Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

K' Gaiden [Event]

As Xiao thought, leaving behind the life of a mercenary was a good choice. At the same time he is grateful for all the life and death battles he experienced. Battles among shinobi were truly different. The foe before him is unlike any he ever fought and that was enough to get him excited. He understood that only by overcoming hardship and death will one be able to grow stronger both in mind and body. This is how Xiao's dao-heart has been tempered over these long years. As such, all he can do is remain ever confident in himself and trust in his allies.

As the battle began for real, Xiao stabilized his golden-white chakra and became vigilant. Though he did not activate Divider of Heavens, it was just enough for him to watch the battle for now. See what he could learn.

But there are no such things as idle hands in battle. Death's scythe would simply reap those who are. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything, for his foe disappeared into some shadow world. Just fine, Xiao thought. Wait and see what happens when you come out, eh.

The opponent was already wounded. He will have to stop hiding at some point. Sure, his power was great, even greater than anyone here but Xiao and his allies had the number advantage!

And now, soon shall his allies know of Sundering the Heavens Art's devastating power.

[actions coming right up.]
Several things came to mind as the last few moments transpired. None of them were that he could have seen that coming. . . However, one was 'I could seriously save alot of money on my insurance by switching over to---' shaking that notion Tamashii would frown. this wasnt something that he would like to delve into. But at a time like this... he had to actually try. Not often a foe made him have to pull out the big guns and push back. He normally liked to tire foes out. Taunt and such as an ANBU would against a weaker foe... Then again he was about information gathering. You couldnt collect intel from a dead target. Especially in a world where people could raise the dead and see ghosts... you had to have access to those acquired abilities for them to be potent in thought. Without such things, Tamashii did things the old fashioned way... grind it out. This, however, was not one of those grinding moments.... Ho boy... No it wasnt.

"Well damn." he muttered as he looked to Umashi for a moment sighing. Counting the heads that had been around and one seemed to be missing. Shaking his head. 'He's as good as dead....' not really optimistic in thought but if a man that was able to take the brunt force of their attacks swallowed someone into the darkness... what would -you- think? Dont worry I'll wait. . .

Not a -nottah- you wouldnt be able to do anything. Because you who are reading this are a regular human. And I am a Super human Shinobi bred to kick ass. So sit down and shut up. And watch me work! "Alright. Seems like his runnin. . . Might be good to make a move." then again, it wouldnt be a good thing to say that, he knew if everyone wasnt able to make it inside... it would be a snipe fest from the inside out. He'd pick them off one at a time. But what choice did they have?
At first Sora decided to turtle up with everybody, more-so trying to protect the few medics they actually had. Sora also figured it'd be best to save some chakra and not use too much ninjutsu. As he waited a moment, a large dome swallowed up what seemed to be two- no only one person. However, that person was the loud mouth idiotic tank from earlier. He was most definitely gonna die. But that's how the ninja world worked, there were casualties, though it wouldn't go to waste. Luckily, or maybe not so, nobody else was swallowed up as well. Say the Hokage himself and a couple Jounin were also swallowed up, it'd be pretty reasonable to say they just might be able to pull it off. But just Shinobu by himself? It'd be a miracle indeed for him to make it out.

[Sending actions]
Things seemed pretty dark as the shadow user plagued the land. As a shadow user herself, etsuko wasn't bothered by the darkness. In fact, she quite enjoyed seeing such mastery in shadow jutsu. She was only a master of her clans shadows techniques, she was still mastering non nara shadow jutsu. It'd be easy for her since shadow jutsu came natural to her. She just hope her team mates would watch their backs, they didn't have a lot of medics to clean everyone up after all. She knew she would not be able to watch out for a lot of people at one time.

Etsuko almost read the shadows, she could almost feel where they were going to form. But it wasn't an exact science, it was more trying to figure out where this 'bad guy' would attack next. She could thank her nara intellect for getting a hint of where he might attack. If she were in his shoes, she'd go after who seemed to be the easiest target first, and get the pesky ones out of the way. It'd be a kind of fear tactic as well, if he killed one of their own, it would put others into dispair, and make it an even easier picking. Though some would be driven by emotion, it'd make them a little harder to take down, But only one in every one houndred people have emotions that drive them like that.

Etsuko was going to continue on the defensive, unfortunately she couldn't afford to waste any chakra, she kept her kunai at hand. She wasn't the best in taijutsu, but it didn't use up chakra. She didn't plan on getting in the fray until she needed to, or was ordered to.

Etsuko saw shinobu get trapped in a shadow dome, of course he'd be the first to go. Even after she told him to be careful. It seemed like the Hokage was taking a group to rescue him, she was not one to be called upon, but at least maybe they could get him out before it's too late. It would also make it harder for this guy to attack them, though She wasn't found of splitting up. She had no say in this though, they were already heading Into the sphere of doom.

HP: 36,000
CP: 39,000
AP: 11
Status: Combat Instinct | Enchanter Style
Equipped:: Whistle

HP: 26,420
CP: 23,521+431-2,000=21,952
AP: 11-11=11
Status: Sanryoukyougan | Duelist | Tagging K’
Equipped:: Yukata Palm Inscriptions

HP: 48,000
CP: 29,256-1,040=28,216
AP: 11-2=11
Status: Syncronized Multi Presence | Defensive Stance | Chakra Extension | Duelist
Equipped:: Divider of Heavens

HP: 2,600
CP: 2,100-150=1950
AP: 2-1=1
Status: Defensive Stance | Sharingan R1
Equipped:: Kunai

HP: 25,550
CP: 28,554-4,756=23,798
AP: 9-7=9
Status: Hakumei Byakugan | Jyuuken Stance | Liminous | Clone’d Up | Shocking to the touch | Wind Gloves
Equipped:: Armor of the Moon and Sun

Sara Cone #1
HP: 4,322-240=4,082
AP: 2-1.5=1.5
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

Sara Cone #2
HP: 4,322-240=4,082
AP: 2-1.5=1.5
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

Sara Cone #3
HP: 4,322-240=4,082
AP: 2-1.5=1.5
Status: Mooching off of Sara
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 29,575
CP: 26,600-4,985=21,615
AP: 9-8=9
Status: Heaven Seal | Enhanced Smell| Beast Clone | Partially Transformed

No One
HP: 14,788
AP: 4
Status: Looking for a clue! | Beast Clone | Heaven Seal | Partially Transformed
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 17,755
CP: 19,140-250(should have been charged last round)=18,890
AP: 9-1=9
Equipped:: Kunai

HP: 42,000
CP: 33,093-5,789=27,304
AP: 11-10.25=10.75
Status: Sensory Deprivation Aura | Fluorite | Diamond Cutter | Amethyst | Combat Instinct

HP: 39,600
CP: 29,385-7,780
AP: 14.5-14.5=12
Status: Hasted Steps|Astral Seal | Sand in his pants pockets| Shadow Bending
Equipped:: Wind Shot

HP: 40,200
CP: 31,025-2,801= 28,224
AP: 11-5=11
Status: Singing | Yukata Palm Inscriptions | Jashin’s Eye | Fevre De’ Pitch | Furuuken Stance

Tamashii’s Great-Great-Great-Grand Uncle
HP: 2,635
Status: Breezy~
Equipped:: N/A

Tamashii’s Wind Clone
HP: 4,950
Status: Breezy~
Equipped:: N/A

Tamashii’s Wind Clone
HP: 4,950
Status: Breezy~
Equipped:: N/A

Tamashii’s Wind Clone
HP: 4,950
Status: Breezy~
Equipped:: N/A

HP: 21,450
CP: 18,000
AP: 9
Status: Defensive Stance | Bound

HP: 31,900
CP: 37,800
AP: 11
Status: Defensive Stance | Bound

HP: 12,320
CP: 10,710
AP: 7
Status: Defensive Stance | Bound

HP: 32,390-14,175=18,215
CP: 16,870-6,224=10,646
AP: 9-8=9
Status: Blocking | Wiring (buff) | Wet | Making it Rain | Feeling Chakra Pressure | Eagle Vision
Equipped:: Oversized Kunai


HP: 184,817-52,565=132,252
CP: 108,762-9,465+4,512=103,809
AP: 15-10.5=15
Status: Creating Chakra Pressure | Radiant (debuff) | Wired Legs & Arms (debuff) *Only shown because it affected this round* | Wired *Separate from the previous but still only shown because it affected this round*| Sprained Legs | Sprained Arms| Broken Heart | 256 aka -ALL- Chakra Points Sealed | Bleed R5 | Severed Chakra x1 | Feeling Sluggish | Suffering from Radiation | Suffering from Chakra Burn | Loss of 1ap | Shocked | Shredded | Sealed | Struck Temporally x2 | 3929 of Max CP is no longer

Round Actions:
0sec~Everybody maintained a bunch of stuff...

0sec~Shinobu the strain of using chakra!

0sec~Kenshin’s Sensory Deprivation Aura goes wild! (Sora affected)

0sec~Umashi strikes K' with a Stardust Nova Blast from the past followed up with a Windy Assualt! (Hit/Hit/Miss/Hit/Miss/Miss/Hit/Hit/Crit/Crit)
-K is sliced by the Wind
-K is at Rank 5 Bleeding
-K’ finds it harder to time his attacks and dodges!

0sec~Shinobu standsfast!

0sec~Etsuko whips out a glowing exploding note!

0sec~Umashi tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Fail)
0sec~Umashi tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Fail)
0sec~Umashi tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Success)!

0sec~Tamashii tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Fail)

0sec~Oyochi drops his wall.

0sec~Hakuren drops her weapon.

.45sec~Xiao equips his weapon!

.55sec~Sara equips her weapon!

.55sec~Etsuko attaches her exploding note to a kunai!

.56sec~Shinobu goes into a Defensive Stance!

.90sec~Yuu tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Fail)

.90sec~Xiao Sunders Reality!

.90sec~Tamashii tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Fail)

1sec~K' displaces his shadow.

1.11sec~Hakuren drops her seal.
1.11sec~Sara enters a chakra style!

1.359sec~Xiao activates his chakra extension.

1.36sec~Tama makes wind clones! (3 of them)

1.67sec~Shinobu makes a mud clone!
~K' knows who the real Shinobu is!

1.81sec~Yuu tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Success)!
1.81sec~Yuu activates his combat instinct against K'!

2.06sec~Umashi combos Stardust Nova x Rasen-shuriken at K'! (Hit/Miss/Miss/Hit/Hit/Hit/Miss/Hit/Hit/Hit)(Miss/Miss/Hit/hit/Hit/Hit)
-K’ is already at max bleeding!
-K’ has his chakra severed!
-K’ finds it harder to time his steps attacks and dodges!

2.22sec~Sara activates shredding touch!
2.22~Hakuren activates her Heaven Seal!-
~Her familiar is also pumped up!

2.27~Yuu drops the Bass and combo's into a toasty dragon! (Hit, Hit)
-K’ is feeling woozy!

2.5sec~Sora activates his sharingan!

3sec~K' amplifies the heat on Shinobu! (Hit)

3sec~Oyochi melts into the ground!
3sec~Oyochi tries to enter the Shadow Dimension (Success)!
3sec~Oyochi draws 4 ninja wire . . . while underground.

3.78sec~Umashi attempts to seal K's Shadow Bending!
-K' switches places with his shadow!
-Umashi feints and still nabs K'!
~K' can no longer use Shadow Jutsu!
~Umashi can use Shadow Jutsu!

***** K's Shadow Dimension falls (All attacks that were targeting K from people outside the dome start from this point forward.)*****

4.33sec~Etsuko throws her enote at K’ (Crit?)

4.45sec~Shinobu makes it Rain with a Dance!

4.72sec~Yuu strikes at K' with a Fist full of Chasity! (Hit)

4.99sec~Umashi attempts to Shoryuken K'! (Hit)

5sec~K' sends a Gamma Ray at Shinobu! (Hit)

5sec~Sora equips a kunai.

5.09sec~Oyochi attempts to bind K to a mental tree but K' shakes it off slowly!
-Oyochi finds out that K' cannot be bound!
-K' still suffers the dodge debuff!

5.55sec~Hakuren activates Double Headed Wolf
5.55sec~Hakuren deactivates Double Headed Wolf

5.85sec~Umashi tries a 4 Hit Combo on K'! (Miss/Hit/Hit/Hit)
- K' is made to bleed some more!

6.05sec~Sara has a Nuclear Discharge! (Crit,Hit,Hit,Hit,Hit)
-K’ suffers from radiation and chakra burn!
-K’ is sliced by the wind!
-K’ is already at max bleeding!
-K’ is knocked out of his Omega Cloak!

6.11sec~Shinobu rinses off!

6.28s~Dynamic Marking from Hakuren's familiar at K! (Hit)

6.90sec~Oyochi throws a Tsuihouton Tag at K'! (Hit)
-K’ is sealed and will find it harder to put his cloak back on!

7sec~K' shows his support of Drake and sends Gamma Rays back to back at Shinobu! (Hit/Miss)
~K' is struck by lightning due to Rain Dance!

7.43sec~Sara charges into an 8 Trigram Tenketsu strike at K'! (Miss/Hit/Miss/Hit/Hit/Hit/Hit)
-K’ has his first 32 chakra points sealed!

7.49sec~Shinobu plays in the Shadows!

7.77sec~Hakuren deactivates her Psychotic Affliction!

8.718sec~Oyochi throws a metal fangs at K'! (Miss/Hit/Hit/Miss/Miss)

8.78sec~Sara’s clones try to shock K’! (All miss)

8.79sec~Sara repeats her 8 Trigram Tenketsu Strike combo! (Hit/Crit/Miss/Miss/Miss/Crit)
-K’ has all 256 chakra points sealed!
-K’ is already at max bleeding!
-K’ is shredded by Sara’s fist!

8.89sec~Shinobu activates his Eagle Eyes!

9.99sec~Hakuren partially transforms!
~As does her familiar!

10sec~K’ binds Ha, Yukari, Rei and Takai with Fire!

Round Note(s):
~If I missed something, let me know via PM or discord.
~Hakuren's familiar did not have enough time to complete actions.
~Ha, Yukari, Rei and Takai will be removed from the mod starting next round unless they send in actions. The bind affecting them is an RP'd bind. It'll explain how they're ejected from the mod.
~Until the Shadow Dimension fell, any actions targeting K' were held up if you were unable to hit him and then they started from that point forward. Hakuren's familiar was especially affected by this.
~Hakuren was affected by not putting in a conditional to not use Double Head if the Shadow Dimension fell so that's why she used it and then dropped it back to back.
~RP is coming ASAP!
~40 years ago~
Sweat heavy on her brow and her body tired beyond belief, more and more she was urged to push until she felt as though she couldn't give anymore. It was after this last effort that she heard the sweet cry of the newest joy in her life. Her thoughts were becoming faint, but with the last that she saw, she was happy to be introduced to her son. As she slept she imagined many things, such as how he'd grow up and what kind of man he could eventually be. In the back of her mind though, she hoped and prayed that he'd take after his father and be strong, and not fragile like her. The thought of him being cast aside like his brother and sister before him was enough to fall deeper into an emotional pit. Like the finest porcelain she could be beautiful beyond compare and give off the appearance of one that was powerful. Unfortunately she could also end up being the greatest liability as one accidental fall could lead to the greatest tragedy.
~Present: Beta Team~

Imagining that his surprise would have struck by now, running towards the wall, Umashi surrounded himself with chakra and tried to brute force his way in to help Shinobu. Making his way into the dome, his immediate thought was to dodge, but he found that such an action was completely unnecessary as he saw that the enemy was only focused on Shinobu. His hands flying through the neccesary hand seals, Umashi summoned another celestial assault at the flame throwing man as he followed it up with a sand infused rasengan. Normally such an attack was enough to stop most foes in their tracks or to at least draw their attention. Umashi accomplished nothing of the sort and in fact seemed to be the last thing on his opponents mind. Shinobu was their tank, and if nothing else, Umashi needed him to keep on trucking to take the attention off of the teams weaker members.Shinobu took the first hit like a champ, although it didn't seem to do much in the way of physical damage like Umashi expected. Moving to put himself between Shinobu and the foe, Umashi tried to seal away the mans attack but found himself striking nothing but a cold shadow of the man.

Refusing to let up, Umashi turned around faster than should have been humanly possible and managed to strike the man just as he assumed landed mere meters away. A tug of war ensued, as the foe roared in defiance, but like bull being led by a taut rope, Umashi sealed the shadowy powers within himself. Like clockwork the shadowy dimension began to fall from around them, and at that point Umashi saw that Kenshin was there as well. Looking down to his arm he saw the war of chakra within him as the shadows began to dance across him in an aura of violent chakra. As the full might of his team began to take shape again, Umashi took a moments breath between the mayhem and gave the order that would signal the beginning of the end for this assailant.
"This is 1A009Z authorizing a Code Black 0013 for Z9001A, ZZ00AA, XX00CC, WW00DD and UU00FF. I repeat, this is 1A009Z authorizing a Code Black 0013 for Z9001A, ZZ00AA, XX00CC, WW00DD and UU00FF. Let's end this guy quickly folks! 9Z00A1, we're going to need medical action soon." Normally Code Black stood for dire citations where lives were already taken. In this particular case though, the 0013 meant that not only was life not guaranteed, but that forbidden techniques were officially authorized for full usage in order to ensure no further casualties. To some Umashi might have been jumping the gun, but with the stakes this high, Umashi simply wasn't leaving anything to chance.

OOC: Forbidden Techs are below. In order to not drag down this even any further and to make up for the fact that K' was created with the idea that all who signed up for the event would be participating, I have made up what I believe to equalizers. They're probably pretty broken but . . . we're here to have fun, no?

PS. Obviously I'm an avid comic book reader!

::Speed Force::
~The user gains access to the speed force and becomes something more akin to a force of nature.~

-Doubles users base AP for one round. Carry over AP is not affected by this.
-0ap Cost
-All of users jutsu cost 50% more cp.
-Basic strikes cost 100cp.
-After accessing the Speed Force, the user can no longer gain more than base AP per round and the users base AP goes down by 1.

::primal Form::
~The Inuzuka's familiar regresses to a more wild and powerful state.~

-1ap to activate.
-Pets secondaries are equal to the users +1.
-Pets AP is made equal to the users.
-Pet can use all taijutsu that the Inuzuka knows.
-Pet takes 2.5% max HP per round used.

::Executioners Song::
~The Hashigaki sings a song of destruction so powerful that their very soul is imbued into every note.~

-User sacrifices Max HP per round to do damage to the opponent.
-3ap per attack and damage dealt goes in order of 5%max hp damage, 10% max hp damage and 15% max hp damage.
-The user takes damage at a 5%max hp, 10%max hp and 15%max hp rate.
-This damage cuts through all forms of DR.
-0ap to activate.
-After third use of this jutsu, the user loses access to their voice and can no longer use sound ninjutsu or audible genjutsu.

::Call of Cyttorak::
~The user becomes a hulking Juggernaut after tapping into ancient energies.~

-The users basic weapon strike damage is doubled.
-All of the users taijutsu gain their basic weapon strike damage times the taijutsu rank. (E=1/D=2/C=3/B=4/A=5/S=6)
-User suffers -5 dodge.
-10% of damage dealt is converted to DR.
-The user takes 10% max HP damage per round when under the Call of Cyttorak.

::Deviant Gene::
~The Chimera begins to lose control of their genetic state and begins to haphazardly absorb the properties of those around them.~

-The user is able to absorb the passive BL or CA abilities of those around them.
-The user is also able to imbue others with the absorbed powers of others at the cost of having not having access to them. (EG; Oyochi could give Umashi access to the Hyuuga passives but would not be able to use said passives himself despite paying the maintain cost of them.)
-1ap to activate and 2%max HP and CP damage per round per BL/CA absorbed.
-Can only be used on allies.
the Oak District is commonly known for its fantastic food and flowers shops. Of course being a shinobi village there are much more practical stores for the average fighter. There are general stores that sell wears just for such a life still. If you keep walking down the road you’ll come across the businesses that supply such shops. Here on the far end of the Oak District the sound of banging metal echoes as blacksmith are hard at work. One walking along the road could feel the heat emanating from the multiple forges.

Blacksmith her make their living selling weapons and armor to local stores, however they would likely accept commissions to repair broken or run down pieces for the average individual. Most of these blacksmith craft the weapons and armor in bulk, but there are a few that will make unique items crafted towards a person’s needs. Bulk identical equipment is more common because it is quicker. A custom made weapon can take month depending on the buyers request, however the quality of the item is usually better due to the extra care taken to craft it.

In the shop called ‘The Demon’s Forge’ was hakuren that makes enchanted weapons. Unfortunately she does not get too many customers. She is not sure it is because of the title of her shop, her own demonic appearance or perhaps it was simply because she was a woman doing a so called man’s job. Either why she continues to forge weapon if only for her own use. All assortment of weaponry adores the walls with each craft from her own hand. Yesterday she was putting the finishing touches to a pair of gauntlets she was making. From the tip of her finger was the glow of chakra and she scribes seals onto the gauntlets with each seal providing an interesting effect.
From the tip of her finger was the glow of chakra and as she spirals it around in the air she drew lines in the air. She scribes various kanji in the open spaces and then points to the center of the magic circle with her hand. As her hand touches the seal it ripples like water. Her hand seems to vanish as it delves into the seal. She then pulls out the gauntlets she was working on yesterday. Hakuren had made some other preparation before entering the dome, but it was down before she could even finish. Then the kage gave an order she was unsure what he was talking about. She had no idea what was this code black that he was talking about, however her companion knew exactly what he was saying and was a just a little bit excited.
Even as he began to move, the Hokage moved quicker than he had ever expected and entered the dimension before Kenshin could move. He ran to the shadows and was repelled. Steeling himself, he tried again and fought his way in. Inside, he saw Shinobu, the Hokage, and their adversary. For a second, his eyes narrowed and as K' was assaulted by his kage, Kenshin began reading his opponent's movements letting that instinct take over.

Handsigns weaving, Kenshin unleashed a burst of chakra and to K it would seem like a clash of noise As he recoiled from the blast of energy, Kenshin took that opprotunity to weave more complex handsigns and inhale. As the Kage backed off momentarily, he unleashed a torrent of strong fire, hitting their opponent.

It was shortly after this that he noteied that he shadow dimention they were in failed because the Hokage did... something. Whatever it was, it worked but that power was.... extraordinary.

He had no time to think about it. As an exploding note hit K', Kenshin readied his fist. The iron knuckles he wore were coated in diamond but even as he prepared the chakra his fist began to glow and with determination, Kenshin struck K' and for a moment the white energy seemed to appear at the various damaged limbs of K' before violently going into him.

Kenshin jumped back and assessed the situation again. Even as he did so, the Hokage began to speak. A Code Black? Here? Kenshin did not have forbidden jutsu but he could deal out the pain. He cracked his neck, a smile creeping upon his lips.

"Confirmed. You lead, I follow." Kenshin would gruff out before setting his next stage of actions into motion. They were hitting him but he was still standing after everything. This enemy was durable but even the mightiest mountain breaks.

[actions sent]
Holding his arms up and moving his feet to brace himself Shinobu stood steadfast against his enemy. "Please team, be here soon. I can only play defense for so long against this guy." With a grit of his teeth he formed a Mud Clone, then started to use water jutsu to counter the shadows. POP! Umashai came through the wall of the shadow dimension and Shinobu felt like he had just had his first breath of fresh air. The dark and twisted battle ground seemed even less intimidating when Kenshin arrived and immediately dropped the bass into a wicked combo. As he watched his other allies pouring through and pushing against the shadow wall his hopes rose.

In a unbelievable flash the Hokage had struck, missed then turned and re-struck the shadow hopping target. "Damn pirate know more than a few tricks." As Umashais seal settled on the shadowy figure the dark dimension suddenly faded away revealing the original battle grounds and all of Shinobus allies. "Yes! I knew you would get me out of there! Now let's show this guy what we are made of." Leaping forward Shinobu was soon caught the the arcing beam of K's Gamma Ray. The radiation pierced through his damage reduction and seared his flesh from the inside out. He could feel the air in his lungs super heating and suddenly rushing out to leave him breathless. Trying to focus he wanted to shrug the damage off but the radiation struck too deep to his core, then another came and seared him all over again, Trying to flip away he felt his energy being drained by the second, health and chakra deteriorating quickly.

As he tried to position himself among his allies again he heard the Hokage call out on the headsets for the Code Black. "Here goes nothing, I hope I live through this, please, I just wanna have some blueberry waffles again. One more time." Finishing his little prayer to the food gods Shinobu began releasing the Forbidden Technique that Umashai had permitted for this mission only. Reaching deep inside he began to draw forth and hurl his Oversized Kunai once again.

[Sending Actions soon]
The name of Sundering the Heavens Art originated when Xiang Tian, the ancestor, realized his chakra could rip apart the very fabrics of reality. In his eyes, it was as though he was sundering space, or heavens if you will. He understood the devastating power it could unleash, devising a set of techniques in order to bring out its full potential, and provide little risk to his descendants.

Xiao had been waiting quietly to wreck havoc on his enemy and just as he judged the time was now, his headset came alive with Umashi's voice. Xiao's heart clenched a little then felt the briefest of pity for the enemy. Though he did not know his allies' true strength, he was certain if the five of them were to suddenly unleash their forbidden techniques, he could not see how K' might be able to survive such a bombardment of overwhelming strength. The key is bombardment, though. The young Xiangtian can only trust his teammates.

Xiao raised his hands and put together his palms in a praying position level to his chest. The moment he did so his chakra flared up then condensed to him, forming a small aura outline enveloping his body. His chakra started to manifesting the image of a gold-skinned three heads six arms demon's torso. One of the image's arms had its palms in the same position as Xiao's but the four other arms had each from left hand to right two swords and spears, four weapons in total.

Sundering the Heavens Art's Heavenly Demon Aura: Three Heads Six Armed Golden Buddha... I will show you speed is king!

This was only a manifestation of his chakra and as such the image only lasted for a short time, only about a second. After it faded, Xiao opened his eyes all of sudden and his body began shaking at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed. Xiao slowly raised his right hand upward and quickly brought it downward, opening a rip in reality. He looked at the stabilized hole formed by his Divider of Heavens and was confident all preparation were firmly established. Only a little more time was needed before he can begin his next assault.

"Lord Dongliu says, he who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be ruined."

[actions coming up asap]
As the young girl approached the wall of black, she looked around, hesitant to push through. So few were acting, even less joining in the push to enter, more so then were ordered. Perhaps they knew something more then she? But Shinobu, an ally, a fri..well that might be pushing it a little. But still, it was her job and duty. She breathed deeply as she watched the Kage being the first to enter. Then another shortly after. Sara breathed in deeply, placing her hand on the wall of nothingness. To much was being asked she felt, to enter a space she could not see beyond. But, she pushed on anyways. "Reckle.." She felt the chakra in the wall change, and could now see beyond it. Time seemed to slow to her as she took in all that was happening. She could see the Kage fisting the man in black, a glowing dot being left in place. 'Courage is no longer needed!', she thought.

Sara rushed off where she saw the enemy, weaving several hand signs activating a jutsu of the same element as he. Though, one she hadn't known. She watched as Shinobu was pierced both externally and internally by the beam, burning his chakra system. 'He isn't looking to good. But first!' Her jutsu activated, she radiating the cloaked man with her own radioactive chakra. It wasn't nearly as strong as his own beam. She stopped behind him and a green orb manefests in her hands. She raised her hand forward and a green wash of energy condensed into her hand and a ball launched towards him. This was repeated four more times, her strikes bursting on his body distorting his chakra. It wasn't stronger but, it was strong enough as his aura broke and vanished. She could see he became weaker, slower, though not badly injured from her attack, it was a start. She started running towards him watching for an opening to charge in. Though watching as the dog went in and peed on him, she came to regret what she was about to do.

The smell, oh god the smell, it was horrible. She jabbed and punched at the man that was the target of all, the liquid washing over her fists, splashing with each jab, as minor as it was. She was sealing his chakra, using very accurate jabs, but still it splashed. The horrible stench of, piss. After she managed to strike all of his chakra points she pulled back, going behind a tree to regroup for a moment. She gagged and spit at the ground, bent over from the smell. "Argg, i think,..I think some of it got in my mouth." That, why, why would someone teach that of all things to there dog! Some people are sick..!
I sincreily apologize to all who have been waiting on me to post. My work life . . . has . . . absorbed a lot of my free time and interupted my normal modding procedure. Due to that, along with the inability of many to complete (or start for that matter) the event, along with half of the individuals left RBing, I have decided to end the event as opposed to bmoding simply because we'd be here forever trying to take down the foe that was intended for what was at the time, more than half the village. While I work on an RP post, everyone listed below can claim their rewards now. We as a council have decided to focus on smaller scale events until we can justifiably do something bigger. Thank you for your time and efforts!

~S rank (Regular/Leader) mission rewards for the following~
*S Rank: 10,000 Yen and +40 stats (Mission leader gets 15,000 Yen and + 60 stats)*
**Rewards were based off those that sent in actions for at least 1round. If I missed something then please let me know. If you have rebirthed already then you can use this post for your next training as backdated pay.**
***Promotions and merits will be explained in the RP portion.***

Tamashii (ANBU Captain) = Regular

::Main Branch::
Yukata Oyochi (Head Jounin) = Regular
Yuu Kenshin (Jounin) = Leader | Head Jounin rank up | +1 Sennin Merit
Shinobu (Chunnin) = Regular | Jounin rank up | +1 Sennin Merit
Hakuren (Academy Student) = Regular | Genin rank up
Uchiha Sora (Academy Student) = Regular | Genin rank up
Xiangtian Xiao (Jounin) = Regular
Ha (Jounin) = Regular

Etsuko (Med-nin) = Regular | +1 Medic Chief Merit
Sara (MiT) = Regular | Medic rank up | +1 Sennin Merit

Umashiashikabihikoji (Nidaime Hokage) = Regular

Junan = Full Bmod Pay for his helping with the mod and villain build.

****Leader pay was determined via d3 roll because Sara, Shinobu and Yuu all deserved it in my book.****
Uzumaki Umashi [Lvl. 2] - Today at 7:31 PM
1 for Yuu, 2 for Sara, 3 for Shinobu for leader pay
t!dice 1d3

TatsumakiBOT - Today at 7:31 PM
:game_die: 1d3 | Uzumaki Umashi, Result: 1
~A few moments ago: Alpha Team~
Both heavily injured and having held nothing back, Neito and the icy covered kyuubi seemed to give each other a much needed break from fighting. Both slow to counter act the other as they both clung to the structure of the tree through use of chakra. Looking into each others eyes, one could tell that this was going to be the last attack before they both passed out from exhaustion. Hearing nothing on the airwaves, Neito could only guess that Umashi and the Beta Team were under heavy fire. Of course the regular waves of chakra spilling from what he assumed was their relative position didn't help with easing his own fears but he believed the Hokage to be a very capable. Between breaths, Neito finally figured that he'd had enough stalling and flooded his body with chakra once more. His aura now visible he readied himself for the strike of the kyuubi but both were suddenly distracted by the very distinct cry of a very large and unearthly creature. Letting out her own screeching cry, the ice kyuubi flew off towards the battle with the Hokage as Neito found that he was frozen in place. Was he going to fail Umashi just as they were about to end the tyrannical reign of the Daimyo? Not today if he had any say on the matter and tapping into the secrets of the sharingan and the byakugan at the same time he calculated the correct speed and power that he would need to apply to the situation and like a swooping hawk he rushed to forest floor below. Though the blue kyuubi had a good lead on him, failure was simply not an option.
~Present: Beta Team~

Seemingly floating in the clear fluid like chakra body that had encapsulated him, Umashi felt a flood of emotions and memories that were not his own. How had he gotten here exactly? It was so hard to focus on one thing because it seemed like his mind was running wild trying to take in the sudden influx of stimuli. The plan had seemed like a sure key to victory and in fact as far as Umashi could focus on, everything had ran exactly as he had predicted in his mind. Just as he had instructed, a few key shinobi had been given the green light to use kinjutsu to subdue the beast and it hard worked in stellar fashion. With Sara going high and Kenshin going low, the combined might of both of their melee assaults left the flame encased man in writhing agony as Shinobu used the might of the Cyttorak to physically hold the creature in place long enough for Umashi and Oyochi to ready a combined bind and barrier to fully incapacitate the fiend without having to continue physical contact with it. Everything happened to quickly that it was only in this strange mind melding place that Umashi noticed through his memories that out of the corner of his eye a nigh invisible sliver of light rushed towards the kyuubi and assumed the shape of a man.

Faster than he could issue the order, the man dressed in what seemed like light itself danced around Xiao's attempts to stop him at a similar inhuman speed. With eyes unable to track either of their movements, the man didn't register in Umashi's brain until he was right in front of the flamed man and as he raised a single hand yelled,
"Your reign has now come to an end!" and without a moments hesitation longer, he decapitated the man with the greatest of ease. Having moved faster than anyone other than Xiao could catch, it probably hadn't occurred to Shinobu just what had exactly happened. Umashi was all about serving justice but not like this. As shinobu moved to release the now headless man that he had held, the mans body morphed into that of a flaming kyuubi made of chakra. As it grew, it gave a deafening cry that froze many in place. The Yukata two in Oyochi and Tamashii moved to subdue both threats before Umashi had to call on them to, but the man of light merely laughed and subdued both of them in place before they could leap to action.

Like a screaming banshee a large blue kyuubi attempted to pounce of the man but even that too was subdued in mid air. Was it that Umashi was also subdued or was it simply that out of fear he refused to order even his own legs to move. As the mans light began to dim a bit, he began to speak to all of them in a way that seemed like he was more in their heads. Muttering in frozen defiance, Umashi let one word escape from his mouth.
Who?" The answer left more mystery than shock though as the man filled only their minds with a speech that was more picture than words. Images of burned down villages and starving children flashed before his eyes. Images of men forced to fight for the good of the Daimyo's army and young children pressured into the Konoha academy. Was this what this man was, some child of war? Had Umashi in his haste to call the Daimyo to justice created a monster? As if sensing his confusion the man began to morph as scales appeared over his body and an aura of chakra began to overtake his body. Tendrils of chakra whipped out from the man of light and attached themselves to Umashi, Sara, Kenshin, Shinobu, the Yukata two and the two kyuubi.

It was then at this point that Umashi caught up to the present and realized that he wasn't floating physically but mentall and that his chakra was being drained by a technique that not even he had heard of or seen before. Just how was he able to hear and feel what the others who were trapped were hearing and feeling. Their thoughts, their hopes and their fears. All flowed freely and of them all, Umashi was foremost in simply not knowing what to do. Apparently though what the man hadn't accounted for was a lone young Uchiha Sora and Etsuko the Nara to be readying a large cache of exploding notes. Guiding a kunai clear from the shadows, the attached exploding note might have hurt an ordinary foe but all that it did was caused the man to go on the defensive as he dropped the chakra tendrils holding the Oyochi and Tamashii in place and used it to defend himself. Moving on pure instinct Oyochi rushed the target, pulling out a kunai and hardly thinking about the consequences. As the man left of a cutting slice of air in his direction, Oyochi turned into a flock of shadows and materialized with a strike aimed at the heart, although he found that instead of human flesh, there was now a multi headed snake in front of him. Using his speed, Xiao swooped in to save Oyochi before one of the heads bite at the spot where he'd formally stood.

Letting go of the shinobi and only holding the two kyuubi and Umashi in place via chakra tendrils, the various heads of the creatures eyes began to glow an eerie violet as all were once again frozen in place.
"You fight me without realizing that I'm one of you, why? Here your Hokage has lead you on on one of his selfish raids and even here you see a Daimyo willing to resort to the most uncanny of kinjutsu practices to bring back a mere husk of his former wife. I am merely a representative of the people of this country who are sick and tired of your petty battles and wars. I am the great counter, a people empowered who will not simply do as they are told simply because their elders tell them to do it. Here I am releasing all of you from their tyranny today, the Hokage and the Daimyo in one fell swoop. Long live the people!" His words cutting, sharp and all too truthful, instead of resorting to kill the emperor and his wife, the man absorbed their chakra into himself leaving only lifeless husk behind and as if saving the best for last, Umashi found himself suddenly feeling very very sleepy. As his eye's began to close he heard shrill cry like that of a thousand birds and as a bolt of lighting cracked before his vision, the last thing he saw of that day was the sacrifice of a greatly believing man.

OOC: How do you create a monster? In any event, this event is over and by means of sacrificing himself Neito saved Umashi, somewhat. Umashi is now in a coma (timey wimey with certain post, I know ICly it'll only be for a month). By means of this post, Yume is ICly the highest known ranking shinobi (that's an active PC in play) . . . (next to Kami ICly at least, even though he isn't OOCly RPing on the site). The new Hakuren would be the highest ranking publicly unknown shinobi (ANBU skillz). Keep in mind that the NPC village leaders are also a counter balance to PCs too. For those in this topic, consider the "Man of Light" (Orochi) as having run away after Neito cracks him with a Chidori from the skies. The events of what exactly happened at the end of the event will always be one of those "WTF happened, everything went to all heck!!!" moments ICly. You could also RP it as a shell shocking experience because for many of us, when the "MoL" appeared he caused everyone to share pain, fear, certain surface level memories (of this event only) all at once. Any questions, PM me or hit me up on Discord. Thank you again everyone for working with me/us on this. We'll be working on the event formula going forward to make them move much quicker and be more fun.

OOC #2: If you got a rank up via this event it won't go into effect ICly until after Umashi wakes up because he can't surely rank you up while in a coma. @_@

This was going to be easy. As this east of a man tore into Shinobu, who seemed to be taking it well, Kenshin would begin his assault. Punch after punch, he wold assault his foe, not caring that he burning creature seemed to burn his flesh.



The fists sinking in felt good. This was going to be it. This thorn would finally be removed and Leaf would return to some semblance of normal. Maybe he could finally settle do....

As he saw his allies begin to bind the man beast, something happened. There was a blur... a head was lopped off... Kenshin felt himself wrapped in something and it felt like every emotion was pouring through him. It was too much. Too much pain, fear, sadness, anger, exhilaration.

Kenshin came to, tryting to stand up as fast as he could but swaying and taking a knee. He felt like he had ran from Stone to Leaf and back again. He noticed that his chkara was low. What happened to it? The last hing he remembered, his fist was sinking to the flesh of.....

He looked around and saw their foe, whose head had been cut off. Brutal. Not something that the Hokage would have done but he understood it. He would ask later....

ANd then he saw the Hokage. His Hokage. Still and unmoving his breath

"NO." he shouted as he struggled to his feet. He ran/wobbled his way to the prone body of the Hokage. Desperately, his hand started to shine green with medical energy and he tried to heal the Hokage. He felt his chakra protest but he pushed on.


"NO!" he shouted again and as he shouted, his fist connected with the ground safely away form the Hokage. He felt the ground give way to his punch and a small crater was left.

Kenshin would stand, his shoulders slumped. His hand would find his headset.

"Yankee, Yankee, Zero, Zero Brave, Brave here.... Yuu Kenshin... The Hokage is down. Breathing but unconscious. We are leaving. Medical ninja, you take him back to the hospital NOW. Students, protect the medical ninja. Others, protect the convey. I will bring up the rear. We move now. Kenshin out. Kenshin would say, his voice calm but firm.

He would help the medics do what needed to be done. He would look to his allies and notice that none had fallen. Except for maybe the one that had mattered most. He went over to Shinobu, who looked the worst for wear and used his mystical hands a little to try to heal some of the wounds he had.

"You fought well. You stay with me. Let the others be in the front lines for a little. Could use another pair of hands if something else decides to follow."

Kenshin would follow everyone, his eyes on keen alert as they left. He saw the fallen puppets and their puppet masters. He saw his Kage being taken a way. This was the hard truth of war. You never know what you are going to sacrifice when you start a war. A limb? Your sanity? Your life? It was a lesson Kenshin knew well and what made his shoulders heavy as they left.

[topic left]
[MFT WC 540]
The onslaught against the man in black continued. She was ordered to keep whomever needed it alive, but she had more in her then just healing. She wanted to prove that here, against a foe that she felt a great fear of. Similar to the monsters she had faced, an unknown source of..something was the target yet again and she felt the need to some rebuke. She missed the part that they were the invaders, with a lack of understanding of why they were here, she was just following orders and instincts now. The people on her side of the fence were understood to be allies, and this figure, he was not.

The tiny young lass decided to team up with Kenshin, watching as he went in for a physical confrontation. Slinging genjutsu to get some attention, opening him up was her main objective here. She knew she didn't have the experience or power to bring him down, but she was more then capable in breaking him down. Her genjutsu grabbed his attention, she watched as his chakra changed signalling to her to continue. She rushed in, dodging and opening him up. She went for his face, keeping his attention away from Kenshin whom would attack everything else. Most of her attacks missed, but there was no power behind them anyways, just a facade to block what the others were working on. Things went well, well to the point that his attention would not be brought on her anymore, but on those rending him to nothingness now. She stayed to the back as the man in black was restrained fully, and the others worked on him. A flash of something came to her mind. She didn't feel right about this situation in the least now. As they worked on him, she felt that the task was done, no not done. Something didn't sit right. A man this powerful, must have had followers, allies of his own. The thought came to late..

Time felt like it came to a halt around her, yet movement was seen. A blanket of white light moved among them with ease, almost appearing like one of the gods she was accustomed to seeing. She tried to get a look at him, to see his face, but the chakra he surrounded himself with rendered her eyes useless. Similar to the man in black prior, the man in white was gifted at countering the all seeing. Even in the moment that he himself slowed, equal to all around, she couldn't make anything out.

The head bounced, rolling to a stop, eyes of terror and anger could be seen. She watched as the dark chakra within him bubbled and grew, unrestrained and looking for escape. She now understood why he was different, a demon burst from the open cavity, it's raw energy deafening, awing

What side did the man in white take? He stopped allies and enemies alike in there tracks. She watched as the fox from above entered the fray, it too stopped in it's tracks. Then she felt it, saw it, a change in all that stood within the mans aura. He was manipulating everyone chakra with great finesse. A genjutsu on a different level from any she had seen prior. She knew it was a genjutsu, but the feel of it, the rush it gave off couldn't be countered.

The man in white had more in store. He started to grow appendages from his body, and attached them to all around. She could feel the chakra drain from her. She too was a master at doing such, but this wasn't something stronger. She tried to counter it, only slowing it's impact but a bit. The feeling that rushed upon her, seeming to weaken any restraint she could muster. She saw things, knew things about the others around her. The rush;exhilaration, fear, compassion, hope and dread. Time seemed meaningless at that moment. Though soon things changed, she felt something change. Minds that she saw were gone, the world smaller yet..

Then nothing was felt. She pushed off of the ground, feeling the dryness of the leaves, the wet of the forest floor, the harshness of the dirt. She saw all around her in a blur, voices echoing still from the...whatever had just happened. Words were spoken, but nothing was heard on her end. At least not that she could dwell on for the moment.

Eventually she came to. Seeing bodies drop, the decrease in chakra around her. She looked around confused about where she was. She stood there blankly, looking around collecting her thoughts. Deep thoughts that no child should have to be exposed to so young.

The words Hokage is down echoed and she stirred back into the moment. Orders were issued for medical ninja to take him to the hospital. Several handseals and she tried to cast a summoning jutsu that seemed to spurt smoke but nothing came to her aid. She looked around expecting the white wolf but to no avail. Though she did hear something come to them. A creature of mixed animal parts, it's regal antlers of a majestic deer, head of a horse and body with scales were something to witness, casting a shadow of white in the red blackness that was. It spoke similar to the man that had left them, but cast a much soothing peaceful aura instead. It spoke to all quickly, but stared into the girls eyes. It asked to place the kages body on his and he would keep it safe for the journey. Sara would check on the two other bodies, those that were the targets, preparing them for transportation as well.

Current Ninpocho Time:
