Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Old Friend [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
Love is blinding sometimes. Keep your eyes open, and your mind ready. Come home safe, Haruka."

"I will not fail you, My Lady. All that I see shall be known to you. I am your Spymaster and nothing more while I embark on this journey."

Is this the Tanaka residence? I had pictured it to be somewhat different.” Haruka mumbled to herself, checking the address on the paper and the street number for the fifth time. Taking the plunge, Haruka stepped up to the door and knocked firmly. She straightened out her uniform habitually, smoothing over any wrinkles and dispersing any stray strands that dared defy her orderly fashion. It was very possible that Hikari was not home at this moment, after all Sennins were rarely allowed their leisure time. Haruka fretted over the possible annoyance, but a quick trip to the Torre would remedy that as Hikari was almost certain to be there. Haruka just wanted a private setting to discuss matters with Hikari, not just as subordinate to commander, but as friend to friend too.

Luckily, the door swung open and she found herself faced with the very woman that she sought. Haruka bowed deeply before words were said. “Tanaka-Sama, I am very sorry for this intrusive and abrupt visit, but I wanted to see you as soon as possible. I just arrived today.” She bowed again with a hint of an apology in this one. It had been a year since they last saw one another in the conference room of the Torre. “I want to report, but I also wanted to... To chat about what's happened since I've left.” She could not bring herself to say “chat with an old friend”, something about it didn't feel right on her tongue. “I hope this isn't an inconvenient time.
The Sennin ran her hands through her hair, as she read through the letters on her desk. One, the most most troubling was not about matters related to the village. That one was a request from her mother. A personal request. Something to do with the dangers of her work and fear for the family. An apology of sorts. The knock at the door was a welcome relief from decision making. "Thank the gods." She muttered as she began to open the door.

"Tanaka-Sama, I am very sorry for this intrusive and abrupt visit, but I wanted to see you as soon as possible. I just arrived today.” Hikari's lips parted, and her eyes widened. She had not expected Haruka's return. Something mildly unsettling churned in her body cavity as she looked upon the graceful beauty.

Hikari was abruptly very conscious of the wildness of her hair and the untempered blemishes on her face. She felt every freckle and scar, and hair out of place. "Shima san!" She said as the woman bowed, "I... Welcome home." Even with that, she was happy, because her friend looked no worse for the wear. "I'm glad to see you here.

"I want to report, but I also wanted to... To chat about what's happened since I've left.”

Hikari smiled at the way she spoke. It was just slightly hesitant. "You are welcome here, my friend, at any time, inconvenient or not... It isn't an inconvenient time, by the way. It's perfectly acceptable. Please come in. Not to sound like Hayata sama, but would you like some tea?" She laughed, "Or cakes? I inherited a bakery shortly after you left, so I have a plethora of pastries." She said, ushering her Spymaster inside.

Hikari lead Haruka through her study, wherein she had been working, and into the kitchen, where the lighting was softer and slightly more golden. "Sit if you like." She said, gesturing toward the chairs and the table. She paused, thinking that she could ask the Shima for advice on the matter of the letter.
Her usual friendly self, despite the minor mishap of her disheveled sight. Haruka thought nothing of it, it was her home after all and she expected no guest. Although the Shima herself was rarely ever so lax in her appearance, even in the confines of her small apartment. The Sennin insisted she stay, much to Haruka's relief. She stepped over the thresh hold of the door carefully. Her eyes watchful of the rooms as Hikari ushered them further in towards the kitchen. She lived rather modestly for a Sennin and leader to her clan. Haruka supposed she had to admire that.

No, I'm quite fine, thank you.” The Shima rather not distract Hikari any further with hospitality, nor did she want to cause further trouble to the fiery warrior. Haruka settled into the chair across from her comrade, realizing this was the first time she had settled in somewhere since jumping off the boat in Port Cirrus. Her body gave a little sigh of relief.

It's hard to believe its been a full year since we've seen each other. I'm glad to see you have not change, my lady.” The intensity of her almond eyes burned low as they traded her fire for nostalgia, thinking back to the day they had last spoken. She noticed Hikari's slightly hesitation, as if something troubled her. Haruka put it aside for the moment, electing to report beforehand. “The journey was quite tedious, nothing that prove to be difficult, but as you might have noticed it became impossible to send my crow messengers once we left Port Cirrus. The indomitable climate of Mist would have been far too rough on the poor creatures. Mist is as Hoshikata said it to be, a barren wasteland filled with nothing but snow as far as the eye could see. Our ships had difficulty proceeding through the sea as we neared Kirigakure, for the very waters had become solid ice. However, we had a quite capable captain who knew how to bypass the barriers. We were unmet with adversary, save for the snow storms once we landed.

Haruka toyed with the crystal necklace hanging from her neck absentmindedly, pausing for a moment to gather up the next bit of her mission's report. “A strange force has conquered Kirigakure. It was not safe to move about the village without the power of Hoshikata's staff. Although, we did not face anything of an otherworld until we entered the Isaki's fallen estate. The man's family hides dark secrets, my lady. Hidden in the caverns below their home was a great city! Abandoned, well, not exactly. Thousands of souls enslaved by his god remained down there. We traveled through the city cautiously and managed to come to our goal without incident.

The city had shaken Shashu, unnerved Hoshikata, but Haruka had only felt numb as one would in death. Almost as if the dead were able to reach out towards her and project their screaming intentions on her. “Hoshikata went alone to face the Deep One, but when he returned, he was no longer himself. Physically that is. The man has completely changed form. I have yet to see if his powers are all gone, but the Staff of Verin is no more and that was the source of his power before. I cannot help but think that he might have yet gained new strength. It is troubling to not truly understand, but I will watch him carefully in the future. After that, we escaped. The only other thing worth mentioning is that Hoshikata stopped our boat on Moon Island to take care of business. What I only can assume is family business considering the Isaki have relocated to Moon.” She sat back, resigned from speaking for the time being. Her story was finished. The whole thing had been oddly anti-climactic. She'd wait for Hikari to have her say and answer what needed to be before speaking once more.

Tell me, is there any news I should know of the village in my time away?
Hikari nodded and sat with the Shima, settling as the other woman did. Her eyes wandered back to the missive on her desk, but she chose to focus on the village, and on the Crow's report. "It's hard to believe its been a full year since we've seen each other. I'm glad to see you have not change, my lady.”

The red haired warrior laughed, "Of course I haven't." She said.

"The journey was quite tedious, nothing that prove to be difficult, but as you might have noticed it became impossible to send my crow messengers once we left Port Cirrus. The indomitable climate of Mist would have been far too rough on the poor creatures. Mist is as Hoshikata said it to be, a barren wasteland filled with nothing but snow as far as the eye could see. Our ships had difficulty proceeding through the sea as we neared Kirigakure, for the very waters had become solid ice. However, we had a quite capable captain who knew how to bypass the barriers. We were unmet with adversary, save for the snow storms once we landed.”

Hikari nodded, leaning forward, "I suspected that was the case, but as always, you have had my complete faith. I knew you would return with your report." After listening to her speak more, Hikari asked, "Is this mysterious force something that Kumogakure should be worried about?" She asked, "Is it likely to threaten us?" She wondered at the language the other woman used, "It sounds... when you left here, you trusted Hoshikata. Do you still? Your opinion on the subject of that man is the one I value most." A small voice in her mind reminded her that Haruka's opinion was often one she valued most.

"Tell me, is there any news I should know of the village in my time away?”

"Yes, actually. I have some things to report to you on the performance of a member of your clan. His name is Masaru. I taught a class and he performed very well, as expected of a Shima, in the area of etiquette. I was thinking that he might do well as an Ambassador. I wish to commend him to you, because he impressed me so much." She said with a smile, "He seems very patient, and will, I suspect, in time, be a very wise young man, who tempers his actions with the patience required of an Ambassador."

She held up a single finger, and went to grab a sheet of paper, the one he'd handed in at the end of that class with all his answers on it. While she was in the other room, she grabbed the letter from her mother as well. She had all but decided to ask Haruka's opinion. "You may wish," She said reentering the room, and setting Masaru's answers on the table, "To look these over. They're very wise for one so young." She waited for a bit. "I also gained a cousin... well I say gained... eh. Her name is Yukiko, and I believe she may do well in your division. She's a Santaru, like me. Quite a talented girl, and much sneakier than I am. She also did well in etiquette. I'm rather proud of her." Hikari smiled. "Eh... I also have... something more personal. It's less about work than about me and my family. If you would, I'd value your input on a decision I need to make. It... may impact you as well. Possibly. Er..." She blushed, looking down at the letter, "Well, it may impact you professionally." She stopped, "Sorry, I'm not polished unless lives are at stake, it seems." She laughed awkwardly, "What I meant to say is that there has been an... opportunity presented to me that I don't know if I want, but if I accept, it would impact your career, and mine. I... Would appreciate your opinion, if you'd give it."

Hikari would then also slide the letter from her mother, to the Shima princess, and wait.
[spoilername="Letter from Mum"]Dear Tanaka Hikari,

I am your mother. I am the leader of much of our clan, though you have become a fine leader in your own right. Even so, as your mother, I have a duty to our family. We have not seen eye to eye in some time, little bear, I know this. Thus I come to you with this, not as a demand, but as an plea. You are the sole heir. My only daughter. We have no other children, and between your father and myself is a rift, so I doubt there ever will be any more. For the sake of your clan, I request some time. I request that you come to my home, and meet with a man you have met, who I believe will make a fine match for you. A husband. He is a member of the civilian military, so you may have some things in common. He is relatively wealthy, and has fine connections to the Shogun and others, due to his position. You may remember him. His name is Yukimura Tojikara, and as I understand it, he is very handsome. As you know it is customary for the mate of a Tanaka woman to enter into her clan, and take her name. This is agreeable to him. He has stated no objection.

I will be frank. I want to have more small Tanakas. I want them to be non-nin. I want to see you raise them in safety. If you will not keep yourself safe for the sake of your family, please consider this: Keep your family safe by providing another heir. I ask only that you consider him. I have not planned a wedding. I promise I will not make any promises to him.

I realize that much of this letter is disorganized, and normally I would rewrite it, but I have done so multiple times, as even writing you is nerve wracking for me, because I do not know if you will respond, or if, then how. I will summarize for you, in the case that I have not made myself clear.

I have found a man I believe may be good enough for you. This is high praise. Despite our differences you are my greatest achievement, and my finest legacy... This man is in town. I have invited him with the express intent of introducing you. He is interested in marriage. I hope that you will consider him. Please come home, and meet him. I want grandchildren.

Your mother,

Tanaka Erinoa[/spoilername]

Hikari stared at her hands, her face red. She could only sit and wonder what Haruka would respond with. "I apologise for its personal nature." She said belatedly.

[MFT 250+]
No, my lady. I don't think we have to worry about this spreading to Kumogakure. Even if it were to spread, it would have to engulf the entirety of Wind Country and Fire Country before ever reaching us. By then, we would be fully prepared to deal with the oncoming storm.” The Haku faltered on the next question, thinking carefully about how she truly felt. Words she did not wish to say, but had long since thought about them since leaving her village. Many things changed in a year. As young as she was, Haruka was ever evolving. Her understanding of the world changed often and she did her best to stay true to her beliefs and herself.

I'm not sure. I don't place my complete trust in him, as I would you. I am cautious. With this sudden transformation, I am even more careful.” Before she had left the village, she had told Hoshikata about her anger towards the village. She wanted to help change it, to give it the leadership it needed. She knew now, after more thought, that her original thoughts were wrong. Although she did want change, it wouldn't be by underhandedly dethroning her superiors. Such chaos could do the village no good. Hoshikata had been so eager to help her, so willing to convince her to stir the pot, and for that she could no longer trust him. But, Haruka dared not say such words to Hikari. It was her past, but how could the Sennin trust her after the Spymaster had harbored such ill intent towards Hikari?

In all truth, I realized I had been young and hasty. I don't... I don't... I can't love him as much as I'd like. I can't let him blind me. My initial attraction to him has died, but for the sake of the village I must keep up false pretenses. Do not think me foolish or that I am burdened by this, it is what I have chosen for myself and my village. He will be a great asset to me as long as I watch him carefully. But before we speak more on this, village news!” She said hoping to cut out the conversation. Hikari obliged her, speaking of an all too familiar tale. Haruka, if not for her usual frigid face, might have looked as if she was beaming at the praise her cousin received.

Haruka reached across the table to take the file in her hands, reading over his school work carefully, a small smile blossomed on her lips. “He is very brilliant. Upon my return, he greeted me at the gates and told me, in a modest fashion as he usually does, that you wanted to recommend him to your old position. I declined to tell him what it was before speaking with you first. I restrain him from over-indulgence, better to keep him focus on his tasks at hand. He's just graduated, perhaps it would be time to begin his training for Ambassador at your command. As for Yukiko-San, I will send for her when I have leisure time to see what she's made of.” Haruka spoke of Masaru as a mother would her own child. She absolutely adored the boy, even if she was less than warm to him on most occasions. He was destined for greatness. Haruka set her full attention back to the Sennin, setting down the homework to instead take a letter addressed to Hikari.

Her stammering only told Haruka that her own personal interests were much more serious than needed be. She and Hikari were much alike in that respect. When it came to matters of the heart and family, the fierce duo often were reduced to stuttering girls. She took her time to read the letter carefully, no emotion passing in her face as her dark eyes darted back and forth over the words. Haruka prepared to give her uncensored opinion on the matter. It wouldn't be true Haruka advice if it wasn't. She fixed her undaunted gaze at the red haired Tanaka.

It certainly is a serious matter, my lady. As a daughter of my own clan, I will say, you have a duty to your people as their leader. I understand your mother's urgency. I may not be the most dutiful daughter to my father, but if he were to ask me such an important request for the good of the clan, I would certainly consider it and almost certainly accept it. I assume this means that you would take a break from public life, Tanaka-Sama? Your mother certainly seems sincere. This is not a demand from her, but I believe she only wants what is best for you and the clan. She seems to have great love and pride for you. You two seem much alike.” Haruka giggled teasingly, lightening the mood.
"I understand. I've never been in love, but I... I do know how affection can change ones' opinions. The words you've just spoken confirm to me that I was right in trusting you. If you need an out. If you ever feel that the life you have chosen is not worth the feelings it gives you, or if it endangers your life to an unacceptable degree, do not hesitate to call for me. I will come to your aid at your own discretion." Of course after that, they spoke about the young Shima. Haruka, although stoic as ever, still showed her pride for the youth. "Indeed. I'd like to see him interact with someone from Hoshigakure. He needs time to find a bit more steel, but I believe he will do very well, and I'd be more than happy to see him in the position of Ambassador." She said smiling. "Yukiko is very shy at first. She shares only a few attributes with me, aside from our bloodlines and habits with food." She said with a small grin.

At that, Hikari slid the letter over, and the dark haired woman began to read. She was very serious as she read it. This made Hikari's heart jump nervously as she sat. She smoothed the lines of her white shirt and dark pants, and considered going to fuss about making tea, if only for something to do with her hands. After Haruka read the last line, her eyes rose to meet Hikari's.

“It certainly is a serious matter, my lady. As a daughter of my own clan, I will say, you have a duty to your people as their leader. I understand your mother's urgency. I may not be the most dutiful daughter to my father, but if he were to ask me such an important request for the good of the clan, I would certainly consider it and almost certainly accept it. I assume this means that you would take a break from public life, Tanaka-Sama? Your mother certainly seems sincere. This is not a demand from her, but I believe she only wants what is best for you and the clan. She seems to have great love and pride for you. You two seem much alike.” Haruka giggled teasingly.

"Yes... I... my mother has never asked me to do something like this. She's never written me. I feel uncertain. Almost like it would be disloyal. But I have put the village ahead of my family for so long...and I don't know this man. I only vaguely recall a youth in my mother's school- And Haruka! I am not good with children! I treat them like tiny ninjas! Infants do not run drills, how do you care for them?" Hikari realized that she had never called the Shima by her given name before, and her cheeks pinked. "I... I can't see myself being a good mother." She said, airing a fear she'd not considered before. "I cannot see myself submitting to the traditional role of wife. I am not a submissive woman. I hardly remember how my parents behaved together when they were happy... And yes, I would leave the service for a time. I suppose..." Her face showed her displeasure at the thought. She was so busy cringing that she almost missed Haruka comparing herself and her mother.

"What? Us? Alike?" She asked, "Hardly. My mother is uncompromising, aggressive, temperamental, and full of bluster." She didn't realize how those traits could be applied to her. She might never. Hikari was a little blind when it came to her family.

She looked down at her hands, and paused, "Shima san," She said quietly, "If I... were to go and meat this Tojikara, would you accompany me?" She said, blushing terribly. She told herself she was asking for the sake of her advisor's opinion, but truly she wished to have the emotional support of a friend.
Hikari was certainly amusing when flustered. Haruka leaned on her hand, as she rested her elbow against the table. She tilted her head, watching her friend stuttering and flush at the thought of children. A blankness crossed her eyes as she caught her name coming out of the red head in such a personal manner. She feigned ignorance to the slip up. The Shima woman actually burst into laughter as her friend denied the similarities of herself and her mother. They were more alike than she originally dared to tease. Haruka hid her smile delicately behind her hand, trying to suppress her laugh. Her smile fell as Hikari requested a serious task of Haruka. The lonely ice princess felt her heart jump at the thought of being considered such a close friend.

Of course, my lady. After all, I want to see how handsome Tojikara-San truly is!” She looked as mischievous as a trickster behind her smirk. The woman sat in thought for a moment, trying to gather her seriousness back. It had been such a long time since she had behaved so carefree. That quiet afternoon in the kitchen. Hearts and names drawn into flour. The sizzling of baking bread. Haruka closed her eyes for a moment, visiting the memory before she repressed it once more.

For what its worth, Tanaka-Sama, there is no right or wrong way to treat children. As long as you love them. Besides, you are already a mother. You are mother to this village. You assumed such a role when you took the title of Sennin. The children of Kumogakure look to you for guidance in their future. A mother nurtures her children. Is this not what you have done to all of us in the Main Branch? Are we not your family? Mother of Kumogakure, maybe it is time you consider the importance of smaller matters such as starting a family and taking care of your clan.” Haruka smiled kindly, folding her hands in her lap.

Yes. We all look to you, leaders of Kumogakure no Sato. You've all been ahead of us. Every single one of you. Are you watching your children, Masao? Are you not proud of what your daughters have become?
Haruka laughed. There was no mistaking it. Though it was quickly covered, it was definitely humor. She laughed. At Hikari. It was such a novel thing, that Hikari, for a moment, forgot that Haruka was laughing at her, and smiled in response. Of course, half a second later shr frowned. "Hey!?" She grumbled, "I am nothing..." She sighed, then she shrugged it off "Whatever."

“Of course, my lady. After all, I want to see how handsome Tojikara-San truly is!” the Shima Princess looked as mischievous as a trickster behind her smirk.

"You will!" Hikari grinned, "Thank goodness. I hardly know what to say. I know, big surprise. I'm always talking yadda yadda." she stuck her tongue out at Haruka. "What... what do you think I should wear? I only have a few dresses. I could wear one of my training outfits, but would that be too serious? Should I take Kariku?" She smirked, "Little bear is outside in his little hideaway... Uh... wait... have you met him? I dunno, did I ever introduced you..." She asked. He's a little brown bear I found outside the city. Been growing like a weed. Of course now he's less little than bear. Should I show up with him? Wearing what? You're the expert on beauty and grace. I don't even comb my hair on a regular basis- granted that's because if I did my hair would be a large floofy ball of static." She laughed.

“For what its worth, Tanaka-Sama, there is no right or wrong way to treat children. As long as you love them. Besides, you are already a mother. You are mother to this village. You assumed such a role when you took the title of Sennin. The children of Kumogakure look to you for guidance in their future. A mother nurtures her children. Is this not what you have done to all of us in the Main Branch? Are we not your family? Mother of Kumogakure, maybe it is time you consider the importance of smaller matters such as starting a family and taking care of your clan.”

Hikari smiled at her words. "You're very sweet, Shima san. I... suppose so. And of course, I have a capable replacement, in the case that Tojikara-San is very handsome." She chuckled. "I... wonder how others will see it... Ah. Oh, you recieved an invitation didn't you? My mother is throwing me a surprise birthday party, and I suspect Tojikara will be invited. Mum is sneaky like that. 'Oh! How surprising! Toto-kun, I didn't realize You'd be here! Here is my daughter who I want you to meet. Go ahead. Kiss!'" Hikari said in a mocking voice, then shook her head.

"You know... Shima san... You are a very good friend to me. Yoiu're like a sister. I never had a sister... I know I'm jumping ahead of myself, but these things move quickly sometimes... if I do have children, would you be their aunt? Or a god mother?" Hikari laughed again nervously.
For the love of Raiden, don't bring the bear...” She said rubbing her temples in resignation. Hikari was truly hopeless. How did such a clueless girl ever reach Senninship? Haruka knew the answer without asking. Best not to think about that, or else it would all shatter. “Just wear what you always do, your uniform. You're a shinobi, aren't you? He should know. Dresses are overrated when you go to meet your destined husband. Dresses are for strangers, your parents, and diplomats.” Haruka took a moment to study her horrifying rat's nest she called hair. “Best to go to a hair dresser that day, Tanaka-Sama. I couldn't help you with that. Gods, maybe Raiden himself couldn't help you. You better pray, as extra precaution.” She advised all too seriously.

Haruka sat in silence, lost in her own thoughts while Hikari spoke. What she had promised Natsu in the stale air of the hospital where he laid was just in reach. The very thing she striven for over and over again awaited at the end of her fingertips. So nearly there. The blood of the innocent ran under her feet, the bitter taste of all she lost on her tongue, and the cruel sting of sacrifice coursed through her veins. All of it made her the shinobi she was today. Sometimes she cursed Natsu and Masao for leading her to such a life, but Haruka was meant for this. The Shima truly believed herself to be an important part in keeping the village stable. She certainly hoped others saw her as more than just a selfish and cold woman.

Oh! No, I haven't, my lady. As I said, I've been gone a year with no communication. Although, I'm truly unsure if I will have such leisure. I have to train Masaru and I had a few missions in mind to let him see the rest of the country. He needs to learn about the people of not only the village, but all of Lightning. I cannot promise I will come, but I will do my best.” A typical reply from the crow haired kunoichi. She moved from one project to the next. Leisure and peace bored Haruka. She rarely understood how people found enjoyment in events that would not yield any business prospects. Perhaps that was just her Shima raising.

A sister? My lady, you are too kind. You honor me with your requests. I humbly accept.” Haruka bowed in her seat, her face nearly pressing the top of the table as she did so. As she sat up, the Shima glaced at the clock.“Tanaka-Sama, I have many matters to attend to before the day is up. Do you have any more business to conduct with me before I take my leave?” Haruka asked, switching back to her serious, no nonsense self once more.
”For the love of Raiden, don't bring the bear...” She said rubbing her temples. “Just wear what you always do, your uniform. You're a shinobi, aren't you? He should know. Dresses are overrated when you go to meet your destined husband. Dresses are for strangers, your parents, and diplomats.”

"Don't bring the bear...?" She asked, puzzled, "But if I'm to go as I always do, I should bring Kariku. He and I are rarely apart, and what if he doesn't like bears?" She asked, "I have raised Kariku since he was a cub... I can't imagine going back to life without him!" She said. "Besides, I pointedly never wear dresses for my parents. I wear my most comfortable training clothes for them." She laughed. "But I do see your point there, be practical, if he can't expect to see me in a dress on more than one occasion every two years, he shouldn't meet me in one."

As for her hair, Haruka continued, “Best to go to a hair dresser that day, Tanaka-Sama. I couldn't help you with that. Gods, maybe Raiden himself couldn't help you. You better pray, as extra precaution.”

She blinked a couple times, then patted her hair, "It's not That bad..." She said, "I mean... Maybe I should follow your dress advice for my hair too, though. I only get my hair done for diplomatic parties." She suggested.

"Ah, of course. Maybe she sent one to your manor. But of course, young Masaru would be welcome, and I believe there will be many important people at the party, as well as Tojikara. Of course I do understand that you're busy. There is rarely rest for Kunoichi, but your support would mean a lot to me. I'm told that he has contacts with the Shogun..." She said slowly. "In any case, we should decide a time for us to meet with Tojikara and my parents.

“A sister? My lady, you are too kind. You honor me with your requests. I humbly accept.” Haruka bowed in her seat, her face nearly pressing the top of the table as she did so. Shima san is so strange... She' comes close, seems to enjoy my company, one moment... As she sat up, the Shima glanced at the clock.“Tanaka-Sama, I have many matters to attend to before the day is up. Do you have any more business to conduct with me before I take my leave?” and the next she wants to dance away. I hardly know what to think of her.

"Actually... yes. One more thing." Hikari said, hiding a smirk as she stood up, and gestured for the Shima to stand. "I've observed that it is customary for sisters to hug." She said, daring the Shima with her eyes. She had already accepted.
The Shima was already rising when the Tanaka clanswoman asked such a shocking request of her. Okay, it wasn't actually that shocking of Hikari, but Haruka was perhaps baffled for the first time in her life. A hug? She never dreamed of doing something so unprofessional in her life. Especially to her superior. She walked a fine line with Masao, but never had she engaged in personal contact like a hug. She didn't hug. It wasn't something a Shima did. Maybe her mother when she was a child, but once she reached an age that demanded maturity, Haruka had never done such a thing ever again to those in her family or comrades alike.

She heard the distinct but faint sound of ocean currents, a distant memory of her past. The last time she had felt comfort in someone's arms. The truest kind of comfort. The comfort of a friend and not the blind affection of a fool in love. She had already tainted that memory by allowing someone else to get close to her again. Haruka hesitated to respond to Hikari now, having come out of her mind once again to face the problem.

My Lady...” She stalled, taking a step backwards. Perhaps it was important to do this though. Was it an act of good faith? Could it prove to the Sennin that Haruka was truly to be trusted. If she refused, would Hikari think her heartless and thus, not fit for her promotion. She'd have to quickly get over her stuffiness and grit her teeth through this. “This is out of character for me, but I suppose you are right.” She softened, awkwardly approaching the red head. Awkwardly. Who was this stumbling beauty before the thunder wielder? Certainly not Shima Haruka. It seemed impossible to ever break her cool exterior. She went to reach out for the woman but stopped short, laughing almost hysterically as she pulled away. “I'm sorry, I can't.” She said in between cackles. “Its a bit forced, perhaps it would be best if you ambush me at another time. My apologies, Tanaka-Sama.” She smirked and bowed to the woman.

I will do my best to attend your party. Until then.” She bowed once more, excusing herself towards the door.

[Topic Exit]
Hikari secretly took pleasure in the shocked Shima's expression. “My Lady...” She stalled, taking a step backwards. Hikari nodded. I am indeed your lady. Get your ass over here and hug me. Hikari thought.

She thought that the Crow might run away, which would be terribly strange for the icy warrior. “This is out of character for me, but I suppose you are right.”

"I am? Oh yes. Of course. I am. Well then come on." She made little motions with her hands. "Come hug me." The Haku walked toward her hesitantly, even going so far as to reach out, before laughing and pulling back.

“This is out of character for me, but I suppose you are right.” She said between bouts of laughter. "Its a bit forced, perhaps it would be best if you ambush me at another time. My apologies, Tanaka-Sama.”

"Oh I will. You can count on that Shima san!" Hikari laughed. The Shima, as it turned out, had a pleasant cackle, it made Hikari laugh as well.

“I will do my best to attend your party. Until then.” She said, bowing for what seemed to be the twelfth time. "I'll contact you when I go to meet Tojikara. Thank you for coming." She said, returning the bow, and walking with her friend toward the exit. "Be well Shima san."

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
