Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Look at Us! We Can Do Magic![Class/Open]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji
Physical Age: 24
Height: 5 feet 10 inches tall
Weight: ????
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: ????
Rank: ????
Religion: Agnostic
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Long, straight and white. I suppose if you would like a reference image look at Inuyasha.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his hands are cat-like claws.
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back.
Other features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan
Looks Like: Dark Mousy from Dark Angel

Another wonderful night of slumber had come and gone for the descendant of the Byakko with his wife. Today was a special day in the life of our little twenty-four year old Medic as he was asked a few days ago by the Academy to come teach the students a class as they were running low on teachers partially due to rebuilding the village and probably also from monitoring the outskirts of the village making sure nobody came in that was supporting the Cabel. However after recent events with Samejima and Riyota, the villagers may have wanted to monitor inside the village for sympathizers of the group. Luckily upon his arrival on the grounds of the Academy, the blood and aftermath of the fighting from days prior was gone. At least the students would not be pondering what had happened aside from the wall of the academy being barely fixed after Riyota crashed through it due to an impact from a blow he sustained.

Due to early morning time slot that was selected for the students and him, the temperature was relatively decent and the humanity was low. This was ideal as he was planning on teaching them outside right where he had fought the sympathizers days before. He had no idea who was coming to his class, but he did have a slip of paper given to him days before telling him what he was expected to teach them which he hadn't opened yet. Why open a slip of paper days before and worry himself sick about it since he was already overly concerned about his work in the Byakko infirmary and the actual hospital where the latter was putting him in a lot of stress and straining him due to the long shifts. Luckily for him, his fiancée was always waiting for him to relieve him of his thoughts and pain from seeing all those people suffering. It was nice to have someone to count on when everything was going to hell in a handbasket.

But anyways, the audience doesn't want a text wall to read that isn't related to them so we will continue. The outside classroom, or lack of, had three logs situated in a semicircle with the opening where Kyuji was sitting meditating currently to flush his mind of everything and prepare himself to teach for the first time in his life. The last time he was even near an academy for teaching reasons was when he was nearly flunking his exams in the Hidden Stone since he was a terrible student. When the students arrived, they would see that the academy doors were still locked and a man was sitting that looked quite peculiar in his appearance. His eyes were shut so they couldn't see his feline-like golden eyes, but they could see his hands that looked like any other human hand except everything from the proximal phalanges outward was resemble cat-like claws. His hair was white and flowing and his left hand and forearm had silver-white henna markings on them. He also had little cat-like ears on his head. As for his attire, he was wearing traditional white medic coat that shrouded his entire body bearing the village and his clan's symbols on the sleeves. If he was to take off his coat, the students would see belt pouches attached near his belt along with a light blue undershirt and black pants.

As for the lesson today well he had looked before going into his mediation which is primarily one of the reasons that he was mediating. The lesson was going to be on Ninjutsu, the one area of a shinobi that he was not comfortable with. Sure, he knew some ninjutsu and he used it in previous confrontations since coming to this village, but was he really someone to be teaching this to students who were relying on him? It seemed counter-intuitive if you were to ask him, but he kept his thoughts to himself as he continued mediating. Eventually, they would arrive to be taught, he just needed to be ready. The class was set to start at 8 AM, it was currently 7:30 AM, and the village above was bustling with activity already near the construction area.

[OOC: First, I always do bad with entrance posts but there it is. Just come in and do what you'd like, you are free as a bird to roleplay how you like.

I have three rules/directions that I would like us to follow:
1. You have 48 hours after I post to make a post. I will also try to post 48 hours after the last one of you posts.
2. Failure to post in 48 hours will give you a strike. If you have three strikes, you will be kicked out of the class.
3. This is for fun and to get you guys a few free stat points so let's keep it fun. I will do my best not to drag the topic along.]

Koizumi Mao

New Member
Mar 8, 2015
Early morning classes weren't for everyone - especially so for an entire community located underground. Luckily for Mao, she always tends to wake earlier than others in order to maintain her own exercise routine, which made these classes a little more convenient than may be for a majority of students. The aspiring shinobi's bare feet pattered across the ground as she made her way through the huge, open stone gateway leading to the ninja academy at a brisk running pace. The girl kept herself from slowing down to jog, always trying to push at her stamina in order to keep herself challenged.

The vast complex was mostly empty at this hour, filled mostly with only groggy students and dedicated trainers. This wasn't her first time among them, often retreating toward this area of Sunagakure to join the latter grouping of individuals. Today, though, she was here for a different purpose, which had the lean kunoichi-to-be make a beeline toward the four-story sandstone structure that jutted out from the earth. While she may have had some time to do a little training of her own before arriving to her class, she thought it best to conserve her energy for her sensei to better utilize.

By the time she actually arrived, the medic may not have been meditating for too long. Mao came veering around the corner of the building after having taken a semi-lap around the structure, her feet quickly skidding to a halt near the front door. She has arrived - after a sizable detour - around 7:35 AM. If Akujin didn't already notice her arrival, he could most certainly hear the heavy breaths she took after the long sprint. An invigorated smile spread across her face, momentarily overcome with the faint tense feeling of her muscles straining from her workout. While normally the sensation wasn't so enjoyable, her condition made many of her experiences drastically different from others. Speaking of which, Mao had taken a moment to quickly glance down at herself. Her right leg lifted, rolling her ankle before planting her foot back down on the ground. Now the left, repeating the same motion a few times before coming to the conclusion that she hadn't pulled or twisted anything on her trip over.

With that out of the way, she was about to head inside to find the location of her upcoming lesson, only to see that the doors were still closed and locked. Huh, maybe she was earlier than she thought. Her head then turned, quickly catching the sight of the medically-garbed figure situated in front of the small curve of logs. Peculiar, though the aspect that her class may not be confined in a stuffy building added to her excitement as she approached. Upon closer inspection of the man, her brow furrowed, momentarily distracted by the feline resemblance when it came to his ears and nails. You definitely don't see something like that everywhere. After a moment or two of staring, her gaze quickly averted aside. This was a little awkward. "...Ehm." She quietly cleared her throat, perhaps in an attempt to catch his attention. Was he asleep? It would be her first time witnessing a teacher snoozing before a class began, but she'd heard it happen to other students before. Her gaze eventually drifted back toward the man, once again captivated by his distinct feline qualities. Are they even real? Her curiosity was beginning to get the better of her, trying to take silent steps to Akujin's side. Her hand carefully reached out, fingertips daring to try and prod at one of the fuzzy ears perched atop his head.
Mar 30, 2015

Kagari yawned as he climbed the steep steps in the shinobi foundation complex. He was making his way torwards the Academy. doing some minor warm up stretches. He sighed, regretting that he should have taken the L tram instead of the B tram. It was especially crowded today, thanks to the construction up in Project Rebirth. He felt like he was being smushed up against the wall in the tram, you couldn't even relax because you were in such close proximity with the 10 people in your corner. He cracked his neck as he could start feeling the limbs in his body again, and finally reached the Academy area.

"We really need to get out of Grand Palais soon...The tram smelt like a usual." Kagari shuddered at remembering the smell of one of the men he had the displeasure of standing next to. He smelt like he didn't know what a shower was, or maybe even the idea of clean. The Grand Palais usually had homeless men sometimes wander on to the train as it contained most of the poor. They usually leave the poor sods on the train because they don't hurt anybody....somtimes. Today was like any other day for Kagari, a day spent learning at the academy. Although today was something different, he would be learning practical lessons instead of theoritical. He was able to take a supplement class after fulfilling some requirements for credits, and was able to sign up for the ninjutsu lesson. "At least we won't be stuck behind books, well hopefully."Kagari smirked a bit as he made his way to where he was told to meet in the handout he got last week.

"Outside...classroom. Please tell me I'm not fighting mud clones again..." Kagari read on the pamplet as he stood still. It triggered a short memory as he recounted the tough lesson he had with a previous sensei who didn't pull her punches, although she hasn't been seen in a while. Kagari wondered if she was on a long-term mission or disappeared completely. He shrugged, and moved on to where at best he thought the lesson was located at. As he rounded the corner after exploring a bit, he found two individuals. One, a girl who looked to be his age with short brown hair, staring at a man. The said man was sitting still outside the academy, with three logs in front of him. "A girl, without red hair. That's a first." Kagari mused for a bit as he observed her. She was staring intently at the man, almost as if she was entrapped by his very still presence. As he moved closer, he could see the man was definatley unusual. He looked human; well mostly human...He had more hair as well as two peculiar ears on top of his head. 'Are ears?' Kagari stared at the man for abit. He was wearing what looked to be a white coat, usually worn by doctors or hospital workers.

He reasoned this is why the girl was just staring at the man, he to would be curious if those ears were real. Although he was shaken out of his thoughts as he noticed the girl, reaching out to...touch the ears. "Uh-oh..." Kagari smirked a bit as the girls hand ever inched closer to the ears. He moved closer so he could see the events unfold, practically taking a front row seat as he looked back and forth between the man and the girl.

"This can only end well."

Marked For Training
May 6, 2015
Riyota was tired and a little bit grumpy on his way to the academy, the little shack he called a house had collapsed again early in the morning and he had been searching for a place to sleep for about an hour now. He didn't have enough money to pay for lodging. So he was just going to have to squat it out if he wanted more sleep. When he couldn't find anywhere else that wasn't occupied he'd decided to use the academy as it was relatively sheltered and rarely visited anymore. He found the roughly patched up hole that he had accidentally created and wormed his way through it as a makeshift entrance-way. He slowly trudged up a few flights of stairs to a higher floor. After finding an area that seemed reasonably comfortable he walked around to check for things that needed to be moved...or removed. After he was satisfied with the'bed?' that he'd created he took a quick rest against a wall that was off...questionable...sturdiness. A little too much force on Riyota's part sent him tumbling down a few stories. It was through nothing but sheer luck and the fact that he had not spotted a very obvious rope around his foot that he survived. He came to a sudden halt just a little bit above Kyuji and the students. Swinging back and forth over their heads. Wow, that was lucky. he thought to himself. "Uh...Hi everyone!" he grinned. "Now I know this looks bad, but trust me I know exactly how to get down...all part of the plan!" he said to them as he attempted to reach up and untie the rope. He tried this again...and again...and again.

His smile faded as his expression turned to a look of dissatisfaction. Which stayed constant as the boy swung back and forth suspended only by his leg. "So...uh, what's-uh...what's going on with you guys?" he asked, hoping small talk would distract them from this situation.

[Now that's how you make an entrance...a kinda far-fetched...little bit BS...entrance...But an entrance all the same XD]

Sunaku Hoshiko

New Member
Dec 23, 2015
Hoshiko let out a heavy sigh...

She stood there in front of her dirty mirror staring at herself. Her long black unkempt hair that went down all the way to her knees. Her dirty night clothes that had numerous stitches and stains and finally her very unruly skin. She had neglected taking a bath now she was dirty as if she lived in the streets, well she might as well since she lived in the red lights district. "Can't go to my first day of Academy looking like this." She sighed once more as she headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

...After screams of pain, tightening of bandages, and numerous baths, Hoshiko was done. Now she stood in the mirror with her Aunt behind her hands on our shoulder.

"Hate to say it but your pretty as your Mother, still doesn't compare to my brother." She joked, Hoshiko could tell her Aunt was thinking about her brother and sister-in-law. Both were dead and left a crying brat in her hands. "You kind of remind me of when I was a young shinobi." Hoshiko's Aunt had ended up in Red Lights after serving her kazekage for a large portion of her life. Soon as she wasn't able to fight anymore she was thrown into poverty. And now she was stuck here. But Hoshiko was going to make sure when she got enough money she would bring her Aunt out of this poverty to the surface. But as of now they are stuck.

Hoshiko was in her usual outfit, a long sleeve robe shirt with white bandages tied around the waist. She had made sure to wash her robe and get new bandages. The dark blue color complimented her dark hair. She had just bought some black tights, the previous one had various holes. She also had a skirt on of the same color as her robe. She tried on her new pair(bootlegged and used) sandals on. They didn't quite fit, but her Aunt said she would grow into them. She smiled as she wrapped bandages around her arm and stop once it covered the base of her fingers and her entire palm. She only did this to one arm. She also touched it with a white bandage on her cheek. Her aunt disapproved of this new style of bandages, but was glad her skirt wasn't like those "ladies for sale", as her Aunt named them, who were on every corner in the red lights. Finally her hair was braided into her signature large pony tail braid that went down to about the middle of her back.

Her Aunt hugged her, before she was about to go. Her Aunt usually never showed affection or kindness, but she admitted that she was proud of the little girl her brother raised and happy to send her off to her first day of to the academy. Hoshiko rushed down the stairs and into the street as she waved up to her Aunt's apartment window. She then turned around trying avoid the mud puddles ,to keep her shoes clean, that covered the red lights.

Hoshiko noticed that it was night, because the red lights are on bathing everything in a blood like red color. Though it never mattered it still looked like it was 12:00 o'clock at night even though it was 5:00 A.M. Hoshiko lived in this part of Suna for about year, but she knew it like the back of her hand. She knew where every bad turn was, the wrong streets to skip down, and where to get the best noodles in the entire village. She made her way quickly to the main road before heading for one of the roads connecting the red lights to the city.

...(I suggest skipping to this point if you don't feel like reading)

Hoshiko was glad she had got up really early, if she hadn't she would be really late for class. She was a little bit tired from a long walk, but she had slept a lot for the pass three days just so she can save up energy for this single day. She quickly figured out where she had to go and made her way to the outside classroom. She was wondering if they we're doing some type of fighting. She wasn't alright Taijutsu, didn't know much about genjutsu, and knew no ninjutsu jutsus. So if they ended up fighting it would be bad for Hoshiko. She stopped in mid sentence as she saw a boy hanging upside down, a cat person, and two kids. Which isn't that wired...
"What...?" Hoshiko Questioned

Maybe this was the wrong class, probably some type of circus act. Hoshiko looked down at the paper she was given, "This is the right place.." Hoshiko rubbed her head. She decided to just wait out the scene and see what happens. She kept rubbing her head with a very droopy smile. "I should've stayed at home."

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Umph..." "Grr..." "Err...Fine, enough already, cut it out!" Azusa growled and shook her head, shaking off the attempts of Hinoka, her retainer, from wrapping bandages around her head. "Ah, s-sorry! But, umm...If I don't...are you sure? Others could see..." The shrine maiden fiddled with the rest of the bandage wrap in her hands, perplexed over what she should do. "You're taking too long anyways. Just get me a hat or something, or I'll be late." As Hinoka scurried out of the room, the small priestess finished preparing herself for her lesson; a few tools, an outfit consisting of shorts, sandles, a top, and her favorite wornout hoodie jacket, now with small bells attached to the sleeves (much easier to maneuver in than her usual dresses). And of course her flute, attached to a long silk necklace around her neck.

With that, she donned a hat atop her long, straight ginger hair, taking great care to stuff her ears into them gently. Suddenly finding herself with new ears as her kitsune blood awakened irritated her to no end, but truthfully she had gotten off lucky; the Aikayume blood had manifested in much stranger ways in the past. "I'm off. I'm going alone, so don't follow me. If you do, I'll run away for a day or something." "Oh...But I wiIl get in trouble if I leave you..." "Tell them the Priestess said so." "But that does not make it okay..." At this point, Azusa scowled at Hinoka until she back down. The poor girl obliged to the intimidation, letting Azusa leave the clan shrine unchallenged.


The walk to the Academy was a welcome break away from home, a time where she could enjoy the quiet and solitude. But as all good things must end, and she felt as if she had arrived all-too quickly. ( goes...) Adjusting her hat for the seventeenth time, she entered the shabby building, only to find it empty...mostly. A few roaches and other critters here and there, but what school was without those?

Eitherway, she wandered about until she found her way outside. Immediately recognizing a boy from a previous class, Azusa felt relieved; at least there was still someone else among her peers that was not a genin yet. Also present was a girl who seemed to be...sneaking up on a white-coated man she assumed to be their sensei for a reason Azusa was not yet aware--Oh. It seemed Azusa did not have to be as worried about her ears afterall, they may not be so uncommon afterall. Or, considered the girl seemed to really, really want to touch them, perhaps she was right to be worried.
Eitherway, she was glad she decided to wear a hat (which she adjusted for the twenty-first time; the walk from the front of the building to here held the other three times).

Slowly, so as to not disturb either the girl or the man, she walked along the side of the building, noting how worn out the walls seemed to be. (Guh...this place still smells bad even outside...) Azusa shut her eyes and sighed. (All the more reason for me to hurry up and graduate.)

Shabby buildings, sleeping sensei's, troublesome kids, and bad smells...why did it feel like she was attending some sort of detention class?


Oh, and someone had fallen through a wall and was dangling against the side of the building. Of course someone would.

"....!" Her eyes opened to be greeted by another kid dangling relatively close to her (she was lucky to not have been hit by the debris; foxes really were lucky).
Azusa, the benevolent being of kindness she was, had the urge to 'assist' the kid she assumed would be one of her classmates by throwing a Kunai at the rope holding him. Sadly, knowing that he'd fall to the floor headfirst had prevented her from assisting*

*Not really. Truth was, she didn't want to look stupid since she was pretty horrible when it came to throwing things and would likely miss any attempt she made even at close range.

"...I see. Then, good morning. I will let you handle yourself." She spoke, adding a sarcastic polite bow that chimed the bells on her sleeves and hat, and altered her path to walk around him, sitting over on an empty spot in the semi-circle of logs.

...At least there was one other person who looked as confused as Azusa felt.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
In his meditation, the outside world had escaped him as his mind was clear. He could feel a rush of emotions coursing through him from fear to anxious to excited to dreading this whole ordeal that he was going to be doing called teaching. But, surprisingly he was feeling much better than he had been earlier in the week when he had time to think about today. Luckily for him, his fiancée had been able to calm him down when he was getting all worked up over it and reassure him that it was going to be just fine! However, a lot had been on his mind recently since joining the village like the Cabel attacks, his jobs, his wife and kid on the way. He was in all honesty a hot mess, but somehow it would all work out in the very end. He knew that and he just had to ride out this big tidal wave for now. As stirring was beginning around him, he stopped his meditation but kept his eyes closed to listen to all the students and try to keep a straight face so nobody would realize that he was listening to them. The first soul that came into the academy grounds did not say anything, but he could feel her presence getting closer and closer to him and without a moment to spare, the student touched his ear and she would feel from the touch that those ears were indeed real which the other student probably noticed as he muttered to himself loud enough for Kyuji to catch his last few words escaping his mouth. At this point, the older medic would have smirked usually, but he kept cool like a cucumber and let it all play out around him. Within a few minutes, a familiar voice was heard coming from the academy asking how everyone was doing with a quick response from a feminine voice informing him that she was going to let him handle the situation herself and he assumed she was the one that sat down near him from her footsteps and the chiming coming from each step. The last student that was there, he did not hear at all approaching possibly due to a variety of reasons, but possibly the way they presented themselves.

After everyone seemed comfortable or at the very least mellowing down, his golden feline eyes would open to look at the girl touching his ear as he would smile before throwing a kunai towards the body that was dangling near the academy which he recognized as Riyota's as soon as the kunai was flung. His hands would go through a bunch of seals which allowed a white figure to appear and rush quickly under the familiar boy's body to catch him as he began to fall. One thing was for sure, the students were getting a show to start off the day which would have to be explained later concerning the jutsu used. But as for now while his medical assistant was handling Riyota, he would look at the other students and wave them over to join him on one of the logs. If they chose to do so was entirely up to them as the medical assistant would carry Riyota over to the rest of the group and pulp him on one of the logs in the semicircle if he chose to allow the white figure to do so. In either case, the medical assistant would poof as soon as its work was complete.

While the students were deciding their seating and what not, Kyuji would look at the girl who had touched his ears and say with a tongue and cheek: "They are real as you can tell by the touch. Quite soft if I do say so myself!" His attention would then turn to the rest of group while he stayed in his meditation position. This was definitely a diverse class with someone wearing a hat, one being tan or black(he couldn't really tell), one wearing glasses like he use to do, a curious girl who touched his ears, and Riyota otherwise known as the demon boy if he decided to stick around for the class. However if Kyuji would have received names, he would have known that one person was missing from the class still and he would've had names to associate with pictures of the students. Good job, Kyuji, you are already slacking Dude.

Anyways, he would wait till everyone was situated before he would begin his lecture. It was going to be a brief introduction, but it would get the key points out of the way quickly and he could then proceed to teach. In all honesty, he was still somewhat anxious and nervous about teaching since the academy had never been a good place for him when he was their age, but he was going to have to fight through it and hopefully not embarrass himself or give them information they did not need. Slowly, he would raise his left arm which would allow the white medic coat to slide down it and reveal his Byakko henna marks and his feline-looking hand. He would chuckle at them all as he would begin: "Before anyone else needs to touch me, everything you see is real on my body. It was a transformation that happened to me when I met my fiancée, Byakko Yanshi, and went through her branch's training. It is a long story that you kids do not want or need to hear right now. Maybe I will tell you all at a later date when you graduate or something haha!" His left hand would go behind his head and he would rub his head as he continued with a warm, welcoming tone in his voice and a smile on his face partially to hide all the negative feelings he was experiencing. "Haven't even been talking to you all for five minutes and I am rambling on. My apologies! You all are here for the ninjutsu class, I assume since no children would be up this early in the morning to learn unless they really loved to learn...doubt that hehe. Anyways, I am Byakko Kyuji and I am a teacher and medical shinobi in our village so IF you would need any help physically or educationally, I would be the guy to talk to. But, enough about me! Introduce yourselves to your classmates and I and let us know what you would like to do when you graduate from the academy! We will proceed to teaching after introductions and after I answer any questions that you would have already."

[OOC: Good, we all met the time limit except for one who I already talked about and he won't be penalized if he posts in the next round. To be fair, I will be trying to post as close to 12 AM forum time after the last person posts. Have fun Guys, we will get into learning in the next post I make! Gotta make introductions!~
Also, I don't care about posting order since there are so many of us in this thread. Just try to get your post in on time ^^]

Koizumi Mao

New Member
Mar 8, 2015
So close. It didn't look as if he'd woken up at all, making her expert ninja sneaking attempt a success! Now she just needed to move a few more inches, her fingertips so close from coming in contact with those fuzzy little ears. But then, just as she was about to accomplish her mission, an unfamiliar boy approached the scene. Her head immediately turned, freezing in place as to not disturb their sensei's presumed rest. His muttering caused her facial expression to scrunch slightly, her other hand raising to place a finger over her lips. He couldn't wake up. Not now. Not when she was this close. And then the boy rolled off of the building nearby, causing her body to lock up once again in surprise. In her alarmed state, her head turned toward the second student suspended by his foot. He was even louder than the first guy! Her hand left her lips in order to frantically wave her arm, as if to shoo away the intruder before his nonsense sabotaged her goal. What she first thought was a success was quickly becoming a complete disaster. By the time the rest of her classmates began showing up, all hope was rapidly dwindling, her head drooping down to momentarily reflect upon the ill fortune that brought her here today.

As she turned to face her disturbed sensei and her inevitable fate, she saw that the man had not yet moved, nor even opened his eyes. Her eyes widened at the realization - hope was not yet lost. How could someone still sleep through all of that and call themselves a ninja? Rather than fretting on the odd circumstance, Mao seized this opportunity to finally attain contact with her prize, forefinger and thumb gently clamping on the edge of the ear in her sights. "Whoa." It was quite wondrous, as the fur obviously wasn't fake, and they were not detachable either. Just as she reached this conclusion, the man's eyes sprung open, and his arm swung into action in his heroic plight of saving the boy in need. Strangely enough, Mao failed to even twitch by Akujin's sudden movement. His movements couldn't been too quick for her to detect right away, but if that were so, she would've at least made a delayed attempt to get out of the way. Instead, she just stood there. Either she had complete trust in a teacher she didn't know, or she wasn't worried about being pierced by a kunai; both of which seem at least a little foolish.

"Yeah, you're right." Mao responded with an equal level of amusement, briefly rubbing the ears between her fingers before releasing it. By the time his attention turned to address the rest of the students, she would finally begin to move away from their sensei's personal bubble. She found a place next to one of the logs, and opted to remain standing, her arms loosely crossed over her chest. When Akujin revealed more of his body, the girl opted to silently observe rather than try and poke at him again, though she couldn't help but find his feline-like qualities odd. It's assumed that people don't often find others walking around with those unique qualities, after all, even throughout her diversified childhood. She was allowed a moment to snap out of her thoughts once Akujin began a roll call, forearm lazily raising as a greeting. "Yo. I'm Koizumi Mao." That introduction was as good as any. "And uh, how does training give you fuzzy ears and claws?" While it may have inadvertently come across as so, she wasn't insulting his feline-esque appearance, and certainly not his ears. They were quite soft, after all.
May 6, 2015
"Oof" the boy grunted as he landed in the arms of the white figure. After being plonked down on a seat around an odd looking cat-man hybrid? Riyota wasn't sure what it was, all he knew was that most eyes were on him. Apart from the girl standing closest to the feline figure in the center. She seemed more interested in his ears. He opened his mouth to clear the air a bit until the cat man introduced himself. "That's a coincidence, I met someone called Kyuji not too long ago. Popular name I guess." he smiled nervously. "A-and-uh...sorry for the confusion, but I didn't sign up for a class, I'm just looking for a place to sleep." this sentence was followed by a yawn almost to emphasize the point.

"I'm sorry about the noise...and debris...and surprise...a-and annoyance, y'know that too." He kicked up a bit of dust. "I didn't mean to interrupt, I-uh...I'll just be going now." the boy hoped that by this point everyone would've lost interest in looking at him and be more interested in the person they should be focused on. The Wizard Cat Sensei.
Mar 30, 2015
Kagari stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweat pants, smiling at the scene unfold in front of him hoping something interesting might happen. He could see that the girl was alerted to his presence and told him to "shush" in order for him not to get in the way of her strange goal. Although Kagari was curious too about the animal-like man sitting in a very peaceful and still state; but not brave enough to go up and distrub the man. He was shook out of focus when he noticed another kid almost fell off a roof of the building next to him. Kagari looked up and noticed how he was saved by a convenient rope, catching his foot before he recieved a face full of stone and dirt. Kagari looked up and observed the boy, he was a brand new face he'd never seen but he was reminded of another individual with the same hair color. 'I wonder if this is Riyota...Mr. Nishiro's son?' Kagari wondered. He looked like a mini version of his dad, except obviousl not as tall, good looking or even how they acted; Riyota seemingly more clumsy and airheaded. 'The apple fell far far from the tree...but that might be a good thing.' Kagari mused as he smiled.

Kagari started noticing at this point there were new faces, two in fact. One, a red haired girl he knew from a previous class, that Kagari couldn't remember if it even happend or not. The other one, a dark skinned girl with black hair he'd never seen before. He could tell that the black haired girl was confused at the situation from her expression, 'yeah, I'd be confused to.' Kagari mused at the current situation.. The red haired girl, or "Azusa" Kagari rememberd showed up around the same time as the other girl, she to was gazing at Riyota's clumsy mistake. Kagari was about to help when he noticed that Riyota was being carried by an entirely new individual; someone wearing the same white medical attire that the cat-man had. The figure carried Riyota and sat him down on one of the logs in front of the cat man, who was probably aware of the entire situation Kagari realized. The figure disappeared in a cloud of smoke as quick as he apperaed. Kagari could see that the man was observing each and every one of them carefully, before smiling and introducing himself.

First he addressed his cat ears, probably sating the curiosity of the first girl for now. "They are real as you can tell by the touch. Quite soft if I do say so myself!" Now Kagari was even more curious, they were real. The man gave a short introduction, how his appearnce was part of his training when he joined the "Byakko" family. 'This must come up frequently if he had a explanation ready.Then again it's not everyday you see a dude who's half cat.'</COLOR><i></i> Thankfully though, he confirmed everbody's question; that they were all at the right place for the ninjutsu class. He was beckoning to join Riyota on the logs in front of him; as if to start the lesson. Kagari made his way to the middle log and sat down, listening to the cat man. The cat man, or "Kyuji" confirmed his medical background, explaining his robes and the figure's robes. Kagari put 2 and 2 together and realized that the figure was probably a clone, similar to the solid mud figures he fought a long time ago in a different class. He asked every person here to introduce themselves to the class before the lesson would begin.

The brown haired girl gave a short and quick introduction, "Yo. I'm Koizumi Mao." Althought it was obvious she was more curious about Kyuji's cat-like apperance when she followed up with. "And uh, how does training give you fuzzy ears and claws?" Kagari was curious to, although they probably won't get an answer today. Riyota spoke up next, "That's a coincidence, I met someone called Kyuji not too long ago. Popular name I guess." he smiled nervously. "A-and-uh...sorry for the confusion, but I didn't sign up for a class, I'm just looking for a place to sleep." this sentence was followed by a yawn almost to emphasize the point.

"I'm sorry about the noise...and debris...and surprise...a-and annoyance, y'know that too." He kicked up a bit of dust. "I didn't mean to interrupt, I-uh...I'll just be going now."
<COLOR color="#0000FF">'The apple didn't just fall from the tree, but landed on the other side of the river. This boy is seriously air-headed; although the manners are the same as his dad's...kind of.' Kagari mused when he noticed that it was his turn to make an introduction.

He stood up and spoke, "I'm Kagari, it's nice to meet you all." Kagari gave a polite bow to everyone, "I know some of you and but not everyone...I hope we can be friends." Kagari smiled, shuffled abit where he stood as he standed there in the awkward silence, he didn't really like speaking up that often. "And, my goal after I graduate is to earn enough money from missions to move my mom and I out of the Grand Palais to somewhere better." Kagari remembered the last question that their sensei asked; he took another polite bow and sat down letting last two to make their own introductions.

Marked for Training


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As the students individually responded to his questions introducing themselves, a warm fuzzy feeling radiated through Kyuji as if this class was going to be okay and he wasn't going to completely embarrass himself in front of them and be remembered as the sensei who broke down and cried or had a little accident in his pants. As each one introduced themselves, he would nod to them with a smile on his face. However when Riyota decided to respond, Kyuji began to laugh at the kid not out of spite or hatred, but because he forget that Riyota had seen him before he had his little meet and greet with Toraono Kuro and his family that would now have him engaged to Byakko Yanshi with a kid on the way and having him work triple duty if you consider teaching another job like Kyuji was. He was going to respond right away to Riyota, but he awaited the other students to respond first. Once he was aware of the introductions being completed or if it grew quiet, he would look at Riyota and say tongue and cheek: "You don't have to leave Riyota. Why don't you stay and take a lesson from Mikisugi Kyūji otherwise known as the same medic who helped you here a little while ago with Naoki's help to stop those sympathizers? I am the same Kyuji that you met back then haha." Circumstances just have altered my appearance completely. His attention would then turn to the rest of them as he finished his statement: "Long story for now, but I will gladly tell you all about how I became this cat-human hybrid later today or in another class. Let's begin."

His eyes would shut momentarily before opening again and glowing like they had done before when he was fighting Lord Jyakko on the sacred grounds of the Byakko Temple. His face would then go from the calm and relaxed look to a more intensified one as he would crack his knuckles and begin to speak sternly about ninjutsu. "All right, let's begin learning about Ninjutsu. It is going to be a lot to take in so try not to fall asleep or get distracted. Ninjutsu is a term referring to almost any technique which allows the user to do something that they otherwise would be incapable of doing, including the usage of weapons. Unlike genjutsu, which makes the opponent see illusions, the effects of ninjutsu are real. They vary greatly in purpose, with the simpler ninjutsu serving such tasks as transforming the user or allowing them to evade attacks. These techniques are often second-nature for experienced shinobi, who can use them at will. More complex ninjutsu manipulate one's surroundings or utilise the elements, respectively serving such tasks as healing others or manipulating nature transformations. In addition, ninjutsu, most of the time, relies on chakra and hand seals to be effective. I am going to assume you all know what chakra is, but if you need me to explain it, speak up after I am done giving you an earful. The hands are put in sequential positions that moulds and manipulates chakra in the necessary manner to perform a technique. This is not always needed, however, and some techniques become second nature to experienced ninja, after which they can perform them at will. Additionally, there is the kind of technique that can be classified as a basic or advanced elemental technique, the basic type are techniques with specific elements which are wind, water, fire, earth, or lightning. The advanced types usually take a combination of two basic types to create the advanced element, but there are some who are naturally gifted in an advanced type. When creating a ninjutsu, the two methods of manipulating chakra are referred to as shape transformation and nature transformation. Shape transformation deals with controlling the form, movement, and potency of chakra while nature transformation usually deals with changing the physical properties of chakra into an element. Ninjutsu can be used in collaboration with taijutsu to create nin-taijutsu techniques" He would then take a deep breath and close his eyes momentarily to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Most shinobi in the world if they focus on ninjutsu know about two to four different basic elements and from there perfect their advanced elements and discover them. Advanced elements do not come easily as I am well-aware because I am trying to learn some. Currently, I know lightning and non-elemental ninjutsu as you could see when that white figure saved Riyota. That figure was a medical assistant. Medical Assistant is a non-elemental medical ninjutsu known mainly by medics, but can be learned by people outside the medical branch."

He would then proceed to lift his hand in front of his face and a lightning based ninjutsu would emit a high-pitched screech similar to the chirping of a thousand birds. He wouldn't say anything momentarily so they could observe the jutsu in front of them, but he would stop the jutsu after a few seconds and look at them again and say one simple word: "Chidori." He would then cross his arms and look at each one of them one at a time before gazing upon all of them at once and say: "So, now you have seen my two ninjutsu types that I use occasionally. Does anyone know any ninjutsu themselves that they would like to show the class? If so, come up to the front and demonstrate them on me." At this point, he was sure that the students thought he was crazy for edging them on to come up and beat up their sensei, but he snickered to himself as he rose and walked off to their right a few meters away so that they were out of the sight of any jutsu used against Kyuji that mistakenly would project towards them. He would turn around and now have a smile on his face as he cheerfully said: "If you do, come up. I want all of you to come up that know a ninjutsu that is focused on attacking someone. If you don't know any, that is okay! We will be learning one or two today that every good shinobi should know how to use and perfect. For those who know the ninjutsu, I want you all to come up and when I point at all of you, I want you all to channel your ninjutsu at me." Once all the students that were skilled a little in ninjutsu and were comfortable enough to go up, he would raise his finger to the sky momentarily before pointing at them all.

[OOC Notes:
1. 48 Hours Again ^^
2. Changed talking to red just because I thought bold and italicized with all that text was killer.
3. Strike 1 for: Aikayume Azusa and Sunaku Hoshiko
4. Again, no need for posting order so just post when you can :)
5. Have fun!~
6. MFT: 1108 Words]
Mar 30, 2015

Kagari sat there and quietly listened to the rest of the introductions. He observed each and every one of them, happy that he was amongst people that were more or less his age. Once everyone had made introductions, Kyujin addressed the apathetic Riyota, who despite not knowing the man in front of him, seemed to have a history with him. Kagari didn't think any more of it, as it's probably a long story and it's none of his business to know anyways. One last time he addressed his apperance to Mao, the brown haired girl. The girl was borderlining obsession at this point. 'Maybe she has a thing for cats?' Kagari wondered about the girl.

Any more daydreaming was cut short as Kyujin declared the class begin, and Kagari's attention was more or less focused on their instructor. Kyujin explained the basics of ninjutsu and chakra to the kids, in a very succinct manner. He explained the elements, basic techniques, how ninjas create techniques and so forth. What Kyujin was explaining would probably be in a different class, a textbook of work. Kagari was thankful that Kyujin seemed more like the "learn by doing" type.While Kagari knew theory from previous classes, he didn't exactly know how to exactly "use" ninjutsu. Most of what Kyujin said Kagari knew, while not word for word but he got the gist of it. He knew that chakra was the power resource that all ninja require to use for basically anything. Taijutsu, ninjutsu, genutsu; Kagari knew that if he was going to do anything above normal human ability, he had to reach into his untapped resource. As Kyujin finished up his short speech on a ninja's "magical power" he talked about the "medical assistant" ninjutsu he used earlier to untangle Riyota. 'I guess Medical Assisant is like a clone jutsu...but it's probably not designed for fighting most likely. It honestly seems handy, I could use it to help with some chores around the apartment.' Kagari mused at the potential of learning it.

Kyujin would demonstrate one more ninjutsu for them. His hand all of a sudden glowed a bright blue as what looked to be lightning gathering around the palm of his hand. Streaks of electricity were bursting out of his palm as held it out in front of them, so that the entire class could observe. Not only was it enthralling to look at, the sound it made felt eerie. The "ball" of lightning in his hand was so chaotic, that the sounds it made were high pitched and hurt Kagari's ears so. He covered them up as he just kept gazing at the jutsu in front of him. 'Why does it sound like that? It sounds like a bunch of birds screaming all at once...' Kagari could see that the technique died down, and he relaxed when Kyujin took a deep breath and continued his short lecture. The technique he demonstrated was "Chidori" or "One Thousand birds". Fitting, Kagari mused as he felt like his ears were abused by a bunch of pigeons. Kyujin now asked if each one of them knew a ninjutsu technique, and asked those to demonstrate one at a time what they in front of him.

Kagari winced a bit, he didn't know jack shit. Although he relaxed when Kyujin stated that it was alright and they would be leaerning one or hopefully two techniques today. He brightened up to the idea of learning more things, as it made him one step closer to his goal. He kept still when Kyujin asked for a bit of show and tell though, and he quietly observed his classmates to see if they would answer his easy challenge.

1. Kagari doesn't know any Ninjutsu, and proceeded to just observe to see if any one would demonstrate their techniques.
2. WC: 618 MFT

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Aikayume Azusa." She introduced herself, before listening to what their sensei had followed up with. It had seemed that their class would be teaching them on Ninjutsu...interesting. In truth, Azusa had difficulties using in chakra in ways that she couldn't infuse into the bells on her sleeves and ribbons, or through her flute. Perhaps this class would help her discover some kind of pointer she had missed before? She could only hope...

Sensei, a certain Byakko Kyuji, had explained the properties of Jutsu. But more interestingly, he had also shown a technique that was most clearly of the Lightning element...and so painfully high-pitched that Azusa, with her heightened sense of hearing, reflexively flinched in an uncomfortable recoil. "S-so loud..." Azusa grimaced as her ears twitched under her hat, deciding instantly that she did not like that technique, regardless of how cool it had looked. Her ears were ringing with a low pain even after he had dispersed the 'Chidori' technique...

After sensei's demonstration, he had asked that they demonstrated their own techniques. That...would be an impossibly difficult act to follow, given the flashy nature of the Chidori technique, most things they'd be capable of would pale in comparison. Perhaps Azusa would just act as if she knew nothing, and save herself the embarrassment of trying to follow up that lightning-bending act.

Wait...her ears perked up.

Did...Kyuji-sensei say that they could demonstrate their techniques on him?

This changed things. This changed everything.

Hopping up from the fallen log she was seated upon, the Aikayume heiress threw her hand in the air eagerly, the bells on her sleeve ring-ting-jingling each time she waved her hand. "Kyuji-Sensei." Azusa tried to maintain her 'proper lady' poker face her clan tried to instill into her, she really did! However, she couldn't help but grin mischievously as she moved up to the front. "I think I have a Ninjutsu that I could show." She spoke, reaching within her shirt to pull out the metallic flute attached to her necklace.

The ginger priestess took a deep breath as she raised the flute to her lips. Jutsu involving handseals were difficult for her, but when she could use the flute as a focus for her chakra? It was much easier. Of course, she couldn't hope to do anything half as cool as channel a blade of electric chakra. But perhaps she could match the ear-ringing shrillness sound of hell that the Chidori sounded like from a few feet away. Afterall, Kyuji-sensei also had inhumane ears like herself. If he also had a notably better sense of hearing, well, Azusa would have abit of petty revenge.

Unfortunately, her classmates would be caught in the indiscriminate crossfire.

Her flute emitted a pitch of sound chakra at a deafeningly high pitch, shattering many of the buildings windows (at least the ones that were not already broken. As for anyone who's glasses did not survive the encounter, please see Azusa for an apology later). There wasn't much finesse involved; Azusa simply 'played' (a word used very loosely, since she wasn't really playing the instrument, and more like blowing with all her might until her face was redder than her hair) as hard as she could while trying to channel as much chakra as she could simultaneously for as long as her breath lasted.
(Wind Release + Spiralling Sound + Sonic Strike<i></i>)

...Once her breath gave out, Azusa took a quick breather to recuperate before bursting into a fit of giggles. "...S-s-sorry! *laugh* I was targeting your ears. That was my attack, sensei." Azusa teased between laughs.


Koizumi Mao

New Member
Mar 8, 2015
She was a little disappointed to hear that she couldn't learn about the tale of their teacher's transformation until after the class was finished, though she didn't show her impatience. Instead, she would listen up for the incoming lesson. Mao held her standing position with her arms crossed over her chest, taking a single deep breath during his long-winded explanation. Perhaps she'd already heard this before, but it was good to cover all bases to ensure that each of the classmates were on the same page. All in all, the girl wasn't much good at listening to lectures, her eyes idly scanning around toward each of her peers that had introduced themselves, taking it upon herself to try and remember each of their names. When it was Kagari's turn, they momentarily caught each other's gaze. She didn't think much of his daydreaming, as she was prone to doing the same thing at times like this.

The bright light Kyuji had emitted from his palm quickly brought her attention back to him. The shrill sound emanating the immediate area caught her a little off guard. While she continued to hold her same position, her facial expression couldn't help but flinch and scrunch up slightly at the chirping stinging her ears. Jeez, what was the point of that technique? Was it supposed to be some sort of alarm clock for waking up other shinobi? She'd believe it, considering how much of a heavy sleeper Kyuji was; or so she thought. Mao didn't sound any objection in response to the disturbance, seeing he was continuing his lesson. Just before she was about to drift off into her head again, their instructor halted his lecture to give the students an opportunity to display a technique. Her lips formed to a smirk, as she already had a few moves in mind to show off to the class. Sadly, before she could decide on one, another student was already more excited than her to attack the cat-man. Mao opted to wait her turn and observe what the other girl could do. She looked a little frail, but that was no indicator at how proficient she was at ninjutsu. A look of confusion spread across her face at the appearance of the flute. Was she going to play them all a song? She didn't have much time to think on it before the deafening shriek broke the nearby windows. This time, her body tensed in it's position, snarling slightly at the strange sensation she experienced from the residual sound waves. Odd that she didn't look so pained by the experience or tried to cover her ears - that might do some lasting damage with repeated exposure.

Instead, the girl just blinked a few times as her hearing returned to focus in the midst of Azusa's apology. Now that Mao had a chance to show the class what she had to offer, she stepped on up to the plate from the logs where the rest of her peers sat. "Not bad. Never like that before." She did find it quite impressive too. Mao wasn't so proper at all, and the contrast was quite clear standing next to the shorter priestess. Her hand unceremoniously slapped down on the flutist's shoulder, perhaps hard enough to inadvertently cause a bit of discomfort. She was stronger than she seemed, after all. "Let's try something a little more physical." The taller girl's smirk returned, rubbing her hands together as her attention turned toward the distant Kyuji. "Oi, sensei! I'll take it easy on ya!" Mao was cocky enough to joke around with the medic-nin of vastly greater experience. Her hand clenched into a fist, flexing hard enough for her knuckles to lose a bit of it's color. And without further ado, her arm swung back, as if she were cocking back a punch. Rather than simply swinging the air in front of her, she crouched down onto her knee, her strike aimed straight toward the ground below her. Surprisingly enough, the earth easily faltered beneath the might of her fist, throwing enough force for her hand to slam into the ground. The ground around her rumbled, a small tremor shaking it's way toward her instructor, halting just in front of him. In it's place, a massive spire of unworked stone broke loose from the ground, nearly dwarfing the medic in size. It twisted and turned while it continued to grow, molding into the shape of what looked to be Mao's fist. At the apex of it's arch, the boulder-sized structure aimed down at it's target, attempting to crush the man. (Kyoujouran Bloodline Earth Ninjutsu - Earthen Fists)

Whether or not the intricately shaped mass of stone hit it's target or not, it would crumble into a pile of rubble, leaving quite a mess near the academy. Mao's arm relaxed, freeing her hand from the hole she punched in the earth. While the act itself could easily break a person's knuckles, the girl's hand went through the abuse unscathed, standing up straight again. "Uhh...I can clean that up later." She offered, hand reaching up to rub the back of her head.

[MFT][WC: 860]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The class was silent momentarily probably waiting to see who would make the first move to head up and confront their sensei with their ninjutsu. Although there was quite a lot of stirring, the jingly girl who was wearing a hat was the first to get up and take her place in front of the class preparing herself to attack Kyuji. After his discussion with them on chakra and ninjutsu, he was expecting her to go through a bunch of handseals against him, but she pulled a flute out instead and began to play the instrument in front of the class as confidently as she could as her face got red and she emitted a high pitched tone that rang his ears and caused him to wince as windows were being to scatter from the Academy and he could see the other kids trying their hardest to embrace the sound themselves as the sonic boom increased its intensity as he would drop to his knees and cover his feline ears to try to mask the sound or at the very least damper it. Never had he heard something so terrible like this since the last time that he saw his dear friend and first crush in Iwagakure named Kimi who played the violin with the same kind of intensity except she focused on the genjutsu side of the shinobi, not the ninjutsu side. He did wonder about her occasionally and was reminded of that memory which made his heart sink that he left her behind in that corrupt and godforsaken village to run like a coward that he was back then. But, there was no time to hold onto the past as Azusa had stopped her playing probably due to lack of breath and just giggled apologizing to Kyuji for that terribly ear-shattering tone.

He would have responded to her right there, but the taller Mao had decided to take her turn against him now and she took the more routine route of ninjutsu by going through some handseals and creating a small tremor that would race towards Kyuji and try to hit him. But. It would miss as a puff of smoke would appear where he stood and once the debris and destruction mellowed down, he would appear behind the two students and place his hands on Azusa and Mao's shoulder and chuckling as he talked: "Very impressive, Azusa and Mao. Very impressive techniques at such a young age. I am pleased at what I saw. You may both be seated for now" He would then turn to the other students and say joyfully: "With time, I am sure that you all will be masterful shinobi in ninjutsu. That technique that I used is what I think we will be learning now which is called Body Switch. To perform the ninjutsu, you typically would go through the following symbols in this exact order: Tiger-Boar-Ox-Dog-Snake." He would then demonstrate the hand seals slowly repeating the process several times before going through it quickly a few times. He would then stop demonstrating and resume explaining:"With this technique, the user replaces their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood or a clone, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. Explosive tags, although not advised in the village areas, can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Despite it being a basic ninjutsu taught at the Academy, it is seen as a useful art that can be applied in a variety of situations as it allows for a swift getaway from danger. The technique even allows a restrained shinobi to escape capture."

At this point, he would pull out some kunai from his hidden belt pouches point one of them at each student. He would then close his eyes again and take a deep breath before he would resume talking with his eyes once again glowing and a stern tone in his voice once again. "I showed you the hand seals needed to perform the jutsu and reasons for using the jutsu. The next part is another demonstration and hands-on experience. I want every single one of you to come up here to practice using the Body Switch jutsu....I will be throwing and using these kunai against you guys along with my bare hands. All you need to do is dodge the attacks using the jutsu I just showed you. I will be aiming to harm you, but not to inflict permanent damage on you. If you slip up and I do manage to land a hit on you, I will heal you up and make sure you leave this class with no harm to you physically. Depending on how quickly you guys are able to grasp this will determine if we go onto another ninjutsu that all students should know which is Transformation."

He would then quickly go through some hand seals and summoning scrolls would appear which he would unroll and it would reveal kawarimi targets in there for the students to use. He would motion to them to come up and talk as they were coming up: "Go ahead and grab some kawarimi targets that I have summoned and take your place over where I was standing. Once everyone is situated, I will begin the hands-on lesson." This was going to be quite an exciting development and hopefully the students were going to be able to grasp this simple technique that every shinobi knew.

[OOC Notes:
1. Alright so when I get this post up, your next post will be due Saturday 12 AM forum time aka GMT-0.
2. Strike 2 for Sunaku Hoshiko, strike 1 for Kuromairu Riyota
3. Again, no need for posting order so just post when you can :)
4. If you cannot make the post time limit due to personal reasons, just PM me and we will go from there.
5. Get yourselves prepared! Also, you will not fail the class if you get hit by me, just roleplay it as realistically as you want.
6. Have fun!~
7. MFT: 943 Words]
Mar 30, 2015

Kagari watched closely as Azusa and Mao stood up and proceeded to show of their ninjutsu techniques. Azusa was first, as she took out a flute instead of doing the normal handsigns that Kyujin talked about earlier. What came next was opposite of Kagari's thoughts as instead of playing a nice melody, it instead played a glass shattering tone that echoed around the academy grounds. Kagari tried covering his ears to block out the sound but it didn't help as he felt major discomfort. Thankfully Azusa stopped the attack on everybody's hearing, effectively making them deaf for a bit and apologized before laughing. "tee-hee I'm sorry~" Kagari repeated in a very girlish, sarcastic tone; trying to imitate Azusa's words. "That really hurt!" He eclaimed at the girl.He wasn't to happy about the short pain he went through but he was impressed at Azusa's technique. 'She has the ability to manipulate sounds I guess. I wonder if she screams really loud it'll do the same ffect.

Kagari was recovering from Azusa's onslaught when Mao demonstrated her own technique. It was more obvious and physical, but seemed to be just as deadly. She aimed her attack at their sensei, and without warning she attacked him. The brown short haired girl in front of them packed a punch, as she caused a small tremor when she punched the ground. Kagari stumbled a bit on the seat, and was amazed at the girl's hidden strength. 'Wow, I definatley don't wanna get her angry any time soon.' Kagari while not scared, but was definatley going to be cautious on his interatcions with her, hoping not to draw her ire in the future. Their sensei seemingly appeared behind the two girls, uninjured by Mao's attack. Kagari now curious how he was able to move so fast, he stood up and looked at Mao's target area. What was left in the rubble was a wooden log, it was actually one of the logs that the students were sitting on. Kyujin explained the technique he just used, the "Body Switch" or "kawarimi" technique. It was a ninja's get out of jail for free card, the abiliity to escape at a crucial moment. Kagari could see the practical uses of the jutsu, as it allows for him to either escape or do a counter attack. 'It's almost unfair that we'll maybe able to get out of almost anything, even being restrained. It's perfect.' Kagari continued to brainstorm ideas on how to use the technique, but he ceased his thoughts as it seems the in-class activity was starting to begin.

In order to test the students, Kyujin would be throwing kunai and shuriken at them and hopefully; they would use kawarimi. He summoned a couple more logs for the students to use, and instructed them to stand where he was originally standing and he would begin throwing. Kagari gulped as he got in line, he waited until his name was called and he walked to the spot slowly. He was a bit nervous to say the least, despite memorizing the handseals he wasn't sure if he could do it. 'I can do this. I know I can....' Kagari steeled himself as he motioned for his sensei to begin.

Kagari waits until he is called, then nods to his sensei that he's ready.
WC: 539
May 6, 2015
Riyota was stopped by the man's voice as he turned to walk away. As he slowly turned to the man and eyed him up and down he was able to spot very slight similarities in the figure. "Woah Kyuji, I'm not sure what happened but you certainly look uh...Different?" The boy laughed, fully turning his body back to the class. He opened his mouth to speak once more before Kyuji's hand began crackling with electricity. Riyota had seen...and heard the technique before, and so quickly attempted to minimize the noise by pulling up his hood and pressing the cloth up against his ears. After the jutsu dispersed the boy lowered his hood. Only to have his eardrums pierced by some ungodly noise. "Agh, Jeez, warnings are a thing you know, fun to use, helpful too." he grumbled twisting his finger in his ear to check for damage.

Another girl was up next, and Riyota found himself able to relate to her Jutsu much more he smiled as the ground physically changed with her attack. However their teacher appeared behind them, seemingly unhindered. As Kyuji went over some sort of teleportation jutsu...well more of a switcharoo jutsu Riyota thought. The boy looked at and analysed his fellow students. He hadn't been listening to the introductions, if any had even been made, so he...improvised...with the names. Ground smashy girl, seems athletic...interested in cats? Glasses Boy...Cares about mother, not great at ninjutsu? if that last query was true Riyota may have a lot in common with the boy. As Riyota was struggling with Ninjutsu himself, his sleeved arms bearing minor burns as reminders of his failed attempts to channel chakra. Jingle hat girl...Loud flute, doesn't know what warnings are. Darker skinned girl...not sure yet, hasn't done much. with his analysis/assumptions made and completed. He returned his attention to Kyuji who explained how to perform the switcharoo. Riyota knew he couldn't, even simple ninjutsu like that were beyond him. The cursed seals hidden under his undershirt had weakened the barriers which helped him manipulate chakra, and it was in an almost constant state of frenzy. So when the shuriken came hurtling at him, he had no choice but to use his arm as a shield. Wincing as the projectile pierced his flesh.

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Azusa gave a playful wink and stuck her tongue out in a playful 'oops' expression, acting as if she hadn't known exactly what she doing. She was pleased with herself, having gotten the reactions oof discomfort she had wanted from the group, mostly. Unfortunately, that sonic pulse of shrill, but otherwise harmless noise was about the full extent of her "raw" power; anything more precise or harmful she tried to make would be on a significantly smaller scale. But no one had to know that, right?

Sadly for Azusa, she wasn't the only one who would demonstrate some form of Ninjutsu (because she would have absolutely loved that, it would do wonders for her very-much existing ego).
Stepping up was the one who, coincidentally, seemed the least disoriented from her non-discriminatory technique. Or perhaps it wasn't coincidental, and everyone else was too disoriented to try? Or was fate, itself, trying to set the two up as rivals?!? Either way;

"Good luck, Mao-san." Having ended her giggles and regained her breath, she sounded otherwise respectful. And normally, that would just be a a normal phrase of encouragement...But Azusa actually enjoyed giving intentionally irritating smirks to others sarcastically. So Mao being 'heavy-handed' in her shoulder patting with the less physically-coordinated priestess would be entirely justified. Had Azusa been in her long dressrobes instead of shorts, she would have very much tripped...

That heavy handedness seemed to apply to Mao's technique too; Azusa couldn't hide her expression of surprise when Mao had channeled her chakra through the ground to strike at Kyuuji in a very precise manner. It seemed they also contrasted in that while Azusa could cast jutsu through the air, Mao could do so through the earth. It...was firing up her inner competitive nature.

Of course, Kyuji was prepared. Having had a more physical attack to defend against, Kuji-sensei had demonstrated the technique he would be teaching them. The staple to a shinobi, a substitution technique. It was perhaps one of the founding basics of a shinobi. Err...describing it this way kinda made Azusa feel inadequate. (Tiger, Boar...that weird one, then this one...Snake...) Handseals were still abit unwieldy to her; was she really supposed to do them all on reaction faster than she could step out of the way? Ninja had fast hands...

Taking her position, Azusa's heartbeat began to quicken. Within the Aikayume clan, it was a taboo to waste the sacred blood of the Priestess. Of course, it as expected that it would happen once Azusa took up the path of a shinobi rather than sit in her shrine safely, but...It still made her uncomfortable. Were they fortunate or unfortunate that their sensei had medical techniques? On one hand, it meant that any injuries could be attended to quickly. On the other, it had meant training could be alot more...rough.


The bells on her hat caught her attention, preventing her mind from wandering further and rekindled her focus. The ginger-haired student let out a sigh while she adjusted her hat to sit properly atop her head. She had been caught off guard by Mao's strength earlier, and failed to notice until now that her shoulder pat left her hat lopsided. Speaking of which; remember that smug smirk from before?

"Mao-san." The smirk was back.
"Wanna se---uhm, I mean to say; Shall we see who learns this Jutsu first?" She was eager for competition, to the point where she was forgetting to speak 'properly', as her clan called it.


Koizumi Mao

New Member
Mar 8, 2015
As the dust from the rubble cleared, it was revealed that her target was no longer there! Was he crushed and buried beneath the rubble? Surely a shinobi of high ranking could slip their way past her technique with ease, no matter how impressive it may have been (She sure thought it was pretty damn impressive). As soon as the memory of the last time she attempted the technique revealed itself in the forefront of her mind, she felt a hand press down onto her shoulder. The lack of surprise came from the recollection of her other sensei doing the very same. Her head turned up toward the man, face scrunching up slightly again. "C'mon. That's cheating." Of course, in the ninja world, cheating was the very difference between life and death. Rules are important for order, but in a battle of life and death, codes and honor do nothing but get you killed.

Luckily, the girl was quick to get over it. It's not like she was really upset about missing, as she achieved the goal of showing off some of what she could do. As they were instructed to take a seat, she walked back over to her original spot between a few of the logs and remained standing, taking her resting position once more as the lecture recommenced. As boring as it was to listen to explanations and lessons, it was a crucial and required portion of academy life. In the mean time, Mao tried not to look too bored - though she couldn't help but stifle a small yawn amidst their period of listening. Kyuji's eventual stern tone and change in expression is what snapped her back to reality, once again hearing an opportunity to learn by doing instead of listening. Mao was quite relieved that 'classroom' portion of class was kept to a minimum, lest she fall asleep or get bored to death. This teacher sure knew what he was doing! He must've done this lesson a million times before her and her classmates came along, and realized just how important keeping his students active was.

On her way to grab one of the targets to switch with that were conveniently summoned for their use, the taller girl caught wind of Azusa calling for her attention. Her head turned down toward the other girl, subjected to that smug little smirk that contrasted her over-politeness. She sure knew that look - she's gotten it plenty of times before, and mostly doled them out herself. Mao was no stranger to challenges and rivalries; it was in her nature. Several friendships of hers had been formed and broken over competition. "Yeah?" Her own lips curled to a smirk, though the intent behind hers had no reason to hide. She was confident to a fault, and didn't bother to even feign innocence or ignorance to Azusa's provocation. "You're on. Let's see what ya got beneath that jingly hat of yours, Azusa-san." Her brash answer could possibly be taken as rude, but it was playful as well. She was curious to see what sort of challenge the priestess would pose...despite the fact that Mao had no need to learn the jutsu, as she had already done so. She was forced to learn basic techniques by her other sensei, and then beaten until she couldn't stand if she failed to master it. Of course, she failed to mention that much to her classmate, or anyone else for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As everyone was recovering from the ninjutsu displayed in front of them and digesting his information from his oral lecture, Kyuji was standing back allowing the students to interact and prepare themselves for their training. This training was not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination for them and most of them were probably going to get bruised or hurt in some way from either the kunai or his bare-heads. It would be a simple training at first and then turn into a more intense and possibly graphic one for them all if they could not dodge the attacks. Everyone was probably somewhat nervous of trying to defend against their sensei who was obviously stronger than them and also more skilled in combat, but many of them were trying not to show it particularly Azusa and Mao who were going to compete against one another to try to master the technique first. These "fighting" words brought a smirk to the veteran fighter's face as it seemed these two were developing a little rivalry against one another which would probably help encourage them further in their lives to strive to be better than they already were. The boys on the other hand were being more quiet and focused on themselves which was understandable for their ages considering females tended to be more social at a younger age than males. It was nothing anyone needed to be concerned about.

As each one got up from their seat, he would notice the darkest skinned girl still being quiet and not moving at all. He would open his mouth and say directly to her in a stern and slightly angered tone: "If you aren't going to do anything, why are you even here? Get up here and show me what you can do or go home. Don't waste your time or my time." He would then turn to the other four and see that they somewhat were forming a line in front of him and which displeased him which was obvious on his face. He would cross his arms and shake his head at them as his eyes were glowing still. Little did the children know that the glowing in his eyes came from the lust when he was around his wife or in other situations. Luckily for them, this was another situation. Scornfully, he would look at them and say: "I don't need a line, I can focus on all four of you at once so please stand in front of me so I can target each one of you. Once I am done talking, I am going to start attacking you so have your defense up and be prepared but don't think you have to dodge every single attack thrown at you by body switching. This exercise will start relatively easy and progressively get harder by changing my attacks." He would then stop momentarily to get a breathe as he threw a kunai to his right and punctured a target that was laying beside him. "Your goal is to ultimately avoid as many of my attacks as possible using the body switch, but you must think as a team as well over there. You will run out of kawarimi targets over there, but do not expect me to stop until I feel confident that you mastered the technique, stopped me, or I stop the lesson due to injury. Remember, I will heal anyone that gets hurt and will not be targeting any vital organs on your body. However, you should dodge as many of my attacks as possible because kunai will sting and I can a lot of force behind my body. And are we ready? Well I hope you are because as soon as I say begin that is when it all truly begins for you guys. 3...2...1...BEGINNING!"

With his last word escaping his mouth, he threw four kunai at the group targeting Azusa's hat, Mao's arm, Riyota's chest and Kagari's leg. He would then dash towards Riyota throwing more kunai at him before shifting to Mao and running at her. However, the attack on Mao was a diversion as Kyuji would throw a kunai at Kagari and Azusa as he was running at Mao. Luckily for Mao, he would jump back after his sneak attack on her classmates and stand in the distance evaluating his attacks.

This class was in for a big treat if they thought their lesson was going to be easy, this was merely the easy level of their training. They would have an intermediate, advanced, and possibly a hidden level if they would manage to survive.

[OOC Notes:
1. Alright so when I get this post up, your next post will be due Saturday or Sunday 12 AM forum time aka GMT-0. I will be editing this post when I know this information but if I do not post anything by accident then it will be Sunday! :)
2. Strike Counter: Riyota and Azusa have 1, Sunaku Hoshiko has 3 and has failed the class. Hoshiko, you may continue to roleplay if you'd like or may void yourself out.
3. Again, no need for posting order so just post when you can :)
4. If you cannot make the post time limit due to personal reasons, just PM me and we will go from there.
5. Have fun!~
6. Sorry for the weak post. You can scorn me OOC for it, I don't care haha.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
