Mochizuki Tama (INPC)
Tama was back in Kumogakure for awhile, which was fine by her. Shiri-tan had some official business, and had given her leave to walk around the village. The other members of the royal guard had insisted she take the day off. Most likely because there were a lot of long political discussions on the docket for the leaders of Lightning Country. And no one wanted her angrily glowering at people who disagreed with her Shiri-tan. So she was doing something that wouldn’t cause a national incident for a change. Scouting for talent for an S(hinobi)-Pop group. She’d heard a bit while traveling through Bear and thought that Kumogakure could use their own team of marketable shinobi for PR purposes or just ridiculously catchy music that even their enemies would want to listen to. Good stuff all around.
Tomo once did an audition for Mochizuki Troupe, it took the better part of a day and all Tama heard was him complaining about it. Part of that probably stemmed from Tama pushing the duty off on him, but Tama was not patient enough to systematically search for talent. Instead she was just going to pick someone and make them a star. Besides she could always just auto-tune them with sound jutsu if they sucked at singing anyway. She strolled along the avenues of the Seki District searching for the perfect person to spirit away into the realm of show business. Anyone would do.
[Topic Entered w/ INPC]