Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Merry Christmas! Care of Ki-Moon [Opp app/Private]

Apr 25, 2017
Snow was falling to the ground, covering the ground in a pristine white blanket. The frigid air bit into those that it caressed, penetrating all the way to their bones. The cold never bothered Kyo, having spent half his life living upon the Spine of the World wearing nothing more than what he was wearing currently. Sitting upon the wooden deck, letting his toes feel the cool of the snow, Kyo took a sip of his soju as he stared up at the moon. The night was beautiful with the moon's light reflecting off of the pale clouds, lighting the night sky. The snow gently fell with snowflakes tickling his skin. To his left, curled into a ball, was the massive dire wolf named Dakota. Kyo took another sip of the rice wine and turned to lay back upon the fluffy dire wolf.

Kyo's nose picked up a strange scent causing him to instantly sit up and take another sip of his soju. "I know you're there. So who are you and did you kill the midget?" Kyo asked without an answer from the stranger that graced his presence. A faint sound tickled his ears though, the voice of the midget that he talked about. "No, I'm still alive, Lord Kyo," the midget said in the background. A little grumble came from Kyo's lips as he turned to look in the direction of the person that decided to pay him a visit. "That's a shame," he shouted out towards the midget before an agonizing groan could be heard from the vertically challenged man.

"Why don't you have a seat with me and snuggle up. It's cold," he said patting the floor next to him. He knew full-well that the person that was hiding from him was a female from her very scent. "Not every day I have a woman visiting me, throwing herself at me," he said with a quirky smile. Again, there was silence from the woman hiding from him before Kyo shrugged his shoulders and finished the rest of the cup of soju. "More for me, I guess," he said before refilling the cup with the rice wine.

"At least let me see your face. I know you shinobi like to hide your looks and all, but it's rude to come to a man's house and not at least warm him up or at least saying 'hello' to him in a seductive manner," he said in a teasing fashion. If this woman was an assassin, she wasn't very good at it. "Fine, since you won't answer, I'll give you a piece of advice. If you are sneaking up on a wolf, then don't wear any perfume," he said before Dakota shifted and stood up, turned towards the woman, and started to growl. A hand was raised to calm Dakota down. There was no point in gutting what Kyo believed to be a beautiful woman.

Doing as she was told, Dakota started to pace back and forth between Kyo and the assassin, keeping her eyes on the person while doing so. The woman showed her face, bearing a eye-patch over her right eye with a single, visible green eye. Her hair and skin were as white as the falling snow. The woman brandished a black sword in her hand with poison dripping from the tip of the blade. Kyo eyeballed the woman from head to toe, stopping his gaze on certain parts of the woman's body; most notably her breasts. He shook his head and sighed outward. "Too bad you're here to kill me. You are my type, you know. We'd make some really good looking kids," he said before standing up, looking at the woman. The fact that she was brandishing a poisoned weapon didn't bother him or annoy him in the slightest. "And you have the perfect set of tits too," he said with disappointment dripping off of his words.

"So, tell me. Since you're bad at hiding, who sent you?" Kyo said before the woman resheathed her blade and formed a couple handseals with her vaporizing into nothingness. "Great, great. This is how you want to play, huh?" Kyo stated before flicking his claws causing the mother's pelt gloves to appear on his hands. "Just tell me and we can end this with the two of us in bed, already," he said before the woman lashed out with a single attack, causing Kyo to move his shoulders out of the way. After her attack was made, her body faded back into nothingness. Kyo raised a brow, never seeing this technique before. He looked around once more to try to find where she was. Her perfume's smell started to envelope the entire area, making her scent all-the-more difficult to pick up. The smell was now so pungent and powerful that it started to disorient him.

Kyo's eyes started to cross a bit, seeing everything in double vision. He shook his head, figuring out that the perfume was actually an inhaled poison. The sound of a blade sliding across a scabbard was heard, causing Kyo to turn around quickly lashing in the direction of the sound. Kyo saw the woman for a brief moment before she disappeared, only to appear behind him and slice into Kyo 5 times in the back before delivering a final stab to his kidney. Kyo looked down at the blade for a moment before a puff of smoke appeared with a log in his place. The blade had pierced through the log, causing the weapon to grow increasingly heavy. Using this as an opportunity, Kyo's hand was enveloped in electricty and with a quick strike, his hand went straight through the woman's chest.

"Tell me again, who sent you?" Kyo said before the woman mouthed out the name "Ki-Moon" before dropping her dead body to the ground. There was a look of emptiness within Kyo as he pulled his hand out of her chest and then fell over, feeling the pain of the wounds inflected upon him by the woman's Flash Counter. "{color=green]Not how I wanted to feel your chest either. It's a shame. It's a damn shame,[/color]" he said before shaking his head.

He sat down next to the body and contemplated life for a moment. His twin brother, Ki-Moon, had called for Kyo's death. This brought up a bunch more questions now that will remain unanswered until the proper time. He looked down at the corpse of the woman for a moment and sucked air between his teeth in disappointment. "What a waste," he said before a red-light started to emanate from the statue, causing an intense headache. He growled and shouted. "Alright! Alright! I'll let you watch! Just stop it already!" he said before recovering from the agony, dragging the woman by the hair and pulled her towards the Dragon Statue in the main hall of the house.

The woman was then presented laying completely naked before the Dragon Statue. Kyo's eyes looked over the corpse and still believed that it was a total waste. She would've made a good maid or concubine. He looked her over once more before looking up at the statue. "All of it? You want me to eat all of it? Seriously?" he asked the statue before looking down at the woman once more. "You know, I just ate and I'm not quite hungry at the moment and ahhrhhhhh," Kyo said as he held his head to help ease the pain being caused by the red light emanating from the statue. "Alright! Alright! Damn! I'll eat her!" he said before being released from the creature's grasp.

Kyo turned his eyes up towards the Dragon Statue and pointed back down at the woman. "There's going to be parts on here I won't be able to devour properly without getting---" he said before the statue struck him with pain again before he was able to say something lewd. "Alright! Alright! No more stalling, I'll eat already!" he said. The statue housed a demon within it that had this strange fetish for watching people get eaten. And as a form of encouragement, it would grant Kyo the powers and strengths of those that he consumed. Kyo, being a weak-minded human, had no other choice but to comply with this sadistic demon.

He looked down at the woman for a moment and shook his head. "Should've at least spent the night with me before this," he said before pulling out a camping knife and started to consume parts of the woman. After he was done eating, he sat in the pool of blood created from consuming a human body. Pain started to envelope his entire being as a red-light came from the statue once again before the light concentrated itself onto Kyo as an aura. The light caused an intense amount of pain. The light, itself, was rewriting Kyo's DNA structure to encompass the abilities that he had obtained from that woman. After the pain subsided and the red aura vanished, Kyo stood up and moved around quickly, fading in-and-out of shadows and the knowledge of how to sneak around came pre-programmed into his brain; almost as if it was natural for him. While he had some knowledge of stealth hunting, the intricate and intimate knowledge of using guile was now second nature to him. He nodded his head and looked up at the statue, still covered in blood.

"You have some really sick fetishes, you know that?" Kyo said before the midget servant entered the main room and started to cry. Kyo turned to look towards the servant and waved him off. "You know what to do, right?" he said as the servant nodded his head and went to get the mop and bucket while Kyo went to go take a shower.

WC: 1631
OOC: Using this for Opportunist Application

Current Ninpocho Time:
