Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Pfffft Its Not That High...[Contract Post]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Now it wasn't often Akkuma ended up regretting drunken bets, but this one that he was starting to regret. Battling blizzard-like winds and heavy snowfall his scaling of the largest mountain in Lightning Country was becoming a pain in the ass. The blonde haired teenager stopped once he'd reached the top of yet another treacherous snowy path. 'I need to sleep otherwise I'll end up freezing to death...' he thought he just needed to find one of the caves that littered this mountain. After about three hours trecking through the snow and climbing he'd finally come across a decently sized cave. "Looks good enough to me.." he thought out oud as he entered the cave shivering.

Moving further into the cave he stopped once he was as far as he liked to venture into the what turned out to be massive cave. Sighing he removed a scroll from his and from it he summoned a stack of wood. With the wave of his hand he caused the logs to burst into flame "That should give me a bit of warmth..." he thought before pulling out enough food to feed eight people or himself. The teenager set to work preparing and cooking his food after nearly an hour of cooking he'd soon be able to taste the delicious food.

"I can't wait to eat it..." he said with a yawn. 'Maybe I'll have a nap that way I can wake up and have a delicious feed.' he thought to himself chuckling and laying back. "How'd you get so smartAkkuma?" he asked allowed laughing least this way his food would last that little bit longer. He'd just have to be sure to wake up soon. Pulling out a sleeping bag he placed it on the ground and laid on it, a few yawns later and Akkuma lay asleep on his bag. His snores echoing around the cave as the scent of his magnificient feast filled the air.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The pitter-pattering of footsteps could be heard coursing throughout the cave. Four small bear cubs ran through the crevices of the cave, each letting there laughter pierce through the creepiness of the dark. Echoes of the bear cubs' feet could be heard near openings deep within the cave.

The four cubs rushed pass the sleeping wanderer, too engaged with their playtime to notice him. Their shadows looked large against the cave walls as they passed by the flames that continued to burn next to Akkuma. They ran to the main opening of the cave not paying much attention to where they were headed. "Wait! Stop!" The smaller of the three cubs tried to stop, but it's momentum kept it moving forward at too quick of a pace. It slipped, crashing onto the cave floor. It fell, tumbling down the side of the mountain cliff. The other cubs looked on from the cave entrance, too afraid to move. The smallest cub continued to tumble, coming to a stop at one of the lower cliffs of the chilly snow covered mountain. It laid unconscious from the fall.

"Help!" One of the other cubs quickly covered the shouting cub's mouth with it's paw. "Shh! Are you trying to kill him? You're gonna start one of those avalanches mama was talking about. We have to keep quiet."

"Well how else are we going to save him?" They looked to one another before looking down. "I'm going to get mama."<i></i> Without another word the oldest of the cubs sped off in Akkuma's direction, again entering the depths of the cave.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma opened his eyes as he heard the bear cubs run passed him in their playful banter. ’Bear cubs that means that there has got to be at least one adult bear nearby. This could get very dangerous very quickly, but then again I can’t go out in this storm…’ though his thoughts were interrupted as one of the cubs tumbled rolling over the edge. The eighteen year old demon was greatly taken aback when they began to voice their concerns for their sibling. One of the cubs ran passed him saying something about getting their mother. 'I could deal with this quick enough Isuppose...' he thought to himself with a small smile as the cub ran off. With blinding speed he appeared behind the cubs ”I will save your sibling do not fear…” he said with a warm friendly smile, prepared to steady any of the cubs should they get startled and stumble. Using his Enmas Gate teleportation jutsu the shinobi intended to save the young cub. Being engulfed in tangible black chakra he vanished re-appearing next to the bear cub that lay on the ledge beside him. Smiling he would kneel down ”Do not fear I am here to help you, your siblings are worried for you.” he said before picking up the cub carefully and re-using his Enma’s Gate teleportation once more with the cub.

Covering its eyes so that it would not witness any abominations that dwelled within Enma’s plane as they stepped through it back to where he’d last been on the cave entrance above. Moving to the fire he had near the cave entrance he called to the cubs ”Over here…” placing the young cub down on his sleeping roll. ”Unfortunately I possess little medical knowledge he seems to be okay…but I don’t know for sure is your mother or father around here?” he asked the cubs, after all he had no idea just how intelligent they were. He’d never come across an animal with the capability to talk at least not one that had not been a demon in disguise. Not that the idea of that concerned him after all he’d just devour its soul. But he wanted to know more about these animals and if they were indebted to him perhaps they’d feel more inclined to talk with him.

’Damn it I really should learn some medical jutsu soon…’ he thought with a sigh making a mental note to delve into that area before re-focusing back on the current problem. ”We need to take him to your parents, if they fear for his health I will take him to the Village Hidden in the Clouds.” he said with a friendly smile and a warm tone to his words, in an attempt to calm the young cubs.

[CRPJ Used;]
[Enma’s Gate teleportation Jutsu~]

[Sorry it took so long to reply]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Upon hearing a voice come from behind, the two cubs jumped in shock. They turned around, one taking an attack stance while the other shivered, afraid of what this horned guy was going to do. Upon hearing that he was there to save their younger sibling they let their guards down. This guy seemed to be their only hope at this point.

They watched as the guy vanished before their eyes. They were baffled by the sudden movement and began to look around to see where Akkuma had gone. "Look." One cub whispered to the other as it motioned to it's unconscious sibling down below.

There he was down below with their sibling. The unconscious cub began to lift it's head upon hearing a voice. It's eyes slowly began to peek out at a figure that stood before it. It's vision was blurred. There was no way it could fend for itself. It could only hope for the best as it was now too weak to do anything. The stranger grabbed the cub, teleporting it back to safety.

The other two cubs ran to it's downed siblings side. They were happy to see it still alive, but it seemed to weak to even move. One of the cubs moved over to Akkuma after he was done speaking. "Thanks for saving our brother! If mama s-" "If mama what?" A fierce voice shot from behind Akkuma and the cubs. The speaking cub began to back away, shivering due to being afraid.

Behind them was a large white bear with a scratch over it's right eye. A red bandanna was tied around it's neck. It looked down upon the scene, not to pleased at what it saw.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as the cubs fussed over their sibbling when one of them approached hhim and began to thank him. The youth was cut off by another arrival who turned out to be a much larger bear. The teenager stood looking at the great bear before him "Are you their parent? One of them is injured he fell a great distance, I managed to rescue them. If you can will you help?" he finished by asking on the off chance that this bear was not their parent. He watched the newcomer before deciding to make one last statement "And if by any chance youmean to do them harm...I would advise against it." he said in a cool calm voice, but the warning was there he'd intervened now he needed to see it through till the end.

Those ocean blue eyes analyzed the bear before him "Do not do nothing! I will pay you if need be help this cub!" roared the youth he could hear the whimpering of the cubs behind him. If only he'd known medical jutsu he have remained calm but the situation was out of his control now. It was beyond his power to help and it was a feeling he was not used to.

[MFT sorry for short post]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The bear didn't seem to pay any attention to Akkuma at all. The mama bear moved closer to it's cubs, noticing that one was injured. What happened next went on so quickly that if one wasn't prepared it would have caught them completely off guard. Out off anger the mother bear took a wild downward swing at Akkuma. The swing had enough power behind it to knock out your average person.

The aggressiveness of the mother bear made the cubs afraid to speak. Their mother had told them about speaking to humans. But they figured the situation that arose almost called for it. It was their fault in the beginning after all. Mother bear clearly had the wrong assumption about the stranger, and thought he was a zero rather than a hero.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma wasn't surprised in truth he'd probably have reacted the same as the mother bear, had he been in her situatioin coming to conclusions about the scene in front of them. Rather then move out of the way from the rather powerful blow he instead transformed into his true demonic form, letting the blow land. His head moved with the blow and blood begin to trail from the hinobi's split lip. "I will forgive your first indiscretion but I saved your child. Which means a life debt is owed to me. Don't think I won't take back that which I've given. Don't make a mistake." said the demon calmly though the danger in his voice was apparant he wouldn't tolerate another attack against himself. There was only so much the demon could do in regards to paragon-like behaviour. He preferred to delve into matters more sinister and soon she would see that side of him.

"I saved your child you should be grateful..." he would say with a small smile, the devilishly cheeky bastard. From his back robe pocket he removed a bottle of his Sea-God Sake, a brand of sake that used to be sold in Mizugakure given to the old gods as tribute. "Once this matter is sorted we could have a drink. But keep up this unreasonable behaviour and you'll be placing everyone here in danger...I'm not someone you wanna make angry mumma bear so lets sort this out." Everything the demon had said was true, in his mind a life debt was owed to him. Secondly a drink could be had if the situation was reolved. And thirdly that he would be making a nice fur cloak if he had to exert himself, if it looked like mumma bear was going to act calmly he'd return to his normal human form. Those blue eyes looking expectantly at the mumma bear "While you waste time with me your cub could be dieing." was all he said hoping to instil both a sense of urgency and awareness of what was going on.

"Cubs please tell your mumma that I'm not a bad person, that I actually helped your sibbling." he said to them expectantly for half the blame for the blood slowly trailing from his lip was theirs. Now they had to accept the consequences of their actions...or they would realize just how dire the situation could actually get. After all they were in the company of a demon sage and son of one of the Lords of the Yaokai. A cold wind blew down the tunnel and he knew that the cub would need to be moved away from the entrance. Depending on the actions of these bears would determine exactly what the young Mercenary would do. 'If I have to kill the mother I could raise the cubs to be mounts or messengers....then again I could try and broker an alliance with her and my clan now that would be mot agreeable.' he thought to himself with a small chuckle.

Edited to fix coding



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The bear continued to eye Akkuma with a snarl on it's face. What it came down to now was the trust the bear had in Akkuma. From what she could tell he was right. The cub looked injured, and it's siblings seemed to take a liking to this demon looking guy. She merely moved past Akkuma without a word, carefully picking up her injured cub. She instructed the others to go back home. Still afraid to speak the healthy cubs sped off deeper into the cave.

The injured cub now rested in the mother's arms. As the fire continued to burn she used the lighting to get a glimpse of this kid that helped her cub. She didn't fully trust humans due to the torture they put her and her family through, but to find out that there were a few good ones left, it made her think a bit differently about Akkuma. It wasn't enough for her to accept him just yet though. Maybe he could work with her a bit on it? Who knew the outcome of that situation?

"You say you've saved my cub, but the humans have put my kind in serious danger before." She paused thinking back to the incident that caused her pain.

"We were run out of our homes, tortured, put into cages, murdered..." The mother bear trailed off looking to the ground with an angry look. She was having flashbacks of the incidents that she tried so hard to forget. "All I'm left with is my cubs and my pact." The mother bear moved to the front of Akkuma, looking into the irises of his eyes. "So I'll ask you again human. What makes you so different from them?" With the cub still in her arms Akkuma could rest assured that she wouldn't attack, but his answer would tell her whether she should waste anymore time on this one or not.

[ MFT | WC: +300 ]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma watched the bear, when he heard its words he smiled. "That's simple I'm half-demon..." he said with a cheeky smile before saying. "In all seriousness its because I take the time to get to know a being, I've been judged and tortured for simply being me so I understand your pain. I would only wrong you if you had wronged me and even then if I sympathized with your reasoning I probably wouldn't hold it against you." He would say honestly before saying "The only way I could help heal him is by giving your cub a Solar Seal. It would heal him but its a Curse Mark so I doubt you would approve of that." he wondered what she would think of his honesty he certainly hadn't lied. Those eyes looked calmly into hers awaiting for what would come next.

The red eyed demon paused before saying "Pact what do you mean by that?" he asked wondering what she meant, perhaps it was like a contract much like his own jutsu. Or perhaps it was something like a life-debt maybe even their version of a nindo. Perhaps she would tell him, all he had to do was find out. But he was still concerned for the young cub.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
As the mother bear listened to Akkuma's piece she felt that this human could be different than the rest. The humans usually looked down on the demons, so she figured Akkuma truly did feel the pain that society could cast out onto others.

As the half demon spoke about bringing the cub back to health she decided to reveal a secret method of her own that was passed down through a few generations. "That curse seal stuff is too dangerous for my kind. We prefer natural remedies over the stuff you could offer." Of course she still wouldn't trust anyone other than herself with her cubs. As she inspected the wounded cub she noticed a few bruises and a missing patch of hair on the cub's right hind leg. Upon touching it the cub whimpered a bit. "Nothing I can't cure myself."

Ignoring Akkuma's last question, she moved a paw away from the cub, now holding it with one arm. She moved her right paw to her mouth, spitting out some mushy green stuff that she hid under her tongue. She moved closer to the fire, holding the mushy herbs close to the flames to warm them. As she did she continued on, "It's something that we learned from living in the wild. Of course around here these type of herbs are rare. It's almost impossible to find if you don't know what you're looking for." As her paw warmed up she knew the herbs were ready to apply to her young one.

She placed the herbs on the young one he began a quiet whimper and it turned into a loud roar that echoed throughout the cave. After a moment he seemed to settle back down into his resting position. "These, unfortunately, are the last set that I have on hand. Going out for another set is out of the question... At least for me that is." She looked to Akkuma, thinking up a task that would aid her with her problem and at the same time aid her in trusting the lad. "If you could find a special herb for me, I wouldn't mind helping you out in the long run." Of course the task she had in mind would take months if she attempted to do it alone, but this Akkuma fellow seemed to have the tools to get it done for her. But such a rigorous task would have a bueno reward no? Maybe Akkuma's question about the pact would get answered after all.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma stood before the Mother Bear before smiling "I'll help you get your little one better even if you decide to kick me out of your cave after. Now I need to know the types of location I can find it or its taste..." he said with a small grin before performing a few handseals and summoning a single animated corpse using his Dead Soul technique. Once he had been given a rough estimate of where he could find it or a decent description of the her he would set out into the freezing weather to retrieve it. Hopefully it wouldn't be for naught, though he had a good feeling about these Bears. Something told him they were worthy allies for one such as himself at least for the time being. Shrugging and stretching he began to transform into his True Demonic Form so that he'd be able to better withstand the harsh weather, remaining only half changed not wanting to scare the bears before him. Once he and the mask wearing corpse he'd summoned had been given the necessary information they would take off. But not before Akkuma summoned a secondary servant one that twisted itself to life from tangible shadows that danced on the wall, a technique he'd learned in the anbu.



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
The mother bear smiled, this guy wasn't so bad after all. "The herbs can be found on the tallest of mountains heading north. If you come across a village you've headed too far."</B><i></i> As the mother bear continued to speak she couldn't help but watch this Akkuma character transform into... something. It didn't frighten her but she was curious as to what was going on. The injured bear cub seemed to be amazed by the feat.

"The herbs themselves are about as tall as my cubs. They are a bright blue color and seem to sparkle a bit whether in the dark or the light. Those are the one's that you want to pick, however..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed Akkuma summoning other humans. What exactly was this dark magic that he was using? It seemed this one was full of tricks.

She coughed and cleared her throat, clearly distracted by the dark shinobi arts. "Umm... Right. However, there are herbs that look just like the ones I was telling you about. The only difference is that instead of being all sparkly and shiny, they are dull and quite lethal. Get close enough and they'll shoot poisonous darts at you that will surely leave you for dead."<i></i> The mother bear sort of chuckled after saying this, thinking for sure this Akkuma would be a goner.

"You'll know you're in the right area when you start seeing the snow rabbits. They eat the herbs that you're looking for, so be quick about it. They also dig holes in the snow, so look out for those too."<i></i> With that the mother bear turned around, going back into the depths of the cave with her injured cub. <B>"If you're not back within the next couple of days I'll assume you to be dead. You have been warned shinobi. Good luck." Her voice echoed as she went deeper into the cave, vanishing in the distance.

Akkuma was now on his own... er... traveling with his dead and shadow crew. Once outside the cave he would notice the drastic snowstorm that was pelting down on the mountaintops. Large globs of snow fell from the sky. The wind blew with enough force to push a smaller animal right off of it's paws. Was it really worth searching for these herbs in such weather? It was up to Akkuma now as he led his soldiers through the snowstorm.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma bowed "You have my word that I will be successful..." with those words the demon and his two assistants braved the storm scouring it for the herbs. Using s teleportation Jutsu to reach the high mountain ranges in no time, mother bear would indeed be surprised. Searching the incredible peaks of the mountains, surprisingly they found a large bush of the shining herb (role playing sixth sense ^~<) within although it took many hours and he could feel his chakra wearing thin. 'Well that was easier then usual...' he thought to himself after all when he took on endeavours like this it wasn't often something didn't occur that was problematic. Deactivating both of his assistants he began the journey back to the mountain as quick as possible his arms full of the herb the bear required.

"I got lucky..." he said with a large grin before handing over the bundle of medicinal herbs. With those words he collapsed it seemed that the demon had gained a fever from his exhaustion and collapsed from fatigue. Low snores began to emit from the young demon, he would be fine he just needed to sleep. In the mean time mother bear could do her thing. As he slept the youth had the strangest dream that he made a pact with the talking bear, he would have their services so long as he always helped them in any situation where they needed his assistance.​

Topic Left after Uziuke posts
Topic will be linked on post exit
Sorry for short post using iPad at the moment xD

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma awoke to the chilled winds blowing through the cave, the fire he had been using was all but smouldering embers now. Around him lay the bear cubs snuggled into the young demon even momma bear lay nearby. Open beside him was a Large Scroll with various imprints and names, reading them he wondered what it could be. When he saw his own imprint and name signed on the scroll, curiously he sat up grabbing the scroll to read it better. One of the cubs stirred and he used a quick Thermal Maw to relight the fire throwing some dried wood into the smouldering embers. Stretching the cub rolled over and returned to sleep snuggled against the demon. 'The great demon sage a
Wind breaker for cubs...what would father think?'
he thought with a small chuckle.

At his chuckle he noticed one of mumma bears eyes open her gaze slid to the scroll in his hand as she pushed herself up "Morning momma..." he said with a cheeky grin before holding the scroll up. "Could you explain what this is?" he asked her with a large grin. Nodding she began to explain the contract, it's terms and how it worked. For hours he sat there listening and discussing it with mumma bear long after the cubs had woken did they talk on this subject. Once they were done he possessed an in depth understanding of the summons and the contract between a summoner. His time here was done, the bears no longer needed his help and he had places to be. Embracing the cubs along with mumma bear in a hug he bid them farewell and began to prepare to leave.

"May the Old Ones watch over you. Until next time..." he said as a ominous black chakra engulfed him taking the demon away from his newly found allies. 'Miroku Akkuma Demon Sage and Contractor of the Bears...I like the sound of it.' he thought to himself as he reappeared at the base of the mountains back on a safer level of the mountain range. A new scroll added to his set, this contained his allies but not just them. All those who had preceded him were listed as well, at least the demon had something new to investigate. Now he had to Master this Summoning Technique he had now he had yet something new to add to his arsenal. How he would make his enemies tremble with the skills he now possessed perhaps he should just start calling himself a shinobi sage. After all there was not a shinobi area of skill that he was not advancing in or had not already mastered.

Contract Maybe? ;P

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
