Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mi Cousin Es Tu Cousin [Private/Kite]

Oct 22, 2012
Tomo groaned loudly, the light filtering through his eyelids already giving him a headache. For the past Raiden knows how long, Tama had been keeping Tomo awake. Apparently she'd gotten it into her obnoxious head to practice her ludicrous mind games on him while he slept. She was somehow using Sound jutsu with her mind. Tomo couldn't even begin to grasp the concept. He wasn't an abstract man, he needed something visible for him to comprehend it. What little mastery of Genjutsu Tomo had was only thanks to his counterpart Haruki. Even then, he only used it under the specter's direction. So the idea of using Sound, a jutsu that had no physical aspect, within one's mind utterly baffled him. Thus, he had no defense against the constant singing, ranting, and general insufferable actions of his fraternal twin.

Taking in a breath, Tomo finally got enough strength to open his eyes. Meeting his sleepy gaze was a green ghost man. Instantly Tomo tumbled out of his bed with a shout. The ghost shook his head. "That's not a proper greeting." Tomo pulled himself up from the floor, rubbing his now aching nose from his face-plant. "Are you kidding me?! Floating centimeters over me, staring while I wake up is the epitome of rude wake up calls!" The ghost crossed his arms and gave Tomo a sharp look. "I had to. You have a tendency to blatantly ignore the spirits around you. I had to make sure you would speak with me." Tomo scowled. "I'm sure there are many other ways you could have gained my attention." Tomo sighed. "But alright, fine. Senpai has officially noticed you, what do you want?" The specter gave a small bow of his head. "My name is Uchiha Shinku. I have a cousin, Uchiha Kite, who is just about to start the academy. I want you to help him out, with my guidance of course." Tomo placed a hand on his hip. "This is exactly why I ignore your ilk. Listen. I'm not some kind of Shaman King that goes around solving the problems of dead people to make them feel better. And I especially don't do it so they'll follow me around. Unless your cousin is in immediate danger, like he's stuck in a well or something, you can just count me out."

Feeling their conversation was over, Tomo began dressing for the day. However, Shinku refused to leave. He floated beside the Mochizuki. "It was me." Tomo's eyes darted to the side, and he cocked an eyebrow. Shinku continued. "I'm the one who put it into your sister's head to practice her skills here." Tomo spun fiercely, glaring angrily at the ghost. "Why in Raiden's name would you DO that?! And how do you think that will make me want to help you?!" Shinku gave a devilish grin. "Because I've been watching you Tomo. You may have a decent enough heart, but you rarely go out of your way to help others unless if benefits you, you're told to, or it involves your family. So it only seemed logical. I had to blackmail you." Shinku placed his green hand on Tomo's shoulder and stared him dead in the eye. "If you don't help me, I'll make sure she tortures you for the rest of your pathetic existence. Help me, and I'll get her to stop." Tomo's eye twitched uncontrollably as his anger and desperation bubbled up within him. This ghost was good. Tomo responded through ground teeth. "Fine."

And it was these events that led Tomo to the Seki District. He leaned against a building as he watched the children go by, searching for this Uchiha he was meant to help. Tomo would glance to his right from time to time, watching for any physical indication from Shinku that one of these whippersnappers was the one. Tomo could feel watchful eyes from the mothers in the area, probably thinking he was some sort of child predator. Sadly he had no way to contest their suspicions, as even he would be leery of himself were he in their shoes. Maybe Tomo would get lucky and the kid wouldn't show. However, luck was rarely on Tomo's side.

[WC: 702]
On his way out his parents said “Have fun at school! Good luck on your first day” There parents then handed him his lunch bag and as he left he took a big breath as he left his door “Kite: I need to do this to get better, that’s what my brother would have want” He walks with the other kids and the remembrance of his cousin makes him tear up a bit so he dips his head as he tries to quickly get to school passing Tomo.
As Tomo let loose a large yawn, Shinku pointed sharply at a boy. "Hey listen! That's him. That's Kite. Z-target him before he gets away." Tomo cocked an eyebrow at the ghost, and he shook his head. "Ah. Sorry. It's a side effect of being a ghost. Fourth wall breaking. The ones in your head do it all the time I'm sure." A flamboyant voice rang out in Tomo's mind, for only the Mochizuki to hear. Oooohoohoohoo! I am an exposition fairy, thank you very much. Tomo rolled his eyes, finding this conversation nonsensical.

Instead, he focused on the task at hand, trying to talk with Kite without setting off a pedo flag. It was easier said than done in Tomo's experience. Leading the boy away from the crowd, walking up to him plainly, either way he would seem like a creep. Giving a shrug, the Mochizuki went for the direct approach. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, or so his mother liked to spout off. Tomo slipped into the crowd of children, sticking out like a sore thumb between his height and the blue, black, and yellow of his multicolored hair. For better or worse, the children gave Tomo a wide berth, giving him a chance to catch Kite without much difficulty. The man slid in beside Kite and spoke. "Your cousin told me to help you out. What that entails, I have no idea." Tomo kept his eyes forward to avoid seeming to interested in the little boy beside him.
Kite stands still for a second as his memories of his cousin Shinku flashes in his brain for a second as starts to get more teary. "What did you.... say?" Looks at him, starts to feel rage build up inside him, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SAYING THAT TO ME!" More people look at him.
Tomo should have guessed this would be the reaction. If he was in this kid's shoes, being told by a complete stranger that a dead relative was offering assistance in the name of said dead relative, he'd be just as upset. Maybe even more-so. Ideally the Mochizuki would have loved to pack it up and call it good. He had tried after all, Shinku couldn't say he didn't. But one glance at the Uchiha specter told Tomo that he wouldn't be let off the hook so easily.

Still staring at the ghost, Tomo awaited some form of help. Catching this, Shinku placed a hand on his chin. "Hmm...I guess you need to prove that I'm actually speaking with you. I'll give a little information on my dear cousin, maybe that should work." There was silence for a few moments as Tomo listened to the background Shinku gave about Kite. He nodded before addressing the little Uchiha. "My name is Mochizuki Tomo. I see dead people. Your cousin came to me this morning. He tells me you have a sister that's better than you that you wish to surpass. He also says your Ninjutsu is a joke, even after his attempts to teach you." Hopefully this would at least get the kid to accept that Tomo may in fact be conversing with the dead. "I can only assume this means I need to help you out in the shinobi department. Honestly I don't think I should be the one handling this, but I'm pretty sure there's only a handful of us in the village that can see spirits. You take what you can get I suppose."
Clouded with the anger from him mentioning his brother he only heard the fact that he was insulting him and not proving anything. Kite in a fit of rage charges at him and as he charged he remembered in a manga that if he would hit the legs it would be easier to take the target down. As Kite had something he was fighting for and also with the power of rage he took down Tomo, "MY COUSIN WAS A GOOD MAN" Kite starts to kick him and punch him.
It was thanks to Tomo's extra-sensory perception that he was able to tell the little Uchiha's movements in time. With quick hand seals, the Mochizuki's body almost seemed to disappear for a moment, but a green hue remained in the man's place. Tomo had gone ghost in the nick of time, avoiding the pain of falling as the Uchiha successfully grappled his legs. However, despite Tomo's now ethereal form, the scrappy lad still kicked and punched in a fit of rage, causing Tomo to flinch with each hit. While his Ghostly Form helped him pass through objects and people, it still hurt to do so. Tomo's voice sounded a bit muffled as he spoke. "Hey! Cut it out kid. I know you're upset, but attacking people isn't the way to handle it." Shinku chuckled. "You are obviously not an Uchiha." Tomo glowered at the specter. "I'm starting to be thankful for that."

Tomo remained in place, waiting for the boy to calm down. But when the strain began to catch up with him, Tomo stood and dispersed his jutsu. "Are we done hitting?" Tomo found himself entering a mini lecture. "You should be careful with that temper. If you had done the same to my sister, she would have sent you straight to the moon." Tomo shook his head. "But listen kid.I'm just here to offer my assistance. Whether you take it or not is completely up to you. I'm not going to go around stalking you until you do." Tomo pulled out a purple business card from one of his pouches and handed it to Kite. "If you decide you want my help, come by the Mochizuki Base Camp near the gates and ask for me. Or send word there to meet up somewhere else if you are so inclined." Tomo waited to see if the Uchiha would accept now, or if he would need time to think it over.
Still a little sketchy to this new person saying he is able to talk to his dead cousin he had one question. He knew that the word going around is that he died in battle but he was one of the few who knew he had died to an anbu, if this person knew how he had died he could cut it down to either he truly can talk to Shinku or he is an anbu but more specifically the one that had killed Shinku. "If you truly know Shinku (He sounds more calm) How did he die?"
Tomo was glad Kite calmed down, but frowned at his question. The man looked to Shinku, already knowing the answer to the question. The ghost shook his head, and Tomo returned his attention to the little Uchiha. "Sorry kid. That's not how it works. When a person dies, they don't remember how they went if it wasn't due to natural causes. It helps keep the world free from constant hauntings." Tomo's face scrunched in worry. "Believe me, with all the bandits I've killed, I would be swarming with them if they remembered. That would be a fate worse than death." Shinku spoke to Tomo, and the Mochizuki relayed the message. "But your cousin says he remembers leaving the village on a mission, and for some reason, there was a voice in his head telling him he shouldn't return. But now in death he regrets his decision, and he doesn't want you to make the same mistake. That's why I'm here." Tomo gave the specter a sideways glance, questioning how long the dead Uchiha was going to make him hang around this kid. Tomo's eyes fell back on Kite. "It's up to you Kite. Choose to believe or not. You have my card and know where to find me." Tomo turned his back on the lad. "But for now, you should get to class. You don't want to be late, do you?" And with that, Tomo walked away, wondering what the future held for the new acquaintances.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
