Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Let's get this party started [Shizu Kai/Mission]

Oct 23, 2012
The large estate of the Tsukoyoshi family was a daunting sight for most. Though there were many estates, namely the Shinrya estate, which far outclassed this one. However, Tsukoyoshi Ryuuka was a lady of province, and she demanded that everyone who was anyone attend her latest dinner party. This meant that she had invitations given out over every corner of the great Kumogakure no Sato. Every single mover, shaker, or money maker was given a free pass into the esteemed estate for this one night of food and glory. The risk, Ryuuka knew, was that unwanted guests were bound to show up. This was the shinobi’s duty.

It was early evening when the first of the partygoers was to arrive, and the brave young shinobi was to show up sometime before then. Outside the luxurious mansion was stationed a single butler who would be astutely watching for the arrival of the young Shizu Kai. They had been informed of his coming well in advance. The manor was decorated all to the nines with every model of knick knack the rich could possibly buy, and from the looks of it, the inside had just as much to match the exterior. How would the young Genin react to this?

”OoC” said:
Just rp coming on in so we can get this party started… for real!
Kai arrived in the Seki District early for the party, and not just because he was meant to show up before the guests arrived to the party. He made sure he gave himself time to find the place within the grandiose district known for its better-off inhabitants. He awed at all the luxurious family estates and clan complexes, never having seen such extravagant decor and size in his life being from a small, less-fortunate family. He strolled past the many of them looking for the certain family estate of the Tsukoyoshi where the dinner party would be held. Everybody in Kumo had been invited so he would have to do his best to remain not suspicious. His role was to be a guard in the event any unruly or unwanted guests happened to show up to the party in question.

Before early evening when the party would begin, he made his way to the Tsukoyoshi estate and made his way up to the luxurious mansion. He hoped the family was informed in advance and that they'd have someone watching for his arrival. Shyness kicking in here, he hoped he could easily just arrive at the entrance of the mansion and be noticed, as he was doing now. For good measure, he would introduce himself as needed, in as formal a way he could get. Being informal was something he was for the most part used to. A simple hi or hello and his name would do, but here was an exception for the role he's playing. "Greetings, Shizu Kai present for duty." Well, that came out easier than he had expected. Suddenly the flashy seal he had flashed again.

Oi, If this was anything like the laat time, he hoped what he believed to be the flashy seal showing the wind element symbol wouldn't flash to another in front of the guests. Thankfully, at least he felt it flash then die down to its tattoo-looking mark of that symbol. Hopefully the family had nothing against tattoo marks, or what appeared to be. Although if they knew they were hiring a shinobi, then seals are normal. I wonder what is going to happen now. The flashy seal seems to still be in effect. This mission was not that long after it had flashed during his Genin exam. Maybe, it was still in effect since then, but this time it changed from the water symbol to wind. If this time wasn't during combat or using a jutsu, he wondered what happens outside of those times. It seemed like it was a personality split or probably a spirit. Although there was also the water one, maybe multiple spirits, or different forms of one spirit? What is happening?

Wonderful things are happening, young one, a voice inside him said. Who is there?! Apologies for not introducing myself before. I am the Wind form of this spirit, you may refer to me as Kaze-supiritto, or simply Kaze. Kaze-supiritto, like close to meaning Wind Spirit? Like Kazekage, the Wind Shadow? He guessed that made sense, and form, meaning there are versions of it for the other elements? So going off the Kages, there's also Ho-, Mizu-, Rai-, and Tsuchi-supiritto. Yes, of course, Kaze-supiritto nods. Oh dear.. Kai wondered how each of them would be like. He has seen Mizu-supiritto's flashing, but no other form had shown yet. Haha. Ah the first reactions are always the most amusing. Hopefully, Kai's new ghostly friends will not compromise the mission..
Reposted (and Key Tweaked)!

MFT, WC 581
Present: Kai himself - Kaze-supiritto

Others: Ho-supiritto - Mizu-supiritto - Rai-supiritto - Tsuchi-supiritto
The butler patiently waited until the Genin arrived, and when the boy finally did show up, the butler was less than impressed. How was this simple child supposed to protect them? He was so small! However, the butler knew he wasn’t paying for this, so why should it even matter? “Hello Shizu Kai. Please keep your… antics down to a minimum. This is a high class party, and we do not need a light show.” What was that thing? These shinobi are probably too weird for the high price they charge. You should get a discount or something. Guess I have to roll with it. The butler rolled his eyes at the young boy and ushered him to follow. The two did not go through the main entrance, but a small side entrance used by all the wait staff. The butler moved quickly until he was in a small locker room of sorts. “The last locker on the left. You go get changed, then you will look like me, a simple butler. Then we will proceed.”

After the boy got changed, the butler would walk the boy up to the main dining hall entrance. This was quite a long walk through the halls of the mansion. The butler would not stop for a moment, but he had lived his whole life surrounded by this wealth. How would Kai take it? Once they got to the dining hall, Shizu Kai would be able to see that the place was still empty. That was probably good for now. “I want you to be standing at the front doors greeting everyone as they enter. If anyone looks like a ruffian, keep an eye on them. We want no monkey business!”

The double doors were inviting, and there would be a steady stream of people. Though most of the people were definitely guests, every once and awhile Kai would be able to make out someone who didn’t quite look right. What would Kai do?
OoC: Okay, time to get this party started. Go forth and find those ruffians! There are no specifics. Just act like your character would act!
This cannot be real.. Kai faced the butler as he greeted Kai as well. Au contraire (on the contrary), I am more real than you can imagine. I am an elemental nature spirit, divided into forms to represent and protect each element. Kai gazed at the butler's attire and behavior. Regardless, your welcome for the aide with your subpar greeting. Kai knew something was up when it came that easy. Kaze-supirrito must have entered it into his thoughts just before he said it. He had to thank Kaze-supiritto, however reluctantly he would want to. "Understood, I'll keep it handled. I do not want it acting up anymore than you do." Kai somehow had a feeling that this wouldn't be the end of the seal's antics. Maybe Kaze-supirrito was here to help keep him in line for the party and nothing else would happen. He seemed like the fancy type, someone who would be right up the alley for this high-class stuff. Kai hoped it so. He followed the butler to a small side entrance instead of the main entrance, then to a locker room. He followed orders and began changing into a butler's attire. You actually look kind of nice in your little butler's outfit, as nice as you can with that hair style. Make sure you tie the bow up right! You do know how to tie one right? After some advice from Kaze-supirrito, Kai managed to get dressed right. Thank you, Kaze.
You'll do fine, young master Kai. After Kai got changed, he was walked through the halls of the mansion. There were so many of them. This placed seemed like it was almost bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. I just love the design of this place. He stopped for a moment sightseeing and would be thankful for it, if not worth being scolded. He felt the seal starting to flash and would cover it up with hand or arm. Don't encourage this devastation of Mother Nature, maannn. When it died down, it was now showing the Earth element symbol. Kai remembered he was supposed to be following the butler and hurried to catch up. Uh! Alright so this has to be another form. What was the symbol? I'm the Earth form of this spirit, mann. Like totally against this destructive expansion into Mother Nature's greenbelts, maannn. You're Tsuchi-supiritto, right? After a short catch up, he continuing to follow. Right on! They arrived at the main dining hall entrance. This place is going to really harsh my mellow, mann. It'll be over soon, man- I mean, Tsuchi. Kai was almost overwhelmed by this place. The dining hall was empty. as it seemed, a guest having yet to arrive. "Understood, I'll keep an eye out," Kai replied to the butler. Tsuchi seemed to appear due to conflict with Kaze, but for what other purpose did he? Kai wondered.

Kai did indeed keep an eye out among the people coming in. Pretty momentous gathering of folks for a rich party, mann. All was well so far, as most of the arrivals were surely guests. "Help me keep an eye out for "not-so-righteous" individuals, please Tsuchi. We'll cover more ground with two pairs of eyes, so to speak." This was the first time Kai ever spoke out-loud to one of his spirit friends. Maybe Kai was becoming more accepting of his half-possessing nature spirit friends. I got your back mann! The quicker we find and deliver them righteous justice, the wayy quicker we can leave this travesty, maannn. Kai's ghostly hippie friend was alright, even if he may be helping Kai for a slight wrong reason. Kai won't judge Tsuchi. Maybe he's saving the party from any potential harm/conflict completing the mission quickly as possible. Anyways, so out of the guests coming in, Kai surely would be able to find anyone who seemed out of ordinary now.
Actions: Kai and Tsuchi-supiritto are performing double-surveillance on the guests coming in.

MFT, WC 653
Present: Kai himself - Kaze-supiritto ==> Tsuchi-supiritto

Others: Ho-supiritto - Mizu-supiritto - Rai-supiritto
The beginning of the party was nothing too fancy. Though Shizu Kai was not being too discreet with his surveillance, none of the partygoers seemed to notice his snooping. In fact, some of the partygoers were put at ease by the young man’s vigilance, and some of the more shady people turned around when they saw the stalwart young man. ‘Tis was why the head lady had hired the lad in the first place. Even the butler came over and patted him on the back for doing such a good job.

However, the good feelings couldn’t go on forever. After the party had been going for awhile, a particularly large group of ruffians were making their way up the walkway towards the mansion. Shizu Kai would be able to see them well in advance and prepare for them. As they stepped closer to the building, Kai would be able to hear them talking.

“HA! This looks like a great party! I can’t wait to see the kind of things inside!” The group was around six or seven people large, and none of those people seemed to have the party’s best intentions in mind. What would Kai and his supprito do?
"Thanks, Tsuchi.." Don't mention it mann! The beginning of the party proceeded as normal, nothing too exciting on Kai and Tsuchi's end. Despite Tsuchi and Kai's surveillance, none of the partygoers noticed and he was glad some of them felt at ease with him here watching. Haha! Good riddance mann, as some of the shady people among the guests turned around when they looked toward Kai. The butler even came to pat him on the shoulder for a job well done. Kai wished Tsuchi could be too, so when it was clear he gave Tsuchi a thumbs-up. "Good going us."

Then, it was after the party had been going for a while. "Well Tsuchi, I think we just might have done it.." Uhh, Kai mann! Tsuchi motioned over to the group of ruffians in the middle of making their way towards the mansion. "..Or the party's just getting started." Reference aside, Kai was ready but he wasn't sure how Tsuchi's peaceful self would do in the conflict ensuing. Surveillance is as far as I go, peace mann! Kai covered his flashy seal as the spirit changed elements once more. He wouldn't want the flash to draw attention to himself. I got this! The Fire element symbol showed after dying down. Fire element form of the spirit, ready to roll! They had some time to prepare. Alright, Ho-supiritto. Let's see what we can do. Kai hoped this works.

They were getting closer and Kai needed a plan. We can do this! Kai snuck to the right side of the wall just inside the door. If you had some kind of oil flask around, ya could ya know.. light it up. Get it? Unfortunately, Kai didn't in this situation and this fight was already under way. "Hah, but no I don't!" He signed for a jutsu, speedily peeked and projectile Rinse'd Off the path up to the mansion, then he returned to cover; all this while hoping to do it without being noticed. It'll make some slippery puddles just before where the group of ruffians were walking. Besides, I'd not want to set something on fire so close to the mansion. I get ya! I'll just prepare to help ya defend us against those punks. What element jutsu ya do by the way? Water for affinity, but I'm making progress. Kai will have to see how his training will help him against these guys. I see ya. Mizu isn't in the best condition, but if things really get going she will help out, y''know? Yes!
Actions: Kai and Ho-supiritto took cover while Kai used Rinse Off Mastered to make the path slippery with puddles.

WC 423​
Rinse Off
A refreshing splash of water in the face can keep one sharp and keep their reflexes at peak. It's good for washing off anything that might be bothering you, too.

Prerequisites: D-rank

Rank 1: Splashes self or ally with water, putting out all lingering effects from fire jutsu that effect them. The next Fire Jutsu that hits them within a full round deals -10% damage and has a -4% chance to any secondary effects.
Master: Splashes self or ally with water, putting out all lingering effects from fire jutsu that effect them. The next Fire Jutsu that hits them within a full round deals -15% damage and has a -8% chance to any secondary effects.

Special Action - Water's Grace: By paying +20% Cp, the user may remove the Fire damage debuff and instead allow this Jutsu to reduce Bleeding by 1 rank -or- heal 1 rank of called shot debuffs with a 12%/16% chance of healing another. This may only be done once per round.

Rank 1 Cost: 240 Cp
Master Cost: 300 Cp

- This does not stack.
- This does not dispel effects from level B+ Fire Jutsu, but may reduce their damage and effect chance.
Present: Kai himself - Tsuchi-supiritto ==> Ho-supiritto

Others: Kaze-supiritto - Mizu-supiritto - Rai-supiritto
Shizu Kai was lucky that the gangsters hadn’t seen him set off the sprinklers; in fact, they were so surprised by the sudden lack of dry ground in front of them, the gangsters couldn’t help but create a five-man pile up. With flailing limbs and tough guy cries, the gang members quite literally became a jumble, kind of like they were playing Gangsta’ Twister. For a brief moment, Kai could have believed that everything was going to be okay, but that moment was short lived indeed. After their brief stint as a tornado, the gangsters finally made their way back to their feet, and their faces were the picture of anger. In fact, they were doing that chest puffing thing that men do when they want to appear more intimidating. Little did they know they were dealing with a real shinobi.

Though the men were a little wet, they were no worse for the wear, and now they looked pissed off at the mansion. Shizu Kai could make out that the men were pulling out steel rods, most likely were not friendly rods. What would he do now?

OoC: Good job on the water! I didn't even think of that when I set up the scenario! Keep up the creativity!
The water puddles were more than small traps, they were a distraction. It gave Kai time to stealthily vanish, and with chakra stand on the building's side two or three floors above. Another of the spirit's change in elements happened in the middle of the distraction as well. Kai's seal would be showing the Water element symbol about now, if they could see it. I have to prevent them from going in somehow... *sobs* The doors were suddenly forced closed and locked from in front, right in front of the gangsters by the unseen ghostly girl Mizu-supiritto. Then she appeared by Kai's side standing similarly on the side as Kai was. It would make me even more sad to see those people hurt unintentionally... *sobs* I'm sure that ghostly activity gave them a fright too Mizu!

It was fun watching them flail around, but it looks like they were getting angry down there. While I was leaving, it looked like they were really mad at us, and pulling out some kind of metal rods... *sobs* She told, as she wasn't sure if Kai could see the metal rods from where he was now. It seems like nothing a shinobi and his good ghostly friend can't handle. Let's fight them away if we have to! Yeah who are we kidding. That door will not hold for long... *sobs* Kai signed for a jutsu and Mizu signed hers. Impaling Hydro Jet... *sobs* Grand Waterfall! Here we go! A thin and pressurized stream of Water would shoot from Mizu's mouth at one of the right-side gang members, while a waterfall would flow down the mansion's side at one of the left-side members.
Actions: Kai vanished to way up on the side of the building, Mizu-supiritto forced closed and locked the doors with her ghostlyness, she returned to Kai and they both used a jutsu.

WC 279​
Supiritto's Jutsu:
Used Impaling Hydro Jet Mastered
A powerful jutsu that allows the user to shoot a thin stream of water from their mouth. The water's focal point has been concentrated so much that the high pressure beam of water, though thin, is able to cut flesh and was even rumored to be able to severe limbs better than the sharpest of blades.

Prerequisites: C-rank

Rank 1: The user blows a pressurized jet of water that deals 1215 damage at +2 Accuracy with a 18% chance of causing bleeding.
Master: The user blows a pressurized jet of water that deals 1520 damage at +2 Accuracy with a 24% chance of causing bleeding.

Special Action: By taking on called shot penalties, this may be used as a called shot. The chance of bleeding now also has a chance of causing called shot penalties, with a +6% bonus.

Rank 1 Cost: 360 Cp to initiate
Master Cost: 450 Cp to initiate
Kai's Jutsu:
Used Grand Waterfall Rank 1
An advanced water jutsu that allows the user to create a powerful torrent of water that slams into the target. The force and amount of water created by this technique is great enough that it can knock the victim off their feet and leave them helpless until they regain themselves.

Prerequisites: C-rank

Rank 1: Creates a vicious torrent of water that slams into the target, dealing 1350 damage. This has a 12% of causing the 'Crush' effect.
Master: Creates a vicious torrent of water that slams into the target, dealing 1690 damage. This has a 18% of causing the 'Crush' effect.

Special Action - Hydro Blast: By paying +20% Cp, the user may condense the force of the waterfall into a single, explosive wave of water. This deals +10% Base damage at -2 Accuracy, and has a +6% chance of causing the 'Crush' effect.

Special Action - Erupting Geyser: By paying +20% Cp, the user may instead cause water to shoot from below the target. This lowers the chance of 'Crush' activating by -6%, but treats it as a sneak attack if it activates.

Special Action: The user may lower the base damage of this Jutsu by -20%, and target an additional enemy.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp to initiate
Master Cost: 560 Cp to initiate

- The 'Crush' effect causes suppression and raises the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random.

- This does not stack.
- This does not dispel effects from level B+ Fire Jutsu, but may reduce their damage and effect chance.
Present: Kai himself - Ho-supiritto ==> Mizu-supiritto

Others: Kaze-supiritto - Rai-supiritto - Tsuchi-supiritto
(sorry about the short delay)

The dynamic duo set off a pair of perfectly punctual precipitations that percolated into a predictable payoff. Simply put, the combined efforts of Kai and supritto were enough to knock the no-good gangsters to their water-logged rumps. In turn, the few ruffians chose to simply run off crying. The wetness of their tears could not be made out against their soaked faces. Kai and supritto would have a few spare moments to enjoy their hard fought victory. In fact, they had done such a good job that the mission should have probably ended by now, but circumstances intervened and life certainly got in the way.

Shortly after Kai dispatched the dolts, a chorus of screams and grumps could be heard coming from the inside of the mansion, the very place that Kai was supposed to be watching. While he was throwing around the water, something must have happened inside! He would have to get back into the mansion quickly, and he most certainly better not track any mud in the house while doing it!

Once he got inside the mansion and made his way back to the main dining hall, Kai would see three cloaked figures all huddled around the main dining table stuffing food into their large satchels. Upon his arrival, the first of the figures would motion for the other two to continue their work and turn to face Kai. "We are the Valuable Vittle Villains. We have come to liberate the lasagna, deliver the duck, and emancipate the edamame! Together we unshackle the fanciest of foods from their frivolous freeholders! You shan't stop us you rustic runt. Eat dirt!" With a whirl of his arms, the cloaked man threw several objects towards Kai. If he stopped for a second to look, Kai would notice that the objects were just chicken wings. How would the boy react to these most awkward of situations? Would he add to the turmoil of the screaming guests, or would he be the glue that bound it all together?
"That takes care of those guys. We saved the day!" For now... *sobs* Kai awkwardly laughed and gave an awkward smile to Mizu-supiritto's downer 'tude. He shrugged it off for the moment and the two walked back down the building side to the grounds. As he reached it, he turned around and looked at double doors upon hearing screams and such coming from inside. "You heard that right?" Take my hand. I'll get us in...*sobs* Kai grabbed her hand. Mizu-supiritto became intangible. With Kai too due to contact with her, they phased until they were all through the door. "I so always wanted to do that! So cool!" Mizu-supiritto gave a brief smile to Kai. Kai and her walked further into the dining hall, and they would see the three cloaked figures stealing foods.

Around the main dining table, the other two continued to stuff food into large satchels as the first of them started monologuing their plan to Kai and her. During the middle of it, Kai and Mizu-supiritto were hatching a plan to immobilize them. Now! Just as the first of the figures threw the perceived chicken wing at Kai, Mizu-supiritto created three clones that soon appeared by each figure. Nice try, want to see a trick? Each Mizu clone would now use a Water Prison on each of the figures in hope that they aren't expecting it. Meanwhile Kai would do the motion for each as if he was creating them. "Hands-free Water Prison!" Each Water Prison would unknowingly be maintained by a Mizu clone with their hand touching it. "Looks like you three are off the guests list!" Kai would motion for the Mizu clones to move the Water Prisons with the cloaked figures, as if he was moving the prisons himself. He would then direct them to move them out the double door after Kai and Mizu-supiritto unlocked it. The jutsu ends, clones disperse, the cloaked figures would be denied further entry, and Kai and Mizu-supiritto will be watching for them from now on.
Actions: Kai and Mizu got down, Mizu ghosted Kai and her through the door, and Kai and her conjured a trick to immobilize the cloaked figures in their tracks.

WC 340​
Supiritto's Jutsu:
Used Elemental Clone Mastered, chose Water, then created 3 clones instead.
A standard skill for all skilled shinobi: the ability to create a physical clone. This jutsu leaves room for much customization; allowing the user to alter the composition of their clones to their own affinity to have a variety of effects. Even choosing not to use a specific element has its benefits.

Prerequisites: C-rank, a Major Affinity with the Chosen Element

Rank 1: Creates a clone with -6 of the user's secondaries and Hp/Cp equal to 15% of the user's max Cp. This clone may use up to level D Jutsu of its chosen element at Rank 1.
Master: Creates a clone with -5 of the user's secondaries and Hp/Cp equal to 17% of the user's max Cp. This clone may use up to level D Jutsu of its chosen element at Master Rank

Special Action: Instead of creating a single clone, the user may instead choose to create up to three clones. However for each additional clone, their secondaries are reduced by -1 each, their secondary effects are lowered by -6% each, and Hp/Cp is divided among all clones equally. Additionally, creating additional clones lowers all their jutsu by 1 rank per additional clone created.

Special Action: Upon Creation, the user chooses an element to treat the clones. Each element grants the clone a specific effect, though this effect has a 18%/24% chance of activating when they are destroyed. Earth gains 'Crush', Water gains 'Suffocate', Fire gain 'Burn', Wind gain 'Air Disruption', and Lightning gain 'Stun'

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp, 250 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 625 Cp, 320 Cp/Rnd

- The user may only create a clone of an element they have an affinity in. Advanced elements cannot be chosen.
- If no element is chosen, then the clones cannot use Ninjutsu. Instead, they may use Taijutsu of an equivalent level. (Base damage is treated as the user's currently equipped weapon ignoring special effects, poisons applied, and augments).
- May only have one type of elemental clone(s) on the field at a time.
- All clones have 1/4 of the users AP. Lowest AP can go is .5 AP.
- Once clones run out of Chakra, they disperse.
- The amount of Max Cp is split into however many clones are created. At master rank, each clone would not have 17%, but the 17% would be divided equally.
- Casting this jutsu while it is already active will remove all current clones from play.
- Each has a unique effect that happens when destroyed, however this only applies if hit by a technique using melee accuracy and this requires a Ninjutsu check between the user and the attacker. All clones may choose to "automatically" disperse on melee contact, whether when attacked or if they choose to strike the target physically (.5 Ap).

- The 'Crush' effect causes suppression and raises the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random.
- The 'Suffocate' effect increases their next jutsu's Cp cost by +20%, lowers its accuracy by -2, and causes the victim to take 1% Max Hp damage.
- The 'Burn' effect causes the target to take +5% damage for a full round. 'Burn' stacks up to three times.
- The 'Air Disruption' effect lowers the targets Accuracy by -2 for a full round.
- The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 to the next attack aimed at them as well as preventing them from auto-dodging it, as well as give the attack +1 critical chance.
Supiritto Clone 1, 2, and 3's Jutsu:
Clone 1, 2, and 3 used Water Prison Rank 1
A technique which can be used to entrap a target within a sphere of water. This jutsu is initiated by the user placing their hand upon their target, using chakra to create a dome of pressurized water around their hand that traps the opponent in an inescapable prison. Reinforced with chakra, this sphere of water is as strong as steel and difficult to escape normally, though the user must be in physical contact with the prison in order for it to keep its shape.

Prerequisites: C Rank

Rank 1: Creates a sphere of water that binds the enemy at -6 accuracy. While bound, all actions using chakra have a 18% chance of failing to due suffocation, including maintained effects. Additionally The victim has -2 Accuracy and deals -20% damage due to the pressurized prison.
Master: Creates a sphere of water that binds the enemy at -5 accuracy. While bound, all actions using chakra have a 24% chance of failing to due suffocation, including maintained effects. Additionally The victim has -3 Accuracy and deals -25% damage due to the pressurized prison.

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp, 250 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 625 Cp, 310 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds, requiring a Nin check each round.
- This Jutsu may use Melee Accuracy.
- Enemy can attack while within the bind, but cannot move or dodge. They cannot use Melee Accuracy while bound.
- Target has a 15% chance to escape per 1.5 Ap spent.
- User must maintain contact with the prison, may only perform one handed seals, and may not use melee Accuracy while maintaining this jutsu. If the user is suppressed while maintaining this technique then it is dispersed.
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.
- If the user uses more than 10% of their Max Cp during a round, this bind is dispelled.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though).
Present: Kai himself - Mizu-supiritto

Others: Ho-supiritto - Kaze-supiritto -Rai-supiritto - Tsuchi-supiritto
Tsukoyoshi Ryuuka, once Kai had dispatched the intruders, ran straight up to the boy and furled him up in a giant hug. Her arms were leathery and taut, but her motherly warmth shone through for but a moment. Readjusting herself, she put Kai down and patted him on the head and straightening his shirt. “Thank you so much dearie. I knew it would be right to hire you to help me. You are just a gem! What is your name?” After listening to Kai answer, she would smile at him brightly. “You are a special young man! I will make sure to request you next time I am in need! Now keep guarding that door!” With that said, she would whisk away and back to her guests calming fears and getting the party started again.

Kai would go back to guarding the door, maybe eat some food throughout the night. There would be no more intrusions, now that he had masterfully diffused the situation. But who were those men? They were easily captured, but why were they so weird? These questions and more would bounce around the young man’s head as he waited out the rest of his shift and towards his well deserved yen!

OoC: You have successfully saved the party without breaking anything! You are awesome! You can rp your exit post/the rest of the shift. Then go request your payment!
Just after, the seal re-formed to the Lightning element symbol without flashing, spirit's changin' elements again. He knew exactly which it was this time. It looks like it did him a favor there. Then after, Kai received a big hug from lady Tsukoyoshi Ryuuka-sama. It was appreciated, and almost motherly there at the end. "You're very welcome. I'm Shizu Kai." He would definitely have to thank Supiritto after this. "I appreciate it. I'm enjoying serving as well." This had been one good adventure with Supiritto's arrival. Kai was then left to continue guarding the door.

Meanwhile, Kai got some food, talked to Rai through the night and thought about what happened. Someone's been getting acquainted. Kai turned, looked at her. and smiled. I'm Rai, leader and well, you know the rest by now. Welcome aboard kid! He was glad, and was starting to feel more like part of a team now. "Thanks Rai-supiritto. You always seem like a fun one to be around to be honest." With that said...he needed to thank her now that he has a chance. Thank you for all your work! Just wait until you get to know me. I'm glad to have worked with you! He's glad that he managed to keep Supiritto secret for the most part. The forced door close earlier may have seemed amiss, although they'll probably dismiss it. Right or they will forget about it. It'll be old news soon kid. Also where did I suddenly learn how to use Grand Waterfall from? He surely didn't know it before. My work, Mizu-supiritto's to be exact, or you're just a natural.

I was right as Tsuchi, this is a pretty nice event full of people. Kai and her had a fairly nice time hanging out until the end of his shift. It was great actually cause I got to meet all of you. I cannot wait to see what we do next! While this was the end of the mission, Kai's adventures with Rai-supiritto and the others were just starting. Once it was over, he would say his farewells. Looks like I'm about done here. Goodbye Tsukoyoshi-sama, hope I get hired again soon! He went to go change at the lockerooms and they headed to report the mission. It was a good day...
OOC: Thanks for the mission Shigeru. It was fun to play through! I definitely will be using Supiritto more regularly now. =D

WC 382. Topic Left with NPC.​
Present: Kai himself - Mizu-supiritto ==> Rai-supiritto

Others: Ho-supiritto - Kaze-supiritto - Tsuchi-supiritto

Current Ninpocho Time:
