it. She could feel herself starting to lose control as the desire to devour continues to grow. Hakuren then lets out a howl like a wolf declaring a hunt. As if to knock her out of it, Hakuren’s companion slaps the back of her head. He then instructs her to focus on the enemy on the ground rather than the beast above.

[stuff is coming]
Xiao killed whatever foe that caught his attention, but when the Hokage's orders came down, he quickly warp behind an enemy and slammed his elbow to the back of the head. The unfortunate soul was knocked out, or at least distracted enough to be subdued non-lethally. Xiao then began tripping, pushing and placing enemy puppeteers in position that allowed them to be captured. However only four were successfully captured without being killed.

But even then it did not change the fact they were caught unaware.

Xiao was astonished to say the least. As a practitioner of the Sundering the Heavens art, he always has his unique chakra active at all times. By spreading it in small ripples occasionally, anyone who enter the range of it will find Xiao will react to threats with great inhuman speed. Even so, he could only feel strange shadows and by the time he realized the danger they posed, Xiao could not warp away! His bizarre chakra was swept away as thought never there, preventing him from doing so. Inwardly he was sort of glad he was 'frozen' before vanishing away, otherwise he would have been stuck mid-warp, simply imagining the uncomfortably of such a situation.

Whoever this figure was, he was extremely powerful. Suddenly he remembered a saying of Dongliu's.

"Dongliu says, there are always people above people and heavens above heavens..."

With that in mind, Xiao decided to remain on the defensive and watch out for the medics. If anything can go wrong, it will. Why take the risk? Best be prepared, he thought.

For now, I'll evaluate and come up with something after.

[stuff coming up]
Sara didn't move when the other left, she just stood frozen, evaluating her circumstances. Orders weren't given, so she held her position. It wouldn't matter to much, she could easily see all that was happening with ease. It was all to late though to give any warning when the puppets started to move. A technique she had only seen once in the academy. Though she would register such for the future. The apparentness of the string that made them dance was bright, simple yet effective. Such a small thing to control such a force. She watched with intensity as they danced. The fling of the arrows, the quick abrupt movements. So many controlled, yet few were hiding in the forest, revealing themselves when the action began. Somehow they hid from her, and that in itself was a mystery. She had never seen anything hide from her gaze. 'How did they...', the intensity of her focus like that of a cat to it's prey, she almost missed the incoming attack against herself. Though it wasn't the attack that got her attention first. A ghostly figure quickly transverse the field towards her. She snapped to and tried to tell if the figure was of friend or foe. As quickly as it moved, she saw another figure and without her shield she was going to have to catch the now airborne kunai or dodge. But she didn't know what to do of the figure moving towards her. Her heart was beating profusely, it almost felt like it could burst through her chest. 'WHICH ONE, WHICH ONE, WHICH ONE!!!!!' Before she could make up her mind, the figure increased speed and congealed before her and deflected the weapon. 'An ally!!!!, holy @#$% #$^@, thank the gods!!!! Wonder if he works with Okami?!'

What ever attacked them moved off. A lone girl was a good target, but a guy that could appear as air. She couldn't blame 'em.

The man started to address her, telling her to follow him. She was about to respond to him as he started to issue commands over the headset. She looked into the distance and watched as several people on the field hesitate for a moment and seemed to respond to his address. 'Finally, I am with a commanding officer. Now I can act. Those assholes that left me deserved a good asskickin!' His words were fast, and sounded jumbled up. W's, 0's, oh he said her number. It was amazing how he could memorize all that. She had a notepad in her pack with all the codes, no names just codes, including her own to know the names of whom the code belonged. In case she had to verify that someone was whom they said they were. It was to much for her to memorize in the short time she had known of the mission.

He spoke of his abilities, and it seemed like she should chime in with hers. Head Jounin, code Z..Z..what the hell ever. "Head Jounin" knew earth based jutsu, especially barriers and traps. She was basically his counter. She said her code phrase,"Non ducor, duco. (I am not led, I lead.)" Should be plenty of explanation, but she already knew he knew that. So she continued plainly, "I am the anti for you. Stealer of life." Her words were enigmatic, but truthful. As she finished, he slammed his hand on the ground and the earth fractured. Then recombined...and fractured again. The process repeated itself until a figure stood before the two of them. "I...I...ya.. Okay I can't do anything that dramatic..." She was just too self-conscious enough to blurt out her abilities to the world.

She watched from behind the monolithic creature as others unleashed their own furies. She heard a voice over the comms and her eyes darted around but couldn't find the familiar voice within the field. A moment later she saw something exit a gateway. A summoning creature, a very odd looking snake like female creature. The next she could see some form of chakra spread across the field, and a genjutsu cast on her. She felt stronger instead of weakened. She could see it affected several on the field and relaxed for the moment. She would just stick behind this guy for now, and act when needed per suggestion.

After several minuets they would regroup together with the Kage and the first wave would appear to be over. Though, something felt odd. She looked around and it appeared everywhere. Something big was coming. "We need to move, we shouldn't be grouped up together right now." She said softly, to softly as an explosion broke out from the tower above. The same spot no less. She watched closely as a figure jumped out and redirected itself to land on the tower and go into a sprint. What might be an ant to most was plenty big enough to make out herself. She spoke with amazement yet a odd sense of calmness in her voice, "There is a man with dark hair and light with great chakra around his face running from a 9 tailed silver fox."It spoke loud enough for most to hear. It could have been described as creepy or out of a movie. Like when some little girl appears from now where and vanishes, laughing for no reason. She too laughed slightly at the amazement of the fox for a second. The figure of greater interest was the one behind the man most certainly. A silver fox was chasing after him. It appeared to have a great control over chakra as it easily control how it moved, defying gravity as opposed to the man below it with no appearance or fault. 'Must be a summoned creature?' happened again!! She lost focus on the movement in the forest to the one actions of the amazing above. It acted similar to the one that made the other vanish. A man appeared, and spoke with the Kage. A force was acting on her. This she could make out to be chakra, but beyond it the world seemed blank. How was he doing such? She listened to what was being said, apparently he was the prior ruler of the village. Things were coming together in her mind finally!

She closed her eyes, calmed herself and controlled her chakra to resist the other. A feasible feat given her own control over such. On command her chakra placed something akin to a field around her body and she overcame the force that bound her and encapsulated her, binding her sight for but a moment. The excruciating pain placed onto her vision caused her to cringe for a moment, but it was not nearly the worse she had felt, that keeping to what was inflicted upon her by herself, as she could understand what had happened to her, for an unknown reason. Her vision broke through and the world was still in it's darkness, to see what was happening around her.

OOC: sorry unsure what sensing projectiles are Oyochi.
Actions sent
Before he could respond to Sara and Hakuren event's seemed to have unfolded that served to take away all which he had previously been aware of in regards to their current situation. An eerie darkness which was subjective to what it fell upon coated the surroundings in a way that while not ripping away their perception did bring question to it's nature and reason. The darkness was not absolute as he could easily discern his fellow shinobi but the environment around them was all but coated in shadows. It was a strange experience and one which baffled his mind as he was sure this was not a mental trick, considering that even within the dark veil he could feel the hum of the earth beneath him. Where they were or what they were in was something that would have to be analyzed later as the Hokage's orders seemed to resound within the large space. The Golem which had been positioned before him and Sara had returned to the element of which it was made and his own form remained somewhat in front of the hound medics, though his palms both were dug into the belt pouches along his waistline.

"If only my sibling was here, this is the type of thing he enjo--"

His words were cut short as he quickly remembered that while his living brother was not here to participate in this battle, his twin was present in a sense. There was a momentary curving of his lip even as he held a stern expression before whatever nerves he made have had was temporarily placed within a mental box and locked away within his mind. Their first priority would be to remove any threats to the mission's success and with the amount of forces they had available that would be easier than it normally would have had they been separated into individual groups overall.

"Avoid using wide range techniques until we know what it is we're up against..."

His words were shallow and only aimed at Sara and Hakuren for the time being, though as he said this the inscriptions along his hands started to glow a dark red while the pupils of his eyes adjusted. Re fracturing almost like broken glass, his eyes started to give a crystalline appearance as he prepared himself for whatever it may be that sought to stop them.

[Stuff being sent]​
So this was it then. Ha apparently arrived just in time for a true fight. Perhaps something worth his time. As the leaders of their respective groups fought, the red haired prince readied himself. He kept whistling that soft tune, a smile forming on his lips. Let them learn this day of the prowess of the steel prince. Let them understand their mistake.

(Apologies, both for how late this is and how short it is. Work has been pulling mandatory OT and what little time I have outside of that is spent preparing for a wedding and vacation.)
HP: 36,000
CP: 39,000
AP: 10-1=11
Status: Combat Instinct | Enchanter Style
Equipped:: Whistle

HP: 26,420
CP: 27,525-4,830+826=23,521
AP: 10-4=11
Status: Sanryoukyougan | Duelist |Earthslide Wall (Metal) | Feeling Chakra Pressure
Equipped:: Yukata Palm Inscriptions

Earthslide Wall (Metal)
HP: 6,188
Status: Blocking Oyochi,Sora and Sara

HP: 48,000
CP: 30,000-744=29,256
AP: 10-2.5=11
Status: Syncronized Multi Presence | Defensive Stance |Feeling Chakra Pressure

HP: 2,600
CP: 2,100
AP: 1-.5=2
Status: Defensive Stance | Behind Earthslide Wall (Metal) | Feeling Chakra Pressure

HP: 25,550
CP: 28,810-1,120+864=28,554
AP: 8-4.5=9
Status: Hakumei Byakugan | Jyuuken Stance | Liminous | Clone’d Up | Behind Earthslide Wall (Metal)

Sara Cone #1
HP: 4,322
AP: 2
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

Sara Cone #2
HP: 4,322
AP: 2
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

Sara Cone #3
HP: 4,322
AP: 2
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 29,575
CP: 27,600-1,000=26,600
AP: 8-3=9
Status: Psychotic | Gaia Seal | Enhanced Smell| Beast Clone
Equipped:: Yokai Basara

No One
HP: 14,788
AP: 4
Status: Looking for a clue! | Beast Clone
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 17,755
CP: 19,140
AP: 8-.5=9
Equipped:: Kunai

HP: 42,000
CP: 36,000-2,907=33,093
AP: 10-7.5=11
Status: Sensory Deprivation Aura | Fluorite | Diamond Cutter | Amethyst

HP: 39,600
CP: 33,600-4,215=29,385
AP: 10-7.5=14.5
Status: Hasted Steps|Astral Seal | Sand in his pants pockets| Upgraded | Concentrating
Equipped:: Wind Shot

HP: 40,200
CP: 33,000-1,975=31,025
AP: 10-6.5=11
Status: Singing | Yukata Palm Inscriptions | Jashin’s Eye | Fevre De’ Pitch | Furuuken Stance

Tamashii’s Great-Great-Great-Grand Uncle
HP: 2,635
Status: Breezy~
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 21,450
CP: 18,000
AP: 8-.5=9
Status: Defensive Stance

HP: 31,900
CP: 37,800
AP: 10-.5=11
Status: Defensive Stance

HP: 12,320
CP: 10,710
AP: 6-.5=7
Status: Defensive Stance

HP: 32,390
CP: 18,000-1,130=16,870
AP: 8-7=9
Status: Blocking | Wiring (buff) | Trapped in the Shadow Dimension
Equipped:: Oversized Kunai


HP: 192,200-7,383=184,817
CP: 112,800-4,038=108,762
AP: 14-6=15
Status: In the Shadow Realm | Creating Chakra Pressure | Shadow Omega Cloak | Radiant (debuff) | Wired Legs & Arms (debuff) | Sprained Legs | Sprained Arms| Sprained Heart

Round Actions:
0sec~Oyochi, Xiao and Sora feel the strain of using chakra!

0sec~Kenshin’s Sensory Deprivation Aura goes wild!
-Affected (Xiao,Sora, Sara,K’, Umashi, Yukari, Rei and Shinobu)
-Not Affected (Ha, Oyochi,Hakuren,Etsuko,Tamashii and Takai)
0sec~Ha uses Combat Instinct on K’!
0sec~Ha Equips his Whistle!
0sec~Ha enters an Enchanted Style!

0sec~Oyochi Duels K’!
0sec~Oyochi Quickdraws his Yukata Palm Inscriptions!
0sec~Oyochi initiates his Sanryoukyougan!

0sec~Tamashii is equipped with his Yukata Palm Inscriptions!
0sec~Tamashii initiates his Furuuken style!

0sec~Hakuren starts off in a Defensive Stance!
0sec~Hakuren starts off in her Beast Clone style!

0sec~Umashi initiates his Hasted Steps!
0sec~Umashi initiates equipping his Wind Shot!
0sec~Umashi hastily activates his Astral Seal!

.625sec~Etsuko draws her Kunai!
.625sec~Shinobu draws his Oversized kunai!
.625sec~Hakuren’s sense of smell is enhanced!

1sec~Tamashii activates his Eye of Jashin!

1.25sec~Hakuren equips Yokai Basara!

1.5625sec~Shinobu activates his Blocking skills!

1.81sec~Umashi does something with his hands and then winks at K’!
1.81sec~Umashi Upgrades himself!

2sec~Xiao Synchronizes his Multiple Presences!
2sec~Kenshin coats himself in Fluorite Spikes!

2.14sec~K’ attempts to drag 2 random opponents into the Shadow Dimension!
-Random Rolls = Rei and Shinobu! (Miss,Hit)
-Shinobu and K’ are now cut off from the rest of the world and are no longer available targets for anyone other than eachother!

2.187sec~Shinobu calls a basic strike at K’s legs! (Miss)

2.5sec~Xiao enters a Defensive Stance!
2.5sec~Sara activates her Luminous Shine!
2.5sec~Hakuren goes into a Psychotic Affliction!
2.5sec~Oyochi creates a Metallic Earthslide Wall to guard himself, Sora and Sara!

2.8125sec~Shinobu calls a basic strike at K’s Heart! (Crit)
-K’ has a Sprained Heart!

3sec~Tamashii calls on his G. Dancer!

3.4375sec~Shinobu draws ninja wire!

3.75sec~Hakuren activates her Gaia Seal!

4.28sec~K’ throws on his Shadow Omega D. Cloak!

4.375sec~Sara creates 3 Elemental Clones!

5sec~Kenshin coats his fist in Diamonds!

6sec~Tamashii plays Fevre De Pitch!
-All allies except for Shinobu affected!

6.25sec~Shinobu Pinpoints a target on K’s Arms and Legs! (Hit, Auto Hit)
-K’ has Sprained Arms!
-K’ has Sprained Legs!

7.5sec~Kenshin creates an Amethyst!
7.5sec~Sara enters her Jyuuken stance!

8.25sec~Shinobu summons a Blinding Fog around himself an K’! (Hit)
-K’ can’t see past his own Radiance!

10sec~Yukari Enters D. Stance!
10sec~Rei Enters D. Stance!
10sec~Takai Enters D. Stance!

10sec~Umashi Concentrates!

Round Note(s):
~I have to update the RP portion of this mod. Do not post until then!
~I know that I missed Fevre De Pitch’s stuff concerning all allies. I’ll edit it in once I upload the RP portion!
~Don’t forget to call out who you’re Targeting!
~Please look at the notes of the Nara final Shadow Dimension jutsu to figure out how to interact with it Battle Mod wise!
~Since K’ and Shinobu were no longer available targets, everyone who targeted K’ after he entered the Shadow Dimension simply did not do/complete their actions. This also means that now, only Shinobu can be targeted by his Chakra Draining stuff from the Chakra Attuned Core Ability.
~Yes, K’ has 2 Kinjutsu (Jinchuriki and Chimera), enjoy!
~If I missed something, PM me!
~50 years ago~
Looking in the mirror, the bride to be smiled and twirled before the other maidens in the room. They were supposed to be helping her to get married to her beloved but all that the girls could do was gossip and giggle as tight knit friends prepared themselves for the next evolution of their friendship. How often was it that one’s best friend was getting married to next Daimyo? It surely wasn’t every day and as the small sugar laden sweets and tea were nibbled and sipped on, jokes and stories of when they were little girls danced in the air. As the one that no doubt all of them secretly envied, Konami smiled and gave her take on all the stories of years gone by. As much as she loved her best friends, of whom her two sisters were present, she knew that soon she’d depart for a world unlike what they could ever imagine.

As much as all of them wanted things to never change, the wife of the Daimyo could not be seen as one who overly enjoyed life with those of the lower classes. At best, what Konami could hope was that all of her friends would soon be married off to high noble men, and pray that they were treated well. Perhaps then they could mingle at all of the high official gatherings of the high born. It was a far off dream, but she was one with great faith. Catching the tail end of one of her youngest sister’s most famous punch lines, she nearly choked on her powdered confectionary as she fought back laughter. Coughing into napkin, the room once again burst into laughter as everyone saw that she was alright. Making a funny face the pale beauty laughed off the moment herself as laughter turned into tears and happy but sorrowful crying at how life could be so cruel and kind all at the same time. One might have easily mistaken the red in the napkin that was carelessly thrown away as smeared makeup, but it was a reminder that life was something to be enjoyed while it lasted, a reminder that would rear its ugly head far, far too soon.

~Present: Beta Team~

Though his eyes were quick to adjust to the darkness, Umashi managed to catch enough of the man’s image in his mind before the man created a dark dome of chakra around himself and Shinobu. Umashi had quickly, almost methodically, enhanced his own speed but he just wasn’t quick enough to catch the man before he whisked away one of Konoha’s very own. Assessing the situation, his mind redrew the battlefield as he recognized the telltale signs of a shadow user. He had one or two on his team, but what he wasn’t going to do was sacrifice a medic to venture into the dome. He had to split his team, and although he didn’t like it, it was probably the only way that they were going to get Shinobu out alive.

Calling out to those that he believed would be able to make the journey, he set about making a plan to hopefully trap the pesky shadow fiend.
“ Z9001A, ZZ00AA, YY00BB, WW00DD and 9X00C1, follow me! Everybody else, when we knock this bugger out of his dark kingdom, light him up!” Umashi had a hunch that the guy couldn’t create two of the shadow domes at the same time but just in case, Umashi had a number of shinobi waiting for him if they scared him out of his bubble. Even if he couldn’t seal the skill away, Umashi could very well try and shut off enough of his connection to chakra to bring the dome down. Hopefully somebody would make it in, and hopefully before Shinobu was hurt.

OOC: Shinobu is cut off from the rest of us and basically punching stuff in the dark. Everyone else not asked to run into the dome has basically been given the order to buff and prepare for an offensive strike against the enemy. If you have any questions, please PM me. Actions are due for the next round by January the 6th, 2017.
FOcusing on defense, Kenshin began to weave handsigns. Around him, small little spikes would form, ready to hit this mysterious man should he come close. Too bad he never did and instead sucked in one of his allies. Swearing under his breath, Kenshin prepared his other jutsu. A thick purple armor set would form from his body, making him seem like a knight clad in purple armor. This was true for his entire body except for his fists. Another set of handsigns and his gauntlets were coated in diamond. The blood red moon reflected from his armor and gauntlets as he was left standing in front of this void. A coward enemy wanting to only face a couple of them.

His headset came to life. He was up.

"Confirmed." Kenshin would say his eyes darting to the... his Hokage. A nod was given. It was time to really start this and Kesnhin was past ready to end this. He clanged his gauntlets together, making a ringing sound. He grinned and readied himself.

[actions sent]
Shinobu kept his allies positions constantly in his minds eye and ready to provide a barrier if needed. He drew forth his oversized kunai and held it in a defensive position to block the first attack that came his way. Drawing back his oversized kunai he prepared to launch some precise throws when... POP, the pressure in his ears and the world around him changed suddenly. The blood red moon disappeared and the silvery clouds in the night sky became black as the darkest shadows. The whole feel and look of the place around him made Shinobu feel sick and alone. "Holy... what just happened? Hello, is anyone there? Hello, guys?" Clicking through channels on his headset, he sought any sign of his teammates while keeping his guard up. Turning suddenly he found himself face to face with the shadowy figure that was speaking with Umashai earlier. "This doesn't look good."

At first there was fear in Shinobus eyes, he flailed his arms and hurled oversized kunai at the gloomy man. Swiff, TWACK His first throw missed the legs but his second found home and buried itself inside the targets chest. "Ha, not as tough as you look aye!" Smiling with a bit more confidence he reached into his equipment belt and drew out two ninja wires to compliment his next pair of throws. As Shinobu began to deftly attach the wires to his oversized kunai a force swept over the small supernatural field they both stood in. Suddenly the adversary was surrounded in a massive amount of black shadowy chakra that made him look like some kind of monster from a nightmare. Shinobus jaw dropped and his eyes sprang open to look like polished plates. "Ohhh, shit!"

The fear returning to his mind Shinobu lashed out with one of his favorite Taijutsu attacks, hurling himself in the air he rotated his body twice and hurled a ninja wire oversized kunai with each twist. They hit with pinpoint precision, their ninja wires wrapping tightly around the targets arms and legs. Landing back on his feet he looked upward at the monstrosity before him and spoke with only the slightest bit of trepidation. "You look scary, but you don't scare me. I ran away from the Daymio and his dogs once, but I have returned to finish the job I couldn't back then. I know what I have now, I can finally appreciate what Leaf is, it is my home, and that is worth dying for! So give me your worst, because whatever you do there is no stopping us! The shinobi of Leaf came here together, and we will finish this together." With calm hands he made water release seals to unleash a radiant burst of blinding fog at the shadow man. As the sparkling vapor surrounded the target Shinobu started to prepare his defenses and was counting on his allies finding some way to get to him and the monster.

[actions will be sent this evening]
'Turtle Up, that was defensive posture right?' Sara looked around as everyone was preparing their gear and started to weave signs. She started to as well, looking around unsure of what was to come next. 'Okay, take it easy, you are ready for what is to come. Keep calm... HOOOOLY WHAT THE F@'</B><B>"SHIT IS THAT!!!" The Shadows warped towards the target she was to watch out for and a dome formed, trying to swallow two of her allies. One it narrowly hit, the other...vanished. As the dome quickly came into existence, Sara's hands flew faster for but a sec as she finished her defensive jutsu. A bright blinding light, very opposite of the dome swallowed her, illuminating all that surrounded her except the dome which seemed to gobble the very light itself. Soon the light dimmed, only covering her. Direct sight would be blinding to any that laid eyes upon her, but the field itself only had a slight glow to it allowing for a minor increase of sight within the black and red forest.

Everyone was arming themselves, and the young girl felt a strange aura come upon her. She looked around, unsure of what it was. Several within the group seemed to emanate one, she included. It felt like a genjutsu, but.... Sara weaved several more signs and replicated herself three times. Her sights were everywhere. Those around her gearing up. The giant black darkness before her, the giant fox in the sky. She felt lost for a moment, unsure of what to do next. The enemy they were to prepare for was now gone. As far as she could tell, within the dome of black with an ally. She took stock of whom might have been swallowed. She didn't know most of the people here, so mostly looked for the ones she knew. That was when she realized whom was missing. She looked at the guy next to her that raised a wall for protection while speaking over the headset "The loud mouth guy..erm um.. Shin...Shin..Shinubu is missing. I think he might be in that thing with the target." She clicked off the radio, "Oh, wait. I.."I mean Shinobu."</I><i></i>, she re-clicked it on the last part, saying his name properly. She shyly peaked from behind the large rock, to get a better look at the dome. All else was starting to become forgotten.

The radio crackled with the voice of the Kage. She looked over towards him and could see him. Several numbers were uttered and she recognized the last one. She thought to herself, a sense of melancholy took her over. 'Wait...did he. No no no. What was my number again? 9X..'"9X00C." Sara reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper with her number. <I> 'Ahh'"Crap Baskets.."<i></i> She said out loud, quite possibly over the radio.. She pushed ahead of the giant stone that was protecting her. She looked over to her 'commander' Head Jounin, ZZ was called out as well. She still wasn't ready to enter, and slowly, with a huge amount of reluctance headed towards the dome. She looked around, seeing another person she knew, clad in armor vigilantly head towards the dome before her. 'Where does he get so much confidence...' She looked down, fiddling with her two rings. They almost didn't seem to want to go onto her fingers, trying to jump out of her hands. Could she muster up enough chutzpah to venture forth?
With how this man manipulates the shadow, Hakuren felt like he was going to rely on stealth. It was time to go into anti-stealth mode. Enchanced smell engaged and appropriate mask at the ready. With her one curse seal going hey wire she turns to Oyochi and tells him, “If I lose control, don’t be afraid to put me down.” She was going to place the mask on her face and begin her onslaught, when her target envelopes himself and an ally in a large shadowy dome. “Okay, did not see that coming.” Then on the radio she receives orders that she was going in. Still holding the mask in her hand she looks towards her companion. “Are you ready for some action?” Of course her clone nods in agreement. “Well, aright!”

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Current Ninpocho Time:
