Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Meeting a Man [Katsu/Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Round 2: Move that Mod


HP:45000-1816-9528= 33656+1350= 35006
CP:29114+990-385-420-735-735-370= 27459
AP: 10.5-9.75= .75 [10.75 AP Next Round]
Status: Equipped Weapon, Blood Seeking Blade [Katsu]


HP: 45000-3557-5274-7119= 29050-2025= 27025-9305= 17720
CP: 30365+990-153-210-900-162-1375-495-545-1328= 26187
AP: 11-11= 0 [10 AP Next Round]
Status: Equipped Puppet x3, Mangekyou Sharingan, Focusing, Bleeding Rank 3, Black Lotus x3



HP: 29750-1610-3240= 24900+990= 25890+243= 26133
CP: 38203-210-755-900-1238-3222-3630= 28248-243= 28005
AP: 11-9.5= 1.5 [11 AP Next Round]
Status: Mangekyou Sharingan, Defensive Techniques​

0.00 Koyoko resists Black Lotus Poison
0.00 Katsu gets some energy back
0.00 Engei gets some energy back
0.00 Koyoko activates Mangekyou Sharingan
0.00 Katsu uses Chakra Emissions
0.45 Katsu activates Mangekyou Sharingan
1.66 Engei uses Energy Slash at Koyoko
-Miss; Deflected
[+][Deflection at Katsu]
2.27 Koyoko does a Hidden Action
-Critical Hit
3.18 Katsu does a Hidden Action
3.33 Engei uses Blade Trail on "Koyoko"
[+]Katsu gets Bleeding Rank 1
[+]Katsu is poisoned by Black Lotus
[+]Blood Seeking Blade activates on Katsu
[+]Engei loses Focus
5.00 Katsu uses String Focus on Shi
5.00 Koyoko uses Amplifier on Katsu and Engei
-Misses Engei
-Hits Katsu
[+]Flash-Fire Activated
[+]Koyoko loses Focus
5.47 Engei uses Executioner on "Koyoko"
-Critical Hit
[+]Katsu gets Bleeding Rank 2
[+]Katsu gets Black Lotus x2
6.81 Katsu uses Thousand Hand Manipulation on Koyoko
-8 Hits, 7 Misses
7.61 Engei uses Battoujutsu on "Koyoko"
-Critical Hit
[+]Katsu gets Bleeding Rank 3
[+]Katsu gets Black Lotus x3
7.72 Koyoko uses Vaporization [Overcharge] on Engei
9.09 Katsu uses Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum Mastered [Buddha's Sealing Vortex] on Koyoko
9.28 Engei uses Vanishing Slash on "Koyoko"

-Alright... this was a crazy round and I'm sure some of you will be confused. Before asking me "what happened" please re-read the mod two more times.
-Same drill, any questions/concerns PM me (after you've digested the round)
-Seriously guys please re-read the round a few times before any complaints or slandering of my mod/integrity.

-The 48 Hour Rule is in effect
-Also please send me the next round in the same PM you sent the original. Makes my life easier

-Koyoko was aware of the real Katsu since last round. Apmplifier hit and Flash-Fire Activated.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012

Well the battle had definitely taken an interesting turn of events. It would appear that the opponent, the Kage Guard, was holding back somewhat as she sat back maintaining her defensive composure. Engei wouldn't be aware of what she was really putting just before he would unleash his volley of attacks onto the woman. The world would spin, lull him into a false sense of security that diluted the lines between reality and illusion. And for the longest of pauses, two became one; Koyoko was standing before him where Katsu stood. His mind was already focused on the woman, he didn't pay much attention to his companion other than his maraud of puppets. The Chuunin would unleash his volley of attacks, one after another, lulled into a depravity where an ally was masked as the villain. It was truly a harsh situation that required much care on Katsu's part considering his team mate could no longer see the difference between good and bad. Engei would continue on with his assault without flinching, unwavering by the deceiving reality that he was now shielded from. This Koyoko woman was a deceiving bitch, that much would be abundantly clear.

But was there a way for the man to break the spell that he didn't know about or would he just continue on. It was truly a desperate situation that called for a divine intervention, but who knows what would happen. And things were able to get worse considering reinforcements were ready to arrive in due course. The only blessing is that the illusion could potentially be used to his advantage should a third party enter.

[OOC: Actions Sent.]
[OOC: Ooooh this is a bit tricky. #purebaws]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
The feint sounds of powerful jutsu could be heard in the distance. Most likely Koyoko letting lose, I swear that girl can blow some things up with her powerful flame jutsu's. Damn it, I needed to put a move on it if I had any hope of joining the fight. I want to fight a strong opponent too! Koyoko, DON"T BE SELFISH! Leaping from roof to roof I narrowed down the path of her chakra. My weapons stayed fixed in their holsters, ready and screaming as loud as I was. We knew battle and we were going to get it!

[Enter in 2 rounds]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Another few seconds would pass and the tide of this spar was going against the men quickly. It seemed like his "partner" was in a trance or something because he kept attacking Katsu and trying to kill him with his blade. Katsu already was coughing up blood with each consecutive strike from his blade, but he just kept attacking like some psycho killer in a movie. The saddest thing about it was he couldn't do anything to snap the guy out of it, because it was probably a Genjutsu. He just would look at him and say: "Why are you attacking me? I am not the woman who interfered in our business. Snap out of it!"

He then turned and looked at her and just shook his head. It sucked, but he had to admit that she was actually good. "You are good, using one's mind to attack someone else. And those eyes, my god I am fighting someone of my own blood. Why are we doing this to each other? Koyoko, we are related...let's stop this fighting and end this quarrel. It isn't worth it to anyone. I believe our friend that you put into a Genjutsu wanted to fight me only and you tempted him to attack. I only attacked you because you got your nose into somewhere it didn't belong. That's it... he said as he began to move his puppets and formulate a plan. If he didn't do something soon, this fight was going to be over and quick.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
|The battle was as you say, getting fun though I was playing things close. I released my restrictions and began attacking offensively. Dodging what I could, I managed to draw the chunnin in close enough to see my eyes. "Gottcha!" The chunnin was now under my control... somewhat at least. He wouldn't be attacking me anymore but his friend.

"What??? You only attacked me because I stuck my nose in your business??? Would you have attacked the Tsuchikage say he had done the same or even your commanding officer Kamaru-sama, sennin of the main branch? No, I think not... I am of the Tsuchikage's personal guard. Attacking me is the same as attacking the Tsuchikage himself. And what do you mean of the same blood?"

Just who was this man before me? Why did he believe we were related in anyway? If he was of the lesser branch then he would have stood down upon me introducing myself. So what exactly was going on? These questions would have to wait as there was still a rouge chunnin swinging about and trying to kill my alleged brother. One thing was for certain though, I would have to immobilize them both in order to get things sorted out. I could not take the chance that my alleged brother was lying and waiting to stab me in the back. I would ask him to assist me and immobilizing the chunnin but that wouldn't be the Ryujin way...

"It wouldn't be fair for me to ask you to drop your weapons and stand down while there is a crazy chunnin attacking you but I also can't take the chance in releasing my jutsu. I will take your rationality as a form of cooperation. However, because your attack on me was simply because I angered you... I will have to take you both into custody where you both will face the council with your reasoning for attacking me. I have many questions for you personally but seeing as that chunnin isn't leaving you much time to answer, my questions will have to wait."

Yes, this was the best course of action. Although one of them was rational enough to calm down, the other was in full assault... an assault he believed was on me. I could tell by before and how he has damaged his partner that they were indeed trying to kill me and not just test their prowess against a worthy opponent. I had limited control over the enraged mind of the chunnin for he was experiencing intensified anger... any attempt to calm him down would only fail at this point leaving the only option of meeting his anger head on with overwhelming force. These two had great potential and I wasn't about to weaken Iwagakure's military force by playing executioner... however, what will their sennin do after I take them in? They have committed treason with their assassination attempt on me... There was little time to think... for now I'd have to stay focus on the here and now, I'll have plenty of time to think about what to do later. Perhaps I should go a bit easier on them. On another note, the gangs and or low lives standing about were just standing about. They haven't committed any crime just yet and so I would continue to ignore them.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Round 3: Implosions


HP:35006-13160= 21846+1350= 23196+2180= 25376
CP:27459+990-385-420-735-735-370= 25804
AP: 10.75-9.75= 1 [11 AP Next Round]
Status: Equipped Weapon, Iado Stance


HP: 17720+454-1485-546-5695-1388-13160= K.O.
CP: 26187
AP: 10-9.75
Status: KO'd



HP: 26133-908+703= 25928+990= 26918
CP: 28005-1020-1857-617-430-1800-270-3630= 18811
AP: 11-11= 0 [10 AP Next Round]
Status: Mangekyou Sharingan, Defensive Techniques​

1.00 Katsu uses Puppet Transformation
-There are now two Ikaris on the field
-Koyoko is unaware of the real Katsu
-Engei is aware of the real "Koyoko"
1.67 Engei uses Energy Slash on "Koyoko"
[+]Katsu uses Puppet Switch with Ikari
2.27 Koyoko does a Hidden Action
3.18 Koyoko enters Stealth
-Katsu is aware of Koyoko
-Engei is unaware of "Katsu"
3.33 Engei uses Blade Trail on "Koyoko"
-Critical Hit
[+]Katsu uses Nihil Shield
4.00 Katsu uses Parasitic Infestation on Koyoko
-Partial Hit
5.47 Engei uses Executioner on "Koyoko"
5.50 Katsu uses Hidden Smokebomb on Koyoko
5.90 Koyoko does a Hidden Action
6.18 "Katsu" uses Critical Exposure on Engei
7.61 Engei uses Battoujutsu on "Koyoko"
-Critical Hit
9.28 Engei uses Vanishing Slash on "Koyoko"
9.54 Koyoko uses Vaporization on Katsu and Engei
-Critical Hit
[+]Katsu is KO'd
-Katsu there was not enough time for one of your actions
-There was a lot of bouncing around in this round so please pm me if I made a mistake.

-The 48 Hour Rule is in effect
-Also please send me the next round in the same PM you sent the original. Makes my life easier

-Had to give Engei some more HP back for his other DR sorry about that folks.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
It didn't make sense, none of it did, everything that has led up to a random encounter in a random location was just quite disheartening. Engei was in a trance, wavered by the illusion that blinded him so hazily, and it was something that he could quite shake off. There were moments, of course, that saw him waddle in and out of the completely hollow sensation that encumbered his body, and more importantly; his mind. It was a strange situation to be in indeed, whoever this person was she was obviously strong, and that much was made clear. But whether or not her intentions were true, he would never know. There was too much drama in this scene, far too much, it was distressing and disheartening for the Chuunin whom only thought of his sister, her deceased fiancée, in the hopes that only day they would be redeemed and their attackers brought to justice.

He carried this burden, such a heavy horrid weight on his shoulder, where there wasn't a single soul to help carry the weight. And in truth, the God's honest truth, Engei didn't even hear whatever the Kage Guard had to say - there was this horrid ringing, an ululating white noise that dulled his senses and caused his stomach to do back flips. The tall standing Chuunin wavered back and forth, struggling to hold his blade, let alone his body up straight. He just wanted to find out who hurt his sister... He wanted to break their bones, he wanted them to suffer in prison for years on end without any human rights that they were voided of the day they committed such a vile act. Engei's head was a little busted, blood freckled down from his head, dripping down to the arch of his lip and hanging their nervously, waiting for an ultimatum from gravity: to fall or not to fall. It was like being drunk in a way, dying felt quite funny in a really sadistic way.

Engei tried to move forward, woozy from motion, where he would fall to his knees and laugh. His brow would press against the hilt of his blade. The Chuunin just laughed, for a good few seconds, pressing his face against the handle of his sword. His laughter filled the echoed street, the sound of rubble returning to the earth complimented the laugh, in a strange way. And it was at that moment that he began to reflect on his past, his childhood even, where the gentle giant whom didn't even like to fight had turned into this angry man, contempt with a life of revenge and seeking ill-justice on persons that he had never met. It was truly a life that he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy, not that he truly had any enemies. In truth, the Chuunin was now just feeling quite tired of all the drama that this conquest was causing him.

A memory would flood back and fill his mind with a serene wave washing over his body - or this could be, quite literally, his body trying to combat the pain of his injuries who knew. There was a sensation that Engei knew something was wrong with this battle, or to be more specific, a genjutsu was messing him up. He couldn't quite tell but something just lulled him to step down... He sighed, hands shaky with excitement and emotion, eyes filled with what could only be described as sadness.

26 years old, given his life to protecting Stone for his sister to be wheel-chair bound and her partner to be killed by a suspected Guardian. He didn't have a relationship with a partner, a man he once knew that he let slip away, just because he wanted to protect people and that said partner couldn't stand the sight of Engei being in the line of fire for strangers. For all of that to come down to this tedious moment in time that could, potentially, be described as ironic.

[Didn't know whether Engei still saw Katsu and Koyoko.]
[Edit: Actions sent.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Sighing, he saw that his plans had ultimately failed and that his "partner" had fallen victim yet again as he ran towards Katsu and tried to kill him. He managed to dodge some of the attacks thrown towards him, but he obviously couldn't dodge them all as he got hit hard. Blood spilling from his body, poison running through his body, and his spirit crushed as he hit the ground knees first and then collapsed where he once stood. His time was over for fighting and all that was left was the Kage guard and the sword man; of course however, reinforcements were coming quickly so the sword man was probably going to be outnumbered and taken down like Katsu was. It would all matter on if he could dodge and take down to enemies at once or if the numbers game would take over and punish him. One thing was for certain, Katsu was very pissed at the sword user and this whole drama that erupted from this quarrel.

[I'll just sit here :p]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

Finally it was time to show my stuff! I could hear a crowd and hear the sounds of fire crackling along with battle cries a like. I shouted in my excitement once I saw that one was still was standing or err... was he. A chunnin had just taken down one man and now was bearing his weapon at Koyoko. Err huh? The only reason I knew he was of chunnin rank was because of the visible chunnin vest under his tattered and singed garments. I pushed passed the crowd of thugs in order to make my presence know to my sis and the chunnin. She two looked as if she was about to strike. Not fully understanding the situation I stepped in front of Koyoko as to hault her advance to the chunnin.

"Wait wait wait! I got all the way out of bed for this damn it, he's mine so stand back! *Shouts to the chunnin* Yo, never mind Koyoko, I'm your opponent! The name is Kage Guard Mikana of the Ryujin clan. Boy do you have the honors. You can fill me in on the details afterwards. It's amazing that you keep getting into crazy situations like these sis..."

I began to stretch right there on the spot in front of the two. This was now my fight and though the chunnin and others around might of thought me and sis lowly considering how we know out numbered two to one, they would find in the next few seconds what it meant to be a Ryujin. I'm sure sis will honor my wishes and stand back. She wasn't the selfish type to hog all of the fun for herself nor was she dishonorable in such a way to out number her opponent. Nope, neither of us were. Regardless of the opponent... call us crazy but we have that kind of understanding.

"Well... are you ready!?? Here I come!"

[Entering round 4]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"One down... You said earlier, to line up right? Well now, you have your duel! Steadfast chunnin... not even for a single second shall you drop your guard. Heighten your sense of adaptability and face me... strike me down chunnin and strike now! Just quit your quivering!"

Yeah so I may have said a lot of this in the moment of suspense but I meant what I shouted. He was starting to look defeated as if he hadn't a chance since his partner was down but he still gripped his sword. Why? If you given up hope and have given in to despair... then why keep fighting. Why should a warrior such is I waste my time with such an opponent who doesn't believe he can win. It's like a bad joke. He was not a victim so he shouldn't stand like one. His blue eyes told a story much like mine... stand... stand up and fight for what you believe in. I immediately began high speed hand seals in front of him, not hiding my intent. I also began something of a chant... it helps me focus. That and I can be a bit theatrical...

"Lord of light, conqueror of Sin and all that is vile and evil in this world, please guide me. Please light the flame within me, let strength be grant so the world may be mended in this age of fire. This jutsu's name is Nova the Ever Storm! Now burn asunder in the everlasting hellfire of creation! Be utterly annihilated down to the very last scrap of D-N-A!!!"

[actions sent]
[Post edited do to Mikana not entering until round 5.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Round 4: Another Round.....


HP: 25376-8564-8168+1350= 9994
CP: 25804+990= 26794
AP: 11-0= 11 AP Next Round
Status: Iado Stance


HP: K.O.
CP: K.O.
AP: K.O.
Status: Unconcious



HP: 26918+990= 27908
CP: 18811-430-360-3938-3630= 10453
AP: 10-8= 2 [11 AP Next Round]
Status: Mangekyou Sharingan, Defensive Techniques​

1.00 Koyoko does a Hidden Action
[+]Engei drops his weapon
4.00 Koyoko uses Amplifier on Engei
7.00 Koyoko uses Vaporization on Engei
-Koyoko you did not have enough AP to complete your actions
- Lazy Actions guys.. if you don't send me your maintains they will be dropped.

-The 48 Hour Rule is in effect
-Also please send me the next round in the same PM you sent the original. Makes my life easier

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
[ooc: I'm SO sorry but my post was deleted/not posted. It was big >_>;]
[ooc: I apologise in advance for this... Haha. ]

That was it, the end game, the man thought as he lay there slowly wavering in and out of conciousness. He knew that there is where his game was coming to an end, and this cruel thing called life was about to cease. There was something rather appealing about the thought of death, the release of his burden that weighted him down, altered his personality and changed him into an obsessive maniac whose agenda was to kill anything that even looked a little dodgy. The loving man that was Engei had been encumbered and then replaced with what stood before Koyoko; a strong woman who was, in his eyes, beautiful. She was releasing him, unwittingly, from his bonds and... although death knocked on his door, he was happy about this.

The Chuunin would muster up the strength to stand on his feet before, quite brutishly, with a slumped posture and an honest smile. He would hobble as far as Koyoko would allow it and, with a sword now back in his hand, he would offer it to the woman. "Take care of her..." He would ask, eyes droopy, before falling to the ground with his last thought being of his sword; his faithful companion that stood by him through everything.


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
My eyes were indeed keen, keen enough to tell when my opponent was done, when his faith had wavered, when his strength was gone... So that was it. The battle was over... With pride however, the chunnin stumbled to stand. Gripping his sword once more he made his way to me. Truly and deeply did I wish to see his strength, his power but that was the curse blood of battle. That was my curse, for me the fighting never ends and the Ryujin are never satisfied. I standfast unwavering in my stance as he approached. Only now I could see that he was not really there anymore, perhaps he was reflecting or wavering in and out of consciousness as he strained himself further. I reached out to grab him for it was only a matter of time before he collapsed. Embracing the chunnin, I laid him down comfortably on to me. I was a warrior but did not mean I wasn't compassionate... compassion was not the same as weakness. There in my arms, the chunnin gave me two gifts... his unnamed sword and his last words... "Take care of her..." His breath lessened and heart beat slowed as I held him. With limited medical ninjutsu I was powerless to stop the coming doom. In seconds, the chunnin was gone from Iwakagure and what remained was the lifeless shell and hopefully any regrets one life can make. His journey would start a new and one day I would see him again... For now I would sing him a prayer so that he may be guided in the next world.

"Soul of the mind, key to life's ether. Soul of the lost, withdrawn from its vessel. Let strength be grant, so the world might be mended. So the world might be mended... Thank you. I will except these gifts and continue on with the strength you have given me.. till we meet again Chunnin..."

I laid the man down onto the ground and stood to check on the other one. Hopefully things weren't so grim for him. This man had claimed to be of my kin... I checked his pules and luckily he was still alive. No more casualties today. Placing my head set onto my head I homed in on both medical and anbu frequencies. Giving whoever may take the call the exact location. The thugs loitering around became ghost after hearing that anbu were on their way. I expected as much. Anbu would have to make a report of this and a full investigation would begin. For now, I would use my limited medical abilities on the man still breathing.

[ooc: Sad day for Iwagakure. I choose to waive the victors right to kill. Katsu reserves the right to escape or play along and be taken in to Iwagakure's custody. Also Calling Anbu and Meds! Plz post.]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Wow so once again I showed up to little to late. A crowed of gangs were leaving the scene so I really knew that the show was over... AWWWW MAN!! Come on really? I have the worst luck with this sort of thing. Here I was excited to thrash some ninjas and Koyoko has put them to rest... literally. I hoped over to one man down wearing a chunnin vest. I wondered what happened here for it was clearly Koyoko's work done to him. The singe marks implied she had laid waste to this guy but why was he dead? Koyoko never finishes off her opponent like me. She was across from me healing another... I know she must be going through something right now, being that she had killed a chunnin of our village. I wouldn't pester her with the details for now. I'm sure she called for anbu and medics so I would wait for them to arrive. That way she wouldn't have to explain twice. It was actually a nice night out today despite the events hidden in it's veil. If Koyoko looked my way, I'd greet her with a smile. She needed to know that everything was alright even when they were shitty.



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Topic Entered]
[Thumbs up for the Demon's Souls reference by the way]

The soft beep of the start of the message made Uka jump. It had been a long time since her headset had relayed a message on this specific frequency and she immediately knew she had to hurry. The woman stumbled over her own limbs as she put her combat gear on and grabbed her belt full of all sorts of different pouches. It was perhaps more than she would need, but one could never be too ready for something. The mission in the caverns had only proven that much without a doubt. A fight breaking out was not uncommon after all such was the world they lived in, but one between shinobi? That was something most medics dreaded the moment they heard it. Fist fights end up with a broken bone or two, maybe a punctured organ, but shinobi fights they...they were on a completely different level. A broken limb was the least of the worries she honestly had in her mind right now. The sheer brutality which may have occurred stood tall as a huge spire in her mind. However she would soon know what had really transpired once she saw how bad the situation really was.

The young med nin ran down the narrow streets and rooftops as she made her way to the Pearl Tenements. As nasty place as that was there would be enough of her colleagues nearby soon enough, however that wasn't yet so as the hospital was still not quite ready, as close as it was to completion (Would be ready however rp started prior to the completion topic). Uka just had to hope her skills would suffice if she was the first one on the scene. That however wasn't going to stop her from doing everything she could to help.

*** (Taking place after Katsu has decided his actions so i'll keep it brief)

'There' Uka thought as she finally arrived. It was more than clear what had happened considering the surroundings were as damaged as they were. She quickly jumped down from the roof and ran the rest of the distance through the street. "You were the ones to call for a medic, correct?"<i></i> She adressed the two figures from a distance as the medic slowly closed in to their position. " Does anyone need emergency treatment?"<i></i> Uka quickly added as she finally stopped to assess the situation...

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="Somethings never change, do they?"]Maybe, things would be getting alittle hasty but with all the things that Souji had been dealing with. The death of the Cloud shinobi lingering over his head and the thoughts of his wrong doings after finding out that part of what she said was either true or being forseen in her last moments. Either way Souji got the call and he would head to the scene, he tied his hair back as best he could as he would definitely need to cut it soon, he didnt much like how his hair got so shaggy. So with that being said Souji managed to enter the scene with two of the predominate people in the village. The Ryujin Family. And a Mednin who he had heard over the way as he stepped in from the shadows, he had a coat on and a hookah in his mouth puffing away as he looked on. "Oioi, whats the damage... it seems there will be alot of paper work later for this..", looking at the two men on the ground there was definitely a scuffle there. And there was one dead. As he could feel that his spirit was no longer held to the physical body.

"So, who can tell me what happened?", Souji would speak looking over to Koyoko then to Mikana, which one of them could manage to spew some knowledge on him that was worth a damn. Then again, Souji was expecting more than just answers, he wanted to know who was in the wrong in this. And if something new broke out he would manage himself with all the new techniques he had been working on. 'One Dead. One still barely living.', nodding he'd roll his shoulders awaiting the cases to be made, but there was definitely going to be an arrest made if this happened to be a mindless brawl.

[Topic Entered][/legend]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Uka- "Does anyone need emergency treatment? You were the ones to call for a medic, correct?"

Me- "Yes, over here please... One has stopped breathing... It has been a little over twelve minutes now. The other here, he is bleeding pretty bad and is unconscious.. still breathing though. Might want to call for more meds..."

The situation was bad but at least Iawa's finest showed in a timely matter. With my limited medical experience, it was only a matter of time before the one still breathing was breathing no more. I stepped aside to allow the medic to do her work. Hopefully he could be saved but only time would tell. I walked over to Mikana and nodded gracefully. She'd know I was alright from this gesture though I could see worry in her eyes. Suddenly from the shadows, a man with his hair pulled back revealed himself. I didn't recognize him at first but from his voice I could tell that he was Souji the Guardian of Shadows, here to investigate. It sadden me to be the bearer of horrible news but today that would be the case. What's the damage he wondered? I found it funny that his only outward worry was the mountain of paper work to come. I admired the outward shell he had, if only all of us worriers were built like that. I looked to the sky before taking a seat and explaining the situation.

Me- "I can tell you the situation as I was the one involved Guardian of Shadows.. I was on patrol like normal when I spotted a situation. The chunnin lying on the ground, had drawn quite the crowd of gangs, thugs and me. He was waving his sword about and with full bravado he challenged everyone. I intervened with the aggressor chunnin and thus caused the spiraling turn of events. Who knows what would have happened had I not been here... Anyways, I introduced myself as Kage-Guard Koyoko with a bit of bravado myself, asking where does the line start. *chuckling* He found me suspicious due to me being in such a location and not addressing the others. Why would I? They weren't waving their weapons about spewing war cries... Surprisingly the chunnin turned his blade onto me. I didn't believe it myself until a relentless barrage of attacks were thrown my way... *side eyes* I waited to the last moment to defend myself with a none lethal barrier jutsu. One that would let them know that they had... akhem! Made a grave mistake... And yes I do mean they. That other one still breathing decided to join in and attack me as well. Though he stated his reasons much later in the attack. His exact words were, I only attacked you because you got your nose into somewhere it didn't belong. That's it... *chuckles again* Yeah I get that a lot. However, he attacked me willingly after I had identified myself. I find the lot of it strange... Oh well. We need to get an ID on these two and get a council hearing ready for that one when he wakes up. I have questions for him, you have questions for him, and I'm sure the Chief does. Well if you don't have anymore questions I'd like to head over to HQ and file a proper report for you and your guys. The sooner I get this over with... the sooner I can mourn the dead... His family will most likely cursed the Ryujin name for this."


Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="Sweet dreams are made of these~"]Souji managed to think somethings through with this situation, listening to Koyoko and then turning to Mikana giving the youngest of the three a smirk and a wave. He liked her the most honestly she was valiant and strong. Physically. She'd definitely grow older to be some force of reckoning. Though, he'd take snapshots of the scene. Everything around and then would tap his headset. "~//~Oi, This is Shadow reporting from the Pearl Tenements. I've arrived on the scene... I'll update as details are given.~//~", nodding he'd release his button and continue listening. Chuckling with Koyoko and giving her a soft hand of comfort to her shoulder, "You did fine, and if they hate you for defending yourself, then shame on them. I completely agree with how you handled it. However...", nodding he would turn to the body of Engei and frown. It took him a moment to notice him. Though it was the same fellow from the Shrine that bashed the Guardians. Souji wanted to show no sympathy... but he still wished death on no one. No one who didnt deserve it.

"The one who died. His name is Engei... did he have any final words or anything?", nodding he'd turn back to Koyoko, "Alright, the other one is known as Katsu. He's a medic. He worked the Student Tournament with me. Both of these men, a bit shady.", nodding he'd sigh a bit taking out his hookah and putting it out in the ground. "Alright whenever he wakes up I'll take him into custody and we'll question him on the motives... see if we cant get some information out of it. Until then clean out the area, and I'll neutralize the gangs around here...", shaking his head, it was bad enough that he knew these two guys... but this Engei guy didnt seem to die from anything Koyoko had done. Maybe it was his time, heart failure happens and its no wonder they live past thirty anymore let alone their mid twenties.

"Again Koyoko-san, no worries about your valiant family name. You make it proud for not casting the first stone, it'll get better. I promise.", placing his hand on her shoulder once again and looking directly into her eyes. Nodding solemnly. "And this Chief? Who were you talking about? Who else will be questioning this man...", his eyes focused wondering if she were hiding anything but likely not. He trusted the Ryujin sisters... just not the Kage all that much.[/legend]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
