Kyo had been looking for something to do that wasn't simply more training and to bring in a bit of spending coin. As such he had taken a mission that he would have otherwise shrugged off and dismissed, after all helping someone move wasn't exactly something he felt was a responsible or needed use of his skills and training. Still, money was money and it was hard to argue with while in his position. Kyo was looking for the proper building, he had the address but it was in a part of the city that he did not regularly frequent, the Hotaka clan compound unlike many of the others was purposefully located in what some would consider the slums of the city, the Cronopolis. It was done so for training than for lack of funds or ability to live in the Seki district, it provided them with a better training environment and more security than if they lived in the upper district. As such Kyo rarely spent time in the district, after all when one stole liberally from a location one did not hang about to be seen.
The young boy looked at the address once more, confirming that he now stood before the right place before moving forward and knocked hard on the front door, it would be the first time he entered one of these buildings though legit means, though he didn’t let that effect what he was here to do. Today wasn’t a day to rob the people living here, no today was a day that he had been contracted to assist them, though simply in moving their goods from one building to another. It took a moment but an old bent man answered the door,
“Yes? May I help you?” He asked before lighting up upon actually looking at the boy, “Ah you must be the help I requested from the Mission board. Come in, come in!” the old man opened the door all the way so that Kyo could enter unhindered.
Kyo entered the home and nodded to the old man, “Yes, where do we begin?”
The old man nodded and smiled from his bent position as he waved for the boy to follow him, “This way, first we inventory things, finish packing these last two boxes, take out the trash and then the moving truck should be here. Load it all up, and unload it at the destination, simple yes?”
Kyo simply replied, “Yes, let us begin.” He followed the old man to a room where there were still pictures on the wall, a bed that still had sheets on it, a desk full of books and small figurines of various famous ninja’s throughout history of Kumogakure and a shelving unit with food, medicine, a set of back packs one of which had an axe on its side and a set of weights on the bottom shelf. In the center of the room stood two large boxes, open and put together ready to be used. Kyo looked to the old man for guidance on which things to start with.
“My son’s stuff, he was on mission in Kirigakure when the event happened. Let’s start with the desk.” The old man spoke as he moved to stand next to one of the boxes, lifting a large check list from within it. He produced a pen from the same box and nodded to Kyo with a smile.
Kyo ignored the man’s words, he wasn’t here to comfort the old man, nor was he to be his friend. He had a job to do, and he was here for nothing else, not to learn that the old man was lonely, that his family had left him or that his son had died in the tragedy that had cost the world another of its great villages, leaving it with only three of any consequences, and if his studies in the academy had proper information, it may even be down to two soon, what with the dangerous conditions that had enveloped Sunagakure continued to persist. He handled the son’s items gingerly and with respect, it was obvious the man would appreciate that, and that was part of his job here. They moved fairly quickly, the man occasionally would comment on some item and what it meant to him, Kyo would stop and listen to the man’s story before nodding and putting it gently into the box. While this made the job longer than it had to be, it also helped Kyo gain an understanding of the man and his loneliness, something that Kyo did not understand all that well himself.
As the two of them finished with the room they heard a truck pull up outside and a horn honk twice, the old man smiled and nodded to Kyo, “That would be the truck, would you go speak to the driver? I have something I need to do.”
Kyo nodded his head to the man and headed outside to do as he was asked, the driver had backed up almost to the door step of the home, and miraculously had avoided running over any of the potted plants and decorations that were in the yard while doing so. Kyo moved to the driver’s door and hoped up, holding on to the mirror as the driver stuck his head out, “You about ready in there?” The man interjected before Kyo could speak, Kyo nodded and replied, “Open the back, I’ll start loading soon.” The only reply he received was a grunt as the man leaned over and put a tape in the radio.
Kyo hopped down and headed back inside, where he was greeted with by the old man who was carrying a tray of glasses with condensation on the outside, the ice gently clinked in the glasses as he came to a stop and smiled at Kyo. “Some cool lemonade?” He asked offering the tray up to the boy.
Kyo reached for the glass with a nod and a simple, “Thanks.”, he took the glass and took a single gulp of the cool liquid before the ground started to vibrate, it was unlike anything he had ever experienced outside of training with his father, though it only took him a moment to understand what was happening, it was still not apparent to the others what was happening, so when Kyo dropped the glass that he had been given and took the old man in his arms there was a look of surprise on his face, Kyo dashed outside before the glass he had dropped hit the ground and shattered as well as the tray the man was carrying, still holding the man as he felt the earth tremor more, the vibrations increasing, the man outside had just finished opening the back of the truck for Kyo to load when the boy came hurtling past him and into the truck, about halfway into the back of the trailer he set the old man down and turned to the man standing outside, “Hurry! You must get inside before it starts!” The young Kyoujouran yelled at the man beckoning him towards them. The man simply frowned at the two as the old man just recovered his breath enough to ask, “What is the meaning of this?” in an indignant tone which Kyo ignored as he channeled chakra into his limbs and sped towards the other man who stood on the ramp leading into the truck a bewildered look upon his face, snatching the man up and dragging him into the bowels of the truck Kyo held him there as the ground finally began to vibrate enough for the others to feel it as well, it wasn’t long until the slight vibrations they were feeling became worse and worse, to the point that the truck was shaking violently back and forth with crashing sounds coming from the house as a glass chandelier fell in the greeting room, shattering across the floor, the pillars holding the roof up over the doorway collapsed in on themselves bringing the roof down as the ground continued to shake and throw those in the back of the truck about, into one wall and then the other before they collapsed on the ground were Kyo had lain before it had begun in earnest.
The earthquake was over in moments, but the damage it had caused had collapsed portions of the home, Kyo checked on the other two, the driver was unconscious and the old man was favoring his arm, “You saved us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” the old man said over and over again as he began to cry quietly to himself, Kyo stood upright from his bent posture and nodded to the old man, “Stay here, I need to go and get you a medic, and to help out those that I can.” The old man nodded, “Thank you, it’s enough that you saved us, thank you.” the old man continued to cry as Kyo left the back of the truck and began to take in the damage that had been caused by the huge earthquake that they had just experienced. He would return later and help the man with the move, but for now he needed to help out in the city.
The young boy looked at the address once more, confirming that he now stood before the right place before moving forward and knocked hard on the front door, it would be the first time he entered one of these buildings though legit means, though he didn’t let that effect what he was here to do. Today wasn’t a day to rob the people living here, no today was a day that he had been contracted to assist them, though simply in moving their goods from one building to another. It took a moment but an old bent man answered the door,

“Yes? May I help you?” He asked before lighting up upon actually looking at the boy, “Ah you must be the help I requested from the Mission board. Come in, come in!” the old man opened the door all the way so that Kyo could enter unhindered.
Kyo entered the home and nodded to the old man, “Yes, where do we begin?”
The old man nodded and smiled from his bent position as he waved for the boy to follow him, “This way, first we inventory things, finish packing these last two boxes, take out the trash and then the moving truck should be here. Load it all up, and unload it at the destination, simple yes?”
Kyo simply replied, “Yes, let us begin.” He followed the old man to a room where there were still pictures on the wall, a bed that still had sheets on it, a desk full of books and small figurines of various famous ninja’s throughout history of Kumogakure and a shelving unit with food, medicine, a set of back packs one of which had an axe on its side and a set of weights on the bottom shelf. In the center of the room stood two large boxes, open and put together ready to be used. Kyo looked to the old man for guidance on which things to start with.
“My son’s stuff, he was on mission in Kirigakure when the event happened. Let’s start with the desk.” The old man spoke as he moved to stand next to one of the boxes, lifting a large check list from within it. He produced a pen from the same box and nodded to Kyo with a smile.
Kyo ignored the man’s words, he wasn’t here to comfort the old man, nor was he to be his friend. He had a job to do, and he was here for nothing else, not to learn that the old man was lonely, that his family had left him or that his son had died in the tragedy that had cost the world another of its great villages, leaving it with only three of any consequences, and if his studies in the academy had proper information, it may even be down to two soon, what with the dangerous conditions that had enveloped Sunagakure continued to persist. He handled the son’s items gingerly and with respect, it was obvious the man would appreciate that, and that was part of his job here. They moved fairly quickly, the man occasionally would comment on some item and what it meant to him, Kyo would stop and listen to the man’s story before nodding and putting it gently into the box. While this made the job longer than it had to be, it also helped Kyo gain an understanding of the man and his loneliness, something that Kyo did not understand all that well himself.
As the two of them finished with the room they heard a truck pull up outside and a horn honk twice, the old man smiled and nodded to Kyo, “That would be the truck, would you go speak to the driver? I have something I need to do.”
Kyo nodded his head to the man and headed outside to do as he was asked, the driver had backed up almost to the door step of the home, and miraculously had avoided running over any of the potted plants and decorations that were in the yard while doing so. Kyo moved to the driver’s door and hoped up, holding on to the mirror as the driver stuck his head out, “You about ready in there?” The man interjected before Kyo could speak, Kyo nodded and replied, “Open the back, I’ll start loading soon.” The only reply he received was a grunt as the man leaned over and put a tape in the radio.
Kyo hopped down and headed back inside, where he was greeted with by the old man who was carrying a tray of glasses with condensation on the outside, the ice gently clinked in the glasses as he came to a stop and smiled at Kyo. “Some cool lemonade?” He asked offering the tray up to the boy.
Kyo reached for the glass with a nod and a simple, “Thanks.”, he took the glass and took a single gulp of the cool liquid before the ground started to vibrate, it was unlike anything he had ever experienced outside of training with his father, though it only took him a moment to understand what was happening, it was still not apparent to the others what was happening, so when Kyo dropped the glass that he had been given and took the old man in his arms there was a look of surprise on his face, Kyo dashed outside before the glass he had dropped hit the ground and shattered as well as the tray the man was carrying, still holding the man as he felt the earth tremor more, the vibrations increasing, the man outside had just finished opening the back of the truck for Kyo to load when the boy came hurtling past him and into the truck, about halfway into the back of the trailer he set the old man down and turned to the man standing outside, “Hurry! You must get inside before it starts!” The young Kyoujouran yelled at the man beckoning him towards them. The man simply frowned at the two as the old man just recovered his breath enough to ask, “What is the meaning of this?” in an indignant tone which Kyo ignored as he channeled chakra into his limbs and sped towards the other man who stood on the ramp leading into the truck a bewildered look upon his face, snatching the man up and dragging him into the bowels of the truck Kyo held him there as the ground finally began to vibrate enough for the others to feel it as well, it wasn’t long until the slight vibrations they were feeling became worse and worse, to the point that the truck was shaking violently back and forth with crashing sounds coming from the house as a glass chandelier fell in the greeting room, shattering across the floor, the pillars holding the roof up over the doorway collapsed in on themselves bringing the roof down as the ground continued to shake and throw those in the back of the truck about, into one wall and then the other before they collapsed on the ground were Kyo had lain before it had begun in earnest.
The earthquake was over in moments, but the damage it had caused had collapsed portions of the home, Kyo checked on the other two, the driver was unconscious and the old man was favoring his arm, “You saved us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” the old man said over and over again as he began to cry quietly to himself, Kyo stood upright from his bent posture and nodded to the old man, “Stay here, I need to go and get you a medic, and to help out those that I can.” The old man nodded, “Thank you, it’s enough that you saved us, thank you.” the old man continued to cry as Kyo left the back of the truck and began to take in the damage that had been caused by the huge earthquake that they had just experienced. He would return later and help the man with the move, but for now he needed to help out in the city.