Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Like Catching Lightning In A Bottle [Private - Miyako and Sayomi]

Kagetsu Miyako

New Member
Aug 20, 2018
It wasn't like Miyako to step out of the village, much less without telling her family. If this was a perfect world she would have gotten an escort to take her through the outer village -- not that she needed the help or safety. Despite her unusual appearance she was a shinobi, she'd learned to handle far worse terrain from her family. It just felt a bit undignified to go out alone like this. And perhaps being away from the Kagetsu grounds might be making her a bit anxious. Only recently had she embarked into more and more of the village and tried to get to know some people, unsuccessful as it'd been. This was a big leap for her but a promising one if nothing else.

All of this was going off a hunch. Miyako had it in her best interests to learn about who all had potential within their village. She hadn't paid much mind to most of what she'd discovered with her snooping but one person did catch her eye - Santaru Sayomi. There wasn't a lot said about her but what was said was worth listening to. An inheritor of a special bloodline belonging to a clan that helped build their village along with her own although a lesser branch of it. A black mark on her record -- failing the Chunin exams -- with the particularly bright silver lining of gaining the attention of the medical sennin. Not much said about her personality. Most everything else about her was under the radar. Of course that was enough for her. If her own position taught her anything it was that the Kagetsu had a nose for finding diamonds in the rough.

The trouble was she didn't actually live in the Cloud. Her branch seemed dedicated to a certain degree of isolation and this made the task of actually making contact a lot more difficult. At this point it was nothing short of tracking. Luckily Miyako was a certified genius. It'd taken the better part of two hours but as she stepped out into an open field she was certain she could see a figure out a ways away that had to be her.

She took one hand off the large parasol she was carrying to cup it around the side of her mouth as she called out, "Hey, you there! I'd like to talk to you, pretty please~!"

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
It had been a hectic time for the young kunoichi, to say the least. It was a thankful respite that Kahako had given her, especially considering all of the things that had gone on within the village borders and even the Santaru allowed her a visit to her family's home outside of the village. No doubt there were people watching her, but they did so in secret. It was knowing that which allowed her to catch "Aoi" in his lie which started the whole debacle. It was this open field, however, that held many memories, most of them of failure, but always of solitude. She practiced and failed many times, but also many successes, particularly in the most recent memory. It was also nearby that she met Kitsune which led to her meeting her fox friends in that miniature adventure. She dare not summon them now, not so soon after she had failed miserably earlier.

The weather remained overcast, but due to the nature of the land, not her own doing. Her Santaru training had become so powerful recently, all she need do was think and things were accomplished. Sometimes thinking was not even necessary. So today she picked up a jutsu which she found just as intriguing for it focused more on her water mastery than her lightning. Crystal. The field had become a playground for the gorgeous gemstones of various sizes and shapes. Particularly one that she was summoning at the moment. In this moment, the purple in her eyes shone most brightly as she threw her handsigns together with absolute precision as she channeled her chakra into them.

"Crystal Style: Obsidian Dragon Jutsu!" the youth said with surprisingly confidence as she planted her hand upon the ground and jumped back as a mass of obsidian grew out of nothing from the earth, and took the form of a ferocious black dragon. However, it was not for long as someone called out to the girl and startled her. Sayomi was confident...when she was alone, but now that she had an audience, the whole world changed in an instant. The dragon shattered into a million shards of tiny black stones raining towards the ground and the other jutsu that she had created did the same. Emerald, Amethyst, Amber, Sapphire, and dozens of others fell upon the earth and would likely soon disappear entirely. Sayomi looked off to the side, no longer any semblance of confidence left in her demeanor as she became meek and meager as she ever was.

"M-Me? Are...are you sure? I...I'm sorry, I d-didn't realize...anyone else</GLOW> was out here...<GLOW glow="purple">" the girl said trailing off quietly, not looking up at the woman in the very extravagant clothing style while she remained in a meager midnight blue kimono with petals of pink decorating it when it would and a sash to match.​

Kagetsu Miyako

New Member
Aug 20, 2018
For a moment Miyako was in genuine awe. She hadn't even noticed all the crystals around the field until she'd gotten to the edge of it and just before she could speak up the young woman she was looking for performed a marvelous jutsu. She didn't recognize it personally which alone spoke volumes of the girl's skill. A massive dragon made out of black crystal, it's mere creation sundering the earth so spectacularly. The young Kagetsu was star struck. She now had no doubt in her mind that this was who she'd been looking for.

Of course then she interrupted and everything fell apart. Literally. It seems she startled the girl and in turn her marvelous gemstone creation fell to pieces. Somehow this seemed even more beautiful than the creation itself as a cascade of crystals of every color began to fall, a shattered rainbow made solid and plummeting to earth before fading altogether. By the time they began to fade and the girl start to spoke Miyako had adjusted her parasol against her shoulder so that she could start clapping eagerly for the young woman.

"That was fantastic! Such talent is what exactly should be expected from a member of the prestigious Santaru clan!"

She began to cross the field, practically skipping along with excitement as she closed the gap between them. As she got closer she got a better chance to look at who she was meeting. She wasn't a plain girl by any degree. Her clothes were modest but traditional and quite a nice color. She had a pretty face and didn't seem that much more mature than herself. They were practically the same height. Her body language spoke volumes -- as if her tone hadn't given that much away already. Whatever confidence she'd had when performing that technique was gone. Seems she might be exceptionally shy. How sweet~.

Little time was wasted as Miyako kept her parasol in one hand and offered her other out towards the girl as she started to smile at her with all the sweetness she could muster. "My name is Kagetsu Miyako. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
Jutsu was nothing. At least when it came to ninjutsu, she was a failure in anything else and all the more likely to hurt herself than an opponent in regular taijutsu, as frail as the girl was physically. Which made it a wonder that she could house not only such powerful chakra control, but also a divine beast such as the Raiju, who merely waited and bided it's time to strike at the ones whom had called it to this plane of existance. But that was the enigma that was Sayomi. Many would be proud of this ability, but Sayomi only feared her great strength more. All she really wanted was to become a chuunin and make up for her family's generations of failures, hoping with the title would come great confidence. The failure to be the only person to pass shattered what little confidence she had been building, especially when including the numerous failures that followed.

It was for this reason that her control over her jutsu vanished when she was seen, or at least when the young woman revealed herself. Who knows what kind of disaster would have occured if she had continued on and if there was a witness, it would have been an absolute nightmare. The woman was far more well dressed than herself with all the ruffles and frills of her dress and...parasol? Not something one usually saw in a land almost perpetually covered by clouds, but Sayomi would dare little more than tiny sideways glances as her face would never look dare lift from facing the ground off to the side. It didn't happen a small shake, however, as her pale skin darkened with a red hue as she denied the woman's praise in a soft tone.

"N-No, not...not at all. I' clan is s-special, I'm...not..." once more trailing off at the end.

She cursed her rotten luck to be spotted in her normal place of solace, which she was wondering if the spot was getting popular for some reason outside of her control and she would need to search for a new location for seclusion. The thought was rather saddening as she would have to leave all her memories behind in that case. The young brunette couldn't help but tremble from the approaching youth. She certainly was closer to her own age than Hon was, who seemed like little more than a small academy student, much younger than herself. She certainly couldn't handle contact with people near her own age, as many seemed to enjoy picking on her. Younger she could impress and older were kind...mostly. Not her own age, however and she was easy prey.

She gave a small, but noticable whince as she saw a hand start to be raised, but received no blow. Her eyes looked from the side for just a second before she raised her own trembling hand to meet the extended one.

"I'm S-Santaru Sayomi...I-Is this...your field? I'm s-sorry...I can leave..." she started before being puzzled. " you know I w-was...a San...Santaru?"

Kagetsu Miyako

New Member
Aug 20, 2018
She hadn't even gotten to know her for a full minute and already everything about her screamed 'wall flower'. If she'd been told that this girl survived Chunin testing much less got the point where she'd be considered for it based on her disposition alone, Miyako wouldn't have believed it for a second. Her technique spoke for itself though. She was clearly a ninjutsu genius. And yet so little confidence. Anyone able to perform such powerful jutsu at her age would normally have a head so swollen they were at risk for floating off into the clouds. Was it a blessing or a curse that she was so modest? Only time would tell.

Miyako kept her handshake gentle and not too strong, treating this girl as gentle as porcelain for fear that she might scare off this promising young girl. When she was asked about whether she'd come here for the field Miyako giggled, a slightly grating and devilish sound as she was quick to insist, "Of course not, silly! I came here because I wanted to meet you!" Sayomi seemed quickly confused by the attention though the young Kagetsu was quick to give her answers.

"I've heard a lot about you. And now I've seen something even more impressive than anything I'd heard. You're amazing! Trying for Chunin at your age, getting personal attention and training from the medical senin! I'd be rather proud of myself if I was able to pull that off. You see, this isn't a chance encounter." She stood up a bit taller, a confident smile growing wider and wider across her lips as she placed a hand on her own chest and told her matter of factly, "I've decided that I want you to be my friend~."

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
This didn't seem normal. In fact, it definitely was not as her eyes darted from side to side, still pointedly upon the earth beneath them wondering what was happening and if this was a trap. Not that she was important enough to trap, she reassured herself half-heartedly and with little results. She had always just assumed this field belonged to the state and no one in particular owned it so she could come and go as she pleased, but perhaps she was wrong? She could be in big trouble if so, or...even worse, if someone found out she was a Jinchuu or a Santaru of importance (now) and wanted to use her for ransom or blackmail. But, the person in front of her was only her age. Was that possible? Or a trick.

Her mind stopped short of wild assumptions as the girl interrupted them with her words, making the teen blink in confusion, raising her head slightly and looking at Miyako with an expression tilted to the right, like a puzzled puppy. "" it certainly was as outlandish as it came. She was hardly anyone important and that was something that would stick in her mind for quite a while. Older people wished to meet her out of pity or suspicion, but no one her own age. But the well dressed girl, with clothes clearly beyond her parent's budget, continued to push the confusion forward to envelope her quite completely. Nothing made sense and the young Santaru's face positively burned red from the blush it had gained in the face of the undeserved compliments. She shook her head disagreeing with them in an almost rythmic fashion for they were all so very incorrect. Yet weren't...not correct either. Though she clearly made the stories out to be much more than they were.

"N-No, I'm...I'm n-nothing special. J-just...chance and....chuunin...I'm t-t-the only one...who f-failed..." she said, her voice almost a whisper as she said "in the first round" at the end of her words. Then the most unbelievable, inconceivable statement of all was then said from Miyako, unimpeded from Sayomi's words. Friend? Now she knew something was off, but it still left the girl in a stunned silence to the point she almost seemed rigid. The youth was quite rigid, in fact, unable to move from the moment as she tried to assess the words in her mind, no one had really ever wanted to be her friend, and especially did not say it aloud in as many words as this one did. Words did not come for the Storm Princess became completely lost in thought.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
