Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Lessons Hidden in the Dark [Class]

The doors slid all but a few inches open. Thick mist flowed from the outside into the dishevelled passageway creating a thick blanket of cover for the shinobi yet to enter. Daisuke took his first light steps into the building quickly, moving as silently as possible. His eyes darted around the surrounding area, it was imperative that a scan of the inside of the room be made clear as quickly as possible. The tattered state of the building, seemingly untouched for eons, became apparent to Daisuke almost as soon as he entered. For now he dwelled inside the mist, allowing it to obscure his form while he got to grips with the new environment. Things weren’t going to be easy, that much was for sure, but the pair had to press on. A barricade separated the teams, an inconvenience for sure but Daisuke had to trust in their skills, he never underestimated anyone. Not since the last time. His piercing gaze examined the barricade, looking for signs of weakness or even pieces of equipment that may or may not have been in the corridor with he and Kahora.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up on end as a wave of electromagnetic energy coursed through the boy’s mind. He could feel a presence, separate from his own and Kahora further down the hallway. He turned, eyes locking onto the source of the signature, an eerie figure seeming to always stay a precise distance away from he and his partner. One thought crossed his mind as he examined this figure from afar. Genjutsu.

Immediately the Minamoto boy brought his hands together, focusing on his chakra network as much as possible. “Release!” The whisper wasn’t exactly loud, but it was sudden and as he spoke Daisuke momentarily ceased the flow of his chakra in his body. Yet this method of dispelling genjutsu didn’t seem to work, the figure was still there evermore creepy as each second passed. He didn’t want to risk anything just yet, but he needed to press on with Kahora – time wouldn’t wait for them.

His voice was extremely quiet as he spoke to his teammate. “Kahora, I’m going to go forwards, can you send your clone up ahead of us? We need to make it to section E of our map, it is the closest area and it was also the first one mentioned by Yuuko when she laid out a plan.” His eyes remained fixed on the figure up ahead, its form remaining stationary while they didn’t move. “It has a chakra signature of its own. Be careful. You will need to be ready to defend us both if things go south, your jutsu is more suited to that than mine.” With this said, he nodded once in confirmation to his teammate before quickly sprinting forwards down the hallway when she was ready.

He didn’t like this lack of information or tools, but it was the challenge assigned to them. A mass of chakra built up in Daisuke’s chest as he readied himself to react on a moment’s notice. Their objective was what needed to be reached, and if whatever that thing was blocked the way then the pair of shinobi in training would have to deal with it. One way or another.

WC: 550
TWC: 2,477
Post count: 4/?

Used: Cancel (mastered)
Following Daisuke through clouds of grey matter, Kahora eyed around the perceived area the best she could, looking for any signs of life… or death. Shivers were continuously running down Kahora’s spine and she tried to ignore it to her best of her ability, but something didn’t feel right. Sliding between the crack in the rusted tarnished old door, the Senju girl followed Daisuke’s lead and proceeded to step over pieces of debris that were scattered over what was left of the floor of the abandoned nightmarish place. Both academy students kept a slow space, only taking steps when they were certain that it was safe, and the ground wasn’t laced with traps.

The only things Kahora could hear was the blood pumping desperately hard around her body and the almost muted footsteps from the dream team. The adrenaline coursed through her veins, expecting something to jump out at her any second because it was too quiet. Far too quiet. Edging closer to the broken hallway, to the left, she could see part of what seemed like a hallway barricaded with various school desks and chairs. She had a feeling her classmates were on the other side of it but there was no way to know for sure as the barricade was blocking the sound out.

Letting her clones follow slightly ahead of the two, acting as bodyguards for them, Kahora felt a sharp breeze pass throughout the hall and immediately she knew something was about to happen. She looked towards Daisuke for his reaction and whether he picked up on what just happened but all she saw was the side of his head, jaw clenched and eyes wider than normal. Following his line of gaze, she met with a tall dark slender figure stood dead still towards the end of the hall. What is that thing? Oh god, I need to keep it together. I can’t let anything happen to Daisuke. Just as that thought passed, Daisuke whispered so quietly she almost didn’t hear it.

Kahora discreetly did a few swift hand movements forcing her clones to creep further ahead so that both students could push on. “I’ll be right by your side. Don’t go too far ahead and let my clones take the brunt of whatever that thing will give. I’ll protect you as much as I can.” Waiting for Daisuke’s confirmation, she conjured up as much Chakra her body could prepare. There was no way she was gonna lose this fight. Not now.

Post count = 4

---Kosho and Yuuko

They were being watched, just as Kahora and Daisuke were. The proctor of this Class/Mission watched their every move taking note of their reaction time, and actions they took. Or lack there of. In the time it would take them to decipher their ordeals he would make marks for recruitment, and there were many things left to be desired as the man was looking for the best of the best. He wanted to usher in a new wave of thinking in ANBU. To prove that they were the tip top of Leaf and the overwhelming notion of being the greatest in Fire. And alas... They would be paying the price with the horrors that Yasu had laid out for them...

Yuuko though, seemingly knew she was being tested? OR she was just on her game. She instantly used the power of the Lantern to attempt a reveal of the veil that had been placed over their eyes. However it was unable to fully detach the jutsu for the jutsu hadnt been perfected to a level that would suffice but the lantern did give Yuuko a glimpse of the world around them... enough to allow her senses to cling to awareness which gave way to her 'Release' to cancel the genjutsu.

Once she opened her eyes, she would see the world fo what it really was, all there was were desolate dejected despondent hallways, scattered and riddled with roaches and critters that fed on the lack of life that this building seemed to hold dear. Alas, she was released? But what of her friend Kosho? He seemed ill equipped for handling such an ordeal. It allowed Yasu to mark on his clipboard as he watched on... noting things for the climax of this class.

For Kosho, he would be able to follow the veil over his mind even allowing himself to know he was under a Genjutsu, but without a way to get out on his own, would Yuuko oblige to help him? Maybe... Maybe not. They were in a perculiar position. Kosho could communicate with her but he saw a world opposite of what she saw...

---Daisuke And Kahora

The figure down the halls seemingly stayed still as they would formulate their plans and plots against it. Though, scattered with the thoughts they had were small vines that began to collect themselves over the floor boards. Understanding the simpliest of ordeals they would not have a ton of time to play wait and see, because this was a test unlike anything they had experienced, something of a class of learning by doing. Seeing what skills came to you and what you had to learn on the fly. Life could be taken within an instant and these kids would have to grow up and learn what the world was going to throw them into, how they would be treated on the field of battle.

Alas, Yasu was kinder than that... but he did watch for many things with the surveillance being placed within these walls. However, he would applaud their use of clones, he'd also shake his head as Daisuke and Kahora would see as they stepped forward within the sanctuary of souls and damned that their decoys would be fodder to the dark. Suddenly all at once there would appear blades from vines that shot up all around Daisuke and Kahora keeping them away from the clones and one another. They would spin with malice intent swiping at them ever few seconds in intervals almost in a pattern.

Aside from this, Daisuke's eye would catch the figure begin to move in from its still position on all fours it would crawl forth and begin to make its way to their position!? What would they do?


Class Rules said:
  • Each Participant (after this current round of posting) has 72 Hours to Post. Failure to adhere to this will give you a single strike. This is a Three strike system. Three and you fail the class.
  • There is no posting order, if your character would wait to react then wait... if they would act first, have them act. Everything you do will be noted for the final grade.
  • Make it clear what your actions are in your post, linking to jutsu and such as you use them. It will make modding and responding alot simpler. However, even if you're not using jutsu, make sure you let myself and your teammates know what you're doing in an OOC part of your post.
  • This will be considered an ANBU Class.
  • If I fail to post after 48 Hours of everyone posting DM me and I will post ASAP.
  • PM me if you have any questions.

This is the Class Progress Bar! Once it fills up you're done!

Daisuke watched on, his piercing blue eyes continually scanned not only the figure in the distance but also the hallway around himself and Kahora. The mass of mist that he had previously created billowed down the hallway ahead of him and his partner in order to obscure the pair from whatever the chakra signature ahead of them may be. But the uncertainty was not to last long. Daisuke was mentally prepared for combat to occur, what else could he expect after the bone chilling description that Chinmoku had given of the abandoned school building. His chakra was ready as bladed vines shot up around he and his companion, separating them from both their clones and each other. Not good. But Daisuke, while slightly surprised, did not show it. Instead his mind moved to the next stage in his contingency plan for unwanted contact.

He brought his hands together for a mere moment as the vines shot upwards around him. Unfortunately his reaction time was not quite enough to avoid the entirety of the attack, that was made clearly aware as he felt the warmth of his blood seep out through a small cut on his cheek. For some that would have ruined their concentration, but not for Daisuke. With his chakra gathered he projected a clone of himself while dashing upwards towards the ceiling to hide within his chakra infused mist. With any luck the clone could be mistaken for the real Minamoto boy long enough for him to remain hidden for as long as possible. It took extreme levels of focus for the boy to remain attacked to the ceiling via his chakra control, but alas it was not going to last much longer.

Further ahead, he could see the creeping figure lower its posture and scuttle with great speed towards himself and Kahora. It was clear now that there was something plant like about the jutsu used and as such Daisuke had make a decision. He continued to mask his presence for a few more moments as his mind began to explore the options he and his partner had. Things were a little desperate, that was for sure, but the pair of students still needed to continue with their mission.

The Minamoto boy lunged forwards as superheated chakra gathered in his chest. With one mighty exhale, the blonde boy sent a rush of searing ash forwards, aiming to engulf the oncoming threat in a scolding ash cloud. The thought behind his choice was twofold, on one hand the heat from the fire jutsu would hopefully do some considerable damage to plant based life, and on the other hand the cloud of smoke would provide another layer of cover for both Daisuke and Kahora. With any luck this black cloud would obscure them enough for each of them to get around the crawling figure should they need to flee. Not the most ideal situation but it would have to do.

Small pockets of water formed in Daisuke’s hand as he rushed forwards around his cover of ash. Gradually they grew sharp, forming shuriken. If he could not find a weapon, this jutsu would have to do. Now he just had to see what the next move would be.

WC: 539
TWC: 3,016
Used jutsu: Continued hidden mist, stunt double, scalding ash cloud, water whip (water weapon)

Current Ninpocho Time:
