Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Pre-Approval

OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: A giant man eating plant produced by a scientist is tearing through a small village and it's inhabitants. Uziuke is to eliminate the threat and bring it's remains back to the scientist.

OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: Uzi stumbled upon an underground nightclub that hosts underground fights for shinobi. The teen signed himself up to kill an opposing shinobi that has been blackmailing a local family for years. The family hired Uziuke to bring the villain shinobi back dead.
OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: Placed behind a cell for being a suspect in a case involving thievery. He was sentenced to life due to the cruelty of the crime. His death sentence is fighting the sheriff shinobi of the village that he was captured in.

OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: While traveling, during the midst of a flood, Uziuke saved a wealthy villager from drowning. The citizen, Shin, has decided to hire Uziuke to help repair his home. Of course this is also around the time of the month that a recognized bandit group comes in to reap the goods of the villagers.
OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: Caught in the fast paced movement of a small village, Uziuke has found himself in the middle of an argument between three others. They say that the boy's prized eyes is of the prophecy of the village. "The one with the red eyes shall be the cause of a great demise." Because of this, the boy is looked at as an enemy. The village's guardian is a large beast that is summoned on special occasion to deal with any enemies the village has. This time it's summoned because of Uziuke's presence.

OOC Rank: A
Mission Rank: A
Mission Premise: Uziuke has caught a giant boat that is traveling the nation. The downside of this great expedition is that the boat carries both civilians and villains alike that don't have the best intentions for the passengers of the vessel. Uzi is one of the targets a few villains have set their eyes on. Waiting on the right time to strike, they continue to blend in with the civilians that seem to be no trouble at all.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank
Mission Premise: Word has filtered down that a black-market element is looking to hire a mercenary shinobi to steal cargo from an opposing faction. Due to illegal activities within the country they don't wish for Sunaan involvement, and other countries to infiltrate into sand to perform a nonpolitical independent contract is too expensive. As such they're hiring freelancers.


OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank
Mission Premise: The Soon's Haven city government has been on the hunt for the Aggressive Peace Faction, an extremist group rumored to be preparing for some major attack. The acquired cargo is actually high explosives to be sold to a local APF cell. Complete the buy to throw off suspicion, but then track the cargo to the terrorist hideout and eliminate any and all threats to Sunaan way of life. Capture at least one high-ranking member to interrogate for further details on the APF.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank
Mission Premise: The leader of the terrorist cell has been captured. interrogate him to learn more about his higher ups to trace up the pyramid of power of the Aggressive Peace Faction. Use any means necessary, so long as it cannot be linked back to the Soon's Haven, Sunagakure, or Kaze no Kuni government. This terrorist group needs to be eliminated.


Next is....kinda odd. I am hanging out in Suna as an unofficial Sandy, and as such Melkor is issuing me a mission a week starting [now]. Is it alright if I assume they are approved and then repost in this area what I write and request rewards? How can I handle this so I get rewards for completing missions he assigns to me? They're SSM missions, so I'm a bit torn as to how we can both get what we want here; I get rewards for completing his missions and you guys don't feel your toes stepped on or have to worry about approving his silliness. Eitherway, this is what he assigned me:

Mission Name: Lyron Check Up
Mission Type: Solo-Mission
Mission Rank: B-Rank (S-Rank Rewards)
Objective: The Steward has brought you the Lyrons for a check-up. Based upon what you know of feline biology, give the two lioness (Zero and Integer), and the lion (Maximus) a checkup. They have shown signs of a fear of fire due to their metallic qualities.
The first is approved. We can handle doling out rewards for paper trail (or I can), since you're still doing the grunt work. If he gives them, they're approved, and you go.
OOC Rank: A-Rank
Mission Rank: A-Rank [Solo Mission] Could this be a modded mission?
Mission Premise: Akkuma has followed a series of reports to what he believed to be a high demon population den, however it is located in the vast ancient forest of Kumogakure. The reports tell detail of multiple demons ranging from class E's to Class A's but what Akkuma was looking for was an S-Class demon. The danger was high but Akkuma always had more fun when the risk was higher.

I was hoping to include Miroku as one of the demons found here. [Miroku is Akkumas father a Demon] Where they will battle to death. Miroku being done as an S-Rank.

Edited to change mission rank and mission premise.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank Solo Self-Mod
Mission Premise: Scout and infiltrate the APF Headquarters to determine the overall plan the terrorists have in play, and see that it is stopped.


And Sousuke's mission for paper trailing purposes.

Shuu: Medical: B-Rank Missions (S-Rank Rewards)
Mission Info said:
Mission Name: That's Gotta Be Illegal...
Mission Type: Solo-Mission
Mission Rank: B-Rank
Objective: One of the entrants in the Gauntlet of Five Rings has tested positive for doping, however, the performance enhancing drug seems to be off the charts. Investigate this drug as the individual who partook of it has suffered ... five massive heart attacks in five hours, but still remains in the land of the living.
OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Mission Premise: Hoshikata will encounter a swordsman who wishes him dead, and best the man in single combat.

OOC Rank: S
Mission Rank: S
Mission Premise: After his battle, he must uncover where the man came from and track down the headquarters for a group who wishes him dead.
OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank Solo Self-Mod
Mission Premise: With their plan in shambles (and them unaware) and most of the leadership preparing to ground for when their bomb was supposed to go off, dismantle their headquarters and capture the head of the organization so he may be brought to justice. If he resists, deadly force is authorized.

OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank Solo Self-Mod
Mission Premise: The leader of the APF has cut a deal with local authorities. They were a puppet organization. Their plan was actually masterminded by a grudging Missing-nin, Sarutobi Anju, who hated Suna and it's ways, and tricked the APF into doing his dirty work. Take out the mastermind and return her for her bounty.
OOC Rank: A-rank
Mission Rank: A-ranked SSM
Premise: Finally beyond the frozen tundra of Kirigakure, Karu is presumed dead by most. All contacts he had had prior are useless to him; now in Earth Country, Karurosu must convince people to provide him with any and all information he could use.

OOC Rank: A-rank
Mission Rank: A-rank
Premise: Someone actually recognizes Karurosu. He will have to dispatch them before word of his survival gets out.

Current Ninpocho Time:
