Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Pre-Approval

OOC Rank: S Rank
Mission Rank: S Rank
Mission Premise: The twins, after running from a demon (Akkuma) in Cloud, find themselves aimlessly wandering Lightning territory until they stumble upon Port Cirrus. Something about the place feels right with the water and a certain someone's presence calling them. With what little they can understand, there is a boat heading towards a place called Mist Village leaving and they have to stowaway. Easy enough... if not for their current... predicament and the familiar presence deterring them from getting any closer. Will they manage to become bilge rats or will they be caught?

PS: I would like this to be approved by the usual one (1) council member necessary plus Tatsuya, considering the premise, seeing as I might be turning his Entering Country/Open topic into a crazy time. Even if one council member approves this but Tatsuya does not, I will do this in a new topic without bothering him instead. =P
OOC Rank: A-rank
Mission Rank: A-rank
Mission Premise: Double The Danger.

Two of Sairasu's cousins, twins, have apparently survived the tragedy of the mist and have gone out into the world. The problem is, these two are mentally derange, dangerous, and have explosive/uncontrollable chakra. For the past few Months, Taishou Gin has been searching for information leading up to the location of these two twins, and finally he has stumbled upon a lead. As of right now, Gin, Sairasu, and Ramzo are about to chase this lead in hopes of locating his two cousins. If they allow these two monsters to roam the world free, then chaos will consume the innocent and destruction will follow in their wake. As of right now, it's the Taishou clans duty to locate their defective members and eliminate them, at the very least they must destroy their plots and prolong the twins evil deeds.

- Taishou Gin (Npc); Mission Leader
- Taishou Sairasu (Pc): Subordinate
- Taishou Ramzo (Npc): Subordinate

My two Inpc's will be involved in this mission, but they're me so it's all kewl and legal. I'm very much aware, i'll only be paid once and not for my Npcs.
Fight Night

OOC Rank:S Rank
Mission Rank: S Rank
Mission Premise: In order to grant himself more opportunities and make himself more appealing, Goganji his selected a nightclub, also doubling as prostitution ring, to frequent. He will soon discover that there is more hidden under the structures in the moon light.
OOC Rank: S~Rank
Mission Rank: S~Rank
Mission Premise: Uziuke has been captured by a group of bandits. Their shinobi leader has recognized their capture as Uziuke and has declared him a threat. The group has decided to burn Uzi alive in an abandoned house. Escaping and killing the group's leader won't be an easy task, but the boy is being paid for the job.
OOC Rank: S-rank
Mission Rank: S-rank
Mission Premise: There is a master of the ice element in the outskirts of stone being held by a group for ransom by their family. The family doesn't have the full amount but Kane is willing to do it for the knowledge plus the little bit of payday he would receive. There is knowledge of two shinobi of roughly jounin strength there running the show.

Make it more of a threat and flush out the details of it, please. A single opponent doesn't seem worthy of S-rank pay to me. I mean, a one on one fight last maybe 1 minute Ic. There has to be something that makes this much more difficult. Whats the major objectives? What makes this stand out so much that it could be an S-rank? I don't see anything.

I'll approve as an A-rank, however.
Beat the Pirates!! I
OOC Rank: D-rank
Mission Rank: D-Rank [SSM])
Mission Premise: Kato is looking for work on a ship, but he doesn't know what he has to offer...

Beat the Pirates!! II
OOC Rank: C-Rank
Mission Rank: C-Rank [SSM]
Mission Premise: Kato runs into a group of former Leaf shinobi. He doesn't want to fight them, they're just trying to survive same as him... but he has a job to do.
approved AS IS.

Kato is only C-rank Zenichi.
What Rank of Self-Modded Solo Missions can I perform?
◦ A user may only perform a mission of their current OOC Rank or lower.
◾Example: Joe Ninja is of the C-Rank oocly, Joe Ninja may perform E-Rank through C-Rank Self-Modded Solo Missions.

B-rank is above his availability at the moment.
OOC Rank: S-rank
Mission Rank: S-rank
Mission Premise: There is a master of the ice element in the outskirts of stone being held by a group for ransom by their family. The family doesn't have the full amount but Kane is willing to do it for the knowledge plus the little bit of payday he would receive. There is knowledge of two shinobi of roughly High chuunin/low jounin strength there running the show.

need approval plox :D
Your OOC Rank: S-Rank
Mission Rank: S-Rank OOC, B-Rank ICly*
Da Rulez said:
*Self-Modded Solo Missions above B-Rank are not considered any higher than a B-Rank mission ICly.
Mission Premise: A client hired her to deliver an important package to the Land of Wind. But it turns out that it is a setup, a trap, and the same client had hired other mercenaries to kill her out of petty spite. She'll have to dispose of them, unfortunately, but their bounties would probably make up for the fact that this is a fake mission. It was a good thing she asked for a 25% deposit before taking the assignment.

Current Ninpocho Time:
