Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Marsh Country] Introspection [Private]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

A sizable boulder lay behind me, my back pressed against it for support as I sat; it's cold touch ever so present. However, I felt warm- the spiritually calming crackle of a camp-fire swayed too and fro afore me. Something about the whole experience was welcoming; like the hearth of a home- all when staring at a fire. The smell drew out the nerves and lay them to a calming sleep, the light was homely and reminded me that even in darkness one could could find peace... And the sound reminded me that I was still alive and well, all things considered.
I couldn't help but smile, a genuine smile- Unlike so many fakes before. I allowed the moment to take me in, with my eyes lulling closed for some time to merely bask in my brief lapse of peace I've gained tonight. In the passing minutes, I realized that time was slipping; and that I should focus on my menial task, that I felt almost an eerie sense of obligation towards. With the re-emergence of my vision, I peered up and scanned the stars for some inspiration. Up until I looked towards my lap, where lie a small book; tattered in travel and worn in use. I found a poetic irony to my situation, jotting down my journey through the lands; as if someone, anyone would find the means or time to read it. The irony? Well, no one I know is close enough to ever be given the book, or have the drive to try and secure it to read... It was a folly of work that I indulged in.

Tapping the pen against my chin, "Now... How to start I wonder? -- Ah.. Right." And thus I began, the echoes of an ink pen scratch against a fresh page.

Musings of the Fool -Chronicles of the Dragon


“Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself.”
Dear Mother...
Lately, I've been thinking a great deal on my decisions up till now. I... Think I don't regret my steps, not yet at least. I did what I did because I felt it would work out for everyone, my siblings and myself simply did not fit the equation for your life, or Dad's. In my time spent taking care of them, and focusing on trying to stay alive. I came to realize a great deal of faults in the world, it's systems and the people that inhabit it; as sad as it is to say...
You helped a great deal in this idealism. -- So thanks.

To elaborate, I suppose. You see, in the lands we were so humbly blessed to stain with our lives; Kaminari no Kuni. There is a silent, reprehensible nature to it's existence. When you are just another face in the crowd you and your siblings can simply rot away and wither without so much as a second glance... However, given the inheritance of the fuel of a monster, chakra. You become something of a commodity. One doesn't necessarily have to be good at anything either; if you are found you are converted into a tool. Through means of methodologically contorting perspectives, breaking down the psyche and constructing a new way to see the world, and your newfound "Power" any shmuck becomes that of a ... Well, that's up to them- But historically they tend to become monsters of blood. It's funny, because it sounds an awful lot like Dad; doesn't it?
It's not all bad though... Dad wasn't necessarily bad. Just -- Lost, I think. Never hurt us or anything... Not that you'd know; he just wasn't always there. Y'know? Maybe you do... For all we know that's why you and he divided.I suppose I've been rambling a bit to myself, huh. That is the point of these I guess-- In the end, though. I think what I wanted to say, is thanks... Not for nothing, but certainly not anything good... I grew a sense of strength through your broken nature. And made me broken; but at least I can stand and face those I need to-- I don't think you can yet, can you?

Dear Father...
Yeah, you too.
To be honest... I don't really know what to say to you in entirety. We've both had our messed up disagreements when I was a child-- And realistically they all seem so small now; yet each exchange I think back to, just digs a wound to the core... It's twisted.
A lot of times, we were sitting in the same room and everyone there was so far away. In part, it's one of those reasons I departed the way I did... I broke our ties, Mom's ties-- And .. I wonder how the other two are doing... To this day, I question if they're alive-- If they were ever caught with Chakra or not. I suspect they wield it too, after-all. You are the proprietor of what courses in our veins, aren't you?
Nevertheless, you might not even know why I left. But I did to skip the CPSS, they would find me one way or another, so why bother-- Really? It's not like I had anything to hold onto, you were lost in yourself, Raimira and Kiga they were slowly discovering themselves if I recall correctly. My part in the family was disintegrated forgotten. . . So I joined the Shinobi-- I became like you Dad. In title, but not in purpose. Without the name of our family anchoring me to you, or anyone but myself.
And perhaps one day, from wherever you are; you will see the fruit of my suffering. But first, I need to finish seeing how deep this wounded heart goes... These wilds, the pain, the suffering and challenges I face-- They will help refine who I am.
For better or worse.
Dear Suika...
I dare say, I might surprise myself with these next few entries... You see, well- You don't.
But somewhere in this soul, whether it be mine or Bahamut's; there's a sliver of caring, a hearth that one gains when they see something fortuitous. Your pain was apparent and you were lost in the nuance of life, but I could swear before I left, I saw a tunnel opening for you. And I sincerely hope you get to walk down it. Into the darkness or the light-- That is up to you to guide.
I've seen into your psyche, it's not going to go away. And they will always be a part of your heart, and no matter what you do to conceal it, somewhere something will linger... A darkness, a stain that will forever contort decisions and desires that could divide story from tragedy... You see, you have the heart of a human- and a curse of a killer... You were brought into this world under a play you did not know, and the script you couldn't empathize.
I do not regret the things I did to you, for they were ultimately for you... It's all I know how to do for now, I became what I did because I know the weakness of a heart, the strains of a broken mind; and what it takes to build resolve through one's vulnerability... It's sinister, but the armor I yearned to give you will feel uncomfortable; it will cut you, it will hurt you and it will make you stronger. But it will rot and corrupt your mind if you are not careful. So tread in caution, and bar your fangs to those who deserve it, and carry out your role while holding ever-tightly to your individuality. I sincerely hope that in your pain you can forge a weapon to help fix what causes you and so many to suffer through... Just know, I am cheering for your story; and I pray to whatever god it doesn't become a tragedy.

If I were ever to have a daughter, I hope she has the same drive as you. The spunk, and the attitude to hold themselves high in opposition to adversity.
Dear Siu...
Surprised, you see... You're a wound I cannot heal. Much like the world and reality that you exist in, it twists and breaks you. It too, leaves scars to those around you. A wake of confusion when I first met you and many of my recent students...
To think, all this started because of some folly that teachers were falling through, and things were tight for staff. Really. Had any other teacher been present that day, and the willingness to take on those that were degenerates, failing or needed encouragement; I would have never met you, Suika, Eishi and many others.
But this is not about them, this is me attempting to reveal to my book; and myself the feelings that I've burrowed into tired eyes and apathetic notions. I carried myself like a man to hate, to suffer to avoid and become anything other than. You see, you were all so young; I never thought I'd let it get to me so soon, I've never been able to fully orchestrate my intent to students I think- I get a sense that I may've to your generation however...
Something burned sparks in each of your eyes, and your innocence had been revealed to that of truth. I cannot say for certain that it was my actions that aided this; but I like to hope that I had something to do with it--
Just maybe.
To expand on you... You became something of a project. It should sicken me to say that, but somewhere in my heart. I think it's regrettably fitting, like my Father to me; I wanted to be to you. Should that be sweet? Sentimental? I am not certain; the only difference was I would be there for you... But I felt you needed direction, something that so many youth find a loss in. And my direction wasn't to be a path in life, but the way to the tool-shed. A strength of your personality, your emotions and mind in order to actuate what you felt was right. This way, you weren't left to feel constrained by the bonds of being a Shinobi... Because of your past, the CPSS took everything from you, I sensed great grief there; and I showed you that. I sincerely hope you grow to hate me for what I did, this way you can grow to do something about the wounds that time has left in you... And eventually, in others.

Perhaps it is a bit coy of me to say. But I hope in time, you can control the threads of fate. Heh-- Maybe one day you'll find a way to fix those so damaged by their pasts, like me.
For now... Good-night, I am tired. And there are things with me that I'd feel better not hearing for sometime... The terrors of my guilt in the land of dreams bare only scratches to what I shoulder during the day.

[MFT - 1,834]


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

Here I sat, witnessing myself pour out thoughts that for a great deal of time I willingly neglected. Eyes bore into the words, in a feigned attempts to fool myself into believing them to simply be the fictitious workings of a mad-man, or a fool. Although, I suspect the latter may be true; somewhere deep down inside I made the heartfelt assertion that it were true- counter to any lingering doubt. "Mh . . To come face to face with these thoughts is-- Painful, isn't it?" I was met with silence, it was a tricky scenario- that I understood, but wished I hadn't; it would make these moments of lingering anxiety easier to live with. Willingness to merely accept things as they were, led me to a state of complacency; I spoke, interacted and counteracted the motions of Bahamut as if he were a separate entity with a unique mind of his own . . Perhaps I merely was trying to find a friend, a companion or something to hold onto when things got challenging.
"No, of course not. Merely the re-emergence of things that were always there." I spoke in-place of the being I knew to simply be the dormancy of my heart. I had to inevitably come to terms with what I think and what I feel, right? Inhaling through my nose, I allowed the welcoming smell of a burning campfire to fill my nostrils and senses; I'd cast my attention downwards to the ink struck pages, twirling the pen in finger and brought down to the page, tapping the base of the pen a few times as I listlessly pondered the state of things.

Nevertheless; I found my hand flipping to the next page. And the pen held in the ready . . "What next . ?" A foolish question, for I knew the answer. And merely prepared myself to be wounded.</GLOW>

Musings of the Fool -<GLOW glow="#F44336">Chronicles of the Dragon


“He who feels an outsider; even to himself.”
Dear Kiga...
It truly has been an exorbitant length of time since we've talked.. Or even seen one another- and I fully plea the guilt as the reason. I want to say 'it was for the best' like some cliche super-hero to a family they sought to guise the identity of themselves; all in some trope to avoid them getting hurt. But such is not the case, mine is a far more selfish reason- that even at the young age I surprise myself that I came to the conclusion of...
Maybe I forgot to be a child, I guess. Reality kicked in for me, or so I thought at the time.
Thus, I departed with little word or trace in my intent. Perhaps you all found out what I did in time, it wouldn't surprise me- but at the same time, perhaps the silence between the family was needed. It strengthened my foolish resolve. And left me thinking I did the right thing, As I know my presence was merely being toxic towards yourself and Raimira, or as I interpreted it at least; I always thought it was me that was raising you two when neither of the parents was around- Which in essence was most of the time, mentally or physically.

This is where things got unusual for me. In the time all this happened, I bled, sweat and cried my way through a great deal of suffering that any kid should have been torn apart by. But with you two at my back, I felt like there was some form of obligation to simply hold myself to a shining example, a standard that you too; could aspire to become. Rather than our parents. A foolish idea, as an adult I look back and can't help but think about what a coward I was. I was so entrenched on 'protecting' you both, and bettering myself for you two to aspire to be... I lost sight that you two were in-fact, people. With your own emotions, thoughts and inevitable goals; in-spite age. It's because of that reason, that I look back and wonder if what I did was only damaging to your health, instead of having a brother; you had someone always trying to protect you from everything, and set standards that you should have never been presented with to begin with...
It wasn't all bad, I think. I remember the days when we were just barely talking; we could play for hours. Always engaging our creative minds, acting like heroes and villains; saving the world, or dooming it. Depending on how annoyed we were that day. Heh- And we always poked and prodded each other to grow, to do things greater than we could the day before. Couldn't leap over a creek? We'd start challenging each other to see who could do it first, slowly but surely it helped us both through some development. All of course, everything went to my head.

Huh-- Well, I shouldn't devote all my time to this entry... But I want you to know; I hope you made it through life, better than me so far. Maybe you managed to get out of the range of the CPSS . . Just maybe.

Dear Raimira...
I fear this entry is going to be rather ... Short; you and I both know why of course. You were around, and then you weren't- and the cycle continued. I never fully understood what drove you to continue flocking between whichever parent you deemed to be the best suit to your needs? Perhaps that was all there was too it, something instinctual in your youth that caused you to swerve for gains... Or perhaps guilt? Regardless of the reason, neither of them were really much better than the other for their own reasons. So I'll wager on guilt.
We certainly had a lot of disagreements in verbalization and physical nature. When you were around, we fought- And somehow, in my mind; I decided that's why I had to improve in a way, I wasn't perfect- so what better logic than to strive for that, so you could see that I was perfect. To aspire to my standards of what a person should be... Of course, you certainly didn't like that. Not that I'd seen it in the past, I was too blinded by my own aggressive ambition.

Maybe one day, we could get to know each other better. You were never that much of a sister to me in the past, beyond blood and my goals-- You were simply that, a marker and measurement to what I needed to improve... So for that, I am truly-- truly sorry.
If you're alive, and remember me. One day- Just one day, we might have tea and discuss the passage of what life took the two of us on. I'm sure you'll have a lot to share- and I to you.

I hope our scars we gave each other, mental-- Physical... Do not bar us from mending which is broken.

Dear Eishi...
In the mind of sentimentality; I suspect I should be real with anything that comes to mind... You're a recent wonder in my life, like many of the other students of this newfound generation of Shinobi.
I ultimately, do not have terribly much I can express in your favor, or not. However; I must say, from the eyes of someone who knows broken. You handle it with a resolve unbeknownst to most, where others falter and find themselves to their knees, or their graves. You took the jarring nature of your untimely circumstances and made something tangible and resilient out of it.

I do not know your past, nor what drives you towards the future. But what I can tell, is behind that grimace and facade of absolute strength. You will find that in your ever resolute-strength, you will find a greater weakness growing. As a teacher, I wish to see you surpass it when it arises- but as a person, I hope you find that there should be time to be a human, one that can accept the fact we are weak. We are stubborn, and that sometimes... Just sometimes, that's what defines us.

Sorry for being so hard on you, and the others. In time, I hope to see that my efforts weren't in vain.

Dear Me...
Perhaps another day.

[MFT - 1,389]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Mission Title: Introspection (Can I get this a'okay'd for like x2-3?)
Type: Solo-Self Modded Mission
Participant: Shieo
Rank: S

Concept: When a lost soul finds himself entrenched into the workings of his mind, emotions and spirit. They must sometimes invest themselves into the way of word; writing down their learnings, experiences and how they've come to grow despite their reluctance to generally admit to it. Be it through writing or general expression through action and voice, he needs to come to terms with himself and everything and everyone that has influenced and could still come to influence him.

S-Rank: 1000 Words
Having arrived to the world around me, a new day. Greeted by the calling songs of restless birds, the rustle of life that ebbed and flowed as if nothing were wrong with the world- This is of course, is true to them. However, I knew that such did not bare the same for myself; for somewhere in my chest, lie a heart that bled with thoughts and emotions that I sometimes was unfit to wield and in most cases- Understand. With little effort, or divided focus; I brought myself to something akin to being awake, as best as I could accomplish. Caring to develop the fire that had since gone out over the night, rekindling the flame into a crackling hub of warmth.
Given the matter that I am in-fact human, I needed to sustain myself and spent most of my morning tasking myself to cooking and preparing a meal of salmon and some berries from the surrounding region.

With some elapsed time, my focus reacquired my mind; staring listlessly into the wafting flames in-front of me. There I sat cross-legged, with a finished meal adorned on a petty-plate. I couldn't help but exert that of a drawn sigh, of both relief and lingering thoughts. Recollecting my night's dreams, things were much simpler when I merely ignored the constant banging in my head. Truly a quaint observation to hand oneself, isn't it?
Granting myself some-time to ruminate the new-found-- No, re-surfaced thoughts and feelings. A state of conflicted solace and turmoil; like any being should truly have. There those thoughts sat for the time I stared at the flowing flames; it drew me into a state of disassociation, like I wasn't completely there. Lost in my mind, my thoughts-- A truly jarring feeling... At least for me.

This occurred and lingered for some-moments, it was when an itch of acceptance drew over. Reaching to my persons, I grabbed hold of my diary- pen along with it. Flickering through the pages that have been long since worn with the stain of ink and delusions of my mind. Then there sat the next entry, blank to begin- But soon to be blotched in the scatterings of my mind and hopefully... Some closure to that in which I wish to gain control over.

"Turn Your Wounds, Into Wisdom."

Musings of the Fool -Chronicles of the Dragon


“Solitude is pleasant. Loneliness is not.”
Dear Ayumu...
Behind a Guise of Falsity, Lay Bare a Confused Man.

Bold in word. But I feel that you are someone that plays strings, as much as they play you. I know little of you, in-spite the significance of your figure to the Village, and in turn- The country that we all call home. Which, in itself could come off as a bit troublesome to the vast majority of our citizens. Although, I get this lingering sense that this divide between our knowings of one-another was a bit perpetuated, I imagine by myself. As a Kage, I'm certain you wish to keep as much of an eye on your subordinates as you can.

In truth, this is partly why I drove myself from my family and ultimately my past when I was so young. And held fast to that conviction even to this day. I, like many others; do not wish to be wielded by a hand whom we do not know. Of course, a shinobi to his nation- and his Kage. But only with which they present to be held and used. It's not wholly withholding things from you, but simply never allowing them to have existed in the first place. You see, it's not that I don't trust you. I simply cannot, not yet at least... I joined when I did, and how I did- with the direction I did. All to help establish some subtle form of control- To guide the minds of the youth towards an understanding that things aren't always as they seem.

A matter of perspective, but I hope that you join them when the time comes.

Dear Yuii...
She hath scars, bore skin she did not.

Much like Ayumu, or most of the hierarchy of Kumogakure. I don't know terribly much about you. Save our circumstantial interactions that ultimately led me to where I needed to be; even if my mind wasn't fully set on the ways that I wished to walk. You gave me an opportunity I cannot simply ignore, or be unthankful for; by granting me passage into the folds of the Academy, I was given the opportunity to mold and help develop the minds of the Youth, whether they came by choice. Or not.
You see, the ideal way to work towards a newfound future. Where things can be semi-peaceful internally, without the grime and bloodshed is to simply reform.. Sadly like myself, adults struggle to change willingly. So who better than the following generation. Starry-eyed and ideals of a new world, full of glory, joy and timely happiness for all.

It is a naive hope, but it is one that I wish to steer; without face, without form. A forgotten guide, thus I can pass when I do. Knowing that I did it for myself.

Dear Kiri...
Confusion Leaves All, Lie in Vain

Truly a void that I wish to fill ever so slightly. A realization that perhaps, just perhaps. I was too hard on you; and your sense of entitlement and ideals.

You were right in your beliefs, even if I felt they were wrong in action. Everyone is different, and perhaps there is something to be learnt from that; for you and myself. You are a brazen warrior, that some might admire out of your sheer tenacity to face a problem without pause. Unfortunately, I fear because of this; in my eyes- You are a spectacular warrior- But a poor assassin. There is some irony I find, that you walk the path of healing, in search to better your fellow man. Yet you draw arms and spill the blood of so many others, out of mere whim that either a figure told you to, or that whichever force stood in your way; simply disagreed with your thoughts.

I hope to one-day, resolve these conflicting thoughts with who you are, and what I believe to be right. Over tea one day, perhaps I'll listen to how you feel about the workings of the world- and why you've come to the mindset that you have.

[MFM - 1,071]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Mission Title: Introspection (Can I get this a'okay'd for like x2-3?)
Type: Solo-Self Modded Mission
Participant: Shieo
Rank: S

Concept: When a lost soul finds himself entrenched into the workings of his mind, emotions and spirit. They must sometimes invest themselves into the way of word; writing down their learnings, experiences and how they've come to grow despite their reluctance to generally admit to it. Be it through writing or general expression through action and voice, he needs to come to terms with himself and everything and everyone that has influenced and could still come to influence him.

S-Rank: 1000 Words
I find myself sitting once more in a camp, light glimmering in the dancing crackles of fire. My legs crossed beneath me, while I sat comfortably on a log; I couldn't help but let my eyes wander from the restlessly awaiting journal on my lap, to the skies above. They are blanketed in a nostalgic darkness, with the canvas of which speckled with glistening beads of white that scattered about without a care of where they were to each observer. While I could muse endlessly on about the comfort I got from viewing something so distant, and so ambiguous. I knew however, that my goal of the evening was to jot down my thoughts and feelings on the paper that lay await in my lap.
Every-time I found myself in a predicament that I would rather not write, and simply bottle the thoughts in my mind. Nevertheless, I know that it isn't healthy, nor the purpose of this sojourn was to be rid of the burdens of my rank and servitude to the village for a small period of time. Contrasting to my original goal; I looked to the rest of the... Camp, with two other propped up tents, belonging to others other than myself. I should have figured that this was inevitable to my course... As I acquire two tag-alongs. Students, to boot. I huffed, figuring that thought was enough to stir my mind to something other than the now.

So I lifted my pen, flipped to a series of blank pages and begun inscribing my thoughts to paper.

"To begin... Always the hardest part hm..."

Musings of the Fool -Chronicles of the Dragon


“Solitude has it's own very strange beauty to it.”
Dear Shizuka...
Inundated with adversity, you strive to grow as a Kunoichi; like a tree, you must endure.

A strange tide of events had unfolded between the two of us. Not of friend or foe, but as mentor and student; of course- it wouldn't be anything to remark about if it was as simple as it should've been. I am an Instructor for the academy at Kumogakure, and you a student. Like so many students before you, it should have started and ended there as you grew and developed into that of a Kunoichi. It of course, hadn't stopped there (Or I wouldn't be writing about it). No, for some time I hadn't run into you; or heard much about you for that matter. I simply knew you continued your studies and turns out became something of a close acquaintance to one of my more prominent students; Siu.

Composing to the opposite of forthcoming, you and her had undertaken a mission of sorts around the same-time I begun my Sojourn. The knowledge of my departure kept otherwise quiet, given my low-status. And my disinterest in sharing my destination with anyone, I had figured I would be alone from beginning to finish during this journey. This, was abruptly disrupted by the arrival of you two, unbeknownst to myself that either of you would be in Marsh-- Or outside of Kaminari no Kuni for that matter. It would be both unwise and uncouth of me to simply have evaded your attention, or offered any sort of aid given you both being rather Green to the fieldwork outside of the village and the country. . . Furthering my confusi

Beyond my meandering about what led up to all this. It is something to be said that I am proud of your growth, although albeit concerned with the speed in which you are developing. Perhaps it is a series of feats that is accustomed to your generation. But it is both impressive and worrisome that at such a young age you're capable of conjuring forces of chakra that some skilled adults struggle to even muster. I s'pose I am eager to witness what else the world has in-store for you. And hopefully I can be of use in guidance and aid in steering you towards a future you too, can be proud of. Such the adversity of being a Kunoichi will weigh heavy on the heart and mind of it's person. Being as pure of heart and spirit as you, has it's benefits. But leaves lots to corrupt.

Perhaps in due time, if you can withstand the agony of being a killer; I can consider you close enough to be something akin to family.

Dear Bahamut...
In the wash of flames, destroys all; but lays the foundation for greater growth.

Truth be told I would be lying if I made the claim that I fully understood you. In-fact, I only have a figment of an idea of what you are; I can make educated guesses and hypotheses on what you are, where you came from and why you appear the way you do, why you talk the way you do and everything about you. But in the end, it would all be for naught- all but a mere attempt at understanding something that is ingrained in the cognitive level of a being's mind- and in turn a bit of their personality, or at least- That is what I've gathered from experiences with you, and other's Personas.

Realistically, I'll likely just chalk up the existence along with Chakra. An anomaly that we don't fully understand, and may never come to understand the presence and existence of it. We certainly struggle to simply differ why chakraless and chakra-sensitive beings even exist. Of course, that doesn't mean we're incapable of grasping at straws, and who knows one of those might be wholly correct. Problem is we have nothing tangible to confirm or deny such things. Thus, forever more it will be an ambiguity that we will have to merely come to accept.

As for my understanding, I could very well be talking to myself on behest of disguising it as talking to you Bahamut, for all I know; we are two of the same coin. Or perhaps the same being all together. Although I have put some thought into it, I'm not completely convinced that I believe to know the root of your creation and existence; but it is merely a contemplation. Again, with little proof and nothing to form tangible evidence I can't get anywhere other than 'I think that's the case'. Where I have seeded issues with the functions and systems of Kaminari no Kuni; a desire to free certain chains to those who do not wish to be bound to the life of Shinobi. Or to be torn into the internal conflicts and disputes between nations like Bear and Marsh. It's a cruel life, and even myself- would not wish that people are forced to entertain such a role... Needless to say, I suspect that is where you are born of-- Perhaps time will reveal such to me.

Dear Me, Myself and I...
To know oneself is both enlightening and frightening. To know your weaknesses, strengths and desires; and how to fix, strengthen and achieve all of them-- But still fight to decide if you wish to do so.

I admit there is a certain level of discomfort that is projected when writing- and in essence conversing with oneself. As you write, you wager you will know what you are going to say. However, are met with a rather chilling surprise to know that a lot of times, you do not know; you bring out a side of your mind and personality that you typical guise from the world; in both consciousness of respect and mannerisms. And in that untraveled road, your mind reveals what you know; but what you are often repressed to forget. I think.

I s'pose I am probably simply biding my time in hopes that I can come up with an excuse not write about myself again. But I know that I should; I live in a world that is dangerous, and am tasked with a career that is known for death. I may never get the chance again.

So myself... Troublesome... I think, that in my young-age I have plenty to learn still. I know that I have aged beyond the average shinobi, be it through chance, luck or fate. This doesn't change that through my own experiences, tribulations and inevitable failures, I can help carve paths for those that are younger; and perhaps of similar age to mine own. More-so, I believe that I've begun to finally come to terms with how I feel about everything around me; I know that seems like a rather broad and intentionally ambiguous statement. But it's true, I feel that though my outlook hasn't much shifted from my dry and pragmatic sense; I am developing bonds with people, things and goals that I otherwise would have dismissed as being too much of a hassle. Call it old-age maybe, but I'm finding that as I proceed through this sojourn of mine; there have been somethings that I have had no choice but to face in bittersweet irony. A poetic justice that I had long since repressed in hopes to better fulfill my empty dreams.

Hm... I s'pose that could be a good spot as any... We will see what the rest of my journey tows; better or for worse I will trudge through it. For myself, and those who have strangely grown to count on me.

[MFM - 1,552]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

"That's as good of a spot to reveal a chapter in-on itself." My eyes bore into the tan-stained pages of my journal, the weathered look I felt- reflected how I was feeling now. And air of nostalgia, regret and in some sense a development of closure. . An acceptance. With a pinch of my thumb and fingers that lay rest on either side of the journal's back, it clamped shut with an audible 'fwomp' just above the crackling comfort sounds of the fire-pit before me. Staring at the toes of my feet, propped in-front of me as I sat atop a log, a quick wiggle of each and a strange sensation washed up my spine, neck and to my sinuses.

I would be lying to say I wasn't a bit concerned. Feeling like that is a bit abnormal to me after-all. "It's a bit queer to think that I'm regaining some sense of self and empathy, I'd hate to give you all the credit Bahamut- But I wager you had something to do with marking the start." My words were met with silence, he had grown quiet since the Mountain in Bear Country. Resting, I wager.

Reminding myself at the same time, that night had long been cast over the lands around me. And much like the denizens of the world; I suspect I needed to find myself to a state of rest too. I have a long journey left ahead of me- with trials and struggles that may cripple me- Or worse.
Thus I turned my body and lay my head and back against the rough bark exterior of the log. Staring to the sparkling night skies above, just barely visible through a breach in the canopy of leaves. "Really puts things into perspective." I lifted a hand and stroked my index and middle-fingers against a healing scar down the right side of my face. "And with new perspective . . Come new things to learn, hm." I allowed the night and dying camp-fire to swallow my words into stifled silence. Drawing my eyes closed, I too; succumbed to the nature of night.

As the next morning came, I awoke and prepared my belongings as per my usual routine. I had it in my mind to keep going further through now Marsh Country- What lay for me I was uncertain, it was both nerving and exciting. But I knew one thing was for certain, specifically a goal in mind . . An activity. "I think I'll fish today." Unbeknownst to me, later this day- I would run into two troublemakers from my past... Hindsight.

[MFT - 430]
[Exit Thread]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
