Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

No Bear Gives a Care [Solo]

Oct 22, 2012
Rinko groaned as the light of the window reached her large bed. She'd shut herself in her dark room for two weeks, skipping all classes and ignoring any attempt to coax her out of the house. She barely left her room to use the toilet and bathe, only mustering enough motivation when her bladder was close to bursting or her own smell was making her sick. Her lack of enthusiasm for life was due to the recent insecurities that had developed after her many failures over the past month. Her father had tried to teach her to be charming, clever, and bold, but perhaps she could never live up to his expectations. A part of her wondered if this was her mother's fault. Was that why her father had ditched the woman, because it was some mistake? Was Rinko a mistake?

Not wanting to continue down such a dark train of thought, the girl grabbed a book from the stack beside her bed. When she became of age, Rinko's father had given all of his old shinobi texts to his daughter. While she had cracked open a book or two before, it had only been to learn the bare minimum to convince her father that she was proceeding with her studies at an acceptable rate. But after her latest emotional breakdown, the girl took to absorbing every bit of knowledge in her room in an attempt to drown out the negative thoughts in her mind. By now she had learned and mastered every lightning jutsu she was currently capable of handling. She worried that trying something as powerful as Chidori at her current level of education might cause irreparable damage to her or the environment. She had moved on to other ninjutsu, excluding fire. With her mastery of the other elements, it seemed silly to be afraid of something so basic, but she reasoned that such jutsu was impractical. Every other one could have other practical uses, electricity and wind could be used as a power source, earth was necessary for mobility, and water was a necessity for the human body. Fire, however, did nothing but destroy, or so Rinko believed. Most would argue that it produces heat, but there were ways to survive the cold without flames.

Rinko's attention was pulled from her studies by the creak of the hallway and the light clink of dishes. She held her breath after the knock on her door, and didn't release it until the hall squeaked again. When she was positive the hallway was empty, she approached the door and opened it. At her feet was a bowl of plum rice. This was obviously her grandfather's cooking. She grabbed the dish and placed it at her desk. The girl had a moment of joy as she took her first bites of the meal. Gramps cares... But the faint smile disappeared as she continued eating. Of course he's feeding me. He's obligated to care, same as Pops is. If we weren't related, they wouldn't give a shit. By the time she was finished, her melancholy mood had returned. A part of her knew she was forcing the feelings upon herself, but at the same time she couldn't stop it. She again turned to reading to escape her anxieties.

A few hours later, Rinko's door slammed open. She turned with a start to see her father in the doorway. He gave her a cheeky smile as he casually entered her room. "I'm home loving daughter. Pops told me you've been holed up here studying." He stole the book currently in her grasp and eyed the contents. "Ah, reading up on jutsu, huh? With how long you've been in here, I bet you've got the basics down. Come on champ, let your old pops teach you something new." Kechi tossed the book aside and motioned for Rinko to follow. She bit her lower lip, wanting desperately to reject his offer, but the look in his eye said he was serious.

They traversed their home in silence, though Kechi's peppy step caused the floorboards to squeak extra loud. He opened the back door and motioned for his daughter to exit ahead of him. "Ladies first." She tried to stifle the chuckle in her throat as her father gave her a goofy grin and a wink. She was supposed to be miserable, but her over-the-top father was making it difficult to remain stoic. Rinko stepped onto the Tanuki family's tiny lawn and eyed the small zen garden in the corner. The clear circles in the snowy sand told that her grandfather had recently tended to it. The maple in the other corner of the yard had no leaves, but was holding strong against the cold. Kechi approached the small stone bench near the house, sweeping the snow off with his tail. When he sat down, his whole body shuddered before patting the spot beside him. Rinko frowned a bit, but placed herself beside her father. She clutched the hem of her skirt to avoid trembling at the sudden chilling of her rump.

Once they were situated, Kechi rummaged in his pockets. "It's time I taught you the Tanuki Family Super Special Awesome Jutsu." The man pulled two fifty-yen coins from his pocket and handed one to Rinko. "Our family has always had a strong connection to the Earth. At your age, I'm sure you've felt it." The small girl nodded, and Kechi continued. "We're businessmen, but we're also crafters. Thus Ninjutsu that creates and melds something physical is our specialty. A long, long time ago, wood jutsu was our forte, but as the world has developed, so have we. Where nature once was now rests urban life. Wood changed to stone, which changed to metal." The man flipped the coin on his thumb and stopped it midair with a single hand seal. "So to keep up with demand, our family mastered the molding of metal to use in both business and battle." Kechi grabbed the coin hanging in the air and flicked it at the maple tree. Instead of falling short as it should have, the yen piece shot from Kechi's hand and imbedded into the tree trunk. "It's your turn now." He rose from the bench and lightly batted Rinko's shoulder-blades with his tail. She jumped to attention and followed him closer to the tree.

Once at the desired distance, Kechi bent down to speak softly in Rinko's ear. "First, close your eyes. Start with the earth. Find it in the coin, feel it." Rinko's eyelids gently lowered as her thumb caressed the currency. "What is metal but a special kind of earth? Now slowly slip chakra into the yen, the same kind you use to transform. Charge the coin, make it an extension of yourself as you do the Earth." Rinko's thumb pressed hard against the money, enough so to feel the numbers on the top and the flowers on the back. Her hand went numb as the energy transferred to the metal. "Now, flick it."

Unfortunately Kechi did not specify how to properly shoot the coin, and it flew high into the sky instead of at the maple tree. Rinko's eyes shot open as the pressure from the chakra-infused coin caused her bangs to flutter. Father and daughter watched as the small coin disappeared into the heavens. Rinko's gaze fell as she held back tears. Of course I didn't do it right. I'm a big, fat, smelly failure. While the pre-teen was distracted, Kechi hooked her armpits and lifted her up, getting one good spin in before pulling her into a hug. "You did it sweetie! You sent that coin straight to the moon! You're a chip off the old block!" He slid his right arm under her butt to secure her at chest level and grabbed her right hand in his left. He hummed an upbeat tune as he waltzed her around the yard. Rinko burst out laughing at how ridiculous her father looked when he struck poses and made bizarre faces. She was gasping for breath when Kechi finally placed her down on the stone bench.

As her breathing settled, her father rubbed his palm over her ears. "If you can already do something like that, I can't wait to hear about your recent business ventures." Like a switch, Rinko's smile flipped. Her father hadn't been home for the past two months, away on some shinobi mission he wasn't allowed to talk about. That meant he hadn't yet heard of the small debt she had accumulated from her recent failures. She looked down at her hands, which clenched together on her lap. Kechi's smile faltered for a moment before returning even wider. "You win some, you lose some kiddo. What's important is that you don't stop trying." The man made his way to the back door and slid it open. "I've gotta go check on all the messages I've missed. You keep at it cutie." Once he was gone, Rinko let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She quietly muttered to herself. "No Pops, no one likes me like they do you. If I want to make sure I'm not a burden, I have to become an edgelord ninja like all the other kids." Rinko wiped at the tears wetting the corner of her eyes and returned to her room. She had more training to do.

[WC: 1,568]
Tanuki Kechi sifted through the small slips of paper on the table. It had been a week since his return from his two month mission, and that meant a lot of memos had piled up for the businessman. On top of that, a young boy named Setsu had been radioing the household multiple times a day to ask Rinko how she was. Since his daughter was holed up in her room, and Kechi's father was a lazy bum, all of those unimportant messages had found their way into the man's stack of important business transactions. Kechi took a sip of his tea as he lightly flung such a message to the side. His eyes scanned the sentence underneath, also from the random boy, asking how the baby was. Tea sprayed over the table as the man clutched his pounding heart. He grasped the slip of paper firm in his fingers and read the note in full.

Hey Rinko-chan. I hope you're not mad at me. How's the baby? Your grandpa told me about the complications with the stork and clay. I want to help you make the baby, because it's my fault. I kissed you and now I have to take responsibility, just like mom and dad taught me. I'm helping your grandpa get everything you need, so I hope that will be good enough. I didn't know babies were filled with chocolate coins and plums. Anyway, please radio me when you can.

The small house shook with each step as Kechi stomped his way to his father's room. He slammed the door open and marched in only to reel back in disgust. "Damn it Pops, put some pants on!" The old man, in full tanuki form, wagged a furry finger. "Won't do sonny. I only agreed to wear pants outside. You're the one who burst into my inner sanctum." Koukatsu began playing with a stack of chocolate coins while he waited for his son to state his business. Kechi shook his head and shoved the message into his father's face. "What do you know about this?" The old tanuki was silent for a moment before splitting his chocolate stash and sliding the smaller stack forward. "Looks like ya caught me sonny. How about we go 80/20 and you keep this from the academy headmaster." Kechi scowled. "I'm not taking your bribe old man. First of all, I hate chocolate and you know it. Second, that Osu chick told you to lay off the sugar. Finally, this scam involves YOUR granddaughter and MY daughter." The elderly man shrugged as he pulled the coins into a desk drawer. "Not scam, Kechi, schooling. If the little whippersnapper wants to grow up, he's gonna need to learn to think for himself and not blindly follow the wishes of anyone older than him. What better way to learn such a lesson than in a controlled environment where his life isn't on the line?" Kechi shook his head in resignation. "Fine, whatever. I'm not concerned about the well-being of the brat trying to knock up my daughter. I'm more worried that Rinko-chan let it get this far. She usually stops your tomfoolery before it starts." Koukatsu's ears flattened for a moment before the old man cleared his throat. "Well, like I said last week, she's been busy with her studies. She seemed to want to keep to herself, so I decided to distract the kid to give her some time. I figure she'll let us know when she's ready. Probably just going through a phase." Kechi was about to protest when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look out of the small round window in Koukatsu's room to see a floating comforter. The puffy blanket dropped, revealing a disheveled Rinko. The two dashed to the window to get a better view of what their little recluse was up to.


Rinko's brow furrowed as the midday sun bathed the backyard in light. Her eyes took a long time to adjust after leaving the dark cocoon of blanket she had swaddled herself in for the past week. But today would be the day she would show the fruits of her labor. If she couldn't charm the world, she would learn to beat it up with her ninja powers. She took in a deep breath to settle her nerves. Advanced elements weren't easy, and the fact she was trying three at one time without an instructor was just asking for something to go wrong. But she needed to do it, to validate herself.

The small girl stepped into the center of the yard and looked to the maple. She performed the hand seals to channel earth and water before holding her hand out to the tree. She grunted as she let her chakra flow into the branches and seek out the absorbed water within the plant. The energy mixed with the strongest of patches, giving Rinko control. She tugged at her chakra, moving it from with the base of the tree to the outer branches. She pulled her hand down, dragging the limbs of the tree towards the ground. Eventually, the bough bowed before Rinko's might. Satisfied with the outcome, she turned her attention to her next task.

The zen garden was in slight disarray. A bold squirrel had scampered through the sand, making small holes as it searched for food it thought it had buried there. Rinko performed two more seals and held her hand out with her palm facing down. Her fingers tingled as her chakra caressed the grains of sand. She exhaled slowly, directing her breath to the garden. As the air settled within the sand, Rinko's fingers curled around an invisible pocket of air. She turned her hand, and the sand shifted in response. A small spiral appeared in the garden, swirling into one of the mini trenches formed by the forgetful squirrel. Rinko took in a raspy breath. Controlling sand was more difficult than she'd anticipated. Her wind jutsu had always been a bit unstable, and she was positive that the only reason she'd successfully shifted the sand was due to her strong connection to the earth. This element would require far more practice.

Her knees buckled, but she forced herself to continue. She needed to test one more thing and then she could return to the comfort of her room. She pulled a small notebook from her pocket and tore a sheet from it. She held the sheet over her head and poured her chakra into it. She pondered how lightning could be connected to this type of jutsu. She wasn't sure if she could properly control the element if she couldn't understand how they correlated. She searched her mind for something she could use, and finally settled on the thought that paper can hold a static charge and imagined the paper sticking to her grandpa's head. A tiny smirk flashed on her face before dropping the paper. As the sheet fluttered to the ground, Rinko formed two hand seals and began flipping her hands around each other. The paper reacted, folding itself in midair. By the time it had reached the snowy earth, it had completely transformed into a paper crane.

The tanuki girl turned to walk back into the house. After pulling the door open, her body had a small spasm, causing her to crumple to the wooden patio. She coughed uncontrollably for a few moments as she slithered into her comforter. The puffy mass began inching into the house and back to the dark den it had emerged from.


The two Tanuki men stood in silence. Kechi's mouth hung agape as Koukatsu cleared his throat. "Uh...I don't think that's a phase." Kechi lifted his father from the ground and shook him violently. "Ya think?!" Dropping his old man, the younger tanuki began pacing around the room. "What do we do? At this rate, my innocent little girl is going to become a killing machine! Or worse...a communist." Kechi made a full rotation around the room before bopping his palm with his fist. "Ah! I got it. Her dear daddy has been away for too long. She just needs some quality father daughter time. I'll bring her along everywhere I go. She'll be all better in no time!" Koukatsu hopped into his chair and tilted his head questioningly. "What do ya want me to do sonny?" Kechi waved his father off dismissively. "I don't know, try getting her out of the house more." Kechi briskly walked out of the room as the old tanuki stroked his chin. "Out of the house...hmmmm..."

[WC: 1,437]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
