Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Ninjustu 101: But Soon the Sun Shines Again! [Class]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin let out a small smile as it was finally the next school day for him to teach classes. Yesterday he was exploring the mystical arts of Medical Ninjutsu and realized that he may have been putting the cart in front of the horse, or so to speak. Today's lesson was going to be a more laid back class and he was truly excited to see if the increased enrollment in the Dojo lately would reflect in his classroom today. While the student's were able to take courses at their own pace, he truly felt as though the students who consistently showed up for class were the ones that would eventually make a name for themselves. I mean, take Kanmuri for example, he had grown to be a fine shinobi.

The classroom today was rearranged in a slightly different manner, where instead of a lecture hall like layout, it felt more like a labs room with open space in the center of the room and tables circumventing the space out by the walls. On each table there would be 5 different scrolls each with a different seal on them: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Water, and Wind. Shin had each of these scrolls on his hip as he stood beside a table that had multiple glasses filled with water on it. He would smile and wait for his students to begin to arrive, and one by one he would hand each student a glass of water and tell them that this water was not meant for drinking and to make sure they did not spill it as their lesson today was going to be centered around these glasses.

There were a few students that were already in the class room but looking at the time Shin was expecting a few stragglers as he had yet to see his newly adopted daughter Toyoko, nor had he seen Fuhen arrive and after their last class together he was expecting their attendance. He had also heard there were a few more newly enrolled students and he was hoping to see them today as well.

WC: 348/1000
Post Count: 1/5
Today is the day Clay thought. He had finished his deliveries to the blacksmiths early today, so as to make sure he had as much time after class as possible to hang out with all the new friends he would make in class. Despite hit best efforts he could not keep a big goofy grin off his face. He said goodbye to his mother as he walked outside. Smiling all the way to the dojo Clay found himself daydreaming about what kind of friends he might meet on his first day of class. As he walked up to the dojo, Clay found himself lost. He looked in room after room, but in all his excitement over what kind of people he would meet, he had not paid attention to just what room his class would be in. Clay thought of what he should do next. If I can't find the classroom, clay thought to himself, I will just have to find my sensei. Clay took in a deep breath, and with a mighty roar, bellowed out "SHIN SENSAI!!!" waiting patiently to hear any sort of response.
Hina walks quietly with her head down as she makes her way through the streets. As she gets closer to the classroom she fiddles nervously with a small flower woven into her hair. She was not used to being around people, and felt much more at home surrounded by the sounds of nature and plants. Never the less, enrolling the the Dojo means she would learn sacred knowledge and become stronger, so hanging out around people and having to talk to others, however nerve racking it was, would be worth it .
As Hina gets closer to the classroom she peaks in, doing her best to avoid being seen just yet. She watches as her new Sensei prepares for class. She has seen him before, he used to work with her parents occasionally. She is excited to learn from him, but nervous as well. He seems kind but, being the leader of her clan can makes him just a little intimidating. Not that most people don't intimidate Hina anyways.
Hina ponders what todays lesson might be, spotting a bunch of glasses that looked to be full of water, when she suddenly heard a loud bellow. Somebody screaming for Sensei. Hina I instinctually jumps and lets out a small screech of her own. She can feel the heat radiating from her cheeks as she blushes from embarrassment. Hopefully none of her new classmates or her sensei noticed...

(236 Words)
Dragging her feet, Toyoko makes her way to the Dojo for yet another class taught by her new "father", Chikamatsu Shin. The bright side: she didn't have to plaster a fake smile on her face and greet people coming and going at the Omni Prime Medical Facility for this part of the day. Also, it gave her a chance to get away from her horrid "sister" Sora. She couldn't stand being near her and her condescending attitude one minute longer; if Shin expected them to spend anymore time together, then Toyoko was likely gong to rip Sora's hair out by the roots. As she slowly ambles into the Dojo, she hears a voice shouting from somewhere inside and rolls her eyes. Clearly it was someone's first day, and they had forgotten to figure out which classroom they were in. Walking through the halls, she stumbles across Clay and glares at him. "Were you the one shouting for Shin-sensei? If so, follow me."

Toyoko doesn't wait to see if the boy follows or not, expertly navigating the halls of the Dojo until she arrives at the classroom and sees a girl peeking inside. Shoving past her and glaring at her as she steps into the room, Toyoko turns her angry gaze up to Shin. "I found a straggler. Apparently he didn't know where the classroom was." She walks over to the table in front of Shin, grabs a glass of water, and takes her seat towards the back of the room as best she can.

[Post 1/5 - WC: 253 - Total WC: 253]
The morning started chaotic, per usual, except today, there weighed more stress and pressure on her as this was going to be Ayame's first day of class at the dojo, and of course she was running behind on time today of all days. She's never late, and as she's rustling her way to the dojo, the thought of the bad impression she was making for being late on the first day was already causing her stomach to turn, and in that moment, she's grateful she did not have enough time to eat breakfast. She knows she shouldn't have stayed behind to ensure that they would be okay without her, but she still hasn't fully accepted that the rest of her siblings were capable of caring for eachother now, and she was no longer needed at their side 24/7. As she felt the bittersweet feelings of leaving her caretaker role behind and embarking this new chapter, her eyes welled up with tears, and she quickly flicked them away before letting them fall. She was already close to the dojo and she couldn't possibly show up allowing whoever her classmates would be, see her show up with evidence of tears or any form of weakness.

Finally entering the dojo, she pulls out her little map and directions to the classroom that she scribbled down the last time she was here when she was being shown around the building.

Suddenly nearing the door she take a couple of deep breaths and attempts to collect herself. She's sure her face has a reddish hue from her frazzled morning and all the hurrying, but there's not much she can do about it now. She tries using her hands to brush down her hair, and straightens out her skirt. With one final deep breathe, she pulls out an apple from her bag that she brought as a gift to the instructor, and enters the classroom. "Good morning! I apologize for my tardiness, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." She says to Shin sensei with a small bow. "I brought this for you!" She announces, as she trades her apple for the glass of water handed to her and heads to take a seat at a table closest to the front.

Wc: 373 1/5
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Hayate Tadashi stood there in the halls of the academy still in shock over what had just occurred. He had been getting teased as usual by his peers when suddenly one of the children, Ikari, had gotten physical by grabbing him by his jacket. Tadashi kept his cool until hearing Ikari threaten to rip up his jacket with a kunai. A short but decisive fight started and ended just as fast in which Tadashi (with no fighting experience) slapped Ikari. Causing Ikari to become enraged he shoved Tadashi into a wall of lockers and Tadashi retaliated with a rage filled shove of his own, sending Ikari flying with an unexpected burst of wind from Tadashi's hands.

The crowd of kids who had just been mocking him ran away. With the kids leaving Ikari in an unconscious slump below the bent locker from Tadashi's powerful shove, Tadashi found himself alone in the halls of the school. Emotions still high from the fight and the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he stared at his hands which still felt the force of the shove he gave Ikari.

Looking up he focused on Ikari and then the locker above him. The child sized dent staring back at him as evidence of what had happened. Just then he heard a sobering sound, a voice calling for his instructor rang throughout the halls. Suddenly remembering that he was at school — and that he was late for class now, Tadashi gave one last glance at Ikari and then ran off towards class. He had places to be, and he definitely didn't want to get in trouble for what he had just done.

Sliding the door open and stepping into the classroom Tadashi quietly shuts the door behind him and then scans the room to orient himself to what is happening inside. He sees several students around his age sitting at various tables with a glass of water. He notices that Shin Sensei is standing near a table with many glasses and deduces that he needs to get a glass from him and take a seat. Doing so with a quiet. "Thank you Sensei…" he settles down at a middle row table. He looks over the table and notices the 5 scrolls sealed with different elements. Eyes glued to the scroll marked "Wind" .

His heart rate was still high with the adrenaline still coursing through his body. He was very eager to listen to this class and maybe learn more about his newfound power today. But all that was running through his mind on a loop was the fight from just before and how much  fun that was.

Word count: 444
Post 1/5
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With a confident grin the young girl was officially three weeks old, which meant her father would allow her to attend the classes he provided to the less fortunate children within the village. She already knew that she would be the strongest Kunoichi, no, the strongest Shinobi in the classroom aside from her father. With an arrogant grin she would make her way through the halls of the Toraono Dojo before catching sight of an altercation between two boys. Wind Release? How interesting. She hesitated for a moment. Perhaps this boy would become an ally one day, after all it was a good idea to have various sources of jutsu on a squad.

Slowly walking through the hallways she would be the last student to enter her father's class. She would give him a kind and gentle smile as she curtsied to him "Father" She would take a glass of water and begin to walk down the classroom to find a seat. Her eyes shifted and looked at Toyoko as she walked by her now adopted sister. She let out a scoff and spoke slightly under her breath has her crimson eyes contrasted her snow white skin in a disdaining glare. "...Peasant..."

Taking a seat beside Tadashi she would put up the front with a smile and a kind word. "Impressive Wind Release earlier." She looked towards the other students in her class. "Doesn't look like we have much to work with when it comes to forging alliances within the academy before we all take our exams. If you prove yourself a worth subbordinate perhaps I can protect you during the more difficult portions of our future exam." She chuckled softly and covered her mouth as she did. She truly thought she could take all of these students in a fight, 5 vs 1.

((OoC: Cannot Claim Class for Rewards))
Shin smiled as his class quickly filled with new students. Toji, Hina, Toyoko, Ayame, Tadashi, and Sora. He had six students so far for this class. He grinned as he was noticing the growth in his family. Four of the six students were of the Chikamatsu Clan and this fact filled his heart with pride. "Good morning class, we are very excited for the topic of today! Chakra Natures! Before we begin we are curious if anyone knows what the five elemental affinities a shinobi can have." He would take a moment and hesitate, allowing his students the chance to speak on this matter.

"The five elements: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Water, and Wind are the building blocks that can take your Ninjutsu Skills beyond the standard and make you exemplary in this style of Jutsu." He twirl a finger a conjure forth a table before him to display the task at hand. "To truly understand what sort of Ninjutsu you should be studying and training, you should first know your natural affinities. Every shinobi is capable of learning and using any of these base elements, but it is when they align with your affinities that you can truly become powerful."

He would take the first scroll which was labeled "Lightning" and unravel it on the table before him. "While any shinobi, through training and dedication, can gain affinities in any of the five elements, each shinobi will discover that they naturally possess a Major Affinity and a Minor Affinity." He took a moment to see if any questions would arise from his students. Unraveling the scroll Shin would place the glass of water onto the scroll and make a single handseal. Blue chakra could be seen forming around his hands as he slowly moved them to be on either side of the glass that was resting on the scroll. "Our natural Major Affinity is that of Lightning." And as he spoke the water in the glass began to emit the scent of ozone as the room began to smell like a lightning storm. He grinned. He then moved over to grab the "Water" scroll before unraveling it and placing a second glass onto the scroll. Repeating the steps he placed his hands beside the glass and channeled chakra through them. The water would begin to trinkle over the edge as the cup began to overflow. "My natural Minor Affinity is water." He pulled his hands away.

"Each of you will try channeling your chakra through the glasses of water before you until you gain a reaction from one of the scrolls. At this point we highly doubt any of you will have a Major Affinity, so please look for the slightest of changes that may indicate the presence of a Minor Affinity forming within you. As you may have realized the reaction from our lightning chakra was much more noticeable than the reaction from our water chakra. This is true for everyone's Major and Minor Affinities."

He would stop speaking and gesture to his students to begin to unravel their scrolls and begin testing the element of their chakras to see which type of Affinity they may have in the future.

Earth grows crystals
Fire turns to steam
Lightning smells of ozone
Water overflows
Wind freezes
Allow me to translate what IC information was given as OoC battle mechanics
  1. "Affinities" are a milestone marker you can achieve by mastering jutsu in your training. Affinities contain various buffs you can apply when you are using that specific element. For Example, you could use an Affinity Move called "Spread" to give your attack +1 Targets
    1. Mastering half of an element grants you a "Minor Affinity"
    2. Masting all of an element grants you a "Major Affinity"
  2. Everyone starts off at E-Rank and by increasing your Power Level and mastering jutsu you can rank up!
    1. Once you hit D-Rank you gain 1 "Free Minor Affinity" of any element. It is a free affinity because you do not have to master any of that element's jutsu to gain this Minor Affinity
    2. Once you hit C-Rank your "Free Minor Affinity" becomes your "Free Major Affinity" and you gain another "Free Minor Affinity" of your choice!
Hina sat at her desk, listening intently to her sensei. The day didn’t start out exactly the way she hoped for. Some of her new classmates seemed ok, but she was mostly scared of them. She scans the room, watching as everybody else started to unravel their scrolls. Instantly she was filled with anxiety.
What if nothing happens? What if it doesn't work? Maybe I don't have any affinities at all, then what would I do?
The questions flooded her mind. Hina closes her eyes for a moment and takes a second to breath.
My name is Amaterasu Hina, I am of the Chikamatsu clan, I live to serve others, just as my parents did before me. My name is Amaterasu Hina, and I can do this.
Hina opened her eye and narrowed in on her scrolls. She could hear her peers around her working diligently, but she payed them no mind as she unrolled the first of her scrolls.
Lightning. She placed her glass in the middle of the scroll and began to channel her Chakra. The water stayed still, unmoving, unchanging.

Thats ok, Hina thought to herself. On to the next one.
Hina looks at all of her scrolls and gently unrolled earth. If there was something she had any sort of affinity to, it had to be earth. She placed her glass of water gingerly on the scroll, and then began to channel her Chakra. As she concentrated, Hina closed her eyes and thought back to memories of her being in the garden. She would run barefoot through the cold, damp soil as her mother planted seeds and her father watered different plots. Hina remembers the feeling of earth beneath her nails as she dug her hands into the ground. She remembers her father teaching her to skip rocks in a small pond of the previous arboretum and after finding the perfect skipping stone, thinking to herself how is the earth capable of making such beautiful things?
Hina can feel the chakra flowing from her finger tips, and in her head she knows for a fact that this is her major affinity. But when she opens her eyes, she sees nothing but a glass of water. She crouches down, inspecting the glass looking for something, anything at all. Just a sign that maybe this could be it. But instead she sees nothing. Just a glass of water.
It takes everything in Hina not to shed a tear. She thought for sure this was it, this was the one. But she was wrong. After taking a moment to breath deeply and compose herself, making sure none of her new classmates had noticed her disappointment, Hina lifted her glass of water to make room for another scroll. As she did she noticed something odd. Was it… a crack in the waters surface?
She plunged her fingers into the glass, and sure enough, she broke through a crisp, mineral surface. As soon as she touched them, they dissolved away, but there was no doubt in her mind. Hina had done it. She had grown crystals. There was no proof or evidence left behind to show her sensei, but still Hina did it. And for the first time in a long time, Hina’s felt a little bit of hope.
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Tadashi's attention is suddenly brought back to class as a girl sits next to him and compliments his... wind release? He wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but now that he was attending classes at the academy he was sure he would learn to control these new powers - wind release included. The rest of her commentary wasn't appreciated as it was quite condescending, but she was clearly confident in her abilities.

Shortly after Shin Sensei begins class. Tadashi focuses on his words and listens to his knowledge on the subject of chakra natures. While Tadashi has grown a negative attitude towards school because of bullying, he still loved to learn and increase his knowledge of the world and how it works. He was especially happy to be learning how to be a great Shinobi like his older brother is.

Shin Sensei completes their demonstration of major and minor affinities to different elements of chakra and motions for the class to try. While he is very eager and curious about the "Wind" scroll before him, Tadashi knows that his control of chakra was lacking. Before today he had never used chakra at all. Opting to practice using the other scrolls first he copied what Sensei had done prior and placed the "Earth" scroll underneath his water cup.

Unsure of how to "channel his chakra" Tadashi looked at his peers and quickly got the gist of what to do. He grabbed his cup with two hands and tried to send his chakra into the water through his hands. While his method was crude and wasted chakra as it wasn't very focused, it was still sufficient enough. The water in the glass began to shimmer, thousands of microscopic crystals had formed and were reflecting light in the water.

Tadashi marveled at the small but physical change in the water for a moment and then grabbed another scroll marked "Fire". his technique improving slightly he channels his chakra into the cup of water again, this time noticing a slight warming in the temperature. The "Lightning" scroll resulted in a slight smell of the outdoors. By the "Water" scroll his technique was becoming more refined and the chakra waste was decreasing significantly. The change with the water scroll was harder to notice as the water barely raised but it did nonetheless.

Finally it was time for the "Wind" scroll he had been patiently waiting to try last as he was sure this would be his major affinity. Tadashi took a deep breath, placed his hands firmly on the glass of water, and shut his eyes in complete focus. He channels his chakra into the water steadily as he had done with the other scrolls before. After a short time Tadashi opens his eyes.

He is completely taken by surprise as his eyes open and before him the glass of water has cooled significantly and there is ice forming on the top of the water. A huge smile goes across his face and Tadashi is so excited he forgets to maintain the slow steady supply of chakra to the water and releases a large amount from his hands at once, instantly freezing the water and causing the glass to shatter in his hands. The shards of glass cut his hands in several places and he gives a reflexive "Ow!!" shooting his hands out to the side as blood quickly starts to rush from the wounds.

Words: 566
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Sora would grin as she already had a pretty solid idea on what her affinity was, after all she was a member of the Chikamatsu Clan! Taking her scrolls and unraveling them she would quickly place the Earth scroll down and placed her hands to either side of the scroll. Closing her eyes and channeling her chakra through the glass she would expect her connection to the soil and plants to manifest itself in the form of an Earth release but as soon as she opened her eyes she noticed that nothing had happened. She looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed, if Toyoko were to say anything she would immediately tell her `sister` to shut up and stay out of it.

Quickly pulling open the other scrolls she tried another one to see if there was any success. Lightning was also a failure. She quickly became aggravated as this was the first test she didn't immediately pass. Slamming open the Water scroll she would try again, and to her surprise the water began to slightly trickle out of the glass. Her eyes grew large. Water was her primary chakra affinity? This seemed wrong.

Before she could address it even more she heard the shattering sound of glass that was quickly followed by the boy beside her exclaiming in pain. Her eyes went wide as her body's motions almost seemed like they weren't her own, as if muscle memory began to autopilot the young girl.

"This injury is minor, do not worry. I am a member of the Chikamatsu Clan and am training in Medical Ninjutsu. Is it okay if I administer First Aid?" A rehearsed line come out that she had never said before. Slight confusion took to her face, but if Tadashi agreed her body would begin to work without her once again.

Provided she had consent Sora would make a series of handseals before her hands would begin to glow green. If Tadashi had ever visited the local hospital, known as the Omni Prime Medical Facility, or knew anything of the great Sunan Clans, then he would know that the Chikamatsu Clan is the forefront of the Medical Branch. The young girl would move her hands towards the injury. "This is the Medical Style: Mystic Hands Jutsu. It will alleviate any pain you may be feeling. Once the basis of the injury has been recovered I will be administering the Coagulation Jutsu, also of the Medical Style, to help stop any future bleeding. If it is okay with you, I would also like to administer a bandage wrapping on your hand. While these jutsu will prevent any current pain or bleeding, injuries, even minor wounds like this, can reopen as Medical Style jutsu without proper years of training and perfecting cannot perfectly heal open wounds, though with a slight cut like this I do not suspect that this injury will reopen, but it is better to be safe than sorry." She sounded like a pre-recorded message as she spoke. If permitted the girl would smile and wrap the boy's hand with a bandage and continue. "If you experience any pain in this injury in the future, please visit the Omni Prime Medical Facility and speak with a Medical Ninja for further evaluation and a treatment plan. I hope you care has been satisfactory today."

As she finished that last sentence she took a step back and looked at her father in shock. Her face went from a soft and caring smile to a look of distraught and confusion. She didn't know what just happened, but she wasn't in control.
With help from one of his new friends Toji finally made it to class. Looking around Toji saw he was certainly the largest of any of his new friends. With the thought that if he took a seat too close to his teacher he would impede the sight of his new friends, Toji decided to take a seat in the back of the class. After listening to his sensei Toji took his glass and started to undo the first scroll, "wind." As Toji untied the scroll he thought to himself of his mothers view point on the elements. Kiko had never had much need for shooting fire or calling gusts of wind. These things pale in comparison to the might of one's own body. When Kikos blade had come for the sorry few that had tried to sneak into the village on her watch, they had tried to use such tactics. Not once had they ever been enough to overpower her. Later in life when he asked his mother of the need for him to learn these skills, Kiko would tell Toji, "There is nothing these powers can do that your own body cannot withstand with training." It was no surprise to Toji that as he set his glass down on the scroll there was no change, no rush of wind, no gust of air. After all, skills such as these would never be suited for Toji, he was a warrior born, such tricks are for those without the strength to fight their foes head on. He then untied the scroll labeled "earth." No crystal popped out of the glass and there was no quake in the ground, just as he knew there would not be. Toji opened the scroll for water and as he did, he thought to himself, maybe it would be cool to control these things for all the practical uses, not of what they could do for you in a fight but for what they could do for everyday life. Toji thought as he put the water scroll away how he could have used the ability to control water for some pretty fun stuff during bath times. When he pulled out the scroll of fire his mind truly started to wonder. "If I could control fire, I could light our cooking fire without need of flint or steel! I could warm the bath without having to go get firewood for it! And when I get older, I could even stoke my forge without having to leave!" As Toji thought this he found himself caught off guard, shocked back from his daydreaming from a sharp increasing pain in his right hand. As he looked down, he saw there was a small fire catching the side of the scroll on and working its way to the glass. Toji immediately slapped at the scroll trying to put it out. "Sorry sensi I did not mean to honest! please don't be mad."
Toyoko takes her customary seat towards the back of the classroom, away from Shin and his awful smile. As she does, she realizes that the boy she had directed to the class decided to come and sit near her. Rolling her eyes, she just let it slide. He wasn't one of the typical bullies, and as long as he kept to himself, then there would be no issues between them. As Sora entered, she directed an insult towards Toyoko, who simply rolled her eyes again and sighed. She hadn't expected the pest to show up to this class. How unfortunate for her that Shin's other daughter would also attend. It didn't matter; she was here to learn more about how to become a shinobi, and she had been told that she would be a great kunoichi with the proper training and environment. Think of Sora as another sort of training, one that built her tolerance for the ignorant masses.

As Shin opened up the class with a question, she sat there silently and stared at him. Toyoko knew the answer, but she didn't want to speak up and be singled out by the other students for being a nerd or teacher's pet. It was bad enough that she had to take this class with other students, the last thing she wanted to deal with was more bullies. So she just sat back and listened attentively as he explained the various chakra natures and how they were to figure out what their own affinity was going to be. Pulling out the Earth scroll, she set the glass in the middle of the scroll and focused her chakra into the water. After a few moments, she looked closely at it and found nothing floating inside. Shrugging, she moved onto the next one.

After failing to get much of a reaction from Water and Fire, Toyoko was beginning to wonder if the scrolls were broken somehow. Had Sora replaced them with a fake to mess with her somehow? If so, she wasn't going to let such a mean prank slide. Pulling out the Wind scroll, she once again tried to see any change in the glass. Checking it over, there was no ice formed inside. It did, however, feel slightly colder. Perhaps her affinity was for wind then? Testing her theory, she grabs the Lightning scroll and focuses her chakra into the glass, holding her nose over top of it. As she does so, a strong odor comes from the glass, causing her to whip her head back. That was a much stronger reaction, so it would appear that her affinity was for Lightning. Huh. She never would have guessed that.

Looking up to see Sora's progress, Toyoko stifles a giggle as the girl fails to produce any results with the Earth scroll. This becomes full blown laughter as she struggles with the other scrolls, until she finally finds out her affinity for Water. Afterwards, she listens as Sora launches into a speech while performing some jutsu to heal the boy sitting next to her, which causes Toyoko to stop laughing and stare at her "sister". She hadn't realized that Sora was so knowledgeable about medical jutsu already, and the confusion on the other girl's face just further served to make Toyoko feel slightly concerned.

[Post 2/5 - WC: 550 - Total WC: 803]
Ayame listens and watches Shin Sensei as he demonstrates the changes to the water. As she's listening, she thinks back of the memories she has left, of the trainings her father had done with her and the time they shared around the water. Already confident in what her Major Affinity would be, she decides to get it out of the way. She takes the scroll labeled water, takes a deep breath and let's the chakra energy flow from her hands to the glass and watches as the water starts to spill out of the glass onto the table. She looks around for a towel or something to clean up her station before allowing herself to take a look at the other affinities.

After tidying up her station she takes a look at the other scrolls and tries to decide which she would like to try. She had never thought about anything besides what she already knows, so she's curious what will end up working for her. She picks up the scroll labeled Fire and decided to give it a go. She takes another deep breath and watches the glass for any sort of change, and after watching for some time, she accepts no change will come and goes onto the next. She thinks about which she would like to have, and decides to pick up the Earth scroll. She feels strongly about it and hopes to find some change in the water. With another deep breath, she closes her eyes to focus her chakra into the glass. She peeks with one eye, and to her surprise she sees the smallest amount of crystals. Feeling excited and content with herself she contemplates if she should even give the others a try. She shrugs and figures why not? Having no change in smell with Lightening she takes the Wind scroll and gives it a go. She closes her eyes again but when she opens them, still no change. It isn't until she does a closer inspection that she notices the thinnest piece of ice floating at the top of the glass, looking so fragile that it seems it would break if one breathed too closely to it. She jumps and lets out a startled gasp as she hears glass shatter somewhere behind her. She looks down to see that her ice has shattered and melted away any evidence that the water froze. Annoyed, she looks back trying to find whoever it was that broke her ice. "Can you be more careful!? Your clumsiness made me mess up my—" she's cut off by the girl sitting next to him who launches into an, almost scripted, medical speech, and she realizes that the boy is bleeding. "nevermind.." she says quietly as she turns back around.

Post 2/5 Wc:460
Over the next ten to fifteen minutes Shin would watch as his students would focus and begin to channel their chakra through the glasses of water that was resting on the various scrolls. To his shock every element had been represented as an affinity. He grinned. This generation had promise. A few singles and puddles of water would occur but the man would shake his hand and head at the students apologizing. "There is no need to be sorry, you're discovering a vital part of yourself! This should be celebrated." He hear the shattering of glass and before he could interject his daught Sora went in and began to administer her medical skills. He let out a sigh. This was most likely the first time she had ever seen an injury that he was aware of and clearly the programming that he utilized for her creation that he thought was overwritten when she was comprised of the chakra gathered from the Raikage's daughter, but evidently that wasn't the case.

"Sora, it's okay, thank you for assisting Tadashi-kun." His gaze shifted to his student. "Are you okay? I would hate to have to ask you to leave the class for causing an interruption during the lesson. Be more careful in the future." As he spoke his mannerisms slowly shifted so did the way he spoke, but the most noteable change was his eyes shifting from blue to red, a reaction tha Toyoko and Sora would be quite aware of.

Kohana would look around the classroom. She scoffed through the body of Shin. How simple. "This lesson apparently needs to be shifted to a location where injuries are to expected." A devlish grin came to the man's face as his sister was in full control at the moment.

Without saying much more the class's teacher would make her way to the door of the class and simply leave, not giving any instructions to follow, but it was more implied. Walking through the halls until they reached the back doors which led to the back yard training field. The sand was fluttering through the breeze but the open space was more than enough space here at the Dojo for most forms of combat training.

"The elements have the ability to negate each other. The most obvious one is Water extinguishing Fire." As she spoke through Shin's form a blazing heat came from around her body. She extended her hands Fire Style: Infernal Ember and small shuriken sized bursts of flame would fly at the group of students. They would need to prove that they understood their affinity much quicker than Shin had desired, but with his sister in charge there would be no guessing how harsh this lesson would become.

When you gain an Affinity you unlock something called "Affinity Moves" which you can apply to your Elemental Ninjutsu to change them slightly. For example, Shin/Kohana used the Minor Affinity Move: Spread on this jutsu to target additional students since Infernal Ember normally only targets one enemy.
This link here lists all of the Elemental Affinity Moves, as well as the "Jutsu Clash" relationships which show which elements can be used to negate other Elements.
The young Kazuma was covered in a deep sweat, a combination of the heavy sun in Suna and his black jacket and pants was probably a poor combination as he was running as fast as possible "Damn it, I'm so late on my first day". The cause for being in such a hurry, attending to his mother took longer than he thought. Dodging people left and right and vaulting over street vendors he finally made his way through the academy doors, going through and making his way to his classroom. With a sigh of relief, he looked inside, only to find it was empty.." I could have sworn this was the room" he mumbled to himself before looking inside, the sight inside the classroom was chaotic but not a person was to be found, just then he saw some students making their way through the hallway towards the back fields. Still covered in sweat he finally caught his breath as he fanned his jacket a bit. He decided that must be where he had to go, or at least a move in the right direction, as he thought of a way to apologize for his tardiness.

Kazuma quickly made his way to the backyard training field behind the academy, having missed the beginning of the class he knew he had to play catch up. As he approached, he noticed a group of students gathered in a circle, their attention fixed on something happening in the center. It was clear that he had missed a significant portion of the lesson as he had no idea what was going on. He couldn't hear the teacher's words from his position outside the circle, but he could see the teacher's animated gestures and the expressions on the students' faces. There was an air of excitement coming from the teacher as if something was about to happen as he looked at them with a deep look from his red eyes.

Kazuma hesitated at the edge of the group, unsure if he should join in or wait for his chance to chime in. He decided to speak up "Hey everyone sorry I'm late" he said before giving a polite bow. Without warning, some words just outside of earshot were said and several fire shurikens went towards the group. Could this be his punishment for arriving late? he thought to himself as he dove sideways, attempting to dodge the fire coming towards the group

The flames were small but menacing, and the students had to react quickly to avoid getting burned. As he observed from the outside, Kazuma realized that this class was unlike any he had expected. It was a thrilling and slightly terrifying introduction to the academy, and he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited him on his first day of class What did I get myself into he thought as he sat there looking at the children's reactions to the fire coming their way.

[WC:489][Post 1]
As she's following behind Shin sensei, Ayame, with a puzzled look on her face, wonders what her sensei meant by some of the things he said. I know I was a bit peeved by the glass shattering, but...would Shin sensei really remove a student for an accident? And what did he mean by "where injuries are to be expected". Was I supposed to expect anyone getting hurt today? she thinks to herself. To be fair, she didn't really quite know what to expect from her first day for that matter. She surely didn't know what to expect to find once they arrived to wherever the destination they were headed to was.

Once they arrived to the open field in the back, Ayame listens to her sensei's words but before she can even process them, her eyes widen as she's startled by the multiple bursts of flames very suddenly rushing towards her and her new classmates. What a drastic change of pace. I guess they don't like to mess around here With a very serious face, and no time to think, she quickly crouches down to the floor and places her palms on the ground. In a grabbing motion, she lifts herself and pulls up a wall of water in front of her and her classmates, and attempts to snuff out the fires.

Post 3/5 Wc: 222
Hina watched hesitantly as her Sensei walked out of the classroom. Something felt…off…about this. Beginning to fidget with one of her braids, she hesitantly stood up to follow the rest of her class. As they all began to follow, Hina stole glances at each of her class mates, making sure to pay special attention to the two she knew to be closest to sensei. Something was definitely off… but what could it be?
Hina made sure to position herself at the back of the group as she tried to put together the puzzle. She didn't know what to expect, but if this was some kind of test she wanted to make sure she was ready. She positioned herself at the back center of the group and narrowed her eyes in on her sensei. If Shin Sensei made any sort of move she would be the first to know.
Hina’s narrowed focus on her sensei was one so intense that she didn’t notice as a boy snuck up beside her. Hina screeched at his sudden introduction to the class. For a moment all Hina could do was stare in shock. Catching herself, she quickly whipped her head back to sensei, only to see slivers of piercing fire flying in her direction.
Fire. Piercing blade of fire. The arboretum, chaos, destruction, her parents…..and fire.
Instinctually, Hina’s eyes squeezed shut as she feels a wave of energy release from her finger tips, time seemingly slowing down around her. She was startled, and in danger, and she would not lose anybody again.
As Hina snapped back to reality, she realized she was still in class…and she realized she had truly no idea what she had just done.
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Toji walked with his classmates to the door but something was off. There was a sense of danger in the air that had not been there before, faint but not imperceptible. A feeling of unease washed over Toji. He found himself walking in front of his other classmates. More of an instinct then a measured thought. He could hear his sensei speaking but something was wrong, the voice sent chills down Toji's spine. He felt the heat before he saw the fire forming in the air. Something was very wrong. Toji had never thought of himself as smart. But he was big and could be fast when he needed to be. These people behind him even if they did not know it yet where all his friends. Toji would not, no COULD not let anything happen to them. He flung out his arms putting as much of himself in front of his friends as he could. Then in a voice not his own, not the voice of a fun loving child. But a deeper voice, one that rang with authority and confidence. He said, 'get behind me!' the words of his mother echoed through his head. "There is nothing these powers can do that your own body cannot withstand with training." Toji was not his mother. He did not have her iron will nor did he have her strength. But he was of the Toraono clan, and he would be damned if he would let his friends get hurt on his watch. Toji braced for impact, just as his mother had taught him. and thought to himself. "this is going to suck".
Toyoko smirked as she saw Shin's eyes change color, and knew that Kohana was taking over. The class had just taken an interesting turn, and she visibly relaxed in the presence of her sensei's sister's soul taking control. While she didn't trust Shin all that much, she looked up to Kohana. She was direct, honest, and hid nothing from those around her. The displeasure that she felt at the current set up of the class was obvious, and Toyoko had to agree. Shin was being a little too easy on the students. A firm hand was needed to help children in Suna grow stronger. Standing up and following the class outside, she wonders what is going to happen next that couldn't have happened inside.

As she stands there, off to the side of the group, Toyoko tightly grips her Teddy. She has another puppet in her backpack, which she has strapped to her back. Turning to face Kohana as she berates the children gathered, her eyes widen in surprise. She hadn't expected Kohana to actually send an attack towards them, and as the fiery shuriken flew forward, she jumped into action along with several other students. Ayame drew up a large wall of water, Toji jumped in front of the group, and Hina did... something. Toyoko steps around Toji, standing before him, and draws out both of her puppets. Using one hand for each, she set them spinning before her to try and deflect the shuriken if their forward motion wasn't slowed enough by the wall of water that Ayame summoned.

[Post 3/5 - WC: 260 - Total WC: 1063]
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