Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Of Largesse and Lasagna. [Private, see post for details]

Ayumu couldn't help but notice the number of people who were asking questions of the young student. He simply had intended to gain a little information that would have been useful in finding the culprit, but everyone had their own two yen to add. Kitsune repeated Ayumu's question, perhaps thinking it more likely to be answered if asked by a woman. That would have been fine, in fact Shashu seemed likely to answer, but Hikari had one final thing to add which seemingly was the last straw. She added a threat should Shashu choose not to answer. A defiant girl like Shashu could only take that as a challenge. Finally having the chance to respond, she roared for Masao to do his worst, thinking she was a brushbuster. Ayumu presumed she didn't know what she was asking for, otherwise she wouldn't have asked for it. For Masao to do his worst, there would likely be nothing left in the smoldering crater. Fortunately for her, as the dust cleared she remained.

The trial and sentance carried out, the guests of the party began talking among themselves, some of them leaving. Kaede in particular addressed Ayumu, assuring him that the myth of a man becoming a wizard if he reached the age of 30 as a virgin was false. He didn't bother to respond as he looked back to Shashu, not entirely certain if she was alive or dead. As others talked, Ayumu walked up to the girl and crouched down beside her. "Hey. Kid. You alive?" he asked without a hint of sympathy, poking her shoulder. The important people who believed she was the one to poison them had already left likely believing their attempted murdered was brought to justice. Appearances were mostly kept up, in his eyes... though those same people would be seeing her again soon anyway.

"You know you literally asked for that, right? You endured a brushing, so you have your pride. I still want to know who tried to poison us though, so tell me who else had access to that lasagna. I bet you already have someone in mind, don't you?" Ayumu asked, hoping either the girl's spirit was broken enough to give up the answer or that she had calmed down enough to realize she was doing herself no favor by hiding it. He was also hoping she was conscious. It was somewhat surprising that the others didn't seem interested in who did the poisoning anymore, but he wasn't giving up on it quite yet.
“Or perhaps you would prefer a trial by brushing…” She had asked, earning a nod from the boss.

The maid scowled at Hikari, who scowled right back, “You know what? Fine. Do your little trial by brushing, I don't have anything to hide." As if her words weren't enough to convey her defiance, she crossed her arms under her meager chest and planted her feet in a wide stance, both physically and metaphorically digging her heels in, as she looked down her nose, up at Masao. It was almost pathetically funny that the maid thought such a stance would matter in the end. Still, the girl had poisoned the lot of them, and that made any pity at her situation negligible. She hadn’t even denied the charge.

“Tsuirakuya Shashu! Your independence is hereby revoked! Where do you get off, anyway, modifying your student uniform into that provocative maid outfit!? How utterly depraved! How utterly deviant! It is provoking the foreigners into spouting gibberish! It is turning Shinrya Kitsune into a lesbian!” Hikari paused at the scolding about the uniform. It didn’t seem to be a modified student uniform at all, simply a practical and well fitting maid uniform. “Uh, that was probably the drugs, and probably already a thing, boss, I mean, you’ve known her forever… hasn’t she always swung all the ways? Irrelevant.” She said then shrugged.

"Go on then, do your worst. I ain't scared o' no brush!"

Masao’s expression darkened, and he loomed over her, his shadow darkening the entire room. “I do not brush students out of a desire to inflict pain, or to establish dominance over their lives! Rather, my brushings are entirely performed to turn my shinobi into better people! I WILL turn you into a capable shinobi! You WILL learn obediently! And now, with my brush of love, I will mold you into the perfect academy student!” Hikari’s brow raised as she listened. One of these days she’d start writing down all the shit Masao said and when he died, she’d turn it into a book, and sell it, maybe make in required reading for the ninjalings at the academy… guaranteed money maker, that. It’d be called ‘Sennins are full of shit talk!’ Or something similar… she’d find a better title later.

While she was pondering the book, Masao roared, “ASK NOT THE SPARROW HOW THE EAGLE SOARS!” I’ve got my title. She thought, as the man began to glow, then positively beaming with chakra, growing somehow, to triple his former height and breadth. He held the brush aloft like He man, and suddenly, he had the power to perfect the student. With a final roar, he brought the brush down and the world seemed to explode, the wait staff blasted into the air, and many others knocked back. Hikari shielded her face, while her hair pins flew out lodging themselves into the walls, and her hair, free of its constraints became as bushy and wild as ere it was. Once the dust and smoke cleared, Masao slumped, allowing the brush to hang loosely by her side. Shashu lay in the midst of a crater, smoke and dust swirling around her. Her clothes were mostly burned away, but her hair was straight, and shining. It was difficult to see whether she was alive or not.

“Madam Chancellor, General Sumihara, Hoshikage Nanasaki…we apologize for the interference of this one. Know that she has been tried accordingly.” he said, holstering his brush. It was not apparent to all, but Hikari could hear the fatigue in his voice. She stood ready to aid him once it would not weaken his image to do so.

The Chancellor seemed to approve. “A horrifying sentence, but no less severe than one the Bakufuu would have given her had she attempted treason against the Shogun,” said Tachibana Ami, shaking her head. “I had my doubts about your willingness to prosecute those who would oppose our mutual goals, but now those doubts have been settled.”

“The sentence was excellently carried out. I would have prolonged her torture a bit more, but I realize that our cultures are different, after all, I shall meet you all in Tenouza with the Dear Leader for the treaty.”

Hikari stepped forward. “Thank you, General. Safe journey.” She said. “Remember that what happened here was not a product of ill will, but an unfortunate element of treason.” She bowed, “I will be glad to see you in Tenouza.”

The Hoshikage, being assisted by Kitsune, seemed to want to stay, and Hikari couldn’t help thinking that Hoshigakure would be a bit friendlier with Kumo from this evening forth, due to whatever overly friendly stuff was going on between them.

As the dignitaries left, Masao dropped to one knee, exhaustion bleeding through his cool demeanor. “Uncle!” She exclaimed, rushing toward him, “Are you Okay?” She placed her hands on his shoulders, “Er, I mean, Bossman?” She murmured, kneeling beside him.

“Let’s get one thing straight...” He grunted, “I may be your uncle by marriage, but I’m still your superior officer and I’m still going to be a wretched hardass, because I want you to be the best shinobi you can be.”

“I’d expect no less.” She said, clenching her teeth.

“This entire dinner turned into a godrotting disaster and we have no credibility left with the government. But still…you dealt with the crisis and we accomplished our mission. Congratulations, Chuunin Tanaka,”
“I don’t know about that, I mean, you outed both Kitsune and the Hoshikage, but I’m sure whatever happens with them will make her friendlier toward us,” She paused, then leaned forward and whispered, “Unless Kitsune is really bad in bed, or forgets to call or something…” She said, almost missing the last few words. “Chunnin?” Her eyes widened, she hadn’t expected to be promoted… “Boss-“ He brushed a bit of her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “Remember always, that you must protect the weak, obey the Raikage, and above all else, be just in your actions,” he said, before suddenly giving her a light slap across the face. “And that’s so you remember it…”

Her mouth fell open as he smacked her. She shook her head, and fixed him with a stare, “You may be my uncle by marriage, but you’re still the only bit of family I’ve got that gives two shits. I meant what I said earlier.” She murmured, placing her hand back on his shoulder, so she could give it a squeeze. “Don’t die on me, or I’ll kick your ass six ways from Sunday.” She glared at him pointedly. "And thank you. I’ll do those things with honor.” She helped him up, pulling his arm over her shoulder. “Uncle… If you want, I have room for you in my home. So you can rest… and not have to go home to an empty house, you know.” She coughed, letting the offer hang quietly before them. She was thinking that it’d likely be an awful thing, after losing Rin, to have to return to their house without her…and he may have been bunking at the office. She might have done the same thing in his position. “You can have the couch at Chateau Tanaka any time, boss.” She slapped him with about the same force as he had slapped her, “And that’s so you remember it.” She smirked.

She looked up to see Ayumu with the girl, then she looked back to Masao. “Perhaps it’d be wiser to let Kogami san interrogate her. He has the temperament needed. In any case, I doubt the girl would respond to me. And if it wasn't her doing the poisoning..." She shook her head, certain that Ayumu would do fine with the interrogation. He was anbu, after all... "I should get going, in any case. Still a bit queasy..."

[Mft 1270 topic left]
Kitsune glared at Masao when he started spouting nonsense like Shashu’s uniform being the reason for turning her into a lesbian. ”Masao-chan” she said in her sweetest voice while projecting an aura of “I’m gonna murder your face for that” ”You of all people should know I’m not a lesbian. I’m bisexual you twit.” she said and shot another glare at him. Then Shashu of course had to dare Masao to do what he was about to do. Why didn’t any of the students have an ounce of common sense in their heads? Kitsune sighed and witnessed what Masao was about to do. Shashu would be brushed at full power.

After it had happened, and her mansion had reconstructed itself, Kitsune made a mental note to slap the shit out of Masao for destroying her mansion, even if it did turn out fine at the end. And also to get a new plant to replace the one that Hikari had vomited into. Not what I had expected from hosting this party to be fair. she thought to herself. Kitsune wrapped an arm around the Hoshikage’s waist as she fussed about Shashu’s wellbeing. ”I imagine she’ll turn out fine, Ai-chan. She’s made of sturdy stuff. I hope.” Kitsune replied and smiled.

Then, when she said that she needed additional recovery and asked if she could stay, Kitsune simply smiled nodded before saying ”You can stay for as long as you want. Let’s get you sorted out, dear.” and then she pulled the Hoshikage close, and warped the both of them up to her bedroom. Kitsune would assist the Hoshikage in whatever manner she required. But for now? A bath, and then some ‘rest’ would do them both good.

[MFT; WC: 287]

Current Ninpocho Time:
