Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mental Cleansing at Shinrya Estate [Private]

Dec 14, 2018

That was all Airi could say as she made her way through the Seki-district. While she lived in cheaper housing she certainly was not from the Sordid Avenue. Yes those were the places she spent most of her time. Coming here she could easily feel like she was out of place. Airi had bathed and showered to ensure she was not coming to the Shinrya residence as a smelly shinobi. She made sure to clean and dry her outfit. She had decided, against her personal tastes, to wear a long red skirt. She had managed to find leggings under in case she needed to remove said skirt. As for a top she went with a long sleeve cotton top that turned into a bow for the shoulders. It was designed into it which made her feel a little childish. Now Fourteen years old she figured she needed to start getting out of this type of clothing, but it was also what she would consider one of her nicer outfits. Only time would tell.

As she moved past some of the different estates she commented on each of their representations. Chigokai…Saito...Tsuyoshi…Kagetsu…Santaru…Otsuki. So many names that were huge in the village and its rich history. Three of these though stood out to her. The first being the Inuzuka clan, which she quickly moved past. If what both Inuzuka-san and Shinrya-sama were correct…

Airi moved past that only to come to terms with a name which also filled her with quite a few mixed feelings. Yamamoto…”No fluffing way…” Maru said he lived in a cave! Airi felt her knees going soft as she continued on. “No way can I take on the last name Yamamoto…like they would even accept me…”

Finally Airi came upon the place where which her purpose for visiting could be accomplished. As Airi felt a nervous seat break out down her neck she stared at the name…Shinrya…

“This place is huge…” Even by what she thought the others were big…why was it this big? Airi saw the incredibly high walls from down the way but had no idea that they were for her…estate. This place seemed like its own country…Airi could feel her imaginary tail swish in concern…weird how used she already got to having it. Taking in a deep breath and then letting it out the girl adjusted her mailman style brown purse and stood as tall as she could.

Airi rang the bell by the gate and waited a few moments. “I-I am here for my scheduled meeting with Shinrya-sama the E-Estate owner…my name is Irie Airi.” There was a pause for a few moments which she assumed was to check to see if she should be given access. Once the gateway started to open Airi jumped slightly. She was informed to go into the main entryway and stop at the nearby fountain, once there either a servant or guard or Shinrya herself will greet her. “Y-yes thank you!” Airi bowed to the guard and then lightly jogged into the complex…

Really she felt a need to run but that would be rude and ruin her outfit. As she moved through though her legs slowed down as she noticed all of the greenery…there was an incredibly large pond that she could not help but walk up to. As she looked she smiled and in just amazement looked around her. A sudden thought intruded her mind as she got more and more nervous…”This whole place is so expensive…I’ll owe people for the rest of my life if I break anything.” Thankfully her clumsiness seemed to have left her over the last few months.

Airi decided to go sit by the fountain and play with her hand in the water while she waited to be called upon. She imagined Shinrya-san was very busy with her morning affairs so she might have to wait a while…

[Private topic started]
It was a morning almost like any other, and like other mornings, Kitsune had a schedule to keep. With the recent village-wide announcement that Kitsune was working as Interim Raikage, her workload had only increased. But today, despite the paperwork waiting for her in the study, she had an important meeting to attend to, with the lovely Airi-chan. She’d gotten the results from the test back, and could confirm that there were indeed oddities in the scans, as it would appear that only half of her were of the Irie genealogy. The other half looked much stranger and not quite human. Some of the gene pairs weren’t even in any of the medical books in the hospital library…

When she got informed that Airi had arrived and were heading up the long driveway, Kitsune smiled to the maid that had told her and informed her to prepare some tea and snacks and serve it in the study once they’d entered. Meanwhile, Kitsune herself would go fetch Airi from the entrance. It was a short walk down the grand staircase inside the mansion, and after slipping her feet into some comfortable sandals, she stepped outside to greet her guest, ”Good morning, Airi-chan. Please do come in.” she said with a grand smile.

Kitsune herself were wearing a pretty casual outfit consisting of a black button-up shirt, and a black tiered ruffle-style skirt. Her hair was hanging loose as always, and she wore her usual choker necklace. As she invited Airi inside she guided her to the study where a small pile of papers were sitting on a desk along with the file she’d gotten from the hospital. ”Feel free to have a seat at the desk Airi-chan. And don’t mind the big pile of papers. It’s some of the paperwork I’ve had to take home with me from the Raikage Office, to fill out.” she explained and chuckled.

[MFT; WC: 317]
Aiir had gotten rather into brushing her hand along the top of the water. She wondered if Shinrya-san ever came out here to just sit and soak her feet. Airi knew that she would. Getting lost in the feeling she jumped a bit when she heard her name called out. She quickly grabbed her bag and slung it over, she shook her hand but wiped it on the bag to try and dry it as quickly as possible. “Yes!” She called out maybe a bit too loudly as she quickly shuffled towards the main entryway.

Airi moved up and just thought about how mature Shinrya-san looked. In comparison Airi was still a little girl. Black was slimming and elegant, Shinrya-san looked comfortable yet there was this put together look saying that she could command even dressed out of uniform. She looked like someone who was in control.

Shinrya asked her to sit and walked over the desk and sat down. The study itself was quaint but once again rang with elegance. Airi had a suspicion once again that everything here was worth man than she was. Slightly intimidated she kept her hands onto her bag after laying her brown bag on her lap. “Good morning Shinyra-sama. I hope the morning has been seeing you well.” Airi bowed her head at a forty-five degree angle. While Shinrya probably wanted to keep this a little but less formal, until Airi was told that, appearances and etiquette mattered.

Airi also took noticed of the tea and little cookies on the table, she really was not kidding when she mentioned this was a more relaxing venture. “I did some more research into the Inuzuka-clan, and after trying out some of their unique bloodline techniques it turned out that you were correct…I am able to perform them.” Airi was timid giving out this information mainly because she had been mentally rather adamant that her mother had been faithful… “I’m sorry I was so against the thought of my mother cheating…you were right as I should have known considering your profession and experience.” Airi lowered her head again feeling sheepish.

Airi gave a small smile and said, “Sorry, where are my manners. Is the day treating you well?” Airi felt stupid going right for the source of the visit. She should have eased into it at Shinrya-san’s digression. “I have…never been to the Seki district before…things are quite different here. It’s almost overwhelming.” Airi was not the best at small talk but maybe that would do.
Kitsune chuckled at how stiff Airi was acting. On one hand, she could understand why that would be the case, having a private meeting with a noble in a grand mansion, and on the other hand, she was still just her doctor. Kitsune opted to lighten the tension as she answered ”Oh it’s been wonderful so far. I’ve had plenty of paperwork to handle as Interim Raikage. The pile on my desk here is what’s remaining.” she said, running a hand through her hair and stretching ”But it’s nice with a few distractions to avoid burning out on the paperwork. And please, just Kitsune is fine, Airi-chan. I’m not a stickler for protocol.”

When Airi then explained that she’d tried out the Inuzuka jutsus they’d worked, it only confirmed what Kitsune already knew from the DNA results. ”That confirms the results I got back from the DNA lab yesterday. I have to admit though, the non-Irie parts of your DNA were rather… Odd.” she said and raised an eyebrow ”Like. Part human, part something else. There were certainly base pairs in that genome that aren’t even in any of the genetics textbooks in the hospital library.” Kitsune continued and picked up the file from her desk.

She handed the file to Airi and sat down in the chair next to the one Airi was occupying. ”I’m not sure if any of this makes sense to you, but I figured you should have a copy of the analysis. The only one on file I could find that even slightly matched the oddities were… Maru I believe? No wait, Yamaru. That’s what it was. Sounds like an odd name. Maru sounds better, in my opinion.”
Interim Raikage…

Airi had to think about what exactly that meant. Did that mean that something happened to the Raikage? Airi knew his name and deeds but had really never even seen him before. If Kitsune-sama was running the place in the meantime and she was not even the Sennin…’what is going on…?’ Airi could feel the soft voice echo through her mind, ‘Maybe they up and bailed, maybe they are dead, the expectancy rate of shinobi is not very high. Ohh…maybe they lost their marbles and it is being kept under wraps! I would love to see a cracked Kage. Hehehe…’ Airi could feel herself glaring…why was she having thought like these?

Kitsune-sama seemed to be using Airi as a valid excuse for a break though…Airi felt a little bad. What if those documents are important?

Airi nodded and said, “Ohh…ahh of course, Kitsune-san.” Airi being the fool that she was though it just meant the informality of using the first name and not the honorific. Airi did prefer Kitsune-sama over Shinrya-sama but mainly due to it being easier to pronounce. She said she was not a stickler for protocol…though Airi doubted Kitsune was trying to be Airi’s friend.

Airi looked to Kitsune as she began to explain that her DNA was weird, the non Irie parts of the genealogy. Airi’s eyes grew just a little wide and yet strangely Airi seemed to relax a bit. So he was right after all. ‘Well of course he was…he sent the little Youkai doll to confirm.’ Airi could feel herself getting nervous at the thoughts of that night. She woke up again without any real memories of the evening after that. She hoped she had not attacked Maru or anything. She had not seen him in the last two days and to be fair she had not really wanted to.

As she mentioned that pairs of her genome were not even in any of the scientific books…well Airi could only further believe what the doll had said…so he really is my father after all. ‘What you believe science over Maru?’ Airi nodded to herself…not realizing she was answering the voice. She could not believe it was just a prank…what was she going to do?

Kitsune sat down next to her which was…intimate. Yet strangely it also felt comforting, her Anbu officers always sat on the other side and commandeered her or told her what was what. Kitsune made it fell…friendlier. Airi started to look over the file and realized just how unsuited for the medical field she was…she really was not all the bright…’that’s the Yamamoto bloodline talking…’

Kitsune confirmed finally that Maru was the closest matching individual. Nail and the coffin to boot. If both the occult and the science met up then…

“I…met with Yamamoto Yamaru two nights ago…he deals with Youkai. Being mostly one himself I guess. We have been friends since before I took my Genin Exam. I asked him if he knew a Youkai that could help find my dad…and the little Youkai came back with it claiming Yamamoto-san was my father…” Airi decided to close the folder of notes and set it down. She took in a deep breath and decided to pick up the cup of tea and take a healthy drink from it…certainly not the polite way…Airi no longer really thinking about manners.

“I blacked out again after I found out…I got angry and I think I accused him of messing with me or something…I can’t really remember. I’m scared…usually when I black out…” Bad things happen to those around her. ‘Don’t worry he is perfectly fine, not like we could even touch him if we tried anyway.’ It did not really make Airi feel better but she sort of looked at Kitsune who, looked intelligent and observant. Airi gave a worried smiled and said, “Sorry…everything is changing so quickly I feel like I am being swept up in a current I’m not ready to swim in.”

Airi looked away again. Not sure really so she continued, “Did the hospital want to run more test to study the genes…or what exactly do you suggest my next steps be? I know I have rank up exams coming…” Airi was supposed to be set up for Anbu exams but something felt wrong. ‘Maru will not want that…’ Airi nodded again. “I think I am ready…despite everything…I place in the top twenty percent of my graduating group.” ‘Yea if you consider nineteenth place good…’

Airi felt annoyed but at the same time, “Thank you for looking into this…I trust this a bit more than anything occult.” Airi tapped the folder with her analysis. Not that she could understand it, but still this for some reason felt concrete.
It seemed that Airi had to take a short moment to realize what Kitsune had just told her. Of course, it was quite the bomb to drop on someone that their Kage was gone and that their doctor had taken the reins instead. As Airis thoughts seemed to turn towards something a bit more morbid, Kitsune could feel the glare Airi was giving off. ”I know, it’s a lot to take in this early, but yes. Kogami Ayumu, 11th Raikage of Kumogakure has vanished without a trace. No one knows if he’s alive, dead, missing, or gone absolutely bonkers like the 4th did.” she said.

”Ah, those were crazy times. Heck, the guy that gave me my genin exam ended up becoming the 5th Raikage too.“ Kitsune said, shifting her stance to lean on her other leg, while unintentionally revealing to Airi just how old she really was, despite being the biologically eternally 21 year old medical professional. Afterwards, when Airi revealed that she’d met with Maru who’d apparently informed her that he was indeed her father, well, that just nailed it for Kitsune. Her analysis had been right on the money and as accurate as ever which pleased her.

Kitsune nodded, ”Well, I guess that means the mystery is solved then.” she said just before Airi explained about having blackout episodes where usually people get hurt when they happen and that it all felt like being swept up in a current she wasn’t ready to swim in. An apt analogy that, to be honest. ”Hm… Well, in that event, I’d recommend we continue these counselling sessions to try and see if we can’t get to the bottom of things. As for the not being ready for it, well, I think there’s only one way through it, and that’s to press forward. Life waits for nobody.”

Airi then asked if there were more tests to be done and then discussing her future plans saying she had exams soon and that she was in the top 20% of her group. ”I don’t think further tests would be needed, no. Just regular counselling sessions to process this whole chunk of events, really. And knowing you, from what I saw in your records, you’ll do just fine on your exams. I’m sure of it.” Kitsune said reassuringly, hoping to alleviate some of Airis fears about the proverbial tomorrow.
Hearing that unofficially the head of the village was missing or gone was crazy…Airi also had to question what happened to the Sennin…especially if Kitsune-sama was the one who was managing things in the meantime. Unless Kitsune was the Sennin? Airi really only knew Ayumu…otherwise she just listened to her orders, though maybe that was because she was an Anbu in training. Orders and follow instructions were more heavily trained there then ask who or why. Airi decided she would do whatever she could, “I know I’m not very prominent but any sort of assistance I can provide please let me know. I am not taking any missions at the moment for training so I have free time.”

Kitsune mentioned that, her meeting with Maru and him admitting their relationship solved the mystery. With that plus now Kitsune’s data pointing towards it Airi could only nod in agreement. Now she just had to handle all the new sets of issues this information brought and now needed to be sorted out. Once she hit Chuunin she might be able to actually go and see her family, though letter exchange could hold that off, not like she wanted to drop a bomb on them via letter.

Kitsune mentioned that the blackouts would be something that could be solved by constantly monitoring it through regular visits. Looking around the room Airi wondered if this was a mutually beneficial situation. Switching Kitsune from a random doctor she met to her personal doctor had benefits and if it gave Kitsune time to escape from her duties, well everyone needed a good break excuse right? Airi picked up a snack and nibbled on it before setting it down and then taking another sip of tea.

Pressing forward was something her mother always pushed and taught her so hearing that from Kitsune brought a small smile to her face. Kitsune mentioned that she believed Airi would need no further testing and would do just fine her exams. Airi was skeptical but if someone who was taking up the Raikage’s work says it…maybe she was okay. Maikeru and Maru believed in her as well. Confidence was a really awkward thing to build up wasn’t it…

“Oh also I do not know if it would matter but in terms of my physicality I might as well show you.” Airi decided to stand up and move more away from the table. Airi focused and took in a deep breath…as she exhaled it was like a wash of chakra easily morphed her body. Her Inuzuka form took on more of the beast properties that was in the books…Airi figured it might have something to do with the Youkai energy or maybe Maru’s form of Inuzuka was an uncommon version.

Airi could feel a comfort go over her as her tail swished back and forth. She had to clasp her hand together in a slightly different way to prevent the nails from cutting herself. Her ears were pointed down a bit, Airi usually the nervous one she was. “This is…well my form…I am apparently a Vulpine variety” Airi could feel the slow dropping of her chakra and she once again took a slightly larger breath in and then let it out. Airi proceeded to open her third and fourth chakra gates…Airi smiled happily feeling herself achieve balance. Two was her max in a non-violent setting, otherwise she would start to hurt herself, and the healing properties from these two gates effectively canceled the negatives of the form. Airi could sit in fox form forever with no repercussions. Unknown to her, something she did so naturally was actually remarkable. Airi decided to give a small bow and then turn around while looking back. “It’s real…not like chakra or anything with the transformation jutsu. It’s…taking a little getting used to but oddly feels natural as well.”

Airi walked forward unsure if she would need anything checked. She also really did not connect Kitsune’s name and her own fox based form, made them quite the pair.
Kitsune stretched a bit before answering the unspoken question Airi had ”Yes. I did say Interim Raikage. Kogami-kun has gone missing, as has most of the village leadership. Being the only native Kumogakurean citizen left with provincial leadership experience, I stepped in and am handling paperwork. There’s no main branch sennin, and no medical branch sennin, as far as I can tell. Then there’s the ANBU sennin, and he’s a Leaf native. I plan to issue a summon for the Council to deal with this situation sometime later today” she said with a slight smile ”Hopefully nothing worse happens between now and then.”

Airi then said to ler her know if she could be of assistance, and Kitsune smiled ”Well, if I do become the actual Raikage, and not just an interim one, I could use a personal secretary. Potentially that could lead to a Main Branch sennin job down the line.” Kitsune said, offering a glimpse into her plans for the future. Of course, even then, she’d still have to find someone capable of being the medical sennin. She didn’t see a reason to replace the ANBU sennin, as it’d appear he was doing his job in a satisfactory manner.

Then, when Airi got up from her seat and started talking about physicality and began channeling very bright – to Kitsunes eyes which could see chakra flow – chakra, before her body changed into what appeared to Kitsune as a real live fox-girl. She blinked a few times and when Airi again spoke, explaining that she was apparently a vulpine variety, Kitsune tried to stifle a laugh ”Well, that’s ironic. You’re the fox girl, but I’m named Kitsune.” she said, chuckling ”Well aren’t we a wonderful pair, then? So, I take it this form is due to the Inuzuka bloodline abilities you tried out and found working, then?” she then asked before prodding an ear with the tip of her finger, only to find out it was indeed fully real.

[MFT; WC: 327]
Kitsune said that not only was it the Raikage but a bunch of the village’s leadership. Airi once again was not in a position as a Gennin to make a comment on the matter but if it was more than just the Raikage…this was a huge problem. Without a solid head of command…shinobi would be free to do things more how they saw fit. Not that she assumed everyone was evil or anything but…how many truly good leaders were there? Strength was not the quality one usually sought for in a leader. Sure it helped if they were strong…but how many people can make clear good decisions in a bad situation? Whose proven themselves to manage twenty to forty even fifty percent of a military? Kitsune seemed calm and clear headed but were there three other capable people? Plus even those heads needed support…overall Airi was just a ball of nerves. It wasn’t up to her, plain and simple. Hopefully the council was mostly intact.

“I…I agree I really do hope n-nothing else bad happens in the meantime.”


Most people never accepted her when she offered assistance. She mentioned she could use a personal secretary and Airi had to place a hand on her chin as she thought about it. Secretary seemed safe enough…Yamamoto wanted her in foreign affairs…so it couldn’t hurt to be a secretary right? Airi was about to nod when Kitsune then mentioned how it could lead to a Main branch Senninship and Airi could feel herself go stiff. Her…a Sennin…yea okay. Somewhere she felt a stirring of something but she shook her head. Doubt clouded her but she still awkwardly smiled and said, “M-Maybe someday! B-But for now the secretary position will most likely but lovely.”

Upon seeing Airi in her foxy appearance Kitsune seemed like she was having trouble keeping a straight face, it seemed to be like on of mirth…which make Airi feel a little uncomfortable. 'I hope I do not look that funny…’ Apparently Airi was mistaken since Kitsune was merely laughing at the ironic coincidence that Kitsune herself would a foxy secretary. It was fitting in a sense…

Kitsune asked her if this was what developed from her training her Inuzuka abilities. Airi nodded, “Apparently there are the main Inuzuka line that sort of meet animals fifty-fifty so they get like claws, nose and eyes but another smaller branch take on much more animalistic appearances. Needless to say Maru has a similar look to him so I can only guess the more animal like tendencies are where my heritage is from.” She was also supposed to have a guardian spirit which made her wonder how all that exactly worked. It was also going to be a fox considering her transformation style…

Kitsune reached out with the tip of her finger and lightly touched Airi’s ear. As her hand came out Airi’s ears dropped a bit but accepted the touch…at least thankfully Airi and Maru’s fur forms had nice feeling fur. Plus...she though, 'I rarely have to brush it since it poofs away. Just got to actually take care of my real hair, that’s probably where the base comes from.' Her tail swished back and forth…“I feel like my training has been extremely productive since I found out. I can balance my fighting style against this form and it’ll hopefully get me through the next hurdle of trials.” Airi at least felt a bit more confident like this…it seemed the form was like a nifty power boost.

“Oh also I think I would be learning Fox Senjutsu soon, from Maru…and since I specialize in Genjutsu and Taijutsu this bloodline works out, though maybe that is why I have an affinity for it…” Airi seemed to be almost babbling like she was trying to prove something. It felt like she was trying to prove she could be useful.

“Sorry…I think I am still a bit nervous about…well everything. Despite being a shinobi for the last two and half years…” Even Anbu training could not completely rub away her tendencies yet. “Considering you are seeing important documents and are a high ranking doctor…do you know about my record and…stuff?” If she didn’t it would probably prompt her to ask but if she did know…it would allow her to really be able to speak on the Anbu missions and matters. She hadn’t spoken to anyone for the code but if Kitsune was becoming Raikage…well she could obviously talk about Anbu stuff to her…right?
Kitsune chuckled. It was kinda cute how much Airi doubted herself when she could do things with ease, that most shinobi would never be able to do. All Kitsune could hope for is that somewhere down the line, she’d find some self-confidence to go along with her abilities. ”Lets wait for an official title before getting ahead of ourselves. Who knows how the councilors will handle things.” she said, putting the brakes on the hype train for a bit, but maintaining optimism and a warm smile. ”For now, I just have to get through that pile of paperwork on the desk.”

Airi explained more about the Inuzuka bloodline about how it had branches with different aspects emphasized over others. Kitsune nodded ”That’s how the Uchiha blood works as well. From what I have been able to figure out, there seems to be four distinct branches and those possessing the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan seems to have two of these four branches available to them. I think it might depend on the eyes themselves. I got an eye surgery performed by the then medical sennin to replace my old eyes with new Sharingan eyeballs. That resulted in Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan for me. And perfect vision. Something had happened to make my old eyes go blind gradually.” she explained, scratching her head a bit.

”I can imagine it’d be quite the boost” Kitsune said in response to Airi saying it felt like her training had been more productive compared to before. ”Hm. I imagine that it’s because you’re finally tapping into your actual potential rather than fighting against it. And hey. Two and a half years isn’t bad at all. Many don’t make it past the first year. And, well, as for your record, I can’t say it’s in your medical file, but from your question I can surmise that you’re part of the ANBU. I’ve dealt with those before. We have a division in the medical branch specializing in working with ANBU.” she said, trying to resist the fluff of Airi’s fox ears and tail.

[MFT; WC: 343]
Airi could nod happily to that. Kitsune was certain a cool collect type, yet she was not stuck up. She seemed like she could have fun as well. Airi hoped that someday she too could have that cool demeanor. For now though she would just need to prove herself, but most importantly, be herself. Nothing would be worse than her turning into someone she was not for some ideal. Airi smiled happily, “Always more paperwork than people realize. Never just looking cool and beating up bad guys.” Paperwork was a pain but a necessity. Raikage was a very serious title and something like that of course required a lot more back office work than most people may realize. ‘Yea defiantly not for me.’

Kitsune-sama went on to explain that the branching bloodlines was similar to how the Uchiha line worked. Hearing this, Airi believed that they all probably did in some fashion. Still a really cool thing that even people born in the same bloodline can be vastly different with many different abilities. Kitsune being higher in the medical field though probably already knew about the most cutting edge things from the development of bloodlines. As she explained it made Airi wonder. ‘I wonder what Otani-san’s bloodline type was or were.’ Speaking of which she noticed that she had not heard or seen of him…with the knowledge of what had happened…Airi felt a little sick. He had agreed to train her and they had just started and now he was gone…’don’t let the worst have happened to him or any of the others.’

Pulling back to the conversation Airi made a concerned face and said, “That sounds…really gross. Having someone else's eyes…but with benefits like those…you can’t say it isn’t almost a necessity.” Airi could imagine those who were forced to go through things to become better weapon and it made her sick. She was forced to come here…she ignored that fact…they needed to be strong their enemies certainly would…what was right? ‘Wow…did I really need a moral conundrum right now?’

Airi reached out delicately to pour more tea for both her and Kitsune. Airi’s family owned a tea shop and her mother performed tea ceremonies so etiquette and precision here came as second nature to her. Then Airi blew on her tea and then sipped it gingerly…Airi took time to really taste it. Two things could be considered, either this was her favorite…or this was the one she thought Airi would like. In a way you could almost guessed what people were thinking with the tea they presented. Airi made sure to nibble on some more biscuit before wiping her mouth.

Airi nodded, so even without details she figured it out. Well…if anyone was to find out. It might as well be your doctor right? “Yes, I have been training with them for some time.” She felt bad, using their resources only to leave their branch. Truth be told, she had no idea why she worked so hard when it really was not what she was about. A small sigh escaped her lips. “I had planned on trying to integrate into the next Chuunin Exams and leave the Anbu…I think…” Airi really needed to not be so wishy washy on the matter. “No…I am certain that it is not the place I should continue putting my efforts into.”

Plus it was what Maru wanted…but that she would leave out. “How…did you decide to join the medical field?” A fair question. Kitsune seemed established her goals. Airi wondered what made her decided on day, I can and will learn how to treat people.
Kitsune chuckled ”Even in medical work there’s a ton of paperwork. It’s not at all like on TV where the doctors just walk in and save the day and then everyone loves them.” she said with a grin ”Reality tends to be mostly disappointing compared to fiction.” she added. It was interesting to see how Airi reacted to the things that Kitsune told her. And when Airi’s reaction to Kitsune telling her that she had needed eye surgery to not go blind, but involving someone else’s eyeballs along the way was to look concerned, Kitsune felt she would have to explain a bit further.

”Well maybe, but again, I was going blind. I need my sight to perform my tasks. Besides, there’s an entire vault of bloodline related organs at the hospital for the single purpose of providing for those that require it. Some do it for more power, others do it out of necessity.” she said, hoping the explanation would help Airi come to amicable terms with the information. After Airi poured another cup of tea, Kitsune thanked her and added two pieces of sugar, as well as some milk before taking a sip. ”My tastebuds seem to be tuned in to prefer sweet things so… I’m indulging them.” she said with a chuckle.

When Airi then told her that she was part of the ANBU forces, Kitsune nodded, having her theory confirmed by the main character herself. ”Well if you intend to leave the branch, do be sure to obtain as much knowledge as you can before leaving. If it’s anything like the medical branch, there are things you can only access while you’re a member, like higher level techniques. So I’d recommend obtaining those before sliding into a different branch.” she said, postulating that ANBU had their own line of secretive techniques, which of course they did but Kitsune didn’t know that.

Lastly, Airi asked how Kitsune had decided to join the medical field, and that was a simple answer ”I lost my parents as very young, and if medical help had gotten to them in time, they’d still be with me. I don’t want to see anyone else suffer the same event just because help didn’t arrive in time.” she said, no longer smiling but instead seeming a bit more resigned. ”Having a teacher at the academy that also happened to be the Chief Surgeon of the village helped as well, as she got me into the branch in the first place.” she finished, looking at Airi ”Are you considering becoming a mednin instead, Airi-chan?”
Airi nodded at the point she made that even doctors were much less fun and interesting than it was on like dramas. Thinking about the work between Raikage and the medical field Airi could only wonder if she was not overworking herself. Come to think of it this was not even like a traditional therapy session. It was more like girl talk and chit chat. Airi could feel with a bit more confidence that an ulterior motive of relax and not work was at play here but Airi did not mind. Everyone needed to relax sometimes, especially if they had to be serious a whole lot of the time.

Kitsune went on to explain that they had an entire section direct related to bloodline related organs. Airi squinted a bit and felt just a little bit queasy. Yea no...Byakko-san had been right. The medical field was probably not for Airi. Not that blood or things bothered her but putting someone else’s stuff inside another. Airi couldn’t help but move her hands like trying to shake them. “Still pretty ucky…I don’t think any amount of power imaginable would make me take someone else’s anything inside me, if I needed it…I would have to think real hard. I mean maybe it is just my time to go otherwise…” Maru had noticed Airi’s ability to accept her own death. She did not want it, but she was not afraid of it. Recently she felt a little nervous…maybe a small amount of free crept back in…if it happened it happened. Airi could only do so much in the face of extremes. After all she was not all that special.

Kitsune added sugar to her tea and Airi looked a little surprised by that. Not that people adding thing to tea was weird but just, Kitsune seemed mature. Airi hadn’t realized she associated sugar with being childish. Airi smiled happily though, her mother made her drink all the teas static, so Airi was used and enjoyed the many arrays of natural flavor. “Good to know maybe I’ll bake something for you for our next visit.”

Kitsune pushed for Airi to absorb all the knowledge she could while there and Airi planned to plain and simple. “Yes I will of course!”

Airi probably should have thought about how the mood would shift the reason she became a med-nin. Airi felt a little bad hearing about Kitsune’s parents. That was truly a not good situation. Airi took the time to learn at least basic standard medicine but her medical jutsu vanished on her and she for some reason could not wrap her mind around it again. Kitsune then asked about if Airi ever considered becoming a medical shinobi.

Airi gave an embarrassed look and started, “Well I guess you could say it was the first thing I looked into. While in the academy I did a number of tutoring session with Byakko-san. He was cold and hard but I always liked to believe his heart was in the right place. If not his mind so much…though he would disagree with me on that. I have a lot to thank him for.”

Though with the pros came the cons.

“He was fairly certain my specialties lied elsewhere. I learned basic medical but I probably am too kind for the profession as he would say. Sometimes people would do things for power I would maybe need to help them with even if it cost a bit of their humanity…besides that choosing to end suffering…or anything like that. I could be a caretaker or something but not a medical shinobi. At least that’s where I am at right now. I was shock when I received an invitation to the Anbu…”

Needless to say Airi at least had traveled and learned from each of the branches for an extended time. She just had no idea where she would be. Airi was lost without any clear direction. “Just sort of winging it…”
Kitsune chuckled at Airis reaction to the idea of organ transplants ”It’s more common than you think, my dear.” she said ”There are people who donate their organs specifically for transplant usage upon their deaths. And we store everything usable in case it can save a life at some point. Could be mine. Could be yours. Who knows?” she continued, hoping to alleviate some of Airis “nopeness” to the whole idea. Though with the reaction Airi had, Kitsune figured it’d be best to not mention the division of the medical branch called the Harvesters, as that’d likely result in a meltdown of some kind.

When Airi offered to bake something for the next visit, Kitsune smiled ”I’ll be sure to let my staff know to allow you into the study right away, then” she said, still smiling, and then, as Airi explained how she’d been tutored by a Byakko, Kitsune had to search her memory to figure out who she meant. Odds were that it was Byakko Yukiin, a person Kitsune didn’t really have any personal knowledge of, only what was in the file she read a while back.

”He could be right. Some people are too kind for this job, and sometimes you gotta be tough and make tough calls. It’s basically playing with peoples lives sometimes, and that can frighten people. That’s partially why I mainly do psychiatric consultations, research, and prosthetic surgeries these days. Rarely I’m in the ER or doing general consultations, but it does happen from time to time, if I have to be honest.” Kitsune said, scratching her head a bit ”So, Airi-chan. Should we wrap this up for today and say same time next week?” she asked, offering Airi another consultation a week later. ”No matter how long I postpone it, the paperwork has to get done, I’m afraid.”

[MFT; WC: 306]
Kitsune tried to make the organ transplant thing normally and not gross. Airi tried to give as best of a smile as she could but with the emotions not into it, Kitsune probably could see through it. Shinobi were fairly good at reading people or at least Airi thought so.

Airi could however understand getting the organs for life or death situations…just not the casual oh hey I want to unlock some power. Thinking on it now though…was her mindset wrong? Shouldn’t she be desperately clawing to gain more power? It seemed like something someone in the military should be doing. Maybe Maru was right…I’m really not cut out for this line of work…Airi chuckled to herself shaking her head. ‘Yea…well not like I can change this lot in life. Just have to do my best!’

Kitsune was thankfully thrilled at the concept of Airi trying to bake something. ‘Ohh dear…that means I need to start practicing.’ Airi could only smile though nodding. “Great!” Airi could feel a small relaxed kinship between her and Kitsune. She wondered if they would ever directly work with each other. Either way, Airi was certain that she would try her hardest to rise up the ranks. First things first though was her Chuunin Exams.

Kitsune gave a rundown of her duties mainly mentioning that the stress that came with live surgery was a bit much at this point. She then mentioned that it was probably time they wrapped things up since she needed to get back to paperwork. “Oh right so sorry!” Airi felt herself get up and then she bowed to Kitsune. “Thank you for taking the time to handle that test and meet with me.” Airi really was thankful for both the test and the talk. These really would be beneficial for her in the future, and hopefully maybe useful for Kitsune as well.

"Oh and if you ever need anything please let me know!"

Airi would bow once more at the door, she would walk with Kitsune if she offered but with all the work she had to get done, Airi figured she would need to see herself out.

[Topic left]
Kitsune smiled at Airi and after the bow the young girl gave, Kitsune gave her a big hug. ”You’re so very welcome, Airi-chan. Do come back any time.” she said smiling warmly ”Even if it’s just to chat about random stuff. I enjoyed your visit today.” she added and grinned before guiding her to the front door which wasn’t too far away ”I think I’ll have a different tea prepared for your next visit. I have quite a collection of different sorts. Even some imported from Sunagakure.”
All in all, Kitsune had fun today, even if she was also doing work. But for now, the paperwork awaited her, and quite a while had passed with the two chatting away.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
